Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Oct 1887, p. 5

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%^ . .r :k .^â- Al . \ '•f i • • • '.'.â- â€¢â-  \ - â-  . / V ♦. - »â- â- â- â€¢ r' ' r* •' A.,--- I r â-  •Oct. 20, 1887. 1 THE FLESHER'^ON ADVANCE. Furniture 1 FUEITITUEE. = , The 1 Plesherton Furniture Warerooms • Uu Durham St. arc being constantly resupplied with NEW STOCK Which for elegance, design, and work- manship cannot bo surpassed in the tC'ouuty, and at prices as LOW AS THE LOWEST. â€"SEE OURâ€" CRADLES ! Either Pannol or Spmdle. VERY CHEAP. foldintt crib BEDSTEADS At prices never before heard of. CFIIL MIENS Cot ^ Bedsteads ! Real Beauties, at figures that will surprise you. SINGLE AND DOUBLE BEDSTEADS Of every design and price. Another lot of those Just arrived to be trimmed to your order. We have more of those handsome Beclroom Sixites that are j^iving so much satisfaction and plea- sure, to be sold at close prices. All kinds of Lumber, Lnih, or Shingles WAXTF.]' and will be liiktn as casii. J. E. MOOEE, Contractor <(â-  Fiirnitiirf Detilcr. Diirl.iiin St., ^<>xt «!o:tr toll. tUoiiaiMlson & Vo t'ouuty News. Chi'sley is ajjitating for a new town hall. A y>uiig woman drew a revolver and deliberately shot at her seducer, during tile i>ripi;iea.s of Euphrasia TowiLsliip fall show a fow days ago. It is to bo regret- ted that her aim was not surer, as the eartli would have been well rid of the scoundrril, who belongs to a disreputable rrico. .A. runiniig race arisiuK out of the 8](eedin!» contests at the Great Northern cauie off at the Town Park on Wednes- day afternoon, between Tyson's "Grey Eaiile," and Mahoiiey's "Ul.ack Cloud. " Both are Thornbury horses. "Grey Eayle,' was ridden by Tweedy, one of the best jockiea in Canada, and Arthur Cameron rode "Ulack Cloud." The race Wiis eiLsily won by "Grey Eajjle," in two stnii'.,'lit beats. â€" folliii'iimiid EntrritrUe. Banie, Oct. 10. â€" .John Ni.xon, a farmer livini! about two miles south of here, wiui run over and instantly killed near Allan- dale, on Saturday night by tlie Hamiltmi cxiiif.ss, Tbe engineer saw him lying ivcrciss the rails, but imt in time to stoii tiif tiii'n. Doctors think he fell in a til wbilc ivalkinu on the track, it being the nciiicst way home. He leaves a widow and four children. On Thursday evening host, jv rei^ular old time ijiicntri was got \\\) by the "boys" on the returu of Mr. Timothy Chambers and his bride â€" tlie weddini; having been celebrated at Chatsworth on the previous Monday. Cow bells, gongs, saws and tin pan.s were brouiiht into reipiisition to an extent which could not fail to rouse a re- sponsive echo of joy in the lireast of the "youthful" brideiirocun, who is upwards of 75 years of age. â€""«•'; h Sainul Times Bio UiiREDEiu,. â€" An exchanije says, a man by the name of Maxwell, Heathcote, kas a Toujiiuse goose which this year ii.u) laid 2t) ei,".;» from which 41 gosliuys have be.'U hatched. Tliis can't compare with a broud «ow owned by that illustrious ch.aracter the Laird o' Keppel, She has in the pa.st three years had 87 piys. and her list litter was 27. He expects in the next three years to double the number, liravo ! â€" iViaitiiii Eclm. On Friday la.st Mr. Jus. H. Telfer, au- ditor for the Nortlior Rjiilway, was in town and went for a drive with his wife .lad child, and Mrs. .fiui. Telfer. On Sixth street, the horse went through a \\\T'iO hole in a culvert, and fallnig over broke the shafts. Mr. Telfer wjia very (|uick in jumpiuK out and .securing the animal, or the consequences miuht have l>een serious to the occupants of the li;,'. The horee wiui slightly