Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1887, p. 8

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% THE FLESHEITON -iâ€" J -^ ADVANCE. [Dec. I. TS87. TH-BHs. THIS COLUMN TAKEN FOR Gordon's HARNESS SHOP. ' FLESHEETOITI ni muM' *i*'t.-"^;ij*--\i.i , •?. ' 1*. O '^.'-^ f)oiUinued front Fir»t Paoe. If yoa want the Editor of this paper to attend and write up yonr entertain- ments, socialx, concerts, lectures, Ao. alvrays send him a couple of complimen- tary tickets Hr. W, H. Elder has purchased Mr. Johnston's Livery here, which is a g\mranteo to the travelling public that the busineHH will be continued in first- class stylo. Mr. \-\in. Mitchell has been iiiHtallc<1 as Manaj-f.r. Mitchell is a first-class man for the pobition. A i)lea.'<ant timo was s{>eut by those who attended tho fruit social last Tues- day evening. It was held at the resi- dence of Mr. J. H. Heard, under the auRjiicoH of the Ladies' Aid of tho Me- thodist church hero. There was a good attendance. Memlters of Fountain Council, R. T. of T. , participated in a very interesting debate recently in connection with tho Scott Act. Affirmative and negative sides of tho question were well sustain- ed. It was a Bourco of profit and plea- sure to debaters and hearers. Heniember the grand Concert in Priceville, under tho auspices of tho Methodist church, to bo given by tho Flesherton Brass ISatid, in Watson's Hall, on the evening of Tuesday, Doc. 20th. Music will bo intcrsjiersed by dialogues, readings, recitations, »tc., by local and imported talent. Proceeds in •id of tho organ fund. Parties having money from the North of Scotland Mortgage Comj)auy, whose mortgn^^^s expire this year, will please remunilK>r that it will only cost 18.50 to have time for payment of princii>al extended, interest reduced to current rates, which is at present seven per oent. As money is likely to advance, it will pay parties to make a]>plication at onoe to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. People who do not make it a practice to roa<1 odvertiiiumeuts, often lose mon- ey through their neglect in this resiiect. The newspaper is a business directury as well as a collector of news and general reading matter, and to overlook either department is like eating meat without •alt. Notice the bargains advertised by pushing Flesherton business men in this week's Ahvance, Host as8uro<l it will pay you to consult our advertising col- nmns every week. Tho Uruce Ilemld, Bruce Telescopt and Hanover t'oiil, of tho 17th Nov. reached TuK AnvANiK office on Nov. 'iHth. Curi- ous enough, copies of the above named papers, isHUi'il on the "24^1 Nov.â€" a week later â€" reached this (ifBco on 2Cth Nov. . tiiv) (iaj/d earlitr than the previous week'* issues of those journal. Possibly the Imsiu's of the 17th inst. were off rusticat- ing in Miiskoka in the iuteival. "More" possibly Postmaster Purdy can explain the cause of delay. V>is arc informed that two petitions are in circulation iiinong tlio residents of the Station and ueinblioiliood -oun praying that Mr. Wm. Hogg 1m> api>oint- pil PoHtniaster and the other prayiut; that Mr. \V. WoimI l>e apjioiutod U) that poHitioii iiistoad. Kitlier of these geu- tlcMicn would be <|uito ('(iui|ietent to fill the position. But is tliu riiport true, that Mr. Purely lias resigned the PohI- mastership '? If not, why uot '/ And if 80, why sn he it ; and may the best man got right into his unrobnr nineteens. FLE8HEHT0N STATION. I Intevfthiii Ueina Collected for Th* Advance. ro6i orricB bmbroouo. Considerable dissatisfaction exist* in this neighborhood, as well as in Flesher- ton, in reference to the manner in which the Post Office here is conducted. Of late this feeling has been intensitied by the extraordinary pt^sition taken by the Post-Master relative to the distribution and despatch ot ILr Majesty's mails. Complaiiita are of daily occurence. It seems Mr. Purdy has invited the Po»t Office Inspector to "cumo up and st.aigh- tan things in connection with his office," and pending the arrival of that official, refuses to give some people their mail matter, hands it out to others â€" in fact allows the Post Office to take care