Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1888, p. 4

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K THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. It putiliiihud Kvery Thiirsday, FUOM THB 0»KtCE. ,Sy/oi/i<im Strttt, • - FUaherUnt, Ont. TKUMS OP BUHSCUIPTION : »i |i6r aniiiiiu whoii paid utricitly In advance f I VJ por auuuui wliuii nut >o |>Bld. A. K. FAWCETT, JCditor aiul Proprietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. JAN. 12, 1888. EDITORIAL yoriiS. Tlie Empire, is a si)ltiuli<l newspaper in every respect. Of course it ounli t to l>e Cri-iijliton cverythins- Next ! Tlie Tliuriibury Ntirt man has been de- V tiui.' Ii's "I'are nioiiionts ti> lliediRciission I. f bustles. The subject i» a \veij,'hty one 111 h.iiiic r<.-»pect»--i»]ieciiilly if bonio bust- !â-  wiiiriT slmuld ebanco tu drop into the IMiliu's Hanctuni iitid proceed to inter \iew liiin with a cordwoud stick and an Ulilliivllil. 'I'lif incorporation scheme is likely to meet with a stnuiK and spirited opposition. It hiiH two sides, each with a folhiwint; .f enthusiastic disciples. Tub ApvancE «iccupies neutral ground, althou^ih it has I'piiiioiiH of its own and will i{ive expresrt- luii to them at the proper time. This is ii matter in which it is well to sound pub- lic opinion tiefore sounding one's own ! \\r<. Mitchell, of the Ehirham CVictmic/c, cnuibii down the tiery auburn locks rif a recent proprietor of that journal in yreat shape. The r.p. lately visited Durham and piiiiited the town red. It is needless to add that he diil not do sn at his own vxpeiiKe. .\iid now the r.p. is (iter friend Mitdicll with the jawlxuie of an ass, l>e- ciiuse the latter alluded to the r.p's pere- grinations in his pajMir. Ve ruceive<l tlie iiaiuM of the success- ful candidates at the recent entrance ex- aiiiiii.'itliiiis just a few hours too late for liuit wi!ek 8 Ai<VA.MK. Hut of course the County town newspapers stole a march on their cunteui|iorurieH by publishing the lists <i wrek in a<ir<iii<T. There is no ex- cuse whatever for this sort of thing. The gentleman or gentleineti, 'whose <lutv (or «!ntirs) it was txi prepare (he lists for the f ivia, couiil just as easily have arranged to publinh theiu simultaneously in all the |>itp> IS as not. IjiKt week's Thornbury SiuwUird gives an interesting account of the formation and destructivuiiess of those Yankee cy- clones we hear so iinicli about. Are ey- cloneH Hinoug the UMietits (') likely to be confiTii-d upon ('Mmnlians in ca.se of anneXntion, friund Karewi-ll '. Tlio Yan- kees seem to-hatii all exclusive monopoly in cyclones. In ease of annexation they wouhl pi'olwvbly liecuiiio less selfish and ;,ivi- ut u few chunks '. In that event we \.<iiild i;i-neiously il.iimle <>iir share to i;r.i. Farewell I ! If there is one thing inoru than another, which jars uiion the feelings of the earn- est theological student, ,^ it is to hear a preacher speak of God as a l'»ving Father, merciful and kind to the creatures of His Will, and tlien â€" aluiost in the same breath â€" Hi>eaking of Him as an awful Keiug, whose anger against the wicked is so terrible that He dooms them to the lake of brimstone and the pit of darkness for ever and ever ! Would au earthly father â€" with all his weaknesses and in- tirniities â€" d<H)m his child to such pun- ishment, or anything approaching it, for similar offences ? How much less our Heavenly Father, who is all perfect, wise and good I The defeat of Mr. Klias Rogers, in the Toronto Mayoralty contt'st, was more than a gentle surprise to that gen.lemaii's sup- (lorters in, and syinputhiicers ou'.side, the Queen City. One lesaoii at least is to be learned from it and it is this : There is a point beyond which the public will not tolerate