injured. Mr. Telford very properly intends to bill our negligent and culpable Council for the Costs. A Council which permits its IWard of Works to keep the streets in .such a disgraceful condition shoidd be lH>uncod by the electors, who have to p.iy twenty-two mills on tbe dollar for this sort of thing. â€" Collingwood EnlerpiUi: The moriMiig after the show tliiTi<.'s looked rather curious to some peoido and especially strange to a fow young sports, who thought they saw a bear meanderim,' around in the top of a tree in Hreoze's bush. Pitchforks. 8hot'.^uns, carving knives, bootjack and black bottles were in active demand for a while, and fully armed and equipped thcs boys started out doterniined to kill the bear or capture the tree alive. Several halt* were called on the way to the bush and the charge of the bottles closely examined and every- thing fimnd satisfactory. Hy the time they reached the bear it had transformed itself into a revolving tree, and .is revolv- ing trees are becoming rather scarce in this part of the country they concluded to let the bear alone. The tree must have been surrepticionsly removed, as it could not be found a short time after on search being made for it by a party of curiosity seekers. â€" Chatmi-mth Ntirt. On .Saturday nuu'ning last, about 2 o'- clock, burglars entered the residence of Mr. E. Stoiiehouse, Barrister, of this town, gaining an entrance through the dniing-room window. After searching (h)wn .stairs and not tinding .inything val- uable lu-oceeded upstairs and going ir.to his daughter's bedroom obtained Mrs. Stonehouso's gold chain and a locket. It soems Miss Stonehouse .twokc and anw a figure in the room, and as Mr. and Mrs. Stimeliouso had been awny and returned, oxclaiiMod, "is that you, Mil,' when the man decamped, nearly tumblinc while in the act of goins «liowii the staira. They also visited a Mr. W. Hills, m.ason on Main .street. They opened the side win- dow where on the f«blo was a tnnnlier of llower ]iots and other articles, wbicli they lifted outjddt, seeniinjjly placini; them very o,\refully on the ground for .safety. In .-vt- teniiiLing to tr,.i, through the window di.s- turbed a dog inside, which on hearing the noise barked ferociously causing the burg- lars to nuike a hasty retreat and awaken- ing the inmates, thus preventing the ma- rauders from getting anytlung. â€" Bramp- ton Times. « » n il » Our Briti-sh Culiimbia Letter. To the Editor of The Adnnwe. I have just returned from a week's visit to Chilliwhack. You will want to know where on earth that is. Well it is about 45 miles up the Eraser, east from New Westminster. It is a valley of level land extending about 30 miles by 10 to 15 in width, and to all appearance hemmed in by mountains of all conceivable shapes and forms. The land is exceedingly fer- tile, being mostly made up of a sandy sediment, left after high tloods. During the hit;h water of '82 some settlors had to be taken out, or, shall I say, rescued from the windows of their hou.ses in canoes by Indians. Yet here they are again reaping abundant harvests. This being the time of the Pro. Show, and held ,it this place, we â€" I mean my larger half- took boat at Port Haney and after live hours steam-bii;itingâ€" picking up every passen:,'er wherevur he showed himself on the river's bankâ€" we got to the much praised Chilliwhack. In pas.'