Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1888, p. 8

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• - -^â- .. .,*-. â- i "3" THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Mar. 15. 1 888. County and District News. <'lipi>M ami Vniulenne)l from the Columnif of Our Ejrchangen. CoUiiigwood February is years Fowl riibberio* disturb litizens iiow-a-<layii. The Itusiriea* Edrnntor for !i liaiKltdiuc number. The McCuIlough House, Dundalk, has ilmii|i>t.Ml lianils iii;aiii. The riiatswortli AVu'j js three I. Id, and is steadily improvinc. The Methiidists of Shelbunie will build ;> 8r).(H»0 brick church next Kuniiiier. (I'rey rounty spriiii; OHsizes will open at < liven Sound (in the 24lh April next. <'"iti]>laint.s are iimde that Dundalk INililic Scho<iIlic)Use is m.sutticiently heat- rd. The vote on the repeal of tho Scott Act in Bruce will take place on the I9th April. Ilev. Mr. Wilkiiison, Methodist min- ister (superannuated) died recently in Stayner, aued T- years. Wiarton in lx>oniiii({ its Mechanics In- nitute undertakinii, which it expects, will shortly be incorporated. OverSloO Worth of new hooks have been adde.i to Meuford Mechanic's In- fctitute library duriiitr the past year. Mr. Jo.seph Mosorop. jr., of Collinij- wood township, died at his father's resi- lience on Saturday week, of consumption. The editor of the Duffcrin Pnil was â- ailed for contempt cjf court in Orange- villu recently, lie waa released next day. The youni{e«t son of Mr. I'eter Fergu- s'lii, Duntroon, droiiped de.id on Friday week. Decoa«od waa only twen*y years -if age. .'Mi persons were confirmed in Trinity church, Durham, u\\ .Sunday week, by tlie Bishop of Huron, assisted by Rev. -Mr. Farthini,'. \VeBley Humt, a Collini^wood lK>y, was fined $10 anil costs for ilislurhinK tho Salvation Army's devotional exercises 'â- ne day recently. \ youn^ man left Dundalk very sud- denly one day lately. The Unnhl says his liabilities are about SIM. and )iis as- Kets about 10 cents. A son of Mr. fiuso, of Sullivan, while »(orkini; at Millmrn's saw mill, Deahoni, recently, cot his arm cau','lit ni a Iwlt. The wrist was broken and the arm badly injured by friction of the U-lt. Three business failures in Markdale were announced in the name isjiun of the daily (H'lh, Inst week, viz.; Wni. Mason, .\itlnir Dinsmore. and .1. (! .\n(lerRon, Dundalk \'illiii,'e F'atlnrs have ndver- ti.H.d for tenders for the di'liviry "f l.fXX) IIpi. of barbed wire, inohidimj alaples. '\oiii|irif they are j/oini,' to en(^ll)Hc a yiird adjouiiti.,' the penitentiary, where pii.snniTH will he nllo\vi..| 1,1 take an air- uiL." anil stret.h tlieir liinli« orcaBionally ? .\ live year-old daughter of Mr. Alver- H'.n, of Owen S.iunil - second mate of the <'iiii;.o../ was run over by a double sleiilh, heavily Inailed with lo'/s on Tues- iliiy week. Till' ruimer iiiu.ied over the ihild'n li'V' aliove the knee, lueakint; *'ie lioin; and mutiliitini,' the llesh in a terrible manner. It is feared a fatal le.sult will fallow. A lniin|i fotmd â- â€¢Miiif,,i-I,'il,||. ipi.irtor.s in the Durham piililic Hi-liuolliouse one nij,dit hut week. Ibikept up a luarini; tiro all Tii'^dit, and was preparing' to depart with II l.it of bci.ilis mid Hhite.s whiiii tho care- ';ilver Intel fi-i-nl and intrnilik'ed a cyclone :iiid earllii|iial.e combined in the rei,'iiiii if ye tranip'.s co.at-tail.n. The Miafonl .