clerical interference. Minis- ters of the (ioBpel have no riglit to pros- titute the pulpit, by converting it into a rostrum, for the purpose of dictating the course they would have their parishoners pursue in matters of a purely secular character. Their mission is one of "I'eace and good-will toward men," but in many instances they forget the dignity of their high calling and cast in their lot with the Philistines. In Jerseys, Clouds and Knitted Wool Shawls, clearing out at a big discount at M. Uicliardsoii & Co's. S.'Minil towns and villages in Orey have l)eeii lioustiiii; pretty freely ;*boMt iheir iiiaiki l«. It IS iilioiit time tins st.ile old t^lirstiiiit was drn|ipcd. Tin? dillen-iice III prices at any of imr (yiiunty markets is nil siilKcient to warrant farineis itririiig from li\e to ten miles ont of their way ami away from their miiru.'it place fi r do iiig biisiiK'ss. t li'i'iisioiiHlly, of course, soiiiu buyer is foolish eiiouuh to pay a a few cunts higliei' than market ],rice, in order to gain a little cheap notoriety. It does liiin no giMid in tint end, for a buyer III a rival town can iisuiilly go him one belter on the ol<l ('hestiiiit, and thereby leave things pietly much a.s they were l>e- fore. While in a neighboring village one day, n few weekv ai;o, wu noticed two or three ('rain buyers performing a worn out old «l'id<.,'u, In order to pull wool over the eyes of iiinocent and unius]Hicting Kraugers. A farmer is seen coming into the place, (iiid while he is yet some roils from llie business ountre, the grain buyent siidilen- Jy dart forth from llieir several places of Joiaition and make a nice for his load yulliiig, fuatiuulatint' and hopping around the astiinisliod aijricnlturist like so many jnmpiiig jacks. Tim object of all this foriMl uo<iiij is to impress I he farmer with the idi« Ihftt the buyers are terribly keen t«. purohsau his produce, and ready togi»e «'l»ie very tip top price." It is worthy of remark, llial a very gi«i I uiiderstaiidinn «!xials Utw«»en tlmse iipparently keen ri- BusinesH at RuftHeU'H NotcKl Jewelry Store, Flcsherton, Iia» iucreaticd ao larg- ly during the past year, they have had to add new iiicliol show cases, Ac, to contain their niagniticent stock of tine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. We have also added a tine burglar proof safe from the well known ftriu of Uoldic & McCulloiigh. Martyrs to Headache Seek rdii f in vuin, until ilii-y lx';;iii ti> use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Then tliey r«- gret the years of siitTeriiig they might have escaped had llicy tried this reiiieily earlier. The trouble was constitutional not liii 111 : ami, limit Ayer's Sitrsupa- rllla iliil its I'lTirtivc woik as an AUeraiiveaml Itlooil I'liriHer, lUey were coiniwlled to suffer. Till', wife of Haniilel Page. 21 Austin St., I.invi'11, Ma.HH., was, for along tlnir, subject to severe liBUiliMlies. the result of stomach ami liver ilisonli-rH. A |>er- (cct cure has been effecteil hy .\)er's Sarsaparilla. Krank Koln-rts, 7l'7 \Vasli:u;:loii st , Hostoii, says that he formerly hiel ter- rible iKiadiU'liei, and iiiilll I.e liHik Ayer's Harsapaiillii, iie\i-r foiiml any luiHlirllli' that Wiilllil |.'ive Permanent Relief. " Kverv Spriiii;, for years," writes LIr./.ie VV. DeVeaii, ai'J Kifleriilli St., Brisiklyn, N. Y., " I have liiul intoler- able lieiiilaclies. ( coiuiiieiu-eil the iiHtj of .