Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1888, p. 4

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"v«n ?» •,/ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. la imblisliL'd Livery Thiii'scla.^', FBOM TUK OlKICK. S i i iihiim Street, - - t'leshertim, (Jut. TKU.MS OK SUIISCKIPTION; f\ I'-T (iii:r:m whi-n i>ai'l htri<;tly ill advauco tl.'jO iior aiiuum wlimi ciut no paid. A. R. FAWCETT, K'litix' aad l'n>i)rictur. FLESHERTON: Tlli:ii.SDAY,.K:NK 21, 1888. OIK EDlTOn. r>y tli(3 time this i»auc of llio Ahvanc K i;i t.-t iiitci tlif suiialiiriu iiur c.ttcoiiifd Etli- t.iwiUlio 111. lilt! ii;;!iiii. Auicilij; veiy i;.:iiiy of it.i readers tlii.i article is tt> stiy wtlroim; Iniiiio to liitii. In tliio woril t^Lii- iiiiiy [Kissibly lie a ivw reaflem wlui do Hot lifaitily join for the siiiiiOu reason t!.Lit a ijuttMpaper is to tlieiii a newspaiur a;jl It iM iiothint; more. They never to- t'tct for a niiiiiient on the mind and heart ai,d energy tliat it takes to run a weekly j' uriial (HI leally re.siiectahle linen. They n .:urd it iu a mere automatic [jroductioii. They pay f^ir it juHt a.s tin y pay for a <I ly'.s Work hy an un.ikilled lalxaer. With t!.e majoiity of the .\i>v.\N( K readers it is I ;il>pily otlierwi.se. When its Editor ad- .iixHses them a.s "beloved renders" ho fouclies a syiiipatlietic ehord that res- I i.ds ill the tone of tiu>\ nniif, ijmii i,, j <i2'}'t 'x'tittiott. We are i^lad that our Editor vi.m .sent !â- â€¢ confeieiieu. The choice was well made. If it IS an honor to •;,, heileserved it, if a O'lty he was well iiualilied to perfnrni it We rejoii.'!-, too, that lie has )<'en ahle to take hi.H amituil holiday. The eiijoynunl IJ.ereof waa honestly earned and his read- ii.i will all be bt'netitted ; f'lr he will le tarn to his work ruinterested, rested and reeupeiated. W V. need to use (ireek lelisen to di.seov- «r the full si^'iiiticance of iliat wonl llili- t. 1. It simply means builder. .\iid il dii not need any eliuisicul cnltiii.', Imt oi.ly eouniiDli sense to ]iereeive that a true Editor is in the truest sense a Imdiler. He builds iilea upon i.U.i. tiiet upon fact, C"'.isinii upon column, issue ,ipoii i.ssne Hid voluitio upon vobiiiii' until a living I ) I amid is reared. ^11 IMitor build-i tl lit look low.r. I' r their ••wii pL.l.Hii.iii till' aiii'iiiits t : I I 1 iiy vvaU and < ii lh:it »:ill a lourr ;'! '' ill ih.d tovver a vt .ili liiiiiiii lunl. uiid f. M il.r huinniin'.: biM' lj,'h.\t he .^iiil I ,.|.l !!,.• 1 111! •â- u;il, hill. Ill \v h.il of the l._hl ' I ll_\ waIN .'i.e l|M ,\ ill.' lilies ,i|' I _, j'I.e ihiyi. .M;Hili:il difell(i-« are I .1 '' i.llt o! ilatr. "I le |.i il H iiULjIiti. r l!.,iil I hi; â- .rtold. t Mil, lis \\:illi.