Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1888, p. 1

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Wm Mitchell IJan87 i FLESHERTON ADVANCE. " TV yr TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" FRIjYCIFLES, J^OT MEJ\r." VOL. VIII , NO. 363. FLESHERTON, ONT.^ T30IISDAY, JUNE 7, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITCR & PRCPRIETCR AT Tit - Bits. Russell's Telliti0 irhaf ifnt'th oti in utul ar- ound Flenhertou. T-ocal Notinca iiiteuded to bmipflt any indi- astonishilltjly low. \iUual. S«ji;ioty nr rori"''rntinii. i:liiirK<j«! ut the rate )»f 10 c»>ntK p«r '.Ine rtn*t insertion. No lo- cal inK«rt«'i fur Ihhm tlmti '.!.'> <:out4i. Special rates to rt'4;ulur liUvnrti.iurH. Mr. F. G. Kiirstedt, llie new Fleshurton tinstiiith and stuva mnii, is doiiiif a. tiiiu busiiiesa. He is an excellent and .'ituady wi)rkm»n, the ([uality of his ijoods is unexcelled, and hi« prices are really Call und see hiiu. THIS IS FOR YOU. Will Put/ Tou to RtiNl ICifrif Word iti Tliis Artirl,: Noted: -iJeweleryzâ€" zizStore, •'Pret," one of our Hueenia correspond- j rr ents, will please pardoa ns for not |jubli»h- We li'id a pleasiuit call from the Rev. inn his interesting letter, as it is n»vr Mr. McLeod, of Priceville, on Thurmlay rather stale. Send no aloiii,' somothini! last. j fresh, friend "Pret,"»lld wu will enileavor disappoint Bugenia readers in A beautiful stock of Whips at Clayton's Harness Shop, Flesherton. from 10c. up to f4 each. not to future. FLESHERTON, ^l ____________ There was a slight Saoui at the Station Mrs. \V. K. Flesher returned home i last Saturday morning. The bus-driver )m Parry Sound last week, accompanied and Mr. Stewart Bates came into coUisiou Miss .\lice Gailey. PUBLISHER'S yOTICE. Durini; the absence of the Editor, Dur I ijfficu will be under the manaj^ement of ff John W. Field, who will ttive prompt at- [ tention to all orders for printinj;. He is t also authorized to collect money and j^ive j jjg^y GOODS. -Mr R. Trimble, j:eii- receipts therefor. * ^^al merchant. FlesherU.n, has plewmre u. Thb .V1.VAN.K will be issued each week j a„n,,u„,„,j, ^j.^t his stock of New 8prin« as usual, a competent staff of reporters j ^„j g^^,,,^.^ ^„^,jg is now c<.mplete iu having been secured to attend to the 1 ^.,^pry department, local news p*K'e. Business notices and | NIEW DRESS GOODS.â€" .\ coniphite ' -' ' should be left with John j r^„gg ;„ y^j. ^„j colored Oathmeres, W. Field. The Chance of a Lifetime, Mr. Morrin, of the world-renowned j I hand.s(]me new Combination Dress n"<'ds and Plainand Fancy Checka' Xuu's Veil- ing, Jersey Cheek.'i, kc. WASHING F.VBRICS, Prints and Montreal firm of Opticians, Messrs. B. Uj^^jj,,^ Our si.ck is complete in all the .\ number of new sidewalks are to be I Mr. Joseph Smith and family have You wiU find aiefi>i<:itandhtstdisfiayof\xn<n-f6i into their neat new premises on Colliugwood street. Watches, Clocks. Jewelery, : Silverware aud Spectacles IM thta KCtii/ti of tht oou»itt/ aitdjust ejiu-Uj/ 25 PER CENT. LOWER with each other. Th» damage was 8li;iht on both sides. .