Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1887, p. 4

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Tnr. FLESH ER TON ADVANCE. XHAO JrAirrilV ]â- . ftnwaUCOoVntnrapaiicf AdTrniBtns n«rMHiiiOHprua« iti.L whrm ad^rtliiaa &apos;•uuUMU ouj In BHto lur U U HKW TOSIU THE ADVANCE. la puljlUliuil l&apos;2vei-.v &apos;FliMi&apos;Kcloy, Fbom thr Oftick, Vi)iiiHgi&apos;(Hnl Strert, â-  - Fltihertmt, ihil. TKKMS OP SUHSCUU&apos;TION : ♦ 1 )&gt;&lt;&gt;r niiimiii wlioii \&apos;tL\A utrii&apos;tly In ftilvauri&apos; ^I.SO i&gt;vr aunuiii uliun not hd \n\&apos;u\. A. R. FAWCETT, Ji&apos;lilor and i&apos;mjirietiyr. FIjESHERTON: Til TRKPAY. OCT. 6.ie«7, rinroniAL xoTKS. It ImvinR bccij r«i)oited that I&apos;.ait (Ir.&apos;v At,&apos;iiiiiltnrul Society was (iniiii- cially uimblf to discliaijjc its ol)li;,&apos;a- tioiis, tlu&apos; &apos;J&apos;leasuri&apos;i- autlnidzcs Thk Ai)v\xct to flatly contradict tlio stalo- j.U&apos;iit liy f^iiyiiij&lt; tliiitllicii- aii&apos;iili&apos;iUy of f.iiids and to :\my; to pay every ci -k owin^&apos; by the Society. IVople who oiijjiiiati&apos; sucli asiiiiiio-likc rumors are t&apos;u a par with tho brainless gossips v,]w di&apos;liglit in slandering their nei,i,&apos;li- I&apos;ois. Spite and envy are the motives i:i b&apos;ltli cases. If strict justice were done to the lianover J&apos;oitâ€"&apos;m view of its piiot&apos;a Malrineuls last week â€" the following words should be placed at the top of its editorial cohnun ; THK llANOVKll POST : (&apos;IIAMI&apos;ION rUEVAlUCATOK (&gt;»â-  TUB COUNTY OF GKEY ! ! [Sotle voct by Editor nf Putt : ] &quot;O. vii.oT &apos;tis a fiiartul ni(;litl cluck w traditional ( xception to tVw rule. For- niirly a wiilo gulf divided (Christian finirclws, IT, jiilhcr, tho creeds ot I&apos;iiriHtiftnity were thits dividud. Iiiii- &apos;Iclity tfiidul to narrow this gnlf by L&apos;}-()iii&gt;ing ill. creeds ni u .sort ofa mu- tually prot&apos; rtivottUiaiici&apos;. Thiscliasin even \\ny. ilisapixjarcd awil now oi&apos;ly a ijjiu divulinK. line is discernable â€" a mere [)aper wall, wliicli some good Samaritan, Honio noble, Ciirist-lilic man of the near future, will forever obliterate and relegate to the things of a past century and age. May Tuk AnvANCK and every one of its readers live to sei I&apos;lal day ! Creeds will save no man. .v. man, or diihl. God, and only (fod, i&lt; the Great .Arbiter of lin- man dt&apos;Siiin : and if otn- lives are moulded \\\ â-  i the path 111 of His Son, we need •i&lt;.ir no evil.&quot; TJIIUD I&apos;AUTY. I&apos;ll ooiiie antl imco tho du 1 tlo not daru tu sloep.&quot; t&apos;ith tbt&apos;i&apos;, liKLHilOlS. Ill this age of advanced thought, one is not sutprised to hear, occasion- ally, i^criptui-al interpretations from the pulpit which would almost have fioi^ia with horror and aina/.enieiit cur forefathers of a generation or so ago. We seem to be living in Kuch a, period of spiiitual as well an of intel- lectual advaiiceuient, that few of the utterances of [nilpit orators take us by sinprise â€" however radically opiwsed tliey may be to the dogmas or creeds obtaining a century ago. Indeed it (Jleii happeiiii tJiiiit uucupants of the pews appear to&gt; liav^&apos; luore sensible and advanced views Qonc«rniii&gt;^ mat- ter.s theological. Uian tliuij&apos; &amp;{,iu&apos;itual advisers ; or, perhaps, the latter en- t.