Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1887, p. 1

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(â- '=. .-. rjji^ C.-S» FLESHEBl'ON ADVANCE. n \l ".^ .»s â-  .!.â- : â-  . • , â- â€¢.. iti.r ^rr X- â-  'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR"-" PRIjyCIPLES. XOT ME^''. 70L. Vn., NO. 336. . ijt^vv, 1 !V-' -* FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, '^'-Ml^ PHiETOR. /. â- ITOVEMBER AD." /an* M a putHiou to d» BETTi^\ 1 Tit - Bits. JCoKiiftiug nf Ltictil and (Hlirr hitemtiHf Itrmt ijatkered bti Th» 4<fvnvee Rtportrn. tASH . J III ( 1 .» i\.i ' t3B •' .1J»' i 1.O0III ^otirox irtendMl to bensfit any iD<U- I t1'1ii»I. Rnrlotv or rnn^ration, chanted at the \ rata of 10 c«nu iter IImu sacb ineertiou. No to- ) «al iiioertod for let« thaii 25 cent*. Special rate* ' to rminlar a^Terli'eri. | BARGAINS ! ..1" ^CREBIT! Fleshcrton Cattle Fair next Monday. Tobogxauiag and sleiffhriding are the i rage now. I â-  j Consult f'ur a Jvcrtisiny columnsevory { vreek. It will pay y.in. â- "**' I Trr Tun Ahvakcx Office for Than <mjf nlhtr jeteflter nn (he ^^ P.R, \ Printing of every description. Job '<ii i.rtween. SUELBITRSE and OWgN SOUXD amd lU votU u* any jeiecUer in â-  ittllf ♦ Money to lend at current rates of in- toroHt on farm security. Charges low. W. J. Bkllamt. : ^^t .Xrtomesia Township Fathers meet in ' ' the Town Hall hero next Monday for \ the trauaaetioa of business. WHtlSlTSO? '"^â- t. T hav€ a firitclatt KhnleaaU co»nectiom MUMUhiiJ toith i of the i0u\ Mr. F. Biuit, of Maikdaleâ€" formerly Firm* m Oamaila, Jobinrt luid JAmm- { of Flesl>«rton â€" wa.s in town Wednesday, faeturtr*. , and pave ye Editor a pl««Mirt call, Sncl. Thi* ammection en<M<* me fr lt4»p a iM«rt Hne of VV atohcMSs OlOCks, KtC, to choow/rtm ', next week. W. J. Bbluuit. tilptict* â€" " ftkifi'/y und icurront " com- 1 •mlâ€" that art not tqnaled m tkit 1 ^»* ^"MK"* Hannah, who has been metio». visiting friends in the States for wune r% ^ w , .... time returned home last week. i â- MrCl. / do no "catch bunneu,n90fr ttkimg from thott not potted what I New anbaoribera pouring into Ths | «ia"l mah« off thote trho are. f\wr , ADViifCK ofBce tbttoe times. Now is the j S'tirt in InuinettJMtt Jiniihed and an i time £o renew your 8ub«riptJou for j iAcrtiintig patronage warmntt me in \ 1888. iiuumittg thitt my effort* to etiabiitk a j rrpututitm /or reliability and f£uare ' ^*^ ** Russell's. Fleslierton. and se- tiraftny tM eiwry (ruiuurt u>n u/u//y 00. 1 cure some of those bargains they are preciattd by the pubiie. J ihalt ocntx*-\o9er\ng. They are doing the business ut to hetp a f\ne Utock, IScU Ckne^ do } of this County Satisfactory Work, a ' ~ ~ -fticaifriju'pit^^ W. A. BROWN, Bargains ! ^ !i NOW GOIN'G ON .\T /jr:^-<;=:'r':.,r.r; i^^ssELt-s noted jewelry store, fleshertox: .1.1 t/sj.T|»^, :. .^ ^ . ^UERE WILL BE FOUND THE L.\RGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, Je\^elry. Silverware. Spectacles, Knives, Razors, &;c. EVER SHOWN IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. OUR OOODS Took jFimst i'sjss rfr FLESMMmro^r F^ll Smow^ Mr. Uaury Matthewsan, of Artemciiia. this week. The People's Jeweller. Markdale. Ont. $350 WILL mnr LOT WIN Uth cow .ARTEMK8IA, lOT aorva. Ai)|ilv to C>UKLBB OAMON, SMM. , . Colliu^MMd. CaTc.