9«p w ^ l;*-* THE 1- L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE â- w THIS PIPKB r^Jr.!f5'r'..TsT.^rS ' pi-.*ln -VMOMiw MAT to mmO* iwr uiflSJiVV XMUC TUE ADVANCE. Fn^M TBI! Orrim. TKRus or sunsi'KimoN : 1 1 p*r annum «b«n p»i.i •trKl'.v In ajTtnoe • : .V par kancu; «hen bm «o p«l(( ' A. R. FAWCETT. illiiJiT dK<l FroyurUUv. PLSSHEKTON THURSDAY. DEC. 1. 1«87. ro orK srirscHlitEti." Mavwrll, /"ro.i* our oipji Corretpondent. There luu bo«a quite an exmliu fnMn I Jaiirnalistir DiiH'uurtes}'. To Uu Editor of Tht Aiitane*. Mr. Editor. â€" Owing ti> a casuiil remark _ I ^ . of » friend oncerninii a Marriav'u iiuuce vorv «iif>rt !i o 111 IMt work's iyt^llu^i\r^i. I wai led to hunt our very .juit't TilUee in â- iinio. Mr. S. Tuck hiu m.ivedhis fuuilv , U, M.rk.Ule. Ml,. W.>.Hlrutr h.. removed ' "i^ 'he p.;, or (which is usually relegated to Km Hunni in M.ohican. Mi».s e. > '-"»>e back «round of fire h^htu,^, etc.) Sterlins ha» taken up her abode in To- '*" *** •^»' *'^« "^^â- "'h.*- >"â- '" ''-^ *" "->• rvinto wherv .he eitwcU t.. rvmain fortwo ^"^ ^^i" "^'' I'^parcd for the imiHjrtinence T«an». Wm Lon^:, T. Beu.r«w. and W ' «"J «l'«<--"mi' »tion therein displayed. Sai^^vu hivc c>.ne to the lumber wood* ''''" '''•â- '\'"«"'»'"'J E'^'''"' '»â- " "^ "'"•'' in Muski ka. |c>uitnicliin parties, they were married on Quite a number congn^nted in the ^^"^>' '«'* "" Tu«.day. with other p«r. Pr<5*byteri»ii church on Saturday evening; ticulars a!»o incorrect. Who was his iii- laat. when Mr. J..hn Mad.ll. thr-.u^.h Fiev i f*'^"""' "' acoomplice, or did he c^mcK-t Mr. Wi!».ni. of M.-vrkdale. pr^ent.Hl Mm. '" '" >"' <»P»<:"''» "^dlo ' «« »h..uld \V. E. D' Ardent with a handsome piece not think it devolving up»>n him t*> be la looking over oar bst of subscri- I'cr;. it ia fmtifyiiiL! £uid highly satis- fictorr to siolicc the grot imin-ove- i.:tui in two particulars: â€" tli We i.ever Lad such a splendid list of 1 .orapt pavinc subscribers fince The ADtA.\c« was first lisucd, ?;x y,-&rs v.'.A a lialf api to-day. a« we )>ave now. I "J We utrver liad as '•clean" a sub- t-ciiption liat as we have al tins mo- Uint. To tbose subscribers, who \.\\i ao promptly and generou<>ly res- 1 udedlo our appeal during tl:e i>»>t i.-x months, we retam our most siu- vtie and heartfelt tliauks. We hope t.a! thepleasan: relations cow existing lt.l«c«u lije Editor and bis uuiuerons liiders may I ver continue. For our <. wu part â€" as outlined in our piospect- \.j. issaed over six ai;d a half years e.^0 â€" we are deienniued to leave no »;oae tmturned to luent a continnance 4. :' Uiai geueroua and austinted pattuu- ai-'e aceorde^ Tmi Adtanit sire.e its i..cepiK>u. As liie years roll on. may i.t tic? which nn;te Ed-.toi aisd Read- (.. lK-«oice stivuger a Lid atronget. ll.jf and there \loDg ilie wi_\ . a veter- c. or a cadtt drop out of the ranks of .\:rk.Ticm read«rs and iievinuore on i..;I. -.kti ;hiir friendly facvS a«eu. '- ..tir pieces are filleii wnii new faces i...d oiiwaid, still ouwarl, wo ^'jâ€" c. .'iHiing. iv-rcbauc«, a tear here and ti \cxT Umxiv ; for df uri-r t-i liic huarl I.' ;!;• Kditor than many [ .ojile mii,'!.: : ..j^;--!'- >»^^ l'-* dcpai '.tti aiivl depart- I...' riader*. Br an-i by tn*- K-iitor I .:i.«ilf will d: jp oj; of :I.c ;auk,- jud i .jiid to re5t III the qiiu*. '-linrcliyard â- .ii h\ e;Jf, pi.'l.aj 5, v..-.!. -.