Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1888, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TUE ADVANCE. Is |>ublUlui<l Kvery Thursday, Krom thb OyncK, .S'y/.-iiA.im Str,;tl, - - Flexherton, Out. TKIiSIS Ol- SUllSCUU'TIOS; ?1 iiur aiiimra wlioti paid strictly iu advaucu • I V) I'er uiiiiuui wliuii uotBO imij. A. R. PAWCETT, Kditur and Praprietor. FLESHERTON: TIU-RSDAy..rUNH7, 1888, VOLUME nil. Ik'lovod reader! with ti.ia issue, Thk Advance eutcrs upon tlie eighth vear of ita cxistuncc. The feoble infant of June Ist, 1 881, lias yrowii into the sturdy j-oungstur of June 1st, 1M8H. Tlie swaddling clothes have l')iig since boou discarded for attire more hefitiiiig a youngster whicli has successfully tided over the various "iliseahes" aiid "mishaps" incidental lo haliyhood. In fad, Tiik \|)vanik is gelling tn be a big boy now, and its progenitor may be pardoned by tlie indulgtiit reader if he pats the pro- mising youth on th.> back and tells him to continue to "Hew to the mark let the chips fall where tiiey may." We could uot let this opportunity pass without returning our sincere and hearty thanks to our patrons generally for tilt ir loyal support in the past ; and W(! trust Tim Fi.khiikiiton Advance has nuritid the contiiuK-d libi'iul patron- age of its numerous fritnds in the Counly of Groy and elsewhere. We might note several improve- ments made iu coimectioii with Tiik AiiVANcK office during the past year. Ill the first place, a mat biiililing, of eoli<l brick, was erected for us last fall, into which our well aiiiiointcJ piniting lilant was removed from th.' old ollice about the 15th October last. A solid brick residence was erected for us at liie samu tiiuo uiljoiiiuifj thv (>iii>iii,>, office, which cnablts us to alttiul to business at any hour of the dav or •jglit. Tiiis wt! liavi' found a great (•'iiivciiicnce to iiiauy of our patrons, \.lio could not git into town during 1. gular businesa hours. \\\\ have also liijdcd a lirst-dass liri' -proiif siil'c from tiie celibrated linn of J. & J. Taylor, 'I'oroiito, which enables us to .illord iiiaple security to tliosr of our eusloiii- ( ; J who occasionally lind it met'ssary I ) leave im(X)rtant doeunients with us. lor the comfort and conveniiiice of iiinlniglit visitors, our arrangements aie most complete. Altogether, in fact, our cstahlishiiu III is probably tlic boMt eipiip|»e(l village eiiteipris( iif tis kind ill the three northern cuuntii s of Ontario, viz., Siineoe, (Irey and 1 truce. W ilh these few leiiiarks wo clo.se. and had u very pleasant time. Koine others wont tLsiiing and caught a few chubs. Its a great deal easier catching a fish than a boy on the 2Uh. Mr. James T. Wilson and Mr. Jolm Moody got badly hurt at Geo. Wat- son's raisiag. They were liftiug the short splice of the main plate up on the beams, wlien it slipped and fell, bringing them down and falling across their legs and bruising them badly. No bones broken. Mr. T. Atchison, of Browuville, ifi expected home Irom the States where he has been .