Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1888, p. 4

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/ •%<.; T THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE yA h TUE ADVANCE. 1h iiublibllud Every Tlinrsclay, Fhom the Ori'ICK, ^y Unham Utreet, - • Fkshertau, Out. TKKMS OP BUnSCBIPTION: %l t>er nririiiiii wlinii paid Htrictly in udvauco t-1 JO i>ur uiiuiim whuti uut su I'liid. A. R. FAWCETT, EdiUiT aiul PruprittoT. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. MAR. 1, 1888. TflKyri' YEARS AOO! iilraninijs From the Prircrille •• ioiiiicr," of April 17, ISOS. A feTciU many iiuopk- are not aw;iiu, lliat in Mr. S. L. M. Luke thuy bolmld 1 lie iif tlie pioiioer jnum.-ilists of tlie County of Grey. lie is now in tlie fruit true .ind ;»eneral .v.iency lumine.fii, but :\ ijtiarter of a century .1)40 lie occii[iiuil a front rank in ihe neWMpaiier imbliMliin;; busineaii. ISefore us, lui we write, are fylea of the Ihirhum Stinidanl, wliich were jilaccJ in our clnuxe by Mr. Luke Home years a^o ; anil it in Hafo to say, tliere in not (i better oditcil or neater hlieet, tyiioi{raiiliicalIy, iiublislieil iiiCirey at present time â€"with all our iiuprovoil applianees .ami facilities. Tlie .Sdoi-^irJ iiiaiU- it.s lilâ- .â- ^l appearance in I8."i7, over one year before the Kilitor of 'I'llK .\ii- VAMK was bora! It was an important factor in connection witli tin; celebrat^ed County (jravel lloads sehenie. Kleveii years later, Louil"U i^- Ci. coin- liuiiced the publication of a paper in rrieeville, called the (V.i/riir, with Mr. Luke n» Editor. No. 8 of that publication is before us. It was issued on the 17th April, ISfiH, nearly tiviity yiars af^o -the lirst number havini; been (lubKshed exactly twenty years a'„'o this week and was a hnml.some newHpa|ier. I'rom No. 8 we take the followini; cx- tr.icts ; KI.r.SHF.IlTO.N.. " The Villa'.;e of Kleshertiin has a central positii>n, ^'ooil roads and surrounded by a fi'rtdi; district and imt.irprisinj^ settlers. The (!olliiii;wood and Durham and the Toronto and fiydenliaui ^Tavel roads ineit at I'lesbertoii, and a roiisiderable amount of travi'l p;u*si;s alon-^ tlu-se routes. The vill.ii;!- is situate in the heart of the Township, and here the Mnniei|>al t o.iiicil of .\rteiuesia holds its sittiii;_'«. ami tin; Arteuiesia .\^;riciilt'iral Society Its shows. The proi^ress of the villai:o li;ts been rapid diirili;,' the past few years. The t;ri»t ami saw mills of .Mr. Kleslier atraet considerable traile to the place, as well as well as the cardiiiij an.l fullini; mill of Mr. Caiii[ibell, who has now, or i« about to add additional machinery to liiii establishmulit. The stores ari;- .Mr Xiehardson, Mr. Trimble, Mr. \Vie.iht and Mr. .lones, all •'^'ooii mill and true.' Tin; wai;on ami bl.'ieUsiiiith shop of Mr. Ile.'iid IS a credit to the place, and his piisieerim; eiilerpri.-ie entitles liiin to » libiial patronaj,'!'. Here you can have your work done .ik ehe;i|j and well as e'ei was done in " ilobin Tani.