\N, U«-iH>u«ii autl TraJo-Maiks uiourad, aud all otlior |>at«ut cHuai-H iu tbo Patent OIBcu and b«!ori< the courts promi'tlj' aiid carafully 4ktt«Dde.l to. I'pon rocttipt of modal or akotcb of iuvtntion. I ninko car^-Iul wxaumi*ti.>ti. aud advi^u as to patcutubilltv Frtxi of Chftrijo F^is Xf*'nKB»TH, and I niako ho CBABaa rjj. IKssPiTKNTis sKiruBi). lufgrmatioii, iidvio- &ud special refeioiieoii ^eut on apultciitlon J K I.lTTKl I Waaliuipto: D. c Ofpoalte I' S I'ritiMlt Oini-e. If. W. TRlakBlaE Wm. Clayton has received this week a frosli supply of Mens" Frost Pr^nif Boota, Overshoes; Rubbers, Ac. Selliug cheap. Two Bridges to be let, to bnild, on '•The Valley Road," on Saturday first at one o'clock p.ui., on the forks of the | "Beaver River."â€" Boi..\vi> * Cairss. Sa^ac^ry Yiorh, ami Fit Sptxk* ml „ â€" T . . ,. , ^ , , , , , jitimitjin I ji1j^.X. ^JJ^'-I '.. Matthewson, an octogenarian, i .^q^ jq grdfrV^I!^ <>V^«9 w^'O T^.iv not able t(>tak«a4vant&j^ of our disoount sale m Oo^ U8M oecult.i. " ' dimlat the residence of bis nephew, ' * ," . , . "y* /^«. j • ' *â-  "'^ ' • j*k'-»-«»^*^^««<»*:.-.- to agtiin make thii Great Offer aud jive TWENTY PER CEIVT. OFF Oft rtll Vath iiale» of $1 and over from tst day of Devimber, lttS7. tit l»t day of January, tSSS. Now, this is a grand cbauce to secure fine gooiis at about wLoksale prices. .\1I Watches we sell bear a wiittni i^uarantco of from tluce to five yeai-s. We will still make another Grand Offer to anvouo porchasing one of out- L.VDIES" FINE GEM RI.N'OS oi- IS k. WEDDING RINGS which we have for the num- berof nearly oiio hundred, we will «ive a beautiful PUish Ring Box worth $1 .00, any color. These bargains everyone sbonld take ailvautage of. Yon will never have as « goovl a chance again and remember the ou]y place to get your Watch re^wirwd properly i.< at FLESHERTON. Mr. Irviug F.. Gatidju liaa been en> Raced as Hoatl Master of the Kiinlvrley Public Schools. We wish oar young friend Gaudin all lununcr of sncces.s. The seni;\l Public Sc1kh>1 Insivctor | I for South Grey, Mr. Campbell. \nsite<l | pur Schools on Friday. Mr. Campbell | is an euorgctic and coniiHitcnt offlcitU. A »iileiidid rioli t'inod Now (>ig:»n and two fiuiu'd New Willi.'uu's Sowing Ma- chine.H for sale at a i;re«t rt-ductiini for cash or trade at C. Troadgold's residonoo, l''le«hert<.>u. 4n'. FOR ..! ' ' ' First Class, ROLLER FLOUR. ITo. I Stone Plour, Call and have a look at RnsseU's, (Flosliprtoul display of Watches, Clocks, â- lewelry, vte. It will do you j;CKxi to see their ini'.iieiise stock of Watches, Clocks i aud Jowelrv. i Meus Ftlt Stockings. Gum Rubbers. | also [..tdies' ami Mens KuiilK'is, CVer- slioes, *o. , a ftill supply on hand suita- ble for tbootiM \»eRtUor tliat the woatli- i er prophets s.'