, , mm 11 I T\- .ii .„lUV«P-i.«,^ :• = T*^ "â€" B^ "W^JIF ^P^« i^WP THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Dec. 8. 1S87. 1: o CC2 pq '"-â- "^ O I- q: LU I CO UJ _J LL 1> nill open and Old (!nr>lomers will find it Stocked witli C7iii-i*i Ji«i"«* Si- 'I' «» II 111 HARNESS I Which lias become cekbrated lliroiij^li' nut (liis vicinity for Knperior qnalit)', tiniKJi anddurabiHly. All guiirunto(d as here- tciforc. At Reduced Prices foi* Caysh. Also a largo stock of Wiiiler (ioods in till! lino of COKES! [' of siipciioi- quiility, at the lowest prices ever offered in T'lesherton. A fine selection of SUigii c^ Bells ! Ill a hlijjhl advance nn cobI for tlio next !K) days. If jon want II firRt-cluHfl WHIP! Iti^tolip fonnil lit (iordonV. Also THINKS, VALISKS, j;r(is, HOliSK HlilJSHKS, CUllliY COMI'.S. SWK.AT PADS and ill! other Horie rnrnishiiigs found iu II liiRt-cluBH ilnruosH Shop. 111! Hekbld Sanis: Ell ! licpt c.onHlanlly on Imnd. Ihil llio C'lowniiifj Specialty is liic jieifict litliiiL; Scotch 4:^ Collar! warranted not to ^all voiirhoises and for which ihiH estalilishnient has heoonie so well known thnnlgh- nut thiH County. Itcpninu),' attended to promptly, care- fully and cheaply. A C<tll in lle$pect/uny JiiVlird lit GOKDON'S iiiii\i:^s SHOP, FLESHERTON. Tit-Bifs. Continued frtnii Virnt Page, Come riylit nloiif; at once and Hectire the IjJK liaryainB in Fur t'oeda at U Trim- lili^'s, KU'shorton. When in town t;<;t Bootli, tlie "Ho»k(1 IJailirr, to cut yonf liftir, Hliaiupoo yon, or Hhttve yon. The LadicK sny the sweetest thiny on eartli, except a new bonnet is tlie Scot<li (irannlatod Su^Ar, tlu-y j^et at Braii- der'w, Priceville. The most beautifid stock of Silver- ware ever seen in thin country is to ho seen at UiHsell's Noted .Jewelry Store, Flesheitoii. Mens' Felt Stockings, Gum Rubbers, â- also Ladies' and Mens liul>))ers, Over- shoes, Ae., a full KM]iply on hand suita- ble for theeidd weather tluit the weath- er prophets HBy is condug, at Wm Clay- ton's. Oor thanks arc due to Mr. Will lUeli- ardnon for handsome Grapltk supple- ijient iii(!ture. RiiJiardson's Drug .Store is well sto<!kod with Xinas nuirdiers of tlie (lrii)i)iic and Jlhi.itruttii Sm.i, and all kinds of i>retty things for the holidays. Mr. Win. .M. Clark, of Toronto, and fannly, liavi> iiiovod back to Klesliert<ni again. Wo wtdeonio our osteenied old fri(>nd right heartily to our town. 80- ('ially. intellectually and apiritually ho is a great adilition to our Hocietv. l(o yoii ^vaiit n «*li»i4'<> lot <if. <'»iitVciioiiari4-s? Tli«>ii :;<» to tlif .nodical Hall. FlesluTloii. Mr. .\. I)o\vn, of .\rtenieRia, advertised a farm to rent in Tm; Aovanik a short time ago. The ailvertisemeiit caught the eye of Mr. Thos. Mttadler (iuy, son of our rcapected Maxwell friend, Mr. Wm. Ouy. and ho proroedcd to answer the same. Result: Mr. Guy rented the farm 011 Momlay last for a teriu of years. .Advertising always jiays. when the artiele. or whatever it may 1h', ad- vertised is marketable. .