ISIBH HOME RTILli!RS, What They Say Regarding Bescript. the Papal IMI'OKTAST KKM)l.lTIONS AI><»PTM» A lUibliii dc-himu li mjt: i hi i;\Lluiii.' r ' Court ImH ilisiiiit.-'' .i til.- hiHifhl el I'lili.'Tj McKicldiM, of (I'M-fdoii-, BtJuilUtt till) I doubling; u( hiB btiK'iwc tn iiinnul. 'lit-.; courl lit 111 thai a Cuuir.v Coiul huo il.u power lu iiiurcaii' n a-julvucv. l'"oriy riinnllilt.t>, iiu-luaii.^; MtB8rt>. DUloii iii;il UiiriLii, H«t nine liuurs in llie Mausi'jii Uoubu jttti-rdfty di.-<cuBbiiif< llit Papal riiitript. A Bub-ciniiniltco wuu ainioii.Ui', coni-ift;!:)} 01 Mirtri-. IJ. Kulii- i vau, 1. 1». Sulluaii, O liiiii), I'.ciisiiond, j lieali) ami liarnu((tu;i, willi Sli-bara. ] Kfjii.) ui:(l Cltt!.> ;. ab seiri.tiiriis, tu draw up rttohiliouB o^ tilt- ijiiiiciijlia D^T' id in, j Tlio U;i-tiii'(4 priiiiirtd a luaiiifcfalu to iln'| foliovMi.^ iliuct : I liiiijt:imu.ri> tliui. '.l:n I'ui'iil nM;il|'i i-i in i^n UAuii b> itii ftitbit' t)I lin- lluly r-m a::«i »>: ti.o Iritli I ..'I'll' lo lln- I'-' JiidlLi- ut tli<:Ul-li rau .-, toi-fttiilik*-' lia* pot'l-ic and Ujtir jpliui; I Liu.d' s. , aiiU lo l;.» iMiM- llu- iluijt,t-la Nsliit- u Ihi ali ii tliu _ l*i'i'U'. u:.'l bcini; uj.nilMd t»i mil i.hii;;a'.]oiii lu j Uic II 1> ^l 1 Biiii 11 i/L.! limv uii irin-;ii'.M .11 liy ulucttil r. ii--i-iitiilivfn w." iut^.: «l :i.i. â- .;..! in- , Iji'llii r a:..i u'loincd llU'si' K'-. '1 .11 i.- I 'llitt 111.. .illi-Kau.iii... ol Iu<-. l-;.'. !â- i'" iii t..:.j| ciri'iiuir uli III our Itin... i.-tl •â- i::.l. ..i. i. il i.i.l ) ouuM 11..1, %vo v«!itiir«. l-i uUiriii. i.:.^' l. .:!| ur.iUiuiK*!' d uudt-r lli.?> ..J tiu-ll.'> I biiitcuiuuu mi I'l-i'.iil t.. ih.. Ii.-.ii| WAR PREPARATIONS. KuiiKia riiiliiiilitcdi.v AriulnB Willi il I'ur- liim«. -Will llu' C/.ilr kttiick /mslrlii'.' A lirriri cnblenraiji saja : The Kns.jiaM prciitiruUi n-. iire hm.h; oiniiioas. Tli" ii"W,s of llii; wet k IS to iliu ifTvct liii.ssia 1ms acn plid llid Fr.-iiidi Biriidii-atu's t'-niiH fur a loan. II. \\ sliil^;r«d!.ki, Kui^.-iirtii Mliiidterof l'"iimiico, Jir^t nipluroii tliu iin f;otmtions with iIr. I'lMiij.toir a'llscoiuiiti', ai:;;rily rejiTtii.^ iho propoijalB afl a blur ui'O.i Ku..;sia'j si.lvfiu-y. Thriuyh the ili'lails ot llui i..tjoliiitiijna which Imvu bccu coiichidiil aro iiHai;rr, iiioii^'h is known to show llmt M. \;. sluigradnki felt tlu'pinch and siibinilti.d to Ihi- hyndii-ati.'acor.dilKiii. 'I'iio UiH-iiin Tr. usiirs' obt'iina mi iiinncdiali. Hdvaiai' uf j;i.'( liuiM)(iO. Tim ti. till loan aui'jiintB to fll (lUli (100 and th.i li.iliiiK'c will b-i inBUed in til',' nil tiniii if tho ti.M.' is opportune. 'J In. Kii->iaii K. livitics uei.tro :n th(. iniantiiiii' in Hontli(.rii Kim<iB. butti-rifa r.ii; Ij.ii^! riipidly ciiiihtrnrti d uloi JJlaik Si-H, tii.iw I'lili btir nri.i ().|.i.ja, of niui.iiioi ^ all! Od'bSR, Whl-rf CVI 11 tl«. \arht iihib it i-liur; 4 of till. 111., in.iutli ot till- ivii.l iinnirnfie Ktorcs b 11';; colkclc'd at lim prt'iiiirioa of c-^ht into â- ) I I. ,1 1.1.1,1. 11. |IU..1'1.- Illt.l b... 11 I |>ti.liiU.i ihu . . I puopii 'I In.: iiiii ansurti..!! i llr^\ul.^ us l.i til' i.',,lll «XL-. i'l II. Jill lllM., ,!..-. -Ill uuli/ui..:. >i una i.i.^. *Li 1.11,1 by in. Uil Hint â- â- â- â- •â- «ii le(;i»lii I..1I li.iu:,.| I., i-. '...n' ' 'kI yeai... 1.1... I'l."'.. '1. I ni'iii:..' ii..:i â- >.iit. i. irff !â- 'ii:i iii:*.i. I''iii;i.. I'.ii If, -n-.i- ihu iiiLi'ii n i I iJh i uiuiii ki.u>Mi ub tiK ruu "I i..iiiir.o;:ii ti i uul I i.r> l»..v..riiii.t l.t lia\») i"-. :. .. -1 i ' ' Ibtiil.-l.. I r ll.i I l.I^^".^J ill h.ill 1 .11 II. ..U..1 . . I . ,1-. â- 1. i 1 . ili-i 1..V. I .. i.I IIHU.ILII [1 111' ' l!.. ., I . till ....1... til. 1 I. VI 111 11. Mllifl. . iir .. . . I.IIV.: buutli<-'ll! Mitjiijii . .i*ilru('. ' 'I I gruuij.i thut int.> u. 1 .. . IK 'I'liat tljv , ..iii.-iuiU'.n uli.l u.ljiJ'i. J'.i.'iM roiit-liiii.i; ."nr;.ibi..'i.l inn.l. 'luui.. ii.u:. thu blauiii. :.l lliikl 111. .. Clin s'l n-'iii'-.- i. i.l.- bniu; lb. ii. miiin. i'"' nnn'" ''' I 'ii.i'.. . i-.. pruVli.1 .-.:. I... u, ..1. I. 1 ili-ii;!' . . : â- •'â- â- •• Ujc i;r.,|.i. .1 1. ..\. 1, 1'l^r i^.ii.i .;:i.. ;ii..." I til. loiiri.- 111. I :â- â- ' 1.1.' Uiiuii t.i 1. ii..;.-.! ii|...ii ti... I' I â€" .'â- -. Uliilila. â- i'liiil uiM'l"Vl-i..l. 1 . liiu.l.. Ir a r l. 'i arriiiid nl tiiiii-. "I.n u m.