*- ing through the vdlaiie of Centrevdie, some o!ie shouted, " Webster ! " Turii- niv' aroundâ€" " Were you ever in Mark, daleâ€" ah '. why, yes, I was sure it was you ; my name is Bruceâ€" shake, old fel- low '. " Next we called on .lohn Mfcrcor, who was hammering away as busy as ever Vulcan was. We were a tritle odd on foot, as everybody was either in carriage, buggy or waiigoi.. A turn in the road brought us face to fjvce, .ind laughing all over at that. Who f Why, Wm. Hall, a former resident of the Valley near Mea- ford Road, and whom we knew when a child and have not seen for ten years. '• Well, well," says Willie, " I knew it was you the minute I saw you." We stayed with him all night. Ue haa 18 cows and a lot of young stock. He showed us a patch from which he dug a ton of potatoes and now has a tine appoar- .mce for a crop of turnips. Don't think it was over 8 .square rods. Next ill order wo visit our old friend. Slu'ltoii Kni;.dit. He has a tine place and some tiiiu Well-bred Cfiw*. Hu takes the prize for lUie, also first for butter, Berk- shire pi),', carrots and some other articL's. .\inither ni«ht spent here. Next morn- ing, in compiiny with Mrs. Knii-ht and Eliby Knight, wo arc driven some three miles to Kanny's pl.ice, where we meet another friendly greeting; and after a pleiisant day spent lure, her hnsltand will not hear to us walkiiig back, and takes his waggon and drives us to .Shelton's, where w<; stay till the fidlowiiig niorning anil ride to steamboat landing. I forgot to sny Wm. Hall takes tii-st ]irizu for a herd of young stock, and that his sister .)ano is now en route for the East again. Chilliwhack is the garden of the Prov- ince. It is well adapted for stock-raising. Root crops grow to an immonsc size. 3 tons of hay jior acre. Land is held fnmi .*.">0 to 8100 per ,icre. Some ranchers have as high as 50 head of cattle. Sheep - I have not seen a good one in the Pro- vince. Steam thresliei-s and machinery of all kinds are in ciinmon use lieie. After .") hours tedious waiting for the boat, upon which we had return tickets. the rain â€" well, yes, it can rain here about ,is good as it does at the equator, Boine- tiines pouring down the while. At last she came, having bom delayed at Hope for cattle. Laughing now took the place of some coarser oxpi'>-'*sion8, as some un- lucky passengers sat down with a jerk in the soft mud in trying to descend the bank towards the gangway of tho boa!.. The jiarties nientioiicd above arc known t(j many of your readers. Yours truly, .1. M. Wkiistku. The only Evideiiee »f IiiHniiity. The following e.xinrience of a Missis- sippi lawyer was relaled by himself to the writer many years ago. Ho said : "I was defeinling ii prisoner fm- horse- stealing, and seeing '"' other means of de- fending him. undei llie circumstances, 1 .set up the plea of in.iiuiity. I .irgued it at length, read many i^xiracts from works on medical jiiris|irudeuce, and had tho patient attention of I'lc court. Tho ju'os- ecuting atlornoy did not attempt to reply to niyaigument or .unlrovert my author- ties ; I .sec>med to have things my own way, and whispereil to tlio prisoner that he needn't be U'le.isy Then raino tho judge's chiirgo. in viiich he reminded the jury that ther' wns no dis|'Hto between council as to the fiuls of the case. Indeed there could not liaM- bi'en, ii,r several wit- nesses swore positively that -.hey saw my client steal the horse. 'But,' concluded the court, 'the plea of insanity has been set up, and I charge you, gentlemen of the jurj', that it should receive your very grave and serious deliberation ; but I must be allowed to say, gentlemen, that for my.self, upon a review of the whole case, I can discover no evidence of insanity on the part of the prisoner, except, perhaps, in the selection of his council.' " Criticism. â€" A lady iu Brockville utates â€" I was induced to try Na«al Balm for a long standing cold in my bead that was pronounced Catarrh. Tbe Balm gave immediate relief and permanently cured me. It was so pleasant and agreeable to use that I at first thought it '-no good." I now use it with my children for colds aud stoppage of tbe nasal passages. