Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1887, p. 5

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Dec. I, 1887.1 THE FLASHER ON ADVANCE. < % COUNTY & DISTRICT NEWS. â- TO r,E GIVEN AWAY. AT THE FLBSHERTON Furniture Warorooms SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS! DURING m â€" ANDâ€" Epliday Season. We lia*e bon-jht Mpecially for the Cbrisimas tinidc, a lot of very band- some 8ofas & Lounges Which will be sold ac a Small Advance on Cost. Small A rm Rocking; Chairs, Perfect Little Beauties, Geuts Easy Stuffed Chairs, Just llie tLiuj} for father's X-mas box. Cliildrens Chairs In great variety. BSBSTBADS, A special liue of low priced, very cheap, SPRING BEDS LOWER THAN EVEU. MATTRESSES CHEAPER THAN HAVE EVER BEEN OFFERED. We stiR Uke the lead iu Picture Praming. A beautiful stock of MOULDINGS aud FRAMES to select from. BA-In order to meet the wish of our patrons we have arranged to de- liver goods on the eve of Christmas ilay, in company with Santa Clans, €aJl and select your presents early. IViskirt!^ you a very Merry Christftuis. J. E, MOORE. Clipimil atul Comlffuted from tl^e 4'olntniitt of Our Kxrluiimen. Snenk thioves are at work in Keppel tuwiisliip. Oraiiijieville Hii;h School Teachers have all l)eju re-(-'ngai;<.'(l by the Board. Mr. S. W. Squire liaH wild Parham H'mse furm, Derby Township.for ^lO.OOO. Always take your Repairs tu RuHsell, Fk'shertou. It will pay yon well to do so. The new funiacu in the Shelburue school buildiiijja in not wurkiiij^ satisfac- torily. Blount is the name of a new post-office to bo oponed at Lot 4, Con. 0, Mono township, shortly. Mr. .Tohii Whitby, for many years Assessor of Arteniesia township, has re- tired from farniini;. Mt. Forest Hi-ih School was formally opened on Friday week by the Hun. G. W. Rush, Minister of Education. Lesslie Jackson, of Chntsworth was f(Milingwith a revolver the other day when ho shot liiinself in the hand. Diphtheria has broken out in Durham. Mr. A. Wherry, principal of the public school there, is down with it. DufferinPmt: "KinixAlcohol isshrewJ, seductive and imperious, but his Urance- villc auxiliaries are a lot of brainless assess." Call at RnsseU'H. Fleshertou, and fte- cnrc some of tlioxe bar);aius they are offering. They arc doing the businesH of this County. Two Wiarton hotel-keepers and one dru^iKist have been suinuiotied before the Diatfistrkte tu ansurer tu a uhitr^ uf selling liquor to Indians. The Evhu says : "It is understood that the prohibition ticket will be run in every inunictpality in the county (Bruce) at the January luunicipal election." We cannot help giving the people bar- gains. We have the goods and are bound to sell at Russell's Noted Jewelry Stt»re, Fleshertou. Sneak thieves liave been making them- selves free recently with whips, etc. taken from vehicles in the Methodist church sheds, Mt Forest, on Sunday evenings. Sammy White, a Shelbuine juvenile lacrosse player, ifot his arm broken on Than ksgiv ill',; day, while practiciiitr with some other boys oil the main street of U>at place. Meaford council has decided to let the town remain in darkness yet awhile â€" in so far as lic;htiiii; the streets is eoncerned. CoUiiijfwood town council is equally econ- omical. Remenibcr oar Grand Offer of Fine Kngaaemeut and AVedding Rings. A beautiful plush l)ox with each one worth $1.00. .