< iivili- v. .'.â- 11.; iiiir watihiii.iii !â- > .-in Kilil-u. T' i'ii;4h dins of '^hel ^l||l.^hlll,• He e ill -...! 1.1,11 iiliii thloll.;li III hi.-, of loll.; lie I I â-  -1 .|i u.' .^tlll no T. t!i.i.v " .\.it' hinuli *! Lit ..I llio iii.dit ' The KmIIi.I btllld.-. hll •! I\ ill.' ileal ..I 1 '11..... I.'.'. Iiy Ills ih.ir .M'l , u ell ai lali:,'- 1 1 .ei\ 1 i ii.si ineiitM hi' 1, , . I'. ,111 ,'\ , r ,,| I'll I 1 II 1>. I III e, ,,il .(I'll.i'. )|,' l.ell. IIM I'liy < I O'.i i.elh'l alike h\- lull, .'ill! iii'.' ih.'iii I 1 .11 h iitller. lie ,,,\, -, III., liliie. ..1 1 . .i.'th ;>lii| III, liny ,1 hli lemlel. Ii\ I. I l;)!.; llieiii h'.u, when , when lui.i what t.' ',.:.. .\ii K.litoi' ill,, .t iiiu, Il t.iH.iiil liiiil.l i; ; tlir ui'iii i.il I'h.'ii.i, i.'i- ,,f hi,, .'oiistilii ei.i ;.. t','iiiphiiiiiii_'. 1 11,111 .11 III',;, --"-"-.'e^l- n,;, iiliiMil>Llllo alillsc., mnl iiple.hliiej i,1l,iI< he i';iii and does e.\i It iin iiiiliieie'. ol uhi.h lew HUM are fultj ;iual'.' 1'. .1 over seven ye.u,', our Kditor liiLii 1-nii II hiiihliiie in i.vir iiiiil,t innkiii;; hi.-. o-Aii buck and llnuiie.; Ins ouii .Mm-,. lie IS a liellel Workliiiui and bus heller LmiIh iiiov lliiiii «;ver be|.,re. TUc exam |.li< of omitiiiulty i<tfl by Imii is eerlaiiiK I ;e) 1,'onil stone in mir .soeuil eililie,-. Dm di.itnet lines not want men of the ino - ((into tribe who comn only when (he wi a- tiler i.i line and liu/; and bili^ and di.s,i| â-  par. It w.mt.s nii-ii thai will I, ike ro, I â- .li.il live aiiil evi.w and hi.hi on tlnoiiel, )<(oiiii and sunshine. I. .'t our Editor knov, that we appre iiifi) liiiu. If We,*!'. VI '<i,i:oniplaiu .-iiine- tiiiu'.i tr is imt fn ui rni.'lnuriie,; or dis- i.ati.sliu,'lioii liiit oiilv f ,1 i|,,.<ii,. to see Ulin ultuin to all the n>>,„\ thoie is in him ai.d e.\elt .'ill tliu inlliU'liee of wliicll he is t.tpuble. I'erhnpK he j,'ivi« otleiice soiiie t|ii»os, but wo know he never does so in- tentionally and is ever the first, to ijiieve if wiyoiio.i) feelinu.s il.v^l llurt. IVrhaps on »,nii oceiisi »us lio. '..ses coinpjinientary Hojovliwos a little i Jtravauaftdy : but l4>i.^4,uf.a>u(><i I^v kiiovTi that KWitora oil is often more cti'octuni than printers ink. Wo miss him. His block of property looks desolate. As is the Imdy when the siiirit is fjone such is the honso when the family is away. Will the Editor, his wife and daujjliter accept our congratiilHtioiis and iHjlievu that ho is reitlly welcuined home nyaiii by his NUMKIIOI'.H RkAPKH-S. EuKcnia. From our mrn C<irre.ijii»iilnit. One