Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1888, p. 4

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THE ADVANCE. In iiuhliiibbd KllOMTHK OFFIOE. ^';, !';iiA 1)11 Street, â-  - FUihertuu, Out. Ti:UM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION; S! ['-r aiinuiii wIihii palil strictly in advance ♦ ; - ) I'or tiiiuuiii whfii not BO pnld. A. K. FAWCETT, Kilitar inul Prtif>rUtor. FLESHHRTON: THURSDAY, MAR. 15, 1888. ICItlTOKlAL yOTES. Our cunU'niporary, tho (ireij Review, is .iii.Miius t'> kiiuw wlial our opiiiiuii U now lulativu 111 tlie pcisiliim taken by Cuiisir- \alivf .M I'a rclativi- tu Mr. Mills aiiifiid- i:.ciit in the lIoiUL' nf Coiiiinoiis rocoiitly, If tliu Sciitt Act. Well, wo agree with .'^:: .Joh;i MeDoimlil, that tho question nlnmld be coiigiilerol iwitle fnnii party I wUticH alti.^'ether. It is purely a moral ciuostiuii, ami to ileal with it a.s it de- KciVe.s. it i.t iiecensary to remove it from the arena of politics. Mr. Mill»' inotivo 1.1 111 troll ucili^' the aiiieiiJiiieiit uu.i ton tiaiisparei.t to iiiiaU-aiJ. He coiusidcretl t'.ie f.iii^eiicies of his |iarty rather than the interests of Teiiiperaneo pt5o|ile. It uui i|Uite a stroke of diptoma<.'y on his |;\ii but he met with just such a rubufl" â- .\> he luurited. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. tentiary ! Tlio rascah. well deserved tho foUuwiu),' cortificato of character from tlio Herald: â€" "Tho bogi'ars, thieves, scoun- drels or whatever they bo, only dcBorve our most scornful reproach for their blun. deriiiK, disgi-acoful and unchristian con- duct." There must be some desperate charac- ters around Dundalk. One inati down there recently borrowed a bottle of gin and jalap from unotlier man's overcoat pocket â€" forLSettfiig to apprise the owner of tho fact. The "horrowor " treated a number of his friends to copious draughts from the bottle, nut knowing that tho latter was loaded and liable to go oil' with- out warning. It went oil' ! The Prince and Princess of Wales cule- biated their Silver Wedding recently. We at first thought of sending our nickle- f)lated 8ci8.9ors as a gift, but vieie afraid Ned might discover the imposition and break the warm friendship now existing between us I We believe there is no better centre in Siincoe, (irey or Bruce, for tho ostablish- nient of a good foundry and machine shop, by some enterprising, go ahead man, than Flesherton. Tho marvel to us is, that this fact has not liei-n noticed lie- fore. Any pushing man with a fair amount of capital, ought to coininand the bulk of the trade in tho three counties named. 'i liesi' misereble subterfuges of politi- t .111-, â€" w liether emanating fiom the lie- f im or the Conservative benches -are c.i'.:;u;aled to produce a feeling of disgust m ihu adherents of Imth |>nrties. 'We suppose the I'lrslurluli .