\s Mr. Bales is attending the Medical College at Toronto, )iis wounds will be carefully and promptly attended to. Laurance & Co., will be at Kusseir.s Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton, which affords the chancy of a lifetime U> those I whose eyes arc failing. Spcct.'ieles fitted laid in Flesherton this se-isoii. already been commenced. Deittli to Potato*' Bn^s '. Wui. Ki4-h»r«lK(iii hus just r<'4-<'ived a cas»> of Paris Vreeii. Work has ' ^^''' ^ Clayton has purchased (lordon's stock of harness. <.%%., and h:ui iniived into the stand rec«utly occupied by the latter ill Ricliariison's block, Sydenham htreet, Fleshertmi. In order »o make r'.om for goods, Mr. Clayton advertises in this week's -\uvxNrB that big reductions in prices will be made. </i<i« vther dtalert will sell you Ht'tn fur. I'iue Anurimn aiul Wnlthnm Wateke$ /mm $it.'t<l itp, warranted from .1 fo .'i year*. iifi</ Uu- penplf for Jiftfcu inilta inauiid ai- wuyt tah: thtur Walchea. Clockt and Jfxictl^ rr>) htixiirs to Ruudl, FUahertun, at they huoe fuuud by exptritiu-e hf ix the imly vuni tlunt C(tit Jo them in o vttitptctt/ry tiuinHcr, AU iiurk persoiuiUy atUnuleU (« 'U EUSSELL'S IfOTED JEWELERY STORfe, The .Villi ual Mat<-lies of the 31st batt. Rifle Associatiim will be held in Durham June 21«t, iiut. , " ~ ~"~ â€" 1 A young lady â€" who sltall be nameless. No. G Comi»iiy will meet for target i (,f courseâ€" was hiratinK egcs not long practice on Saturday afternoon, June 9th at three o'clock. â€".1. J. Fiklh, Lieut. No. C Co'y. Mr. K. L. Mortimer, the genial Editor of the Shelbuni Free Press, wna in since, when she thaoglitlessly placed one in the pocket of her djess. She forget all about it until Sunday aftcrnouii, when she became disagraeably aware of its pruaence from the fact that it had accident- Mesherton on Monday and called ou Tae , ""^ 8°^ »nia«Ued. Si.v was in Sunday Advance ^ School at the time, but did not hesitate to make her way o'-tside and rid her Guelph Conference of the Meth-xliat I j^^icet of tho u»*a)cuj|e intrmlor. 84u»t« j )fti«a_d»a't ca«y «i^ ''"^' Latest PattoriiH and Colors. (JREY C(JTT(.)NS.-2,75<t yds. extra heavy Gray Cotton, 3C inches wiUe, ONLY 5 CENTS PER YARD ! to suit everybody to perfection by Mr. | HOSIERY & S.MALL WARES. Morris. This is the chance of a lifetime. ! ^^^J^.^^ i^ [)„ Don't forget the date, Wednesday, June the 20tli, at Russell's Noted Jewelry Stoii-', Flesherton. Lit ^hurch at beafortjbl this week Amwtroxgand .\. R. Fawoett. of Flesher- ton. are District Keprea<ntatives. ufacturer on P^Aata \OTirE. Tenders will bo received up to th^ of July next for building a Stime and Brick Bridge across the Boyne wator iiciir Flesherton. No tender nocesaarily ac- cepted. Specifications at Dr. Chri.ftiea office. By order, Wm. Shabp, \ Dr. Chkistok, / June 4th, 1888. FLESHERTON. GET YOUR MEAT 1 Our. UUAl'Vireet, Mr R. P. Legate, h.- i purchased Mr. Robt. Clark's blacksmith shop and lot on the same street. Success, ^F K O M-t- Blakely d McConnell, GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESHEllTON! fisE'Caeli paid for fat cattle. Ac, Ac. «ii.„ !».-.- "f Temiurance liolil a con- versaaione in their Hull in <'liristoe'8 block on Wodnesday evening rit la.st week. The chemical exi)erimeiiU, which were under the supervision of Dr. Chrisfoe and friend Legate. ; Mesars. Shore, C. J. Sproule. and W. , â-  I Latimer, proved quite interesting and Dont forget the Ladies Aid of the j instructive. The za-ai band cr-ated Methodist church, Mesherton, intend , much mirth, while the galvanic battery celebrating Dominion Day (July 2nd) in | proved to be one of the'chief centres of a fitting manner, as has been theit custom interest. The musical „art of the pro- in the past years. Fuller particulars i gram was .