â- ^a^i:^ ci I • rcadeis. wlio liave cio«st '. the ! ._ sUnoue ".S;y\ t>t.Ib:i ..li'.:. .;jtn ;. tw fbce will at^pcar la (lie e<!i: ^nai ; -..cluia itid the whirliij^* of tnce » ... hnn^ ii« cliaoges as ael re â€" no- ^. -.., I.OW fii;;3.'i;iie, ujw daiknej.-, J. < ligui. liriiiujg, forvvt-i drifting. \ â- .h the grtat rolling tide of huuiau ofmonev as a token of e«eem More'""'""'"'""^""' ^"^ '^" '•''•'"^'-'''^'"â- '"•"J- " leaving this place to vUit her friends in : """ '" ""'?â- '"''»''"* ''>" * f«"- ""'^ ^ *""'«* Kiumtou counsel him for the future to refrain fnuu On Sandav morning when Mr. \V. h. f""*"*"" '"""""" »f ^*^^^ "*"«"' >»>• Guv went to hi. W>i he found his fa- 'â„¢''»^«»"n '>f «>>« '»«"''.*â- «« '"» f^PU'*" Iher * c^.w had hv some means o;>ened the ^^'^^^ P»r-'"- " I>-"pl^' ^^ principle, (not door and got into the ham. and was en- P^T) >^*n'' '"'««"-' «!'« effusions of his ; ^;„_ . â€"^A t I . __;_ wi, ... i, , mitfhtv brain. To soften the severity of Joying a pnod teed ot :n^n. " neu he ~ • â- ". . ^ _. t \ 1 „j this restriction, I Would say. take courage picked up a short piece of board and ..._... • . . TT I** CHILDRESS IIE.ALTH. On' of X'fir^t KinJfit Gi/t$ it a Hfulihy t\>nstilutwu. Guard it nijuimt diteiisc by luiiiif Siamese Worm Powders. \ Wnnui ttre the fruit/ul cimie of mnntj i ,iU<u.lert in ChiUrnt. SlAMKSt: WO/iM I'UWDfUS will txfjd Wormn in everj a)S( ichi-rt tlify i-j:iiil, will rrga- litr the St<'iniich und Hinrrls at the sumc time. L'sf ihrm, ymt iron* regret it. 'cW^ l»l«>n>iJii»f l*ill»*! K.J. jsruouL. Fl4^frtou. f'lmvdtinHerr, Apfiraiier, VfU- uutvr II lui .Wi'iiry Under. â- 1/irU.t. Mtfrt- i'ii/u<ifi»n.< »!<"'' <"< ihurtiitnotaf. CArfr- ge, verxj h'lr. Apply to K. J. t^FlidULH. Puatnuiiter, F'.tshertuit. CLAYTON'S HiK\IvS8$illOP! FLESHERTON. Is the place tottet your Ihinttas CuihiTS, ikv, vttuie up i» yvod ttyle. '•Shop in Juhiirinu's Livery Ojfice, Flesh- ertan." DfNDAlK PUMP WORKS I •truck the ci^w as the attempted to run friend Rutledj^e, ther« is always a little .. V » ti I J . 1 t . xf r>... news floating n>uiid which the i;i>s8ii>s out, she ftll de^a at liis feet. Mr. diiy ... , * . I. . • u J • u". will assist vou in preparing. Intheinean- wat ot course much astonished as he â- . ' . .. . says he did not strike very hard. An a^ent was here & few days ai;o so- lieitine subacnptions for weigh scales for ,, ,T>u n 1 1 J I to consult niv own feuliuKS the matter our vilisi-e. The villagers concluded ... • ^ that there wa.« not enough business here time, consult ' 'Campbell Langua;;e Les- sons," rudimentary spelliiii;, study the best works on "common sense." Were to encoorase such an undertaking. The agent passed on. Our school trustees are intendinti to have a wall in oonnectiou with our school here would Iv treated with silent comtempt I would further add that said Editor would beiietit by Hums' couplet : *'0. wad some rower th« gtftie f;le os. Tu »«« our»«it a4 hbers s«« us." Fbom a Hexry. N. B. â€"Will the editor of the Markdale Rev W. Ferner is c<:nducting special . &a>ui>irti i^4t;ase copy as he may b« ahort services in the Methodist church here. 'of news. Rev. Mr. Wilv>n, of Markdale, preach- ed a very interesting sermon in the Prea- Ptoplo wonder at It. but still we give bytenan church on Sunday last, the Fiue.