Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1888, p. 4

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. Ji IMlblifftjUll Fhom Tin: OryuT., ti'hnliiitn Street, - - FlixhertoH, Out. TKItMS OF SUliSCnil'TION: f pi-r Rninini wlicM piilil strictly in Bilvaiico if; 'p' piT aiitunii wlirij iiift HO |>al<i. A. K. FAWCETT, K'lil'ir mill }'ri>pr\iiiir. FLESHERTON; THURSDAY, MAY . 1S8R. " niRE-vrLTAsar Most jicoplc cat! recall tlic time when ti (y first saw "I'uiilIi and .luily" and ( tliir comical li};ur( s <ipcr.T.t<Ml mi tlif strict or public square ; and will r»'- j::rii!l)cr how licartily tli< y laii^^lnMl at ll:r jicrforiiiaiico. Many jiivciiiks litt\c vri!ii!or(<l liiiw till; wooik-n li^'iirfs actid II. such a life like iiiaiiiicr, until tnKl .\iioiit till' man cmiciali d hciicath or he- hind the drajicry, who jmllrd certain wires or striii^;H cimiiected with Ihc inr n'^xs. This «as a v<ry iniKiceiit pastime roMpare-il with the kiml of wire-pnllinj^ to which wo wish to direct atteiitioii, Auihitiun is a };raiid quality iii man, s'^i lou-^ as it is confined within certain I'Ounds. It tends to raise him above mediocrity socially, iiitelh dually, nior ally ; hut unhridled ambition inevitably Jeails to ilisn)ipoiiitii!eiit ami failure in the end -no matter how easy the wav may apjx^ar in the first staycH. 'I'l.e first setks to attain to certain altitudes by Hure and honornble methods; Ihi' latter tries to tjet there bv the short, st ruuti; and in the quickest pussiljle man- ner, however questionable the meaiis < luployed. In tliiH connection (uir thoii^^hts are led to dwell upon the â- icliijioiis" v.iri • I'liller. whose wild aiiibitioij to mount the ladiUir of ixisition, at «hate\er cost. fi:rnishes food for sad retlection in these lii Itinerate days. An iii'.itanci' c.iiiie iiii 'Icr uiir notice tho ntlier day. A inini.s ti r of the (rosiKil, mIiosc restless and uii ( iuIkiI llliibiticn and ililen-,e e;;i)tlsiii have won for hiiu a rather uiii nvialde re|Mitation, was the <i ntral liHure. 'J'liis tielitleniaii- if we may ili;,'iiify liiin by iliat title -hecame lire. I nitha hurniiie dc«iie to shine as one of the •'lights" in a ctrtain confereiiii .l.itiniiin;; ccuninit- !'e. 'I'll this i-ijil lie ijiadi a pi i'.s.,iial 1 niuas of I'very niini^fir, e\ce|il dmc. in Lis district uiibiii,,iiiii;;iy ainl b..ldly ii-i.iee them to Vdtr frir luni at the ap- I '.oncliiu^ l)i^triil .Mi . tin^ in soiiir c^,'.e^ oil, rill:; biibi. . : ib,u lucaptiirc the Votes of the laymen u.-u a qiu stion !.r c'ld not hesit.iti to tai Me with his 1 nstoiii.'iry andacitw II.; sent a posl- I aril to e.ach of the miiiisl. IS uilh the 'lie esceptioii iioti .1 and culy a^!,,â- i| tllC-e hlethren to ih'!u. pre their ri sj.eit Ivc laymen in his bi li.ilf '. 'inn s, e he did not know till' nanus of i:.e n, nij,.- iiieii liki Ij- to be eleete.l as lay repres I ntatives, or he would iiiiilnnbleclly havi' .â- ii.proacbed them as he di.l his brethren ef the 1 l.,th lie seeiiri d his cleetioii I V a very narrow m:ijeril\ juil at uliat a ir,st ! 