Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Dec 1887, p. 1

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# ADVANCE. lrt$> " 'TRUTH BEFORE FA V0&"-" PRIJVCIPLES, J^'OT MEN." \rOL- VBL HO. 340. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITOR * PROPRIETOR- !?^ DECEMBEE AD." Ttt !*«^K ^ $i,eoo «©•â-º! '^ nr C«L> AXD SILVER WATCHES 1 iralnut tiHd Mrkle <'l<Hhs. Holl Plate ami J'Vin' Oilt (Imiujt, (iet» aud tV*-iUlit^i KimjH, Jetrelrry aiut Fitir Sil- rvrtrarf for Holiday * Trade I Jf I frk the public wert fools enough to htlieot MM <mJ kntw " mywif" to bt •• knave " moamk to Wt the icholetale. I would talk big duanmt amd wholetaU price* for above foodt. Wholetalt prit- t* ill a rttail ttore wvn't pay rent, tight taxei, etc. CoHtiHuvu* duw*ntt 5 timet in I year, either payt by marking goods fiuxiy up, or elte by uting deception a* to quality 9 f food*. There are Jewel- lers who haif, 14 i. redding rinqt st(imi>cd 18 *. My Plain Rings <v« made bf P. W. ELLIS A CO., <md 'ifier thu will hate mjf initiuU, W.B. stamped ait. Ooods as represented $very time. Pricet at "whi^itr" murk. DiecouiUs a» usual, 5 per cent. Warrants cover Breaka^s I /fen'l accept any other kind. Etery- bodj/ imsited to cult when in town and get my pi ice*. Wis. ,OoiisiitHtuf of Loral nita f)tln;r Interesting Itenui (fO-Uirrcd hii The Admiice Keporters. Lnea] Notiren intcndml to b»n(aflt any \nAi- vidual. So«i«tv or r<ifporatinn. chiirt'ijd 'at the rate of 10 cents ppr line uat'li in.^crtion. No lo- cal hiKcrttid for I«kh than 25 couts. S])uuial rates to r.'i'nlar advortiaorH, The North -bound 0. P. R. train was iw\3 hours late on Cliristnias Eve. Mrs. Chislett, of tlie town of Colling- wootl, in visiting friends in .\rteniesia. [ No blow, uo puff, my watch repairing I gives satisfaction and charges are never extortionate. W. A. Brown, Markdale. Mr. Will Wright, who has been at- tending the Toronto School of Medicine, \H home for the holidays. Mr. J. J. Heron, an old schoolfellow of ye Editor's, paid us a brief visit one day last week. Mr. Edwin Richardson, who has been stud>-inK at Toronto University, is home lor the hulidavs. Miss Lilly Carberry and Mr. Albert Carberry, of Toronto townwhip, arc holi- daying at the residence of ye Editor •Bd wife. For 4 Tear* The People's Jeweller. W. A. BROWJS, My l»k. Rings are made P. W. Ellis ft Co. , Toronto. Trade mark, the ma. pie leaf witli E. in centre. W. A. Brown, Markdale. 2t. Mr. J. B. Sloan, of Eugenia, bought a lot of turnips the other day. Two of the turnips were found to measure 2 ft. 10 in. and S ft. 2 in. around respective- â- arkdalc. Oat. $350 WILL HUY LOT 37 IS Htb C0S.,.\UTKMK8IA, 107 acr«a. Apply to CHAKLE8 UA.MON, U3I-44. ColliiiKWOod. CfiveaU. Ku-iKRuuH itiiil Tradc-MarkH Hucureil, tttiil all other patuut uaiinoit iu tbtt Patvut Uftico and btifort) thu courts pruiiiptly and carufiilly ntt«iHi«<l to. I'lwn receipt of-uiodul or hkotch oi iiiventiuu, 1 iiiaku careful exauMuation, aud advibo a« to Itateiitability Kreu uf Thartju. Fkkb MoPKHATlc and I make no ch.^iiok us- i.p.HH PATKKT iH HMcuitKD. lnfonu«tiou, advico and HU«cial ruforonoeH Mjut on appliuatloti J. 11 Lirrtn.!.. \- .^»>;i.utou d.c Opposite U.S. l*at«ut (mce. W. W. tmMBLE; F<1R Fir. ft Clasa Subacribers of Thk .\dvanck. who may chance to be in Toronto a few da«« after publication, will find cipies of the paper on fyle at the reading room of the Public Library there, on Church street. Mr. Richard Heron, of the well-known Osprey Woollen Mills, has been nearly forty years a member of the Sons of Temperance, having joiuetl Harvest Home lodge in the Co. of York when he was sixteen years of age. The carol singers were out early on Christmas morning, and the sounds uf sweet music evolved on the occasion caused a temi>orary illuiuiuation of many residences in Flesherton. Wc are glad to notice that this beautiful and time-hoiiure<l custom is still kept up in this town. May it ever Im) thuK. Mr. A. W. Rowe, of Dundalk, will visit Flesherton in the course of a few weeks for the purjwso of organizing a Young Mens Protestant Benevolent As- sociation lo<1go here. He has asked us to tell those who arc desirous of becom- ing members of the Society to leave their names with the Editor of Thk Ad- vance as soon as possible. ROLLER FLOUR. No.l Stone Flour, OATMEAL, ROLLED OATS. C4KAHAM FLOUR. CRACKED WHEAT> Shorts, Chop and Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC OlSTGRS ioK SALIi. W. W. TRIMBLE. FlcsliertoB, Doc, Ist, 1887. - Rov. .John A. Mc^Donald, of Homing's Mills, preachctl the Sabbath School .Vuiiiversary sermon in the Presbyterian church, Flesherton, last Sunday after- uooit. Tlioro was a large congregation and the sermon â€" which partook more of the nature of a conversation betweou preacher and juvenile hearers â€" was listened to with much attention. Nkwhalk, Dec. 20.