V r 1«; r L \ \ trUlU P A 'Pli'TI "UT ^ rnaad nn me M a«<k XiUO JrArJBilv p. aii»<u *(.'<>'• M<tw>p*|>«r AtlvMntsliiH IlurwuiflonpmrvHt.), whrro blvfrtlalna mrb9ta»*»iui uimumwKomiC THE ADVANCE. !• publUliuil Every TliurHtlay, KiioM m Urrit K. kSyd^n^m SJri-et, - - Flrjthrrtort, (hU. TKKMH OF BUBSCUII'TIUN : II |>«r aniitim when pnlA •Irlvtly hi kdvaiica f l..jt' pttr auuiiin whau uut ko piUd. A. BFAWCETT, Kditur awl I'roprieUir. PLESHERTON: THURSDAY. -NOV. 24. 1887, THE ^LESHERTO^? ADVANCE ^•H ASSEXATIOS. KinrOKlAL NOTES. The above gunllemaii obsorvca tlip iSuhbath (lay witli becoiuiii>,' Holeiniiily. lie never cuuld get his innutli into bliiipc for wliiatling or any other kind tl .Sabbath desbcratiun anyway ! T!io rncoiit dynamite oatrago iti Urangcvillcâ€" referred lo elsewhere in tlii'iiii culiimns â€" should aroose the Ontario rioveniinent to a sense of (iutv. Thie iti the sixth timo dyna- mite has been rororted to in order to iiitiuiidate Kcott Act oilicials iu that tuwn, and althougii $1(MIU has bi^en i>l)cnt in endeavoring to UKCcrtaiu the identity of tlio would-he aKHiiHinH, noth- ing liti.s been accomplished. Tlic lo- cal papers state that suspicion points btiongly to the instigators â€" and even iiiut that there is a strong clue â€" so that there ought not to be much dif- ficulty in Hpcedily bringing the eooun- drels to jualioc. The citizens of Or- ungeviilc hhuuld not rest until this foul (1ii>gracc upon the fair name of their town is fully wiped out by the ideniificatiou and punishment of the dynamiters. The cry for more filled accommoda- tion in Flislicrton is being echoed and re-eclioi'd l)y our citizens, and seems likely to take a practical turn. A Temperance house is even talked of, but bo thai as it may, our business laeii should provide as much shed ac- commodation for their cu.stoiners as |>ossiblR ; a*l 'M^ a matter of fact mine liost of the Fleshertuii hotel should not be slow to follow suit ; and no doubt he will. It is important that this iiiattci' be continually agitated until tile necessary iiiiprovijinciits are provided for our farmers and the pub- lic yeuerally. The dcfenl of Mr. Coulter and eloc- lion of l>i', Monlau'iie as member of tliu House of Commons for llaldimand IS a rutlier significant incident in con- nection witli ihe. present Commercial I nion agitaiion. So also was the re- turn of the "war horso of the Cumbcr- Liiul." Kir Charles Tiipper, by over ouc tlic>iisuud majority. A braiidi railway Ijctweeu this town and tliu Station wtui discussed some years ago. It now stems ptx)buble that the u^'itation will be revived iu the near future. "(Jroy <V)iuity Printers are Horiously thinking of lirjjanizing a Printer's A«- .sociution iu tltai Comity." â€" Wiartun Echo. Are lliey ? We onco were of the Bame opinion, l«t a fruitless jour- ney to Oneii Boiiud, al tiie invitation of the Mcafoid JUirroi; has ocnviiiood lis tiiat the majority oS <iiey Publisli- crs roally do not know what tUcy want ; or, if ihoy do, they have a very uiibtuuiu!»3 like way of tryiug to get Our friend of the Thornbury Stan- dard is away out on the annexation iiuostion. The "feeling" was growing slightly some years ago, when few poeplo understood the nature of the question. Itiit