>oir;, siniddy," am! with better ^jrace, as the proprietor IS not ''an aii{.'iy man,' but kind and obliyiiiy. .Mr. Clayton IS the only Iwiot and shoe shop of our aci|uaiiitam'e in ihr s illa','e wliere the " sliouniaker sticks to his last," where .a lit can be i^uaianteeil. ami the only aullii'ri/<'d establishiiieiit entitled to use the old ilitly : lUow. oil blow, ye ln'iivtiiily lir«!(-/,i'- . 'i'lirOiejil AllUMlIlH tilt' It'flM'H llljtl tl i'l'-illl., Siliu, oil Mini,', ye liMiiM'iily iriu^fs, Wliilu 1 iiiiiiid your lKM>ts slid Hlioescii. The villa'.;e has t\vo hotels. "Mine host" of the Itoyne Water is a f(ood specimen of his eraft, and a jolly !;ood soul." [Here the .Anv.iSiK linds the balance of the Hketoh torn out by the 'wear and tear of tinio."] OTimll K.XTIl.Virs KHoM TIIK â- TOIKIDIl. ' "Major.). Creasor h;is resioned fioin tlie ;Ust "(irey" llatt.illioii of Infantry, lie being allowed to retire with the rank of Captain." "Last Wediiu.sday afternoon a ;,'i;iitle hpriiii; zephyr p.issed over this place, w liioh hovelled a new fniiiie of a ilwelliii;^ house, erecteil by Dr. lilient, as ,i friendly token of its visit." ('iiiiiilij ( 'oll.1^(W'â- ^, Arlt'i)n'}fiti -Vvfil .•Nrmstrontr. 'I'lms. Clark, Amos KibIhii, .lohii (lilpin, Tlios. (iilbeit, jr., Win. Hoop.,M\ /Vlex. Irwin, jr., (ieoix'e Keefer, .lames Mctire^'or, .John Me.\iilay, Donald .â- MeDonaM, sr., .John McSorley, dohii Miller, lleoru'e llutledge, Sa),'er Tryoii, Hainuel T. Whitney. (,V)Ull^/ < '«ll.^^^^^•.^. CiiHiiiginiiiil.â€" Uol)erl ISrackeii, William Hrooks, I'harles Camp- liell, Edwiiid Currier, Neil Currie, .lohn LoHoy, John McAllister, Alex. Mc Arthur, .John iMel'lieisoii, John Milliuan. Thim. Martin, James Uiddel, .lames Hcobie, James Stephenson, (ieoi;;e Walters, jr., Hic.hard Wright. Coi(n(y fAiii.i<<(W.'.<, /!,'ii//.'i((/.iii(.--Iiiohard CVrefoot, .lohii (."Injjstoii, .lohn Cooke, Jamua Fawcutt, SainueUiilmour, Stephen Hurd, John Sewell, George Smith. Cunntii CtniMablfi!, (Ileiu-hj. â€" Wui. An- derson, Thos. Arrowsmith, Alex. Bell, Charles Foreman, d'eorije Lamb, Peter MoArthur, Donald MeLhifTy, John Mc- Call, Donald McFadden, Kenneth Mc- Ki iizie, Ge«r[,'e Piitherbaugh, Peter Watson. C'miiif;/ C'liistaliles, Oxj/rnj. â€" J. Beattio, .lohn Davis, ./osiali G.uiiey, Wesley Loin.', Thomas McConnell, .Tames Osborne, John Speers, .foseph Taylor. Umnitij VDnstiMcs, Otreii Sinmil. â€" (!eo, A. Amer, Robert J!reckeiiridi;e, .lohn Carson, Paul Dunn, Edwin Dunn, Richard Roberts, David .Spencer, Robert N\yhe. i'lmtiUj Cfinstuhti-s, I'riiton. â€" Win. .Acbe- .son. Will Armstroii},', Walter Bell, David Farrier, R(rl)i;rt Ferris, James .Lack, .loseph Richardson." Advanib readers are familiar with many of the abore names â€" indeed quite a number of the yenilciiian uiuntioned in tliu above extracts frf.m the I'riervillc t'uurier of A|)ril 17th, liH)8, .ire amuni,' our most esteemed and valued friends and patrons. Li lookiii!;; over the .Ttlver- tisemeiits in the same number of the C"i(;i'i, from which we jjatlier the above