-ibly sust.-uned by Miss Christoe , and the Misses Bcccruft. later on. One of the enjoyable eventa of the ' lieautiful summer season is the Irish Lake j Picnic. This is an annual event and attracts hundreds of [leople of all denomi- ' nations. This year the Picnic will be held on the 28th of June, instant. XOTICE. <IHlNl»l.F,Bc«o«t«ijtIv on liaivil and for salu *^ cheap. JuKt |Ht( in flrnt-class new Cho|)|>iiii; Mill- now briiij; alonn your (jraiu and uut it vhoppod up in short ordur. J. H. SLOAN, Kiif.oiiia. FAEM for SALE IJKINd l.o< 0, Con.?, Ospri'V. half niilu from ^ Maxw.^U, WO iiciis, W lUTis olcarid. wi'll â- Â»atiM.!.l, iind uiiilur n»n,l state «( cnltivation. N\l11 fonrad. f^ao}.) finnui hmii und stable, frame house. For furtlier |i«rti<iiUi.r« aiiiilv to JOSKPH u.\i»i,i:y. 1711 SvaditiA Avoniio, â- W'^''"- Torolrto. Died. NoBLK.â€" On the 'i'Jth ult., at Toronto, Minnie Noble, daughter of Mrs. W. M. Clark, Flesherton. ,T_'ed 20 years. [Deceased wa.s converted under the Salvation .Vrniy in l)<8o, of which she wa» a happy and active member ui. to the church, Heshert.in. held in the b.-iaement { time of her death. She was stricken of the church last Thursday evening, the i down with typhoid fever in September following were elected representatives to , \,^t and wa., sent to Toronto Hospital for the Quarterly Official Board, vi,.., Messrs. treatment. Here she remained for some Ihos. (Jrangcr, W. ,J. BelKamy. C { time and then went home, returning how- Treadgold, W. Bariihouse, and W. U. \ ever in April. A week prior t.. h (.Htittuirff. At Ma.xwell, Out., on the 3nl inst.. at the age <>f .5 years, H months, and 6 days, there fell asleep Harrison Edward Augus- tus, tho only son of W. E. I. D'AJKent, B.A., and of Aiiiietta S. D'Argent.' " As the week," -at the time that lie arose from tile dead, who said, " of such is tho Kiiiirdoiii of Hrav.Mi "^little Harry en- tered " the I'lil.icf â- '{ the King, " He was lo csome .and leal. To VurreHitondent-g : Wc are preparing printed envelopes, Ac, for correspondents, which will be mailed month. some time during the present Our iirgest ever seen in town. « > Li I V ES. â€" A tine assortmeii t of Ladies iiid Cciita liloves. CORSETS.â€" Complete stock. Be sure Ml ask formir D.aisy 4.5c. Corset. JERSEYS, Handkerchiefs, EnibnUl ery, Liicu Curt.iiiis. NVaterproofa, Butt' iis, Frilliniis and Laces. A full niiige. U.VTS, H.VTS, H.VTS.â€" The largest .iiid best iusaorted stock of Ladies, Gents Boys and liirlw Hat« iu town. (^ENTS FCRNISIIINGS.â€" This de- partiiKnt is complete in all the nobbiest Shirts, Cufl's. Collars and Ties. CLOTH 1 N( ;. â€" r)«0 men .and boys want ed at tku luailing clothing house. BOOTS n. SH(,)ES.â€" Our stijck ..f La- dies and tieiits Boots and Shoes i.stxceed , iugly larue. I G ROCER I ES. â€" Another large stock . ^ that famous iiiicolored Ja|>»n Tea at 2&c. I lb. 00 Uooe Wa. %. liayw RajaiBs at 91. jO /â- pw Tint^ " PlUiVISiONS. Just received 1 .-aso Loiiu' Clear Bacon, liKHJ lbs. .sound Oat nieal, Coniiiieiil, Dried -Vpples, Vr'hite liuaiu. .