&apos;itiiin similar opinions but are iifiaid to give utterunoe to them. For, be it iviiown, hundreds of ehigyincn â€" and 1 lyinen, too-aio a long way in ad- v.iijcu of their I&apos;tigpcotivQ creeds. Nor is this to he wondered at. Liv- ing in an ago wliuu infidelity is mak- ing its (ieicusl attfccka on Chri.slianity, |.&apos;i ntlemen of the cloth liud. it iiiHjess- aiy- in ordur to snccessfnlly re.sist tlicHo nssanltH against tlicir ooininon faith- -to slmly the. good old I&apos;ilil,&apos; more diligently and earnestly than at any oilier period iu tho world&apos;s history. And in their roeuarchus thuy thtiu- ^elves are amazed fro&lt;p!«ntl/ to liial a deep spiiitual racaniug in passages 1 ithci to literally uiiaxplainable. Many ( f whivh passages, loo,. had formed lite basis for nifidel satire. Then tlic Htudy of JoiiCphuaaud other greut cou- I&apos;lupoiaiy wrilfti;4 werii found to oci- rum this divine teaohiiig, and soon the knottiest scriptural pasKagis and IcriiiH btjuame easy of inliTpretalinn, and &quot;glib little whiffets &quot; of the shal- low school of Ingej-soll, tt nl, wore fiired by /^i&apos;liit intellects, like Father l.anihei&apos;t&apos;s, to fall back upon the &quot;Mistakes of Mobc.i^&apos; lUid lundred hilly rubbish. And from this hitti^i&apos; Htaiidpoiiit, Father Lambert lia.^i. fin- ally drii&apos;*!! Cul. IiigwivoH into the roalnia of silence â€" coutrQversialljj npeaking .-wiiore, it iJt-hopjd, ho will riniain. Ifilic doeut&apos;t, he will wiali he li»d â€" ei&gt;(&gt;et)i«lly ifFtttlier IiMttbert be ahovA ){ronnd. ]tut than infidtlity in dbiii^ n good work. Oofld doefl not always come Jjj-th out of.e.yiJ ;, hut infiUelitx U ()m&apos; The following, which we clip from the liigcrsoU Sun â€" a sound Teiiiper- aiieo newspaper, by the way â€" so well and fully expresses the opinion ofTuK Advanck coucoruing this Third Party movement, that we give it a place in our ediloiial columns ; â€" &quot;We cannot regard tho late action i.f the Teiiiperuncc Convention in To- ronto in adopting a resolution to form a Third I&apos;arty. or Prohibition Party, as anything el.se than u grievous iiiis- tako. and a scriou.s blow to the Leiii- perimce and prohibition movenieiil. The country is alrcudy cuised with too inucli partyi.sm, and with the addi- tion of another party matters will be worse instead of better. The extra expense that must neces- sarily be incurred for election i)uriios.^s will divert lines from a more ellcctive prosccutinu of the temperance move- niPiit, and there are so many mollusks in the ranks of the ttinperance army that they could not lie depended on to vote a straight prohibition ticket, but would go back on their iirofessions and promises and votr the tint or Tory ticket again, as tliey have done before, even though they hud pledged ihiir honor and word to vote the tem- perance ticket. We cannot believe that tho resolution was fairly con- sidered and passed by a representative vote of pruciical teniperauce men who fully understood the cunseipunocs that must inevitably follow the fonuation of a Third i&apos;arty. Moreover, wo do not bolii&apos;ve such a paity can be sue- ceKsfnlly organized for a few years at least.