information, we liiid llial l'"lesliertoii was well rcjiresented by the followinj,' geiitlo- nieii â€" who still carry on business here : â€" Sijiiire M. Richardson, Squire .Annstron;.;, Mr. J. H. Heaid, Mr. R. Trimble, Dr. Christoe, Mr. A. Muiishaw, Mr. W. K. Flesher. We also notice an ".ad" from our old friend, Mr. R. McLean Purdy, Postlii.aster at Eu){eiiia. No Universal Remedy has yi-t been iliscoveriMl ; liut, .as at least (oui-liftlis of huniaii diseases have their source ill Impure Uloud, a medicine w lii.li restores that tluid from a de- praved to a lieallhy coiitlitioli loiiies as mar lieint; a universal cure as any that <aii lie prudured. Ayer's Si»rsu|)urllli» alTi-ciH the Mood ill each sta^e of its foriiialioii, and is, therefore, adapted to a Hrial.T variety of complaints tliau any other known medicine. Boils and Carbuncles, which defy ordinary treatment, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla after u eouiparativo- ly brief trial. Mr. f. K. Murray, of Charlottesville, Va., writes that for years ho was af- Hicled with tioils which cmi.sed liiui miicli siifferinR. These wore succeeded by carliuncles, of which he liad several at one time. lie theu betjan the use of Ayer's Barsaparilla, and after taking thr.'ci bottles, the carbuncles disap. pearcd, and for six yuurs he has not had evi'ii a pimple. That insidious diBcase, Scrofula, 1.1 the fruitful cause of iiiiiiiiiierable com- plaints, Cuiisuiuptloii heiiiK only mie of many eipially fatal. Eruptions, uliers, son; eyes, jjlaiidular swidlinj;s, weak and Wasted muscles, a capricious app.'- tile, and the like, an; jiretly sure indi- eatiiins of a scrofulous taint in the system. Many otherw ise beautiful faces are dislinuvi'd by pimpb's, eruptions, and uiisiKlilly blotclies, which ari.so from impure blood, showiiiK the need of Ayer's Sarsaparilla to remedy the evil. All sufferers from blood disonlers should ;;iv.' Ayer's Sarsaparilla a fair trial, - avoiilin^' all powders, oinlniciil.s, and wiLshes, anil esnii ially ehea|i and Worthless componnus, which not only fall to elicit a cure, liut more freipienlly a;,'!,'! avail' and coiilirm the discasi'S they are trandiileiitly advertised to remedy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'ltrcAur.i. nv Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold l)j all nnnjuUtn. rrlcc il , ill toulen, *i- AUCTION SALE K VALuable FAKM iu the Township ot On- pruy. L'ndor und pnrBuant to the pt)W»-r (»f Halo in a curtain mortKajie from one KonaM Joliuiton fnu-w iU*eeu6od) to tho Vendors which will bo piu<!ucud at ttiu tinio of bale u.ui\ on de- fault beiu;^ niadi) in pa> niout <'( thu inonuvH thi-reby sociired, fncre will btiolTcrrd fnrsiilu bv I'nl>lic Auction at MAKSHS HoTK)., iu tho \ Il.hAGK of ..lAltKUALK, by OHOIUU; NOltLK, Auutiouuur, on Tiiesdny, March «Otli, ISS8, at 1 o'clock jj.ni., thti foUowin;; prupurly vi/,: â€" Lot nunibiir '2*2, in tho 8th (.'onc^hsion of tlio fiftid Township of Gfenelj;. containin^i UK) norus nioro ur Iakk uxcuptin^; 1 and l-'JIth acres taken by tho township for a road deviation, .