iiiuht laxt week a man from the neiuhborhood of Eppiiii;, who had induli,' ed rather freely in wine-bibbiii!,' emiviv- iality, started for homo rather late, and havini; crossed the bridge and proceeded a short distance beyond, lost his way and inanayed to hieak his li;;. BeiiiH now unable tn proceed farther, he jpcured his horses, lay dov.n and spent the nijiht on the roadside. Next day he returned and hikving not sundry repairs done, started for home ni^niii about noon. I think this should be a lesson to him and that he should try and prolit by it in future. Kev. ,1. S. Corcoran and Mr. Hheardown attended Methodist conference at tJuelph. Mr. Sydney Smith's horses ran away olio evening; lately. The wai,'i;oii was wrecked, but, fortunately, no further damage was done. Mr. J. 15. Sloan is bii-ily eiii,'ri'4eil ciit- tiim shingles. The I'liioii Sunday Selmol intend Imld- ini; their annual pieiiie on Tiiesdiy, .June 'Jlitli. ('(iiioert ill the eveiiiiii;. Mrs. Sloan, widow of the late .Mr. .I.is. Sloan, is rn.stieatiiii,' at .Mr. .1. I!. Sloans. Loi. .1If»r»r«l lti»i<K Fiinii mo I'irn < '..) i I'l^ii.ii./o, ^ Mr. H. Douijlass is biiildino a frame barn this Slimmer. The frame wis rai,seil oil the L'lid iiist.. .Messrs. W . .1. Cooiv and U. Shaw iH'ini; captains t'ooey's men claimed the vidory. Mr. <;. liowK's Is also liaviie.,' a barn built. His raisiiie came oil' on the litli ilist., with the above oentlemeii .aetlle.^ as eaptailis. I 'ooey's men were beaten. .Mr. S\ III. I'lopur is the builder in both cases. A base I all elub has been oreani'/.ed here. The miinbei^ n.ei I for iiraelue on Saturday eveiiiiiKs. • liidit: It has leaked out that llieri: will soon be another «edilin'_' at or near Vamleleiir. N.-ilue .,i parte s nio.t inter- ested witlield for 111. pi'e.eiit. FLESHERTON Implement Aseiicy ! Photos, J. G. Carson Takes this opijortuiiily to thank his iniiiiy ciL-ftoinera for their hearty piit- rnnuoe (liiriiifj tli«i past K years and to ii.sk lliolr (.•oiitiniiKl support iu liisiiew preinises on II. 'rrinible h corner, op- posite .Miiiisliiiw's ITotel, Flcsliortoii. 'L'lie 1'oll'jwiiii.j is a list of the Iiiiple- iiiciils 1 handle, all the inaiuifaclnre of that famous iind reliahlo old tu-iii, ]\Iessrs. I'ATTEJISON liKUS., Wood- .stock. Out. ; l:i„d.-rs, .Vol''.'.'.', y;.'/..'.s, l('(|i/l/0«ii, St.,.,l,s, Cnltri*, Fiiiiiiini Miltf, .S>yoi.( T-H,tl, fidtl- oit'in. ISi'Kiil-<iit iS. i./i'r.<, Sj/ritiij T'uUh llar- ruH'a', /o.il y/«<ri;"'.i, Tii'i-J'tirruii: (lnwj Sri'jHerf, Tnnuj, Ihil!.', /..Old UoUci. \OTICE. SlffNdlJ'.Si-.'MHtaritU uti i -iin! niil f.