\ granri assortment of Rings to select from at RuNseU's, Fle-liertou. Mr. J. Brown, shoemaker of Dunedin, Co. Sinicoe, was out hunting one d.iy re- cently, when his gup exi>loded. One piece of the weapon penetrated his ear near the head, hut no serious wound wa-s intlicted. The new Methodist church at Epping (Euphrasia) is to 1>o opened for divine service on Sunday, Dec. 11th. Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, will preach moniintr and evening, at 11 and (i o'clock respect- ively. Ihifferin Pott: "The men who will descend to the use of dynamite would commit murder if they were not afraid of haviii;^ their necks stretclwd." "There wore no (.aid tools in iho recent outrage ; tl»o head of the felon plot was also its tiTui." .Vichie Nixon was digging a well for Phillip Sparling, of tiorini;, Kiiphrasia cm Friday week, when the bucket bccBino deta«;l)ed and fell a distiUice of 20 feet, striking; Nixmi uii the head and fractur- ing his skull. Small hopes are entertain- ed for his recovery. K woman named Mrs. C'hos. Whicher committed suicide o|i Sunday night by jumping otl' the wharf at Colpoy's vdlage into the bay -near Wiarton. She was 34 years of age. It is thought she was insane, aa no other reason could be as- signed for the terrible a'jt. Uy. Mnnluy, of Moafurd, second si'ii of Dr. Manley of this town ; Thomas Young, an old resident living near Chats- worth ; Clark, and another tishernian near Meaford, left about four weeks ago in an open boat, on a hunting trip up the peninsula, and have not been heard of since. They were known to have left Dyer's Bay all right and have not U'uch- •d aay uf the plaoea they set out tu s(o. K thorough search has been inodo along the shore from Dyer's Bay tuTubermuray, but no trace of them hoa been found. They are almost given up aa lost. â€" O. S. Timu, .Meafurd Road. From our <iw>i CumtpoiiUnU. There has been three new amvala in this neigliborhoad laU-ly. A. boy at Mr. D. Johnston's, and two girls, one at Mr. L. Warling's and the other at Mr. J. Coo- ey's. All parties conoernod happy and proud of their fresh arrivals. Auttin we have to report the death of one of imr citizens. Miss Margaret J. Foley who twelve months ago, bid as fair to long life us any of us, but that fell destroyer, consumption, marked her for its victim. This affliction is the more sevxre as she was the only child of her widowed mother. Mr. •Joliu \Varlii:g's house had a narrow escape from tiro last week. A spark from a stove pipe setting; tire to the roof. It was seen and extinguished. Wood bees are all the rage here just now. WOT V Df|)iir1lHBIltl Mrs. Campbell, of Owen Sound, lec- tures in Town Hall this (Thursday) even- ing. Admission Free. Crip's Comic Alnittnac For 1888 has been received, and is cer- tainly a credit to the publishers. The six calendar pages are from designs by J. W. Bengough, and the whole series are about the best specimens of caricature drawing that we have ever seen from the pen of this clever artist. \. H. Howard, W. Bengough and other artists contribute sketches â€" a series of pictures illustrating the House tliat Huish Built being jiar- ticularly g<Jod, while the reading matter throuiiihrmt is e\'en better than has ap- ]>earecl in previous years. The price is on- ly 10 cents a copy, and you can get it at the bookstores or send direct tu Guii* Oflico, Toruiitc. Himberley. Mr. Editor, Sir.