Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1888, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [June 7, 1888. ^a Sillili .i In Ever^ I^inti at J. G. ANDERSON'S, 111 Sproule's Block. 7 Wc can give you tlio famous F. W. ASIITONS PRINTS 111 almost any pattern and shade at prices tliat will astonish you. We would ask you to call and get Samples of our Famous JAPAN TEAS. We will Buil you every time both in Quality and Price. We have neither lime or space to enumerate the many lines we are ofTcriug at pricen that will never fail to more than Halisfy you. X 1IEME3IBEK THIS. In order to Clear Out our stock of IVlenH' Lonfir UootH we will give you 30 per cent. Discount for either Trade or Casii. We have in stock a number of •> DUCK SMOCKS AND OVERALLS which wc will sell Qt LESS THAN WHOLESALE PIUCES. DON'T FORGET TO ASK FOll THOSE •I 15c. Dress Goods we are selling at 10c. a yard. County and District News. Clippfd auil Coitdeimril from, the t'olutiins of Our lixthungcs, Ulack's hotul, Slielbunie, wiis Justroyed by liio on Hftturduy iiii;ht wt-tk. The TliDriibury Standard has dunned nil attr.ictive and apijri)|)iiftte new hund- dru8». .\diun PiiVflesktu, of .Sullivim towiisliip, was killud by a tiue, whicli full on him wliile working in the busli a week or two ago. The liabilities of Menfurd'a .ibscuiiding biiilifi' and collector are placed at 8^2,000, "with other counties to liecir from,'' as the Monitor puts it. \ youny man nam^d John Rose, of Durham, was fooling around some new saw mill machinery one Sunday recently, when he accidentally got his foot cut. }{e will do his fucdiiig elsewhere in fu- ture. The ceremony of laying the comer stono of the new Roman Catholic church at Collingwood was conducted on the Queen's birthday by his lordshi|), Hishop Dowling, of I'eterboro, assisted by a large corps of priests. A number of Mt. Forest residences have been burglarized recently. Uii Sun- day night week the residences of Dr. Marseilles and Mr. L. \l. Yeoinans were broken into and some money stolen. The burglars ell'ected entrance by means of the wind<jW8 in both cases. Our Population. â€" .\ccording to the as- sessor's r(d! for 1888 which h.is just been Imndeil in. Wiarton's population has de- creased some thiee hundred since last year. Those who are acipiaitited with Wiarton can judge what a valuable .-uisess- or we have had this year.- [Wiarton Echo. Last ."^aturd-iy mornine Mr. (). L. Few- ster, while working at a circular rip .saw in the factory on Victoria street, was struck in the pit of tlie stomach by a board from the saw. He did not think that he had l>eeii serion.ily injured until a few minutes afterwards. His condition has bocn somewhat precarious ever since. â€" [.Shelburne Economist. Accident. â€" k young man by the name of Thos. (iault, residing near Wolseley, Township of Keppcl. while walking through the field on Sunday last, ncci- ... ^u»....-- . -.w --•.â- .,„ j„ ^i,y ground on )iib loft arm dislocated the wrist also breaking the iirm Ikitwcen that joint and the elbow. He was brougi... .- the village Sunday night and hud the frscture reduced by Vtt. F'»l'efâ€" [^^'*''" ton Echo. Dogs have been killing lambs in the neighborhood of Meaford. During the past two w.wWi Mr. J»». Bmery'H (gravel road) had four killed and throe nii.ssing, besides several wounded that may die. Mr. Hugh Johnston followed one dog whicli lie caught in the act to its home, so a demand will lie made im the owner to destroy the di>g and jiay for damage doiii,', all of which is perfectly just and right. - [Meaford Monitor. Mr. Daniel Wright, a prominent resi- dent of Collingwood township, died at his