Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1888, p. 8

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t^ Iff' â- â€¢?â- ' ^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Jan. 5, 1888. s^fm PetUral DR. CARTER. M.C.P. &S.,Ont. PHYSICIAN, Kl RtlEON, ««. FLESHERTON. Offlc*, BtrKin'i block. Ki-Bidencr, W'm.WrlgM I gfutbtry. g^ DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. BUKOEON UENTI8T Hold Medaliit and Honor Oraduatt of tit li.G.D.S., V.'lll vitit FLE8HKKTON. IMiin«baw'» Hotel 1 aod 2 of each iiiontli. Toctli extracted, iDWiV ri and «ll.-d Id tlio hluliest »t>ieB oj the art, aud at moderate rates. Ukad Ofi-ick. 761 YoxoK St., Tobokto. ^f0nl. J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. JtarrlHtvr, Solicitor, Vonveyaucer, Olllcu,â€" strain's Ituildiuti, Fi.I'.hdhbton. A. A. CHESLKY, Solicitor and Coavuyauoor, Iti'siiloat MftimKvr. HB. KItOST will li« found at the Office oo Tbundaya &a livrctuforu. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Soliciior, ^c. Ofli<><'. over M<*Farlaiid'8 Ntore, Markdalc. Money to Loan. ^mciur^jSi ^\m\^. iehn W. Armstrongy Flkkhkutos, Co. Quey. DIVISION ( orilT OLKUK. COMMISRIOKBB lu B. K, Conveyancer, Ac, .\Kunt fur |>urcba«- ned lali) of landt. .ApiiraikiT for C \,. C. Com. and F. P. U. i S. Society. .Money to I^iau on the iiioat reaHonahli> tertnH. iHbirii' up M.\lUiIAOK JilCKNHES. NOT.MIY I'LUI.IC. MONEY TO LOAM AT LOWEST < TKKEKT IMTE§, /owo or Farm Property, »^^ K. DAML'UE, >^ Fleabartoo. »:*â-  jF.ail. i-.. .S U RANGE A U T, ,H " DRP.DH.MOUTdAOKH, LKANi;s. Ac. prepar- ed anil properly exocutod. Imtnrance aueo- ed In flrat-claBKcouiiianleB. Uouev to lendal low eat ratea. GET YOUR MEAT i-FROM-i Petch 5, Mitcliell, OENERAL UUTCHEUS, FLESHEKTONl ICsaTCasli paid fur fat cattle, &o., Ac. Flesherton Station Mill. The above mill i.s now m good running order for Chop- jiing. Geor(;e Mooreiiouse, jiroprietor, will be j)leased to see all his old friends. Quan- tity of four feet Cedar Logs Wanted. Farmers will do well to make a note of this J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertalccr, FLRSHKllTON OUT, il BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. OATMLOGUbS FRISK. BELL^CO.,«ii«Jpii,OiiL Tlf-Blts. ContinueA from Fimt Page. Overshoes and Rubbers selling off very cboap at Wm. Claytous. 2t. Mr. Henry Cairns was re-elected Councillor for Eugenia Ward on Monday last by a majority of six votes. So that this leaves oar TowoBbip Fathers "as you were." Remeruber lecture by Rev. John Stuart, D.D., of Owen Sound, in the Baptist Chapel, Flesherton, to-morrow (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Collection to bo taken up in aid of Building Fund. Auction sale of Farm Stock and Im' plemeuts at Lot 82, Con. 0, Artemesia, ou Thursday next, Jan. 12th, at 1 o'- clock p m. Arch. McLean, proprietor ; A. S. VanDuscn, auctioneer. See bills. Physician.s are usually averse to pro- prietary medicines. Nasal Balm is a Bi)ccitic for cold iu the head and catarrh aud having faith and evidence that it will cure .those troubles, wo ask aud court a fair trial of the discovery and a a full investigation at their hands. Business at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton, has iucreascd ho larg- ly during the past year, they have had to add new nichol show cases, &c. , to contain their magnificent stock of fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. We have also added a fine burglar proof safe from the well known firm of Ooldie * McCuUough. A co))y of "The Farmer's Advocate aud Home Magaziuc," of London, Out., has come to handâ€" an agricultural jour- nal which is excellent in all respects. It is well eilited, and includes every sub- ject of importance to tlio farmer or Htockman, the truthful aud indeiM:'udcnt tonn of the [taper enhancing the value of its information. It is handKoinely printed on fine pai>er, aud got up iu li- brary form. It