Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1888, p. 8

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V w^m OT i THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE. [May 31. 1888. iidi In Every Line at J. G. ANDERSON'S, In Sproule's Block. X Wu can </i\c you the famous F. W. ASllTONS PRINTS m almost any pattern aiul Kliadu at prices that will astonish you. We would ask you to call and ^'et Samples of our Famous JAPAN TEAS. Wc will suit you every time both in Quality and I'rice. Wi; have neither time or space to enunierato the many lines we ar<.' (iHerihf^ at pi'ic( s llial will mvcr fail to more tiian satisfy vuu. X REMEMBEIl THIS. In order to Clear Out our stock of i'Miinw' I ..onyf 1 $«>ot n wo will 1,'ive you 30 per cent. Discount for either Trade or Casii. Wc iiave ill utock a ninnber of DDCK SMOCKS AND OVERALLS which wo will sell at LESS TIIAN WIIOLKHALK PRICES. DON'T FOHUET TO ASK FOll THOSE 15c. Dress Goods we are selling at 10c. a yard. THESE BARGAINS WILL BE FOUND EVERY TIME AT J. G. ANDERSON'S. County and District News. ClijtiK'il mill f'oiiitfnuf)! from the Cul Hill IIS It/' Oitr J'^j-rluiiKjcH. Tlio total aHsoftsnu'iit of tlio tiiwiiHhip of H.,-iitiiick i.i 81,-i')'J,!)(;0. Mr. S. P. Hmlysoii lia» the coiitraut for building thi; new .Motliodist cluireh at Shelburnu for .«5,000. Mr. iHiiiic Trayiior li.-is .ipiiealeil a^'aiiist the whole a.s.sf».sineiit roll of Diuidulk, and tlurre will, ucci'idinyly, bu fun ;it Court of Hevi.sioii tlart'. Two young nu-n :it }Ioniin',''H Mills have ;;ot thuin.si-lvf.s into troublu. It i.s allotted that thi'y inilu!;,'fd in the dansier- ou.H iiastiine of opiwiin:,' certain h-tturs which pas.scd throu^;!] thf post otlice tlu-re. At any rate; both of tlu-m have been com- mitted for trial. Mr. Wri'.'ht, of \Vareliarn,--who so vio- lently and pcrsi.stently denounced the new roller i)roeess for niaiiufacturin;,' Hour â€" lias gone back on his record, haviii!» re- cently Bueciimbed to the foresight and sound rea.sonini; of TnK Aijvanc'E by put- tini; in the roll th. A Mulnuir youiiL' inan and his j;irl went into a schocil-honse the f>ther day in order to avoid nu'etiiii,' some people who were coinini; down the road. Somebody saw them i;o in and propped rails ayainst the door. The youn;; man had to t'o throuu'h quite a little circn.s performance bifore lie succeeded in liberatin;,' himself and his «ir!. Three years for Itiir^dary. â€" On FViday, .loe (ialian, who had pleadeil ;,'iiilty to bnr^dari/uii,' Manns frnit store scver;il weeks a'.'o, was senti'iuTd by 1^. .M. I'at- tulbi to three years in the reformatory at I'enetaiiunisherie. (iahaii is about sixteen years old, and lost his father and mother Seven ye.irs aL,'o. lie will have an oppor- tunity of I •arniiiL; ,1 trade in the reforma- tory. [Diid'erin I'.ist Oil Wednesdav of last week a three yjar idd rluld of Mr. lieo. Scott, cjf tliis town, w;is poisoned by ehewim; the plant coninioidy known n.s .Monkshood, and but for the prompt ,u-tion of Mr. Scott in ad- ministerine the proper antidotes theehild woidd have died. .\s tliis plant is to be toutiil in many tranlens, parents should be eareful that their children are kept away from it. IMt. l''oreat Uepresenta- tivo. Tlie oidy child of Mr. Mdes Wilson, a (ini.- proniisim,' little Imy about a year and a half old, was drowneil yesterd.ay after- iicpoii. The accident Imiipeiied in this way : Mrs, Wilson had yom' to see her mollier inlaw and had t.ikeii the child \uth ber in its carriaije. IMis. Wilson Wi'Ut into the house and left the little one stanilini,' at the door, when it started oH' and pushed the carriat;u across the ro.id where it ran into a pool of w.iter about a foot in depth. The little boy was also pnlleil in and ftdl upon his face and was not discovered until lifi! was extinct. â€" [Pinliain Chronic le. l''or a loiiif time past there has lueii troiilile and a