•<EK1)S, SKEDS, SEEDS. - Timothy Red Clover, .\lsike, Ganleii Seeds, Tur- nip Seeds, Flax, Ve.ches. BITTKR, KGGS, and Farm Proilic taken ill exeliiiiige for goods. Highest market [jrice allowed. R. TRI.MBLE. Flesherton. Ihtr Stitrk Regiitter. "General Rockwell'' is a fine tliorou','li- bred Durham Hull, the pniperty of Mr. Robt. Plaiitt, Eugenia, and will be for service at Lot 26, Con. 12, .\rtoinesia, 1 during the .sea.son. Geo, manager. See bills. NEWADVERTISEMEMS. fiOODFARM -v Latniicr,:/r^^ (Sfl/e /'/7 Osprcy! At the Society meeting of tho Methodist : Flesher. I Little Georgie Richardson is the ichainidon juvenile angler of Fleshertcjn. I He h.as caught as many fish this season as (all the other little chains combined. A prior tn her de- ce.ise she was taken suddenly worse, and her mother w:is teleu'raphed for. The j latter found her daughter speechless but 1 ci uiscious. Shortly afterwards she luissed h.appily to her long home. Deceased was pEMOVEQ week ortwoagoheastimished tho n.atives ' '""'" '" -Vrteinesia. Her remains were by hauling forth from Fleshers pond two *"â- """'''' '" l'"'*-""'"-''''"" o" Thiirsd.iy l.-ust magniticent perch, each of which weighed ! '""' '"'"^''''-'^ '" '''«-' cemetery next day. The service at the hou.se was conducted by Rov. J. W. Shilton, B..V., and the ser- vice at the gravo by Rev. Walter -Vyers, On Sunday Rev. Mr. Shiltiui iinproveil the occii.iioii by preacliing .a [lowerful .ser- mon ill the Methodist church.] more than a pound. These were the largest fish of the kind ever caught in tho pond. (.Jeorgie is the smallest boy in town, but he's "all thar." J'init of Rev. IV. AyvrH. I The many wann friends of Rev. Walter j .\yerHâ€" a former v^ostor of the Methodist I church here and now of Gorrie, on the Bviif BitH CautfUt on the Fly. The .Advance is over seven years old Highest Cash Price paid for Wool .at thi Flesherotii Woollen Mill. TiiE .Vdvamk 50 cents. UNDF.]! the p<>wor of nalo CDiitaincd in ii r <t tilin ln(.rlKnt;«, wlljcll will be prixliuril iil 1 the time <jt bale, tlutre will l>o ulTered f'-r -.aif l\ ! I'liblir \iirtiiin. at ltl,ACK>*Tl ICK'S HOTKI tin: VillriL' ocli i.f s1N(4HAM1'T0.N, at the huv.T ul ; I'k in the funnoou, till Booth the Boss Barber, Toronto Industrial Exhibition. We have received a copy of the Prize ' Listoweli Districtâ€" will he pleased to loam '-''"' J""' issued for the tenth lii(histri,il I that that ','eiitleinaii is enjoying excellent! E.xhibitioii, which is to be held at Tonm- , . , , i lieidth and speaks iu the most feolinir *'^' f^ ni the 10th to the 22iid of Septeiii- .^trauC.I>Ukn<ar ll'm. HarLul; lZ't^^""\ '"" '"â- '"'^"' l"'^"'h""w». Rev. j ber next. It is very neatly gotten up, and .thM «A«/>, 'fnnmtd street, where he' Ayers paid Flesherton a brief visit i *'*â- '» ''"^osiraphed covers and .appropriate vUl be hiippy to see th: nnilini/ faces of <dl '•'is' week and did not forget to call on ye !''*"*''"'''0''s. -•^ny of our readers who >iM oWc«.ito»i«r» and a.smanvn««..m«s (i.i(Advancr Editor. He is just the sanio M^y ^lewfe » copy can readily obtain one W .nTrjSJiri;"?^:' t:"^„r- i ^-^-y.