'I'lie l''ri III â- ! Kill;;, [â- 'rancis I II il 1 e>;(daiiii « itii I lie true iliei;;t\- df iiiil.le mniilio.id •â- All I, 1,. si but lioeor ;'â-  bi.t this w ire |ii.;|iie,' ;.ii .uher, \' itli ;i H'linoof lii^li •.(iiindili;' liandli s t.. In, nai-e. colli I iiidy say "All i^ ,tii'ni..l Iml linnor!" I,et ns add, that; tlio brethreii ' f the (doth, who n sponded hi the' iiivi trition of the scliemiii;; viirnpiiller sn heartilyâ€" indnced to du so in some cases. no doubt, by jinimisi s of irefeniient- are just as niiicli in the mud as the other is ill the mire. It is to be hoped that some effort \wll be made to stamp out, this disoracefiil â- lire iiiiIIiiil; and bi bery ; and tinif, in future, mmi will be elected to importanl jiositioiis more nii tin ir own merits tin. I less ou their Mqieilative oijutisui iind cheek. Till' Ulrs.slnL'.s of Uoitisn'iy. i\..,H Ihr y„d II,, nil. Sir, â-  lly reiisiiii iif niii.'iillii:i-nt widespre.ul Uritisli moiiarcliiid rule fi.r linndred.s of yciirs supported by ,-.,stly pioverfiilt arm H'sand iicvies. (Jieat llrilain anioiii; tiist diss nafions lia.n m.t only proudly and luinorahly held In-r own but ai^fpiired tlie inoBt valiinhle colnr.s in tlm wmld, where- in art) Hettlwl tlioiimiiidii and millionB iif b'T liR4>py people in [leaeo, airuienee niiil ^vtr^c »«4»a Bi.Mjiiiity Irom tjie oncroaoh- SB-SU iiieiits of and outside enemy: had it been Kiivernod -m a clieaii Brndlaui^di Republic iJl the.so brilliant advautages one after another would probably have been wrencli- ed offâ€" or alinped throui^li our fingers for ever â€" such is the [piisi and present .ifipress- ivene.s.s and ambition of France, Kiissia, Ac, for gra'.ibint! new territory. It may be said by opponentsâ€" look at the United States model I{e[iublic ! how well it stands I They ,ire_. liowpver- dill'ereiitly constituted States, whilst liritain is a few miles only from France and other K'eat Krabhinu ea;;les. Eneland as a IVepiiblie would become an easy prey, while the United States niuoin invulnerable. In fact neither Kiissia nor France wmild hardly atteiiqit the latter, trouble or per- manently hold the U. S. A, Under these circumitauces and, coiKsidering the mil- lions of I'ritish subjects scattered throueh India, Australia, Canada, >Vc,, assisted by mir old ,Jnlin Ihill Conaer.\ateve Hag, it would appear that the time is not yet rijie for throwing overboard Monarchy when Her Majesty quits this earthly scene, and inir tryii.gon a red I!e]iublican, le.sa costly form. I 'I cmirse there i.^ some little show of sound reasnii in these iiici[iteiit public expressinii.s of complaint at the ever in- creasino cost of keeping up pmlilio Royal fiimilies, in spli-ndnr : evidently some- nlilng must be eiiactep tn reduce this big item, liiil how to do this deceiitiv, wisely and safely is a juizzle at present. I'roli- ably it will be deemed expedient for [arliaiuent tn lix new limits so as tu briiii,' .Mouaiiliy ninre mndciate and better .u-ceptabk' to lintish ].eople -leaving that notion of sudden cliange for Keimblie- aiiisin to rest quietly .M.e' .