&quot; Miixwi&apos;ll. Fraiii 1)11 r mill (&apos;iiii&lt;:ijH&gt;iiil4iit, Our villnv&apos;e b»&apos;iiig laterally ii voiy (luiot phico, imt baving ;i givut annual cxliilii- tiiin to draw thuu.&apos;iandR of viititnrs and nearly all the i)rciduco iif the world, and thit inaiiy artich&apos;s of inaiiufacture and art til di&apos;seiilie, as some iitlior larger towns have donu. Yot wu jug ahum a-&apos; &quot;&apos;&quot;H na liiouinstiuici&apos;s will i-iiniit. &lt; &apos;nr tia\ol- iii;^ tiiwnsln|i lair eoini&apos;s (rd&apos; tlim your at Siiii&apos;liaiii{&gt;l&lt;&gt;ii, niu). Ill) doulit, it will \hi ijuiic iMtt&apos;ivstinc. .Air. (&gt;. (lay, nf Slu&apos;lliunie, has diu&apos;IuiI out a tayhiv fUtaMiRlinu&apos;iit in our village and lliore i.&lt; no doubt liat he ha.s .struck the riijht iilacu for busuie.&apos;).&apos;*. We wish him iviiy Bncce»». (it-rtiu, tliu youngest dautjbtor ii[ Dr. Kerr, lias liuuii very low with inlluninia- tioii of tlw bruin. .Slio is slowly rucevt-r- iiig. We are plcaned to wuIcdiiio our towns- mail, .Mr. T. Itlakuly with his newly wed- ili&apos;d laitlc and wu wish them many happy day.s. Afr. Uiiht. Slock has itlaii made liiin.selt&apos; h ippy by takiir,&apos; to himself a wife in the p irsoli of .MinH M. lieiitty. The li.irii of JMr. Huliert (iordmi wn» enteiid one ni.rlit last week mid .several li.i:;s tilUiU witli oata atuleii. We wunld Bilvise the i^iity to have a ])atcli » &apos;Wii over the naiiiej on tlui hags or tluiy may lie detected. We also hear of ft young ninn of our village liiiviiiu 3-0 ituloii fioiiv kiin. J!ut this cuniM from drinkini! t(K&gt; iiiueh bad wliisl&lt;ey iiml keepiie.^ bad eoHil&apos;ftny. Mr. Will Simuile, who lost his entire crop \iy Iir3 a short tiiiie a&apos;/o, raised a new fraiiiiv stal&apos;hi for his stoik. &apos;nirrshini; is nearly wound up in this noi:.;hl&gt;iirliood and biciiier.i arc. mostly pri^tty well satisfied, with the yiuld ol grain. BrttlMh Cohiiiibiu Letter. To th&apos; EditiT of Tlie Adaiiice. Dear Sir, â€" -Jt ii now ijiiite a while since I bad a word wilh you, and ••ow, what is it Idling to IH! / the weather lii.-&gt;t, well iie it SI), as it is uppermost in my iniiid. &apos;J&apos;he frost killed iny potatoes and corn, having planted them lato on itccoimt of thob.urk. waid, wet, cliilly time durin.; seeiliiiK. Then a dry summer. Wliat the drouiilit Mpaied the frost of the With and I&apos;.Hli Sep. finished. In my last I said that &quot;fears of .1 l)i&gt;! rise of the fniser were lieint; mi tortaiiiud.&quot; lint it did nut come, so tlio oldest iiihaliitaiit made a mi;i-calcuhition this time. You see, we have an &quot;uUlimt inhaliitaiit&quot; here, also. It is the heat of the sun, not rain, which causes the floods ill the Kraser. .