\fo,u/or ha.s been award- id the print iir.; of tilt! mimiteH of (ircy • 'iiun'y «'ouiiimI at 74 eeiit.s p.-r paL'M for 100(1 copies. We do not conaider this a \rry/<(r /(/.!• for friiMui Suiiter. " â€" Oiim .s'.ooi'/ .b/i.T^.v)-. He probably works for iiothiii:,' and boards himself -a gun- iiinu philantliropi.st, in fart I A Diind.ilk man abstracted what ho lhou:,'lit \i,w a liottb; of ^;iii from an mer- coat poikit In an liotul there, and pro ceedud t 1 the hou-io of hi.s friends. Hori the bottlo M.is pafsi-.l freiily aiouiiil, anil when the .Jalap which was mixed witli the Oin- bonan to f,'et in its work in ooorl shape, they Wore iilili(.'<fd to iiihnil that "mixed drinks" are not always what they are cracked up to he ! " All excQHHoF animal food and a partial cl<miii|{ of the pores of the Hkin, diirhif^ tho winter montliH, cause tho Hystoin tii. Iieconio filled witli impuritiuH. ThoHe can be removed and the blood imrificd and invigorated by taking Ayer's Bars fjiarilla. Price II. Our TowiiKhip Fathers. Council mot in Town Hall, Flesherton, Monday, Mar 0, 1888. Present. â€"Chris- toe, McArthur, Boland, Sharp, Cairns. Minutes of last nieetini^ read confirmed. Mr. Sharp introduced the followinf^ IJy Laws ; 422 to appoint Municii>al Officers for 1888. 4'23, KentinK Town Hall, 424, to authorize loan of $800, to Trustees of School Section No. 5. Moved by ,Iohn McArthur, oeconded by John Bidand, that the Auditors Ue port be referred back to the Auditors a.s advised by the special Committee. Ist. â€" To show under the head of Debentures and Coupons account, the School Section and By-Laws, for and under which these buiuh are paid. 2nd. â€" To show where the interest on Sinkini,' Fund for Schcnd Section, No- 5 is placed. 3rd. â€" To state distinctly whether the school moneys are depo.sited in a separate and distinct fund or whether they and the Townships funds are deiioaitcd in block. 4th. â€" To show in the assets an ap|)rox- imato sum of Balance uncollected of the several Collection Uolls on the Jtlst Dec, 1887 and to Report before the first Mon- day In April, 1888. --Carried. .Movud by .John Mc.Vrthur, seconded by .JohnJ liohmd. That in rc'ard to the letter of the Treasurer asking for in- crease of salary. This Council thuik. â€" 1st.â€" That it is proTiort innately the best paid ottice in the Township. 2nd. â€" That to increase it would be an injustice to the Ratepayers. 3rd. -And that because others prefer to do the work for same, and irive ample security it cannot at present consent to the increa.se asked. Carried. Moved by .lohn Boland, seconded by John McArthur, That the following! bills and lu'connta Iw paid : â€" To 11. .Mathewson, Fixin;{ Boyne Water Briiliie gl 50 To I'rioo Teeter, Lum*>er for Culvert ;{8 To W. .). Bellamy, for Ref^istration of Births, Deatlis \- .Marriai;es . . Itl 70 To Necessaries f.ir Hall 75 Carried. Moved by J. Mc.\rthur, seconded by W. Sharp. That the Reeve is.HUe hi.s order for this days Session of Council and Indi(;ent monthly allowance. .Mso Dr. Christoe, for wood and sundrn-s to Thos. Manders, Ji,'<.00. Carried. I'ATIIMAKTKIts. .John Stevens. .Iose|ili Iteattie, S. Cmi- ninylmm, II. .Mathewson, Frank Chard, .Andrew Henthani, Robert S.ini|.le, .John Bannon, .Mex. FostiT, I(. Ludlow, .sr, Wm. Walker, \V,.s. Itolar, Thos. Whitt- 111, .1. H. Lever, (oort,'.' I. Stewart, 1{. .Mctinithir, D. .MeMull.n, \V. Wvatt, \V. n. Blown. .l.i.H, ph Watson, jr., Kd ward Boss, W. ,1 Reid, li. W nu'lit, John Hill, S. A. Tl ipHoii, J, ,1,1, Siudl, Don aid McLeoil, Duncan Slewait, Robirl Waller, .