â€" Since the liquor li- cense has been withhehl from Kiniberley, it seems aa though a dark pall has been lifted fri>ni if. and the people have con- cluded to arise and build. There are six new buildings, subles and one shoe shop ({one up. Tho old part of the Temper- ance houBe is getting a covering of new boai-ds. The farmers near by are also buildiii','. Our saw mill is kept busy. The f.irmers have found that it pays to raise good lioijs for live marketing. Mr. Bradbury, the shoemaker, has again come to work here. Always take your Repairs to RnsseD, Fleshertou. It will pav voii well to do so. NI^^W ADVERTlSEMKiNTS. FOUND. ON FleHh«rt*ui Show Fftir Diiy. a Pocket Book oonkaiiiiufi asuuiof Muuuy. Ownur can hare samu by provini^ protH,rty mitl paying for thia (ulvurtiatimeut, uu applicatiou ai .VuvamuB Offlco. The most beautiful stock of Silver- ware ever seen in tins country is to be seen at RusaeU's Noted Jewelry Sture, Flesherton. fhey Came rroin OranK<rviII«. Frum the Dojjerin I'utl. The dynamite 6enda little realize how much harm their Sat.tiiic work is doing the town. Towards the end of hut week a young man from Orangeville applied for a situation in a T <i'oiito shop. When he stated that he was from Orautieville he Was told by the shop keeper that he would have iiotliiiig to do with him be- cause lie hailed fn'iii such a dynamite locality, and was nrdered to leave the premises. Wo have the very best auth- ority that this actually occurred. Pople at a distance think that Oraiigevillo is a terrible place, whetuas the jieople here aie Imnest, industrious ami law-abiding. It is the fiends who are dis'^nuing and injuring the town. Tw^i instances have come under our notice in which perscpiis declined to puich.ise faniis in tlli-s vicinity because of their pro.\imity to (IraiigevillB When will the fiends either Iwliavo tlietii- â- ielves, or fold their tents and luavu ? They are a disgrace to civiliziition. Bfuiuhtcd i'olliutfwood. From thr ('i)!lhitiv(iijil Eiitcrpriir. OrilJia electric light would notcpbey the operuttir last Sabbath evening, and thu i"luirchos had to uo Uitk to coal oil lamps. All the people i^nimliled because tliey had to exist at niglil without the electric light. If they lived in this t<;wii tliey Would have to lie satislied all the year round with lifteeii coal oil hinips, .so far apart that a telescope is idmost reipiireu to discover tliem They remind one of the signal tires kindled in ancient days by the clans, on the lulls of .Scotland, to warn their distant friends of danger. C)iie was placed on every hill top. Wo cannot Ik Ip giving the people bar. gaius. We liavc the goods and are l>oun(l to sell at K'ib.seirs Noted Jewelry Store, Fleshertou. A 'I" fi WANTED ! Biitity nt WHITT; ash fnr Buttor Tab«. for which C.\SH will be paid <>» <t«Uver7. JOS. MeCOKMICK. Kleslierton. STRAY STEER. HAMF. tu the preiiiiaoi«f the undersiRiiod, Lot â- i, Coil. 13, Okprev. atjoui Ibt uf OctolMf, one red and whitv y<iarlin(; Stotir. Owner can Uav« â- auio bv proving prupurty aii'l pavini; Hxpensua. WM P.^f L. Lady Bank P.O. Nov. 2Uh. 1887. .^nricE TO MOTHKBB. â€" .\ro you disturbed at uiulit and brokuu of > onr r«ist by a sick chil.i â- uffuriug and uryiuc with pain utCuttlntjTeuth ' U uu suud at (Uiua aild net a buttle of "Mrs. \Vi> â-  slow » HoothiuK Syrup" for ('tiildreu Toelhirg- Its value U iiicaictilablii. it will relieve tL<.' poor little sullur«ir iiutiiDdiatulv. DtiL>«ud upoti It, muthors ; there U no mistake about it. U ciiroB Dysoutbry and Diarrhoea, regulateH ti:o Stomach aud IlowelH, euros Wind Colic, soflei.