Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1888, p. 1

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"^ J^' •â- ^â- .♦", •S'ftV FLESHEBT ADYANCE. ''TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" FRIjYCIFLES. jYOT MEjY.' . ^ ^ ^ J VOL. Vn., NO. 349. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1888. A. R. PAWCETT, EDITOR * PROPRIETOR. s^a- I Tit - Bits. I Crnett^ to Voo". \ ComUiiuj of Load 'nui tnhn- lHtrr.-Miuji A number of boys in Flosbertou are I Itevu ijathfrnl hii TUe Adnnire I accused to Tbe Adtami'k of cruelty to ' lifporters. '(logs. It is sai<l that the boys hitch I small cauiueH to heavily loaded hand- brutci) to I.oral NutictiN inCttiided t-o Vjuiiotit aiiv iudi . , viiiual, sucioiv or Corporation. ih«r(!«il nt the I Rledfi and compel the poor ! rata of 10 fi'ltta nor lino oarli ilisurtioll. No lo- [ , . , s -ii •» i i -n en! iinurtn.! for i.«K than -i". cents. Mpecial rates j ''rag them tip bll! ami dOWU hlUsomc ta rufiular actTHCtiMt^rx. SocUil at Frotou Stutioii. Mr. .Vutlrew Sharp, of C'oUingwood, . ;:ave UK a caII ou Thursday last. times wliipping them most unmercifully. None but a boy with worse than brutal j 'nstincts would thus maltreat a poor j dumb animal, and if there arc any such I Hale at the Medtcnl Hall, f'U*«lier- ! toM, for ('ash. « ^|- i Mrs. D. S^ Munra, of Detroit, ia visit- ! ing her parents iu Flcshcrtou. Her _..,- -9 CI â-  â-  ui»n\- fiteiid^ here were pleased tu meet Clearins: # Sale! vithi,a«ai» '1 sx.4m Wo lia<1 a pleasant .sleighride to Proton Station and back on Friday evening last, on occasion of the annual social iu coiinuctioti with the neat new Presby- terian oliurch at that place. Mr. J. \V. Henderson, the genial Inspector of the North of Scotland M. Co., Toronto, fur- nished the equipage, obtained from Mr. M^ H. Klder's popular livery stables here, and driven by that careful and ex- perienced team»ter, Mr. Win. MitchelL The party was composod of Mrs. Uulmer, MisH Katie Bellamy, Misi> .\liue Bellamy, Mr.J. W. Ueudersou, ye Editor, and Messrs. John, C. W. and W. J. Bellamy. The church was well crowded with people from Duudalk, Inistioge, Flesher- 0**n S«u«l corresiH,mlence rtxeived y^ OsburnT proprietor. ' John .Speers I Jf","' ^"^ "'" immediate neighborhood. ... > __ 1 . fhe viands were e.xcellent. .\fter tea, the Kev. Mr. McCanl pastor of the church took the chair and conducted cu tin. I . , , . , , . ,- .. , 11. ,. , ^ i tue proceedings with becoming diguitv. commencing at one oolock p. ra. Robert',,,, , n,....-. _ „_ _ _ \ i scription in about ten minutes and tho edifice declared fre.K „f il.hf. •23.â€" Singing of the National .Vuth(.'::i with great enthusiasm. â- i4. â€" Benediction. rioviT and Timothy Sf#'d for young rascals around here people should see that they are sharply looked after and piuiLsbed. Auction Sale lt*^tii*tnr. Farm stock, &c., at Lot 39, Con. 10, .\rtemesia, on Wednesday, March 14th, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. Samuel to Vatc for last week's .\DVA>rcf., aud therefore too stale for tliis issue. Write again : your items are spicy aod newsy â€" jn.