//•, for there is every likehlmod iiinlcr ti|o latter rule, absurd ecnn. my wniilil be one of its main planks- army and navy cut down or abolished, and mir valuable colonies be forced to provide themselves at eiioriiioiis outlay willi b.th iiionler to prevent Russia nr I'rani-u laying siege to Australia, and Can id.i. ill dis.^t^Kllâ- â- _' these qiiesti'iiis many |.ersons alti.'.'etlier forgot the mani- fnid blessiii.s we and mir relations all over the world enjoy under good (^(ueeii Vic- toria ,1. CaTUi tllT III II HIsoN. \r,l ( •lunch, Tm-mito. FLESHERTON STATION. Inlti-inthitl lliitiH CiiUirti it f'ltr 'I'/if .lilritticf. ri:K vMinv. Mr. It. !1. Cn"k s i-ie;iiiieiy hen- 1.1 now in fill n|„i;iiinii. Tin; .\ii\vNii: man VLSI ted it nil S.itiiiday and f.niiid .Mr, < '• n .1; and his assiMi.int, .Mr, I'hillips. busy at »nrk iiiiimifai'lm ing biiller in a ncit and Well is.iislniiti d iiuildiir; ererti d |ni- the nurpose. 'rile I burn, wlurli is enii.--liuct- ed on llie inn.^t iippinveil sci.'iitilli- princi- ple, was hi 111'^ operated by Imr-e pnwer. Tin: .\iAMMi; man tesl.d the tir.,t butter iici'te in till' creii luerv and iiiiliesit;if I iiely pi '11. â- mil .s 11 a M ly siipi 1 im ait hi e, and miellial Hill cmiinianil the li-p iii uket price aiiyrt Ill-re, .Mr. Cimk is deserviiiL; of ',:re:it pniise, as well as an extensive pat- milage, fnr his eiinclprise. Auntlier sea- smi will Iind bis cieamery biisiiiKs vastly iiii'i'iased. M.w eo^i ovKiii:. Tile Statinii r.iit ( ilriie h:is cIiiliiL'ed 1 sa tioii and iiianagi'ineiit, .\bniit twn ninlilhs aen it U;iS Ii UnVed ti. .Mr. \\ III. lliiL.''.! sinle ;illll |. lined lllliler the liililiai.'e- lliellt III lli.lt i;i lilleliiall by tile 1 Iispectur. r. IV K, - I VI Ins' AS'll i:i;iii n n.s. ,\ Iialiilsniite new stallnii linlisc villi be erected liele this siimiuer by /he (', P. K. Co. to re) l.ii-e the niie desniuyeil by tire last wiiiler. .\ piulinii ,.f the liill on the. we,-,t of the ti.i.-k will be cut down and diimped into the imllow on the east side. The new slatimi liiiildiiii; w ill li.ilncated across |lic track frmii whiTe the old mie fiiriueily »t I :icliniiiinL' the steam flmir mill property. This will obviate the necessity t'nr crossing the track in driving to the sl.ilini, fimii l''hisliertoii and pnints east, wliiih v.\\\ Ilea decient iiiipiiu,- liieiil, ll is also nil ilit, that aiiiitliei' side track nrlivn will bo laid in order to f;iiihlate the imiveineiits of freight trains. The present aecommndiitimi in the matter of side tracking is quite inadciinate. as was clearly demonsti'ated by an instance which came under the personal notice of the writer last Saturday e\ eiiing, when a lengthly freight train had to bo separated and iiicoiivciiieiitly lo;;ated in various places ill order In allow free passage for the Houlli-bmind passeiigar train. And even than the matter was luonaged with much difliculty tho passenger triiiii being delayed some ton or lifteen iiiinutes, while the