- '" -^ 'â- ' cuiiiliil.i 111- ixii •â- â- •â- â- ll.i-. nil. laiiUj. .1.1.1 i.> ti.i 1. I 1 1 v.. ii'i u.nui 1-. It. 11 ai.|....: .; ;.' til'- 1 111 huii- iniiiil.i la ...' I' ii. â- f- afi- 'till SVi.ii r'i„«ril l" 1'. Ml. mint 11. bui-li . \'...ri.-.l ami .1' l'.»il<.l 'Will ,i ..i.'H.ii I'm- Holm. HI- ttllirin ll.ii'. II . I. iiuiiln l:..;.v l...l„<il Uii'ir iciitb » nil I'l 1-. ;.. ' in tH' .. .1.' ". '1 "â- Ikjiil 1... bu nihiiimi'.. Uiii.i i.r.oii^t .ii.i.iiij iu.-i Jjjcy it'Tf\ r.-tiiri.. .1 *ilIi. u: .1. .i .. â- â- »t till- r. .pi. *.i -.1 11.11 lobdut V 'I 11 t 11... iil.jilrtt Mlltl rnn.| . \. rilni- "t llf I'l^ill jjow.-i . "f i-^i' ti..i. I..r limn-i-.i'. i.'U 1 tiim l'iii;!iti.| thi. Iiv. -• .1 111'- IriMli i'..r''i a"'l l.^' â- ! mil 11. 111. Ill 111. Ill II. 1.. 11.. ir â- â- â- .uiiir), un.l u- iiR. l»-t;.il 1...V.. r ..I . M.'t. '1 ; . iiriu. .1 wi li l.. .v Iiiciu 11. » I.) 111. A. : |.ii"..l .: I '-.'. Ill 11 li.i:i»l..ti.r. i-.ili tr.l..i l.j i.iii.ii.i.i . Ki." liO' i.v.,i..l I.; iiii. I»n M i.t lu.'ii.ii.i I., till- .ii'':iin-ti..i. .III. 1.-. 111. 1m .il I..II.111. >. I. i,i 111. r mill ih.- u| I i.'j'ii.. 1. .. .1 tL. .r 1. i»l 11. t" •' '» >â- ' I'" "*i" "-"'I' "' I". M.n, Wii 1, .. li... , 1. . l.ii.- 'I. .11 III.. 1.1 1. 1.. â- • ' i..r. w.. of tii.i |...A. ; 1, 11-. 11... II iiii.l i-. It '• 1." il'.' .n.... o( lli.i nil |'> clilli 1 .u.'l'i.i. Ill ir. .111..1 »Uil t:.:i; tl... I'll!.. I'' l.'.lil.C. iw.l. II u. lOl. 111. c»..i.i..i. li-iili.l 111 a '1. iiMii '1 Ill I coiii^' 1 . .1 I. . Iii.i; I .\u:iil 111 u.i uii.i.i. ii til. UM.iii.. 1., 1.-%" i..lj'.»'i.' ... .' .I'-ir. I..1 Cllrbliitli .t.uilly. wl... II I.I»w ..I . I -I. villi 11. ; wt' i. J !i.. . li... . .. 1., null. Ill . .1.1 hl.i 1 . III. ill.. . iiiiil'ii..|i t . - I-.- .11 . ..1. ;r'.i \|.I. ! -in;: '.111 . .-Ill tit r. i;iii.|iii., '.I,.. . Ml-- .11.11 .11- Uj>. in... I I h.:i..;i.l tilul llii t*.Iiiii.. . I f^ilul' ... Ii.ii.iii.i;- I lUil'I -" |.r. Liilii nliii.i I'l ... ljii|.| ... 1... â- Ill, 1. 1 V, run. • 11. .r till â- . urii. . I.;!!,. I .. ,1 1. in til. II.: cai. I.I . .. llili'ii" ;i". Uii ii.liii. . â- yi.1. lull'.. Ullll. I I.. Uli' IT. .pi â- '•â- ,,,, 1 , Fi.ti, 1 1...1 till. .1.. mill.. I ..I II..- Ill II i.i"|.lo n.i B«rur ;..i. 1. 1. nil mil |.. inn .il lil-rt) i.- ill. liiti.l bvl...' ii'v aiiHliiiiii.l l.> liiiiiiiiil iii.tli'i. mill cm. In. ll.i l.-H ..I ii.'.i..i.. 111. ili.iili. Ill oriiuiiii.ui...,. |ir"...|ilH.l 1 r iili.'iii.i I') tin'i-.u atuuti .1,, t.. ivlii'li ill" lii'li l". I'll "W.'Ml.Kt OUT II, I . iivil ainlr.l nii.tinlr..<.l..iii , Ulat 11. â- â- Inn 1. ill till', iiiiti.inid in Vinnint uiiiininl UJIC..I1 ii'iiii .mil I'.i.r.i'iii uii'l i.ri^iiiii.^i it caliiii'i.) iM 'â- I'.iiiiiinii. ti. 1.1. i.« until w. ailall llul. iirlllilVliil bllcl-fMi. hi.\t . .vnili. iiiiri.MTV.iilly a.-kiiimlwluiiii: tlif aiilrliii.d jililoilK-lliill <il 111.' Il'ily â-º'â- â- ". "'â- . a" oiiiir â- ii.ii» I.I tli.ib.1 i^ivil nliurllrb wlinli inii Ca 11.. Ill- Intl. tullnirH iiiM.hitiiy dutrmli d, liil iHiilml ill LLlriimly r.iihsirt lliiil tlm Irisli Ciillni licii I all rMiiii;iii/.i- 11.1 iit;lii III ill" H'.ly Iku. In in toit.ii.) Willi llir in, |i.iiii|.iin till' liuuiiiginninl of iiiilillcal alliili^ I." ll. I I I â- â- • ,,; II,.' Il -Il I . .|.:. . .,1.1... I- •â- â- 'irl"' .. 1,1 I. 1' I 11. â- â- •â- < II''." It I., I.. .1. 111. ll.i . .11 I 111 lull • ,;,,â- 1,1 tl,.. II. .11 .-Ml", llll'l I'l" III II .1 111. I. -.III. I »"â- . iiinini.l I .,,1111.1, ..I /nil.. III..I' I1..11I) 'â- •' ,. , I I u;:,.. I. up .11 ..'11 li.tiiii . I' ..It I I' l)l,STK.\€:Tfcl> IIV â- low a Kirit Maiinrai'liirrr Oavi' up all and â- .'nlliiMrd lllf l,ahf.l*'i. All Atlanta, Ga., di upati li nays: 'I'ln- Balvatiiiii Army in playing havoi: with family circi'b ill Atlanta, and no iiiiii nf divoico biiils ainiii.n r, bpcutalili' pcipli havd urowii out ol itn prcsriini hir.'. Sir W. H. WltliiTH, a proininiiit biiHiiii.H) niai wlio owiU'd liiifi. iron worUa inilii. i;ily,liaH become BO intai Halt d with lli" luiny thai hohaai)iiil bnsiiuiia fiiiiri-ly, having; put out thii liri'H 111 Ilia f iiriiaw .< and idiia. d his shopa. 111. hail bicii ihii (diirl ii'ipport ol tlid army, liaMi," piid ihn niii if tlin liall.