<it article for the least money in Dr. Kerr ha* been laid up for some this section of country at Uussell's Noted tiDie with a severe cold. ' Jewelry Store. Flcahertou. ahould alwitys he uted for Sick He'id- , I (icAe. Their optnitioH is mild ond plftmut. They Hrike homn each time ! icAni Hted f'i*r n Disordered Liter. Atk /'or thevi. Ori them. D»nt forgrt the mime, Ptjrili'e* I-*le»i»"ani Killss- 1/ your druggitt hut not the almve pre- p^iratioH in Stock. W. W. STfmKy A CO., of Me..,/ord, xciU send them to | J^J^^S SULLIVAU. yoit prepaid on reeeipt of 'ibc/or either. 5 nfrarh. or assiirtrd fur $1.00. Fire at EHgenla. The tuoKt beautiful stock of Silver- rare evpr se^u in this coautry is to be ! seeu at Kassell's Noted Jewelry Store, Quite a condafiration has been going | Flealiertou. on at Eugenia lately, although not a ; idngle buildiug has lieen des:roye<l. It Call and have a l<K>k at Russell's, wa« simply a spleudil kiln of lime barn- j (Flo-ihertout di»i>lay of Watches. Clock.s, etl for Mrs. L».uise Duckett. who keepa| Jewelry. Ac. It will do you tjood to see a tne supply of the very best lime con- tli«ir iuiinouse stock of Watcheii, Clocks stautlv ou liau'l. and Je\\tdrv. Commercial Union !!if; i^ntliir;? ti do witli the Uig .Sale of- IY"X'I* woudcr at i». o .'. fctiil v» (jit? I...- FiLott article for tlit' least iiioney iu I ..tsACUooof cuiuitry at Kasncli s Noted . . .velrv »"tore. FK-<ljenon. PricevlUc Pickiug!». The exeavatiuti "f the iit» l'iv*oyter- t... ciioreh i» c>mpl«<ed «!iJ th^ »t'-ii« ts i..«rl> all <jii the krrounu. 'lite Ijsd..» Aid liociely cAi-ecl Mua l'rshi« Itf i;.ve an entertaiument here U>U of alci^hs tin the streeu on Mun- c\v. i'iK Methodist chnrch has had an ad- c.tiuu Wit lu it this fall, and s^jteraJ im- I j..vM*«aU haw baen added, a stf«e( Uui;j au.ou;( the mt. Jvhu Ur\/»uli*s lateljr sddcd a lath i^ill tu hu saw luill. Iteinctnbcr oo» Orand Offer of Pine Lu^aKeiactt and WeddiuK iJiufis. A UaiiUiu! plus'., box with tath otiC worth 1 1 00. A grand aH»ortmeiil of Kin^s to b..jct fiotij at hu«M:U s. Flesherton. NATURES .RCMEDV. FOP. rCUGHS'COLDS^tOARSENES' TKf^C'V .^ LUNGCOMplAlNTS l\or\\i lUin I i'osiiivin.K. Southern - â€" 'â€" ASTHMA CURE asthmaand'bronchiti* rr MAIL on BtctiPT or pmtct Sasii>ica. 2'i. ; Rcgulam c^^i:. ••(>« f\/iroRD a Co , •KOC'Oi.lI. •«. FROM TEN TO THIRTY PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN EVER. Below I quote a few prices to show I mean busiuess : Parlor Suites in Hair Cloth, Sofa, Ladies Platform Rocker, Gents Easy and 4 nnall Chairs for $SH.OO. Bedittoia Suiti-s $8.00 to $80.00. A beauty for tl 1.00. iJnicans 85.00 ; Cupboards $5.00 ; lyjuugts with springs $5.00 ; Spring n«ds 81.'2C to $1.5U ; Perforated Seat Chairs 75c. ; Perforated Seat and Back Iloekeis $I.'J5 ; Wood Seat Ueiit Arm Hocker $1.85. My Hollow Seat 4 Spindle for 40l'., cannot be beaten. Hand Sleighs HI) to 75c., and in fact anything yon want in tho Furniture lint, price and terms to suit you. See thcni at my Wureruonis. Picture l:<''raininii' !N«at and Oheap. - J. W. BATES, rvnyiTVttE DEJLBH, I'SDEIiTAKKU trc. fLESUHRTON. G. /?. PHILLIP'S, MttnuUctnicr of oil »imis o« PL'MPS. Cylinder Check Valve & Cistern P i tmpe Orders Benpectlolly Sulicitud and satisfacthn' Kuoraiiteud. Tin-smith. .v..t:nt. KLKSHEUTOS.. \v.H,siiPii}:^&C0.;PHflT06RAPHY. DriM^ijiati, jyhoiemte d- lietsiil, GREAT RUSH] IVhat For? Where ? To W.S.CHBIsrOK S.VIi-.iical Hall. Flenherton. toi tb« ctflubratoil uivaK-uic*. JOHNSON'S Tl>NR' mi'lKKs. Johiisoas Tonic Uvtir 111U. .KiHNSO.NS AiXrHE.\Ll.NG WHITE OLST- .