since (lomniercial L'nion bobbed np above the political horizon â€" for it is a {xjlitical (juestion piu-e and simpleâ€" annexation stock has gone down, down, down â€" and still going ill the same direction ! The Stmidard reports a Mr. Thomp- scn as suyiiig, that "if Canada were annexed a fifty or a hundred tliousand dollar grant to a liaibor like Thorn- bury would be comnion." Strange that the Yankee newspapers are for- ever pointing to the di.sgraceful con- dition of their shipping and naval in- teiesis along \.\w Atlantic seaboard, as compared with tlioso of Canada. I'iVidently Mr. Thompson and the iiewspap<:'iH are at loggerheads. Hut perhaps Thonibiiry's claims are of such paramount imiwrtance, that â€" in caseof aiiiiexatioii( ! ) â€" the Government at Washington would drop an odd fifty or hundred thousand dollars into (ieorgian Hay and thereby keep ont the ''East wash," in the meantime al- lowing the harbors along the Atlantic coast to take care of themselves 1 The I'>ie canal is spoken of by the Standard as an evidence of Yankee push and enterprise, and as shadowing the possibility of an early opening of the Georgian Hay caiml in case of an- nexation. Why our Canadian canals beat the Yankee ones "sll hollow," and improvements iu connection there" with are made every year. Tlie boast- ed Krie is a shallow creek coinpai-e<l with any of our Canadian ones. "Were Canada annexed to the U.S. it would not be live years till ocean steamers would come from the gulf of .St. Lawrence to Port Arthur. The Georgian Bay canal would at once be built. Milhons of treasure would be poured into this now miserable poor country," says the Standard. Dont count "your chickens before they arc hatched. " As it is, our steamship and steamVtoat lines are away ahead of Uncle iSam's ; and instead of millions of treasure being jioiiied into this "miserable poor country," millions of treasure would be taken out of. it to enrich the big manufacturers in the States. Our friend of the Standard is probably aware that we had a taste of this sort of thing before the advent of the N. P. Of course if Canadians could only ijiove south of the 4iJtli paial ledâ€" "hags and baggage" â€" it might be ditleretit ! The Standard calls Toronto a "one- liorso town." Nevertheless the growth of Toronto has boon gre;itcr, in pro- portion, than that of any other city on tilt' continent during the past de- cade. Hut of course the Stmtdurd is jesting on this point : al.so when it refers to Montreal in similar terms. Eiiually laiigliable and nonsensical are its statements in reference to shipping butter, eggs, &c. to the States "at less expense" than to the Cana- dian cities named. If the Stumlard rtiiUi/ is in favor of annexation â€" which we doubt â€" it will have to deal more in solid facts and less in "bald-headed" assumptiouiJ before it can hope to gain converts to its tielief. •• THE J'.ITHIAltCn," The above is the name of a ninth- ly manuscript journal issued In con- nection with the Uleslierton Division, Sons of Temperance, with Mr. C. J. Spioule, Worthy Patriarch, as Editor, and Miss Hrown as Assistant. The initiiil uurabor was issued m tlui Son's Hall oil the Kith iiist., and contained .several interesting communications, clippiugi. and a well written "Salu- tatory" by the Edit)r, from which we gather the following , "The objoata for which we will stnvi?:â€" (1) Hy the reading of our {lagos from tinu* to time to furnish suitable cutertainment for the Div- ision. (2) By the contribution of articluB, corrc8{>andenci', itc, to pro- vide a means of mutual improvement for our mcmbors, (8f Uy the couaid- eration of Aftcli cotitribwtions to sug- gest iri.