^ and fed th.i mldicrs. llti Inii xoim to Brooklyn, it is said, tii conlur with thi. army hiadera, and ho hopia to trai'a|iliuii (Joloiiiil I.iiiht. who liaa n itirn cliarun of the army 111 tin; Hoiith. His family, who Diovo in Atlania'a hti-t loiduly ciridta, art- otttrly proatratid, and hia wifu haa ini ploroJ Oovurnor Gordon to inlorfi.'ru in BOino way in Imr bchnlf. A KIvhI fiirllu. Wi'llaiiil Culnil. A Now York di.apaii.h aaya ; 'I'liii com. mittci' of till! Niiw Viiik Hoard of Trailt. and TranHportation to which was rifirnid Din consldnratlonof Gontircaanian Niiltinij'n Niagara H hip Canal liill haa prciiarid a ruBi'lulion to the 1 Kct-t that thn Doanl favora an appropriation by Coiiyriiis of a Bum not I'Xi'.iiedinK 1»ir),(H)0 to protide for tho siirviy and uatiinAtiis of coat by United Btatea on^iiicera of a uliip canal coiiiiectint; Lakea Krio and Ontario, on tho American aide, of a aullicient capacity to float aiich TMsela as will bo ablu to paas tho SaultKtc. Ifaria. â- Kva Wcntz, a little Haltimoro Kirl, whose birthday falls on the aaiiio day of the year as that of Uiamarck, wrote him a letter of oonijraliilation on hia last anniversary. Hhe has received an siilocraph raply, in which tho great Chancellor eaya: " For your friendly congratulation on the occasion of my birthday I return my sinooro thanks.â€" T«H UlBMABCK." n ipiiaili...! r.s a htnU; aiil i-o;\li!.u pMilil 'M.'. lAO l-trHti ;^l.: lillca Ir.ldli.t; to ill'. AiMlriiUi (rontiLT svill 11 it bo coiiif ietr I bi-fiiie .iiil;.. Tim Aintiiaii btraleni-J rail- way s in (jali. ia liav .• c.i.ii| li;t"i| thiir c.i.i- inH prr.j, , '... l.tit*'..! \or!liui*t N*iwH. A 1', .[".irh from W iiiiipi-i; di'.ti il !'nt (i'ri.lnvi i.i„ln ^ '.,s ' ; '111 Li'^i-i'-lnrc pMj ro.;:;, 1 i|,M I ., nil .' iit I', with tin' u-;Ual ,â- .1111.011; \ ' ; M rii, T .â- \ik..|ia' t^peiih i-nii- nratiil, d !!;.â- 1 1 . iin-i- on t he p'lssa^e "' the Keih-tribiilii.;. liili, tlm Manhoud SiilfrK;;" Bill, till. a.It.p-.i 11 of tl;.. Q.nbic re.-ioin- tiiiis, th" I.-, itimi i,r the di-allowani;e piilii-y and the leuii-hi' for the promo- tl'iii of railway 1 nterpri-'es. Mr. (Murk", mi aspirant for ptirliaineii- tary honnra in rriiice ..Mbert, was bronulit in to iiinlit a riMin; ninnia;. r >rty liniiiin- i.iid njti-i .v;', t-M(;H(;e,i by a â- l .. - I.. 1' .liniik ii.i .il in- I'Mii at S'Ikiikto tiaul an an a'iv.rii-'ii mit tlinninh the Stales, were to start this iiioriiii.i4, but liie 11". lit didn't pill ill an ainiearain.e ami J.o Went home ili-i^nsle I. 11 I'ower arriv 1 here to ds y an-! Irini s |.i niorri.-.-. to vi-it ilie troltn.^ near .Moo.oilllll. Wl.ial has alvai.'.-'l I'' to "JO 1:1 nta, aii.l is in .V at 70 ami 71. Winiiipee dittltis hold al.ont :; OOilOlH) bii-heh. Mrs. I'ali-ii. of CUmlii-uye, elrirni-a h.r hustiai. 1 v.ilh alleiniilin:! to burn their resi'lein -. Ill haa le. n arrntil, Int di nil s ih" aectisatioii. At the (!onservalivi. ni' t-tin;; to i-il'-et a can.l: date for Koutli Wini.ii'tii to day, .> A. .M AikeiiP, Geor).vt 1''. Gall, Hon. Mr. Mc .Miek-ii, V KoU-rtHin and Mei srii. ll'iwell and Miilviy were iicininaleil. The I -.11 bitter dei-liie.l; M' -^-rs Aik. i.s ami Gull w. r, abs'iit, Mr. M,.Mi. k. 11 aic. pit- 1 if I inatid, and Mr. Koherti-011 aok d live .1-iys t'l coimiili-r. '1 he iin utin;; ud jiiiirne.l nil Wednesday. ii..<i.>v. Aikeiia h'ln di ilint-l to be a i-andidat'.-. '! Ill- M t-'.i'.'.iptil in a KllKe. .\ .S;. I.iiue. .il spit, Il s.iMi: The Mi.-is. ii.sii |,i Kii.r lois bun 111. .M' tb,. ibmui r lin- f,.r four i!.,\ 1 11! I '..\. 1 |..,rl. loua, and is sli mill) rni';" S VI ral inaiiiifa-ttiriu^ i-ilaliiisliini Ills jni-.e b, n eoinpi lliil in 1 In... and iinuiv fan. ill,-.' Iniin; in tin- lewir purl of tin (It) aie 1110M1.14 u-i rapnlly as po.-^ible. .\t G. ill nil, lliiniii,', Imals are iio-.i- i-i-iii III nil of till li,i-,inii.< i.iirtioii if ihei-it). On 111"- ea- I SI le of M.1111 iitri-it the wall r in mail) pliici ;i 11 imarly up to the lir.t tloor. At |)iibii.