Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Nov 1887, p. 8

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-» • ^v < ^t%* f^ m % - KX'» i< THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 5 ' [Nov. 17, 1887. »- ». Hurrah , Hurrah, Hurrah! r^/ > CLAYTON 8^ HARNESS SHOP! Flesherton /« the place to grt IMMENSE BAR- GAINS in all kinth of C^ssrdtGis HARNESS. PRICES RIGHT every time. jmeiE. jiN&LE, JINGLE! Winter it at hand and the Lett place Lo get ^ ««f 1» if ( R'-iil liratUie*) it lU Clayton'$ Harnett Shoj). Come mid tee, the ttock. liy yetting one 0/ Clayton t elegant and comfiirtable GOAT ROBES! <'h«>ap us Dirt : WHIPS, TRUNKS, ACCOMMODATION WANTED More Arroiiimottation .Hunt be I'roviiled for Fiirmem. It i» becoming; moro find iiKpre nppureiit that the acciiiiiiiKKlation ail'urdud the far- iiiiii; cuiiiiiiuiiity ill Flesherton ii far from bttii:^ adequate t<> meet tlie wants i)f our j.'riiwiii;< and (irogreHsive town. We must iulvaiivu nr retrograde â€" one or the otliiT. Wo iiro advanciii!; and liave l>eeH for years \i.t»i, )|al liave at length arrived at a peculiiwr crisis in tlie history of the place. There has not been sufK- ;;ient s^c<.nii;<lf«t' m for the travelling pub- lic- in so far as stabliri'.' and shed loom were concernedâ€" but now that the larf^o sheds connected with Mr. Sproule's block have been closed t<i the'^iublic and put to other uses, it becomes im|)emtive for the people of this town to open their eyes to the fact, that unless ample accommodation be forthcoming a (.'rest deal of the trade of the place will be diverted from its le- K'itiiiiato channel. Prompt action is ab- solutely necessary in this matter. Every day lost counts seriously against us. Time and a!,'aiii farmers have approach- ed us and have spoken in must emphatic terms of the meagre accoininodatioii af- fordedâ€" especially on "bi!^ ilayn." One prominent farmer said to us, u nliort time ago : "I tell you what it is, sir, this thing wcm't go down with us farmers. Here I have b«en driving niy team umuiid the place for two mortal hours â€" rain |ioiiring down all the timeâ€" and I can't find a sin- gle iKMik or corner in which to obtiin shelter for them. I like Kleslifrton and h«r business men Initter than those of any other place in my knowledge, but bliuik mo if I don't do my business elsewhere if you folks do not provide decent accoiii- motltttion." Another farmer said : "LcK>k here, Ixiss, you're town's goin' to the mischief. D'ye think I drive my team seven or eight niilua for the fun of having to tie tlieiii to a lamp jm)*! in Flushorton and seein' how they like to stand out in the storm while I'm enioyin' myself in a cosy nxjm. lietcher lite I don't, .^n' I won't do it again." , \ travellJr infoniiod us not lonj; since, that ho could not get his hursu into the hotel stable here after ten o'clock without "r«t«in(( k (liokeii* of • row '." Another allegeU that he couldn't got in at all and liad to go t4i the Station. However, be these things oa they may, it is a fact patent to all, that our hotel stable, and especially the slieil, does not atford anything like amplt^ accoaiiiiotlation to lliu |iublic generally. What Would have Ihj^ii ample ten or fifteen years ago does not fill the bill now by "a large ma- jority." Flesherton has more than dou',-- It'll