^ what we want. Dr, Henderson, Dentist of Toronto, lu Fine Cloods to select from. Mnst be reduced to <1,000 if possible by j will be iu Flosherton (Muush»w-» hotel) Marcli 1st. The sale >rill be "gemiiue " j to-th»y (Thursday) auul to-morrow aud carried out ou the following basis; (Friday) March 1st and '2ud, for the Une- Fifth of all grades Watches *Bd i practice of his profession. (Uocks, â- * of SiJvenvAiii, Hollow audi Flat, i of Chains, J^-welory, Piiis, I ^ *»*• «'"°P S'*'" «^e''y Friday, or ]Juttons, Spc-x »nd Rings, 18 k., plaiu i whcuever titenj is sufficient for a half a excepted & Co., auctioneer. Farm stock, &c. , See bills. ktLot 19, Con. 0, Osprey, on Wednetiday, March 7th. j Kiiiucr. proprietor ; John Speers * Co. , auctioneers. See bills. .1 Kintbertly Tliier'. One night last week a l>ag of oats mid a bag of grass seed was stolen from the barn of Mr. .\. .V. C. McCoiiuoU, of , Kiitilx'rlev- The thief di.l not cover Lnchauged pnocs iu plain , day's niomng. at the rtite ot 5 cents per i y^ ^^^^.^^ ^„^j therefore was traced. figures. If you ever inteud investuig j bag. and wiU t»kv.. grain at '"arket „^ j^ ^ ^^j^j^^or of Mr. McCounell s, iu any of above meat.oned goods, this , prices for toU. .•\si.kew Ukattib. | .^ j, j^ ,,„,, „„<, h^n for the good- ! uaturednuss of th« magistrate there, penalty oinwrtLUiity to gel them near cMt, at 'â- <>i4 and btlot! «m( is tUe best CT«r given iu this section. No foolish blowing. Adjectives wry small. By calliiv; you will find prices so low as U) lead you to buy. TERMS C.\SH. Warrants as tisual, signed W, A. Brown. Aty watcli work gives satii^tiou. I The People's Jeweller. W, A. BROWN, The UKOibcrs of the Flushorton W. C. T. U. beg to tender their sincere i •><-• would have had to pay tlie thanks to the Div, of S. of T. for the sum of money to cheecfuily puid to their Treasurer on behalf of Haltou Tem- perance cause. â€" TnSAscREU. The following program was i)resentcd : 1. â€" lustruiiieutal selectiou by Miss Lamon, of Dundalk. Chn«te and well rendered. "2. â€" Aildress by Mr. Morgan. Vigor- ous, earnest and practical. 3. â€" "Twilight oil the sea," by the Dimdalk Clioiivl Society, composed of Mr. Spurr, of the Ur-nild, Miss PhiUiiw. Miss Campbell and a geutleiuau whose name we have forgotten ; accompanied on the organ by Miss Lamou. With a little more practice this newly formed society will give a good account of itself. Mr. Thos. Bates, of Sault Ste. Marie, of the law. It is almost a pitv, how ever, that the law was not allowed to i ^^- ^^purr possesses a well trained tenor take its course. voice. 4. â€" .Vddress by Mr. J. W. Henderson. Eminently practical. Sound common sense. But who ever heard J. W. de- liver an address that was not practical Shoot tnif Arritt^'nt. Mr. Wm. Heard, second sou of Mr. J. Mich.. U. S., paid Flosherton a flying l „ Heard of KWsherton-and another, rtsit ou Thur«l»T last. He h>okH as k...uug|man were outtu a rabbit-shooting 1 *'"'*' straight to the mark .' .V very happy though silver mines and basuiessgeuer- 1 ^.3^p^iti„„,^tj,.^i^,^^.^fty,„^„ -â€" ... -^ ally up there were good for the health. Would'ut object to a chunk of a silver mine ourself } Thev <-'^*"'' throughout, an<I no special prep- Markdale. «iit. Booth the Boss Barber, A comniunicatioii from Mr. James Buckinghotu, a paper read at Centre Grey Varmor's Institute by Or. Christoc, -a letter from ".V. B. P. " auent "Cheer- ful Women,'' and other matter unavoid- ably crowded out of this week's Ad- vAN'CK, but will api>var in our next. uration either. I .'». â€" Mi.ss Laiiioii, solo, [ Cliarmiiiiily reiidereJ. iJ.