distribution of frnigot cars was taking place. .MLSIJELLANEOIS ITKMS. Mr, .Johnston Little is booining business in the blacksniithing The hotel is being brick-clad under the eHicieiit niaiiagenient of Mr. Fred Ryder. The carpenter work in connection with same building is being hustled in good shape under Mr. John Whitteii's surveillance. Priceville Poiuters. The. Atji'iritltitrdl I'llitor iij/ain Jlcurd rroiii. Once more on deck ! And now fur regular visits to I'ricevilleâ€" the nice little town located on the Western hills over- looking the Saugeen river, five miles frmii Flesherton and ten or eleven miles distant from .Slee[iy Hollow, otherwi,so yclept Durham. A tine hale hearty old gentleman is Mr. .bilin 1). .Simpson, who has been in tho furniture business in I'riceville for thirty years. Long life and prosperity to you, John : It is expected that work un the new I'resbytenan church will shortly be coni- menced. The necessary excavations have been made for the foundation walls, and large quantities of brick and stone are on the grnunds ready to put ill place by the masons, .ludging frnii iiresent indi- cations, the building will be a capacious and halid.somo one. -Mr. Robert Oliver has probably the moat extensive farm in South lirey. He has a farm of 7t'0 acivs in .\rteinesia, which is splendiilly stocked. He has no less than 110 milch cows and all other kinds of stock in proportion. His success as an all-ruund farmer ha.i very few parallels in the county. An agitation is on foot here for estab- lishini; a Iwo-mailaday systiMii between this pnint and the C. 1". It. depot, which Would be a great convenience to business men and the public gcuenilly. I'riceville really should have much bet',er accoinnio- datinii III this respect. -Mr, Jones, the now Tailor here, is he- cnmiiig more popular every day and is Working up a tine businefs, Mr, Robert Wat.son has a very mat and Well stocked harness shop. His business i.-i rapidly increasing, and as friend Robert is imiii»)i»<ly jiopular, we expect to see him prosper im re and iimre as the years roll around. .\tiotlier improvement addilniii tn I'riccville's business enterprises is the new bakery under the careful and excilleiit manaLemeiit of .Mr. .\lf. V.atsmi. Tho shop is n. very mat one. liiisinesa booiiiiii^' ut I !| aiiilcr's :is usii.d. .lust consult our "Tit I uts" column and see what .Mr. liiander says there. . .\lcx. Ihnwn, an old ;iiid re.pertcil resident of the village, has bi-eii quite ill l.'itely, but is iimv liecmning convalescent. The ( 'miiniercial lintel has greatly iiiiprmed Its dniiiie rnom accoiiiiiiodatinii since oiir last visit, and is otherwise a tirat-da.ss Imstlery. I h«' CllILI)l!J;i\8 IIKALTir. Oil,' (if i\'iiliii;:< Kiiidist (lif'ls is ii Ili'iittliij I ',,iistilutiifn. (iiiiinl it (iijiiiiii't lIlHI'lH,' ll,/ llsil,,! Siamese Worm Powders. I'orm.s' lire, ll,,' Innli'nl rmise n/' mniii/ ilisiinlvm ill Cliiliiriii. ,S7.i .l/A'.S'A' WOl^M J'OWDfh'S will cr/nl Worms in every edge where lliei/ e.ri.tl, will rn/u- lute the Sfommh