of it- self. Sometimes he suggests that people take their registered letters to Flesherton Post Office. Occasionally letters mailed hero never reach their destination but are returned to the senders, for the sim- ple rea.son that the Post Master declines or neglects to foiward them. Only last week several money letters wore forward- ed from nt'sherton to tho Central Bank at Durham to pay off curtain notes ma- turing in that concern. The mail bag containing these important letters was, by a most egregions and uapardonably stupid blunder, returned to Flesherton Post Othco. Again they were sent and this time they did reach their destination, but a few hours too late. Result : seif- enil notes protested and considerable juit indignation experienced (m account of having to pay coats of protests â€" some CI. 06 in each citse ! â€" besides tho annoy- ance occasioned by having that commer- cial integrity and punctuality, so dear to every honorable business man, impugn- ed, through tho stupidity of an official who is unqualified for the position he now oC(!upie8. It is scarcely necessary to in- form rational mortals that the Post Office Department is undoubtedly t<i blame â€" to a large extent, at leastâ€" for the condition of things obtaining here now and for years post. A MATRIMONIAL FLUTTBR. The fair goddess, "Hymen," seems to have taken up her abode permanently bore, to judge from the ceaseless activity ill tho iiiatriinnnial markfct of late. Thurs- day last a C. P. R. newsboy, agetl some 16 or 17 years, married a Flesherton Station young lady of al><>iit tho same age. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Edge- low, of the Church of England, at Dun- dalk. The juvenile CI tuple went a way on the orthodox hoiieynnHin trip. The affair al- most eclipsed Post- Master Purdy '^ iiiatri- nioiiial venture in point of interest, and ha.H established quite a dangerr>u8 prece- dent fur the young -people of Artemesia. MlSCKLLANROrs. 85,000 worth of cheese was shipped ri<t C. P.R. last weekâ€" all from the far-famed Flesherton Cheese Factory. The siain-buyern niport great activity in the inovomeiit of all kinds of farm pro- duce. Till- trafflo on the C.P.R. is uii- precedentoil in the history of this branch of their «y»tiMu Tho gontlomanly ngeiit hero, Mr. B, McCJill, also ro[>orts the lo- cal tralho unusually brisk and healthy. The now Toinpei-nnoe hotel here is high- ly .ipoken of and is largely iintroiiizt'<l by the tnivi'lling public. It is regretted, that Po«tnia.ster Purdy has bfoii suH'eriiik; of late with a violent attach of iuMiralj,'ia' He viaited Dr. Car- tor oil Friday and reniiestod that geiitle- inaii to cmv him. Tho Dr. took him at his word and cured him torthwith. * l/utk nut t%frt m" #• V fnr (intHnin- rem -nt of Si^w Oooitu at LOWKST VAHit rntcEst SPOT THIHI-Most people are shrewd and keen enough to know wlu^ii they get a good article, at a rock bottom price. D. Clayt<ui, Harness Maker, Fhwhorton, has lieen selling goods very clioa]> but he proposes to give his cus- tomers the liemlit of a greater rodnotion still, viz., be will throw TKN PKK CF.NT. OFF on all goods purchased at his shop (opposite Munsliaw's Hotel) between this date. Deo. Ist, and the Ist of January, ISHH. Now'h your time if you want bargains in downright earnest. Having opened out a lot of Fall & Winter Goods Personally seleoied by myself, I can contidenUy recammend ibem. I h»T« '» large assortxaent of , A/e/)s, Lsidm, and Childr^ns BOOTS AND SHOES r Also a full snpply of Mens and Ladies RUBBERS, and Mens FROS? PROOF FELT BOOTS. I hope to receive a liberal share of the U-iJo i!j this vicinity. 1 will endeavor to saUsfy iny customers iu QUALIT^a aad PRICES. wm. CLAYTON, , Flesherton. Wo have pleasure in aiiiioniuing t)iat tho initial number of tho lung-look- cd for new Conservative Daily and weekly New8i)ftiH»r, Tht Jfmpirc, will be issued about the middle of this luoiith. Particulars in cDuneution thereAvith will bo found in our advertisin|{ coIuiiims to-day. We have made arraugouieiit to <>liib Tkf n'rdhi Empim with Till: Al>- VANci;. whereby wv. are anablnd to offer Imth paiMirs uutilJan. 