"^ THE l-LESHEKTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. In publiiibvil Kvery 'nivir8do.y, Fbomthb OFricK, â- Hydtnham Street, - - FUthertori, Ont. TEUMS OF SUB8CKIPTI0N : • I par kniiuui when paid Htrirtly lu advance ' 91M per auuum wb»u not ko paid A. R. FAWCETT, Kditor and Proprietor. PDB3HERTON: THURSDAY. JAN. 5, 1888. isvoRi'ORA rioy. Iiicorporatiou is a popular tliemu for discussion in Flcslieiton no\v-a- days. And it becomes more popular ev- t'rvday. Time was wlien this was not so, and not so long ago either. Men wlio itgai-ded the vi>ry idea of sucli a thing with Bu.spiciou twelve months ago, arc now thinking seriously about it. And the question naturally arijesâ€" \Vhy tins sudden change ? Well, there are several reasons, and Wis have taken the pains to jot down u few, which are hereby submitted to the public for perusal and considera- tion.. (1) The precedent csUiblished by our sister village to the Soutii, Dun- <I..lk, and the energetic move now Leiug made by our anibilious neigh- bor to the North, Markdale. 1 2) Many Flesherton ratepayers are cf opinion, that the amount of money < xpeiided in the place by the Town- bLip is not proportionate to the sum cf money paid into the treasury by tLe citizens. (3; It is believed that incorporation \.ould put it within the power of the NiliUgers to improve the facilities na- ture has bestowed with such a lavish hund upon Flesherton. (4) Tliat incorporation would add to the dignity of the place, would tend to improve our sidewalk system, and cfi'er inducements for the location of laanufac taring industries. (5) That the village would have a di.sliuct voice in County Council legis- lation. (Uj That a suitable lock-up â€" not a tig box â€" would be provided for the .(tecummodatiou of otfendors against tue majesty of the law. (7) That the village would be less Lampered than it now is in the matter of improving leading public higliways and in bettering its travelling tacili- lies generally. (8) That the interests of Fleslierton vould bo of paramount importance â€" first, last and all the time â€" which Would liavo a tendency to attract new business enterprises to the place. There ! We've produced no less thau (.igbt reasons in favor of incor- j)oration, which will be sufl'icienl for the present. Enough has been given to show that the agitation, now in is infancy, is more lik(dy to grow than to diminish. Hut what is i,iore lik«ly to fan this lilth' bluzc into a fierce flame, is th« rapidly grov.ing feeling, that it isthei^'reut pan u.\ii lor all till' ills Flesherton is )ni. to. "Gi\c usincorporiuioii," said one . gentleman, "and we'll sliuw you what rieshcrtou can do ; we'll wi[)c out the Uiidlakt b and blunders of the past ns <puck as you could say Jack Itobinson ! ' "Ah 1 but, sir â€" the taxes, tiie taxes! ' (.'loauB another. " ISaii ' " snorts a third, "you're an old â€" goose, sir I if it improves your proiicrty fifty per cent. what need you care if you liiivo to pay u fuw paltry dollars into tho town ircusury I" Un tho whole, howtvcr, a tide has Bfcl in in favor of the soiioiae, and it i.s useless to tretoud to ignore it. It simply remains for those iiitorested to discuss tho question calmly and dit- passionately. Let both sides of the bclienio be fairly considnred. It is a j,'ittve ini.stako to indulge iu Hupeilicial loaiouing or to junp at ujiioiutioiis. J, very objection Hluiuhl bo weighed Veil ; every urjniuent advanced iu f.vor of incorporation should he critic. iilly oonsidtredâ€" from tvciy pOHsiblo htimdpoiul. After Laving llioroughly »ualy««<l