^Mi-. llaiiies, an ;uMris> it was, Tit for Tat. Dr. Sinclair, the celebrated Toronto siK'cialist for the treatment of all hi,^ r.inoi-.,f U, ,rtw ,.f th<- .Jk.;« in Wm. I chronic Diseases, I'rivatc Diseases, Stniin':i itl<H'k tttor H'm. Jitinth'tu^'^f':^ hitot ttiiil xhu' ihiiji, Tfitifthi fhfrt, irheie lu' >i-Ul hr h<ifi»j tit *« Ml' uniUiiij fiirvs uf all Jiii old cu.it(nner« »»«/ Uii muHii iieir 11)113 m havr I'oitchiiiriJ to (/ter »*r ^t rhitHCe to Hkii'n- tiiiii mv repulntUm <if tkr Hnna Hiirbir â€" Hot ind\i »f /''/'â- .•iJk<T*^(>s ktit uf Ihf I'lttin- dia- t rut for tividii tnili^^ ttrumtil. The payoiiAKt-' 'if Ul-o latliua rtispcctftlll v ho- irciiwi. Fi.h i;th. ivivs iV ALTER BOOTH. W, W. TRIMBLE FOR First Clasg ROLLER FLOUR. Ho.l Stone Flour, OATMKAL, liULJ;KJ) OATS. GUAHAM FI.OIR. CiiACKEl) WIIKAT, Shorts, Chop and Bran, POTATOES. APPLES, ETC. mim FOIt SALi. W. W. TUIMBLE. Flcshcrton, Dec, 1st, 1S87. diseases of tlie Brain .iiid Nerves, Dis- eases of the Heart and Lungs, will be at Mtinshaws's Hotel. Flcsherton, ou Thursday ne.xt, Marcli Sth, for the practice of his profession. separated after gtitting to the biisli keopiiig within tuiiliii;^ ilistiince, of eacl other. Sudileiily a liil/bit scurrie< along directly bi'twecu tho young men. 'J--M''- Hanies, an :uMress, and a both of whom tired their guns at the j stirring, eluipicot one it was. Keen, little animal almost at the Miime instant, j double-cutting temi)iraiice i)oiuters. Ciifortunately, a couple of grains of shot I 7.- Parks Bros, ami sister. lustru- hit young .Mr. Heard-one cutting his : ""^'"'^J = organ, piccolo and violin. lip and the otbtr iieucttaling one <tf his I Splendid. Vociferously encored. eyes. His father at once si'iit him to ^--Duet, Miss Campbell aud Miss tiic Toronto H-.-spital for treatment, j Pbilhpe. "Hope Beyond.' Fairly well Whether he will lose the sight of the I rendered. injured optic is not yet known. j 'J--»Kev. A. Wilson, an address which ' put every one iu good humor. Individ- ri.i r .««.#â-  I ..> ' ual effort the iirincipal tlieuie. Brief Ihe Late Ml'. VrarkmitUornr. .,,,.., and pointed, s.-iiKiwichcil with a fund of "The late Wdliaiii Crackanthori'e, of I , , ' ' - I liry nuinor. [ 10.- Duudalk Choral Society. .\u Orange Soiree will ho held in tin' lodge room of L. O. L. No. 113-2, 4tli line, .Vrti'inesia, on Friday, March iHli. Tea served from ojto 7 o'clock p. m. Tlie intelloctiial i>rograin w ill consist of addresses by several eloijuent clergyiueu, dialogues, recitations, Arc. .Vdniis.sion â- 2.5 ceut«, children half price. Proceeds to bo apiiliod to seating tlio hall for public as well as for private use. Flesherton Orange Lodge has secureil the services of the celebrated "Bee- thoven Quartette," conipo.sed of Miss Hattie Moi'oll, soprano. Miss K.thel Woods, coiitialto. Ml. Sim., Uichards, tenor, and Mr. Cluis. Kelly, basso, for a concert which will be given in tlie Town Hall, Flosbertou, on Thnvstlay evening next, Htli inst. Besides the above tuag- nificcnt array of talent. Mr. Jim Fax. the '• Funniest Man in Canad.i," will make liiu lir-%t bow to a Flcsliortou aud- ience. Sh- hills for particulars. j Westmoreland, Kiifjlaiul, was an ol chum of Lord Mroii^jliaui, Coleridge. Soiithney. Wordsworth. Herschcll. Lyell. Davy. Mure lusoii. Sydney Siuitli aud Mrs, SonivTvilli. Wordswortii was his cousin. In i-omiiaiiy witli Lord lUitc ho crossed in im.) from Livoriio to F.lba and had an iiiteview with Napoleon Bonaparte the day before be made bis escape b.icU to Fr,T.uce.'' The above item appeared uinli-r the heading of our "Current Topics " cohitnn la.st week. Since then we were sliown a letter â€" in the late Mr. CracUan- thoriie's own hand-writing and written when the deceased gentleman had at taiiied his n'lnrtij-lhiril, year ! to M. Uichardson, Esij. , of For Tlt<' Adriitirv. ] lliddoii Things. There are uo wounds ua OBcp as thoHO wo hido, No Hin, no cursccl af^hat we have concealed, .