Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1887, p. 8

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^ ''^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. I / V ' Hurrah , Hurrah, Hurrah! rNov.24. ig-- ^pj ^CLAYTON'8^ HAMESS SHOP! Flesherton /i the plau tn get IMMENSE BAR- GAINS in all kinJt of HARNESS. PRICES RlGIir fvfrj/ time. mm , JINGLE, JINGLE ! Winter it at hand and the be$t j>iae« to get iiiiii M%m < Rritl Ihautift) If itt Clarion I Ifameti S)io]>. Come and tei: the ttuck. KEEP # WAEM lii) getting ime 0/ CUiiiton't elegant and comforlabU GOAT ROBES! <'h«'nii ns l>irl ! WHIPS, TRUNKS, Sweat Pads, Brushes, Curry Combs, Blanket s, Pserless M Um[r^r4'i a.n<l ^sgj^^Peerless isle Urease livoythiiifi markai down at bot- tom prices. Inspection invited. COME OJ^'E COMK ALL. D. CLAYTON. .OjfpimiU Miiiultau''M lluteX, FUttiritmt. DUND4LK. D€Utlie» Here and Tliere by an A d vu nre Iteitreiie ntatiiu-, A representative of The Advanck paid % flyiiiK visit t<> Duiidalk 011 Friday even- ing uf lost week. Just as lie gut otf the train at tlie depot, the genial and hand- some scrilM) uf the Shulburne Jicunomiift got un, and here he missed opportu- nity for fruternul greetings with one uf his must esteemed brotliren uf the rural press. However he liopes tu meet friend Smith in the noighborhood uf his own "vine and tii,' tree" in tlie neiir future. Hut he hiul the pleasure of meeting Mr. Keweil, nhii seemed to be lingering fond- ly around the scenes uf his recent edi turiul labors, and spent an agreeable even- ing with that gentleman and his lady, who will sliortly bid farewell to Dundalk. The best wishes uf all will gu with tin 111. .\h Advance readem are aware, the lleridd recently changed hands, the edi- torial chair being now occupied by Mr. Spurr, late of Toronto, and but live years landed from the shores of ( >ld Knglnnd â€" the country of his nativity. Mr. .Sjmrr is an intelligent, cleai-headed and jolly young gentleman, whu is bound tu achieve popularity. And â€" mark yuu, ladies! â€" he is handsome. Furiher, he is unmar- ried ! Since taking charge of tlie llrrald, Mr. Spurr has had many amusing exjier- iences, which he narrated to TuK .VnvANCB man with great gcn^l liumor â€" in fact he is the soul of good humur. Wu wish him unbounded success. Shortly iMjforo six o'clock wo left the Ueraltl uHice and proceeded to call on our friend Mr. Newnnin Irish, of thePundalk planing factory. We arrived at the door of the factory only to tiiid it closed and the men gone home tu supper. In retrac- ing our steps wu had a narrow escape from falling ovur a large l>ox (ilaceil in u dangtrous position on the middle uT a gurc-shaped street. Wo thought the Village Fathers rather carele.ts in allow- ing such ulMtructions to remain on the public thoroughfares of the town and felt like calling on the Mayor and enter- ing a protest. Wuare iiuw glad we didn't, for on asking a cili/Ain why such things were alloweil in an incorporated village like Dundalk, he stjtred at us fur some moments in a peculiar way and then said : "What do you mean, air V "Why, that outrageous big box out in the middle of the street !" we oxclaiiiied with soiiiu emphasis. "Sir, I'd have yuu to know that's the Dundalk lock-up,'' he Hnurted indignant- "The WHAT ! ! !" we fairly gasped. "i'liu l.oiK I I' Ihv plai'e wlicie we put prisuiiers an<l people who go tramping around at iiixht axin' impudent ques- tions !" howled the man signiticantly emphasizing the last few words â€" a.s he strode otf down a buck street. TuE AliVA.NcK ruiiresenlative gazed at this rumarKable Imxâ€" bug pardon ! lock- up -from every point o( vieM', and finally leaned against the roof and sketched its picturesijue outlines on a piece of paper. In imagination he saw a "|>risoner" be fofe retiring -sticking his liuiwl out of the itove-pipe hide in the roof and calmly contemplating the starry heavens, while reclining in an ea.sy altitude on his "pnl let uf straw !" It also occurred to liini, that if wheels were placed under the Ixi - lock-up, the Chief of I'olicu could