i;reat deal of litioation be- tW(fii ('has. Willouj,diby and Wm. .North, two farmers of the second line of Proton. Matters came to a climax last Saturday. .Vccounts that have reached us l'o to show that mi that day WilloUKhby was eiii;aL;ed in piittini; up a fence when North and his » ifi- came alon;,', and that without provocation North as.saulled Willou;;hby with an axe, striking him on tlu< forelu^ad just above the eye with the back of the weapon, and a','ain on the hack, breakup a rill and iiilliclim; serious bruises. W il- lou'.,diliv eanu^ to .Shelliurne to interview a doctor and a magistrate. Dr. .Norton did what he Ciiuld lor the man, but I'rotoii beini; in the eounly of (Irey our local IMiii^iHlrates recouunended him to f^o to Diimbilk lor justice. We shall probably be able to ),'ive further information in re- rei;anl to this ease next week.~[Shel- bnrni^ Kconiun.st. 0"! .1 ; (I I (1 1 I (I j (t I I 1 I (I THE MAlUvETS. FLESIIEKTON. ('<i refill 1 1/ Coi'iu-rtrd Flour Fall Wheat S[n-iii<,' Wheal I'liirley OatH I'eaH I'.uttev K'^'^n, fresh I'otatoos bush Pork Hay, per ton Hides Wool HhnepRkins Gooflo KiirU Ifrik. ?;â- ! sf) i?() 78 78 50 ;i7 (I M If) 11 40 Turkeys ChickbtiB pur pair Ducks per pair ^., (i 50 7 IK) 4 50 18 60 06 10 '25 50 to !t !)5 to (I SO (I 80 55 !tS IK) 15 11 5(1 50 HOO 5 50 21 1 00 Of. 10 30 «0 AT Climo's, Flesherton, The// lutvc a jine dock of PEINTS, DEESS GOODS, &c., liUso a line stock of Mens, Youths'. Wodicus' and BOOTS & SHOES. Also ive kc'/j (I j-t'o'it for stock 0/ l-'i-f-^h <; i-ocei-ie?» (1/1(1 on)- Prices (j(jti cointot Ijcot. Tnj uur Z'.-,r. TEA, <i/»r, imr TEA I>i'ST /" Wk. h>r i)l. IC /•â- iii /nil iv/ii, /,,;• />'.,(/. r €i- E'l'p. (•'in: v.i (I flian: o/j/i/kc tfidf miil ur irill stuil'i t'l j/!";s- ;/?)». Wright's Old Stand. I have received a Very Large Asscrtmeut of BOOTS & SH Several Hundred Pairs of Mens', Woraeus' and Ciiildreus' which I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. ClAYTOX. FLESHEUTON. Fk'Klii'i'lon CaiTiago Works. McTavish & Legate . M \NllA(TLI;l.ltS OK }r.if;(i<>\s, si.i:u;iis. isi <n;ii:s, itr.Mocirirs, .iv. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO AUo TKIMMIN'dS in (;rt.-at vai u-ty. IKHtSI' SlUJi;iN<i pruiuptly altfudctl to. Si)ih'i;i1 Attention j^ivoii to C'uutrni-tcil or ToiidcT t'owt. I>. Mt'T.lTISII. K. 1*. LEV.ITK IHfMS" FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, .\I,1. KINllS Of I Martls ad Mmm\ Mi, â- â€¢, Such an Monuments, Tonih Tabha, Headstones Counter and Table Tops â€" in .\inericaii ami Italian Marble ami (Iranite, and unulc on .short notice. Also Mantles in llarUe and Marhlei/.ed Slate, i^cc, &c. ^••«!eg*«*<«r^ = â€" Klesherton, Aul;. oO, KS83. lIEAL'rn FOR ALL. mmm THE PILLS Tiirifv thv Hlood, correct all DisordurM of tho Iji^'431% Htonia-ch, Ki<ln';v's, jvncl 15o\vel«. Thoyiiivi^itu-rtttiani I'ostoro to health Dtdulitutt'il (*(in>^titiili(iiiH. and hic invfiiniililo in nil Com- idttints iiiuiiluntal ti> Ftiimilns vt u.11 a.<^i!H. Vvv t'liiKlnai and tlio ftf;i d ilioy aro i'rieoluhH. T H E 1 N 'J' ]VI K N T B aninfftlUblo roin(<i\y for I'.ad Lo^n, Had liroftKts, Old Wonnd.s. Soro^ and I'Icovji. It is famous lo' (rout and Uhouiuatiain. For dleorders of tho C'hu.-t it lias no equal. For SORE THROAT, BR0.NC11ITIS, COUGHS, COLDS OlaiutularSwelliugs.auil all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; aud for coukracted anil atitt ointB it acts liku a uharui. Maimfacturod only at Profesior Hoi.i,owat's RstalUiahment, TH, N«w Oxford Street ( late .-iSS, Oxford Street ). London, and aro soM at la. lj(l.,a». Oil., Is. M., 111.. 22a., and :ns. oaeli Ilex nr Vot, and may bo had ot all Med cine Vendors tlirotiMliont the World. ^aj- Purchattrt should limk k the Label («i the Puts and Bcres. If th« addreti it iwt 533, Ox/vrd Str«*t, London, tfi«j/ ar» spuriotw. </

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