\bont ;j-> acres are f>aid to in> clenrod. On tho preniiuc!* are said to bo a lof.; house and barn. TKHMS;â€" id p«'r (-'ent at time of sale, for the balance terms libertt) and will be made known at time of sale. Kor further particulars ai)ply to Messrs. \Vm. Lucas A Co.. Markdale. or to MOSS. ItAUWICK A I-'ItANKS. Vendors Solicitor*. Toronto. February 'JHih, I88H. i he (/) o O H I 03 M bD H cd vq â-  PM^ |X| tm â-  w « 9 â- S = * 3 ~ tt x53 .>. _&. - S- 3 -*i • t Â¥ >• = 2 2 = i^ U zi Z^ ^ a....- • t?3? 5"^ ^ c u - a X •- * ?i -r ~'^ o S 3f£ t: y: -^ ^.^z i â- y s 39 &al ^1 c ^ ^i 'l t ♦• ^â- ' - *. ;^i it -^ H^i ; ~ - c-i.= -=-2 ! â€" '1 =^ â- r. Cd 3. a = -. -y. d Uj o 3 tsi â- r. Photos, PhotoSi \Y(. inv itotr (uiniihj 'lut triirk fur suj>ar!i>r in style anil JinUh to any ever pro- (liicfil in FlcthertoH. COPYING and ENLAROING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING <l,nif ill (ill it.1 hianrlun. A i]i><»l utoch of' FliAMKS ,ind MOI'LDINOS kept const, nilli/ on luinil. Will ,ih<, iiit'nihirc the new filiOMIDE I'ONTRAIT, a jiicliin: ihiit in i/i''iii(/ entire, fiitif/nclion wherever intrmhiccd. SAMl'LKS van he teen tit my (laikry when all pvtiixdars at to Price, Style &c., cufi be aicer- iuincd. I?LBSHERTON CHILDEENS Change in HEALTH. Business ! ^ One of Natures Ki/idfst tH/ts is a lieallhy Cuniililutiim. O'luird it ayaiuat disease by usinq Siamese Worm Powders. Vi'itrms are the /ruit/ul cauie of many tliiorders in Childn-n. SlAMESF WOliM POWDKliS Kill expel Worms in fveri/ else ichtre they exist . will regu- late the Stomarh anil lioicels at the same time. L'se them, you won't reijrct it. Tho unili'isiK'ned flavin); houflht out S. Sjiirtti*- IUiti:l"!iinj; l-'il^illeS'. ill l''l.i>li.'rton, liila opelleU up with a tliio stock o( clyJlern. Snitiluu, Har^ .linu.s. I''n!sli .y Drioil .Mirnt^. Kr.iKh ct Salt Fmli . Siui.HBK... I'.oloKim. &.C.. aii'l nivitcs tlio iinuple tij- call and i:>:t iiciuaintad ami Iciive u trial oiiior for aiivtlinii; iu thti aljove Hiibh. .lOS. McCONN'ELfj. I-'lc'sliertou, Fell. 1st, IMSS. Peelc's l*l»in?'iH.nt lb BELL" Shovld always be used for Hick Ilend- 1 ache. Their operation it mild and] pleasant. They strike home each time: when used for (t Disordered Lirer. Askl /'or them. Get ihnn. Don t forgi-t the'' name, l-^eolc'ss I * !«_• Jl f-anl. ! JPills. I Jf your druggist has not the altore pre- , paration in Stock. W. W. STh'I'JIh'M <(• CO.,ofMeaford, will send tliem fo , you pr^iaid on receipt of'lbc.for either, ' a of each, or assorted for 81.00. Uaapproached for .-^>i - Tone and Quality. CATMLOGUtS FREE. BELL&CO.,GnelpIi,ODl CLAYTON'S harxessshop: FLESHERTON, [a the })liice to ifet ijintr U unless Cvlhiit, lit made up in ^ovd stijlr. "Shop in Johnston's Liivry Ojjiec, flj^k- 'rf'iii. MK^VIH>1M>. GREAT RUSH! What Far? Where ? To W.S. t'llUl.STOi: S.U.aual Hull, l-'lr-hi'iton. fur llie ceUl»rat»'d tn. 'licint;>. JoIlN.*>i..>N r- TONlt liii'TKHS. Johnson b Tlhuc l.iv.r I'ilU. T" ..