in ]H>[iulatinn in that tune and re- ipiires gioatly inurea8<;d facilities for the travelling public, in order tu retain its vastly growing trade niid rapidly develop- ing resources. It rents ciiliii-ly »ith the |iei>plo of this town an<l connnunity to re- medy this matter or not as tbey choose. It is a st-rious i|ucstii'n and ilh such must be considered in the most serious manner. We leave it with the people. Seymoiir'M drawing of "A Favorite Slave " UesideB tlietMj attractioiiK there is a double-page picture of liull'alo Hunt- ing in North America. The )irico ro- main.s as utiual at teu cents for i.'"- com- plote nnnibcr. Office of I'nhli. iition, Potter Building, New York. Mr. Thos. Dnncan has removetl lii tailor Hliop to tlie ohl AnvANCE C)ffic< Htaud on Colliogwond street. Proton Station. This place, untill lately, was a mere Flag Station on the T. (r. lili B. Hailway The Mc-ihrs. Noilson erected a Ktcam savi-niill and several other bniMings. Mr. J. StinsoD, of Toronto, lately put into active operation another steam saw-niill. A Post-ofJice has lieen estab- lished and a general aicnc bv Mr. Free- man ; another general store will soon be opened by Mr. (J. Canncl. An hotel or other idace of public accomodation IS nctxlcd ; while a blacksmith, shoema- ker and a tailor would be certain of lu- crative eiiiploynient. A very commo- dious Church has been opened, and others are expectetl in tlu near future. Success, say we. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Having opened out a lot of â- '4 t '. tlM .. . 1 Fall & Winter Goods Personally seltcted by myself, I can confidently iTCDinmnKl them. I have a- large asHortnicnt of j • ,. Mens, Ladies, and Childrens BOOTS AND SHOES! Also 11 full supply of Mens and L.a-M"» TiVLuV.V.^, iiid Mens FliUST 1' tOOF FELT IIOO'J'S. I hope to iTCcive a liberal share of the uude iu lilts vicinity. I will endeavor 10 satisfy my cnstonicrs in QUALITY aiul PIUCKS. IWnyr. CLAYTOW, Flesherton. CHEAP AND ^^ DUEABLB f â€" ^ T 1 1 !•: W E L L - K N W N Sweat Pads, Brushes, Curry Combs, Blankets, Pserles: M Um\ -and- S liverylhinf^ marked down at bot- tom prices. Inspection f invited.'f \ CdME OJVK COME ALL. D. CLAYTON. l>ji,Kuil( JHunthiuv'i Hotel, Ftethrrton. InlHtioKO. a t'ruin "HI iiii'ii ('iini>iiiiiiil,i,t. The llev. (). IJ. Howie delivered a lec- ture on the Holy Ijand here on the •Itli iiist. (â- oiisidering the state of the roads there was a fair attendance. Tho Kov. gentleman gave a very good lecUlie con- sidering he was blind. Mr. H. Oleiiiis is re-engaged an teacher in S. S. No. 4, .\rteiiiesia. Iliiring the past year Mr. O. has given entire satis- faction to the section. The Victoria cheese-factory is closed for this season and the patrims seem to 1h9 content with the proceeds. Mr. (i. (iott has just coniph'ted on his own premises a frame Uun .'(OxoU. DiKii. â€" Mr. Wni. (iott, aged W) years after a long illness. His riuiiiiins Here interte<l in the Methodist cemetery here on Monday. \ew Div. CoartN ! County of Grey. NOTICK is heratjy uivi'ii llist a lUM'titiK will l>t' hell) at tt of the Clmk p.m. on Priilav. tli« Ninth (Jay of Uix^eiiiljur, 1H<7, at .tuilcL-s C'lmiii- tivr> in Parkers Hlmk. Cuulatt Htrest. Owoli SouiMl, to taiiH lui<>eull^i(luratlUIl tlio fiirmatlou uf two new Oivikiou Courta in tlm Countv of drey, one of whieli it is iimivonod to form of tlm Wuat parts of the Towusliliw of Uuntlnck and Norniaiihy. auil tlw utliur uf parts uf the Tuwn- Hhipa of HollnDd. Kiipliraaia. .