\IiVaNi E I. .,111 will now spend the spring in trying t . show that Dr. iSproule, who paired a^iiinst the amendment, is a l>etter teiii- pcianco man than Dr. Liinderkin, who \ .led for it," says the lUrirtr. TllB Ali- t iv.N( K man will do nothing of the kind. I>.. .Sinoulo is one of the most consistent 1 .11 who haa over sut m the House of I lamons. K\en his position on this tiicKy Mills' amendment is an evidence I f liM coiitiituiicy ; although it is {msaible Lo would still have voted with the (Jov- lUiinelit if the aiiiriiiliiieiit hail been op- Jned to the iScott Act ; simply hecaii.se 1 f tho motive by which Mr. Mills was iiciiiated in connection tiierewith. On l!..; othur hand. I)r. Landerkiii wa.siipial I;, f..n«i.sleiit, ami would have been had t ..,• amendment been worded dillerently, \ '/., opposed to the !Scott .Act, and liad I:.: Noted with his political fin-iids as In tile first instance. We adniiiu consist inry in [lolilieiai'S .m in other nun, and â-  |iite agree with the /I'ci/ir tlliit there a.,! too many nun in the former class, \. ho only ''spout tein|ieraiici'" wluii it n â-  A.ilted to tlitir party." Witness the ri'- 1 • .it political coniisi in South (irey an,! â-  ur M.Ps vote on a former Scott .\ri umiMidiiieiit, in winch nn atteiiipt was i.;.\de to introduce the wine 'â- ami bei-r " • '. iiise. but which w.lh difiMteil l.y those >ii'kc.l Tories, whom the I!, ihir now I lofesses to des]iise because they iii|iped .Mr. .Mills nice litt!e trick in the hud. Tile Tliornbiiry ,S' o»./.ii,/ is oiu- ,,f the i,:'..it spliy of oui riiitiiii exel.,111^, s. Its iiiiclis are original, forcible and pointed. Iio. Farewell H also a heavy liiiter ami I..- doesn't practice on .-i sand ha:; either Slime as our lightiiu.; editor. The i^liunl- in I IS lifteen year.i olil,.lias g.-ill.intly nnr- v.mmI a nuinln-r of iil„l suits, ami is now ,1 sturdy and piouiisinu' yiuin;; man. It may be urgiwl that we are biassod ni favor of the S(,in,l,i,.l : ll„; truth of jhe ui^ilter I-, that till! Sl.rinhud \\an brains, ami we .ii.myti adiiiiied a Iiews|.,a|ier possesaiii;; a •...od!y stoi-k of that desiialile article. T,.o niauy country papers are run hy men » ho bivrow, nay. .s/.W, the productions 1 f tliuif more "brainy" contemporaries. Tho Thoriibuiy SS.itnliid says : "A|i. plolon Londry i.| the champion story telluE of this section of the I'rovliice.' Is that so ? W'liy, We wore actually under tho impression that the editor of the Kruco llemld could down iinything in this Province in that particular ! Mr. S. J. Coleman writes a letter to the Markdalo Standctrd, in which he maintains, that his statement, that the pojiulation of Markdalo is "7'-0 and not more," was correct ; while the Kditor is equally emphatic in declaring that "it is glaringly incorrect. " The matter can easily be settled to tho satisfaction uf all concerned, viz., by appointing some neu- tral person to take the census of the place and make athdavit as to the correctness uf the laiiio. Dut it is pausing strange, that the gen- tlemen who favored tho olov.atioii of tho l<itf. town of Markdalo, actually put tho population of that pl.aco in the neighlxir- hoood of one thiiKftiml ! If .Mr. Coleiiian's c-.'Msus is "glaringly incorrect, " the town "iMioi.'ers" statement is outrageously so. It Would Hoeiii that in ordor to elfect their purpose, tho "Ijoomors'' growly inisrupre- seiitod the facts â€" whutlier wilfully or ig- uorantly, we ilo not presume to ».iy. In his clever and forcible hitter to the .S'^iii.fcin/, II- in,'oi|i ir.itioii of .Markd.ile, Mr. H. .1. Coleuiiii among otinr things