__ â€" . JlUlNSJN S ALLHi;ALLMi WHlli: I'l.ST a X A i- TTTT? "DrTQTT l-* f«>r tlo IUTTKKS as it i^ -r\.£6IluS, XXcZ6IIuO ln£i liUOll kM.Hvntobe V.u- be«t for *-"' ' *"' â- k «i|ni II U!:\\ AUDKi) are thone who rpnd fi I PHI Y **'*â- â- " '^"'^ ^*'*"" '^^â- ^- ^''*-'^' willfindhuD- U^UUU lovable eniploynient thut will not take them froin their homes and famillfs. The profits are larue and sure for 1 \vi\ iiithi'-tnotiH pt-rMdii, iiniiiy have made am.! .ir*' no\\ inakiii;; several huiidretl dollars a iiuMiili. It IS ».M.-,\ foriiiiyone Ut make ^j an>! upwiirils pel du>.' wlio i.-i willing to work. F.ilh- ei «r\, \.uin^ or ..Id; enpital not needed: wh -nut V'l.i. I'.\ur> tiiiuH nt'^v No special ahilur I i-*linriii . \t.>u. rea-lei-, can ilo it as well as an? oi.i Wiittlous at once (or full particulan*. \\ii;h u.' !iiiiil nee Address Stiuson & Oc . I'"t tlun!. ^IalIUâ- . jjl nervous* slirtca^c-., H\steria. l)el'ilit\ of ai sort, Lo(*s of Appetit*', Kemaltf Complaints, ati.t I'alenesH of CompleiU'n and all diionlcrs ails xuii from poverty of the Itlo i.l, Thfk Piioh is (or the I'lliLS as llM-ru are lllU A.UOU none b.-tl.-r tliau thi-.^! fv, Liver Complaiut and deranriemetit of tiiu di);i:->l ive orf;ans, TliK ULSH is forthoUlNTMKN r a.^ it ranks Arst in its healing <piaUties fi>r all slaii l>i-<easeH of a i*crofulontt naliire. Iturtr.i. S-.-ala^*. ,t e..«V<. . And It IS to be (onud at tlu^ I'iUl; Store of w.s. cllu^^^^»^;. t'lesherton. Come and try and see for vimiheUo.i. (I 1 t» i I I I (t I (» I "I " I " I THE MAEKETS. FLKSULllT Varvfally Correctetl Flour Full Wlieal Siniii^ Wheat liiiilev ();us ' IViis Buttor Kgo.s, fresli Polii toe.s bush I'oik llav,per ton Huics Wool Sheepskins (iocse Turkoys Cliiekeii.s poi- pair Ducks iicr pail- Ot U Nl'.w Hues. ox. hUirli lyrrK: H m t J i 20 ?() 78 to HO 78 80 t!i) 72 ;ti> .S!> 5H r)S 17 17 17 17 40 40 ti iiO C tiO 8 00 1 00 •1 50 .-) 50 18 21 fiO 1 00 Oi'i OG 10 10 -i.-) n :!0 50 CO EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels ^>fthi' Universe !lei!!^ a luU an.l iirapliic description of all tltat IS We-Milrrlul 111 every Continent of the (ilolie. Ui th*' wniid v.f waters and the starry Hoavem*. ContuiitiiiK thrillin;^ advetitiireti on latul and yoti. r.iiMWui'd di-.Lo\ui it's of tlie world's Kruattjst »»â-  |d<iier>i iti all a^ert, and remarkable phuuumeDu in evury realm of nature. Kmbracing the vtrik- tiiit; phvKical features of the earth th« pecnliaj cliarai;tvri.itics of the human rac«, of aoimaW*, tnrvlh. insectK, etc., including a vivid desotiptio^i of tho Atlantic. Taciftc and Indian Oceans ai»! of the Fohir Seas, the iiionsteni of thu dwen beautrful seftshelts and pUiiits. Rin^ular fls)u.