/ \ i X. •I TvIay 17, 1S88.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE, Luxuriant Hair Can only bo preserved by keeping the «calp clean, cool, and free from daa- <truff, and the body in a healthful cnii(liti(>n. The great popularity of Ayer's Hair Vigor is due to the fact that it cleanses the scalp, promotes the growth of the hair, prevents it from fulling out, and gives it,that soft and ailky gloss so essential to perfect heauty. Frederick Hardy, of Uoxbury, Jfass., a gentleman flfty years of age, was fast losing his hair, and what remained was growing gray. After trying various dressings with no effect, he commencevl the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. " It stopped the falling out," he writes ; "and, to my great surprise, converted my white hair ( without staining the acalp) to the same shade of brown it had when I was 25 years of age." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, of Boston, writes: "For years, I was compelled to wear a dress cap to conceal a bald spot on the crown of my head ; but now I gladly lay the cap aside, for your Hair Vigor is bringing out a new growth. I could hardly trust my senses when I tirst found ray hair growing ; but there it is, and I am delighted. / look Ce» years younger." A similar result attended the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor by Mrs. O. O. Pres- cott, of Charlestown, Mass., Miss Bessie H. Bedloe, of Burlington, Vt., Mrs. J. J. Burton, of Bangor, Me., and numerous others. The loss of hair may be owing to im- purity of the blood or derangement of the stomach and liver, in wliii.h case, a course of Ayer's Sursaparilla or of Ayer's Pills, in connection with the Vigor, may be necessary to give health anil tuue to all the functions of the 'body. At the same time, it cannot be too strongly urged that nono of tlu^se remedies can do much gixxl without a ptTseviTing trial and strict attentioa to cleauly and temperate habits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, frepwi'd by Dr. J. C. Ayor Si Ca., Lowell, Sold by Dmniau and retfwner*. Advance Stock Register. ^rs ^ C/5 • ^ >^ ^ - ^ ^ 0a^ = C3 Til 1 ^ 1 V LEK IN KINDS < -3 s ..«»2 :: U 1-3 ! Q "'S'*^ h: 1 < •» ^ '=^ ^ ^ 5^ ^ S Stov GO I Flesherton { MILL! " Perfettion.'* Tlie <riencral P«r|xjso St*Jlion, " Per- fection," is tlm jjroperty of Mr. Hector Ken III Jy, Arteiuesia, and was awarded 1st iJi'ize At Eiiat (irey iSpring Slmw, re- cently held ill Fieshortoii. He will make the season of 1888 us follows : â€" Miiiulay will leave his own stable, Lot .'50, Con. 8, Arteiuesia, and proceed by gravel road to Munsliaw's hotel, Fleslier- ton, for nuon, thence along gravel road by Geo. Ludlow's ccu'iier to Siunuel Sliour- down's, East Hack Line, for nii;lit. Tuesday will proceed by Centre Line to Charles IJuck's, Osprey, for iukjii, thence by 3rd line to Hector Bolton's for night. Wednesday will [.roceuJ by 4tli line to Alex. .McKeclinie^i f<«r n<*on, thence by Madill's au-iier to liu own stable for niglit 'i'hiirsday will proceed along 0th line to Samuel Cohjuetts, Osprey, for noon, tlience to llobt. Cooper's, 12tli line, night. Friday will proceed by way of Eugenia to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Above route will be contiuued during .season, health and weather ijermitting. '• I'oatif/ Ontario Chief.'' This SUillion, the property of