gets oir the following retort : â€" "Had you, or your confreres supposed you could confute my hgiiies, why not liavo de manded a delay in proceed lies by the Leg 'slative ('oininitlee ( It would have been Hilly a few days delay ; but, sir, you were atraid of scrutiny into tho â- /' merits of the ilocuiiK'iil yoii presented to the Leifisla line, v\ Inch 5el forth that the po[iulatioii <'f Maikilale was 111 or about one tlioiis. II. id, ami that the popul.ition was rapidly iiure.isiic.', a statement not borne out by the facts : in sli irt, every alle;,'atioii in the petition for liic oi-jMjr.ttiou was f.ilse and mi.sleading, and, if the would be f.itlicrs of Markdale resort to ipicstionable melhoiU ill carrying the lirst |ioiiil in the niirseiy stai^e of our inf.iiit niimicipalily, tho ratepayers may rii'.ionally ask, "what next ?" Tho flagarmt falsehood was widely disseminated \>y so-called persons of purity, in ordor to hoodwink tho un- suspecting public. Tliero are certain per- sons in this world whose cranky minds are never satisftodâ€" oven tho raont rigid truth fails to appease tlioir suspicious souls ; for, the advocates ot incorporation three years ago, discredited the man they employed to take a census, because his figures did not tally with their desires." Ayer'H Hair Vigor stimulaios the hair to a vigorous growth. It contains all that can be supidied to make the hair beautiful and abundant, removes dandruff, and roudors the hair flexible and glossy. Birth. Ulair. â€" In Flcshcrton, ontholOth inst. , the wifo of D. R. Ulair, of a daughter. .\i)Virr TO .MoTiiiinB.â€" .\re you (listiirbod at nli^ht ami brokuii uf your rest liy h sick ciiiiii HulfL-riutf ft III! erjiiii,' witli utiiu of Cut tin i,' Teeth ? If sOBClnl at oiict, suit Ket ,i bottle of "Mrs. VVjti- ttlow'rt Soollii 111- Syrup" for Ctiildrun TuothiiiK. lis value is iiicaiculabi'-. It will relievo ttio jioor little Mutternr in.,.. I.atulv. Ue|ientl upon it, liiothvrH ; thuru is n,, tiiistako about it. It curu3 Dy^Jentt-ry hihI l)uirrhii-a, roKulates the Stoiiiacli aii.l Hinvols. cur- ., Wiiitl tlolic, softens the I ill Ills, reitiicos Intlatiiiuation, atut f.:ives tone unilciicruv to tliii wholf system. "Mrs. Wins- low '^ Sootliinw Synip" for cliiliiren teuthimj Is jili-ii-iunt to tho lii-'.Lo all'! .s the iiruHcriptioii of OIK- of tho oMost anil i'>'-.t female pliysiuialis KMil iiiii>,-M ill till) I'liite-i stiiti-s. unit is for sail) iiy all 'IriiK'nists throiif^hoilt tin) worlil. I'rii-c tvvi-nty Mv« eeiitt* a liottlc Bo sure and a^k for â-  Mas. WiNHi.ow'B SooTiiiNO Syucp," and taku iiuuthcr kind. You Carry A wlinir nipiliciiic ch, st in your pocket, with one liox of Ayi r's Pill.-i. As they operate ilirerlly on the stomach and bowels, tliey indirectly atfei-t every other organ ol the Isuly. Wlieii the stomach is out of order, the lieail is affected, digestion (ails, the blooil be- comes iuipoverisheil, and you (all au t^asy victim to any prevalent disease. Miss M. E. Boyle, of Wllkesliarre, I'a.. puts the whole truth in a nutshell, when elie says : " I use do other meUicine than Ajrer's I'ills. Tliey are all that any one n(-eils, and Just splendid to save aiuiiey in doctors' bills." Here 13 an luslauce uf A Physician irho lout his niediuiue chest, but, having at liainl a hoitlii of Ayer's Tills, (ound liiiuseK (ally ec|ulpied.