&apos;iO to 40 feet of snow melting up in the Carriboo district and Rocky Mountains is material grounds for a speculative rise in the river, yoii will .••ay, I&apos;V cither old or young tettL-r. Well, after the waters Ijogin to subside, lluii conies the iiios&lt;|ailo. Tiiey are a perfect terror, you would !iiiai.&apos;iiie tlieir mis.^iou was the exioi iiiinatioii of tliu huiiian nice. Tliey do their best to eari-y it to coinple- tiuu. Buzz, hum, iVu. conveys no idea whatever, of a niosi|uiti&gt;, but let a few buiidreils attack even a heathen China- man, and hear him e.vpress himself. ft is said of scenery that distant biniis are enchantment t&lt;i the view. Well, I believe it, and in order to break the spoil I started on July 4th, to get a doner look of soiiM mountain peiiks. .\fter makiie.; ft detour of near iJO miles by river and ake, 1, anil a conipaiiiuii oainpod for the niv&apos;lit. Next day, with our i&gt;aeks on our backs wc faced the niountaiii which is some liOOO or 700O feet aljove tho level of the Sea. .After climfjing or crawling on liaiici* and knees, vu bad to divest luir- selves of coats, vests, oversliirts, tent and everything except some provisions had to lie left behind. Tired but lesidute 1 roll- ed myself ill my blanket on the edge of the iiiountaiii at .&apos;i p. ni., and my e &apos;inpnn- ioii says 1 did not wakuii until 4 o&apos;chick next morning. Whenwu again coinmeiiced the ascent, we pinsed iiiimense rooky ch.iaiis and cftiiyoiis full of snow, num- ber.! of wati-r falls disappearing in the •_&apos;nr.;e3 below&apos;. Ko^cnia l&quot;all8 wouM Ih&gt; ihowned in them. Well, we K&quot;t u|) to where the snow waS 8 to 10 foot doop,itir- ed, and the ambition, love of scenery, Ac, ninie than satutied, wi; retraced our steps. Hut, worse lyid worse down grade. I don&apos;t over raisu luy eye to look in the dirirtioii of those iiiouiitaiu peaks an}&apos; nioiv. Port Haney, our nearest villagu now claims a lisli-freming establishment, two stores and three brickyards. The Dom. fioveniment&apos;s Ijind Policy here, is causing di.ssatmfactioii. It will take nil and nions to pay officials than the revenue will come to for tho lands. Had they kivuii frt^o grants to actual scttloi-s, there would have lieeii soino hope of itet tleniunt. Uut granting dueds to individuals whose sole aim ist lu ^oeuie a|ifluai&gt;d then uolioaue^ 1 think It is an injury which will sli^ov its effect by and by. Better tliey had grant- ed those lands free, mid phtced a small duty on lea, tobacco or whiskey, to cover the loss. However, they will lose many a stiiunch suiiporter. Nearly all the Hour used now is from N. W. T., $.&quot;i peibM. There has been snow on the mountains. Now, sir, I ha\e tried to niake a loni; story short, but know 1 havu failed, uiid even then it may be of no interest. How- ever you can boil it down to an essence. Minister of Interior and Deputy have been here. What for ( Not the interest of .settlers. .-Viiyofyour readers askin&lt;; for information through TiiK .\nvANCK, 1 will tn and aiiswur. Voiu-s truly, Sep. L&apos;lst 18»7. J. M. Wkrstek. III&apos;IALTII. Chte iif X&apos;ttiir.