- the (iums. rcKliices Inflammation, and givui tone anilonorKy to the wholo syKtoia. "Mm. Win^- low'8 Sootuiiit; Syrup ' for children tttHthint; :â- ' pluaaaut to the taste aud Is tilt) pmscriptiun <f onu of the oldest and best fumale pln>ieifti.?. and nurses in tho United States, and is for ha!. by all druKtjists tlirouubout the world, rrie.- twoutvtlvo cents a bottle, lie sure aud nhk for .Mns.'WiN8i.uw'B SooTUiNO Svnip," aud tak, nu other kind. prdial DR- CARTER. M.C.P. &S.,O.NT. PHYSICIAN, SlR«EON, *«•• FLESHERTON. Offloe. Strain's block. Ro'idence. Wm.Wris,!.'. < gfuti^trij. SSS^ DENTISTRY. urnrnn â€" Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. SUUGEON DENTIST Gold Medalut and Huuur Graduate of tlie K.C.D.S., will visit FLESHERTON. (HuDsbaw's Hotel I and 3of BKch month. Tmrth oxtracted, luscit- sd and ftllod In the hiKbuat styles of the art, aud ' at luuderatti ratuH. liEAU OFFKK. Till Yo.NOE ST., ToBo.STO. %^xM KiinlKtrley. From our oii n (.'urrapuiiUiut. Miss (jertriide Thompson, who has been teaching music 111 Staynur for some time is now home. Mis Baker of Stoyner is visiting .it J. M. Thurston's rumiieiance House. Miss Myrtle Thurston left last week for Stayner where she is engaged for some months, Mr. Geo. Tlioinpsoii who has been in Bolton through the 80H.soti is Immo again. Mr*. Doharty, of Barrie, is visiting her brother Mr. W. Scott. The people of "Now England" are hav- ing a revival in the Methodist church with good succesa. ,Rev. Mr. Hosking, pastor. Rev. Mr. Wilson, Markdale, were present last Monday eveiihig. Mr. J. B. Watson, orator and humor- ist, gave two of his lectures hero and the Kimberleyites are trying to get him back again- Mr. Mmiry Hurtbart has routed a farm near Thursibury and will move this week. THE NEW PAPER. THB new OonserratiTa Journal about • im started tu lorouto, to ti« oallad %ht Empire, .1. W. FKOST, LI,.B.. Burrlittvr, Solicitor, Conreya itrt- r. Offlou,â€" SUam's UuilUiug. FI.BSUXUTUN. A. A. UUK8LKV. HoUcilur aud Coiiv«yauc«i', Uesidout Mana«|«r. MK. FUOST will bu fuuud at tile Office on Thuradays as heretofore. P McCULLOUOH, Barrister. Soliciior, ^c. Ollice. over MrFarlaMl's Stort*. Markdule. Money to Loan. MASSON & MASSON~ â€" w * .w ^M^ OAKItlHTKKH. SULK ITOKK. 4-o. WU! mfcke IM ftppecrftnoe on or about th«M» orricK*â€" Owou Souud, in Vickor'B bloct. •f December. Nt> paius »re being ^Mrvo lo • - - maku tho p»por worthy oi C&nada, and of tite gre»t party uf wht-'tiu viuw.4 it will be Um v^ pouent. It vill st&rt with a Staff of Brilliant WrHert, And able Journalists in uvory departuieatb C3h public may dXiHJct Vldl New* fiTMB all ^aartan. Able Kdllortala, Accwrale B«9««Sab Vair Comnicat*, Rrliablti Commrrrinl IVcwa, iBierratlns nfvninn ImrtHgsnafc And all other PeparKuuiits muII sustainod. la short, Tiiii GMi-ittK will he a Hn^ht. Uaadable, aud Itoliablu I'apttr. Bverybody Ixraka for it. All should Read it. FuuK'tt St., Branch uttlcu in Markdale, over Me Farland's store, on Friday and Saturday evttiy wu«k. J .MAStiON.Q.C. S. MASSON. W. MASSON. NH.â€" Private ,t fouipany s funds to invest i»t from Six to UiKUt pur cent. DAILY EMIMBE, $5 per Annum ; WEEKLY KMl'IKB, I 91 per Aooum. Bond in yoar Bubsoriptiona now, aocompaoiad by tiio caul, so as to oomnience with tne Azitf issue. Addâ„¢**, D. CKKIliHTON, Uaaaiisr Eiu'iaii, TomalOk 'Tbe Advaure a id >V<'<-klv Empire Ti]I Jan.. ISsy. for $1.05: PAKMtoRENT. John W. Armstrongs I'LKMIKIllo.V. 1,1. GllKr DIVISION COfKT CLEKK. COMMIHSK'NKI; ill H. It.. I''nve>niieer .Vc- -Vcent ;o» piili io,-- ft\Hi salo of liiiidt,. Api'itiiht.r for*" 1. f C'<'i... and F I'- H. ,v S, Soefutj . Mi uey Jo I., no cm ;i <: must rf.a..onuhle tnriiiw, Is«i-r,n of M.