and limieh at the sume lime. ( ',se iheiii, yim viin't reijrct it. l*l««MKsm( Sltmilil uliriiiis he nued fur Sick llaiil- iiehe. Their nperiitiun /.i milil mid jile'imiut. Thei/ strike liinne eiieh lime irhen used/or n l)is,inl< reil [jiver. Ask fur them. (let Ih'iii. Dnii't /unlet the iiiime, l^eoU'm I'lfJl ^*ilnI I'illK. // i/iiiir drucjgisi hii.t not the above jire- piiniiioii in Sioek, )V. W. STh'I'IlKW if- ('()., of Men/ord, will send ihem to i/ou prepaid on reeeipt iif'ibc. for either, 'i >,/ each, or assorted for 81.(10. W.W.STIil'llllMCO. y'rii./i(ij/i, Wholesale lO Jietai', 1VIKAIM>I?D. Photos hotos. Wc are tioir turniiirj out xcorlc far superior in stijti: iw.i-l jiniih tn aiiij ectr jinj- diieed in FIcKherlon. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING done in all its Inan.-his. A quo,! sh,rk of FjiA.MES mid MOrf^DINGS kept constanth/iiHhani/. Will a /'so int-o.liiee the neir BROMIDE PORT/iAir. <i picture thill is girinif entire salisfielion irhererer introduced. SAMRLf'S can. be seen at mi/ (iall-.ri/ where all pirtlcnhim as to I'rire, Style &c., can be luccr- tuincd. KTjKSHERTON. ^ H EA RD'S^ Carriage Works, FLE SHE ETON .M.V.M FAdl REUS OF Bii<:>(Ji. ;'4>'/V'.v, Sjn'imii WdQoii.'^, Liiniher IVa^ons and Ti-o JltirrDirs. Pniiifiii'J, Triuiniiii'J n iiiV licudi riiiLJ proiiijillij (iflciidt'il ft). li'or.sr-SliDcimJ ti S/)t'fi(t/f7j. If THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMFNT The Grealeit Oiicovery ol 1)16 Age. Prtco - - 53. ORIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUEICE TUo only catArrh romo ly ever ofTeretl to tlm public on 15 days trial; a wntct-ti ^unrautt'tj t;ivfU with t-arh iu3lruujout, W. T. Uajcb & Oo.» lj6CjUi<ca Streub Wost, Turouto, Out. ACTINA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Actini if not a meiliclna or a diguiliiig lotion or powdar ball, but a Solf-gensra- tlUK Vapvir, tiii.sliy lin<l pluiuu.'Uly upetu-.l at all tiours. tiiiU'S aiut vlaces. Actina No. 2. ijuickly rehovcii ana Uiurouijtily cures all Tlirout uid LUIIR lllHt'SHUS. Aclma No. 3. Posltivoly cnres all lUscaeca of tho V.je, Cataract Oran ulati-it I'l>e-)iilij. Iiillainud KytB, uc-ar and far siglituducmi Tuk Ktx TKKAI Kl» WIllLK Cl.USKU. TlIK ACTIN* la BULK UNUKa OVO. WnnTKN (ICAnAMTItK CM 15 PITS TlliAi,. Kiii-U'so staiuii for liiiiiiiiiHnely illuHtratisl lioek aliil tiealtb journnl. W. T, ll.VKll dt CO., lij yuou.i Streot WuBt, Toronto, Om Medicated Electric â- HMBELTiHiB Medicfttiit fi-ir all disuaHcH of the blood and oer vous Bvatom. Ladies' llult ?'J for fouialo com- plaitUH it has no equal, Uuua' 15ult 93, coiubiuad Icit aii.l Husrcusery tb, Srmino] neakncnt errors of youth, lost matiiuin.l. Mi.;htly in; salens, i.tc Tho Only apolianoes giving a direct current of Electricity to the parts, '-'aii I'o wem iiijiit er .i,^v without iiHouvcuioiico. Hundreds of Tea* timonlala on file from tho«« rurod ol feuialo iIi-.iim-i, paiua in tiai;k and liieii. hoad ai.d liiulm. luTvous deiiiluy, general diihility, Ittmbutio, rhoumatisiu, (laralyiu.i, nt'uraik'ia. BciiUioa