\rt<sii.i)Hia, ami (ilenelif. ill the s«Jd County. Of wbirh all p«raoiia tiit«refilAd are ruqtiire<l to take notice an'1 govi<rn tlieinaelvcsaei-ordiiii:- ly. By Ord.T of Hi» Honor. COfNTY JfD<iK M.\crHF.USON. W.M AKMSTHONfi. Clerk of the Peace. C4>iiiityof (irey. Dated at Uweu Hound, the Mth Nut., IMf?. IH-7. FAEMtollENT. BKINfi Lot :l.'i. Con. t. .\rtemesia, cuntalnine lOU at-'ruN, hO aclvM cleared- ?5 ai-reH At for run niuiiaelMiinitlnk'iuai'liiue over; In nr>t-c'laM Htato of etiltivatlou. Fair dwelling and out- liuildinK. Two Weill water. Kasy teriiia. (iowl ri'NpoiiHilile mail nan have line of iiiipleiiienta. For full iwrtlculara apply ai Advanik Office, Fltahertou. or to .\. DOWN, Nov. Iftth, lUfl. on tho nreuilsea. XM-7. Stray Horse. CAMK to the ureniiaca of the iiiidersiuued. Lot •jy. l.'on. 7, Arteujwiin, on Siindav iltli, I lloriMv ^Iwiier can havo the Maine liy proviiii; iiroperty Slid payiii|{ei|H<nHeH. IS.\.\(' SMITH. :tU n Flenhartou P.O. For the issue of November I'itli The Illiistrated London News (American Edition) furnisli tln^ir many reailers, in conno<:tion with a wide variety of read- ing, the following timidly illustrations : A very spirited picture of the iiiieni|»loy- eil in London, entitled "Tlie Police and the Mob;" throe pictiirns upon the Ntat«? of Ireland ; one of How Some nf the London Po<ir S|Nmd the Night, and anotlit^r of the I*n<ir Helping the Poor, as well as the nieetiiig of the iii#mploy- e<l in lioiiiloit. There are also sketches from the KiirteHtpie of "Tlie .Sultan of MiH-lia. "^ tlio Strand Tlleat^(^ and one p»K<) iIovoImI to the Sultan of Morocco, wlilU: the o])iH>itiUi jiage presents <>. L. Stray Earn. C.\MK to llif iM«>iius«H of tho iin<l«>nii(;nt'il, l4}t l:t. Con. iHi s.li.ll.. Art«nioiiia.on*iat{u<l liaui. Owrirr can tiavn ffauia by provini; urupartv and l**\inK tixiH*nH(m. JOHN WnYTK. aNuv.Mih. IHM7 "3.'»-5. FAKM for SALE BKIN<» I^U *!« A ST. lilt K D II. Art«mftiila lon- tniiiiiiij KNtiicrtH iiif>rpor It'iHA.iUjacif^ictHuriMl Aii'l 111 n ^tMNl Htatu of (TiiltivHtioii. :i3 acrett in k'raMH an<l hay UocmI Iioiiho aikI fair liarn MiihII yiiiiiiu (>r«'linr<l. Nuvt'i-failintr Hprlitj^ uf wiitir I Ik- |>n)|ir)t<tor 1h ttctt'i nitned to nt'll <<vt-ii lit n Kat!Urtcu. Kor full imitU'itlant apply on iiriMiiiM'H. 01 to S[L.\S liKSl.lH, Nov. 7tii. ihh: im 0. rrici'viiio v.o SIR A Y HEIFER. n.VMK to tlu* pi'<'tiii)*(*ti of tliu Miilincrllu'r. Lot 1(». t'lui ij. i>>.firf*y towh^liip. (iitv vfurlinf; llrUi^r, (talk i(«| tsith Mark HtvipK ainl ltit-t:i) wliiU) Kpot. OvMM'i rnii liavit .taiiiu by proving prt^puily uiitl \u\\ in^ u.^piiiiM-^. OKO r<W>l»K!t. Kiivuihliaiti V. O. "'strayjteerT' Striivod from the nrainiseH of the Knlwcrilicr. l,<.t*:i7,V ^is. K. T. * S. It., .\rti!iiie<i». on or Hlxint Uclolj.r Ut, IHS7°olie veiiiliu^ MicLhlack Kiitfwhite. -Am porson ^ivdii^ iiifoi itiution li>a(l- ini; to the ri>roviM\ of the ahove will he rcwird- ed ; anil any person keeping the animal without l^iviiik' Hiich iioiiie after puhlicutioii of thiiino- tU*e--will bo proNccnteil uh the law (lirm^tH. .1. \V SHOUK, Oct esth IHW. KUi.lierti>ii P.O. STRAY CALVES. CV.M I'.l.. III.' pii-iiilse« of tho nmliTsiuned, Lot IS, ( (Ml. l-i N. D. It, .Vrtoiiioiiii.iibont 0«-t. 