-Jo'^-uled gentleman as of yoro ' by dropping a post card to Mr. H. J. Hill, >wt only (,f Flesherton, but „f tht entire dis- ! *'"' '*''^* *" ^ rememberwl to those of t'"' Secretary, at Toronto. The [.rospects trielfor twenty miles nrouyid. I his very many friends in this neighbor- "Thti patronaao of tlio ladies r«ip«ctfully so- ^""^ whom it Would be iinpossiblo for him '"i,''!.''',. . n- AT Tin, unnmrM !*« »«« P««'»«"«lly- He returned to Gorrie *•«*>. ijtb, ;888. n A LTSR BOOTH. | o„ Saturday. for the success of this year's show are Tery promising, and the Directors have set apart a more than usually large amount for special attractions. ThurMiay, Juik* 'iUt, 1HH.><. by A. S. \ \Nl.ii;sKN, Anctinncer. all that c.i ! tain parcel ur tract of land prviiii.'.eH iitiiiitu in Jan. 1st, 1889. for i "'" '''"â„¢"*''''!"'' "'••"â- â€¢r-i" the Couiit\ of i;r.> I Dontaiiiilii; by iiilliicaHtiri'meut ino iieicK, bf tl,,. , saiiir- mure .ir Icms, and bflliK ronipched ut 1 i t „ , , , ,, , â-  . i number thirt>nve, in the nixth c.vnie«nnn ,.f averyiiody sliouiU get their ico cream â-  tho sajcitiiwuhhip. The property i» Mtuatc ni at Vti>u Hiii.l'u ..>.wl..r,.... B-i I . ' teun miles frciii Fleshortiin and two milea friiii at MISS Jrlincl s residence, Flesherton. | siii«hnmpt..n. Soil I. ^andv l.,Bm. ahe.it f..rt" n,,„'t foH t ,1,-:,. . .1 ir , , I ivcren olearwl. balance tlmherod with ^ur.l^^o(,! Uoii t tail to bring along your Wool and j o)icei>i :ib..ut tiftcu aeru., covered «iih i..dur get Cash or Trade at tin. l'|,,.i,.,., ,„ i t"''*"!;';-.""'! '""^'-•d '•o'iIht: well watered. Ktt ^,u,ii or iraiie ai tiie Iflesliertoii Hiiil.linfH; cio,>,1 Kranie Hani. :w x is. Hewed Woollen Mill. '-"'y Houko, l.'i \ iw, and outbnildinrrH. 1'EH.MS AND fONDITIO.NS OK SAI.K - Ti n Some talk of a Lterosse match between { ^^i v:::^^^^^::deu::l^::;:ls:!Ul,''::r'.^ Owen Sound and Flesherton next i 'â- "'"' with the snifl ten per rent, to make . ue ihiril 111 the purchase money In one niciuh thereafter, utul the balance io bo secured 1 v llrst murlKuije over the property hoid, |mw.|i „ ill nve >enrs. with interest at "i'x and oiiebn ( per cunt, per annum. The propoity Hill be n ; I Mibjoet t'l 11 le.-^erve bid. Further parliciiJitri* UKiile known at the time of snle. ar (jii np)dieatioii to A. .s. \*\\lU"^i .\ Am-tioncer, I'loslntrtoii, CIIAKLES KIM;, i Peter St., HdiMittoii, or to MILOIK, TILT, MIUjKII, Wednesday, on the grounds of the latter. Say, Tom ; I don't see how you have so much money these hard times ? Why, I'll tell you, just because I took my wool to Sarjoaiit at tho Flesherton Woolleii { Mill and there got half a cent pur lb im.irc than I coiild oct .niywhero else. i XOTB.'K. â€" (iordon's harness business i haviiii,' been disposed of to Mr, D. Clay- ton, all parties owing accounts are hereby ' notified to call .iiid settle the , same within I the next ten days, .as after th.at date the j books will be placed in other hands for ' collection. jra-Call at the residence,! Colliugwood street, i CHOWTHHIt A MONTliOMFHY. Veiitl..r» Solii-itorn. 9y KiliB St. East, Toronto Uate.l 2an.l May. IfiSS. cc BELL The A dvancc from now until Jan. isi, 1889, /or 50 cents. THIS PAPER rj):rjiT?.7K";;:*p.'?^ ' A(l»<irtl«ln«B»M«u(K)»pr«fni»l.vwb«r..««l»..rfiatM I MMnMts Bar )M SMMt* («( It !â-  junr xmukS I \ Uoapproachcd for Tone and Quality. catmloqum fbec BELL&CO.,Gi«ipii,0nt. *

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