\nrt limn nuiHt Hook to And th«uostIi<'st y'l^arlsâ€" Thtjy liu iu ocoau depthH all uuruvwiled. There ia no liatvod half so deep and dark .\t* that wo nnrse in silence i*i onr hreast. There is no lovo so tender, true and stroUf; .\h that to curioiiH HcolTorH unciaifettpted. .\11 hidden sin in deiidlieitt, dark«Kt, worHt ; .\11 liiddon HufTorint.' \» Hliargient piiiu ; .Ml hidil«Mi Mwoots an* sweetest tff the sweot-- \\\ liidden luvu hath tlio inOKt sacred roi|<u. â€" Edith B. VixnUuiKH. Owou Soiiud, Feb. 2lBt, 1S8S, The lutter was one of uiauy by Mr. Bieliardson since lie tiiis country. Mr. <,'rackaiithorpe was the steady and warm friend of the former in boyhood and early uiaiihoml ; and wluiii Mr. li. came to Canada, be still iiianifesti'd a deep interest in the welfare of liis yuuiig fiieiul. 'i'iiis feel- ing or iuU'rest was warmly reoiprocited. aud perhaps none ino;iri]-; more sincerely the death of that groat friend of Uio people, than does Mr. Uichardson. I 11.â€" .\. R. Faweett, of Thk Auva.nck, an addre.'*s. Sur[irised and somewhat confused at lu'iiig so miexpeetedly called ui'oii. ciut nii on platform to say : soinetliiug. Said souictliing aiiil sat I down. j 1'2. â€" Mr. Spurr, solo. .V chaste ( .selection and excellently f luig. l.'j. â€" Mr. Cleniis, of Kugeni.T,, an ad- ilress. Surprised at being called upon. but made a !ia]>[>y little speecli. ' 14.â€" Magiiifieent instrumental by the renowned Parks Bros. Loudly eucor- -addressed uJ aud i,'raeefully responded to. this town. 1.'). â€" .-^(Wress by Mr. Spurr. .\lso I really clever, 1 -ccived .«urpri.sed, but u..^'le caino to ^ tlioiigh brief, address. l(i. â€" .Solo by Mr. Spurr. Patriotic. Chaniiiiigly rendered. Fact of the matter is, Brotlier Spurr is undoubtedly a cultured and rising vocalist. He ac- coni|ia!iied hiinself ou the origan. 17.- .V sensible, logicial, I'racticil, brief, pointed, and spicy speech by Uov. Mr. Ross, oil luiidalk. Pulpit aud Press a leading topic. IW. â€" Solo by Miss Phillips, (iood. I 19 â€" Address by Mr. (iraliain, the well Al.sike. Ked nover, an«l Tiiuo- j known and popular merchant, of Dui> thy at the .HtMlii-al Hall, FIcsher-' dalk. Mr. O. was also surprised, but t011.-frosh and good. | he got on the platform all the same and â€" I said souKi very sensible things. instrumental. Almost miraculous arc some of the cures accomplished by the uso of .-Vyer's Sarsaparilla. Iu the case of U. L. King, BiehmoiuT, Va., wlio sullered for 47 years with an ag'.;ravated form of ncro- fula, AVer's Sarsaimrilla effected astou . of some thirty odd dollars on the church, ishing results. which latter was raised by special sub- 20.â€" Parks Bros. Good. '21.