|iie the rivt-r is within i.i\ jiiihei of the liinli water mark. The ibunivii" alrt-adv done in heavy. A mnjoiily oi the inaiiiif.nliirinn islabli-li ii.enta have been nbli;;i li to hIuiI dir.vii aiel many men are idle. At Keokuk, Imva, the river has risen to aiic'i a dt pth over the track of the Iv-oknk .V Norlhwestern Koad aa In eom| 1 I the ab indonmeiit of train i-i-rviee bi twei II there nnd (Jiiiiicy. Ale.v an.lria, live iniirs below K' oklik, ia in dan j4er of beine Hiibmertjed. Siiiiilliei'i-.l His < liilil ,\<-<-ldentall>. A New Yolk despateh oayH : When .John Ilabahr, aijed 'Jt'i, and hia >onii),; wife and three children landed from the bteamer llambiMi4 ysterday aa iiniiii;:ranta from llolBti ill liny repaiii d to llin of the Montherii I'acilic Kailway to |)roi:iire ticki'ln for Kan l-'rain isto. Mrs. llHsslir wrapped lip her II iiiunths old child in a blanket, laid it can fiiUv on a Ki-al, and went to attend to llie otln r ibiliin 11. llabsler turned with the tii ki ts, an. I biltini;, «h he Ihoiieht, on the blanki t. siinilln led the life out of his I liild. Tbeliii- b.nd naa arret.ted, and the wnniaii i.iis fianii,: wilh i;rii-f at the loss of In r . bil I and ibe prospi.-.t of having In r biisbsnd In. kt d up in a i.tranne cniinliv, Corel. I r Kidn.Mi, bi<ini; the necesslly of the 1 .ise, In iii.l I In cane at once and the jury ai ipiitf d llie Insband. '1 be> tin 11 prneeedi d w, si A I'lii'iiiiiiielial .^iHiwlMkiilt. A f.'annj ilnirie, N. Y.. n'.sp.itcli say.i; A reinarkiibin ^llo vliaiik ren.iuiiB on the farm of 1). M.tihiil .r, ill ihii linviiship. It ia li'll fei i lone, 10 to .'() fee! '.vide ami 11 f..'i t deep A creek riiiiH b. neaih it, forinin" a lirid).;u that a bors.. and uaeni.ii i-mi piss over. An ejni tree ill full II af sin:;. Il 111 the cenlre of till) siiov/. No snovvbn.k has ever been known before at Ibis [loint lati.r than May I'll. |.'rlKliliiil lull I.I liOO l.'uet. .V W'ilkesbirrc, I 'a, deBpatcli tiiya : Thomas Kboiie, a enrinntir i-mplo\ed at the Fjehinh and Wilk. sbarre company's mini s, f. II the iihiift, a diatancu of nearly bOII feet, thia moriiiii..; and waa in atantly killed. Hvery boiiuiii hia boiiy waa broken. Wifely W Isdoiii. " Oh, Mrs. Do lU-iL'i , I don't know how you maiiaeij your huabaiul ho nicely. You d -ivn him about just au if you had a bridle on him ?" " Il'a very easily explained, Mra. Cacl mire ; when I have a particularly nice lot of taffy I alwayaput bitain hia month.'' Gladstone met I'arni II for the flrst time only two weeks mo. N(» (;|IINF..SK M';«!;i> APl'LY. Aii^lraliu Will Have N' lie "I Them -%VII1 llullirr Iteliel. A London cablo Ha)B: Tho quebtion of the adinibaion of Chinamen into Australia ia dally becoinin,; more puz/.llte and annoy iiiji to iliD Home tiovernmeiit. The Atii.traliana liave refn--:(d to oven admit ('â- biiieie wh.i liav'j bun i:atnrali/fcd as lintn.h subjicta at llon^ Kov.u'., and llireateii to pass a law problbiliii;^ any per- 1 of ('iiintse birth from laiidint{ at any purl ill the country, whether Lord Sails. liiiry likca it or not. On the other hand, ilioChuieso Ambaasador is vijioroutly pro- teslino against the JJIO /i.-r criynVa ta.x which i.i beiny i:ii[iose(l upon Guinameu already ibe country, and L- rd Haliabury can in til ' circiimatanci s h-irdl) avoid takmi^iiome deliiiite acticn in the matter, with the inevitable nault of pr,-.:ipit:iting a rupture with Cbiiia or an Australian revolt nnainst tlie Iloiiie Governii'enl. The Bill pro- vidinn for the exclusion of Chineao of every iielition in life ia virtually an acsom- plight ll fj.ct, i-inie it haa already been l.iriniilateii and in the presetit temper of the Aci.-.riiliaii I'arliatie, nt itu introduction I .lU'.valiiii to its passage. The latent advices from Australia include emphatic nssuraiices thul the couiitry, includiim tlic (,'oIoiiihI (ioverimi.nt, will rebel before it ill submit to Im|>--rial orders to admit Chii.aiiien. TVKANNV OF THINGS. foriUM of Slavery Thai Is Never Likely to Ixi Abiillbii«(l. II I I V-TWO V Wolntli OAVS WITIIOIT KO«)I>. Uefusrs to Kat, lull is klriniK Kii..ll{;li tl) \Vi> It. .\,,,..ister, I'.i,. despatch Bays : Mrs. \Vi idb r, the fajitiii-; woman, has reached t!;e lift V S'-.;iind day of her fast. Some of the lo.-a! plij'jicaii.-i lliii.k some one ha;! niiiiit-eled f.iol to her, but her door has been barred, tb.' traiisoni ii'iiled up and the only wiiidov/ i-i barred and thre-j atorieB above the t;rouiid. 'J be only kevfl to her room are in tlie keepiii;; of I>r. Sefenine, the resident iihysician, ai..l Mia. Eaby, the wiirtl ii-ndi r, who is an t.tperieiiced and reputable wt;ttian. Mra. \Vi iiili-r enttnd the in=titutioii just one \iari(;',i> to-day, beinj; sent ihtre be- c;ius'j bile was Btarvi. ;; herself at home, l-'or a t'.ni" afier slm entered the hospital she wonl.l tat if 1-1. .' thoiijibt no one ob. served In r. l- iiially .