\yer's Sar^apiirllla la->t Manli, an I have not had a heailai'lni since that time." " I siifTere'l frniii lieailaclie. lieli;;e->- tlmi, and ileliiliiy. iiinl w i'< Icinlly able toilrau iiiyieK about the house," «rile-i Mr.H. M. Si. Lewis, of .V St., I^owell, Muss. '• .Oyer's Sarsaparilla has worked a iiianeloiu ihaii;<e In my case. 1 now feel strong ami well as eviT." ,liiiias (larnian, Ksi)., of l.ykliis, I'a., writes: "For years I have siilTiTeil dreadfully, every Spriii;;, from lieaihiche, laiiseil by impurity of the bliiod aini biliiiisiiess. It seeiiieil for iliiys and weeks that my head woiihl split open. Nothing relieved me till 1 took Ayer's Hiirsnparilla. Tins medlciiiu has cured iiie completely." When .Mrs. (ienevra Ilelangor, of '2^ Ilriili;e St., S|iriiiglleld. Mass., Iie;;aii to use .\yer's Sarsaparilla, she had sntfereil for soMH^ years from a serious alTeetiou of the kiillieys. H\ery Sprinu', also, she WHS alllw'ted with heailaihe. loss of appeliie, anil imliijestiiiu. .\ friend per- siiaileil Inr lo use .Vyer's Sarsaparilla, wliiili beneHted her woinleifiilly. Her Iiealtli is now perfect. Martyrs to liead- «i:lie should try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rri-|iiiriit liy r>r. .!.('. .^vet ,t <„., I.n<»>ll. Man*. I'rtcc f I ; til IwtllM, ii. Wurtb $i s boule. County and District News. Vlipiteil ami Cotulenitetl from the Volumnti of Our Exeltnngen. The Thornbury JVeieit lias entered upon the third year of its existence in good sliafH). The Ureij lifvietc has commenced Vol- ume 11, and is in every sense a good lo- cal journal. Long may it flourish. The Hanover Pout has completed an- other year of its existence. The Post is always neatly [iriiited and newsy. Miller's liijuor and provision store in Markdale was destroyed by tire on Sun- day week. A cow hooked Donald Cowan, of Utli line Erin, in the eye a week or two ago. It wan found necessary to remove the in- jured oiitic. Residents of Duiidalk are after Uro. Spurr's scalp because hu said the Public School building there was uiiuife. Nev- ertheless Hro. Spurr told the triith, and told it likj a gentleman. On Christinas day a young lady at Matehett'Ji Hotel, Crcciiiore, struck a young man from Lavender on his nasal organ and made him see stars and feel as though a 40'to» blizzard had hit him. The Owen Sound J'im-.< has |>aHse<l un- der the magagenient of Mr. (ieo. D. Howell, who has been connected with the otlice for Some time. Mr. Creiglitoii still retains a proiirietary interest in the pa- l>er. On Monday afteriio.ia a Walkortoii brass band serenaded Hanover by tele, phone. All the subscriliein hero were switched on and called up by Walkerton, and when placing the 'phone to their ears the sweet strains of music were distinct- ly heard. Every note could be heard as plainly as though but a block away. â€" llaninor I'nxt. '.itiil pupils of Public Scliools wrote at the recent High Rcliool Entrance Exam- inations in this county, oi whom HI were successful ; at Fleshertiui ri4, of whom 17 piwsed ; at Xeiistadt 20, of whom S pas- sed ; at Thornbury 84, of whom 27 pas- sed ; and at Owen Sound 111, of whom ,')t) passed. .Miss Mininv lirander, of Priceville, took the highest »uniber of marks. *' Mr. Will, .\llison was putting in a pump for an Owen Sounder named Iloyd one day recently. .Mlisoii was working down at the liottoiii of the well and a yimng fellow named McCoy was engaged drivii'g down thi> pump, when the latter accidentally let askiintliiig fall down on the former's head, which rendered him un- conscious. .\ fur cap btoke the force of the blow, and saved Allison's life. The Well was IMI feet deep. E.sTKKMKii. When Mr. Samuel Cleines was alsiut to leave hisschuol at Iiiistioce, a social was got up by the people in the scli'Hil house. .\ program consisting of leiuliims, recitations, songs, tVc. was gone Ihnm^h with and then the fcdlowing ad- dress was presented to the teacher : â€" Mr. Clem is, â€" Most worthy and psteeme<l teacher, we your pupils of S..S. No. 4 here present you with this .