is indeed a very com- prehensive journal. We recomnieud it. At the Inst regular meeting of L.O.L. , No. IIIH, the following were elected offi- cers for tliu year 1S88 : Ja». Brodie, W.M. Rob<rt Campbell, D.M. Rev. J, S. Corcoran, Cli»p. .Iiiuius Cnrgou, lle.c. Sec. Hiinry Weber, Flu. Sec. Rphraini Brodie, TroM. Jolm Williams, D. of C. Tlios. Crow, Sec. Siiinuel Pedlar, .losiah Cooper, .loscph Williams, Robert Williains and .loneph Ffiiwick, couimittoemcii. This ludgo meetx in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on the Wednesday on or before the full of the moon in each month. The hri'thren of L.O.L., No. 244, held their thirty-seventh annual meeting in their Hall on the (evening ot the 27tli Dec. of which tho following brethren wore oloctod officer for the ensuing year ; Joseph A. Blakcley. W.M. W. J. Henderson, D.M. S. Sheardown, (^liap, T. J. Stinson, R.S. Wm. Sharp, F.S. J as. Best, Troas. J. Hal(!s, Lee. I). A. Stinson, Tyler. Wesley Breon, 1st Com. Jos. Watson, 2ud " K. Lomos, Brd " R^Sample, 4th " J. Lvons, .'•th " Rev. Mr. Green â€" now of Port Elgin and formerly jiastor of the Methodist church here- -has boon visiting friends in this lot^ality. He duliveretl a very sensible and practical sermon to the young peoiilii in the Methodict church on Sunday evening last, from the words loiiuil in (Icncsis 4Ui. )!Hv., "Can wo Ciiid Kuch a one as this is, a man in whom the. Spirit of (iod is." He spoke at length, reviewing the character of .loseph, his unswerving devotion to that which wii.s riglit in the sight of Ood â€" sufTeriug persecution rather tlian do that which was wrong â€" and drawing therefrom many practical and useful lessons, which should bo a guide to the youth of the present day. There was a very largo congregation, oornposted largely of Sabbath School children, to whom his r(\niarks were more particu- larly addressed. Rev. Mr. Shiltoii de- livered a short hut most excellent ad- dress to the children in tho morning. Health is impossddo wheu tho blocd i.s impure, thick and sluggish, or when it Is tliiii and impoverished. Such con- ditions give rise to boils, neuralgia, rheumatism and other disorders. Ayer's Sarsaparilla piTifies, invigorates, and vitalizes the blood. We can easily lay claim to doing the business of this section for 25 miles around, having soldfrom Oct. 8i'd, 1887, to Dec. 29th, 1887, eleven fine gold watches, thirty-f ao silver watches and twenty-nine clocks, against another dealer's blow of twelve watches and sixteen clocks. There is no doubt about it, that the people will come to us to buy as they know they can do far bet- ter than elsewhere at Russell'i Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Married. Oamey â€" CiASK. â€" On Wednesday, 28th nit., by Rev. W. F. Ferrier, Maxwell, Mr. Thos. Oamey, to Miss Frank Clark, both of Osprey. Piperâ€" Hu.L.-' On Monday, 26th nit., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. Wilson, Markdale, Mr. Harry Pijxjr, to Miss Leetie Hill, both of .'Vrtemesia. Died. Wn-KERsoN. â€" In Flesherton, on Friday, Dec. 30th, Mrs. H. L. Wilkerson, aged 67 years, 8 months. The funeral took jilace on Sunday last, the remains being interred in Flesh- erton cemetery. After which the oc- casion was improved by Rev. A. Wil- son by an impressive and powerful sermon in the l^resbyteriaa church. Stranee Ocenrence In Ward Xo. 4, Eiiseuia. Tu Ute Editor of Tin- Admnce. It is idleged that a Mr. Hogg of Euge- nia, kept an open house, during the Mu- nicipal Election there for Mr. Henrj- ('nirua, the nicinber elect. If it bo true, then there is a violation of SuUsi-ction one, two and six of Section 201 of the Municipal Institution Act â€" which Sec- tion.s speak for themselves- and plainly would not only forfeit tho Election, but dis.tble the person from again holding any such position for two years â€" and tho law is rpiito a-i bindin;;. after having vot ed as l>efore it. It