-r s.a.r tlu-aii .lU't, (Mil III t\i>t-*lHHs tiow Cliuiiiniii; Mill imw hniiL: dioii^ \<>iii i^ruiii utiJ K^'t it cii 'i'iK"l up m >h('rt ui-il.r. J n. si.o.xN, Kiip'iiiti. Til*' CIIILDRENS IIKALTH. One lit' Xiitiir,ii Kiiitliit llil'lf is n Ifiiilthy Conttituliiin. (I'lutni it (i(j>iiit>t Jia>ng€ by utiiiij Siamese Worm Powders. I'orHH lire the friiilfal tnusi- nf mnni/ lUinnkrs in Chiilrri,. SIAMESE WORM I'Oii'DEliS nill expel Worms in I ri rij fitm- tcltiri- tin y rcint, irill reiju- liili- the Stomnfh (inil IUhiiU ut thetaniv time. I'se thrill, _i/«i( ni'it't regret it. Photos, Photos .^IlVICK 'I'll .«,il IIKKt.. - Ale )iMl ill!itllll, I nt nlk'lit nii.l lip.lli'li .,f I'ltii i.'I l.y ii si.'lt iliiM Hiill.iritii; Slut s;r\ itii; vvit'i (..liii ,,f I'littitii.' I'l'i'tli ' If i... ^I'li.l lit on.'.' 1111,1 u'.'t II '...111.' ..I "Mib. VV l»l- .l...v'â- l Si.'.iliiiu; smii|,' f,,i' iiuiinn â- r.,.'lliiiin ll» mhi.' u '.mill, '111. il. I,' Il mil oil. v lie. I linl.M.II.'l. T I., ;,l.,|\ |l.,|..!i.| ll|..,ll il. l.e.lli.i'. , lli.'i" I 1... I, , t..A,' III. ..Ill I" II . iin - l)\ -.'.it.'M iiti'l hi. Ill I,. II. 1. iMil.ii,.- tl,.' Sl.illlili 11 lill'l jl.ivi.'l-, . ..!... U i;i.l I .,h. .,ifl.,|i. III.' (Iiiiii- ii',|,i<'i,-. lull e II , .11 .1'. .iM'l I I .. - l"i," nil. I .'...'ii'i t.i 11;,, M I. ,;.' .. -I' 11 â-  \\:~ H , l,,ic' . ^ ,, I "I". â-  > I I' 1 . . , I â-  I.', , II |.!. .. -a. • 1., ' 1" I.I . , , , ,.,.'( ..II. '.If II,. 1,1.'-' .1 I ; â-  ' ' â-  , I ,11', Mil. I nil, -. - 1 I 1 1.. I II :. , 'â- â-  ' t ' . , -I ,;,. i.v 1.11 .il 1 I . ;.., ; • ' ,1 '. I • ' ;â-  ,, „ twelll', lUi . ' 1,1 ,. I,, 1 I, I', I , ,' .1, I ,. I 1,1' "Mil- \\ r- .1 , .1 ', '.,, ,. II'.,, -,. I.' 1', .,:i I ',,„,, II i.ltll.T kill. I To Assist Nature III t'e-,IiiriML: ibse.ls.'il i.|' W.l^le.l ll.,^'li. IS .ill ilii; .iti\ iiie.li.'ui.' .an iI... In ptil- 1111,1. ii> aifii tieii^. ;'ii. Il a', l'. ,!.!<. lln.ii. lolls, .111.1 Coll ,iiHi|iliiiii. the iiHii'i.iiH llli'llllil':llle til'sl lie, I nil., s 1 1 1 iLlll te. I , I lll'U I' . tllnillatlolis fiillii III the iiil'-it'lU uf II,.' lllllj^s, fi.llowi ,1 III llll.,'l. le-. all.l, â- iii.illv, ih'slrii. li.iii III ilie li'.-.iie. Il :h I iliiiii. Ihi'ii'l.iii', lliiil. iiiiiil 111.' lull km..,' ',.ll;,'ll i-l lelleM'il, 111.' Iiroll.liial IlllieH j .III hail' no oiipi'i liiiiil_\' to Ileal. I \m'i's I'll, n- I'll till ll Soothes and Heals 'he iiillaiiieil mi'iiihraiii', :u rests ihii i\ .I'.liiii,' pn ss, ami lein es no iiijiiiioiH J*l«»:i>::i i» t Shiiuld iilirm/a lie iifii Inr Siil: Until- iM'/ii'. Th'ir oyx'/'ii^ii.H I.i wif'l mill /iliiLiiiiit. Thii/ .s/iike /I'Oin' i./i'/i time irliiii u.