<(triictive tliejnes for debate or uiseiiHHion, and ^4) by all doing a part in this way, it is hy[ied t.Uai our meet- ings will be made ranch more interest- ing, that oar Division will Ijc streng- thened, and that thft betietit thus de- rived will not be limited to the mem- bers only. .\h sons* of Temperuuce, â- ve belong to an orgarrtzatfAn, that has done, and, in most ylaces, is still doing execllent work. Then let us avail ourselves of every proper means to help on the griod work. Let the pages of The Patriarch bc n«ed to the best advantage. Let us a* niemlKtrs do what we are asked to do by the "Good of the Order," or by the Div- ision, cheerfully, and to the best of our ability." Oraiiffevlllr. Oraii({evilIe. Nov. 15.- At 8:30 o'clock this eveninj; the Imune nf Scott Act Iii- Hi'i-ctor AndiTsoii, on .Second avenue, was a^^'ain blown up by dynamite. ThecharKc wa» plactd on the veranda at the front if the liou.se. and tlie two front hmiuis wero baiily slmttered. The veranda in a com- plete wreck. Mm. .-Vinlerson, wlio was aliiiiu in the hoUHC, wao aitting bcaide the stove in the (liniii|i; r<Miiii and wa« Iwdly shocked. Her screaiiis could be heard Huvural hlockx <iiTiiy. The inspector had juHt left the house and Was only alxiut ten yards away when the exphnion oc- curred. We WHS stunned by the cuncus- sion. A note was found tacked tu the fence warnini: And.TVon frr>ni his efforts in favor of the Scott .Act and Hayinj; that he niiylit con^Tntulate himself that he had not been blown to the kingdom come be- fore this. Several ()rani(evillehot«lkeep- en have Wen lined for violatini; the Scott .\ct dunnu the paat^weuk, and it is a usual coincidence that dynamite explo- sions always ih:cui after the li(|Uor dealers were fined fur breaking the law. The evening is very dark and intense excite- ment prevails in town. This is the sixth dynamite uxph^iun that has occurred in Oraniteville in two years. The jwrpetra- turs are unknown. Knrint; a Nguare Hole. \ Halifax |iapcr sayit that a man has spent fourteen ymrs in solvini^ the prob- lem of boring a siiuare hole, and he has suuceeiled. A company is organized to put his invention on the market. It is siiii|dy an osciIlatiiii{ head with chisel edjfes and prijeciing lip>>, which cuts the corners in advance c>f the chisel. The balance of the machine is almost nn enact countcrgiart cpf the old-style boring ma- chine. It will cut a four-by-foBr mor- tice III from one to five niinutes-and do It Willi perfect aecnracy- that a carpenter cannot complete in less than half an hour. Always take your Kepairs to Hiisnell, Fleshcrton. It will pay yoii vircll to do so. $^50 WIU. niV l.OT 37 is lull ttJN, AUTEMKSLA. 107 iicruii. Aitplv to I'.HAULKa UAMON. .t^ll 4^1 ruIIui||woo<I. Auction Sale! , , r â€" VALUABLB p «rni p roperty ! IN tlio Township I'f Ar:*MiieKia, Connly of Orey t'liiU'r itii'l by viriiii- of a |kiw*!»