â€" Duudalk Choral Society. ^i'i. â€" .Vmiouueement of proceeds of social, viz. , S43.1;), leaving a small debt CottiiratulationH. For many years, E)igenia has been the only town in our fair Township of Artemesia. But now there is another and the orphan can rejoice and tlio solitary places be glad therefor. To our sister (otcn (village no longer!) of .Markdale we extend our profouudest aud most reverential congratiriatioua niwu its recent elevation to tlie dignity of a townâ€" or Township > .Vad now a momentous question thrusts itself apou the newly elevated town iship), vi.-,. , who 11 be Lord Mayor .' But more »uon. Haring on the Street. Will people, who make it a practice to race tlieir horses on our .streets, kindly knock the idea into their respective ned- dles, timt it is illej^al to do so f If they don t perhaps our magistnites can be in- duced to extend them an invitation, by means of the constable, to attend nt the Division Court Clerk's office where -some useful aud much needed inf^rma tion woidd bo imparted. ' .W«'*«n». 3/. RicluirtlMon .£• Co. In this age of shodily peddlers, tramp storekeepers, aud what not. it isgratilv- ing to tind so many people patronizing Ihoir local business men first, last and afl the time. We have always bad great pleasure in recommending the tirra of M. Uichardson J: Co. to the public, and never more so titan now. They a*« square buMiuesH men aud everything they sell will be foond as repreiiente<l. Their mammoth store here is lieiug daily stocked with piles of choice spring goods. The milliuery dis piirtiuent is unequalled in Centre or Fast (trey, while in hardware they enjoy a very extensive patronage. Death. Wi_> regret to learn of the death of the eldest cliild of our townsiii.in, Mr. J, W. Batesâ€" a bright little girl about five years of ageâ€" on Friday liwt. Mr. and Mrs. Baton have the Hympathy of all i:i their bereavement. I'rititiiii/. t!et your Horse bills. Auction Sale; bills, Fntertainment bills, ..lie., Ac, at TuK Anv.iNcK ottice, Flehlierton. A purgative meilieiue should pcssess tonic and curative, as well as cikthartic properties. This combination of iugro ilicuts may be found iu Ayer's Pills. 'I'hey strengthen .aud stimulate the bow els, causing natural action. Fifteen bills to anK'iid the "Municipal .\ct ' have been submitted to the On tario Legislature thus far this session. How many more ;' Advick to .UoTuKns. -.\ru you disturbed iit iiif,']it aud hrokon of your rest bv a sick ctnJil muferinn mid cr\ inij with jiain "(OnttinuToeili .' It HO send fttnnoc aud set a hetth- oj Mrs. VVi- - slows Soothins; Synii>' for Cliildron Tcflhiniv Its value i^ iuciilciilahle. It will relievu th 1 poor littlo sulleriir iniiiie.Uatelv. Uepuiid upo:i it. liMlli.jrs; tlieie is n<.' inistal;u about it. It cures Llyseuti-iy nud Ui:uvlio-ii, revnlates ti;e "'toin^ioh and l'..nvi-l». ,-uies Wind Colic, softens tii'Mintns. reduces Inilaniijiat : >n, anil uivo.s tone and euc|â- ^•y to tlio wli.ilo system. ".Mrs. Wins- low's Siwihiii;; Syriip' for cliiMreu teethini; is pleasant to the taste mid is tlu' prcHcriptiou If one of tile oldest old hest female )>livsiciai:s aud nurses in ihrt I'llited Stiiles. itllil is for fit]- hy all drni;i;ists tllTouKllou! Tlie world, rrw.-o tweiityiive cents a bottle, lie sure and ask !â-  1 â-  Mus. WiNsi.ow's SooTHixo SVBii'," aud tah.. nootlier kind. PUfflW â- A POSITH'E CUb CATARRH. GITEB Cold in Head, HAY FEYEH. KASY TO USi:. >'otaSnal?, I'owdcr or Irritating Llqn id. Prio-i PO ct3, and S'-"*. If not obtsinsMo at your drii-f 5l<t«, Bcnt prepaid on receipt of prico. Adilrcti FUtFORO A CO., DrooKvllle, Ont. '\\ X. V

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