hitch a liursu (a siuin of doga might du) â€" to it and trundle it around the village on his various "leatH. " Occasionally he niiglit vary the iiionotony by converting it into a family "carriage," lliereby com- bining business with pleasure. I(y giiag- ing it properly, he might be able tu liitidi It on to a railway train and rattle ufl' tu Turunto, where he could make niuiiey by exhibiting it as a oiirioHlty at the /uolug- ical OardoiiB. Or he might put it in Ins tiullar and kueji potatoes 111 it during the winter months. Then, if the Dundalk 'Village Knthors were so inclined, they could lend the potato Ixix â€" luck-up, we mean- -to Shulburne, Flesherton, J'ricu- ville or .Markdale un big days. Other- wise, they might uccasiunaily convert it into a Ueii-ooop or mouse trap. Oh, it's I just KiuaziiiK the multitude of iisea it | could bo put to by an enterprising Cor- poratiun such as the one in Dundalk ! As it was growing quite dark at the time, our Artist could not sketch the back- ground to advantage; su he just left it in the iUirk, as above and groped his way back to the sidewalk. Mr- J. B. Watson, "orator and humor- ist," has twice addressed meagre audiences in Dundalk. The train by which we reached Dundalk conveyed Mr. W^taon tu Shelburne, whore ho was billed to lec- ture that evening. He will return again and give a free lecture, that is, no ad- mission wilt be charged at the door, but a collection will be taken uji afterwards. The streets uf Dundalk are not free from mud at this season of the year. The AnvANcg representative had uiily time to take a peep at his old friend, Mr. dames Deans, as ho hurried toward the depot. He was busy selling the celebrat- ed tea "grown for the Emporium of the North," or soniH other article fruni his splendidly Bto<;ked store. Not certain which. Mr. Dean is one of those strnight- furward, pushing business incii, who re- flect credit upuii the community in which their lot is cast. The most beautiful stock of Silver- ware ever Been iii this country Ih to bo seen at Kussell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. FLESHERTON STATION. Itemi* of IntevtHt Gathered For The Adranee. â- LEVATOR. It it understood that an agitation is now ill progress for the formation of a joint stock company, the object uf which is the erection uf a forty thousand bushel grain elevator at the Station. The mat- ter is lieint; energetically discussed and it seems probable tliat bmlding material will be un the ground this winter and uperations in cuniiectioii with the erection of the elevator commenced early next spring. MATKIMO.HIAL. Scarce ha<l the excitement and amuse- iiieiit in connection with the announce- ment uf Postmaster Purdy's intention tu contest the Heeveship of Artemesia sub- sided, when the comiiiimity was thrown into quite a flutter by another and more iiiipurtani steii taken by that gentlomau. Early in the week Mr. I*urdy led to the iiiatrimunial altar Mrs. Sinclair, also o' this place. On Wednesday the newly wediled pair "embarked" on the Nortli- IhiuiiiI C.I*. K. passenger train fur Owen Sound, where a brief huneymiKiii wax siHiiit. Next evening the train bore bride and bridegroom Southwards. .Arriving at Flesherton Stiition the happy couple perceived an I'litliiisiiistie assembly array- ed on the platform, and evidently inclin- ed to accord them a hearty "welcome home." Hut the iiuwiy married couple proceeded farther South and returned on the evening tram, thereby disiiit|Hiinting and <lanipeiiiiig the ardor uf their inaiiy friends. I'rior to the happy event, it was noticed that the genial groom was even mole genial and courteous than usual and Wore a happy expre-<«ioii uf counten- ance snggcstivi' of approaching blisa. MISi KI.I.ANKor.S. The Statioi, now iMiaats uf nu less than three L'eiieral tilores, two hotels, a grocery ill prospective, a butcher .