-he would not even do this, an t for live uuntil.s lir,uid footl was fiire.-d ibroueh a bloniaoh pump, the woman vio!- nt! , n-si^tiin?. ai,.; it becmne necessary to hai i!f the poor woman am! hoi, I her d iwii In i-r.ler to f 1 1 d her. This procrss Wis btoppi d lifty tiv.i .a\s at'ti, and in all t nt liii.i .Mrs. h-is had no no'jr- iibineiit b.ii, r, liinkiin; from half a pint to a 1 ;:;l ilmly. :-:;ewa!i stroni; e'iOUf;h jeatirbiy :ifi,-riiooii n. aeriib the tloor of her ro ;ni und s. i thn ;:s to rinhta.!e>t ^l-nllt^ll .News, Dr. I'l.r L..nnr,l. K. N., Inspector- G.nt-ralei llohpuals i.iid I'li-etJ, dieil on 1st at ti;e iiian.i, f Kt. VlUcam, I'or- farsliir' . the nsidnie.' of hi.i soiiAi law. .lane s Yoiii.f^, a lin .-'... .nan, has been' .| t;i ei,:bl. months' iniiirisoii- iiient 1 -r aoa.mllun; : 1 ; wife and attempt- wnl '.i> lit. vn li.rce oJ iii i ebildieii. '1 he dm , 'oiu JniiV lli„liliiii I a. I, I .\i;ri. cultural .S -I : ty h*'." resolve. 1 fi hold the sli'.vv in |s-',i Hi Melro...... The ii.ial I ii.tiiliiri i;:i to tli,i variiiis sell. I.I .-. f ,:,. CiMr. Il f !'.. .'• IhikI the '. I ! , ^:l.",l,.•^U.'. an in- .11 . y .11 i.f l.i.'J.).!. th . wi:- 111 ISm Uobirl 1. 1 ,1- 1 nsbii'i^, took place en I lUtli, 1 ( labile to the \iar 1 - -I aei '.1 en.ii â- .â- Ol ,1;. | i. . '1 he fun- lal e( I!urne-.t, K-ui., .\ on lb ..'III nil. Il Use b.,i-v ' linri h\ ati! Mr. J. Koi'iifi,!' ' on on t iiliin .vi II I .1,11.., I 'J.'ilb III-., ai;ii| N? ^1 ll II 1'. .lilnr wasc.iibii Th'- heillh of ll,,. has 111 en r. stori.l bv tine bead ^;aruener 1 abire, dii d on the I ,. till jiibilie aa a, uti .1 111 I- y eai'.J ai;,i. Iini, • ef Suthi rlaiiil a \a,-bii:;;4 ciuise 111 the I ant. lie 111., I his party v^ero enter- taini ll a foitnu.lit by thn Kiiij^ ot Kiaiii ill •â- The I'ala, e of ilelif,hl;" al liaiikok. .Not only Were tliey lurniittid " white I lepbant -,'" wbieli one p'Uty iiii^'.ratefiilly des. ;ribvd as Irauds," but liny were prit.inl cremation if f,,iir ineinbets of t family. When we went to war and put an end to ne«io blavi ry we niu not succeed in Kettino rid of slavery. rroi».-rly in peraous was e.xtineuiabed, but tbetlavery of pertons to tilings w.ia enlarged. Before he o.vced liiuiaelf the uttiro did not have to look nfter a hoUK'.> to live in, clothta to wear or food 10 eat. That care devolved upon liis niaater. No'.v ho inutt take care of himself and share in the ilnoiii that fell upon Adam, who, afti r lis left Kdeii, had the whole world to wander in and work in an- mastered. From the beiiinuiiij! of life to tho end of it poiir mortals, whether at the top or bottom or midway on the ladder of fortui.e, are Bubjeot to the constant tyranny of thiu;4s. Thia is what we mean when we r.ay "we are tho creaiuiesofuircuinstaii'ieH." Tii'J helpless baby piiline and kiekiii;; in ita crib tiiida inert dilimce and mastery in whatever ho aeea er touches. By what painful bnnipa and lirniaes d.-iea he acquire the kiiOwled),.j nr-l that , * * • I iil.i not what I sue. And oth'-.r thmi ;he i.liiii?.:s I tu'jch. and afterward that tho whole catejjory of lhinf;a he touc!;es aro not his servants but hia masters ! They minister to hiiii, Mil of their will, but by reasoa of hia work. As he learna to think iieleirna to accomixio- riate himself to his aiirrouiidin^a and lie never Bto[is until he i-,.tiinia to the duat r.-f wlitcU he 18 a liviii" portion. When the la.vyi rs invented the " 'hatti:! slavery " they covend the whole ^rouiid except, ill the liniitation of the nieanin.^ " chttttil," whi-li ill the leyal liiifjo only ri-firs to |)0rt.*ble pmperty iin.i not to real estate. Itiit the "tjraniiy of thint^s " ia 'oev 011,1 e.\priwBion. A cinilt-r 111 the eve will shut out the charuKif the loveliest landscape. Ainos'iuito can talte all tlie comfort and noodneas out of a bedowned and tafiestiied cjucb at -1 o'clock in th.t inornni^; A hole in the heel of her stickiiiki will check the delight of thet;iddiibt t{irl in the maddest whirl of the daii..-e. An miiii^Jisted scTap in the Btoiuach of my lord tile kiln; may make him bilk of his rovuliy and of all the world. A niisphcul comma imiy nullify llej intent ufastttttiie. .-V br.ik, 11 wiro can miap in t.vini iiHt-iiitly tu,' iiitercuutse of nations. It waa a chance bhot and a poor one that bii>u.4bt down .