tL« Bubjoot, it in well to llu- ally ask the question â€" Would the change be benelicial to the village as a whole? First, "be sure you are right, and then go ahead !" We can easily lay claim to doing tlie busiiMias of this section for 25 miles around, having sold from Oct. 3rd, 1887, to Dec. '29th, 1887, eleven fiuo gold watches, thirty-two silver watches, and twenty-nine clocks, against another dealer's blow of twelve watches and six- teen clocks. There is no doubt about it, that the poojde will come to us to buy as they know they can do far bet- ter thau elsewhere at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Muxwell, Frmii inir ourti VvrreapondeiU. The Annual Public ScIidoI Aleetinif of tills section was held iu ilio sehool room on Wednesdiiy liu»t, and iis there were a few dissatistied piirtius wlm would he pleased to Imve our seliooi closeil, moiely for tho purpose of Kuvin-^ n lew eiuits. An attempt wiis nnidu to elect .^^r. ,Janie> Kuckiiighani lu Trustee in place of Mr. W. LoiiK, ritiiiri}.'. Hut the iiiajoiity of tlie ratepayers beniK in favor oi ujiiiiitain- in.'! a good school und eni|jloyiiiLr also a good tuochur, turned ont in force ui.d elected Mr. D. K. I'reslon us Tiuhtue li.y a largo nnijority. Out Municipal Kleetion.s on ,M, uday resulted in elcctiiii^ J. Dou^lius, lU'ive, by a mhjority of ;!7 over L). K. I'li^itoii. Deputy Itunvo, A. .Mclntyie ; Counciilors, Hudson, Monai^lian and Taylor. One of our Icadmi; nieicliaiitii is very anxious to trade his stock of ^'oous frjr a farm, and tliinks faruiiii;^ a very proHt- alile buKiiii's.t. Our pioplict says war in Kurope i.s now inevitable and that it will e.\l('nd to .Max- well IJut money will lie pieiititnl. Our nrw school teacher coniiiiciiciil liis duties on 'I'ucsday. We wish hun every success and froni reconmieiids received wo cxpuct to receive entire sutisfaction. IlliKtiOKC. From iiitr uirn (.'(/rrenjiiiMlmt, The ^letllodi»t .S. S. .Aniiiveittary was held oil Wednesday the 2<ith ult.. owin({ to the ineleineiicy of the weather the at- tciidauce v,i\» not as large as ini_'lit Imve been. After tea came the httiary pro- gram. Miss Hutchintion presideil at the organ, speeclies Were delivered l>y Mes- srs. McQuav, IJnrtoii und .Stioinjiiian. Tliu dialogues, recitations and ivadinL's were generally well rendered. I'roceed.s about jgCiU. Mi8« M. .lohnston and Mr. C. Itussell, who liave lieeii attending tlif « »\>en .Souinl Collegiate Institute are Bpending tlie va- cation with (heir parents here. Mr. W. Ilanies is buildinganow house here opposite the Victoria cheese factoix Mr. Biirt t»ir!<. I noiii|ni,,ii, ni i/ieeiiiort, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. W. Ludlow's. Tho Inistioge Division, .Sons of Tein- perancc will give an elitertaiiMiiiiit heii' on Friday, .Ian. (itli, coniiiioncing at 7 o'clock. .'\ good time is expected, as there is a select progiain for the occasion. AdiiiisHioii flue. Tamarac. â€" A cold will oft»in ciuse an irritation, dryness and soren s* inside the throat. The tir.st dose oi 'I'ainarac Elixir will alTord relief. Luxuriant Hair Can only bu preserved by keeping tlia Hcalp clean, cool, and free from dan- druff, ami the bmly iu a healthful condition. Tlin great popularity of Ayer's Hair Vigur is due to the fact that it cleanses the scalp, proinotea the growth uf the liair, jiriivents It from falling out, and gives it that soft anil silky gloss SI) I'ssentiiil tu perfect beauty, Krederiilt Hardy, of Hoxbiiry, Mass., a gentleman lifty years of age, was fast losing his hair, and what reuiuinud was growing