<eil fur n Jliimili n il f.irer. .I<A" I'nrlhiin. Ctrhiin. /'.m^ /o,-,/. / the iiiiiiii. \'''t'i'\i.'rJ. 1 * l4*:i ^-II II I // 1/ ilir ilniilili.'l I'l./.s- ;i"/ fin- ill â- â-  I'f /i.i,' ,i;..„ ill si:/:, ir. ir. sr/:i'iij:.\ ii' I'll.. ii/.\/i It'll I. iiHI a. ml lliei.i In yi" /./i-yvii'i/ nil I'll i/i' •'/ 'J-'te. fur either. [ .1 ';/ I'hh, iir ii.K^nrtiil f'"e ><1.(MI. |ii.ii'.!;i!;i'ii!;Hi'i). I /' ii/li''', )l , ,,.' 1.1,' ,e /e'.l', .\ii':.viM>i« i>. ii II II II II II I II I (I II I II Mi rill': M.vitivF/rs. i'i.r.>iii;!;Ti).\. Cii nj'iilh/ I'liiriitiil i'.iiili \tiil.. â- Iniir 'â- ; 1 Till 10 I ,",n sails. This is uli.v il 11 ni.iM' l.ielil.v , ), ,|i Wheat. .^1) 7S Iu b ,^ii leiiieeil thai, ally i.thei' piilnumary ! Spn,,;- Wheal (I :i< (I, SI Ihilley I> ."»1> (I â- >:> (l:its " ... II ir» l» I.". I'eas (I (.0 (I III) (I h'j (I l.j i I'orl Sp.', 111.'. I,. II. Ili-ihy, ii( llartuiisvilli', Vl., writes : '• Koiir years a^" I looU a se- vere I'lild, wliiili was folliiwiil liy a terrible i-mi^li. I was \e\y sirk, and lilltter I'oiithieil III my lied about four nuiiillis. ] j'.oos, trush .My pli.vsii'itiii Ihially s.iiil 1 was in eon- | I'otatoes hush siiiii|itiiiii, and tlint lie loiild not help nie. (Inn (if my nei^libors aih iseil i to try .\yer's t'lieiry I'eelinal. I tliil so ami before I liail taken half a biittlo wiw ahio to K" out. Hy tlie tiiiiii I liiiil liiiisliiiil the lioltle I was will, and liavo reinaiiiisl so ever since." Aloiuo I'. I)anni'.tt,of Smyrna Mills, Me., writes: " .Six years a;ii>, 1 was atiav- eliiii; sulesmaii, anil at that tiuio was HulTeiiii^' with Lung Trouble. Fur nioiillis 1 was iiiialile Id rest ni^jlils. I could sihliim lie iliiwii, liad freipiout I'liokiii^ spells, ami wius often iiiiii- pelleil to seek Ilin iipi.ii air for relief. I was iiiiliiceil to try .'Vyer's Clieiry I'eetoral, wliiih helped nie. Its roii- tinueil luje lias entirely cured me, and, I tielieve, .s^ved my life." 12 <) 12 10 .Ml i; 'Ml (I :,\) â- '' '"" lliiy lur ton 7 Oil HOD nines Wool Sheepskins ( iecse Turkeys Cliiekeiis per pair l)nck.s per pair -I 50 5 .'id IS -n II ,'iii 1 III; II (m; (I m; I) 10 10 •2.') d :{(! rdt t;o BELL" MS .^ U.napproached for Tone and Quality. CATMlUOO'Jta FaCE, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, /llKI-AUKU UY J. C. Aytr k Co.. Lowell. Ma>t. j RfJJT, ^ (}h fcllftVph Ollt ]Ve are Hoir turninj out tcurk far mpi'iiiir in .