â€" J. Arrison, M. I)., o( San .losi!, t'al., writes: " Borne three years ago, by tlio merest arc.ldHiit, I was forced, go to siwak, to presirilie Ayer's Cathartic I'iUs for several suk men among a party of engi- neers 111 till- Sierra Nevada mountains, my luediciiie chest havini; liien lost in crossiiiK a mountain torrent. I was surprised anil delighted at the action of the Tills, so iimi'li so, indeeil, that I was led to a liirtlier trial (if them, as well as cif your lUierfy Pectoral and Sarsapa- rilla. I have nothing but praise to offer ill llieir (avor." .Ii.liii W. liri.wn, M. D., of Oceana, ^V. Va., writes; " I presirilie .\y*r's Tills In my practice, and tiiid them excellent. 1 urge tlieir general use in families." T. K. lliisiiiigs, .M. I)., of Itjilliinorp, Mil., writes: "That Ayer's TilLs do lon- trol and cure the eoniplaiiits (or which tliey are designed, is as eonelusively proven to me its any tiling |Hissilily can he. Tliey are the best ratliurtic and aperi- ent wilbiu the reach of the profeseiuu." Ayer's Pills, rUKFAUUn DV Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mait. Sold liy all DruKglsts. Photos, .Some pi rsoiw stole lia<lf ii.coiil of wood fnuii tho editor of the Dujidalk JlniiU I ^cently. The iiieli who Wiiuld thus eu- daiigur their chances of getting i*iBifle the a^leatial city, must fe.ir neither t^ie Old O'eiitii'tiian, who stirs up t.ho fires of tor- lumii iltiwn \>mIq\v, utie llic-PundiuUi ponj,f Photos, Photos, 1 he CHILDRENS HEALTH. One of Natar>-t Kindest Giflt is a Il&dlhy Comtitalion. Guard it against disenst by using Siamese Worm Powders. Vi'ormi are the. fruitful cause of many disorders m Children. SIAMESE WORM POWDERS Kill, -jepel Worms in cverii case where thiy exist, will regii- Idtt: the StujHdch and Bowels at the same time. Use them, yon won't regret it. Cliauge io Biasiness ! Tho undursisnwl liariuK tioufht out S. .Spirh'a Butcliorinu Iwsiness is I-'leslierton. lius opeood up with a flue stock «f Oysters, Salmon, Har- dines Krush il- Oried Jieata, Kroah dc Salt Fish. Sausauo, Hologua. Ac., ami invites the ijooplB tiJ call and get aeiiuainted and leave a trial wrdor for anything in tlio ab<»ve lines. JOS. McCONSELi. Flesherton, Feb. 1st. 18S». F»eclv's JPloa.sa.nt Should always be used for Sick Head- nchc. Their o/ierntiun is mild and jilatsant. Theij strike home each time when used fir a Disordered Liver. Ask fur them. Oct them. Don' t forget the name, l*e«il£'^S I'ltjasanl I'ills. Jf i/(iur druggist has not the aboce pre- paration in Stock, W. W. STEl'IlEN it CO., of Meaford, will send them to you prepaid on receipt o/'-2bc. for either, 5 of each, or assorted for iSl.OU. BELL" We are now turning out work fir superior in styli and fiiish t» any eeer joo- duced in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLA.WING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FBAMING done in all its branches. A good stvck of FRAMES and MOI'LDIXGS kept constantly on hand. Will also int>odnee the new BROMIDE FORTRAIT, a picture that is gining entire satis/'artion wherever introduceil. S.