&apos;s KindfM Gi/lK in a IJeiili/ij/ Consiilution. Guard il iigainit diseiisf by usiiij Siamese Worm Powders. Wornm nre ihi- fniil/ul cuute. of muni/ dUnrilers in Children. SIA MKSE WOUM POWDERS icdlacptl Wormt itfei;&lt;:rj/AUtsii wUere the;/ exit!, trill regu- litf the Stomich and Jloiceh (it the mmc time. L&apos;sr thi-m, yon icjiit rrgrct it. lii: ON&apos; Yorn (lr\iti). â€" Poii&apos;t allow a cold in till&apos; head to slowly and surely run into I&apos;atnrrh. wh -u you can he nured for &apos;i.&apos;ic. by using I&apos;r. L&apos;haRe&apos;h (&quot;iitarrli Cure. A few applieationa cure inaipicnt catnrrti ; 1 to&quot; bu.xeii cures ordiinry catarrh ; 2 to .&apos;i boxes i.s ruiuauteed tocuio chronic catarrh. Tr/ it. Oiil&gt; 2.&quot;) cents and BUro cure, Sold by all dealers. R.J. SPROUL. FlethtrUm. tynirryavcT, A 2-yrau&lt;^ .] (U - ii.itor niul A/&apos;O.&apos;-;/ Ii^ndn: iJetdn, M, ,t- (f.i.in. ImHt iind ^ViU^ dniicn iif, uiid &apos;y„liiiiti&gt;ms miidf OK nhoiif&apos;t fotict. tliur- ,,,., rer.l hiv. Ari&gt;i&apos;J &lt;&quot; H- J- *&apos;-^-&apos;&quot;-&apos; ^^^r p,iHtm&lt;idn-, r&apos;enherton. F*«^cli;&apos;iii J*l«-:i&gt;jant CLAYTON&apos;S IIARXESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, I» the jrfrtce togetyimrHumeaa Cvllart, d:c, made up in ijDod style. &quot;Shop in Juhiiitmt&apos;s Licirry Office, Fletk- crUrn.&apos; J*1 Should alirriys he uted far Sick IJenil- | iirhe. Their ii/&gt;frulion in mild uiul\ jihiimiit. Tliey ftrilce. home enrh time irheit ii.ittl for it Dinnrdereil Licttr. A»k for thtvi. Git thfm. Dun t fonji t the mime, I^et&apos;lc&apos;p* l/*let»wa,nL I&apos;ills^. Jj your ilruggist hut not the. iib&lt;&gt;ve pre- /HiniiioH in Stork-, H&apos;. W. STEPHEN A- Co., (if MeiiJ&apos;ord. will send them to 1/oit /irejMiid on rtcii/it of&apos;lbc.for either, o o/ each, or utaorttd for Sl.&quot;&lt;b DUNDALK n^PUMP WORKS! C. H. PHILLIP&apos;S, Mauutatturer of all kinds of PUMPS. Cylinde r Check Valve^fe Ciatern Pumps - Orders Kespectfully Solicitel and iMitislattiou Kuarantuc&apos;t\ JAMES SULLIVAN, Im-Slni&apos;.ll. .\OHNT, KLK.SHKl&apos;.TON. W. \1&apos;, STU&apos;IH^X &amp; CO. LhiujijUti, H&apos;huli »Ue li- Retail, WHAT IS IT_? IT IS .\ K At T AND NO roNTltOVEKSY THAT JOHNSONS TONIC BITTERS aii&apos;l NKHVINE U the best reuii&apos;d) in tliu niarktt tor nervo.is ilisi-ji-cs of any Rort. llj !.teria.L&lt;iss of .Appetite. Debility from&apos; Ios.4 of riiiidH or oÂ¥er- wnrk, riLleaesH &lt;i( Ceinple.Kiou tiu often !&lt;e«u iu yuuii); teinali.&lt;aiidall coiiii&apos;lsiuts arising from ^loverty of blood. It it a fact uik&apos; tioqainssylngtliatfOHNSON&apos;S TONIC lilVKUl&apos;inLSaro tlM&apos;Wiry Iwst ill *e iimrkot for (li«en««K c»ui&gt;e&lt;l bv Turjiid l.ivor and dcrraii(;uuic.iit oCthc Stouiacb or Kidneys. It is a fact and no one will dvoy it r.hat JOHN . SONS .