1880, for SLCmV SnhscrilH* now and get the host IocaI and metropolitan jonrnals at Itn (Ami rotf. CHEAP AND t^ DUEABLB ! THE W E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual Fiist-class value in tnerv deuartment. Accent for VICKRR'S EXPRESS. All parcels left him will be promptly and carefully attended to. U;itii ^^ MAXWELL CARRIAGE WORKS ! Little & Blakely, MVNUP.'VCTCREHS OF Carriages, Demwrats, AVagoni At. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE. IUaek»mith. Maiw«ll,May auh. 1NS7. THOS. A. BLAKELY. -m. u FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS or 8uoh (\3 Woumuoiiis, TiunbT^Wes. licad»ton<'a Comitcr and XabU' Tops â€" in American anil Italian Marble nmt (rfanite. and made on Hliort notice. .VLso 'Maiules iii Marblo and M:ul>leizoi1 State, .Ic, Ac. -i«Wps^ Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. gg/tLm^m^mm HEALTH Foil ALL. Mortgage Sale I OF Valuable Farm Property In thii ti>\vii>'lii|i [if O.Hpiov, 111 llu> C'miulv of Urt'V. I'liilci' tliii imwurs of HftU'ooutaiii-illii a otirtain iiinnk'ak',' to thi> Vi'iidorB, whioli will lio lir4Kluoi«<1 at tin- tiiiitt i>( Hihlv. anil in paynuait of whiih ilufHiilt liUH Imcii lilKilu. Iliuru will iHiwilil liy I'.iMU' .\ui-li..ii lU l.tM.nVH HOTI'.l.. ill the VILLAGE, OF MAXWELL, in tlio i-'oiinty I'f (ir>'y. en- - 1Vr«lii«>N«ia). Ihe Utii ilay of Uv- ct'iiilHr. IHM7. at 1 !> m . tlio fiillnwinij vnliiaMi' proiicrtv : - l.cit Nlinilu'l '."a ni tbo iltll (.'tiiiuoiii' it'll ol tho »alil tmnihliiii of (>i.|irtiy in tliii I'lUiuly ol Urey, coutaiiilnK lie arrim moro or loan. •Sl'KIlM" AN1> CONI>n'l<lN« HFHAI.K. Tho ini'iMTty will be ulttiri)ilfor aBlomihjpctto a rt'Sfivt- hid. Tlu* uiircluiKtiv iimiit at tlu' tiuio of Balii vay oii«-ti>iitn of hi" piiroha^n money to tho VuiulorB ttitiir Holic'ltorttor AKoiita niiil niitU- Flont within ;i(i ilivyx (liornafti'i' wttli iuti'rwt at 7 por i'*»nt, to rotliioM tho baiaiico of imrohaMo moiioy to SNM) wliioh anioniit may romaln on inorlitatto to tlio vunklor«(c» jly«»r* with Intor- ost at 7 pov lU'iit, payahlo yoaiiy. Tho luorl- aauc to contain a roy-eiiant for Inauranni In tho North llrltluh ami Morrantllo lii«iiran»o Com- pany t<i the hill iiisiirulilt) vahw of the ImihtiiiRa. I'hu VuiidorH will â- ul Ixi tiouiul t'> uutount for. proflnroor nhow or prova tho contonta of any driodK or ovirtonco of title not In their r>oB«eimiou or fnriiihli oopioA t>f tht* t*auie. Thu I'urohaHor niMHt invonticato tho tlUn at hi" own oxpoliKo. Thn othor ooniiitii>xiH of »ale will he mado known at Ihn tinianf Halo onm applioatlon to the un- (leraif^ned at Toronto. For fnrthor particular aruly to HOWL.\Sn, AHNOLDI 4 M.^rKKNV.IR. I^ivof THE TILLS Piirlfv the lllood, rorrert all niBordorB i>f the SStomach, lilcln'yw, £i.n<l 13<>>vel«t. Toronto, N*t. Hth, )|n. Vondora Hollrltorn. Theylnvii;orateik»(t roHtt^o toheulth l>tihilitato'l ConxUtutloni, ajid aro iUTkluablo iu all OOIU- phUntHinuitlotital ttA'\'initloA of uU HKt^H. For Clifliiroii and tho ageil the; aro prtcelasa. THE OINTMENT I an infallible remody for Bad T.ocs, Bad fhen<t"i. Ohl Wonnds. Sorea and l'l««r». It is faiaoiia fo* Dont and llhenmatiam. For dlfordLTx of thu lTHx.<t it has uomjual. For SOUK TUiaUT, BJIOA'CH/TIS. COUGHS, COLDS. UlandularSwellinga.andall Hkin niaoanoK It has no rival; and for oontr«ct<*l andatlS ointa it aota like & wliarm. '" *â- -'«â- Â« <â- 'â-  Mannfarturoilonlyat in-ofeuorHoetewAT'BEatabHsbnwnt, - ' T«. N«Mv OxfortI Strcol ( lute 43». Oxford Street >, Loiitlon. aiul are sold at la. IJd.'Jii. Od., la. CI., lla . 22s., anrt Ws. e*i'h Mo\ or I'ot, and luay he hail of all Met* oine Vomlttrs throughont tflo \Vt)rUl. lUit- PfircAu.'KTd kA'>i({(] /(x)A- ((. (/ic L<M on the F'M^ tnul Bexref. If ihe «tjdret» M rtot fii.'l, Oifonl .Sfr.ci, Litml'M^ Wev arf .tfim-iotm. { Flesherton Station Mill. The above mill i.s now in' good running order for Chop-' ping. Ghorgb Moorehodse,: proprietor, will be pleased toi see all his old friends. QuHh-! tity of four feet Cedar Logs^ Wanted. Farmers will do well to make a note of this '>J '..! « [3.5a J. W. BATES, Fn-vrntitH Dealer hud Undertaker, FUDHUBBTOtn I

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