\ grand stocdc tif Fancy Goods just ar- riving at Russell's Note»l .Icwelery Store, Flesherton. An iuiin(!nHo number of cattle have been shipped by buyers from Artcmesia during the past season. â€" There was, therelore. few marketable animals of- fered on fair day to what there usually is. Tliis is one of the best stock-raising districts ill C'aiiada, and if our farniers would turn their attention still more in that direction it woulil pay them iiitiii- itidy better than by contining their oper- ations so closely ami exclusively to growing grain. .S|ilcii(liil viduc in Grey, Niivy Uluo Kiu-tciiy und C'linton KlanneU, at R. Trinible's, Klenliertiui. Mrw. Campbell, of Owim Sound, de- livered a luiist eloipieiit and sensible lecture in Die basement of the .Metliodist (diurdi, Fleshertcui. last Thursday even- ing, in coiinectiiui with th<^ W.CI.T.l'. of this tow u. Tlie lady lecturer evident- ly doe;i not lielievi^ in ilrojiiiiug into tlii^ well worn ruts when iliscussiiig the Teni- peiauee question. Wliat shi^ said was decidedly practical and fresh to the ma- jority of her hearers, and should she a;,'aiii favor l-'lcshertoii with a visit, slie will ]h: };reet(Ml by a crowded house. TIte Mfdiial Stall. Flesliirton, is full <»r variety auti 4-vei-> lliinK rlieap for rash. UKAI) TlilS. -Tho un.lersigiied wishes his friends a "Merry C'liristiiia-' and a Happy Now Year," and takes this opportunity to thank them most sin- cerely for the hearty patronage acconl- ed bun in tho past. Ho wmdd also re- M))eilfully suggest to those owing him, tliat be is ill uecil of nloiley and tliat liroiiipt |iayiiieiit of all outstaiiiling ac- counts within the iieXt two or throe weeks w ill help him to commence the new year with a dean sheet. Rring along your money and I will gladly re- ceipt your bills. -.lAMblS sn.MVAN. We cannot help giving the pcoide bar- gains. Wo have tlie goods and are bouud to sell at Uussell's Noted .lowolry Store, Fleshcrtou. Tho bcHt place to buy your KaiHinr, Currants, Spices, &c. , for Cliristmiis in iil R. Trimble'ii. Uooth, the "Boss" Rarber, of Flesher- ton, does tirst-elass work. Shop oppo- site Leitoh'i) Tailoring establishmeut. Do not purchaiie until you see RusueU'n graud diHjday of Fancy Goods, Ktc. It will eclipse everything in thin country. .\ H|dendid rich toned New Organ and two famed New Wilhnm'H Hewing Mii- cliinCH for sale at a great rcdiicfion for cash oi' tifido at 0, TruadgoId'H reniduiice, I'liiflliurtoii. 4h'. Call nn<l liave a l<Mik at Rimsull's (Flesh(!rtnn1 dlnplny of Watches, Clocks, .fesvelry, Ac. U will do you gocHl to see their immensoiitock of Watches, (Tockn, and Jowclrv. A resident of Arteniesia â€" who.se niui- ble-tingured propunsities have rendered him notorious â€" recently visited a farm- er's barn in the silent watches of the night and al)stroct«)d tliirefrom a bag of grain. Coining out of the building he chanced to stumble into an ohl well, some ten or twelve feet in dojith. Much against his will, the tliief was obliged to remain all night and until the following day iu tbe wellâ€" a prisiuier I â€" when the j)eople of tho farm chanced to hear his cries and rescued him. No iloubt he disgorged and promised never to do the like a^aiii. for the matter has not come before a Magistrates Court. The old well ought to get a medal. .\ grand stock of Fancy Goods just ar- riving at Russell'H Noted Jewijery Store, Flesherton. Flesherton, Dec. 