-^ince last full. We ex- pect he will give somebody in Muddy Valley a call iiii the 12lli. Sydney Bhikestou is working with Uiigli Wil.son in the mill. They arc rushing biisini s.;. Wm. Sacket, who has been working with A. Ferguson, is going to the lakes for tlie fishing season. We lioi'o lie will return safe in the tall. EvEIlOLDEIt. DEATH OF J.infl.S I'illEY. Frnui th: Tiiixndu ll'urttl. Mr. James Fahey, the best known and cleverest newspaper paragraphcr iu Canada, died Saturday night at 8 o'clock at his late residence iu I>i.sgar street. Mr. Fuliey was ill but two days, an acute attack of plcuro-piieu- monia carrying him oft' in that .short period. None of his friends knew of his illness till late on Saturday after- noon, and Mr. II. K. Sniallpiece and .Mr. J. F. Louden, of The World, barely got to the bou.so in time to see him die. Mi;. Fahey was born in Smilhville, in the County of Went- worlh, about thirty-eight years ago. lie leaves a family of seven children lu very pour eirciiiiistaiiccs. Mrs. Fahey only died a little over a year ago, Backache, utitchux in thu aide, intlailon and auruiioits uf (be bowels, arc ityiiiiit<>iii.s I if a disorderuil statu of tlie illi»ei)tivo anil a».siiinlativo onjaiiH, wliieli cau lie correct- ed by the u»c nf .Xyer's *'utliartic PilU. Th. ClIlLDllKNS IIKALTH. One nf Xilin;'» Kiiiiiett (lifts is a lliitlthy (^institution, (imad it tiyiiintt <li»C(UC III/ II si II J Siamese Worm Powders. Wimm itii: llw Iniil/nl oiii.vc i'/ innnii .liionlirs III I'll, I. inn. SlA.MICSl'. wouM i'()\yi>i:i:.s irin,:i,„i Wuims in KVfry citic wlii'ii' llti 1/ f.risl, iiuli nifit- lillr tlie Stiiin'irh <iit,l J huh is 'it ihr S'lntr time, lii llirnt, i/mi ir,,it't rajri't it. r»«M-u'H I *\i*n >;sni« I*ills : .lliMltly ValU-y. < ''Oivn^ioiii/ilii'c iif Till- .I'lnillrf. I expect when some peopl.' i-i^ad these ileiiis from Muddy Valley, tiny will he asking where under the sun is that place. Well, here it is -its one mile and a quarter north of Pioothville - -that IS one (lonier of it. The olhi r is about the saiiu! dislaiiet^ north of that beautiful place called Swinlon Talk, and it is thn<! mihts straight .â- eolith of Prici'ville, wlieie 1 '.rainier lives. Its no mean |iliiee ('ither. They come all the way from .Swinton Park to practice a horse that took a prize Ml llopeville for trotting on the 21tli ; iiiiil another yiiiing riimi drove t'roia llrowiiville aniiind this way with his gal on the U'Uli, •' for a near cut" to llopeville. He dill not seem to know he was in MiKbly \'alley, for he called in a couple of, [ihiees on tliu way to make enquiries. So, there ! I think 1 have told yoti whej-o it is â€" its huge enough for yoa to see when you get near it. Mr. Areliie l''erguson who had his leg broken last fall is able to walk around without the aid at', crutches. He i.i eufyiged by the raterson firm to Silt their agricultuial implements. We wi.sh Uiir.iSriccess. A few of, 'Jn: young folks iu this B^i^hborhoix)' went to I)ui'liam on iho S^4i)t. Vkey weut in pairs as usual. Sli'tulU iiliriiiit lie iimil fur Sid; llmd- iiilif. 