\U..ST TUP 'DrrCU 1* for tlio BITTEKS •» it k lUTi IVUOIl ku.'Wiitofw the best fur All uvrvous diMSAes. Hvvturla. Debility of siiy Hort. lA»a» of Appetit*. (•'etuaitf Coinplaiat::. sua l*Aicuv»« <-'[ *'.>Uipl«uuu 4Uia All diAordcru sriA- iiiK froui poverty uf the hloo-1. Tho Push i» tor tht- HII.I.S as there are lUt7 XbUBU uoue bettor tbaii theao for l4ver Coiul'lAiiit and derautjoujuut uf the dlguAI- ivi> orcAJi^ THE KL'SH it for the 0I;:TMKNT as It ranis flr^t lu ttA bcAllUi{ <i'mlitieft for all Skia Dlseabei} of A M.-roIuiuU'. uAtar«. littriia. Suaids. ac. du. .V:id It n. to .JO louua At tilu U ruu More uf W S CHUISIOE, KK*r,ljertou. Louie and trjr aud •«« for younv«Iv«H. ' (I ' H I I ; TllE MAKKETS. FLE.SllLKTON. Carc/'aUy Curt'eatml Each Flour ?4 00 Full Wheat JO 73 Spring Wheal 7a liarlev 60 Outs ' »'30 iVas 5o Uutter '-7 H,-gs. fresh. 17 Potatoes bush 40 I'oik 5 50 llav.per ton 8 00 iluies C 00 Wool 18 Slucpskins 40 Cietsc 05 Turkeys 7 (!liicken,s per pair 25 Dneks per pair 40 Week. to 4 20 to 76 76 Ti 80 56 17 17 40 5 ">0 H 00 7 no 21 r.i; 05 8 30 50 MRS. BULMBR. Photographer. Flesherton - Ont. H»rinfi tpt'Dltouiv time in the iitudio of tt*t (aiuoui ToroiUo i'Lutot^ikiiher. Mr S.J VixQa , whore I ftC(iutrL*<4 Taluablt? Buowk'titce in Itutop- chiDK. r fevl aMQrtHl I caa siTe kochI u«ii«fti datialbcticti A c«Il redptfcrfnTW sulicited. MPS. BULMEB. FI«»hertoo,S»pt. t7th.lbi^.S JT'lesherton illeat .llarkeU 8. sriKir, I'Uol-UlETOa. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Jleats constantly on liund for Casii. Orders promptly fill'd. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton BeT>airio|i.Ii;tvetroughiBg.sndin fact every- thlDR ill tho baaino).* will recuive ta> prouipt and car«fiil atteiitiou aS ruAAODabls prices. The Boss Barber, (Late bf bhclhur'^ol A'ejtt - door - to - CTni/fon'i - Shot - Shop. LADIES' HAIK tTTTIXC i MPE<IALTY. £7iurtit</, Shampooiiiii, ttc, etc. Sixrylhing Jirit-cUi.v. Oct 8th. 1W7. Agents, Agents f Now Kkadtâ€" i â€" Ol-B Xbw Hook. EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€" OKâ€" Marvels vftke Universe Bolog a full and srapbic ilencrirticii of all tbat. i» wond^â- t^ll in every Comtinont of ilio (Hohe.iii the worJrt <>( wnturn six^ tlie •tarrv Hi'uvcqi". ContuiniiiK tlirilliDg adiriiBtureB on h nd »iid «bs, rouijwiu'.l tliwovi.rit-B of She wurhls tiriAlOKl us- plorem in all akb-i, and reiuarkahl.- I'ii.nouieEa in erery realm of nature. KnibrRcins tho strOi- ini!pby«icBl fentiirea of the earth tljo peculiar charaeterinticsuf the buuiun race, uf iiiiinjA$. birtla. fusecis. etc.. Iticludinu s vivid 'icHcription of the .\tlautic, I'lieiflo And Indian (V-cuna ai«l of tbe PoIat S<.r.<, tfie mwiKtem of tlifl deen, boAutifuI seatbt'lls and pUiutB. ninuular n*hu>. and dWL'lkTB In tho worlcl ot waters. runiATkalilk 'x,eau currents, etc., to(;i-t[ier with tho aniaziiv phcuoinena of the aolar ami utarry av'.tcnm. trr Henry Davenport Northrop, 1) D., cilibolliBheiJ with ov«r :iX)ilne oDgravlnijii. LIbi'ral terms »> anouta. O.\ford I'ubliahlngCotnpAiiv, 3 Jonlan St., Toronto, Ont. 31»-J0l» EUGENIA Real Estat e Ag ency on MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and terms of repayment to suit borrower. FAKMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J. , Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business proniptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. , Omce, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENBY MEIiDRUM, AGENT. 4 %