^liup, a steam tloiir aiitl shingle mill, two blacksmith iliopH ayd a .HJiii'inaker's shop. The now scIiooIIiouhu is a very credita- ble structure indeed, and a iiiunuinent to the iiidefaligablp exertions of Mr. R. ("ook, Mr. Wm. Hoj;g, .Mr. I'urdy and utiii'r residenth. Call and liave a look nt RuhhoII's, (Klesbertun) display of Watches, Clucks, .lowclry, iV<\ It will <lo yuu good to nco their iiniiionHe stock of WatchoH, Clocks and Juwilry. HrloFimti! The appoiiitiiii'iit of Uev. Dr. Hiirwiwh as (MiaiicelK>r uf Victoria I'niventity to till the vacancy caused by the death of Hev. Dr. Nellfn liaa given universal sat- iKfartioii. The Kottcrdaio steamer, W. X. Schul- teii, c(dlided witli the ateaiiiur Uiiae Mary of llartlepuol, at 11 o'clock ou Friday night last, ten iiiiluH uH' Dover, Kngland, .mil sunk. A iiiiiuber uf the pnHHengers ttdio Haveil, but oiu) hiindrod and thirty- twii are reportid niisHing. Hon. .luliH Maudoimld, the iiroat To- runtu nierchaiil, has given $40,0()0 towards a new lioapital, to bu a memorial to his daughter, .^iny, nut long ago dooaaaed. Uiinu'tnber our (Iriviul OfTor of Fine Kiiga).;('.nu'iit and Wedding Kings. A Iwantlfiil pliiKh box with each iiiio worth )1.0<l. A grand nHHortmeut of KiiigH to Boloct from at RuHaoU'ri, Floeliortou. Having opened out a lot of Fall & Winter Goods^ Personally selected by myself, I can confidently recoiuiuend them. I Lave s large assortnient of Mer)s, Ladies, and Ghildrens BOOTS AND SHOES! Also a full supply of Mens and Ladies RUBBERS, and Meua FROST PROOF FELT HOOTS. I hope to receive a libmal share of the trade iri this vicinity. I will endeavor to satisfy my customers iu QUALITY and PRICES. WM, CLAYTON, Flesherton. CHEAP AND ^ DUEABLB ! THE W E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usucil I''irst-class value in eMry department. Agent for VICKER'S F.XPF^ESS. All parcels left with him will be promptly and carefully attended to. MAXWELL CARRIA&E WORKS ! Little & Blakely, MANCK.MTIREKS OP Carriages, Dci'iociats. Wacfcms Ac. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and G-eneral Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonahic Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE. UUirliHiititIt, Mniwrll. M»y aitli, 1HK7 THOS. A. BLAKELY. jK'agon- Maker a'- Painter. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL. KINliS OK 8 ad Mm\ ^crks, iJ"^ Sucli as Moniiinont3, Tomb Tablos.'lloadstoucfl (!oimti'r and Table Tops â€" in Anu>ru'an and lt;iliaii Marble and (ininiti', and made on sliort notice. Also Miiiitlis in Marble and .„ . .^ MarbU'izid Slate, Ac, kv. '-*• --in"iTf IT II Jilr*f ' ' '^ " jj , f^jv^ Klo.Hlifrt4.li, Aiu'. IK), 188;?. HEALTH FOR ALL HPLLOW^ilMS&iiMENT; THE I' ILLS rurifv thp lIloiMl.oontHt all UUordiiH of tho Liver, Htomitoli, l£itlii*yM, tintl ll«>\vel«4. Tluiy hivlKDiBtdaiKj r«iti>r«t»lifaltli Oululitiitoil (•iiimfltntloiiR. aiul «rc iiimlnublo in *ll Com- yUiiitsliioKlental to Kfimilf< i>t all tmvt.. Kor Cliilcircii and tlir hki'iI llu'y mtm i>rioel»SR TH E OINTMENT Isan (ntalHblo rmtuuly for lliul I..'k>i, llml limnt». Olil Wouiida. Soron mul Cloors. It la famoua fo" (ioiit »ii(l lilKMiMiiitiMii. I'or <IUiiii(ur« of th« riic.-i it has no i'<|tml. FovSOIlH THllO.n. UROA'CHITIS. VOVailS, COLDS UlaniliilitrSwulUuKa, anil all .Skill UiHi'HKt'H it Ims uu rival ; ami for voittraotiHl ami at If! oUits It acta liko a ebarui. M xiiiifiu'tiini'l only iit IVufi'BHiir IIii.i.dway'h M.4UI>lislinui?t. 7H, New Oxfonf Strri'l < late :i'A'A, Oxford Str««rl ). LoiKion. and aroaiihlat Ib. I)tl., Jh. IKI., Ik iM.. iu . '23«.. ami .IIh. nach Hox or Vnt, ninl mny h« hnil of all Meil i-liio VrtiMorn throiidliout tho W (11 111. ff-*^ Vnriluuera .s/k/k/iJ liii<k ti Mo IjiM tru thr I'fit.i mnl Hai'ri. If thr (nHiens in )itit ."i.t.-f, (trfhitl Stri'ft, r^iiifi'H, thty arc .f/nrriovs Flesherton Station Mill.\ The al»ove mill is now in good running order for Chop- ping. George Mooreiiouse, proprietor, will ho pleased to sec all his old friends. ^}uan- tityoffour feet Cedar Logs Wanted. Farmers will do well to make a note of this J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker^ KLBHHBMTON H- â- *> 1 .:a rf^' ..Aid .-.,- V. . ...^..1 EkA. .. 'AiA.^^. â- 5)»« _2L

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