\lbum ainl Hymnal as u small token of our esteem not for their value but honing they may rccal to your memory some hours of pleasure and pro- lit to Isilh us and you while you have labored among us. We are sorry to part with you. Since your coming amongst us one short year Sijo, you have by your amicable disposition so completely won our alfeclious that we rt^co<ri,ise with ^riktitude your ability and a.ssiiluity as an instructor of the yimlhful mind and moulder of youthful morals. Voui depoitnii lit in smual life has been a moral and Clirisliaii L'liide to the youth of our vicinity. The admiration of parents and general companionship of manliood and youth. Wishini; you success in your new (Teld of labor, we join in wishing you a Merry (/liristinas and Happy New Year. Your Pupils. Mr. Cleniis, whose parents live in town has taken chaiL'c of the Eugenia School for ISHH. ('(•ItiiitiiriMiil IMlitin. Ih** If yon want a flno Wedding Ring, full IHk., yoii havi! to go to RiiaHoira, Klesh- ertoli, for it. NRWADVilRTISRMKNTS. Advicb TO MuTiiKHs.â€" Ala you disturbed at lilsjit .oel tH'okeli tfl >mir rest bv a sick child •untirinK ami ery iiiu with ]isiii nt f'littiiig Teeth ? If SOHulel Hliiliuu lithl |{(it H b.-ittle of "Mrs. Witi- â- lowK Siiiiiblni.' Svrii|i tui (^hiliUen I'linthiiig. Its value iA iiicali-iiliible. It will rotleve tllu I loor little snlUirer iiiiiiieiliHtHlv, l)o|ieiMt uiton t, mot burs, there is tie iiiiHtakn iiboiit It. It rtin^s llvseiitery hikI Diiirrlui'iL, remilates the Htolimc'ti iitid HoweJN, no'ew Wimi Colle. softens the I 111 ins. reilucesliitUunnatioii.aiiil qlves ^uno and line) i;v to the whole Hysietu. "Mrs. \Viii*«- li)W'iiS.iiitlini(i Syniii " for iiliililren teutliini,' is pInsHKilt tiitlie teste auil Is the |ireseri|itloli of ulie of Ibo oiliest suit boHt female pbvsiuiauH and IliirMuri in the I'llited Hlsltis, and U for ssln by all 'InitjijIstH tbruiuihoiit tbe world. I'ricn twHiitv llveeeiitH a liiittle. Me Hiire and ask for • Mas. WiNKi.iiw's SooriiiMi Svatie," and take nootber kind runtUMIAII has revoluttnnlied the world ' WTiniJ '''I'nKI tho !»"' half nentiiry. II t iUil ^'"' ''"'"^ nilloilK the wonders nf iiiv.nitive pitiKTuss is a iiielbod and svntiin ef wiok that can bu iierfornied all ti»ir the eoiintr\ « ithnut seiiarstniR the work- ers frmii tbolr huiiies Pay liberal; aiiv one eiiii ill' the wnik; either Hex, yiiuiig or old; no .perlftl iibllltv ni|iilred. Taiiltal not needed; you are stni-tMl few ("lit this ont and rnlnrn to ii> aii'l wu will send *iMi free, soniethiiiH ofRreat value Slid imnnrtKniie t« you, that will start ymi in business, wlii.b will biiii«yoii In more money rlitbt away, limn anvtbi"B elje ill tbe world. OuiMi â- iiTriT KiiBKi .\ildritt* Tl<i » A Co.. Au- gusts, .Msine^ STRAYED. CAMK to tbe iireiuinos of tbe iindersiuned in Fletlntrtiui. one spotted Heifer, on Mondav- iiiKlit last, liwner can have the same by prov itic propel tv and payinu '-..peii»e«. .fan lltb.isHS. I'KTKU HOLMAN. WANTED ! AgnaiitllyofwmTK ASH for Batter Tubs, for which OAHH will Im. paid on delivery. « JDtt. McCOUMU'K, Flesliertoll. ClIILDREI^S HEALTH. One of tCatur,-t Kimlest Gi/lt it a Ileiillhy Cimititulion. (I'uurd it ogainrt diie'tte by using Siamese Worm Powders. Worms (ire the. jcHilfal cause ()f mniiii dimnilers in (Children. SI A MUSE WORM lH>WDh:iiS tnitl expel Worms in everj/ citu: lelirre they exist, tcill ri-ga- Lite the Stuinach iitiil Hoirels <it the sumr time. Use them, yim icun t regret it. The Boss Barber, iLate of Hbelburue) StH - ildor - tu - CUiyt<in'» - Shot - Shnp. L.IUIES' H.4IR « 1 TTI.\« A SI'El'I.lLTY. Shatii^q, Sluimpoijiiiij, dr., d-c. Eixrythiwj' Jirst-dass. Oct. Ctb, 18K7. I*fr?cl£'K I'lt-nMiint Should ahrnys he used for Siek Ihnd- ache. Their njierotimi is mild and ple'isiiut. They »feikr home ntrh time when used/or u If.sttrdereil Liver, .