^li/le mid finish t'l any tier pro- dueeil in Fleihertnn. COPYING and ENLAHQING at MODERATE RATES. PICTURE FRAMINg done in nil it.i brmiehe.t. A ,j„„d ntuek of' FRAilKS and MOULDlXG'i kepf constiiutli/ on hiiiid. iVlll ahu inl'udnce the iieir lUiO.'IIDK POUTUAJiT. a. picture that is yleinq entire aati.i/'nction wherrrer iiitrmlir.yd. SAMPLES enn be seen ut viy Galleri/ where all particu^irs as t" I'rirr, .Style Sic, oin be useer- r'LiKSHEUTON ^ H EAR LVS^-- Carriage Works, FLE SHE RTOTST, HA.MFil.TIKKK.S «l J>iiL>iJii'^', Spriii'J )']'ii'Jnn.'<,_ Lit ni he I- ]i'(fL;ons ff.f/ff Ii-on I'ltt rnitf.-i. Pii i ;iti H'J. TriiinniinJ (iiiti Ufnuirui'J pmiiipfhi iitlcin,! eil In. llor.^c-Shnt'iii < (I Speciiilt '/. ORIENTAL CATARRH. IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUUCE Ttio only cacurrh ri-mi'.lv u>*er oHeriiJ tu tlio fiibiic ou 15 days trial;, k writtuu KUiiriiiiU'u nivi'ii with en. Ii iustruiuuut, W. T. IIabm X Co., IJS IJUI.UI1 Siruui Wnut, Turuute. C>iit. ACTIHA THE SREAT EYE A^O LUNG RESrORER Actini i J not a mtdicine or i digusting lotiun or powder ball, but a Salt-genera.- tlUK Vtvl>.*r, on-iily lUJ.I i>U'KAiuilly tilit>llt.^l '.it all lumrn. tunes auil lil&cus. Aclina No. 2. Quickly reUtivvs ana Ihuruuttily curuu all Tbrottt aud Lun>; .lii».asi..s. Actiria No. 3. - t'ositively cures n\\ 'li^..asi'^ of th« Kyt', Cataract (irnn uhiti'.l Kn' li.ls. luiluiiiuii l'.>eti, uuar uuj lar sightuduusa Tun KvB â- r ill". VI Kl» \l Hll.K I I.UMt.l'. riti'l AeilN,\ 18 SUI.I* CNDEH OOU wlill-rKS oeAIllNTKK ON 1.1^ PATS TUiAl.. Kiu-U'so stHiiii. (i.r liiti.'U, ,tiiiily illuHlr^U'il lioolt nuit licallb jourual. \V. T. H.\KU iV 10.. IjO i^nsui 8tro«t Wi'st, Totunto. Out Dr. Mi THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMENT ThaCrealuit Disconarr ol the Age. Price - - $3. Medicated Electric â- nytMAMBELTi CURES MeilicfttcLl f.jr all ilisuaws ol the bloeJ anil iier- veus syHU'Ui. Liulivs belt t'i fur fueialo rem- l.iiiintif it tmsi ,i,iual. Mi.':itl' Belt ?3, coLalL'icil It'll and busi'v-'lfrery ^5, Seminal weak tirrurs of yuutl liaod. niijlit f^ti The only appliancos Kiving a direct current of Electricity to the parts. L"in i, ».r:i ..ii.-t ,1 .' ,\ vmivut, iiiv.invi'iiiuuce. Hundreds of To?".* timonials on fllO from tlime oureJ of fi'liiilo di^eai-cl. pam^ in link ttiiiUui's. Iiuu 1 s'.l li'til'-i iierv.imili'liilitv. general .lil.llitv. Imiil.ii»;e, rln-uniatisiu. |.arui>.ii«. in.'Urah,iii.. a.'iie i" ilimiaiiu of th.. kl.liR.y*. -i|.inal ili«,'a.si.. t>.r|.iil liver. Kuul. l.'UC.rrLu'a, ciilarrll j.f the blsill.'. B4 xiial oxliausueli. HI niinal vuilnsu.us, abtliiiiaLi.art .lioe.. ., . dyspein-ii, tunwlipaliou tiAKii,, lias. in,tt*ii'stioii. iiiiyotciiey,. i'iK..i. ei'ili'i.sv. dumb bkuh tuul di.fci'eiua. Si-ml stiiLii]' I'l liatidsomely illuiitrato<l book and health j uriial. Correal... ii.l..iieu strictly coufldeutial. Con aultatiuu anil ulocutlcal trualmeul ftuu. A.