-Vchillej. The suibU rand 01 Hubara has baliled the niareh of civili/atiun for aties. Doi'B the iiiillioiiHiri bo-is his millions, or haa llu niillioiH of b-.s... s '.' lie cannot buy food with his inone) ibat w ill kcp an even beam between \.a»teand rt pair in his mor- tal soul. II.. can only lat bis till aiii no more, clotlii- liiiii>elf tinely likeotlur men, t;n to 1)1 "i al ninbt an, I i;..t up in th-.. morn- ill'.; and |iass hia time 111 lookini; after hia dollars lo bee that tiny Bhall not roll away from liini. Few nun alive have greater car" U|Kin their niiiids than the very rich man, and tvtry iieu.l man (,oeJ into tho next wnrl.i a 1 ri.-li as wluu he' hat; done Willi it all uii I IIS iiiiieh of a moiiareh as Kinpi-rer William, who had aa rout;h a tiiDsiii -.nth " ll.iin.s" wl.ile ho hveil as any hod cirri. ' 'vbo cirrn d hia thiiies, in the hhiipe of bricka, the wlioie day Ion" to wait- in;.' iii.i;i .lis j The tr-ie pliilo;i,,],!r, of l;:'i' iaoiily reached I ubi-ii tile niiaUiyi.f thin^B isackii(i'A-lea^;ed iiiiid we 1.0 I'll.;;, I- Hlrivo ai;.iiiist it. Mr. , Lnu-r.'ie, v. Inn I., ; .iw his library and 1 iiiaiiui,-i ipls tiiiriiinu'. lias cmniniserateil on ' liii In..-, in- the lit,; Miss Aleolt ; but he ili.l not bn.ik .iown. H-' boKed aweelly at her ami mi. I : " It is a l-e..u'ifiil sit;lil ; let us . ' nj- y it while w-i l-.lli,' lie hail ills oven-d 'the ii.-.el, si-oi-hs if kn-kiiit; a);ainat the I Jiii, ks and bad siilinutti il hiinaell to tln- i universal order. .Ml our i|nnrrel-:, v.ln 'In r contentions of , poliiic-i, i-eli;;ion, line or law, are in their eiei and scop*' but iliffir, n..', h about things. , We Vi-.\ ourselves ftiiil frt I ami strut about ' a little and are then lai,l away to rest. The tbinijii eniluie.â€" f'/n/.l..',,'y)',i,i f.'n-erii. to Visit of tbo ' nimuiy a I the («r«'al Keat.H i.f .'Mt'iiuiry, IdiiitB have bt-i 11 ki.o.vii wlior-e memory orf iiaiins and winla waa so retentive that III mil 1 , , . , . , " ll'val 'bey i:iHil.l repeat 11 teriii-ni verbatim, and indieate win re the preacher blew hi.s nose li-*.Iaiiil. I'he old \ n toria Hotel, in Kilkenny, ban been closed u\ and conehed while ilelivt-rin" it. Grotnis and ra^cil fiir^;ot notliino they hail ever read or tli(iiit;ht. (,'ardmal Ma/ /nfaiiti, the lineiiist, who ia Hai.l to hale known a hundied lanniiaoes, declared that hu never fi;rt;ot a word ho had once learned. An l')ii;;lisli cli-rj;) man inentiona iv man who colli. 1 niiuinlur the .lay of the burial of «very person wliii bal died in tliu parish .libii Maciniimi, I'eli rhead, has • dutiiiH thirty live yvara, and cuiilil also tlb-il to York .Street Coiii;ri'eationaI 1 repeat tho name and ajje of each il.ceaBi d It waa once a famous hostel Mr. ilenri I'raiicia Slattery ia ('hairmaii ol the liiiar,! if Directorii of the Natiuinil Bank, Diibli H heel Church, Dublin, of which Dr. Urwiek was pastor for i',0 years. On the '..".nil lilt, iirowaa discovered in the I'rotestaiu Cbiireh at Killarney, and waa not extini'uislu-d before the northern aisle mid the iirtian bad bei.,i diatroyed. Th" lire IS believed lo have been the work of incendiariea, as a back i;ate and door had b, en wrenched open. Mr. .1. To.vnseiid 'i'rench. Lord Lans- downe's aueiii in Ireland, ia one of the beat bliols in the country, anil even in theao tioiiblesomii limea riiloa all over (bounty Kerry without any police escort. Navti^aliility of Ifiiilsun's Sti-ails. A Winnipen dispatch B.iya : 'J'he folio w- iiie . ,\tract from the private report to tho | Government by Captain Martham, who! ae.i .iii|, anil ll the expedition aent lo Hud- | son's Hay to inquire into the navif^ability ' of the slrails, was rei'eived here today froinOilawa: " Tlieri) ia certiiinly navi- gation every year for at least live montha. Very often the straita are likely to bn navi^;- ablo thn entire twelve monlliB, and the ice is not heavy, beiiii; of tho honeycombed character, wbioli can bo eaaily rcsiated by atcainera built for navi|;atinu thefce waters." The report inili...itea that the teatimouy of the men who wer-i placed at otatioiia alon^' person, and the iiainea of tho inournera at his funeral. But so weak was ho intelltc- liiall) that he coulil not be trusted to feed hiiiifelf. While Dr. .lolm hoyden, the orientalist was in (!alcutta, lliiire arose a case which tumid on the txiit-l w.iriiinn of an Act of I'lirlianient. A opy of the Act could not be found, but Levdeii, haviii{;read it before li'aviii>; l-aii;land, mad.; a copy from meniory. Nearly a year after a printed copy of the .