'J'liiir ii/iiriition it mild iiml plnisimt. Thiy ttriki: hniiii: null tiini- irlun u»ed for a Dinonhriil Liver. Ask for them. (lit tluiii. Dmi't for^ji t tlie Home, 1^«»<'1c'h 1 'I«'2ir^2lllt I'illH. 1/ I/our ilnui'ii.-il imt iml tlie nlmve jire- pom'tion in Siiiek. W. W. STK fJU.W <(• CO., of Meitfiril. trill send t fit in In i/on pri /mill on ncei/it nfilie, for either, 5 ifeaeh, or msortit/ /or i}l.\M. \l \l STIIPIIi k CO. I'ni'iijiMs, U'liole.iide d- AVfai', IM .1 I I {) I I i 10 I MM '» THE MAllKETS, FLESIIEIITO.N, Cari'fnlly Corfcrttd EhcH it'tth. STACKS OF F uriiitiir r AT Faraitare FLESHBETON. -COMK AND C'.KT- B A E BARGAINS A X N S The stock is well assorted througli- out and cpuility and price.-* right. I''. Very bo.ly svelcome. Coiue llioht Aloiia* ! We uuaii I'.iisiiiess and do Uusincss in a r.usine.sslike manner every time. Flour Fall Wheat ... Spring Wheat Uarley Oats I'eas Hutter Eggs, flesh Potatoes bush Pork Hay, per ton Hides Wo(d Sheepskins (ieese Turkeys ., Chickens per pair Ducks per pair «!l H,'i to ^0 78 to (I 78 (I .'il) (I Jf) ()(> !5 , 12 . Id (1 r.o 1 m . 4 i)i) IH , 50 Of." II) 25 m .. Vii so 15 I) I'll I l.') VI 5(1 f. 51) 8 00 h .50 21 0(1 0« 10 1 ;io CO UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT complete iu every respect. (Jails at. tended to day aud night. J. E. MOOEE. Photos, Photos, Photos We are note turning out tciyrk Jar ouperior in sli/lc und jiniih t» any ever pro- ihicrd in Flf»he.rtun. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUEE FEAMING- done in all itt hrnnchea. A ij<,,.d sUnIc of FRA.ME.S and MOULDISGS kept constanth/ on hand. Will ah» introduce the new BROMIDE FORTRAIT. >t picture that it ijiving entire tutinfaction whererer introdnced. i^A.UI'LEiS can be seen at my Gallery where all pnrticuhin a» to Frice, Style &c., can he aicer- FLBSHERTON. ~ H EARD'S^ Carriage Works, FLE SHE ETON, .n.lMF.HTIKEKS OF hu'^ihcs, S/fnn»' M'anaii.'^, Lumber ll'(f<ioris a Nil Iron fhirnjir.s: Pmiitind, Trininiiiid and lif-nainu^ proniptlij attciitleil to. Jiurse-iShoeino' a Speciiiltii. THIS SILVEI-PUTEB mSTRUMfNT Prloo - ORIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUEICE Tho only catarrh r.-mo<ly ever offorml to tbs puLlio on 15 dayi trial; a wrtttuii Kuaranuiu Riven with lach inatjuiuuut, W. T. Ba.u A C«» 15i ijuoon Sti-Ml Wut, Turontu, Oul. ACTIHA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNO RESTORER AcUni )• n<rt a m*4icina gr â-  digutling lotion v p«w<ltr iMli. but a Salf<geD«r»- tiiig \ tti>or, oaally and pltf«<M»atf>' i»im,1i.-.1 at all houm, tlmea aod ylac«B. Actina No. 2.â€" (juigkljr rulievua luia tboruutjhly curoa all Thioat aud Lull.; ai,..?ases. Actina No. 3.â€" Posilirely caruB all JUeasea of the Eye, Cataract Oran Qlatvd Kyo-lidfl, InaaiiiiHl Kyud, uuar auU fax sigbttidnoaa Tun Kv9 "tSIZ.*" *""." ci.o»ii). loarual W. I'.^flt*? ukdek urii whiit«i« aeARAjmtK on 15 tats â- '- '"•.«i>i«t«J tK> ok auJ btarm Medicated Electric MedicattiJ for all dUeaHcH of tho blood and uer voun Hystoiu. Ladled' Unit 94 fur feiuala com- Blaiutaitlmsuumiual. Uuus' Bult $3, cumt>lafid olt and busi,i.'UiK>ry ti, ^^ I I f^ ^^ ^k Seminal vreaknesa, â-  I I hf mm 3^ error* at youth, loot •^^ ^J W\. ^^ \f muuhcnxt. ui){htly .cuii8bK,nj. Ktc. Th« only appilanoeB fllving a direct ourreni of Efectrtclty ptha parts. . Can K- won. mt,^,t (^ Jay wiUioutiiioouvouionce. Hundreds otTos* Itlmonlal* on fll© fiom tho«e cured of fomalo clw. ^.m. (laiUB In back aud hit.». Loatl ai.d lumt.