late residence, on Saturday, ^l>th May, aged <)8 years. Mr. Wright was bom in (ilasgow, Scotland, and came to Canada when a young man. He tangly school many years and was a resident ot the township '25 years. Ho had held the [lo- sitions of Councillor, Dcputy-Heovo and Heeve respectively for several years, and was a prominent member of the <Jrange. Ho was a deToted member of the New Church (Swedeiiborgian) and a man of strict honor and integrity of character. "In him," says the Thombury Standard, "has passed away one of our most revered and respected land-marks. " Last Sunday afternoon within the Til- lage precincts two of our citizens who were in Mr. Doyle's bush sitting down ni a thicket of poplars smoking their pipes, were surprised to hear shots whizzing around their heads. On rising up thoy confronted two local sports who were tiring at maiks near the jioplar.-*. Shoot- ing at any time within the village is a dangerous jiractico as has boon signified on more than one occasion, but on Suii- diiy, when our oitizeiiB are all free fnvin W(irk and taking their ease in secluded places it is even more dangerous yea, oven more so than horse racing. -[Dun- dalk Herald. AT Climo's, Flesherton, They have a Jine atock of PEINTS, DEESS GOODS, &;c., also aline slock of Mens', Youths', Woyncns' and CrirU BOOTS <Sc SHOES. Also we keep a regular stock of Ki-esh <li-ocerie« and our Prices j/ou cayinot beat. Try Mtr 25c. TEA, aU» <rur TEA DUST 10 Ihs. for *;. HV yty full ttilu^ for liutUt ti- EiJijS. (r'itr us a shitre vfyorir trmle tind rv iriU duilii iv i>leust yon. Wright's Old Stand. I have received a Very Large Assortment of BOOTS & SHOES ! Several Hundred Pairs of Mens', Womens' and Cliildrens which I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON. - - FLESHERTON, ??J!ff» Flesherton Carriage Works, IWcTayish & Legate n Aoooys, slkious, itinaiEs'. ifKMt^^^ CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO Also TUIMMISdH in great vsriety. HORHE KHOKlNCi yrwiiptly aUeudod to. bp.cUI Att«>«i»» (jivou to Cciutracttxt or leiiJor teoC D. ncTAVISU. K. P. LECiATE FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL Kl«l>8 or Such as Monument!?, Tomb Tables, Hcadstout p Counter and Table Topsâ€" in American auil llaliiin Marble and (invnite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in MarWe aiid M»rbleized Slate, &e., &c. I'-letvhorton, Au,'. '30, 188^ HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OIHTMEMT THESE UAIIGAINB WILL BE FOUND EVERY TIME AT J. G. ANDERSON'S. A sound iHidy and a contontoil mind are necessary to perfect happiness. If you wish to possess these, cleanse your blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla' It i« perfectly safe to take, aud is a thoroughly reliable, highly concentrated, and powerful blood purifier. THE PILLS rnrifv the lilo<.ul, tc<i root sU Ui-iorrtors ot tljp I^ivor, Stomtich, Ivltlii'.VH, anil IJowels*. THE OINTMENT . an infanible remertv for Hail !.«««, Hiul nrea.tR, Ol.I Wmin.U Sorw s.ut t'tcrs. It i» famous lo> . an inraiiioie reme >_^^^ ,t„^,„,o^ji,^, ),-..r ,lUo«ler» of tbo Cl.oil it »•»» uo e.iual. For SOUK THROAT, Bh'OJVCJIJTIS. COUCAIS, COLDS 01»ndiiUT«wolllng.,andan8kinl)i»oaHe» it has no rival ; and for oontrttcto.1 auJ .^« oiut» it acts Iiio a onarm. MiniUaoUireil only at Profe»»or noT,i,o*AVS ItttablUhment, 78. New Oxford Street ( late 53S. Oxford Street ), Lond»n, and are lold at I*. HU.,s». i«.. "^^,„\{„„,,o„ throughout the World. mm- P%rc\MtT, thovld look U Ui« Ua>tl on tfi* PoU and Boxes. 1/ tK* addrm w m4 6SS, 0*/ord Sir*«<, Londoi\, thtif at* *}>urMnu. y.

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