gray. After trying various dressings with no effect, ho coininenced the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. " It ntopped the falMng out," he writes; "and, to my great surprise, converted uiy wbilo hair (wlthniit staining llio sculp) to the .lame shade of bruicn it bad when I was '25 yeurs of age." Ten Years Younger. Mm. Mary Montgomery, of Uostou, writes: "For years, I was couipelled to wear a dress cap to conceal a bald spot on the crown of my head ; hut new I gladly lay the cap aside, fur your Hair VlgTir Is bringing out a new growth. I could hardly trust my senses when I first found my hair growing ; but there It is, and I am delighted, I look ten yeart younger." A similar result attended tho use o( Ayer's Hair Vigor by Mrs. O. O, Prcs- rott, of Charlestown, Mass., Miss llessio n. lledluc,o( Burlington, Vt., Mrs, 3. J, liurtun, of IJaugor, Me., and uumurous others. The loss of hair may b« owing to Im- purity of the blood or derangrinent of the Rtoniaeh and liver, In wTileh case, a ennran of Ayer's Snriannrllla or of Ayer's I'llls, in i-onnectlon with the VlBor, may be necessary to give heallh and tune tn all the functions ut the Uidy, At the same time, It cannot be tuu strongly urged thst none uf these romeilius ran do murh good without B persevering trial ond strict attention to cleanly and temperate habits. Ayer'8 Hair Vigor, t^r•p•r•rf \>j V*i. J. 0. Ayir k Co., I.o«p«ll, â- •ki by t)nig|l«u Md PMfUHirt, County and District News. Clipped and Conilentied from the Columns of Our Exrlmufpi*. Mrs. Geo. Bath, of Euphrasia, sold a turkey to a Thornbury merchant the oth- er day, which weighed L'iiJ pounds. Mr. Hugh Fraser, father of Mrs. Clias. Pye, of Clarksburg, was killed by a train in Chicago last nightâ€" r/wr/ifcury .sfwii- <i<i<'(f. Dr. James Kennedy, of Owen Sound, is dead, aged G4 years. Ho was born in C'o. Armagh, Ireland. He was a I'lesliy- terian in creed, a Heformer in |)olitic3, and a Prohibitionist in temperance. George Small, of Riverview, was fool- ing with a revolver cartridge the other day, whori it exploded and inflicted se- vere injuries on his head. Two proniineiit Mt. Foresters, who were attending County Court at (iuelpli, were taken for burglars not long since. .Surely thev weren't newspaper men yâ€" eiâ€" milâ€" w!iy, of course not ! A fanner drove into Markdalo with his wife last fSuiulay, having on pouitiy and other produce for luurket. Tliey were both surprised and astonislied to see Markdale market so ijuiet. and returned home ill diw^ust, not with the town but with theimielves. â€" ^'fiKufirn/. Theie is discord in .Markdale on ac- count of the recent lather inexplicable educational revolution. MakkieI).- l;y Uev. O. Edgelow, Church of Kngiand minister, Dnndalk, .Mr. Tlio.H. Haniion, to .Miss Mana Ann, daughter of Mr. Alfred Ward, both of .•Vrteiiie.sia. TuK Advasck tenders its coni/ratiilations. Counterfeit Jo cent pieces are in circu- lation in Dundalk. Mrs. Syiiiin'_'toii, wife of the late CI'. K. station aL'ent at Dundalk, died ut (jialt on Tuesday week. iJiviBJon Com twill be liold monthly in Owen .Soiiiiil 111 future. Daniel llaiiiillon of Sydenham town- ship, a yoiiiii man 22 years of aae, was j kicked in the rilw by a hoise beloiitring to .lames lluckly III Owen Sound. Two of his ribs were broken and it is feared he is als<i injuied internally. Mr. liriL'gs. of (Jollingwiiod, was sjilit- ting Wood ill that town one d.iy recently, when his a.\e came in cont.ict with a clothes line and bogncod back again.st his head, inflicting a Wound just above )iis eyes. .