THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE [Nov. lo, 1887.. K- ••n I f » t. WASHINGTON LETTER. ( FrinA our hegiilnr Gorrfuptrnilfni. ) WmUnigtDii, (Jet. 31»L, 1HS7. Ah the tiiiiu fi>i' oiuuiiibliiii; <>f 0/<iiit;reBS ^liuwg near, Washiiigtuii lias ouierged friiiii hur Suiiiiiiur tiesta aiid is in the uiiilst i)f ail «rft (if iireparati'iii for thi> aU- \oiil of aHDuiiililuil winduiii at tl>e CHpitul. Tiie dawn of tlio iiiipriiiicliiiig ' BeiiKini'' is uiiUJiually radiant. It already rufli-otg its );low over the wluile city, and is jiruphetic i)f a reii»n of politics and j;ayety siuli as will cast a shadow over remeniliranccs of prucoodinu Con<;re8aiohal sus-iiMns. Many of the people wlio posMesH wealth, culture and leisure, and make Washington their winter resort, have already returned. They will soon be followed hy a i;iMoral runli from all parts of the country. Then the bull begins. Coni{res» and society will vie tor supremacy. The former will interest, the latter will dazzle. The |>o\v- er of .Siwiety in Washiiigt^ni has to bo Seen t.i l»e appreciated. It exertsa stroll^ control even overollicial life, and ltd pow- ii;r cannot be broken or dissenibled. It reigns over OonKress, in that it lures Ujtli Ilepreseiitative and Senator away from their duties at the Capitol. Not in- fr«i|Uently doe.s the House of Hejiresen- t.ttives await a <|Ucjrum until its truant meniliors can \w arrested in the eiijoy- iiieiit of a "high tea" or ball at Mr». Sec- retary So-aiid-So's, and returned caiitive by the SarKcant-at-Ariiis. The monarchs of this power -the society lead'Ts- will strain evtiiy nerve this Benson to increase its uiagiiutisiii, and they promise a .tue- cessiuu of entertainments on a scale that has not heretof(>re iMseii attempted, (ios- Kip is the ambiiHsador ami minister pleni- p'ltentiary of the social world. Thin year she tells of the mysterious costumes and surprises tliat will astound the oldest in- liabitants, and add greatly to the splendor of display. IJetweeii Vanity Fair and the National Lei^islature, there will be nothintt dormant in WashiiiKton the unn- ini; Fall and Winter, from the tirst whirl after Monday, December fith, to the in- termission which ensues when the mantle of Lent is thrown over society. All WiishinKton, and by that I mean the coiiibinutioii of social and i>ttit'ial life at the Capitol, has been to the races the past week. The race season is indeed a i^ala tiiim liere. Fasltiim, with it« modern t.kstes, is a (treat patron of the turf, and i.uduon nowhere luhs with nieat<T sway than ill her own Htroii^-holil at theC.i|iitol of ihe Nation. Here a comparatively .Meat proportion of the population jcaii all'ord to enjoy thrmselves without re;/ard l.i coat. Eixo, they all ^o to the races md lose tlicir nioiiey. Heads of Depart- ments, t'hiefs of Itnreau, down to the .â- ^i'.MW clerk, mny all be seen hoverin}{ about the IxHikmakers, or posing on the i|Uarter-stretch for the admiration of the l.ulies on the ){rand stand, while the dip- I'iinatic iluch's priimcnuile with n.iual wont in front of the crowd. As they strutted up and d<iwn the past week, they seemed to feel that every eye was upon them ; nor were Muy mistaken. The cut of their trousers, the shape of their cidlrrs, nid their kaleidoscopic necties usually itt'oiil much aiiuiseinent. Tlie diploniut .' Ih) cliissed in the eccentric family of the ijniiiH hdinii, for both 111 his face and dress he seem.i to present in combination â- he tuchioiis of I'aris, Liindoii, Merlin and St. IVler.shurt;. .l///ii/iu.i