â€" Dear Sir, you will find enclosed $1 to pay for Thk Advance for the year 1888. I have had copies sent me during part of this year and like it very wolL I hojie your Maxwell oorrespondent will kee]) his ears open as that is the part which interests me most. 1 was going to send you some I NeWdal* items, but I am very busy and ! besides they could not be of interest to ; most of your readers. However, this I part, ami I think the whole province, ,' is enjoying unusual prosperity. Far- mers hare had abundant crops and fair prices. It is useless for me to give tlio \ yield as Ontario farmers would not be- I lieve it. The best thing they o«vn do, is to come out and see the country. If they would, Ontario would soon be depopu- lated.â€" Josub Oamit, jr. . .• BAKGAIHS! .> Immense Bargains ! NOW GOING ON AT RUSSELL'S NOTED JEWELRY STORE, FLESHERTON! WHERE WILL BE FOUND THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Knives, Bazors, &;c . EVER SHOWN IN TfflS SECTION OF COUNTRY. OUR GOODS ToQs: FiasT #ff/^i7 jtr FLesmaaroj^ Full Smqw*, And ill order to give i rties who were not able to take advantage of our discount sale in October, wo have decided to again make this Great OfTor and give TWENTY PER CENT. OFF On all Canh Saleti of $1 ami over from Itt lUtff of Ih'cemher, tttS7, to lat itnyf of .hinMnry, tSSS. Now, this is a grand chance to secure iiue goods at about wholesale prices. All Watches we sell bear a written guarantee of from three to five years. We will still make another Grand Offer to anyone piircLasing one of oar LADIES' FINE GEM RINGS or 18 k. WEDDING KINGS which we have for the num- ber of nearly one hundred, we will give a beautiful Plush Ring Box worth $1.00, any color. These bargains everyone should take advantage of. You will never liave as good a chance again and rcmoniber th ; only place to get your Watch repaired projicrly is at % FLESHERTON. Tlie Presbytcriiiu Sabbath School Anniversary held hero last Monday evening was a success iu every particu- lar. Tlie flue larj^e lecture room of the church was filloil to the doors. The decoratious disi)layed excellent taste. S. S. liaiincrs were hung ou the walls- along with several neatly lettered and appropriate niotUios, and ou the wall just bcliiiul the imlpitâ€" lu beautiful rus- tic letters â€" was the cheering word "wel- oimc." The platform occupied centrni position at the fvciut of the room, from which the luerry eyes of a largo num- ber of bright chililreii looked out n{)on the auillitoriiuii. To the right of the childreu arose tlie tall aud graceful form of an evergreen, which was covered with Christmas presents for the little folk. As a Anishiiig touch to tliis charming scene, the well-known aud kindly fea- tures of the pastor, Kev. A. Wilson, and the suiKjrintendeut, Jos. Blackburne, Esq., looked forth upon the smiling faces of the vast assembly of i>oople. Thu singing by Uio children was simply beautiful, while the reoitations and dia- logues were rendered iu an excellent manner. Miss Damude presided at the organ, and the muRtcal exercises were conducted by Mr. J. G. Russell in a very croditablo manner. An exceedingly well rendered recitation by Mr. Thomp-. son, and a grand Scottish song â€" "Mw din Co)(ntr''<" â€" by that prince of vocal-! ists. Mr. -Andersiiii, arc ileserving of s{>ecial mention ; also a tliriliiiig reci* tatioii by Miss Hogg, of Flesherton Station. The cantata, "Tht: iftitr of Bethiihem." was chariniiiglv rendered. Thost; who particularly distinguished themselves in the cantata were Miss VanDusci), Miss Damiule, Miss Cole, Miss CJordon, Miss .May Damude, Mr. J. G. Russell and Mr. .1. H. .-Viiderson. Miss Christoe presided at the orgau part of the time. .Shortly aftt^r nine o'clock this interesting eute'rtaiumeu^ was brought to a dose by the singing of the doxology, after which the fruits of the Xmas tree were distributed among the childreu. The Librarian's and Secretary's report gave a very healthy showing. There are now 187 scholars on tho coll aud a i:ash balance OD hand of over tCO. » ?-.- We are thankful to those who faavel renewed their subscriptions to Tbk Ad VAN'CK so promptly for 1UK8. Will other* kindly follow the good exami)lc thus set by doing likewise. Tfce Adv aaco and Weekly Btptre i THI Jw.. IWW». far »l.«a t n

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