\ct arrived from London, and it waa ftund to b-i identical with the transcript Leydeii had tiiaile. To a friend who con>;ratulated Leydon on hia remarkable memory, ho replied that ho often fiuinil it a suurco uf i;reat iiicoiivo- iiieiiro. On the fiii-nd expreusin;; surprise, ho exclaimed lliat lie hail often wiuhed to recollect a particular expreaaioii in aonie- Ihiu}; he Inv I read, but could iv.'t do it until bo had rep» ated the w hole paaaa^o from tho bi)f;inniiin to tlio expression ho desired to recall. Dr, Ifiiffivt, tlio distinguished African missionary, ftini the father-iiilaw of Dr, Liviiiustone, once preached a lonj; Hornum to a crow'il of negroes. Shortly after ho hud fliiislmd hu saw a number of nefjroea f;athored about a biiiiplo-lookiii); yotiii); Havaf^e. lie went to them and diacovered that tho savayo waa preaching hia strinon over aeain. Not only waa he reprotlucin the bhore isiiiiite worthless, as they never ,,.... ., â- ... i .1 i iivci iiumii. iiou oiiiv lYOH 111) lent UllUClllil could tell from their poBit.onhow the water , ^^^^^^ words, but in.itatinmle manned eopon channel In J*<-t , ^uj'j,,gture8 of tho white prtacher. waa llnwiiifi in the 1 they could not see. â€"l ; --" " „ ^ ; â- 1 Carrie llr»f;ti 's editor of tho I'triinia .liiulor Trips l.|. Senior. I ir„i)ic,(, published at Belersbur,;, Va. She Bobby (thoniihtfuUy) â€" " I'a, do men in ' is a colored woman, tho only one in tho buainesa worry about money matters?" IJiiited States thua employed. Fatherâ€" "KomotimoB, Bobby.For instance, : Slio-Youmay think it's very funny to when a imui whose credit la not hrat clasa ^jmo homo at thia timo o'nisht.Mr. Smith, owes nil) money, I worry more or less until ),„t what would you say if you caiuo home I net it. Do you uudorstaiid'/--" Bobbyâ€" gomo time and found 1 had returned to my "Yes, pa, and when you owe money to father's? Hoâ€" Wha' 'd I shay, in' dear ? other people I s'pose they worry until they i\\ ahayâ€" bow Inoky f the olo man that get it."â€" A';>oc/i. he's deai. ;i New York •. r White to i It liWlCI.L. A LEJJSUX FOK CIKI.H. Tlie Folly of AdveilisliiK for Muabundi Agalu .Sutlly Sliowu. A prepossessinj^, well-dres-, i young woman Btepped up to the Lri i ele^raph Office yesterday aft.:rnooii a:..! equcsted that the following; teU'(4ram be ; .. : To Mrs. Stark, No. :ill Wy the nv,- Ilave been deserted. I'lea-to n.- teleb'rapb uie «;j to (jet hotin- Krn, She had made several attec, o Dorrow money, which awakened bu.,ii; .. i that all waa not rijjht. Before the i I -.. ram was sent, therefore, she was aivi- to report her case to the chief of pohc-, ,. - ii which it was withdrawn. Tho upp .; i.uce and evident distrtsB of the youi.;.; 1-. .. aroused tho curiosity of a i.'(.'/>U/i'.iii/i r. ; rmr, and after some inquiry tlnj f.;! -. -in;; was learned : About a year ..^'J Miss Uockwell put en aiiviiu-. .enJ in a paper asking for niai i .••espond- enta with a view to uiutrn,.- ;i\. She received an anawer frocii John U Uupkius, of this city, and a re;;ular cofi. .-pondence waa began, which ended in an tA.:iian^e of photographs and, a liitle later on, in a betrothal. An ap^iointnuiu wass.) in made for her to meet heryin);. tv in ici-. city, and she arrived Saturday bfier-.^.i:.. While at her hotel she was ini'jm. ;,; i. -i dining- room girl that her lover waa ^ n: -i i led man, with a wife and four cuildr,-n ilieady to provitio for, who are now n e ^ some- whjre in Btnn^ylvaiiia. I'l;, meeting him she charged hiai with i.n;-, buthe denied the girl a a!lc;.;atiout', i.- to prove his sincerity and hoLicsty ci p .. ,. se, took her to a well known b.Mi.. ..-. r tii. who kne'.v nini well, and usk^iibini â- .-.-ore tho woman he -.vas u tin^;..;;." I hia the geatleman refused to do, all, . ., .; ihat he would not bo a party to a ,ii.i ntionable transaction. Ho then hi. in.d tbo delulod youn,.; woui-ii, t.i.i". mr bus- band in prospecG -..-»s ii married man, and advised hi r to li.i.-. nothing to do with hini. Th';> kii :ii.! place tcgi'ther, and it was soon aim this that she wished to send the teJciran: -o friends in New York for means to rdmn home. The woman's trunk is at the Li i, baggage- room, ll ia directed to â- •,Mi-s Kittle Kockwell, care of John U. 11 ; 1 , ,s, Biug- hamton, N. Y." Mr. Uopi .;,- n .s inter- viowed at u late hour la^i ni,;!: , -.nd gave tho following version of I.', /.d-iir: "I saw the advertisetiit lit in i^ .N.