- of HaIo con- tuiiit^'l in a ctTtain niort^'at^ti (whii;li will bo pro- clucud lit tlu' time of sal'>t and Hiibjoct to a rt*- stTVo bid, thtftt will bouffured for sale by Public .\uction at MUNSIIAW'S HOTEL, IN TIIK â€" Village â€"atâ€" Flesherton ! Sntiirday, tht* :Jnl dny of Deccni- At ono o'clock in tbt* uftfrnoon, nil and Hiugular tliat ('i)il.itii pauult'f lund Hituat« In the ^aid TitwnMhli) of Artcnjfsiti rontaliilnf; fifty acroti more or It'BA cdinpoBed of lot iiumtou; ono luin- tlrott ant) Kixty-niut In tliu third ciiniutwioii uortli cast of thu Toronto and SydoidiHin U4>tul. The iiliovt* property ii alKtnt two ami orte-hulf miluH from tliM VillnKf of Flotiherton lutd has crocted thert-on a small fraiiitt dwullin^ Imiihu. About ;i.i acrci arc -inid to bc untlcr citltivatiun. Terms and oomlttinn^ ntailo known on day of Sal«, Kor further piii-tioulara apply to K. M. (IHADVVICK. VtU'ior'*! Solicitor. IIEATTY, CHAnWICK. HKACKHTOCK ft. OAI.T, â- Vs W tHinf^ton Stroot, Kast, Ton>nto. Uated Ht the City of Turouto, thin 2Hth day of Octobm, A.l>,. IHH7. The Uoss Itarber, (Latu of Slielburuel iY«.r| - ,<,.(„• - fo - i'loyton't - Shoe - Sh«p. L.1PIES' HAIR CrXTIXC A WI'ECIALTY. ShavitMi, StiainjxiintKi, if-c, <(â- «. £^'J^yf^ilty /i/\i(-(/(i«. Oct. o»fa, iset. TTTT CIIILDREKS HEALTH. One of Nature KinJett Gift* it a Heall}^ Con$tilution. Guard il agaiiut diiense by uting Siamese Worm Powders. Vi'ormt are the fruitful cnute of miini/ ditiirdtri in Childrm. SIAMESE WOHM POWDERS will Ktpd Worm* in efery cil»e inhere they exist, Kill regu- late the Stomach and lioiceh at the tame time. U*e them, you icon't regret it. l*\**aKitnt JPill>* I Should ulirriy$ he nifd for Sick Head- ache. Their operation i* 7»l7<f and pleiiumt. They strike home each time icAoi used for a Dinirdrrfd Licer. Ask for them. Get them. l)<»i' t forgrt the name, I*e«!lc'w I-*ltfawani. I'illw. Jf yitur druggist has not the nbine jire. jxiration ir$ Stork, W. W. STEl'UEN dr CO., of .Meafiird. irill send them to you jirejMiid on receipt of'ibc.for either, u of each, or asworied for 81.(H). w. w. m\\m i to. I>nij<fi.ft*, yi'hiietai'- i Hetnif, IMtfOAF'-OrtO. ffix rush] Wliat For? Where ? To W. 8. CHRI8T0ES Medical H»ll, riutberton, for ttav oslubrsMd ouxiiciue** JOiUNbOS'S TONIC llIT'ri::UH. JutiLuwu'a luiiic. LivuT I'ilU. lOH.NhO.NS AI.L-HKALING WHITE OI.NT MKNT. TTTt' Drran «l«rth»niTTIiRSiji it i» JtJXIJ JXUOIX kuuwiitol>u Uiu Ijaat fur all iKir^ouH .liHu&j>e».H>Atvi^i». DeitiUty of any sort. !.<>»» uf .A|>(H}iJtti. Kfcuiale CoiiiplsinCv. and I'aleneHM of CuiupivuMi niid all duordart axia- lUK fruiii povtTty of tlMs HItxxl. Tho Pliah^'"*"" 1'U.L.S as thore are lliO IvU9U iiouu bitt.r thaii thB»u for Liv«>r C'uiiiplaint and derauKt^oMK uf tbedMjeat- ive ur^aiik. Till: KL'SH la for tbo OINTM£NT as It ranks flrtkt iu ita twaling qualititti for All Skin L)ii»<;aaes of a Mrofulofia nature. Murtot. ScaUlM, ice. &c. And l( is W tw fuaud at tivM Driitj store uf W. s CHKISTUK. FU«htjrtou. Couiu and try and h«v for your»oUert- 1 1 I o{oj 1 oToJoToj* THEllAlKETS. FLESHERTON. Oitrrfiitly CorrrtteU Each If'eek, FirMU- «4 00 to t 20 Fall