is a pity that Mr. Cairns or his friend, should so far have forgot his or their duty to the Electorate, at large, a« to cause a breach of the Sta- tute, and do what is so clearly intended to be avoided, whether it be, giviiifj of dinners or anything else, either to induce a man to vote, or as a thank gift for hav- ing voted. I shall bo glad if the report is false. â€" Law. Attention. Attention all, both graat and amall, To vbat I'm aliout to nay Tile Huinuier i,) ffono and winter is on. And the builder wants his i>ay. Those who are indebted to me by book account will ]>leaHo call aud settle the same by cash or note on or before the l.'ith ilay of .fanuary, 1H.MH, as 1 must liaxo my hook acct. settled up. Thank- ing my friends for past patronage, I would solicit a continuance of tlie same. â€" John Whitten. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is recommend- od by eminent jihysiciaus, on both sides of the .Atlantic, as tho most reliable leniedy for colds, coughs, aud all pul- monary disorders. Inquire of your druggist for Ayer's Almanac The Reason Why Aycr'.H I'ills aro so popolar i.n, tintt while always reliahle as a ralliartio ntcilirinc, tliey never leave any ill efTcets. This is because ibey are purely \e^i'tiilile, and entirely free from eulo- nu'l or liny other (IniiKerinis drti^. In all eu.ses, ilierefi>ri!, whetlu-r the \uitient he i)l(l or young, they may be eonli- dently ailniinistere<l. Ill the Sotitliern and Western .States, where ilerangeini'Uts of the liver are .so P'Meral, .Vyer's I'ills have proveil all in- estiiiiahln liles.siiii;. U. W. Itaine, New lierne, N. C, wrltis : " I KiilTered a lonj; time with stcmiaeli unci liver troubles. I tried varions rem- edies, but received no beiietlt imlil 1 eoinmenveil takiiiK .Vyer's I'ills. These pills benetited Iiie at onee. 1 look them ie(;ubuly for a few months, ami uiy lieallh was completely restored." Tliro\iKht>ut New England, next t* lung iliiiea.ses, Btoniaeh aud Itowel Complaints are the most prevalent. Dyspepsia and Constipation are almost iiniversal. Mr. Oallaiber, a practical chemist, of Koxbury, Mass., who was long troubled with Dyspepsia, writes : " A friend induced me to try Ayer's Pills, and, after takint; one box without nnieli beiu'tit, I was disposed to cpiit them; liut he urged perseveraiu'e. anil, liefore I had tliiished the secoinl box, I l)e);aii to expcrb^liee relief. I continued taking them, at intervals, until 1 had u.se(l eleven bo.\es. Snftiee it to sav. that I am now a well man. and t«iateliil to your chemistry, which oiilstripa mine." The head and stomach are always in sympathy ; bence the cause of ino.st of those distressinn headaches, to which BO many, especially women, are subject. Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of I'oii^'hkeep- Bie, N. Y., writes that for yenrs she was a nmrtyr to liendache, and neviT found anything to give her inoie than li-ui- po'rary relief, until she bewail takirx Ayer's I'ills, since which she has been iu'thc enjoyment of perfect liealth. Ayer's Pills, FKBPAnKD BY Or. <l. C. Ayar A Co., Lowtil, Mai*. Bold by all Druggists. R OOTS & S HUEm 1 have a Full Supply of all Lines of WINTER GOODS! RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS and FELT STOCKINGS SELLING CHEAP. WMsCIaAYTON, Flesherton. f HEARD' Carriage Works, Flesliertom, .HAMFACTIRERS OF CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, BUGGIES AjYD WAGOjYS. QOrPI A I A TTrMTIHM <^''*'' <" ^^lONand carriage paint' OrLUInL /i I I Liy I lull IJS'G, trimming a7id JOB WORK. Mannfaatnreru of Irou Harrowti und Farm GatCH. HOUSE SHOEINCi promptly attended to. ftud leo. Durbain Struut, Klehherton. OaJJ CHEAP m AND TH E WELL vM«. DUBABLB \ KNOWN SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual First-class value in every department. with Agent for VICKERS' EX TRESS. All parcds left him will be promptly and carefully attended to. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AIO. KINDS or M\\ "d Mcfiusienlal Wcrks '-'•i, i-'t'*"-'â€" ^4''^' ' «.!\''; Counter and ^_ . » • "' ' V " "' * short notice. â€"^'' - ->-'â- â- ' . Mai'bleized S J Such as Monuiuonts, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Table Tops â€" in American anci bio and Chanite, and made on Also Mantles iu Marble acd Marbleized Slate, kc, &c. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL I^iver THE TILLS Purify tbo Illood, correct all Disorders of the Stomnch,, Kitin'ys, a.ntl JL3o\veI«i. Tbey inviKoratc and restore to health I)ehllltutt>d C'onstitiitionB. and are invalnaffle in all Com- plaints iucideutul to Kenialeb of all »kuh. Kor (.'hiMrun aud tht) a^ed tbey are priet-leas. THE OINTMENT for Had Ik'Cs, Bad UroaHtB. Old Wounds. Soros and T. d UhoimiutiHiu. Kor dJHordorti of thu Cho.Ht it haH ii For SORE THKO.n, RROA'CHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS I an intalliblo ramedy for 1tn>1 T.crs, Had Kronsts. Old Wounds. Soros and Ulcers. It Is famous (o> Guut and UbcuuuitiHm. Kor disorders <>f thu Cbo.Ht it has no equal. UlandularSwollingH.audall Bkin Diseaseii it has no rival ; aud for coutractod and vtiff oiuta it acts like a charm. Jlaniiractured only at rrofessor Holi.owav'h Establishment, 78, New Oxford Street ( late 53:), Oxford Street ), London, and are sold at l». lid., 2s. Od., 4s. I'k)., lis.. '2S!s., and SA*. each Hox or Pot, aud may be had of all Med cine Vendors throughout the World. fSf" Prwchasers ahindd look <t f.he Label on the I'ots aiui Roxe.t. If the nddres$ is not ,^,W, Vtford Street, Loitdol, theij are njnirimm. To the People Of Artenifsia, Oxprv^f, and Sur- roundhif/ IHs'trict. The uudorsiKuert rospectfully tenders his sin- cer«» and Kratufiil thanks to the iijoneral public for tho excellent patrouaKe uxtunduil to him since opcnini4 out in the Hoot A Shoe Kusluess in Klusherton, and trusts bo bus moritoil their continued sup])ort. At the ssniu time, he wishes to state that be has a Rood stock of Mens Ijoiii,' lioots, liadlus Hoots Ji HhocB, &o.. of bis own make, which will bo sold at Cost Prices. .Mubt clear out the stock â€" come and (jut bargains 1 Wishinj! one aud all a "Merry Christmas aud a Happv now year. " I'Meshortou, Dec. last, 1887. JOS. SMITH. James Sullivan, The Tiusmitti, - Flesherton Repairing, KavetrouRbiug.and in fact ovory- tbiDft i:i the business will reeeiva luy prompt aud careful attoutiou at ruasouabl* prices. Executor's IXotice IN pursuance of sect. 1, Chap. (1, 4B Vic, noticu is hereby given that all creditors aud otbeia having claims against tho estate of W. H. C>>l- quutt, deceased. Iftto of the township of Arte- mesia, in tho County of Orey, aud I'roviuoe of Ontario, who died ou or about the ^th day of Mav, ISHC, aro to sent by post prepaid or deliv- ered to Willlaiu S. Christoe, M.l)., on or betoru the ir>th day of January, 1HS8, a statement eou- taiuing thoir names and addresses aud fuU Vftr- ticulars of their claims anil of the securttfos (if any) hold bv tbew and after tho said, >aet lueu- tioned date, the said W. S. Christoe, for^M |>«r> sonal Kstato audufiects, rights aud cruditsof tho said W, H, ColqueStâ€" will procoed to (ISstribute tho assets of the said deceased amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, regard being had only to the claims of which notice has been giveu aa abore required, and Executors \Till not be liable for tho said assets or any part thereof to auv person or persons of whom claims have uot boon received by thosaid W . 8. Christo«. .\iiil furtliur. all parties who are indebted to tho said Estate of the said W. 11. Colquett, d%»- ceasud. are to [xty as Uio same becom«a due, to the said W. S. Christoe. W. S. CHUISTOK, for tho F.xeontors, JAMES LOVK, 8A.MUEL COliQUETT, auJ XIKS. COLgUKTT. Dated, Flusbcrtou, this 9»th taj «4 Doe., Itm

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