\IX Ui;ALI&gt;tl WHITE OI.STMENT in tbe lust ill .hu market for Iluriiii, Sealds, Chil- blaiim. Salt Uhciiin. Ilarhrm I vli, I&apos;iniples sud all Skin llisiardunt ariaiuK fioui Kcrufuloua taint W. S. CHRISTOE ha« boon *p|K.inted Afii^nt for the above and lian them nii aalu at tils Mfdii-al I&apos;all. h&apos;lwliertou . Try for youmelves and bu nu! isC.imI. TIlTltAlVKETS. FLEi^HERTUN. Carefully CorrevteU Eavh Week, Flour ?4 00 to 4 &apos;20 Fall Wheat $0 72 to f» 78 Spriiig Wheal 72 73 r.arley 45 55 OatB :i8 2!) I&apos;eits 48 50 Butter 17 20 E^&apos;-s, fresh 1« IG rotatoosbag &apos;&gt;0 60 I&apos;ork 5 GO 5 60 Hav.pcr tou COO 6 nil Hides G 00 7 00 Wool 18 21 Sheepskins 40 50 Geeso 05 05 Turkeys 8 8 Chickens per pair 25 80 Ducks per pair 40 50 PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR. riiofo^riipher&apos; Flesherton - Ont Havincapontnome tiini&apos;iii the atudio of the fauiout Toronto rhotet-rarher. Mr. S. J.pixou, where I aevniiii.-d valnablo knowledKe ni llelou- ctilnK, I h-rl »»,nr«l I can cive (;(kmI general R«(i»f action. .A cairrropfi-tfully solicited. MRS. DULMEU. Flpaherton, S«p«. I7tli. 1S85. -Vovirv. TO Mn-ninnft.- Arp you dlstur\)p&lt;t ftt tiif^h* Htt&lt;n&gt;rfik.iii iif your itmt by a uluk ciiM.l Huittjiiytiftiul i-ryiiiM wltlipftUiofriittin^Teotht&apos; If mo Biii&apos;l aionuo uiul nut a buttlo nf &quot;.Mrt. Win- Kl..\v&apos;rt AdOtlnndHyMiii &apos; (or Chliaruii Tootliiiitf ItM vnlut* i&apos;l ipijiil&lt;&apos;iiliiltlti. It will ruliuvo tlio \tOor llttli) Hutftui&apos;t- iiniiuMliubelv. DiiputKl ui&gt;&apos;)n U, iiK&apos;thorH; tUai-ep 1h no iiiUtiiku ttboiit it. U curt&apos;&apos;- OvHinitMry mul &apos;PliiTrlni&apos;a. rrmihUos tlio fttr»MiAcli unU lli&gt;vv4lti. (;iihh Wiiul (&apos;Miiu, st»lr,«ma th«&apos; (fTitiit, roflnoufi InMrtinunttioii, autl k&apos;ivimttnio AS&apos;l onorKV to tlito whnUt flynteoi.&apos; **&apos;Sfrn. Wins- &apos;low f* Snothiut^Hvrui*&quot; (or &apos;uliLU)roi«&gt;toctlitnK in f^i&apos;.L^&apos;Hiit ti»iliti taHte HUit ti&gt; tUu prtuHirlptiiML of oiif c&gt;r \)it&gt; oMoMt ftinl lit&apos;rtt f*»nirtlA |ihyHiuiati!&lt;t kikI intfHon in tht* I&apos;nitni) Ktriit&gt;^. auiI in (or nalu l&gt;y all druffulHtM throuiilKHit th« worlii,&apos; lVlof&gt; 1 twAtity-flvouaUttf ft &lt;tM»ttU. huHuioaud Ktki.for ;3&apos;*Mus. Winht.ow&apos;b r po othoi kind BodTHiNu Hvni&apos;p,&quot; aud take A Duudulk &lt;KiU vititml the Poti-OtHco tlio ro tiiie day roci^ntly Aikd l«fl iU card. 8o ^\yn tlw IlfTiild*. James Sullivan, The Tlusinitli, - FleshertoiL UepnlihiK, F.avutfPURhlns.and in fact ovory- tliinu ill the lm»iuo«« will ri&apos;coivii my prompt ami oaraful attuntiua at rt&apos;iwonaUa prlcua. NOfiCE. GRAY CHAMPION! ATiionornn imEii ntRiiAii lui.i,, with tiotu\ p»ili^&apos;rt.(., will stand fol- Brrvico nt Lot 1 Ii Wcht T. A S ll.,.\rtomDaia. Tkhms.^1 if iiaid on or ln&apos;fiiro Jan, l..t. IKH8 ; otlit&apos;i&apos;wiai., «H.i!.». .Mho ihoroiinh biud UEUKHlllUK IIO.VU at siliii&apos;-pbirc .TAl&apos;Oll X t.KVF.U. Agents, Agents ! NllW.lvKAOV I â€" Ol U NKW llc&apos;OK. EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels o/tlie Universe Hciii!; n full iiMil «i-Rpli(o doHcvipttoii of all that in wonderful in ovury Cuiitiiu.iit of the (tloho. in thti world of watura and tho Htiirry Hoiivoiia. CoiltftiniiiR thrilliiii; advcntlirc-i .mi liiiiil