Mr. J. HoUey, Arteiuesia, will make the season of 1888 as follows :â€" Monday will leave his own stable, Lot 1.'12, Con. \t East back Line, and proceed across to the West Line to Aicli. McMul- len's for noon, thence to the Old Durham Road, thence by way of gravel roiul to Thomas Uannon's for night. Tuesday will proceed by way of James Love's to McNally's for noon, thence to Will. T. McKee's, 4th line, for night. Wediiesilay will proceed by way of (Jeoige Thociipson's to Town Line, thence to gnivel road t<> John Har'.iiave's for noon, thence to his own stable for night. Friday will leave his own stable and proceed to Thomas Duiilup's, Meiiford Road, for noon, thence home for night. Saturday will leave his own stable and proceed to David McMullen's for noon, thence by way of Flesliertou to his own stable, where he will remain until follow- ing Monday luorning. AUive route will be continued during season, health and weutiier perHiitting. Protecting tlic Fariiier.s. Fr»m the Diidtj Empire. Ottawa, May 7. â€" Two topics of inter- est to the ugricnituial ooiniiiuiiity were (liscusseHl in the Commons tiiis afternoon. The lii-st, introduced in a capital f|)eecli by Dr.Spumle, had refeit!iio.<! to tJu; liringing in'o Cuiada of inferioi Aiirtiwiii cheese, shipping it to Montreal <ir Halifa.x, and theiice to England, where it i«is received «8 Cajiadiaii cheese. He Klimved how great had been the develo|iiiieiit of the cheese industry in Can.-ula, and advocated the branding of the packages in wlitcli the Canadian made article was placcit, as well as the American article ship|KHl through Canada, so that there would he less like- lihood of the present high ivputation uf Uie Cjinadiaii laanufaeture being injured J>y tj»* cx[)ortation8 of iiifori<ir .Vim'rican, as tlie Doininion product. .Several other members, including Mo.ssrs. Taylor, Dav- in, lirown, Scrivorand Marsliall. liore out Dr. Sproule's .sug^estioiiH, with the result that a resolution was adopted favoring the introduction of a bill tn provide for the br^inding of .\uiericau cheese in transit thmugli Canada. The other ipiest ion was brought up by .Vdaiii Broivii, ami was in the shape of a rei|uest for a special comm- ittee to eiinuii'e into the allcm'd hayfork swindlers, seed wheat transactions, etc. Mr. Urowii has inforniation that in view of the proposed eii(|uiiy by a I'ailianientary Committee settleiiients are lieiin,' made by parties against whom actions have been brought by farmers for alleged sei-d-wheat transactions, and in addition an attempt is being miule to (juash the ciiuiinal pro- secutions which had been enteied. It will be the iluty of the coninilttee to sugg- est areiiie^iy wlieixiby these practices may be put an end to. Mr. Brown inavle a brief but excellent speech and was liberally applauded throughout. Cuuada's Ne'w Party. From the Empire. The Tliird i)arty â€" formed recently in Shaftesbury hall â€" is forging to tlio front again. A meeting of the Centrii Execu- tive Council was lield i-ecently and .some important business transacted. Campaign documents were revised and ordered to be printed ; plans for local organization were adopted and the appointment of some general organizers confirmed. Other selections will bo made shortly and the work vigorously pushed. In regard to tile Scott Act the council adopted the fol- lowing resolutions : 1. Tliat in the opinion of this Council, the recent defeat of the Scott Act in a number of couiiti^^s by large inajorities iiidicatoH very clearly that local option no longeir comiiiaiids the onfidenco of the l)eople as a remedy for tlio evils o( the drink ti-atlic, and that the way is now clear for Prohibition measures pure and simple. 