\MI'LES can be seen ut my Gallery where (dl particulars as to Price, Style itc, r<m be ascer- taiiu:4. FIjKSHKRTON. W.H'.STHPIIE^&CO. Dnoj'jiAs, WhuU-Mle <C- /.Vfiii', GREAT RUSH! What For? Where ? To W.S. CHUlrilOi; ().\lu,iiL:a: Hall. FKisliurton, (or the celebrated luclicines, JOHNSON S TDMC IIITTKUS. Jolmsim's Toiile l.ivur I'llls, lOHNSO.N.S .^l.L llK.^Ll.NU WHITK Ol.NT MKN I is (or the lUTT known to be THE ROSH Unapproached for Tore and Quality. CATnLOQUbS FREE. BELL&CO.,ciieipii,0iit.- CLAYTON'S iiarm:^8 shop r FLESHERTON, [i the plito (0 '/•â- ( [fo'n- Hamem Vollats^ df vifi'h up lit >}ood sty.lt. *'^7((7> tu JJtn.<t")i's Livry O^lire, Flt!>!.~ ertvii." liKW.VKPK!) are thutw who rett.: UiiH niul then art; tliey wlUftutibon uruhlt' ».ini'U)yuifiit tb»-t will uut. ttiko thriji frDiii their hoiucH arii faiuilu'K. The I'lolitn are Uiiie aiui buro lor ovt-ry iiiiUisirii'UH I't-rhuii. many have made ami are how niakttiK HfVeral humlroil dollars a uii>ntli. It is ea*.> for any OIU- to tnako !?5 ruJ upwarilH prr ihiv. w-lio is willing' Uk work, Kitb- er M X, vouiiu' or i>hl ; ta|iital not nt'etioil wt start yiiu. Kvi'rytliinM now. No HiHicial ability rt.4tiiri->l ; yuii, ri'a'l.-r. can ilo it as wfU ai* auy untv AVritc to ti(* at oiieo for full \>arlicul»r»' w'.iifh wy mail frco. .\dcircs4 Stin»ou & Cu . I'ortland, Maine. KKs'aa it i. AgCIltS, AgGIltS !- tho hvM for ^^ ^^ all iu-rvuu^di(iua''t"*, Hv'iteria. Dobility of any hi»rt. hoHji of .Vppetito. FciiUili? Coiiiplamt!*, and I'aUnusrt cf I'.njiidc'Xion and all dt&oidors aris- ing (r'»iu povuity o( the Itiuod. Tha Pnoh issf'^rthf 1*HJ>S as there aro iliO AUoli none butter thuM these lor Livt:r ConipUmt and derau^umont of the di^eat- ivu oriiiinH. THK lU'SK IS for tlie OINTMIiNT aw it rankn lirtit in ittt h* iihnu' qiiatiticH for all Skin Uiiieuse^ uf a si-rofuU>us ualiire, liiiinn), Scalds, X c, Jcc. Aiiil it is to bo found af, the hrnt; Story of w.s. CUIUS rui:. Kleshertoii. C'onio and try ant! sou (or yours-elvos. (t I i» i I I (» 1 1) I u I I I I THE MARKETS. FLKSllKiri'UN. Ciiref'allu Vurri'ctcd iUich ff'efk. '20 to-t -10 78 to II HO 78 80 Now IlK.il'Y -CHii Nkw Uook. Flotu- ?1 Full Wluitt §0 Siirino Wheat Hurley Oiit.s IVa.s lUUtor KooS, fl-Osil I'otatot'H biisli Pork lliiv.iitT ton lluics Wool HhccpHkiiis ClcfSl' 'I'uiki'y.s Cliifki-iis per imir Uiicks por pair EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvfls of the Universe. lU-ing afnil and craiiliic deHrriptivii of all that* in wonilurfid in t-vi-ry t'ontiutnt >vf ttiu (iluhi-. lit tilt- worlil of wati.-rs aii.l tlit .-starry Hwavi-u^ t'-'utaiiiiiii; thrilling ailviiitiir,.-n.>n land and «fu, r,-nowiK;d itimroviM ii-s of iLc Ksrld'H Kri-atwt «x- |»K-'ror4 in all ant--*. an, I nnmikabli' phunouifna III evory li-ahn ol iiiituo-. lliiibi acm^ tliu nti ik iiiK lilijoiical fcatnri'H of liK' lurth tho pi-c-uhar charactoriHticH of tliu tiiiiuali ract-. of aiiiuiaU liiritH, iUHcctH, utc, inchlilini^ a vivid dtmcTtiition of tho Atlantic, I'aeitlo and luiliitn Ocoaiin aiKl of Iho I'olar Soa.-i. tho inoioiterH of the dt-ei" hoiuitiftil Huastu-liri auit iilaiitn. HiiiKiilar tinlu-^ and ilwi'lli-rH in Chi- world ol waBern, ri-nialkablc iH-ttin ciirrt-lit-i. i-ti- . toKitlu-r with tho HlnaKir^.