of the races, the fact is lately <levt'Iopud that there are as many fine t .!am.i aiid handsome e(piipat;es in Wash- ington a»ai.ttobo found anywhere. Time was wlitdi «k handsome tinnoiit or tine .span of )iors«u was a rarity on the .streets ...f the Capitol, ami one involuntarily turn- ., it tu look a(t«ir Ihe unusual si<;ht. Now, liowuver, suiSlt b ttate im longer exitti. Tliu miles of ii^[ilt«lt and siuoolh pave- ments are fairly alii-e diirini: the winter, the rleuanl teams utiiven for tin; liest p.irt by their respecliive owners, (leiier- .il Iteall, <iu his tine ^arni outside the city limits, Vee|>8 ii<> many tine horses thll, were he so uiindtvi, it would be posnilile to a|i|>«ar with a new team every day for a cousideralile It-iiirlh of time. The I'rusidiiut has a haiidsKUUt team of Uacks, and Secretary Ilayard's favorite staed is a lar^e Jiowerful bay, niounte<l upon which it W no unfreipient siuht to i<eu Jiiiii lidiux <(«ik>'tly aloiit.; some iiiifre- • |Ueutud country roiwl, half the time with liis thirughts for nAit c.oivipaiiioi.s. The President is eni;itt>Kliu tlie prepar- iitjon of his annual nie.i.'<u;.;e In Con;.,'reii.H. 't k.'oi)s without sayiii;L.'< ihyi. I;is «liief topic will Ik the tariff problem aiMi Uiu oiiesliiiii of « rtiductioii «f tin- »>.wf\i<a4. It is also |jrobn1>te that tlii^iv wjfl a;;Wu be sonit.-tliini{ Miid upon Citui >Jerviuc Hefoini. While tin) ineselit Civil H«l- wivti Jlv/orm laws iuivu diliiiliissed the \ I'.owl of the office-seekers and make life endurable at the Departments, they are still rejjarded as very imperfect, and af- ford uiany loop-luwls throuiih which the wily office-seeker inanajres to crawl. L. NBVV AUVKKTIi^EMKNTlS. Stray Calf. ("ounty Ncw8. Jud^e Lane is ill. All the Tli(>rnbury\Toacher« have been re-engaKcd. The teachers and students have moved into the new Hii^h School buildiii}; at Mt. Foiest. An insane old woman named Mrs. Smith, <iver !H) years of aj^e, died in tlie Walkerton i^aol on Saturday iiiiiht week. Several Mt. Forest boys will have to make an appearance at the Police Court to answer to a char^'e of daiiianini; pitiper- ty on Hallowe'en. Harrison's plaiiin<; mill, Owen Sound, was destroyed by lire on Tuesday week, being without doubt the work of an in- cendiary. Loss alsmt ?1 2,000 ; insured f<ir $a,ooo. The Union hill curling and skatinc rink, Owen Sound, was destroyed by tire last week. The buildiiii,' was erected 20 years ago and its destruction was the work of an incendiary. Information has l>een laiil against hotel- keepers McQuillan & Cuiiiinins ami shop- keoj)t'rs I'ilcher & McEachern, of Mt. Forest, for violation of the Scott Act. The two latter have elTected a settlement. The Elitt rjir'w says that ("liesley boys (ilaoed a tine top biigiry on the Presbyter- ian churchshed in that town on Hallowe'en The KiitirprUi- suggests that such seiisetosB pranks be discountenanced in future. On F'riday week Mr. S. Curry, 3rd Ciui. lirant, was harrowing a tield ami one of his youngest daii;:liters was .Hitting on the harrow. The harrow came in con- tact with some hard lumps of clay, when one half of it turned over and fell on the child's hand, bruising and crushing it badly. Als.ut 1 o'chick on the 28tli ult., the outbuilding* of Mr. Win. Kep|iler, of I.