\l:liIAG '.. LICENSES. NOT.UIY I'LIiLlC. MONEY TO LOAN. IT LOWEST «'IRKEM' IMTE.x. On Ttiwu ur Furui rroj/tJity, 8. DA.ML'Di:. KleBhertori. BKINU Lot .'(.'», Con. \, .'.rtunitiflia, cMi'.aiuiiit; HW Hcr»j». H-i utit'o i:lift;»Mi- 7.'» uviuN lit for : uiiiiin;; -.flf-bitit'iiiiK aiuiimu* ''v, i m fii-'.t-ciuMi stHto of cultivation. Fnir (hvcilinc und '*nt lMiilaiii»;. Twit wu!ls wator V.i\t-\ liiiiiM. r»oo<l i i«-pk.>(iMblu iiitku cnn \\i\\v w^%- ol iiniiluuioniH. I l:ii;ii i^dmtu pu^Hfssum uMVf II .'. â-ºâ- . qiui* .1. l''< V U\A pai trtT.lftrri lij i»ly iir .Aiivtsti: OlTlc t'!i-lii-it.Mi, ..r t(j ' .\, lU'W N. Nov. IJtb* itMJT. uii tuo pivniiBuit. W. J. BELLAMY. TWV. CLl RK AIirr.MKSI.V. t'd.V VKYAStnCH, COMMls.sliiSh:];, /.V.SC/.'.-lACi' AGT, dC DK.rns. MOUTH AOKS, LEASES, *c.. preimr U.I aiel oi'opo) ly executed. IliMunilce clTee- rd ill rtr*t-i]fo.s eouipaiiieh. Money to iei.d u; owest rates. Stray Horse. CAMK t'> tht; lutiUiisu*' <.>f tlit; iiii<iurr«i^iitKi, Lot •J!J. Con. 7. -Vitc'iiuMii.tin Suiiiliiv Htb, T Horsf, i>wn«v irHii have thi" KaiiiL' by iirovitiR proporty uml paying o«pun»eii. ISAAt.' SMi I'M, .W4-0. ilfsiurioii P.O. Stray Ram. C\MK tu tlio |ironii*«oH of tbtt uiicU>i-Hif,<ne<1, Lot Vdt Cull, ibt r>.I>.U., .\ituinnF.iH,iiiiuHMtHl liaiu, Owiiui" can biivo Miniu bv pioviiiji iJit.>puitv ami piiving expnuBes. .lOHN WHVTK. Nov,8th,18B7.â€" 533-5. FARM for SALE Bi:iN(* I.otH dfl tV27. Ist S.D.K. Arifimofiift con- taii)int{ UHiavruh nii»reor luHs,t'i6acreHoloared liiitl in Ik KOOI.1 stutti i>f cultivatiun. :i6 aortm in tjrtiHi* nii'l liay. Clood houKu and fair barn. Small viniMK Orcbani. Novor-failini* ApriDf* of wdttir. Tbo pvopiiutor in determined to hoII uvun at a Mivrifluu. For full vavticulara apply on prciiiiMih, or to SILAS l.,KSl,Ii:. Nov. nh, 18B7â€" 353-0. Frloorille r.O. \ew Dh. Courts I County of Grey. NOTICE is hereby ({iven that a inextine will bo held lit il of the Cluck p.m. in KridaA', the Ninth da> of Decoiiiber, 1H87. at .IiuIkos Cham- bors ill Parkers Itlock, I'oulott street. Owen Sound, to take into consideration tho formation ol two new UivlHion Courts in the Coanty of Groy, one of which it in proposed to form of the West parts of tho Townships of Bcntinck and Nonnanby. aiul the other of parts of the Towm- ships of Hollauil, Euphrasia, .trtuiuaala, and Glenelg. in tho said County. Of wlijch all porsouK interested are rminired to take notice an'l govern themselves aooordini;- ly. Uy Order of Flia Honor, COL'NTY JUDGE MACPHEBSON. \VM. AaMHTIlONU, Clerk of tho Peace. Countyot Urey. Dated at Owuo Houod, the Stb Sot., IW. SOi-T. GET YOUK MEAT â€" :-FROn-! Petcli S, Mitchell, GENERAL BUTCHER!?. FLESHEKTON! E^Cash paid for fat cattle, kc, &.c. ^V^ NOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION! ATHOllOVGH-mtEI) PURHAM HILI.. «itli uood petliifroe. will Ktauit for .er\ioe ut 1.. t 14:1 WejitT. A- 8.U., .\rtenie8ia. Tkhms.SI ifpa, ; on or before ,lao. 1st. IHW ; otherwise, dl.i'. Also Mioroiuihbrod llERKSHIltE MOAlt st same place. JACOH A. LKVEll. "BELL" Unanpreacbed for ToD« and Quanty. catmloouk* rKtrn, BaL&CO.,Giie!p!i,(taL

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