- tihi-iiouu-n.i of tlio solar alol starry Hyutfliix, 0". lonry liavi-ni-ort Nortlirop, l).l> , t-intii'lliiiht-il with ovor;Km niii' t-Mt,'r»viii^;ii t.ihoral teriuit ti-. a^ontH. Oxford I'uliliitliin^ Compauy. 5 Jordan St .Toronto, (Int. ;llC;«i» 58 17 17 40 â- -)0 tU) 50 18 ,10 Ot) 10 •2,') 70 -1(1 59 17 17 4(1 t; (dt H'lO 5 50 •1\ 1 (Ml 01) 10 30 ()0 R. J. 81MU)UL. Fli'slwitun. t\>iiri:yano:f\ Appraiser, J tf/- nittor and Mvtuft Umii-r. Oecds^ Mutt - <IH'ji'A^ /((f.t-.s oi\ii W'dh dr*9irn up lUusSi Vtitnati'in.-* tn'i'lf on sjiortest Ht>tice. Char- (/c.s nri/ ^/l'^ A i'f>lti to U. J. i^ri\OL'LI», i'ostiii't.'itfr, F'f^hertim, SKA WONDKUS exi^t in thousflnds of foiinrt. but aro Kiir|>a--*e<l by tlie marvel* ef iiivvnti'Mi, 'Ihos*' who ate in luid ot jiiutUabli- work that fan lu- duiu' whi'c livinf.; at hfine nhould at M.ce »end tlunr ad dre^s t»' Hiill.tt <V Co , rortland. Maine, und le- ctivi' free, full information how either ties, of all a^^e-J, can earn fr»>ui #.> to ^'Z'* per day aiul iHU\ :irtN wherever they liv©, Yoii ale Ktarted fi'ee, Capital nut roquUod. Some have mailo i»ver :J.')0 In a Binylc day at this work. All buc- eoed- A Positive Cure. ^ A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAN. Msrv '\ of Ht^iiling, anJ Kohinoor of Medicin<^<t, V. 1k' .Ue bU'kcM down troni thn etlects of ubuj^o will And in No. H a radical euro for norvoua iluldlity, orL;anic woaknesn, involunlary vital leBsoP. etc. Symi'Tomb roK WHICH No. H Shotm) bk Uhkii.â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of puriiose, dimness of sitilif, averaiou to eocioty, waud of conndeueo, avoidauco of converaatioi), aenire for soliuiibs UiUe.Hsue,^-* uud iii.ibuiiy to fix llio atteutii'U I'n a paiticuliir Hubject, cowarduru, doproKainu of Bi'irils, piddlueBH, Iobh of inenu>rv, excitability of tompor, Bper- matcrrhiea, cur 1ob3 of ibo SfniiUal lluidâ€" tho resuU of aelf-abiiHO or marital exoessâ€" inipo- teney, iunuLiition, t)Ui Lcialion, barrennon9, i>ali>itasi>m of tho lu-art, hygtt vie foeliu^s in feuuilofl.ironibhnu, uutl;i i.eholy, distnrliuii< dveiiinB, etc., aro all svmi'to'nii of this teiriblo iiabit, ofti-ntnuoa iuiuici-nil v' luuiuired. In short, tho Bi>rin{< of vital forco having lost its toUBion, I'Vory funotlon waaoa in eonaequeuco. Seiotitifto writers and tho Bnpevintendont-^ of itiHiino a^ylnin.-i unit.' lu nsrribinK lo tho effiicta of fietf-abuH<t tho threat majority ol wasted livos which oomo nnd«!r I'leir tiotioe. If you aro iiieoiupHtent for tlio arduous duties of buQinort^i, incupOieUated for tho cnjoyinenti of Hfe, No. 8 otters an ttHcape fvoiu tho olTeiitB of ourly vi. o. If ynn aro advanced in yoara, No. 8 will kIvo yon full vifor nml Htreni;th. lfy<maro bvokeu down, phyBieiilly ami morally from earfy iudiBcretiou, tho V'^Hult of ij^uoranoc and ftdlv, Bt n.l your addresB utid 10 cents in stauijid for M. V. lAUiON'a Treatiin in llooU Kovoi on l>iaeaae.H of Man, 8eab>d iiud Heouro fvoui obnorvatioti, AtldiuHrt all communications to H. V. L.UUON1 47 AVi-IHiiKtou SX* K.« Toronto* A Man without wisdom lives in a loors paradise, CURES CUARAflTEED. HEAt THE SICK. 4 A Permanent Cure- A Pleasant Cure.

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