'Jllth. four Spini^' Calves -U lii'iferti and two hteors. Owner run have miniu liy proving prop- t'lly mill piiv lni4 e.\penHeH \VM. UKID. Pricevllle P. O. Artvmvsls, Oct. .'list, IMT. STRAY CATTLE. CAMK to the |iranil'4eiiof tliu nndersi^ued. Lots 74 A 7.'i. Con. S K.T.it H It. .Vrteiiienin. nlioiit a inoiitli sKo. four yearling ChIvcb. Owner can have Hiuiie li) pruviii|| property and paying ux- peltHUH. N.ll.â€" Hliic* alinve was ill type, all the cattle htit a dark hrowii Heifer liavo either Rtrayod or heoii stolen from my itreinisaB. If the 'latter, the party or iiartles will not tie proHociltod if they return tlietii at once. HKcrOU IIOLTON, Kleshortoii P.O. Artuniosla. Oct. MHli. Is«7. STRAYED. CA.Mh) to the pronilaea uf Mr. ,lolin Poriootis, Lot .10, Cth Coll., Arti'ineiia. on luih of Oct , il lieifeni. Owiitir can have same by provluK properly and iiaylni! eiiieiises. John pohtkouh, 391-33 Flraherton P.O. SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVICS, TINWAKK. &c. for sale a.s usual I'irst-class value in everv jlcnartincnt. Agntt for VICKER'S EXPRESS. AU parcels left Kith him will be promptly and carefully attended to. H'VlLA.l^''f^, 1 " r^ K « n K « T^ <y tv . HHHH" MAXWELL CARRIAGE WORKS ! Little 8c Blakely, M.VSL'FACTUnKRS OK Carri»{;e». Democrats, Wag»us ic- Eepairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice anti at Keasonable Prices. JOHITSON LITTLE. THOS. A. BLAKELY. Illiukmitith. Itagon-Makitr .1- I'ainti-r. Maiwell. May aith, Imht. ' FLESHBRTONr MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINRH OV -'»«eS!!WSi«j^" Marble iii lmm\i Mi^ Hiieli as >ZoimiiHM»[,.*, Tomb Tables, Hcadstoiiep- j^y. Counter ami Tahlt^ Topsâ€" in Anievican ami ltali:m Maiblc iuu|i (Invnite, and iiiailt' oji .-iliort notice. Also ilautlcB iu Marble and Miirblcized Hliite, ite., liLc. FIivsluTtnn, .Vii','. ."0, IS,**;;. HK.\r;rH for all HOLLOWteililMOIHJMENT THE TILLS : Pnvlfi tlm lUinHl.omreit all liiiorduni of tl» JAy-Gi'n Stomaeli, liUln'.vM, and Oowel*. THF OINTMENT iHaninfalllMe remedy for 11„dLa',.nadllre«»t«. Old Wounds. Sor.«»n.n'Ken,. Ui«fainon»fo> (.O.U nni\ Uhiiiiinitii.ni. Kor .liw.i-ders of the Che.-t it h »» no e.fiial '*"""'" ForsojU'rriiHo.n, rhojvciijtts. couaiis, colds 01aMdnfarSm.nhii;». unit nil Skin Di^eaKOH it ims no rivnl ; and fi* «ontract«<i and atlS ointH it acts like a vharia. JLiimfactnied only lit Profo«»orHot.i.owAT'sK«t»hll»hment, •"''' ' T». New O\ror«l Strt't't ( late .".a.t. Oxford .Strert ). L«»ii«lon. and are »ol.l iit 1». IJd.J.. '.iil., N. r.l. II, . .'J,., ,„d vm. e„,.i, |i.„ ,„ ti,X »u4 iimv Iw had of all MeA eine \ eiidom tlilounhout tliu WoiM r^ I'uivhiitert thmtld liU tt fhr T.'ihf) ,ni thr I'ot.i „,i>l lrn:re.r. 7f the adilren U not ' .i.-;..', l):-(.,r:l Stiril^ /.i»i./i.(,, thfii itr<- smiriiim. Flesherton Station M nil'' -^ /HI r The alxive mil! is now in good running order for Chop- pinj,'. George Moorehouse, proprietor, will be pleased toj sec all hi.s old friends. Ouan-' tity of four feet Cedar LogSj Wanted. Farmers will doi well to make a note of this I J. W. BATES, Fiiniiture Dealer anit Under t<il^(^r, VtASUKUTOK 0«T. .1 .• I > £t as > V <i fcL gfe-.-

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