Wheat IpO 75 to d 75 Spring WhMit 75 75 iJarWy GO 72 Oats 29 2d Peas 55 56 lUitter !7 17 Ef^'KS, fresh 16 iU Potrttoesbush 40 4U Pork 5 50 5 50 Hay, per ton 8 00 8(10 Hides G 00 7 00 Wool 18 '21 Sheepskins 40 §(; (leo.se 05 O:, I'uikeTs 7 8 ChicttMia per pair 20 80 Ducks per pair 40 60 AT GORBON'S IIAllNESS SHOP FLES/fEKTOy, You will And an »ft9crtiiieMt of Heavy and Lierht Harness. Whips, Ilrtishes, Curry Conihs, Sw.ut I'udii.aud tbo celobratwl "Hamess Oil." iU(tt;OLLAR8 A NPE('IALTY.:ilfe Cheap for Cash. Call and Fvauilnc. KJ- 8PK0UL, Fleskertmi. Coic»»yaii«w, Apyraintr, Vnl- xmtvT and Money ti-wlrr. Itredi. Miiti- gttuet, lenses nmt H'iUs dravii- <iy it^.i faliiatioHS rmi'ir <* sti'rrtest natiiv. Chift- git rrry Ivxr. -ifp^y t'J M. J. SFUOl'LE, Ptmtnuiuter, Fteshxriim. CLAYTON'S H4R\EISS SHOP ! FLESHERTON. Is the plaer to ijei xjour Hameaft'otlnrs, 4n, miuie up tH j/o<m1 style. "Shop I'a Joknstini's Livery Office, Ft^- trU/ii." DUNDALK PUMP WORKS 1 C. R. PHILUP'S, Manutaeturar of all Uodaaf PI;mI'S, Cylipd er Check Valve & Cjetern Pumps. Orders Kesi>octfu))y HoHciud aud aaxt&f action ^uarautued. ^ JAMES SULLIVAIT. Till Siiiitii.-'.a.^.T H.Kt>H!,UT0V. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR, FlioloQrafjhttr, Flesherton - Qitt Harinn upent >onie time in tbe stndii ot Ik* (aiuosa ToiuBtu PhotuKraiiliKr. Ur. S. J. Oii«m, «bur« I iic(|*ir«d ralnablt' luowledce iu Retoti- chiiif;. I feel attured 1 can civv Rood geueral satisfaetioa. .t «all renptctfiillv «oli(-ir-cl. MRS. BILMEB. Fliujh. rlou. Sept. I7«h. 1HH5 Flesherton Neat Mau'ket. », SPIRIT, PaopaiKTo*, Cash paid for fat Cattle acd Sheep. Frefb M«at9 constantly on baud for Cash. Orders promptly Blled. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton KL'i>aiTiiK-Kavctroafihiiic,aiwl iofact evurj- thiuR in the buHiucMN will recvive luy liromyt and caroful atleiitiOD at reasonable prieus. Agents, Agents \ N"W lit-APTâ€" ; â€" OUB .Vp.w Hi'i.K. EARTH, SEA AND SK.Y â€" OHâ€" Marvels of the Universe n«ing a IjU ana i;rapbic ile«criiiUon of alt tba» IS wiiuliTfQl ill fv.'ry Continent of tbe fllobi- -a ttir worlil of waters and tbe B»«rrv Hej'.*n!> Contaiiiiumbrilliu« adv«iiturc» on laud atwl tea, renowiuil diiicovories of tbe worUi n ta-eattsi e.v (ilorors in all ttuoji, and romarkable pheuouieiia m every realm of nature. Knibracint; the mi-ik- ink'phmiial features of tbo eartb tlio jwciiliar cbaratteristieurf tbe hmiiau race, of aniumb. birds, insecu, etc.. includinca vivid description of the Atlantic. I'ftLinr and Indian Oceans ami of tbe Polar Was, the monstcra of the ilcep Iwautiful suonbeUH and iilaiils. singular libisi and dwellors in tbe wnrld ol waters, riiuarkabl.. ocean currents, etc . together with tbe auiozimj phenomeii* of the >..ilar and starrv arstcins. bv Hoiiry naveniK.rt Nortbiop. D.D .' embellisbal with over 311(1 flue enuraviiixt. Liberal tcrui« to aiionts. O»ford l'nblishin«Coiiii»any, 5 Jhrdsii St.. Toronto. C>nt. jn.;^ EUGENIAEEllE- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYAN'CES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J. , Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner uf Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MELDRUM, ' AGENL i<..«^^-*\ it #^ .^i