^sk for them. i'iet them. Don t J'org>t the tiotme, l*«:^«rlc'!- l*U-3i~llnl Ij' i/our druggist has not the oboee pre- poraiion in Stork. W. W ,S' /'A'/V/A'-Vl dk CO., of Mriifiird. will send them to' you prepaid on melpt of ibe.for either, 5 of each, or assorted for $1.00. i Dni'i'iLitj, ir/ii<if*iif <(• fifdii', 1 CLAYTON'S |iiar\esssuop: I rLESHERTON, â-  Is the jiUirr tu ijet ijuiir Harness Culliirs, <t»' nuiife up iu good style. j ".sVio^i 11. Johnftoii's Lirenj Office, Fle^h- i Cl-flOl." OWKK NOl'NO l!oll6|ialfi # lasiitiitB WILL open on MosnAY, (>rH JiNUAIiT. 1888. K.Miollent HtalT ofTeaobcrs. Inspector oniciaily reports It the X â€" Piest Emiippul Schiiiil in (>>i<(irio . â€" X Classes for I'irst, Second nud Third Class Cer- tlAeateH. Junior and Henior Matriculation with honors, and Law and Medical Kxamlnationt. At the I'.xaniluatiniis, 1KM7, all the rnlveriity Matriinilatiou Caiidiilntes were anocessful, one ulitaliilni; bonors in all depnrtii.eut8, and a pro- tlebincv He.biilarHbip of «luu. The Candidates from this School obtaliiod The Largest nnmfccr </ Tmeher's Gertiji- idtes in the. Prvviuce. PESs-'WIntar Term, M ; Bprlnu Term, »l. Apply tu F. W. MEHCHANT, M. A.. Principal or 1). H. DiilllK, Sec. Ilua.d of fldttcstiuu Uweu ttouud, Dec. IStb, 1881, â-  !â- Â«â€¢ M ItKW \lU)F.n are those who ren.l D P UUV llii-^ and tlien act : thoy will liiel boi • A UiUl ornUle eniploviuent that will not â- â€¢â- "â- "â-  tnk.j tliein from their lionu-H au.l faniilies. Tlio profits are large and suro for every industrious iierson. luanv have made and are iiuw niakinif several liuie'.rel dollars a niKiitb It is easy for auv one to make .J , aim upwards per <lav. who is wlllini.' to wirk. Kith erses. youiiK or old; capital not needed â-  we start you. Kvervtbina nuw. No sjiecisl abilitv roqiilre-l; yon. rija ler. can d.i it iis well as any one. Write to us at once for full iiarticulars. wbl.b we mail free. .Vddress Stiuson A fto . forilaml. Maine. n^^lesherion Meat Market. GREAT RUSH! S. SPIBIT, Pbopbjeto*. VIThai For ? To W. S. CHUISTOKS Medical Hall, Klesbertou, for tbe celebrated Ulodicines, JOHNSON'S ruNIl' Bll'l Kits, Jiilnisou's Tonic Liver Hlls. JOHNSONS ALL HKALlNli NVHITL OLNT- .MKNT rpTJXil TjrTQTI U for the IlITTiniS as it is XHTj I\.U0£L known tu Ih> the best for all nervous diseases. Hvsteiia. Debility of any sort. l.uHsuf .tpiwtite. Female Cuuiplaiuts, and I'ab'Uess uf Ceuiplexiiin and all disurders aris- ing' from peverty of tliu lllood. 'Pha 'Rliah i» f'>r tbe PILLS as there are X llO IvUnU none Itutter than these for Liver Coiuplaiul and derauKemeut ol the digest- ive oriiaus. THK MLSH is for the OINTMKNT as it ranks nrat in its healiuK qualitieii fur all Skiu Diseases of a serufulouM nature, hums, Kealds. i( c . Ac. .Vud It Is tu be tounn at tbe Drug Store of W.S. CHItlSTOK, Flesbertou. Couie sud try and see (or yourselves. ^â- ^^^â- â- ^â- a^^^l^BnHH^i^B^^BaH^HHHni 1 (I Mt ! t) I I I I I o"| THE MAliKETS. FLKSliKUTON. CavrfiiUfi Corrected tUirh Week, Flour «1 IK) to 4 20 Full Wheat $U 74 to 78 Siuiiig Wheat 71 78 IJailey Oft 72 Outa ... »7 87 I'eas 57 57 llutter 17 17 Hoos, fresh 17 '.7 Potatoes bush 40 () 40 Pork C 40 C 50 Hay, per ton 7 00 8 00 Hides 4 50 5 50 Wool 18 21 Slieepskiiis 50 1 Oi; (ifoso 05 05 Turkeys 7 8 (Uiickfiis per pair 25 25 Ducks per pair 40 50 Gash paid for fat Cattle andf Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. Agents, Agents Sow Uk.miv -Ocu Ntw Hoos EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€" OHâ€" Marvels of the Universe nelDR a full and Kraphlc description of all ttia* . Is wonderful in every t'ontiueiit of ibe (tlobe. ii; [ the world of wiiters und the starry Heaven-. CootainitiK tbrilliiiK ailveutares on land anil sea, renowued