-M and d'Mullers ui the world ol waters, reni&rkaM** ocean currents, etc., to^vther with th« auiariiii; phenomena of the solar and starry •vHtem*. l>y llenry Davenport Northtep. U.D.. vmbelltitbul w ith over ^tWJ tine enurttviiiu's Liberal terms Bo agents. l>\foril rublibhiiiK Company, 5 .Ionian St.. Torouto. Out. 3ltV..)t'<< R. J. SPKOUL. Fffshertou. Ct>uveyf(ur*'t\ Apprtii\fr, Vttl- .XKittrr tend Muiifij U-udtr. Ikedit^ Xfiori- ' ;/( tijcA^ lfn»es and M ilU dm wn vp t* utf yidnation-i vutdr (tn .ih(rrti'»t uotic*'. iTntr- ijt\< ivrj/ loir. â- Apfti>f to K. J. SPHOl'LM, i'uAiiiaxter, Fitf^hfrton, SKA WOSnKKK vxi^'t in thoui«audii of forms, hut are surpassed V>y the uiarveN id mvorition. Those who are in neetl uf prorttabU- (»(.<ik that can be done whik* 1 liviuM at home shnuid at onee send their ad 1 dresn to Hultett i*;- Co., Vorklaud, Maine, snd re I '-ivo free, full iuf<»rii)atiou how either sex. -r' I a I aKes. can earn from *."» to -=2.% per day an .' I upwards wherever th«> live, Von me .>«taitvi.; fiet.'. Capital rut re(|uiieil. Some have madu t tpver ?.">U iu a siuyle day lit this wuik. All sac cued. A Positive Cure. Painless Cures FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAN. :m:. tt. LXJBoisr's sie^eoific imo. s, THIC tilttUtT HEALTH KfJ.'Tt.'H'EK, ^^^ MarvHJ of Healing, and Kohinoor ol Medicines, ^"â- ^^^v^^fE th« (vrrlbin o<>ii«<M|upiirtw of Intliscreilon. ^^-^ «-».*â-  â- ^~^'m^ Kspoaure niiU Overwork. Who aru broken down from the otfccts of abuse will Hnd in No. H a radical oure for Qorvous debility, orj^anic weakness, involnntarv vital losBes. etc. BYMPTo^^re Fon wiuin No. b Snoi'i,t» »k I'skh.â€" Want of energy, vorti^o, want ot purpose, dimness of siKhi', avei'aiou to boeiuty, want of cuidVlouoo, avoidance of ei>uvei»aliou, debire for 3olitnde, li.stlesaneas uud inability to fix tho attoutiou on a particular subject, cowardice, depre.^iou of Bpirits, f,'iddiueRa, lo84 of memory, excitability of temper. Bper- inati>rrtuea, or loaa of tho tieniiual Uuidâ€" the result of Belf-abuso or marital e.\ceHA â€" inipo- tuncy, iuuutrition, umaciation, barrennoss, palpitation of tho heart, hysteric feelings iu females, uombliuK', melanrholy. disturbint^ tlreama etc., are all Bymntuini of t^in t«rriblu habit, ofU^nCiiues innocently ac<inirod, Iu short, tho spring of vital fi'roe liaviufj lost itti toasiou, iivory (uuotlon wanes iu conttetiuenco. Sciontiflo writers ond tho nuperintendoute of insane usyhiniB nnito m iiscrltun^ to tho e0ects of f^elt-abuse the ^ruat umjority of wastotl Uvea which come under their notice. If you are iucompetuut for the arduout; duties of buBineaa, Incapacitated ((tr tho onjoymouts of life. No. H otfers iin escape from tho oITocta of early tIco. If ynn are advanced iu years, No. Swill t^ivo you ftill vruomnd Htron^^th. If you are broken down, pliyBieally and morally from early indiscvctiou, the r<teult of iKHoranceund (ollv, send your address and IU ceuta ia stamps for M. V. LtJiioN't* Treatise in Ik>ok Form ou Diseases of Man, Healed and seeuro from ohsorvatiou, AddrcHH all cumm«ttiicatiou3 to H. V. l.lIlMfeN. 47 WrlHuvluil Ht. K,. Toreut*. A Man without wisdomlves in a toot's paradiie. CURES CUARANTElD. HEAL THE SICK. 1 y Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure. ,^ â- \ V jfc**" n

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