^it 23, Con. 2, I'mton, were destroyed by fire, together with 2C tons of hay, (! loads of unthreshed |>eas, and 4 loads of unthr«>slied oats as well as two fine mares. Live stock and contents insured for 85U0. The (iro is siipiHised to have taken place by children playing with inatcheH. On Monday week ab<iut 4 o'clock in the afternoon dames Wilson of Mt. Forest, was eiign^'eil shii gliiig a biiililing for Mr. N. Uos/.e!, at Etfieinont P.O., when he slippeil from the roof and fell to the ground a ilistance of alH>ut twenty feet. Compound fracture of the thigh hone and two ii;jly gashes on the liend, and prob- able internal injuries were the rt'siilts. A declaiatioii i>f war has l>een issued l>etweeii dolin .lohiistoii and Hu'.;h .loiies. Jones is not big, but lies ilaiiKeriins. And Johnston has had long experience in |>ut(ilistic encounters with lii.s iieigh)M<rs. It is therefore hard to say liow the battle will end. After a perliminary skirmish, Ixth parties adjourned to the office of the 3.P.-llni,e Herald. The conviction of Saniiiel Hailey for stealing a sheep from Mrs. Lmhtliody. in the ("onnty of (irey a year mid a half ago, is a feather 111 the cap of constable Heffer- iiBii. Uailey might have enjoyed his mutton ill |H-ace, if Helleninn had not hear<l of the feast. Since his appoint- ment as a coiistalilc, he lias secured the conviction of Hovend (ddutfenders.- - Knicr Hnahl. Hallowe'en was not celebrated to any very considerable extent in Thornbury. The Ispys erected a fine big pyramid, con- sisting chietly of liiirrels, on ihe cehlre of the biii'i:;i' over the Heaver iivi>r. .lust as the job wa.s iiiiely toinpleleil, a force of cpiislables .specially sworn in for the occasion|itly put in an appearance and politely but tirmly leipiested the young iiiun to demolish the el«gant struc- ture they had erected and return the barrels to their respective owners. The "Isiys" eomiilied with considerablo alac- rity. CsvoiUb. Ill' iKKiins Hiiil TrndiiMniliH Htniiruil, and itll (it)i<tr iiiitont 1 aiiHett in tlm ruinit OfI\i;u Slid liufiiiu tliu tiiiiru pioiniitly ami rin-etllily attt'liiloil to. I'linli ii'i'|.i|it of liioiUil ni KKotcli of I'lVi'Mtiiili, 1 liiitku iriiriifiil 4-xaiiiJiiHtiiili, uutl ikIvihu us to |iat«litaliilit> I'i'uii iif CliaiKo. Kkks iMoiiKuvni, anil 1 iiiaku so ihaiuo: i n- I.KSH I'ATKST IS hK.CI IlKII. InfnilllKlicili, uilviru sikI npuulnl KpfovrnciiM Hunt on apiilicatlon. .1 11. i,ii"n:i,i,. Wiihliiniji.ji, i>.r. Opiiimlto I'.S. I'atolit (IllUe. Assistant Teacher Wanted. Poll H.H. Mil. .1. Ku|ilii'S»in. IJiitinK tu mni- inoiieu .lun. 'Jnil, Ih^sh ninl t-onliiuio t>ix nioiitliH. .Viipi.y, Ht'itin»{ halary, to J. K. KAWCI'/I'T. Hoo.-Ti«a«., (let. «l»t. lH»i7-n:tl-4. Kliiibiirlev I'.O , Ont. CKSW, to the iireinisHK oj tlio unilnrsigneti. Lot a). Con. VI. .\rteinusia. olio Sliriun bull Calf. J laiuu by proviiii; I'ropirty and M. It. I'LASTT. Kui4enia P.O. Owner can kavu paying expeasos. Stray Earn. C.\ME to the premises of the uiKlomiijiied. Lot 13. (.'on. 1st S IJ K . .\rtciin»iiiR,ouBuBfil Ram Owner call have ««mo by proviiiK proiiert^- and paving expuuses. JuUN WU\TK. Nov, hth, IBS?.â€" .IJ^J- FAEM for SALE BKlXCi Lota^CA'-T. iBt S U.K. Artulnesia ecu- tuininK lOUairti^ more or leMi.lV) acren cleared anil in a tfood state of cultivation. :« Bcreii in trass auil hay (ioo<l lion»e a«id fair barn Small vuuni! Oirliaril. NeverfailiiiK sprinii of water." Tbe iiropiiitor is ik'terinineil to »ell even at a iiaorlllce. Kor full nartiriilars apply on premises, or t') SIL#.\S LKSI.IK. Nov. 7th, I««l7-Jit)-C. I'ricevillc P.O. STB AY HEIFER. 