â- Mrs. D. T. X. Mitchell, of Col!iii..'wood, got a rusty sewing lieedlo in her throat, while eating umie baker's bre.id one morning last week, The needle w.ia re- moved with some dilliculty, although it nearly cost the lai^ her life. On behalf of tl)u Marliie dopartim-nt, the Mayor and to«u Councillors of Col- liiiL'wood recently breseiiteil Mi.ss Marie Collins of that plaJe with a beautiful gold locket and chain, for rescuing I^Ir. .Plan- ning Uiowii and liis nephew from drown- ing in August laslt 'fhe bravo young I lie CIIILDRKKS HKALTH. Onf of Natural KinJrtt ISiftt it a Hea/ilii/ f'oniititution. (luard it tigainut diienti- by uting Siamese Worm Powders. l'/orm» arr ilur fruitful cnuie of mtin^ <li»order» in ChiUrrn. SIAMESE WOliM FO WOE US will expel iVormi in every cime where the;/ exist, trill regu- lute the Stiimiirh iiml Mi'irrli iti the mimr lime. Une them, i/oit won t regret it. l»t^civ' l^illwl The Boss Barbeiv (l.atu uf SLvlbnruo) Next - door -to ~ Clayt<ni'$ - iihoe - Slurp, LAPIE.S* BAIK frTTIXtt A .SPECIAL'rV. Shnrinq, Sliampoiiiiiti, tt-c., itc. Eteiythii'J Jirat-cUuM. Oct. 6tb, 18«7. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, [s the j/ttice lu if:t \)imr Uarneu Cvllarif tic nuide up in yuotl atijie. "Shop in Johiuittm'f Livery Ojffice, Flealf I Should (dwnyg hr nr.id fur Sick Head- ache. 'I'hi'r Dui-rntiou in mild andlerton plenmnt. I'heif firikr home eark time irhen lined for <i Dimirdi red Liver. Auk for llunt. tilt them Dun t forgit the mime, I't-i-U"'.'- I*l*-3i^iinl I'iliis. If i/onr driiiiji.st Aim not the iihoee pre- piritlion in Slock. \V. W .S'7'A.'/'//A'A'[ iii.wai.lH in,r cla.v,"wliii i» willing to iiork ,t- t'ft ,i II,., I' ,,7 ,„:n .„,. I il ...., J,, i i: Kux. youiiK of old; CHpital not needed- wi> A LU , of .Me.ijnr,!. wdl neiid them /"UtHrt.von. l-;ver> thing m>V .No special abil itv ilou iirroiiid on ncriiil uf itr. for cither, i rcqiiiio'l ; you. rfa.lor, can ilu it o.i well as any •- / ', . , V «. ... one Write tons at ohce for full particulars, o oj each, or titnorttd for gi.Oi). winch *o mad free. Aildresn Stlnson * Co., ' ' I'Ditlsri'l Maine liKWAKL>i;D w-B tlioso who rcail thiH nii'l llii'ii ttcx,, 3hiiy willfliiil hon- orable eropluyuK'i^it tliat will uor, taku them fron> their lioun-.s auii fainiliuR. The ],rt>at9 are lari^u and %iiro fur every iu(lu8trii)tis pertion. tuuiy have luiuiu au.l are now niakiuR several tinudrtwl dollars -t month. It is easy for auv one to iijake d5 ami Kith- Druiifuts, \y holeitiilf A- l\it:iil, < 6EEAT SOSH! IJ^hai- For? i THE RUSH Our Watch Repair trade iii increasing every day. Thirty-nine watches iu to ropair at the ]>resent time, and the peo- pie over twi.'iity miles around Come to oot their work done at Uussell's I'lesh- orton, as they have proved by exjierr once that i.s the only place to get them done jiropiily. NKWADVEIITISI'^MEMS. WANTED ! Afjiiaiititv of WHITK, .\SH for lliitter Tnbn, loi wliicli C'.VSH will ho pail on ilelivrry. JUS. MeCOUMU'K, Klushorton. OWKN SOI'.NU sgiatc c^ hsliluis Wll.li open on MnNl Kxuiillunt Stnll t'liui-oly M-p^ t« It till) lU'M K>fHipi>'il Sr)iiTtt' DAY, !>1H .l*Sr*UY. IWS. of ToKChurs. Inspector thititrio.â€" X ('his»i'« (or KlrKt SiiMinil ami Tlilitl Clii'^s Cer- tihiiili-,.lniiior iohI Sonior .Mstrlciiliitlon with hoiiot'H, auit l.uw Hiiil Medical Mxafniimtions. .\t tlio !':x,imiiiatioiis, 1SS7. all the UnlvoiKity Afianenlation (.'aiiiltihitus were successful, one ohfulniliK honors in all ilopai tii-eiit-i, and a pro- Ihiiioiiiy siholarsliip of 61U0. Tho Caniliilatus fi-om this School ohtainud The lAinjid nnmlier of Temher't Vcrtiji- (xifci ill the I'ruiiiici;. Ki'.Ksâ€" Winter Tirm, tJi; Hpric;; Torni, 'JS. .Vtiply to K. \V. MKUCn.WT, M. A.. Principal, or I). U. UolUi;, Sec. Hoard uJ Kducation. Owen Hound, Dec. 15th, 18K7. ApvioR TO .Moi'iiKas.