2. That the course pursued iu House of Coniinons in regard to the •famiesun bill must convince every unprejudiced person rliat both the existing parties are hostile to advanced temperance legislation and that the only consistent course now for teniperance men is to aid in the form- ation of a ilistinct political party with prohibition as its avowed policy. Pi?<lial. week The unilurhiKiieil bo){» to aiiuuunce to liia nuui- «rouB cuKtoiiiuib that hu has got the Mill iu (iood Kiiiiiiiiis: Order anil have i^ot in the Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT And capablo of turning out FirHt-t'lans KLOIDI and liiii preiiHiud to k>vu my ciistuiuoro UCOD YIKIiDS AND FIKHT-CLASS KLOUK. Hoitinn to R'cuivo a Hliaro of yuur patrontmo^ ft9 I am prtii>arc«l to pluasu. I Uuuiain Youir Uchi*., WM. BRADLEY. WANTED. Local and Trarclliny Salcumru. TO sell fj'ir ctioico variutios of Nurnury Stuok eitli»;i" "M salary or ooiiitnisHioli. runii(in<tnt omploynieiit to tho rii/lit num. No mom for la/.y oi'u'S. ii}n-i(^li* (lUd hi>ni?Ht, aro the nnoB wu ftic lookiuM for. .\.l(\io.^n with reforoiices, >1^VV linOTHliKS, Nurmiryinen. Kuchoster, N, Y. Arteiuesia I'ouueiL Council met in Town Hall, Flesherton, nil 7th iust. Couiiiiiinicatioiis from tlolni K.ine, Ksip Reeve of Howick, re Land lai|iioveiiiciit Fuiiil ; Trustees S. S. No. .">, re loan to Scliool Section. Moved by John Bolaiid sec^mded by .fohn Mo Arthur.â€" That Miss Kllcn t lil.- bert lie paid the sum of S4 piT month, she being sick and depending entirely up- on her friends for sup|i<irt. Carried. Cairns. Bolaiid â€" That Mr. Anthorn be p.aid .?.') for the purjuLSc of paying his way to Coljoiirg.â€" < 'arried. Cairns, Sliarji- 'I'liat I'i road scrapers be purchasedâ€" ;5 for each Ward -to be delivered in each Ward, and that the Clerk notify Wni. Strain to repl.ice the one tlial proved to be defective last year. â€" Carried. Sharp, Cairnsâ€" Tliat the sum of .?10 be granted for Townships of .Vrteiiiesia and Proton, and that S?20 be gr.anted f m- f 80 Side Road and 9'20 for 10th Con. â€" Car. Belaud, McArtluirâ€" That the Clerk be and lie is liereliy instructed to pniciii«six vol.s. of Municipal .and Assessment Acts for this Council.- Carried. McArthur, Sharp â€" That the Reeve is- sue his order for the following accounts : A. R. Fawcett, for |irintiiig and advertis- ing, §42.40; Will. Mcl.oiigliry, .os.sessiiig the Township, §80 ; Uobt. (Jrahain (upon complying with re(]uireuieuts) §30 ; P. Muiisliaw, removing snow, Sl.iiO. â€" Car. .Mc.Vrthur, Bolaiid That the Reeve i.saiii' his older lor this day's session and indigent monthly allowance, and that Dr. Christoe bo refutnled i}'2 for keep of indi- gents, and that Oiralinan be paid $'^, the rest to bo left with Dr. Christoe ; also So to assist Fred Ceo to the Township. - Cariled. Bolaiid, Sharp 'IMiat this Council sit as a Court of Revision on tho 4th day of June next. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. There is no danger to Iniuian life more to be dreaded than that whieli arines from vitiated blood. Dyspepsia, rheu- matism, headache, and general debility, all result from it, and arc cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. f ako it this mouth. Six.buttiyH, 9^'. IV. «'. T. 1. " Woe unto him tltat givetli his neigh- bor drink ; tluit putteth the buttle to him .'iiiil iiiaketh him drunken also." â€" Habi •Jc, lov. There is something that tlie law of rtt- sponsibility c^irries with it we can none of us get aw.-iy from, viz., individual iiitlu- ence. Hesj-onsibility d. les not make iii- tlueiice but iiitluoiice makes responsibility. It fixes on MS a type of character that makes us aiiswenible not only for part but for the whole outcome of our lives. If those we touch in our daily lives here and there by words or deeils of ours are given a f.ital iiniiulse iu .wuie dowiiwarii path, he that kindlcth the fire shall surely iiiiike restitution. We lonk abroad mi society ami we sim' tlio.se whose lives are poisoned by bniu'lul iiillueiiees that lurk as tile malaria 111 llle atmosplieri- tin.' (-oarse jest, the liiller invective, t'le |iriilliL;ate life, or the cold molality that spiiriis the grace of (!oil, tliat makes of tins or that on,' a Sabbath bii-akcr, .-i skc|ilK-, â- r a dnniUai- '. < In hull that si't in motion the spark â- <, .'.hall not tile responsibility l)e IhnI. .\iiy uiaii iir Woman, wlio lia« the iip|iortiiiiily to make their iiilhiciii'e felt in rcsja'ct t'laiiy nf the great moral n.'foriii iiioveiiu-iits that are so coniinu' lo the front as that "f I lu' Home again.st the Bar-room, and ilii'sunt take hold of it, is a shirk and i.s uiilrin to himself. If he lack the courai;o of his convictions, how can he respect hiiiiselt IU' have the respect iif others' lllu'i.s indiirerent, he is a fraiiil, am! lai ks inl only backbone but llolll^s!y. Such nini and women give the cause away tlicy|aii- fess to have at heart. Tliey .aic: a ilraij on the wheels of reformation, can not ln' depended upon, and ale lid of lIu' sniiu' stull as those who can stand in tnciraii, holding tlie banner •'.'' tiutli, cost nliatit will. â€" - ♦-ij** Stay at iloiiu'. From fhf. I'lrk'-rii'il .\'ifs. The Plattsville KcIio-maM iiiniiriis tlie loss of his "devil- " The boy starleil leading in the newspaper and yeaiiced to see .siuiie of the wide, wide woi Id, ..,0 In- skipped out. It ilon't lake a boy long to see c|Hite a lot of this wuilo ubeii skips out. There is a vast ipi.-uitily stern reality cvowded into a few DR. CARTER. M.C.P. &S.,Ont. PHYSICIAN, SIIRCEOK, &C. FLESHERTON. Office, Strain's hloek. ReHiilunco. Wm. Wrijiht s feuti^try. J^^ DEimSTRYr Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. SUUOliON DKNTIST Oolil Medalist and liomn- Graduate of tie It.l'.D.^., will vipit FI.KSHKKTON, iMunBliaxv'B Hotel 1 and '2uf tmuh munth. Tuotlmxtracted, iiibcrt- uil and lilU'd In thii liiHliust stjlun of the art, and at juoderato oiteH. Hi:ai) Offiie.toi Yonoe St., TonosTo. ffgaJ. J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. Barriiitvr, Soiiritor, Vonre.yanrvr, Ollicu.â€" strain's Ituildiu^, Flkhhkjiton. A. A. CHESLKY. Solicitor and Couvoyaucer, ItuBidi.iit Maiiafjor. Mil. FU08T will III! found lit tbo Offlco ou Thursdays an Iiei'oloft>ru. Support ilomi' industry From tin- DntuMh ILrahl. The FleKlierton .