'lA.MK to the priiiilseii of tlie mibscribcr. Lot ' lu, ton VI. o»priv towniilii|i. 0110 yearlinK Hoifer. ilaik rel witi. black slripn sinl larRe white Kpoc. Owner eaii have name l)y provini! pronerty ami payinij exi>eiit.iiM. liliO. (ilUPKU, Kever^llaltl p. O. STRAY STEER. Strayt'tl from tlu- |«rt*inli»o» o( the bubscriber. Loth ;t7 it ;(M. 1;. T tV S. K . Art('iiie»ia, on or alxtiit OcCub«ir Ut. IHH7* onv yuarlin^ Sceor. black Hit'l white. Any ii**rt.oii j^iviiiii liiforiuatluii leai\- tnK to Ihu rooovurv of tht- alMiVf will be rewtml- imI; ami any |i»rftoii k4*<*iiiiiK thi* aniiiial without i^iviiit; hiu'h' iiotK-o after iiublicMtiou of thiit no- ticeâ€" will bi) profiucutcU att thu law iliri-ctM. J \V. hHOUK. Oct. '>tli 1HH7. Kiebherton P.O. STRAY CALVES. C\MV,tf> tUv \*rviuiHii^ uf the tirtilt^rt^itjiiad. I<ot IH Con.lft N r>. R. An* int'Hia. about Oct. 'Jtth, four hpriim t'alven -J lifift*rH and two Htfem. owutTCHii havu aauitf by proviug prop- t'fty auil payiiiK (rxpfU««ii Having opened ont a lot of Fall & Winter Goods Peisouully selected by myself, I cau confidently recaanmend ihem. Lhajre a large assortment of Mens, Ladies, and ChHdrens BOOTS AND SHOES! Also a full snpply of Men.s and Ladies RUHBEIiS, ami M'jus FKO»T PROOF FELT IJOOTS. I hope to leeiivo a liberal sliaie of the irado in this vicinitv. I will endeavor 10 satisfy my customers in QUALITY and \VM. IIKID. Priceville P. O. Artenioaia. Oct. :iUt, IMOT. STRAY CATTLE. CAMK to the pniniioii of the undon-iiincl. Ijotn :* .V 7'>. (on I 1: T .V S K Arteinenla. about a nmntl] ikH". four \earlitw I'alven. Dwner can have xaiiiu by proviiiK property and payinii ex- penneH. Nil Sinee abiite waa in type, all the cattle but a dark tirown Heifer have either Ktraved or bm-n i^tolen from niv preinlM**. If the latter, the party or parties will not be pru»ecutod if tiley return Ihoni at once. HECTOIl HOLTO.V. Kleahertou P. 0. Artomosis. Oct. 9*th. 1887. STRAYED. CWW. fn t)n' iirHinlHfB of Mr. .loliti I'ortoonH, J(). Otb ton . Artuinf.tia.oti luih of i)ct . •2 lltitfiTH. OwtK-r cull liHVi) Hftiiiu by proviiiK proiKU ty untl iiu\inu fXiH-tiHfH JOHN roHTKors. 33i-.ri KifHhfi ton r.o. Auction Sale! â€" U F VAIjUABLE parm p ropi^Hy ! IN tin- Towuhhip of ArliMm-fm. (oiinty of (irov. I ixti'r and bv vlrtu« of a powtT of Sale con- iHiiii-il ill a rtitHln inortjs'rtk'f iwbtrb will b« pr«>- iluct'M at tbc tiiiHt of Halto aii<l Httbji'ct to a n>- »'i<rvi) bill, thvTv will bu ulTti'ud for Halo by I'ubliu .Vuclion at MUNSHAW'S HOTEL, â€" IN TIIK- I'iUage â€"ofâ€" Flesherion ! Siitiirilnv, \\w 3rd «lay or Dcrciii- IMT. 1HS7. At one o eloi k ill the afliTliooli. all mid I'inKular that I ertaln jnoeel of land citniite in the Hald rnwiiKhip of AitumeHia eontainllii' tlfty aerea iii|u>Heil of lot niiitibir oiiu liun- north $350 nTIU;.lllTY LOT .17 IN 1411) t'O.S , AUriCMKHIA, TV Mf ju.'<va. .\i*K«ii>i«l at DdUU. Apply tu ClIAULi:8 IIA.MON. 991-H CulUiiiiWuod, Kbip of . or lesM 'I illed and MXtv oiioHuUu' thililconeertsion I en' I of the r.ironto aWTTlvdenliiiiii Koad. 'I'iie above property iA about two and oncvhalf itiilei* from tliw Villti'i,'e of l''ti-.sliert>iii and has ereeted theieMU a small frame dwelling hmiHe. .Mioiit ;i"i ai-ies are said to bi- under cultivation. TeriiM and i-ondltioTin made known fui day of Kah». l*"or further i»artieular» apply to v.. M. I HAIIW ICK. Vi iiilnr« Kolieltor, lll'.ATTY, (â- llAll\VirK,m.A('KSTO('K *(1ALT, .">H Wi'llillMtoii street, Kast, Toronto. Dated at tlie City of Toronto. vhiBi»th day of Oltober. A P . 1Mm7. Oxford & New Glasgow Rail- way Sections. Iht.- HirchllillUoadtoi'ti^wasb Jnnct'n.l.'lniiloti *Ju(l. I'un\va-li JiUK't'ii to I'linwiinb ri niiloH. Uti\. rn>iwiisli.lunot'iito Walltum Htat ii 7 niil«». 