'lud, 1887. At tbe last regular meeting of Flesh- erton Ij.O.L., No. 4'29, tlie following of- ficers were duly elected for the year 18H8;â€" W. P. Crossley, W .M. K. MeGrnther. W.D.M. .1. W. Rates, W. Cliai«lain. I). Clayton. W. Secy. W. K. White, Fin. Socy. .1. A. Hear<l. W.T. H. C. LeGard, 1). of C. W. 1). Varty, Lecturer. Coiiimittee menâ€" (1 1 Thos. Mc.Vrthur. CJ) Rolit. Clark, sr., (8) William Clark, (4). I. E. Moore, (5l K. J. Sproulc. The almve Lodge meets every Friday evening preceding es'ery full moon iu each month, in Strain's Rluok at M o'clock sliar|>. All visiting brethren miule wel- come. â€" D. Clayton, Rec. Secy, ,\ grand stock of Faucy Goo<ls just ar- riving at Russell's Notwl .Icwelery Store, Flesherton. I»i<'«l. Rt'TLKPOE. â€" In Markdule, on Wednes- day, mitli Nov., 1MH7, after six iinuiths illness of eoiisuinptioii, Mrs. C. W. Rutledge, wife of the Editor anil I'ro- prietur of the Sdt luliirU, age<l 42 years, It days. [^Our osteenied friend and brother journalist. Mr. Rutledge. has tbe deep syinp.ithy of a very large circle in his sad lM.'r»'avciii(!ut. Deceased vva.s a lov- ing wife and tender-hearttid mother, ami her married life was a very happy luie. Iltr early death â€" although, per- haps, not iinexiiected-Was a terrible sbi'ck te her respected husband and tlie coiiinuiuity in which she live<l. She dieil a true Christian. We tender our resiiectful sympathy to our dear friend Rutledge, in this the darkest and most solemn hour of bis life. â€" Kn. Akvasck. 1 POSITIVE G'J.lli CATARRH. tavE.-* Immsdiate Hsiiaf roa Cold in Head, HAY FEVEH. CA.SY TO t;HE. >',.( a .'niiiT, I'owJer or Irtitntlnir I.lqalJ. Piica BdctJ. aiiil Sl.OU. If not oUtalniilile nl j-our ilrui^ (t;s'«. Biiit pri'imid on receipt of I'rlr.i. AilUrfiJ FULFORO £:. CO., Brockville, Ont, Mor(«as:c Sale ! 01' - Valuable Fai'iii Property In thu towiinliiii uf OHpioy. in ttiu Cimuty dI llrt'v. IJiiih.r thti |>oworH o( suJo roiitftiti"tl in ti ccrlniii inriritriiKo to tliu VcniliiiH, wliiili will lnj iniicluci'il lit tliii lime of hivUi. iinU in luiunt'nt iit srliit'h tirftuilt lite* heoll Inildi.-. tlll'r,' will Itr K.iltl l)y I'lililic .\mtii.ii «t l.INl.KVs lUiTKl,. in tlio VlLLiAGEJ OP MAXWELL, -- ill llii' t'eniity iitUnn, on - -- \V«'<hM-s«lay, the I4lli day of »«>• rt'inlMT, IHH'J, ftt 1 II ni., tlii> fiiUiiwiin: vnliiuWo i>roi>«rty :-- Lot Nuiiiljur 'J-J in thu 4tli Ceni-cosinn ef tli» Biiicl tiuMishiii (n'OclMi'V in tin' I'nniity nl (Ivuy. contaiiiiiiK lUI iiltux umrii nr Ihsh. Tt:iims am> Coxi'iTMXK cP S.m.k. 'I'liii pnipiilv will IwortlMtict tiii'H»lo»nl)jcclto H iiwiirvr lii'i. I liti puriliiiKor iioiKt at llio tinii' i>f mill' pin uiii' li'ntli of lll« piiri'hnM' luoni'y tn tlic Vi-nil.irs tlii'ir noUi-itniK or nfifnts ninl hiiIII- ritint williin ikiilnvH tln'vunfti'r with liitcri'st at 7 ptr ii'iit. til n'rtiiro tlid lialnmrn o( pnrrlmMn imnii'V til ?Viu wiiioh animiiit may ronmin on niiu'tj.'rtHii to till, vendori* for .1 yuarH with Intor- imt ut 7 par lont |>l>v»lila vukrly. The molt- uaKt' to loiitniii n (Kivtiinuit for inKuraiicii in tho Nortli Ihltii'li mill Moixniiiil" fiiinrHiico ("0111- panv to tha full ini'ui'iihli' vnhio of tholiullrtlnxs. Tho Xolnlnra will iui» li« Inninil to account Un. proiinro or Hhow >>r prove tho o<>ntontM of any itcmiln or oviiliincu nf titio not in thiir prwsin^lon or fiirnlih ooplea fif th« none Ihr I'nri'hiiiidr lUiiHt invoHtlknto tho title at hiK own oxpanHO. Tho otlior couiliticii" of unlij will Imi innilo known at tho tliiM' of unlo or on nppliintlon to tho uu- itrrHipnoii at Toronto. I'or further purtlciilari Bliply to HOWI..