\dvaiice of huit contains a very good article on Support- ing Homo Industry and says that some of tho Flesherton people who energeti- cally endoi-se the sentiments of the Ad- vance, as well as the business men of .Markdale and Dundalk, in ciuih of which places there are well appointed printing establishments, regularly patronize the tramp canvassers of certain "cut-throat" city offices. Tho .Vdvance is correct. In many cases tho country printing offices is as cheap as the city ottice and when peo- ple talto into consideration tlu fact that we have to pay freigiitago on *iur goods and are not kept steadily employed, and still have to keep regular hands eugngud thi^ro would not be much woinler if we did charge 1.") or "Jn cents more than the city. To write down to tho city tirni costs .'Ic. To write back the charge of the job costs .'5c. Til send down tho copy costs :!c. and to forvvard the iirinting back costs ."ic. Yiiir paper costs Ic. and the profit goes out of the ilistrict to koeii up weal- thy linns. If everybody bought things, outside of their own business In the cities ami the prolits were divided among city linns, the post oltice, and the express conqianies, when these men met to spend an evening of conviviality and frieiid.ship to gather tliey w.uilil appear in the eyes of each other like the .lackdaw â- ir Rlieims im pictured by Crnikshank in the Ingold- .sby legends. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, (fc. Ollicc, over McFurlaiid's Store, .llarkdale. Vloiiey to Lnnii. JobR W. Armstrang; FlKSIIKUTON, Cii. UllKV. â- rvivisioN (.'oi.'iiT c'LEHK. commissioni:k â- ^t II H, !l., Canvoyaiicor, dfc. .\|^t!iil for purcliafc- aiid sale uf hiinlH. .\ppraiKitr far C I,. C Coin. and F. 1'. II. ,V: H. Society. Money to Loan i>li th.i nioHt ruabonalilt) tciriiiH. IshrKit of M.\KU1.\CJK li(;es.sks. notaky puiilic. MONEY TO LOAiS. AT LOWEST irURE.NT KATES. On Town or Farm Projairty, S. DAMUnn, Klesliorton. le ..f lys when satt'H may a youth sleeps under hedgis no wood for what bread and liiitter I need. If \ve had a boy and faintly im- agined that he wanted to see the world, we would tal<e him olf soiiiewbere and lose biiii, and by that time he wipiibl wmk. begged, walked and got booted back home again, he would be iiieek, mild uiiil love able, and wnuld do his work with a hearty good will. The boy who imagines there is gold lining to every nest but tbu Iiouie ouc, re<iuircs a good waking- 141. Why You Feel So weak and exhausted is because your blood i.t imimre. .\s well expect tho sanitary dition of a city to be per- f,-, t with dellled water and defective siwitiage, as to e.\|iect such a .ompli- laled piece of meehaiiism as tin- liinimn fiaiin- 10 be in gooil order with iiiiinire blood circulating even to its niiuulest M'iiis. Do you know that every drop .if your two or three gallons of blood passes tlirinigh the heart ami lungs iu , ;ilioiit two and a half miniiles, and that, ] on its way, it makes bono and muscle, j Inain ami nerve, and all other solids anil lliiiils of the body'.' The blood is 1 till! great iioiirisher, or, as tho Itlblo tonus il, "The Life of the Body." Is it any womler, then, that if the blood ho not laiie and perfect in its con.sti- tiients, you sillier so uiauy iudescribablo symploms'.' .Vyiir's Sarsaparilla stands "Tioail and slioiilil(!i-s" above evi^ry other Alter- ative anil Blood Moiliclne. As proof, read these reliable testimonies : (1. C. lirmMc, of Lowell, Mass., says: " For the past '25 years I hftvo sold -Vyer's