Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1887, p. 1

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â- â-  I i â-  -tr .^ - « a. 'ii) i .ji- ^n ADVANCE. XX .1 .<â-  TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR"-" PRI^^C1PLES, XOT M£X.' ^ VOL. VII., NO. 337. ';.* PLESHERTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1887. A. R. rAWCETT, ' proprietcr V* '\ â- â€¢^i C . DECEMBER AD." Tit - Bits. ' Coii$iMinq nf Ln.'U mui fHh*r lutemting 'â-  "^ ~" j lUini yath-nrfti hit The Adfowe '3^ $1,600 ^' ^^^^^ • BARGAINS ! l^ GOLD \yO SILTER WATCHES I iftiliint ami Mrkle f7««7.x. lioU J'litti' and I'ine Gilt I'Imiii.s, 6r('/R titui H'ediling liiHtfit, < Jrirrleri/ r.nil Fine Sil- i t^rivttrf for Tidnal. Society or Corporatjon, chAr«t*il at the i ?»»e of in cents m*r line each in-erti<'n. No lo- .* \ <«] iii'i-rted for le«> thau jS cents. Siiucial rate* ' , to resu'iir a<lvertii4«i^. i He tlownii them all ! Booth, the ' Barber, of Klesherton. Bom" 1 Maynitieeiit Fur Caps only $1.75 tX prauiler's, Priceville. Mr. Cteorge Stewart, of this Townsliip, lost a valuable horiiti last week. I Holiday # Trads !!B<^>'r Aimther iiumense stock of Mt'iis' Felt ' ju«t arrivvd at R. TKiJoae'd. ' Iflf^t the pHbHc went fool* atough { Always take \our Repairs to RnsseU f> btlitvt me itHil ktteir '' mi/tel/' /« 6< , Fle^hcrton. It will j)ay vou well to ilo so, •â-  kmice" f»«OMy/i lu hmt the ickolenale, I wuuUl talk big ducvuHt mitl >ckolrtiil« price$ for aLov gtxuU. Wholetale prtr. Do yoB want X*aia8 Tajrs ? Th«>B go to thr Nedknti Ball, Flcshrrtoa Immense Bargains ! <r» iit a retitil store won't pay rent, tight liixet, etc. Continuous discoHhtv 3 times ill 1 year, e'llier pays by inurklni^ goods itieiiy up, jr else 6y using deception as to qualit / af g'tods. There are Jeieel- iers trJio kuic 14 t. tcetUtmg rings stamped l!> k. Jdy I' la in Rings are 1 o« Monday. nutdt by F. W. ELLIS d- CO., nni\ <tf\er this icill have my initials, W.B. < ttitmptd on. '< NOW GOING ON .\T I>o ui>t pnroha.'»c nutil you aee RiuacU's j grautl ihsplay of Faucy UootU, Etc. It ' will eclipse ever\-thing in this couutry. j We haJ a pteasaut call from our "en- -'"->" »-"«'»'>«»- RUSSELL'S NOTED .JEWELRY STORE. FLESHERTON! Mr. John BeUAniy purcbasied the well- kuowii Boyles property, on L'hurcb vtreet. a short time ago. He move<.l iu- Vs his new premiseH last week. Call at Rufuicirg, F|cshcrtou. and se- j curt- Kome of those bargains they are < offering. They are doiag the busineaa i Warrants cover Breakages ! , »' ""••< "-'^^'y^ WHEKE WILL BE FOUND THE LARGEST .\.ND FINEST STOCK OF Goods as represented every lime. Prices at "irhisper" mark. Discounts as usual, 5 /ter cait. Ihn't aecrpt any other kind. Every- bodtf incited to call when in toicn ttud get my price*. ^cheap. Wm. Clayton has rec«Mved ^bi» w^k a fresh supply of Mens" Ftugt Proof Watches. Clocks, Je\^elry. Silverware. Spectacles, » . Knives. Razors, &c . KVEB SHOWN IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. OUR GOODS Boots, OverBhoes; Eubbers. &c. Selliag I Few 4 Tears 1 What doen B.lO ' Booth the Boss Barl The People's Jewel/er. '"^'^"^"'^ ^"'**'*'''' **â- ' W, A. BROWN, Xarkdale, Out. Too J^IMST WMIZS HT FLMSSEMTOJir F^LL SsOWp What doen B.fi.B. Htand for? Why '.