«y is coming, at Wm Cl-^y- to.n's. Auctiou sale of farm stock and' im- plements at Lot 7. Ciui. 13, Osproy, coiuuieiiciug at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, on Tuestlay, Pec Ctl>. Wuj. Dau, proprie- tor ; .Tohn Spt>ers « Co., auctioneers,! Soo bills for p.articul.trs. .VnetioB sals of fartn ntock aud iuiple- j ments iu Flosherton on Monday ne.\t, |Doo, 5th, Cattle Fa:v Pay. Without I reserve. James Btvoroft, proprietor : .\. S. ViinPusen, anctioneer. OATMHAL, ROIJ-ED OATS. GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, Shorts, Chop aud Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC OllliMII 8ALII, W. W. TRIMBLE. FlfsUoxtpn, Dw, let, i8t<7. ! l". Heudorsou, Esq., L.D.S., of To- ! ronto, will be atMnnslmw's Hotel, Flesh- crtou, to-day and to-morrow (Thursilay I and Kridayt for U>«i practice of his pro- I fessiou. Pr. Sproule, M.P. for Fast Grey, ga^-e us a call yojitorday. Tito Doctor is pro- bably one of the most popular rcprcscul- atlvos of the people in tlie Hou8t> of Coiumous. A man who ha* raised him- self from the rauks of tlio peoplr to \>e their trusted representative in the conn- cil-i of the nation, is surely deserving of the hixhes* respect and coufltloneo at the bauds of the elex-torsâ€" esiMv-lally when that uoufid«nec has never been abused. 8ueh a gentleman is tho MP. for the l>«nacr ti^titin of £ast Grey. i I . 1 ill * J ai»-. tsl *' '•:-'i» ».:'; • The Hii?h School Kutrance Examina- tion will l>e held in Fleshcrton on the '21st, 23ud and -cird of Peoeiuber next. .\pplicatiou8 yAW be made to \Ym. Ir- win, Priuiipal r'.osliorton P. S. Xo foes will be cliarocJ to attend. Ht)LJDAYS.â€" The new sttick of Will Richardson, of this town, is replete with the most varied aud rare selection of tho Rich and Csefnl, Fancy and Orna- mental articles for holiday presents that has ever Unni placed lieforo tho public in this or iti'.y other town iu this county. Children's Toys, Lover's Oifts, and Mauinia's presents, arc there iu quanti- ty, quality aud originality of design, which requires a personal inspection to comprehend their beauty, aud oxoelloneo of finish. 'the ipioKtion of more accoiuodation for the tanners aud travellinn public t;eneraUy iu Fleshcrton is still tho prin- cipal topic of discussion iu tliis town. It is to be hoped that soniething moro| tliau niere vapor will bo the outcome, â- fruo, tlie oroction of several sheds is in coute.mplatiuu, but thore seems to be a general feeling that th.st alone will scarcely "till the long felt waut," and an agitation is on fo<^t for the establish- ment of a first -class Teu^wranoe Hotel, to bo vuu by somo person or persons of uuiloubtetl total abstiucuco priuciphvs. Such a house would pay well in a com- munity like thisâ€" aud the more osi>ec- ially as it is admittml on all liands that another house of accommodation isuefKl-: c^l iu l.'°le8licrUUi. I Wljen you ojumot rest from .\sthnm- ' tic troubles, Southern Asthma Cure will at once tiliovc. Pouble troattaont in each package. | •.,.â- ....â- â- â-  I â-  â- â€¢ ,-"' •'< N'AstL Balmâ€" The ou!y medicine in tho market th.it will imn>e<hatcly our*{' Cold in the Head, and peruiaueptlrcnre CMartb, Hay Ir'over, eto. â- 1 i V. X /

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