^eiiis wauted uwryubure. i'at. rub.ltCtt), IbdT/' Curea OuaranteocI Moclicated Electric Belt Co.. 1 55 Qiioen St. West, Toronto, Car.ado. A Positive Care. A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. r)IS-:j.'i..3':3 OF MAN. Marvtl ol Healing, iinil i<iihinoor of Medicin."*. tf~S"8"S'W^tf'**i» IU« i»Trit>l«i ei>iiHe<iH«>nee» nl InillNCretlon, ^•^ *^*'-'*- -^-' '^»=-- i:x|>u>iir« »uil Ovtrwurk, â- x-oTTisro, 'is/LXiD'b>'jj^-^S^^iB~~lkh<T'n ci^x? ii^rEicr Who avo biekiu di.i.ii In.in tie. ell... ts ol iibuK.i will tin 1 in Ne. H a rnlii'iil euro for DervMi..4 viet'ility, eri'iiiiic weitkiieftM, ilivoiiiutfirv vital l(,s;H"i. etc. BTMi'TiiMa Fon vvnu H No. li Stioi i.n uk I ski. . â€" Want of oiiurgy, vui tit;o, want of puriiose, iliiniH'sn of siple. iiversioii l.i iKu'luly, waiiu of i-'.nili.ieiuio, iivoulain'o uf couverMiiioii, (iimiro for soli'-u.l.', h.ilo.--iie3i mi I iim'.illiy tn Ut tlio a'.iuuiiun en a pai-tii'iilur subject, cuwar.li. .1, iU.[ir'.--'.u.ii of Piiii'it'i, iji.l.iiiu'ss, lem of iiiciii..rv, oxcitttbility ol tyiiiver. spur, liiiitorvbiea, or l.iM.il ilio Hemiiial llni.lâ€" tlei losnlr, of RoU.abiiao <.r niari'tal exceiisâ€" iiiipe- teiuiy. iiiiKitritiiiii. i in.uiatiiiii. liaireiiiii.sn. i.iil\.iiii6i,)n of tlie liourt, liyBtiiio fe.liui.- le (ntiialea, tn.iubliui:, iii.'l u.ehi.l v, .b^'iii i.iiii. di'iiiiiis etc., nni nil hv iiii.loiiin ol tills terriM , habit. elt.'Utiiiu.a i:i'i..eenilv nciiiin'il. Iu Bliort, tlia niuinn ,,f vit.il force liavuit; lost it-i toHsiou, every fiiiietloii wanes in ri.iiai.inoiicc. .'ioiontiflo wntiii'i and liie .iiijieniiteiKloutii ol ins 1 no inyliini'. unite in merit. uii; l.i tlio eileott; of sclf-abUKO the tii'ut tluijority of waste.l livo'i wliicli cumo iiiuk'i' n.-ii' notieo. It you iir'i iiKoiiiin'tctr. (or tlio ariliieii-i liiilUwi'f l.iiHitii'Ss, iii.;aiiui'i-.iilo I let tlie eiij.iyin.'iits ut lite, No. H offermiii OHCapti.floM the ulfe..'t.aof curb' vi'.'o. II y..i.ari) inli aiiciil In years. No. mviU Kivoyon lull viLornlil Blreiiiitli. Ifvouani i.i'.ilieu iliiwii, i.ln«ii';illv an.l nioially tvem curly liiilis<;rotiiiU. tl .i r. Hiilt of iKUDiaii.'t anil telly, wild your a.ldii'.in aud lu cnls Iu b»iiui|h lor .M . V. I.t no.^'s Triiatii.'' ill lIuoU Vonii ou liinutises ol Man. 8ftaloil mul neeuro froui obser'-^tioii, .Vdilreiw all oiiniiuniiicntioua to H. V. I.l'UON, -4'/ Wcllinirtuu NI. K., Toronto. A Man without wisdom live* in a lool's pjraiiisc. CURES CUARAHTtEQ. HEAL THE JICK. Permanent Cure Pleasant Cure«,

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