\nd in order to givfpiirnfs who were uot able to take aclv»iitjig« of p ut ^ iatomifc mI* itvOctobrfl^ w* uai^e dwkle '. Booth the Boss Barber, of course. Shop. â-  orias; estabhsh- 10 ajraiii make this Greuc (.>tTcr ii:id "ivc lUOUt. $350 Do you want u t-hoicc fnim best a.sMortiiK'ni of \-iiias ( urds ? Thon Ko to thf .Vetlical Hall, FlC'liorton. TWEMY PER CENT. OFF ^ On all t'luh sVi'i •>/'« f t and ocvr from l>t duij <>f r>n:enilHr, ISST, to tut iliti/ of Juhhii ni, lss\. Dout forgot the ^Ti'at Band fonwrt, ., ... , , . , . , , , evening -JOth. aui bo sure to call at ^<"''' ""* '" ' ^""^ 'â- â- ^'*°'=* ''-^ "''â- â- '"â- *' ^"'' """*'* *' '''^'" *^ ''o'^'**'*-' P"^"^'"- .\1I Watches we sell bear a wir.; WU.I. BLY I.OT;i7 IN UtU CON 1U7 acruH. .\i>|>ly to ARTKMKSU. 1'H.iKL.KS llAMON, C'uiliugwooU. Brauder's. Priceville, and get one thotie uobby suits from %5 up. of I «tiil All uther pikWut caMrtO-*^ in the Taluut Ottlco luul l>t<foiv the ouiirts proutptiv and carefullv Httctulecl lo. I'l'ou rocuipt of iHtMlel or idcotch of itiveiitiuu, 1 luako t-(U-4ftil oxaiuiiiatioii, aud adviHe »a to |»att' ?iUK,!i«> f'lvv of I li»rj;o. Fkfn MiCtrm.\TK, and I make \o cfi\KOK tn- I.KSS l*.M'KNT I« .SKtrHKli. liifoi Illation, advivf •tml !(i>eciiLl ivftTciu'OA s^iit oit application J K LJTTKU.. \Va>hint.toii DC Oppn.sitf I* S I'ntupnt On*c.v w. w, mimiz Our young friend, Mr. David Meldrum. of Toronto, was in Flesherton on Man- day and cnlleil at Thk .Xdvaxie office in ye F.ditor's absence. Call again, friend David. Mr. C. Treadgold, of Klesherton, has been eugagud as Teacher of the llerkely I Public Jxliool. and will outor ujkiu hi.s I duties in January. Wo cougratalate friend Trea<lgold. Fl>U First C/as^ Fl'K.s, Fru.s, FIKS-Hiviutf bo't 'a verj- liui'o stock of Furs, such as Mens' I Fur Caps, Ladies' Mutls, Boas, and Liv- â-  â€" â€" â€" "^^^ I dies' Caps, I have deeideil to clear cut IlifffrciK'f 'the entire sti'ck regardless of cost. â€" K. I Tkuibli!, Floshertun. guarantee of from three to live yeurs. We will still make another Grand (.JfTor to auvoiie purchasing one of our L.\DIES' FINE GEM RINGS ov 18 k. WEDDING RINGS which we have for the num- ber of nearly one hundred, wo will tjivc a boantifiil Plush Kmg Hox worth ^l.ttt, any color. Thtse bargains everyone should take culvautage of. Yen will never Jiave as good a ehaiico again and reineuiber the only place to get your Watch repaired pro^H^rly is at RUSSEXI'S Noted Jewel^ry Store F L E S H E R T O N . Che Itoar. and ROLLER FLOUR. ITo. 1 Stone Flour, OATMK.\L. ROLLED 0.\TS. G4L\H.\M FLOUR. CRACKIX) WHE.Vr, Shorts, Chop and Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC. mnu m mi W. W. TRIMBLE. FleshortoH, Deo, Ist, 1887, McuiIhts of Klesherton Division, Sims. I of TeniiH'raiice. are requested to meet \ in their hall on Wednesday evening I Dec. 21st. for Klectiou of Officers and other ini(K>rtaut butuuerM. N. B° â€" No ' meotint; next week. I .