liiid nvtk, rtiliowiiHd iliHct&apos;TurioH of tho v-orld&apos;a urcatt-nt ox- |d6rur» In all n^iaa, and rouiavkKhle phuiiouuna lA uvory ruiUiu of nature llkuL&gt;t&apos;acliiK tkio scrik- iOK physical foi&apos;^iiriia of tho oarth tho iHiciillar oharactoriHtiCK of tho human laco. of aiitinalii, ItSrdH, inRoots, otc, IncludiiiH a vivid doHorlpti.iti of tho Atlautie, Paclfto aud Indian Ocoaiia aud of tho Vidai- Soii^, the DirtiiHtorn of tho daop, Uianttfiil Monshollri and iiHutH. Hlngiilar flHliaa and dwollara in tho worM ot watora. romarkabld o oan onrroutH. ulc . tugethor wilh tbo amaiing iilieuoniuna of tho Holar and starry iivat&lt;iniM. bv Hoiiry Davonport Northrop, P D., I&apos;liihiilllihoS with oTur .mo nn« onirraTlni;*. I.lhoral terma to acenta. Ottord rub(Ullin| Uouipaay, S Jordan Hi., Toronto, Out. S1S-3II8 TWftElEBRATtD ^^ .&gt;D? CHASES ^•^ OM«DELI0H LIVER CURE HAVC YOU LlTir ComiUiiU, l&gt;yap«ptia, IniligCTlion, liiliouKieia, Janndicc, llc.iiUche, DiuincM, Pain iii the llack, Coalivenesn, oi any Uibeaj.« uriiinc from a deraniced lirer, P« CMAsr&apos;s I.ivra Cim will be found a »ur« and certain rcui.dy. MATURC-S RUMCOY The unqualiii«i »ucce» of Lit. Chaae&apos;a Livtf Cora in? LiTtr t\.ini&lt;laml rc.t» vilely with the fart ihat it i*. cua&gt;pi&gt;uiu!cu froa.iiaiure 1 wetlinown liver rtgulatora, MANuaaKi AX.1 nANPli ir&gt;K, combined with many other ini.ilaaMe roots, horka and herb*, having » S&gt;wcrful elTect on tJle Kidneys, Slonu»*:h, UowcU and locaL BOO, 000 SOLD Owr ofhalf imU:oH t*/ Dr. Chait&apos;i Kecipt liookt Wert sdU i&apos;t Cuna,{a Alimt. ^&apos;t want n&lt;try man, womjtn anii .^Id &apos;m(k» is treubJrti with Livtr Cem- fituni t* try&apos;lhiaexctiUnt rimtdy. 4 SoiinNHio Mew. CinN Awat Frei Wrapped around every lottle of l)r C haae&apos;s Liver Cure la a valu.il&gt;le Household Medicul (iuide ajid Kccil^^ y.CK&gt;V (?4 pa«^), tonlaining over 200 useful recipes, pronounced T«y medical mca ami dniggtsts aA invalu- able, an.! worth ten tlxiea the [vice of the medicine. TRY CHASE&apos;S CATARRIf OUIIE. A safe and pa&gt;ili&gt;« ren\«dy. I&apos;riie, JS ..enu. JIY CHlUl&apos;i KlONET AND llVER PiLU. a] ell. per box. SOLO BY ALL DEALERS ^T&apos; â- DMM30W&apos;* omn Vol* AcmMs, BMiMent AT GORDON&apos;S HA11NES8 SHOP FLESilKinOS, You will find an aHscrtniout of Heavy and Lig-ht Harness, \Vhip^, Hnislips. Cunv &lt;&apos;oinI&gt;», Sweat Pudfl.and \h\i i-oIolMfttort &quot;&apos;Haiuws Oil.&quot; .^!«trOLLAKS A SPECULTY.^ Clu&apos; ti&apos; for Cti^h. Cull lunl Fxanilno. [FliBsherton Meat Market. S. SnUIT, . . Propbikiob. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constnntly on liand for Casli. Orc^ers promptly filled. EUGENfA=ll^ Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of . interest&apos;, aiul on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds propeily executed.&quot; COMMISSIONER for taking -affidaYits in H.C.J. , Agent f6r the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business^ pronintly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman <WORD coord

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