\ND, AHNOMJI A MACKKN7.1K. Vendors Holicltora. ToMilto, N*T. Uth, latT. XU T. Having opeiud out a hi of Fall & Winter Goods I'ersonally selected by myself. I can contidently recommend them. I bavo a large assortment of Mens, Ladies, and Childrens BOOTS AND SHOES! Also a full supply of Mens and Ladies KURBEUS. and Mens FRi »ST I'UOOF FELT i;(X)TS. I hope to receive a liberal share of the trade hi tins vicinity. I will endeavor to satisfy iiiy customers iu QUALITY and PRICKS. wm. CI-AYTON, Plesherton. CHEAP # AND DUEABL3 ! T 1 1 E W E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. lor sale as u.sual Eirst-cla.ss value in every department. Agent for VICKERS' EXPRESS. All parcels left izith him will be promptly and carefully attended to. K ri« Ai>'s, i-"r.i<:s«HK«nr<>:v. MAXWELL CARRIAGE WORKS ! Little & Blakely, M.VNfFAlTlKKUS Of Carriages, Democrat*, Wagons »%c. Bepairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Keasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE. IttiifLsniitli, THOS. A. BLAKELY. Wdffon-Miil.rr ,1- I'ttiiitfr. Manwi'll. May 'JOUi. 1SH7 FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL. K1NI>S OF M\\ \i Mo&ii!r.s!il&l Wcrks, Such as Moiiuinciits. T onih Titbles, Hcadstoiu .-» (li)uiiter and Table Top.s â€" in .\iueritiin and Itiiliuii Miirblc and Ciranitc, and uijtdo ow short notice. Also Mitiitlcs in M»rble mid Miirbleizcd Slate, itc, I'iic. Floshorton, Aui{. 30, 1X83. HEALTH FOPv ALL. HmWAYfWtgMITMENT I THE rn.Ls Piirifv tb(. lUoiHl, corrtict all Dinoiilera of tbe Ijivei*, {Stomtvch, Kl<ln'.y!-8, zincl Uo-vvelisi. ThoyiuviKorntennd I'OKtoro tolii'uikh Hi-liilitiilei) rouKtitutionn. and are inTslNalde in all Coui- pliiinlH incidental to I-'otntilt'K i.f all a^os. Kor Childri'ti aiwl thn ii-^uit tti«> luv priceleai. rilE OINMIENT I Aniiifullibln romedvf'T Had I.i>:i.Tla(l Uriw*!^. OM Wonn.!.*. SoreHaml I'lceni. It is famoiififor (roMt mill Uliuiiinutisin. Kor lib-ordi'iT* of thf C'ho-^t it ho» no Uifual. For SOU/': THliO.n, BUCmCHlflS. COUGUS, COLDS niandiilarflwullinio. and all Skin HiM-KHiM it has no riviil;and for ecttUrac^Ml a»J.ictifr oints it acCN like a cliariii. JlMinfactiirixl only at rrofimor Hom.oW4y'h F.atabliahannt, 'TK. \<->r OxforO Strvrt ( Inte .t.t:t. OxHtnl Strcrt ). London. ftiicl ari'Bold at In. I jil ,'-•». IM., Is. r„l , lis , IJi.aiid :vib. rach JTox or Pot, and may ho had of a!l SIiil pine Vendoi-H throudhont Clrrt World. T.^ Putrtiiism iJiinitd linJ: ti. >)<•• LuM mi fh<- l'<'ls niul lUue.t. If the athlnss is not .7,t.'.', Oxford Street, I.oinUm, t'ln \i ore .-iimiiimit. Flesherton Station Mill: The above mill i.s now in good ruflning order for Chop- ping. George Moorehouse,' proprietor, will be pleased to, sec all his old friends. Oiian-' tity of four feet Cedar Logs; Wanted. Farmers Avill do well to make a note of this J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, rtBMlBKTOM OUT.