\ Oy.stcr social Mill be held iu the [baseuicut of the Methodist Church, Klesherton. on Wednesday evening, Dec. 14tli, under the auspices of the Ladies' -Vid. A musical and literary [irogram is l>eing provided lor the occasion. Po- pular prices of admission. I "Cuori^e. iloar.' s.iul Knuly to her shy I lover, who hail Ivcu sitting at the other ' end of the sofa for an hour. "Cieorge. what's the difference between you and j a beiur '.'" I "The l>car climbs trees," said Geoi-ge al.si'utly. '•No. (.leorge. The bear hugs aud von d-" Ooorf^'s similarity to a bear the next moment was no teiichinK that Kmilv's father, who ch.inced into the nK>iu, hunted the vounu man out of the hou.se with his graudlather's revolutionary tuusket. ( Know the MeaiiinK of ((Ibbons. I Kducatiou in the South â€" '•Now, try and remember, ' siiid the teacher before Mr. Watkiu.H. of Detroit, is visiting his sister, Mrs. ,T. W. Shiltou, at tlie Methodist parsonage here. This gen- tlciuaii is manager of the chamiiiou Base Ball team of .America, viz., the Detroits. ^ '''«â- "»••»«"« t>'e cla.ss in celestial geogra- We m^ht also a<Ul. tlu»t he is a Cana- l'''>' â- â- '^** ''^""' "'« '"<^" '* "^'^-^^y dian by birth aud e*lucatiou. Kleshor- tou extends a most cordial welcome to the distinguished visitor. ['H.' 1 aiLitlur. "Po.iu yo s,o dat wen do iniH'u is luos' full it g^bus moah li^ht. en wen its loss en hair full .' You uebUu' ken git uiilliu fru yer fiK'l hca<i.'' Do not purchase until you see Russell's graud display of Kaucy Goods. Ktc. Iji will eclipst' everything iu this couutry. â-  ''Look PleaMnt. You Villain." Sonic philaiitlu'opists always make us think of a story that is toM >>i Frevlcrick. of I'nissia. The king had a way of go- ing around like a common mortal aud; holding britf conversatio;i with his sub-' jeets. whicl^werc pretty sure to teriui-! nate iu some dccide\^Uy U'.U'leasant re-! mark by the monarch. One day he paused to .sfH'ak to a .Jew, but the wary' Hebrew look to his heels. I'he king' pursued, and after a brisli cha.se over- took the tlyiug subject. ••V\liy did you run away from me. rascal '.'" •'Uecause," frankly »dui;tte<.l the Hebrew, -l wa.s afraid." '•Fritz" hit him a tremendous, whack witli his cane. •Villain !" he tcarcil ; I Call aud have a look at Rnssoll's (Fleshortou) display of Watches, CUvks, Jewelry, &o. It will do yo*i gootl t«> see their immense stock of Watches, Ciookii, and Jewelry. ,,,^, full it is called i^ihbous. aud wlicu loss than half full it is crescent. " Twenty w(K.lly heath, mxlde.1 vigorous ^„^^^,^ ..j ^,^,^^.^ ^^.^^^^ ^^^ j^, »•'*«'"*• want to be lovcxl.' "What d'ye s'liote the moon am called dfttwayfoh'?" ijuestiouetl one puz/Jetl • Call at Kassell's, Klosbertou, aud iie> seeker after kucwle<lge on the way home. "Huh t dat'g easy nuff," loftily re- cure some of thoKv bHrL;'iins tlwy ar« offeriuK- They are doing the bUsiugm of this Conuty. -K-'Xi

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