â€" .Vro yon disturbed at nlciit timliirokon of vmr rest by a sick child snneriiiKnnil oryim; with pain ot(iittlii«Toetb / If HO Bend at once and KOt a bottle of "MrH. Win. Blow's Sootiif UK Hvrnp'' for Ohlhlreii 'roothinx. Us value Ia incaleiilalilo. It will ruIit!Vo tho poor llttlo sntTmor linmodlfttelv. Popeml upon lt,motimrs; thorn is no tnistakn about It. It ciiriB Dysoiitoiy hiuI Diarrliu'a, veuulatcN thu Htoinaoh anil Uowel^i.cuioH Wind Colic, softons tho(lmns,ru(lnce,hInHHUiniation,and â-ºJlvestono anrtcnciKVto tho whole systoni. "Mrs, Wlns- low'aSoolhinK Hynip" for children tecthiiiM Is ploftssnt totlio tiisti and Is tlio proscription of one of tho oldest und West fonialt) nlivslchins iiiul muses In tho United States, and Is for salo by all drnnRlsts throuidiout tho world. I'rIce twuntv ftvnountsa hottlM. Ilo snvo and ask for â- Mbh.'Wimni.ows SooTuiNo avaer," and tuk« uoothor kind. To W.S.C'HKI.sroK.S.Mellcal Hall, k'losherton. (or thu celebiati-l iijedicines, JoH.NSON'S TD.NIC lllTIKKS.JoiiUSOu's Tonic Llror I'ills JOHNSO.N'n Abl^ IIK.XLl.NU WHlTi; »>1.N T .mi:n is (. . the lur TKllS aa it is Ivi.own to be the best fur all iti-rvoii.s .lisedses. Hysteria, LiHbilJty of any sort. Loss of .Vppetile. l-'umalo Complaiuts, anil I'alcnoss of (.'omplexion aiiil all disordurs aris- tiu; (roni poverty of the lUood. Thft DiiqIi is (or tho ril.Ij.S as there are lUD XVUnU iioiiu hrtu.r than tiuiso for t.iver Complaint and deraut;euieut of tlioditjest- ive orifans. THK ItCSH Is for tUi. OIN'fMKNT as it rank.'. ttrht in its lieitltn^ qualities for all Skin lJts«RScs of a scrofulous nature. Hums, Scalds, ilc, Ac. .\ud it is to bu found at the Urue Store ol W.8. CllIllSlOK. Klesherton. C'ouie and try and sao for yourselves. II I I 1 I 1 I [ I t> THE mametb; FLESIiEUTON. Oirt'futlif Corrected Each U'eeh. l''loir 94 0(1 to 4 20 FallWhcat $0 74 to « 78 Spriig Wheat 74 78 Ihirle- 55 Oats 84 I'cas 57 Butter 17 KgK3.f»"'*h 17 i'otatoesiush -10 Pork Hay, per tn Hides Wool ShocpskiiiB (ieese Turkeys .., (liiickeiis per \\i' .. 6 10 7 00 G 00 18 40 05 7 -25 70 «o 57 17 17 40 6 60 8 00 7 on 21 60 or, 8 Uejit Jlarkel. S. SI'IUIT, - - PllOPhlETO*:. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Slieep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand fur Cttsh. Orders pruujptly filled. Agents, Agents ! EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels of the Universe Doing a full and Kraphic description of all that is woudorful in evory Continent of tho (ilobe. in ttio worM of waters ami the starry HoaveUM. Containing thrilliuf; adventures on land and »ea. reliowiiud tliscoverioB of the world's greatest ex- plorers in all a^us, and remarkable pheuuuiena in every realm o( nature. Kmhriiciiif; the strik- ing ptnsical features of the earth the peculiar vliariicturisties of the buuian race, of animal:., - . . - -..tn. t,,,,,. iiTeiiifnnK a »i.la ilwHATiiitioil Ol the .\tlantic. I'aciflc and Indian Oceans ai«l of the I'olar 8ua», the monsters of tho deep, iKiautlful Beaabelki and plants, singular ftslu-s and dwellers in the world ol waters, reluarkablo oeenn currents, ete., together with tho ainaziu); phenomena of the »»ilar and starry systems, bv Henry Davenport Northrop, D.U., ciiibellii'lieit with over :ii)U fine on«ravinKB. Liberal terms to aiients. tlxford I'ubliebiug Company, i Jordan St .Toronto, (int. slO-UtM R. J. SPROUL, Flenherton. Cimteyttncer, Appraiaer, Val- uator and Money teniler. lleeda, Hurt- ijciijci, /(-rises anil Wills drau-n vp ufui I'alitatinnt made on shortett hotic. Chirr- ijci verij low. .Ippl'j to H. J. UriiO ULE, I'lMmanter, FUxherion. Ducks per pair o 40 I SK.