°VioFvimi"."llity. ge.i.-ral dobility, ImubaKC rh, umatiBiu paralyslB. mjnralK.a.BCiatlca Idiaeaiw of lliiikuluuy».ii.iiiaiai«..aso,tori.id liver, font, luucorrbuja, catarrh of tho bla<lder latxual oihauatiiiii. 8.-inl[i&l i,mi»«ii.iiii, astlit.mheart diwafc,, dyaiwiwia, conaoration cry»ip- lelaa indU(.i»tioii. i.iiiK.Uiucy.. v«l«». opiliiiwy, .luinb anuo and dialnjtOB. t*..i.a ntamp for Ihaiidaomely illaatratwd bo^.k auil bualttl jourual. forrwiKJiKleuce atriotly coufldoutiaL Coo aullation aud uloctxloaJ Uuatmxut ftoe. Agvuts wanted ovorywUure, 1 at. too. »Ui, WW/ Cures Ouaranteed Medicated Bleotrlo Belt Co.. 1 5S Queers St. West, Toronto, Canada. Positive Cure. >i< A Painiess Cure. >, June 5tli, 1888. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAN. Marvel of Healing, and Kohinoor of Metlictnes. ^*fl^-M ^*^^gQ2 tli« lerrlblct coiiM«>qiipii«e« of liMllaicr«(lon« Who aru brokeu Jowii from tho eUocts of iibuBo will flniUu No. 8 a rmUcAl cure fur u<.rvoiia Uoliility.ftr^anio woakuosfi, iuvoluularv vitAl Iohhoh, otc. Btmptx>M9 foh V.UUU No. » Hhoi i.i' iiK 1'hki>.â€" WnnC of oner gy, vertigo, want of imriws©, dinmuHH of siRhi, uvoraiou to bocioty, waut of couttilouce, uvoiiiauco of rouvorsaiion, duuiru for Boiitutlo, tiiitleHHiiosf) naJ luubillty to (\\ ttiu ufit^uliou ou a paitictilur subject. cowHnlice, duproHaioii of Bpiritn, ^iiUliutMfl, Iosa of iiiomory, excitability ol tumpor, i|>ur- iniitorriuL-A, or iossof thd soiuiud) tUiiib-thu rohuU of HuUiibtinu (<r tnarltal t>.\cfH»â€" iiiipo- tvnoy, iunutntion, uuiaoiation, bi\nti)iuuRB, pAli>itAtu>u of tbtv lu'tut, lt>Htirio fotiliuc- in foiiialoH, irotiibUut.', mulaKcholv, diftinrbiiiK dretLiua, etc., nro nil Byinntouis of tbm ttirrib) . iiabit, oftentiuioB iniiocoiitly HrqiiiroO. In short, tbo Hiring cf vital (orcu huvmij lost ita tousioii, t!V»*rv function waiioi* m ooiiMoqnuuco. Sciontiftu wnturHaud tho bupw^^'i'tt""'©"'* of iiiHaiie a^ylmiiB unitti m i>AcrtbiiiK to tho efincte of ttolf-aluue th^* t;r()ut innjurity o>'. wiiRto>l iivoa wliioh conio unl :r I tit-ir notice. If ytui iir>t liicoiuputttnt for the anbiooit. duties of biiaiDoHH, iuuiLpui'iiaiod (or tbo unjoyn)t'ut.i uf lifts No. HoUurstiii oscapefroiL*. thoelfoctaof eaily vice. If yi»u aro advanceil in vtMUS, No. ti will f,;ivu '.iLt^'M full vitt^nui* . Btrunt*th. If you aro broken down, vhyuiivilly anauiorully from earl* indiscvotic-4,,th»». . r'*Bult of iRuoriiuce uuti folly, a»ii)d your addn'Bti aud fo coutti iu utuiiipd n>r M . V. I.i'UON'd IVeatiso in Book Form ou l^isuaHti of Man. Sealed iind Ht>4-uio JToin obHfti^vtitiotL. AddruHHall c<Mnmuuieatir>i)d to H. V. LVBOM. 47 H'<'|tlii|cl4»u.,at. K.. 'rok^tuio* A ManvNtthoutwitdomlivea in a fool's paradiM». CURES CUARANTEEO. MEAL THE ^ligj^ A Perii>#i^ent Cure. H^ A Pleasant Curt&»,

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