Sarsaparilla. In my opinion, the bist iciiicdiiil agencies for the euro of all the diseases arising from iiiipiiri- tics of tlie blood are contained in this ineiliciiie. " Idgeiie I. Hill, M. D., .181 Sixth Ave.. New York, says : " jVs a blood-purlHer and gi'iiernl tinilder-iip of the system, I have ncyii- found anything to equal .Vyi'i's Sarsaparilla. It gives perfect Hiitisfactioii." .Vyer's Sarsaparilla proves equally etlbauions in all forms of Scrofula, Hoils, Carbuncles, Kczema, Uuiiiors, Lumbago, Catarrh, &c.; .and is, there- fore, the very best Spring and Family Medicine in use. " It beat.s all," says Mr. Cutler, of Cutler lirotbers & Co., Boston, " how Ayer's Sarsaparilla does sell." Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. I'rico.jil ; all liDttloii, ii, Worlb $S » buUl*. W. J. BELLAMY. TWI". CI.i:IIK .4IITKMESI.*. CONVEY.l XCEJt, Cd.MMISSloyEL . l.\Sili.l.\CK A(i"l\ ,K' DEK»S, M0KT(;A(1I;S. I.KAMES, .Vc, pn-rnr <)>l mill iiriipiirly ii.vticiitt'd. Iiikiimiiic.. aircc- • 111 ill flrKti-lasii coltipaliiiiH. Moliuv to lend at loWOUt I'llUlN. K. J. SPROUL, Fh-shrfion. (\iitir\fntitfr, Aftproisrr, )'nh uiiit'i' iiinl Munftj hniitr. I h'nis^ Min*- i/ittft's^ h'liHiS timl Wilh ilnnrH *np ttiui i'lthmliuns iinulf >nt >lioif*si tio^iVt. ('Ii'tr- â- jts nrii lu,r. Apphj tu li. J. SrilOVLi:, I'ltst inii.'ifir, F^rsfii rfi'n. James Sullivan, TlieTiusmitla, - Flesherton Uopiiiiiiu; KavctrouHliiiiK.aiul in Lictovory- liiiir^ III tiin )>usiiM'*>H will voiM-ni! my IU'Dinpt itnd (-ni'*i(nl uttttiitiun ul ruiiHoimblt] pricuH. liulL Thr nun'inojIi'iU'ii Ihtrftmn i Gray Champion ! Willstiin^lfni' sn-nn',tt Lt.t IM .' U'r..t, Artriii*-sni iilmni (tnv uiilr tvnu I'lrt^hirfini Stdtinti. This i.-i (I Jirff-tfa.''S itninntl nii>i juniirrs iit.tirnuf< uf iinfinti'lnif tioii' ati't'k irill 'III tr>ll il, hriinj tin ir cinrs to iiim. H^ (,s (M itfinir rtiHtiifitm. ''] I'lT ('(tw. Hoiliu'od Vrtto'- iifCortUriij f ci'ws In'cninlit liy any I'liu umn. TKIt.MS. to iiuriilx! ' tM .JOHN .MW.MS. iM'tiprit'lor. FARM m SALE. B13IN(i Lot iJ, Con. II, .Vitonit^hiii. ctnittiiniiij; UiOftuioH uioro or Ioha. Voy p.uticulttr;* iil»ply Iu ko<;er l£vi:ic. FIlâ- ^i^^n ton. Agents, Agents ! Now Ukai»vâ€" ; â€" CU u Nkw ]'•••• K. EARTH, SEA AND SKY - nil- Marvels ofihr Univcv^c Itolni: n full iinil i^rniiliio ihiFicriiitioii ot all thi'l IR wiiiiiirriui ill 1 ivory CinitiniMit nf 'Im lihilio. ;n till) MiirUI of wntcrw illnl tlni Htarr, Hciivi-llK. ContiiiiiiiiK thrilling nilvi'ntunisoii liunl and sc«. reliuwiiiid iliHcovmios of tlin wnrlii'-^ ;,i ' iitost ex plorois in 111) itMon. anil rumailtabli' [iIh iicmi-na in iiviTV realm of llatiioi. I'lnibviii'ili: tiiii sliiU iuR pliysioal foiitllrii.iot tile cnrtti llli' pi'iMiliar iihnrtu-tMristics uf till' llliiMioi raco. uf nlillliHlr., liinlH. iiiwiiiis, etc.. iiH'IniMiU; a viviil ilr^iniiitiin of tlio .Mlantic. I'acilic mid Indian Oii aim niwl 111 th.i Polar Sons, tliii moiiKtors iii ino 'lerp, h.iMiilifiil KiiaflU-dlB mill jilalit*. i-in^.ihr <\â- .)l<â- ^ and ilwolleiH in ttii) woi'lii ot watois. >. mnrkalilo ocBun iMiniints, otc, tondllmr with lli.' .mia/ini; l>llelioiiiKn.\ of lllo Bolar nnU ^t8ny ^> siillif. liv Honrv Dav.inport N(irthrci|>, 1).I) . 1 nilnjllishi-ir with oviir .1110 fine cnKi-aviliKi. Lihi'oil tolliis lo aconts. (liford l>ii,iSli»iiinE Couipany, ,'i .Toiilm St.,'roioiito,Ont. JJO-aOOs 1