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WILL In; rucui%-e(l till H'.th NovpihIkt. 1hh7. for ImililiiiK rresbyteriiin 1 trick Churcti iii )'rict-vilU*. IMaiiri iiiul Si)tH-itii;tttiuii» to ho mmix witii Secietur\ . A Mct:L'AIG, Cbairmaii ' of Itnildlnc IlKV. D. W. McLEOD. Hecretarvi fommitte*!. Flesherton Station Mill. The above mill is now in i^ood running order for Chop- pinf^. George Moorehouse, proprietor, will be plea.sed to see all his old friends. Quan- tity of four feet Cedar Logs Wanted. Farmers will do well to make a note of this Hamilton Spect ator MORNING. KVENIStl, WEEKLY, The Leading Liberal- Contrrvative Newsjxiper of Canada. -(iET THK Weekly Spectator One Dollar a Year. Hri^lit. Inciniv*!. Alilo l-Mituriiils. Till' Ci-iiipli'tf XfWrt of tli(» cUy. Tliu Cliuicurtt MiKctillanvuu^ IWadfng .â- ^orici Storii'S by tin- lU'Ht .\iithors. I>r. Tahnayu >* (Jrrat Sermon^. Tim KiillfHt Market li«'port(t. Tho (.â- hou-CNt Humor. Evevythhiii for Evevyboilff, Tlie Spr." TAToii ni'\iT ininKeK news. it> nuver (hill, and lu'Mtr ><hirkn a piiliUc tiuehtiuu. It it (ilwayHciuun uud strong*. $t.oa Will purchase for you for a year tho Wfkklt Si'KiTATou. tlio ImHt (V)ni<ervtttiv(i journal and tlu' licHt w<tukly nuwHpHpur in ('anuda. I'nuHually lihural c*un)niinsion»4 to oaonts. AildrusH THl-: Sl'KCTATOll. HainiJton. Ont. Auction Saile I Of I'liIiKiblv Farm, in the To»>}t- ulii/) of .irtvmfnia. l.'lulcr ulul 1)> virtue ii( llif I'owl' of S«li' In % coition Mt'vtt-ii^;,. friuii Ainlii-w KutU-djie to the Vt'iiiiiirs whii-ii win In- i)ro,tuceil ivt th,* tiiiio of Sale, ili'fp lilt lm\ inn limn iniido '" pavnifilt ol till' mi'in-vs tlieri'liy '-i'oni-i,,l, tlu'iti will lie offor- fti for sail* li\ Public .Viu'tioii at MUNSHA'W'S HOTEL, â€" IN TUKâ€" VUhts^e â€"ofâ€" Flcshcrion! tridnv, I lie %M\\ day of 0<tulK>r, iH.sr. At \i o clock uooii. liy A. S, V.VNDUSEN, .\cc- â- niisKi;u. Till' Soiitli-Wcst i>Fut iif l.iiti nninlii'i' Ufl in thu flo'.'oiui l'(ino»iH8i,iii S. W. of tlie Tiirnntu ami K>- miliain Uoa'l. .Vitcnifsin. (!nntaiiiln>j 50 acrcH liui,-,' .ir U'ss (if which iiliout in art? salrl to be cleaii',1 and .'10 free fnilil stnnipB and wtdl feilciMl and cnltivntud. (In the iir.nuscs aiH sikid tii be a u'diid frame Hani and Hoiu^e and an Orcbard. 'i'lie iiroiiurtiv is witliiii uiic mile ctf KUsshci ton, andi.<an KScRUI.KNT WHI'.AT FAUM.. TEUMS : -Ton per cent at the time nf Balu, fifteen per cont. within one iiidutli tlioreaftor, and the balaneo In he secured liv a miiitiiafio or the •.•remises payable at the •xpiiation iil flvn years with intoi'est at Hevtm per cent, yoarly or such other terniR as may he arirali»,'ed with tbo pnriliaser at time ot sale. l''or fiirthev iiarticu- Inrs apiih to \V. .1. HKI, I.AMY, fini.. Klesli«r«ou. or to M^OJiS, KALCONUHUKIK A liAKWUK, N'cndojr'fl Sfillritom. Toronto. Oct. lOth, ins". :tSK«l "^ SlRk"^ QO\N. ~ CAME to the pvemisi'ii of the snljRcribor, Lot Nil. .'i, Con. 4, Osplev. some time aKo, one Cow. ai^c.l. oyvnei- can have Mime by proving proiicity and navinu expense*. GEO. KISHER, OBpiev, Oct. .'itll, IW. le.i-.i'ii. Ma.\woll, P.O. NOTICE to CREDITORS. TN ^ho inattorof .HHIN (iOUDON.nf tJio Town A irf Klc-hcrtnu. m tluiCmiiity of ou'> . Saddlt'r. Noli»'«' IK liovcbv L'iveii that- t.ln' alun'o iiaintKl .loh I Gtii.Kiii liH'^ Mtiilr iiu ii>siL;iiinoiit nf all hifl ostato and <ffocts to tlin unit(M>i«iiiMl Charles Parsons rtfi'monto in pin-snainuMtf an .