\iiioiiH Doupe, Sam. Waeliob, W. Rutherford, ar., \V. ('..nkey, Thos. (Jinn, .lames Stiiison, Donald .McDonald, John White, Will. Miailo, Mr. Dowe, \V. ,1. Ileinhisnii, .lohn McLean, U , ll.lluddy, .loliM (iowlanil, I'md Ken- nedy, lluudi McFaddeii, Duncan Miiir, Ileelor Bolleii, .lohn lla/ard. Thou. M,- Arthur, William Cliaid, Henry Down, NicIioIhoii, hr., .lames Butler, Richard I'ortei.us, .losepli I'eiiwick. Robert Clark, jr., .\rthur .lohii.ston, (ieo. .Meldrum, \\. Cameron, .laine.s Annstioiif,', Thou. (ieiioa, It. Don'.;la..<s, W. Summer.'^, .loiia- than Latimer, lioberl Co,, per, S. Free- man, W'. lle.ith, S. .Martin, U, Car- rutbers, M. ,\kitt, Holu-rt Campbell, Adam Hislop, W. Clayton, I'. A. Mc- Leol. Kf.M K VI1;WKI1S. Ward No, 1. Richard W hittaker, Joseph Ausseni, Donald McMuUcii, .Mex. Miur, Douitalil Cm lie. Ward No. 2. II. D. Irwin, Robert Shiiiiion, William Bhiir, William Hill. Ward No. ;{. lieo Moore, (ieo. Stew art, Charles Bellamy, Kdward Ros.s. Ward No. 4. -W. T. Mckee, .lonatlian llickling, .1. B. Sloan, James Stuwart, sr. I'ol'NIi KKKIKIIS. Ward No. 1- 1). Laniont. " 2. Robert Wrisht. '' " 3. .\. Mun.shaw. â- â€¢4. Mr. Akitt. Council adjonined. lie Would iteiuiiiu Silent. Shori(f~"Tlu) hour has come for your You must prepare to ^'| to till death Hcnihild." "Would you like to make a speech on the (gallows )" "I'd like to but I Ruess I won't." "Why not ?" "I Wouldn't be able to read the proofs before it appeared in tlie papers." Transient Traders. The Canaditin Advucxite treats these gentry as follows :â€" All over the Country there are merchants who at this time are made the victims ot a vicious business system. Many have been struf^jjling for years to build up a legitimate trade. Their goods are taxed, iiorliaps they have given long credit to their cusiumcrs, and when hard times come and cidlections arc slow it is difficult to meet their <ibli- gations. Just when trade is at its lowest ebb some speculator 111 bankrupt goods leases an emjity store or hall and proceeds to sell at slaughter prices, as compared with the resident merchant. The climax of the wrong is that iiijii who have a long over-duo account at the established store are the ones who can raise a little ready money in order to secure the bargains. The only remedy for this is for municipal- ities to place a fee on these transient tra- ders Rutlicieiitly heavy to compel them to get a fair value for their goods in order to meet the demand. CLIMO & CO. Jrr j)rr paring to open nut a J\,''ew Stock of Goodfl in Wni. Wrio Ill's St ire. About n Tedar. Uaiivter Pott. On Thursd,iy last inform.ation was laid by Mr. (Ieo. Adlani, <'on. 4, Bentinck, against .Mr. S. Hillis of the same locality, charging him with drawing a revolver and threatening to shoot. Tho case came up for hearing at Reids hotel on Friday af- ternoon Wfore Mau'i^trates J. I'roctor and Duncan Campbell Mr. F. O'Connor was present on behalf of defendant. The evidence went to show that the idaiiititF and ilefmdant live nil adjoining lots. I'laintitrs son wim in the bush and in- tended hauling away a cedar tree which wa.s lying on the ground near the line. Defendant came along and