-w Y'ork D'or/d about a year a^'j f'.'r c- ;.. p uideiice with a vi'-'w to matriait;n>. 1 i "wired it; it resulted ia an eiigageuu:.! :'. i t-no has como to be married. 1 a-: a ;. . ..le man, and all slatimenta to ii;e i • mry aro fake. It people had keep: th ic nusea out of my busiueea it v.-ou;il Inii.. been all right. I'll uiaku a woiimn e .' bi r yet.'' The woman ia still iu tho .:t;. tiitii/ham- tonliepuhhc^tii. Ilbintle und Itriiiu M So you want to know whit 1 ilitTereiice beiweena blonde ami I do not regal, 1 it mereiy i -. nic.xion, becauce lliiil ivuul,; the linos too closely. .\ l.,i, have a fair bkm, blue eyti ,i, Her brows "lay be ilark, a.-ir t.. A'OU^d b-^ hfr eyelaohei, tui t happena v.lien tho cvdi ui- brunette bhoulil have i-. civm' dark eyes, black hair an-l oi-.'-. ^ The general woiiimi is it luo; that is, she has bioi. .i l;,ii, neither very dark nor v, i . i',.. blue eyis, a ciini[ili x....i -.ii iL i liitely iltar pink aiet w'.ii . blows and lashes, iu:.-il; , e.i The spei.-ial wnniai bus th blonde, light hair. Verging; o; daik eyes and br-ows ami la h- Anierican woman has .", fui,- '. ;, color, dark gray or .!...[. ' eiilier looking ab.iolu'.eI^ e!.i. !% lliat, while It IB light, h.i-i in.' .' tint of yellow in il. 'liie bi^ui, has the same dull skin, nurk .-i that Beeins cloaj akia l.i -,1 i never becinnes bO. Sonn. :.,, ly Mra. Langtry was » blon.i.- . -, ...i this ia perfect iioiisi iico. II- i warm brown, her eyes a v.i-_\ i and her Bkiii absolutely bl-jinl--, blootl underneath showing ili I. ink ia the ;> t ruuette? ,, ,ii com- I. drawing . .:, should 1 liuiii iialr. . 1 course, ,s seldom Ijlue. A , ve bkin. â- , d lashes. I -btuue â€" iiliich is . ; die has - I, .It abao- .. ,! dark _\ he.ivy. â- km i,f a lie yellow, .\. typical 1 itat Kcks ovil eyes, ami hair biightest e ceiidree - ai.d hair . . and yet >;iid that ; . Now-, •â- .lir is a : ' p hazel, tlie warm ri>i),h the white skin. She ia the op['i--;:te ii bloiule- brune. The blonde type pi'.doiiiinaiea.but there ia suliioieut color m l" i- Iniir and eyes to Buggeal the brunette. .V perfect blonde is ueldom a beaiitifii: woman for many years. The pink and wbite skin be- comes rather doughy with, ti.e'i, ; I lue eyes will fade, and gray hairs, cliarimiiK aathey are among black, iiiako ytllmv look very pa^Bet,'. The blonde haa not alwa.s much slay ill!.' power ; biio is apt In grow limp after a very litih; worry, and too often be- coniea fretful. ^hinkin,! (.'tiL,ht to be thankful that lliere i, â- . so many bleached bloinUs, as ib.-i do not lo-o their energy aa a c.i' bom one would, i-iouio of the pte:;ii-,^i women in thn world are tho lri,ih ci'', â- . e nh tkeir ileep blue eyea, very bliuk 1 air, and wonderfully cltar bkin. 1 ui li women are seldom bi autiful â€" thoy rts;:/..; they are going to be old some day and tluy culti- vate the art of drtbsingand of b.-ing chic in word and inaiiner. .\ [lei it ct brunette ia seldom aecti in thia country ; the average one, aa noted in the llus;>uiii baths, loses deciiledly by coutra;ifs with the bloiide- brune. Her akin loek'i s,dlo,v and uho is much apler to angles than to curvcBâ€" a something not at all in the li'-e of beauty. Here'a a word of advice to the blondes â€" If you want to keep your s'liin looking as if it Were alive, take as much exercieo as you can ; drive, ride or walk, nii.i don't bo afraid occasionally to bathe your face in a strong mixture of gin and Watt r. You will feel brighter and fresh; r, nnd really, my dear, one is cleaner after ita use. Lung anil Short Ku^agi'iiieuts. Chicago Girlâ€" You ba\:i been engaged line years? Uow priuiitiv;) ! Why, in (Tiicago long engagementa aio very un- fashionable. Three years I Time thrown away. Omaha Girlâ€" Oh, a year or so more less doesn't matter here. When wo get married we stay married â€"('«iii/io Wnrld Fascal Porter, the boy preacher, who haa been astoniBhing congregations in Indiana and Kentucky by his eloquent and learned aeruiona, is only 11 years old and dresses in knickerbockers; a plaited blouse, a jaanty little hat and high button shoes complete his attire. In many respects he looks like an ordinary schoolboy.