\ct I'-uh] Iioctinn .\>s>i;niiujnlH lov t,heboniriito(C'"oditor», 4M V'ctoi'ift. cbnvtov '2t'»aiid anu>ndin<; Acts thore- to ai.d till' cctUtois aro notilh'il to iac!ct r«t No. 7*.t Kioiit Stit'ot Ka't, Tovdiito on tlio First day of N( vi'uibcr, ItKi. at oitc o'clock p. in. to nsooive statunu'iits of his ivlTaivs, a'*i>i'iiil hisiu»ctDr«, (1 nd ^.'ivo diviM.'tioiH with rrri-nMU'c to tho dis- posal of tbo ostato ;.ciirnilly, Aii (:vi''Uto.s a;c i .â- qiu'sl«'..i to ^-vn-^ forthwith to tin; uiidfi -iiiiiu'd statuiimiitfj of thfir clailns v.'.ifii'd In iilUdavil. and tioiico i^ lieivhv i;iv»n t'.iat after tile H^'th diiv of Nnv.-mln'r nv:zt tho waid tni'-lfr will proceed to di^-t. i'mi'o tho anRetH Ol tho 8ai<i e-^tate auioii« tbu pimiaft entit1uf\ thiVcio haviiig re;;a' d oub- to liif (dainiH of wliieli ?T>liee â- ii>nll liavo Ikhmi i.:iviMi. aritl will not Itr iiiiMi' for ibe ansi'lK or luiv pii. t tborruf dls- t 'ibntud to a.iviioi ^^on or ju-i nomn nf whose claim or "loht ho shall imt ba\<' iioii.i-. Dfttud thlKfith dav of (•cH.. IhsT â-  CH AKLKS rMlRONS, i^ ;i.10 Aasiguee. glcrtical DR. CARTER. M.C.l'. it .S., Ont. PHYSICIAN, SI r<;eon, &I-. FLE.SHEHT(JN. Office, Strain's block. Residence. Wm.Wri^^ht s gfutbtrji. ^^ DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. Kl'IiGEON DENTIST Gold Medalist and Honor Graduate of Hf n.c.D.s.. Will visit FLESHKIITON, iMiiusliaws Hott 1 1 and 2 of each month. Teeth extracted, insert ed and filled in the hifjhust styles of tho art. ai;.! at moderate rates. 'Iii.vi) Offick. 761 Vo.sT.E St., Toronto. ^fjjill. J. W. FROST, LL-B-. liiivt'isU'v, Solivitov, Couvvyaikvcr, Oflice,â€" Strain s lluildlnu. Ki.ksukiiton. A. A. CHESIjKV. Solicitor and Conveyauccr. Uuslduut Manayor. MR. FUOST will be fouud at the Office on ThurHdavb ab IiertjtufurG. P. McCULLODGH, Barrister, ^Solicitor, tJCr. onirr, ovrr NcFnrlaiid's SJorr. Markdak'. .Money tu Louii. MASSON & MASSON, BAUltl'^TKnS.SOI.lClTOliS.Ac. Okfukhâ€" Owen Sound, in Vlckors block, I'onlett St.. Uranch oilice in MarkdalB, over .Mc- t'arlauds More, oil Friday aud Saturday every week. .1 MASSON". Q.C. 8. MASSON. W. MASSON N.l!.â€" Private ,v Company i< funds to iuvoxt at from Six to Eiuht |i«r cent. John W. Apmstrongr Fi.KKiir.nTON. Co. Oiikv. TVIVISION COIRT CI.ritK, rOMMISSIONKll ^ in It It. Conveyancer. Ac Ajcent for inircha- an4 sale of lands. Appraiser for C I,. C Cou; and V. 1' II ii s. Society. Money to Loan on tht> most rcHsonalilc terms. Issi i n oF .M.\lUtIA(il' LICENSES. SOTAIIY PIULIC. MONEY TO LOAN. A.t O r»er Cent. On Town orForui Property, S. DAMUni:. Kloshortoi;. W. J. BELLAMY. T«T. CLBnK AtlTFMK.SH. COXfEYAXCEll, COMMISSloyj.j: . lysUh'AyCE Alf'T, ,tv rVEEDS, MOUTOAOKS. LEASES. *c.. prcpnr ^ fd and properly cx«cn tod. Insnranc- ntre. ed in tlrstclass coiupauios. Mouov to It-in) at lowest rates. &ET YOUR MEAT t-FRO.W-: Fetch S, Mitchell, GENERAL BUTCHBRS, FLESHERTON ! K=E"Cash paid for fat cattle, Ac. ,<f. \EW LIVERY! THE uiiderRinnecl hei;s to announce thai he haf- Btai ti d a rtrst^class Livery in tho stand op posito "Mnnsliaw'B Hotid, Kleshcrtoii, where tin. tnivellinn puhlio can be accouuuodntvd witii Kood vi(;s and horses at most reasonnUlo jiricc^ Try. iiie and ho convinced. Uospoutfiilly yours, W. H.JOHNSTON.. Flesherton, Nov. lOtll, IHfiC. Picture Framing;, JSfcaHij, Chcftphj cV* Ouick- ly Done, brj J. Ez. niooRi:, Dlirhiuu St.. Opposite Clayton * Harne^s Mio;i "BELL" Jlil^lML anappr^ed for V^eiTv' '"- ' Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL & CO., On* Out ^ g ./- â- *"'^^*-^ i^isi,

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