\ WONDEKS cxlBt In thousands of I forms, but »ro Burpussud by tho marvels of invention. Those who are in need of lirotttable work that can be done whih- Uvins at home should at once rend their a<l- j dress to Hallett & Co., I'ortlaud. Maiue, and re- I ceive free, full information how cither sex, of all afjes, can earn from #5 to i$2o per day and I upwards wliurever they Itvo. You nre started 2!) I 'roe. Capital not required. Some have iiiado O "in ""'"^ ** "* ' ''"B'" "i")' "' ''"''' work. .Vll sue- A Poeitiv Cure. A Painless Cure. %t\yi h:iH vevolntloniKed tho World diirniH tbo hiBt halt century. Not loHst ttui .iiiM the wo.idcrs of iiivontivu pi 'RroNs Ib a method and system o( work Miat can be performod all ovor the countrv without Bopivatlntj tlio work- ers from their lioinns. I'ay liberal; any ono can do the work; eluhur cex, young or old ; no special ability reipdred. Capital not noetled ; you are started (rcn. Ont this out and return t.. ll^ ant we will send vou free, soniothlnB of g at vulne and importanoH to you, that will s nri you lu businoBB, which will bring yon iu more won ly rutnt away, than anythlUR else In the world. UnAND ocTVn rouu, Addreu THt;B Jt Co,, Au- guata. Main*. FACTS ISr men of ALL AGES. _ - _.â€" â€" _. niSBASEa or man. jjm^, '"*' of H«allna, and Knhmoor of Medicines. (l^.v'njLjI^I^Bttietvrriblo roiiMpqnpiieitH oflnallsoretlOD, â- â- » I " I !"S â€" ^»^".^> r.xituonrc null Overwork. Who are brokdu down ci-..«~„... _»o .^.....I, vl^ 4'b'""0 weukniiss, involuntary vital losses, etc. Btmptoms Fon wmcu No. 8 S-j,,,, ,,,5 UsKn.-WanH of energy, vertigo, want of purpoee, ilininoss ot »n,ni, ijNi^ »i>0»o,.|„ty want of coufldence, avoidance of couvorsaiion. ueHiro for BOlitudo, li'-tlosiii).* ..-"... _ .». ... 5^?|^3LE;--^c3-Er) .AJtTiD oi-r> ivixnjT ', ,', 'I*.tT"ct9 of abuso will And iu No. 8 a radical euro for uervous oowar inatorrhu' toncy, . fomalOB.tromblinjr, melanclloty, habit, ofteutlmea Inuocentl* •< toneiou, every function warn 'n.^ ., H '. '„ „r 2!B''' iimhility to fix tho attontiou on a particnlar subject, .', !;?'« V,J o,^! If ,1?,, ulwli KiJ'lliioBB, lo6^ of monmrv, excitability of temper, sper- ?;'.?H,^,^ ^ ?sff,^ lluid-tl.u rimnll) of solf-abuse or marital exc«»«-impo- , innutrition, omiuial4ou „„„„„,_ ,„^,,,,tjti„„ „, tto heart, hysteric fo.liiiHri,. .-^Istnrt.tiiK dreunia. etc., are all symptoms of this terrible J, red. In short, tho spring e( vltiil force bavins lost its n» ins.ino iisCliiniH onite 111 »ge»«"aue.ncij. Sclontlflo writorsaud tho sHperintondeuts waBtoTlfve' wh ch 00 ndet'f '" "'» e""'""' "' "el'-ahuse the greUt msjority ol Sf^of h.iab^ims inoanaeit?^*''' "°*''^''- " Vo" ''"' Incompetent for tlie arduous thoorTecUofoft ivvl^^^^^^^ '''"' •'"J'^ynicuts of life. No. 8 oilers an escape from uV,nI.h If v,mar,. bk,kou^lS»»''"'''»<'«'' '" y<""B, No. Swill nive you full viiiornnd V .M f o('l,.r>or»not ^n o^W ta^''l'>«i'^''"'y "Ud morally (rem oarW ludiscrotion, tho Address all oonumu.loatlr.mi to "v"' ,Ht;irtJ**2L«'U;-ii.2,",iiiI.°. £?"«• °^r "'Jl^-i'"' A llin>iilhniitv>iidsni I ,o» in a lorfi '•. â- '*'»»""• VI WrlllnKlOU %X. E., TorOBiU* A Man without wudom I ie< in a l»«r«„ji,^ gm,jg cUARANTtlo. HEAL THE SICK. %> .: I A Permanent Cur*. ^ j^ Pleasant Cure. , .LAaima^i^': I & r