discoveries of tbe world's mealest ex plorers in all a^es. and remarkable plienomena lu every realm ol nature. ^;mbrBcin^â-  tbe strik ] lux physical features uf tbe earth the pecullai- I charai-teristicH uf the human race. <<f anitnals, I birds, insects, etc.. includinK a vivid description I of the Atlantic, I'acillc and Indian Oceans ai<l I ef the INdar Seas, the luousters of the deep. I beautiful seashells nnd plants, singular flshi-s ' and dwellers in tbe world til waters, -i uiarkabb' ' ocean currents, etc., toiietber with tbe suia/.ir.k ) phenuluena of the solar and starry systems, b/ I Henry Davenport Nortbi op. 1)1), i lubullisbwl with over :»») flue eiiKravinKs. I.ibeiiil toinis to 1 akeuts. Oxford t'ublisblni; I'ompanv .1 Jordan' I St ,'roronto.Oiit. :ilO-:iO R. J. SPROUI.. Flt'»lierton. Vttnv*']ftnu'ei\ Apfiiii^fr, Vol* Uiittn- and 3/(»»it*j/ Irtuifr. l)*t>{.^^ Mori*- j/df/rt, lettMA atui Wills ttratin ttp ami Viilnntionn nuttie im tihitrtfst notift'. ^Itor- (/«•« W'f'y tinv. '-^pp^V '" /»• *T. SI'liOl'LE, ruatmtisfrt\ F^rmertnu. SKA WONDKUS fxNt in tliini.-aiulH (-( furuiH, but uru sui paH^ied l>y t)u> tiiarvtiU of iiivf iittoii. Tli(i-.i' who lilt* iii iu*t<( of profttublc work tlmt cuii bf <UHuf wbiU< \ Uvlng at hoiiHt Nbould nt, oik-o finii tlioir a*!- ; rtroKB to Hallt-tt tV I'o . rortlaint. Muiiif. aiitl n*- ctiivt) fri'u. full inforuiBtioii liow fitlK-r hojc. ot ' ail ayo», call t!*rii fnnu â- â€¢5'» t<» .'*'i5 p.-:- day and I iipwardi* wburevor thuy livo. You iin- Htartw*! fr«o. (*af)ital not riujuirtMl. Sunif havo ma«li- over (i5U in a singltMlay at tliii* work All suc- CUWil. Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAK. THK HRKUT HtC^LTII IlKJrUH'KH, Marvfl •! Healinq, and Kohinoor of Medicines, the (errlhlH coiiH<H|iienreti nf Indlneretlon, KxpOHure ami O'verworh, •yo-cnsro-. :b>^roPT].T2-.^ca-Ei:> a^TC) oi-od :iv<rErr Who are broken down from tha etfecta of abuse will find in No. H a radical cure fiT norvoufl dobllity, orKaiiio weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. BTWTOMfl roB WHIcn Na 8 Shooi.o bk Dskd,â€" Want of energy, vertii^o, want of purpose, dlmuess of sii{ht, aversion to society, want of cunfldeuce, avoidance of eonversatioii, desire for solitude, listloHsness und Inability to fix tlio attention on a particubir subject, oowardiee, depressinn of spirits, i.'iddines'^, loss of memory, oseitability of tt^iiper, sper* matorrluea, or loss of tbe seniinal fhiidâ€"tbu result of self-abuse or marital exeesi^â€" luipo- teuoy, Innutrition, etnaciatioii, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysterie fe'ling^lu females, tremblini.', inelanchulv, distiirluiiK dreatus etc., aro all sytuntonis of tblit terrible habit, oftentimes Innocently aniulred. In short, the spring o( vitsl force bni-nu.' lost its tension, every function wanes in coiiiequunoo. Scientific wntersaud the snpeniiteiideuts ot Insane asylums unite in iiscrlhinK 10 tha effects of self abuse the Kreat lunjnrtty of waated lives which cone under Iticir notice. It you are Incompetent for tbe arduous duties of business, lncapaeltate.1 for the enjoyments ot life, No. H offers un escape from the effects ot early vioi. If you aro advanced iu years, No. 8 will kIvb you fnllviiorsnd •trenutb. If you are broken down, physically and morally from early indlHovetiou, the roBolt of Iguorancb and fullv, send your address aud 10 cents lu stamps for M. V. Louon's Treatise In )|>x>k Form on Diseases of Man. Healed rmd securu from olnirvntmu. Address alt eonimunications to â- . V. I.VBON. 47 WelllDKton HI. K., Toronto. A Min siHhoul wiidom lives in a ItoPt pandit*. CURES CUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. Pleasant Cure. ,^ N.

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