ihavaiiu of tliii kidiieyii. tpinal ilisuaao. tiirpid liver, K""'. Isucorrba'a. catarrh of tho t>la<li]or aexual uxhaustiou, Hoininal eiuinBioiis, asthiuaheart disoasv, dyapejiBia, coostiiiatimt erysip- nlaa, iiuli««'iitioii. impoleiicy.. i>ilo8. ciiiUipBy, duinb aKun and dialietea. Utind atamp for liaiidsiiniuly illustrattsl liook and lioiUtu jnurnal. v'orrcapoiKltnco strictly confliloutial. Con auttatiuu and eloctrloal troatmout fruo. Af^outs wautvd uvcrywhurti. t'at. Vob. itCth, ItiUT/' Cures Guaranteed Medicated Electric Boit Co.. 1 55 Queen St. West, Toronto, Canada. CURES lusiEn A Positive Cure. >h A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP MATSI. (ifl:i.-v-;l 0* tl'»-|linq, and K'lhinoorof Medicines. ^^•â- â€¢^^.•g3»«S5£ tile ieirlt>l»* consetiiieiieeN nt Indixcretinn, ^^'^^-"'^r?! . TiSH "^^ i:i,|>o«ur« mill Uvcrwuik. -:irox7i>To-, :M:ii3fDx.,22-.<ft^3-EXD ^ir-j oxjd ivCEirT \V lie 1110 hrolieii down iioei tlei ell.'i ta otnbiiBi) will ftinlin No. Ka r.iilical euro (or norvouj vlcl'ilily, ol j,'iiiiio wnuloK'Ra, liivoiiinliivy vital Iokkci. etc. tiYMi'ToJia Fon T,-nicu No. a Shoi'i.h hk Isen. â€" Wmit nf emigy, viutiuo. v.-cnt of piiiiio3«, ilinuu'.;a of sielir. avtiraion to BOcioty, want of ciuilt.ioiu'o, avoiilaiicy of ceiioor.saiioti. di.siii) forhohtuilii, li-.ll(nKijiis-.-i lui.l lni\liiluy to Us tlm aitontinii mi ii paitioulur aubjoeti cowiirilii'ti, (ieori'Msinii of Bpitita, ^liililirins-*, loei of uicitcry, e.xcitftliilit v ef teiiipir, Bpor- iiii'.tnrrhu.ft, er loa-ioi itio aiuiiiu:Li lini.l -tim romilt ot .•^ulf-lt^»Iuu ei marital cm'.-.s.sâ€" iuipo- tnncy. iiinntlili.iM, iinriri.-.iion, lniiM-iiiin-;i!, pulpitali.ui of tho In'arl, lost, rni fei lai;.' ie fi'.iiialoB, LroinMiiiL', iiiiiiiLhch^ilv, ilisinri'iij^ dioiona. ntc, ai o nil avinpioma or ilii.--: ti-riilii li:iliit,ofli'iitiiii.'a iieiiici'iul/ iiciinirfii. Tn ehort, ihu i-priic,' if vitil force havim; lost iti tatisioii, I very function waiioa in cmih iquimco. SciDntil'io writorHaiid tho ^.nperlll^nnl!ent8 of iliHuio Mylniiis liiiit-.i .11 I sii;i.:ii;i ii> tlio oU.icta of KOlf-KliiH.i th.- freiit iniiioiit.y of wn.itoil livoi which conn un-i r I'lcir liotico. If yon itrn Incoiiipiitolit lor thii anliloiu (i.ntii)-. of biisiiu-H», im-apui it.ito.l f.ir tho enjojiim.nt, of life, ,\o. B olhira nn o^cune fror.i thi)('IU'ctao( tarWvion. If yei. uro ii'tvftne<id in yoais, N'o. « will i^vo you lull vi'oi- rii I lilrijni;tli. If Villi urn hriikoii down, phyaicnlly and inurally from iiiu ly iiuli^crclioli t h T. «ul'. ot ii;norn.nc.i uiil lollv. Beiul your addro.sa uuil 10 cimtr. in stnui|irf for M. V. I.ih'on'h Tli'Hti^o in llooU ii'orin on l>l.-,ca:n:i of Man. Hcitlrd nnd hi-i uru frn;n 'i.l,.!..iv( tiOM A.l.lrns'iaH coiuiunnii-iitiiiiirt to M, V. l.t'lSOK, .17 Welliiiuioiii «1. r. , 'X'oroiituI A Man without wis,-lom lives III a loul's piraUiSB. CUS£S GUARANTEES. HEAL THE SICK. Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure*,; _.,/ vi 4

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