4th. Wailaco Station to Mtn^o HohU. .17 iiillet*. PRICES. Vim. CLAYTOlVr, Flesherton. Tciidors lor iiiraiUiiK* UrUluc iintl (iilvcrt Masonry, IViioiiiu, <&«*. OKAliKl) Ti:NnKU8, atMi-cHHodlo tho untbu- ^ siwiivtl aiii) iindornofl "Tundtu- for Oxford and Ni'W lilawKow Uuilwuy," will bo rtiouivotl at thin olllro \\\\ u* iioou ou Friday, tlio IHih day of Novii!iibc>i . 1KM7, for tht* Kiatlin*{. brid^u and cul- \i'il iiiHhoniy. fcni^lriK, A«'. rirtiiH and jiniilluM will biM))uin for iiiHpeution at iliti (itllif (.r thu Cbbd KnKinuin of Uovorninunt UailwayH ut Ounwa, anil aUo at tbo olUcv of tlio Oxiuid and Nrw OlaMjfow lUilwav at Wallace, ruuibi!! bind Co., Nova Si'otia. on and after tbo lotii du\ ol Novuuibor, lrtH7, wliuro tbo ^!.tntlrftl Npuiiibriitioii and form of ttiiidi'i inav boob\,aiucd upon aiiplii utK.n. No ttHidor wdl (.« outvrtftiiitHl niilor>H on ont* of till' t'linti-d loiiiiH, and all cuudititMiH aru Loni))lii*d vith. TbiH Iteimrtniitiitdoox not bind itaulf toaccvpt thu lowunt 01 auk bvtitivi . A. IMIUADLKY. huorutary. Department of UailwayH & Canalfi, > Utlawu, dOtU Oo(gbur, 18tt7. t CHEAP C^ AND C^ DUEABLE ! THE \V E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TIWVAKF.. &c. for sale as usual I'"irst-class val ue in every department. Agent for VICKER'S EXPRESS. All parcels left uitlt him ivill be promptly and carefully attended to. »!â- MAXWELL CARRIAGE WORKS ! Little <Sc Blakely, MAXf FACTUKEKS OF Carriiiues, Deiimcrats, NVa^mig Ac. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Keasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE, THOS. A, BLAKELY. Maxwell. May Jfith, 1H»7. H'(ii,oii-M<il,ir <(• I'liintir. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS: E. YANZANT, 1^ ALL KINDS OK -;'.,S«?«"^ȴ=- FloHlu-rti.ii, .\ii-. ".( Such as Moiiumciit.-i. Tomb Tiibles, lliutlstouc.a llomitor mill Tablo Tops â€" in Aiiiuncaii auil lutiiiii Miii'blu aiul (iniiiite. and iiiatle on short notice. .Vlso Mantles in Marble and Maiblcized Slate, .tc, kc. .\iil;. ".0, lS8:i. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWA^PiiiiiNTMEir THI^ TILLS I'lirifv till' HU'oil, coiTixt all biMivdera of thu X^i^'er, Stomach, lvl<ln»:>'H, ana JJt>>velH. Tli«y liiviKorato anil nintorn to health Ucl^^itatcl Coii^titutioiiK. ami are iiivaluahh. in nil Coiu plalnn iiicUluiiCal to KonialuB ut all«|rM. For t'hiliiii'u ami tho nKcl they arc iniceloas. THE OINTMENT I»»n liirklliblo ronioay (nr Unil I,..);n, Hail nreiiKtu, Olil WoiiikIk. Soroa ami flccrn. It la lamous lor (tout ami IthuiimatiBiii. For aihorUura ol tho t'host It has no wjiial. For SOUK THRO A'l, IIROJV CJfJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS tHanilular Swolllngs, ami »11 Skin niHoaaea it li»» no rivwl; and for coutracttnl and still ointa II ai'tH liku a chariii. Miinnfiictiiroil mily at Profoaaor Hollowav'k RstnbHabment, 78, Ni'w 0\ror«» Mtrctt (late JSJW. Oxfonl Stroot >. London. anil aru solil at 1, \i<i..-in. 0,1., t.i. M. in,. 'Hh . ami :«•<. oach Ilo.x or IV.t. ami may l.o hart ol all Me.l cini' \unilora thrnuKhoiit tlm World. ^»- PiirduiM-rs nhmilil look k 'In- LnM r«, tlw l'nt» <tt,il If (he tt<Mrnu u not ,).'7.?, 0.ifi)iil Stirff. Lniiiloii, tlicii in-p .i/iuitd'i.-i.' POSITIVE am CATARCIL Immediats Rslls! row Cold in lied, HAY FEVSn. ! KA8Y TO t'SE. Not a Sunff, Powilcr or Imtntlng Uqnid. Price , BOrU. aud )I.OU. it not ubtUnnhle at ^uut dcu;n j gluts, Hont propald on roc«lpt of )iHce. Addrvil | FULFORO A CO., Drookvlll«, Ont. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer atuL Undertaker, rLBSHERTON OKI * \