ordered young Adlam to leave the tree, which lie did, and Went hoiiio and informed his father, who saiil he would g.i .iiid see what was wrong. He went. Tlie Ix.y was told to hitch on to the log, when defendant said if he did ho (deft) would "blow your •1 brains out." The Iniy l)einga'raid would not pick up the chain and make it fast to the tree, i'lamtill'said ho would do It, and la he stoop, d to pick up tho chain defendant took a revolver out of his iM>cket, when tlio boy called out, "don't, father, he's g.ing to shoot you !" On looking up he saw defendant with tho revolver. The defence asked a few ipies- tions iw to tlie iieiijliborly feeling existing between the persons interested when the fact Was elicited tliat defendant "had not neighbored ' with plaiiitilf for the past four or live years, the reason for which no excuse c.uld b.- otiered. Defendant was tiiud 820 ami cost.s, and bound over for twi'lve niiiiitliH to keeji the peace. A POSITIVE CJIIL CATARRH. Immeiiials Reliel roa Cold in HcaJ, HAY FEVEl KASY T(l I -K. Not a SmiiT, T'owJcr or Irr:'.:illiif? Llqiiiil. I'.-l {tO 1 ts. luid $1.(10. It not olitulimMi! at your ilni f (â- let J. flit priipttlj (jii rt'Lciiit 111 piiio. A'l'..-osJ FULFORD ^ CO., Urockvillo, Ont. Everybody will be Wekoined. HIIE.N YOI KE<(riKE GOOD 4>U t'llCAP BOOTS, Shoes or Slippers, rii r WM. CLAYTON'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, FliESHERTON m s H :: «~i ;.'^ CHEAP 4^ AND ^ DUEABLB! THE WELL-KNOWN SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call :ind get I'riccs, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for .sale as u.sual l'"irst-(:lass value in every (lenartmcnt. Af^ettt for VICKHRS' I'.X PRESS. All parcels ie/t mtk him icull be promptly and carefully attended to. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AI-L KINDS OP M\\ li Mmh\ M\ '^'^^smMi&im Siieli i»9 MoniiniPiits, Tonil) Tables, Ileail.iitonrs Ciiimti-riMul Tiible 'I'ops â€" in Anuiiciiii and Italian Miublo luu] (liiinite, ami made 011 sliort notice. .\Iso Mantles in Marblo aiu^ Jhirbleizod Slate, I'cc., ,^c. Kle:dierton, .\u<,'. ".0, 1883. fee |S i We c J C s â- r. ti! â€" 1 a, CO I & OS •3 HEALTH FOR ALL HtJLtOWAYS PILL r^iv «!• THKPILL8 rurify tlu) illoo<l. coriiict nil lli.^ovdfla of tho St«>injv<'h, liitln'^v*^, nntl U<).\vel.'s«. ThoyluviHoratnioi 1 restore to lieallh Debilitateiirniistitiitiniiq, niul luu iiivaliiaWo in ell Coni lilaiutsiiioiilontttl to Females of all u«es. For CliiUucii unil tlio mjiil lliuy aru jiriceless. THE OINTMENT IS an infallililo roiinMly for Hint I,,.i;«. nart HreRnt«, OM Woiimln. Horns ami I'lcors. It is famous for (imit and Uhuamalism. for disorilcru of tliu C'lio.it it lias no uiinal. For son/': THROAT, BUOJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS t}lanaiilar8wollinj;«, anil all Skin ninoasoB it has no rival ; and for ooutractud and atiO otuls it acts liku a charm. M inufai'tHiod only at I'lofosiiior Hom.owavh K«tal)liiihment, TM. Now Oxford Ktrcct (late 5.13. Oxford Street ), London, and are sold at Is. IJd ,28. »d., 4». (id., II1.. ajs.. and :i:is, each Hex or Tot, and may bo had of all Meil cinn Vendors throuKliout tllo Worhl. isr fwehatwi shoxild look U. Uie LaM m the Pott niul Bo/m. 1/ ih* oMrm it not 53'^, Oxford Utrttt, i-<>)ii?o», they are sjyHrious. % I 11! 1 11 4

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