Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1888, p. 1

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-*' :' â-  â- â-  :.mh ' .1 ./ VIaT^. SIM ADYANCE. #â-  'l^ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" FEIJVCIPLES, JYOT MEK.' VOL. Vni., NO. 367. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT^ ^ proprietor Tit - Bits. Telling wtMt yoefh on in tiiul ar- ouwl' Fle«hertnn, • •i'- REMOVED REMOVED! I It*-'- -v^ 03 E -t- r C CD 03 % CO 5C Bargains uro tho aider uf tho day at Climw & Co'g, Floshertoii. Prices are marked away clown, down, tlown, at McCabo's story, Pricovillc. S<imubody stabbed a horae beloii^'in;; to Constable Finbow, of Laurol (Dutferin Co.) a ooupio of week»»go. Mr. Boyd Thr>nipHon lias luircliascd a houso and lot near the Bai)ti8t cliapol, Fleshorton, from Squire Annstronu', and will take ui) his abode in our iiiidHt. A heartj' welcome, friend Thompson. Russell's noted jowetry store ha.s boon removed to the new premises on Toronto (street â€" opposite Olimo it Cos store â€" where business will be attended to in the usual excellent mannar. The new .sto^c haa been thoroughly refitted throiii^hout. Mrs. Caswell, of Malkdalo, will prepare a grand dinner at her hotel for vi.sitor» to tltat village on the 12tli of July. Orange- men and others are Invited to t;et their dinner there. Mrs. Caswell enjoys a wide and well deserred reputation for the substantial excellence of her dinners. Persomil Foiutera. | S. T. Electlmi of OffUern. Squire M. Richardson will shortly visit i The following are the officers of Flesh- his native land, England. i erton Division, Sons of Teiiperantw. for Mrs. J. D. Clarke and her two sons, of ' the current quarter :â€" . Hamilton, are the nueats of Squire Ann- , Dr. Christoe, W. P. strons?. Miss Wihnot, of Miltcm, is the guest of i Mrs. ,1. W. Shilton at tho Methodist 1 jiarsonas^e. j Mr. Barber, of Toronto, called on yo i Editor Saturday last, on his w.iy to Max- \ well, at which place lie was tho guest of I Dr. Kerr during his stay. [ Mr. E. V:iii/.aiit, leader of our brass ; band, Mr. E. Clnuissio, and Mr. J. Parks I accompanied t!u; Clarksbura band on an ] excuraiou trip to .MidUnd Uity on Men- ' day last Mrs. J. W. Honderaou, Miss Franko Henderson, and other members of the family, of Toronto, have taken up their abode in their cottage on Toronto street for the sunniier. I'rofessor Torrin^;ton, the celebrated Toronto niusiciau, was the u'uest of Squire Ariu.sliTni'4 Monday and Tuesday. The Pn)l. is an export anyler and went out fishing both days. iMr. Aikenhead, of the well-known Toronto firm of Aikenhead it Crombie, his daughter, Miss Jennie .\ikenliead, Miss E. Brown. \V. A. Mr. Walter Leitch, Rec<>rdini( Scribe. Miss IV[ariaBeecri>ft, Asst. Rec. Scribe. Miss Bell Christoe, Treasurer. Mr. W Latimer, V. S. Mr. Nelsijii Kester, Conductor. Miss Katie JSellamy, Asst. Con. Mr. Claudius Kkins, Chaplain. Mr. John W. Kield, Seutinel. Mr. J. E. M<H.re, l\ VV. P. Mr. A. R. Fawcett, D. G. W. P. llepresentutivus to Grand Lodge and I National Division in Toronto: â€" Dr. Chris- toe, Rev. T. WatRon, and Messrs. J. E. Moore, Williaui Irwin, C. J. Sprouie, Squire Annstrunt;, and A. R. Fawoett. No injurious effects can follow the use of Ayer's .\i!ue Cure. It contains an. un- failing' antidote and .speuidc for miasmatic poisons, totfetlier with remedial asrents which purify and re-invi);i>rate the system. Mnddy Valley. Fnnik (K'.r men Curresptiiuii'iit. Mr. Transon, the blind music teacher, .and his sons, Messrt. Thos.. J.an.es, and I ''•'» »"<:=«««1'^ »' "r^ianizinj} a .inj-.ns A very larji^e black hear waa shot on Lot 2(), .">th line Mono, W.dnesday of last week, by John Brink man. The dead animal was taken to Oraiiu'eville and sold to Mr. Bennett, who in turn .'(hipped the carcaae to Mr. Fee, of 8t. Liwrence Mark et, Toronto. The lucnt becominif tainted ! it was sold to a fat reiideiin-; ostablish- ^ inent, but the skin alone iol<l for Slu. Bruin killed quite a laijje number of sheep for the farmers of llino before beinj; I captwred. â€" [Sli-^lburne IkuoioniUt. ^Utentioii, Sl»i-ktm;u .' \ The atti'iition of wido-anake stockmen is directed to the advertiHoment in an- ! other column anent the thorou^h-bied I Durham Bull, *' Or.ay Champion. ' This is a tine animal, and all farnu-rs desirous of improving tlieir stock should not fail to see him. Septetiiher '44th atul 'iHth. The Fall Exhibition of East Grey .\griouitural Society will be helil on the uiounds. Flchherton, on Mond.iy and Tuesday, S^ptember 24tli and 2r>tli. Tlie Pviee List is undergoing a revision and will be in the hands of the printer this week. The list of Special Attracti.ms will l)e published on tlie large posters this year iiisteavl of in the prize list pamphlets .18 fonnerly. Annivf'rMirjf Sfrmotts. Th« Session of Chaliiier's church here has been fortunate in securing the ser- vices of the Rev. W. A. Hunter, M. A., of Orangevillo, to preach the anniversary sermons in the Presbyterian church hero Sabbath nc.vt .at H a, in. .and li.ItO p. in- Rev. Mr. Hunter has been called to the pastorate of Erskino eliurch, Toronto, a position recently occu|)ied by the late lamented Rev. .Tohn Smith. i \A i*Jertjirt»if (inrdeti Pnrfif. The garden party held im the grounds of Squire Armstrong la.st Monday even iiig w.os a decided success. The arrange inents in connection tlieiewith were most complete â€" notwithstanding the failure of tho brass band to connect. Fnmi bcgiii- ing to end everything passed off smoothly and pleasantly. The presence of so dis- tinguislied a iiuest .as I'lof. Torrington, of Torontoâ€" probably the greatest iiuisi- cal genius in Canada -iniparteda decided tone to the proceedings. .Vn improniptii musical program, in whicll-- with his usual charming good nature â€" Prof. Tor- rington accompanied several vocalists on the piano, was thoroughly enjoyed by the many lovers of good music present. clasa in the schoolhouae near Booth's cur- ueia, also in the Presbyterian church at Swiuton Park. He will luive quite a pume when he goes home to aee hiit bet- ter half about harvest tin>e, as he has about ^>rty pupils in each class, luid he teaches five nights each week. Rjiisings are very numerous now-a-daya -W. McMurdo hiui one last Tuesiliy and G. Martin luid one the day after, (ieordie Right got his foot badly luirt^* tho former's and there wsasume beautifi;! ,jk\vearing dono. Martina btiildin^ went up nicely and there was iioboiiy htn-t. There was a football match af'.erwards be- tween the Swint'iii Clippers and Hop,' ville team. Tlie niasoiis are rushing work at -1. '1. Wilson 8. .Mr. Oougal Keigu.ton erected a nic" frame building around his well. H • bcjiiglit a new jiuiiip .and undoubtedly li > wi.-ihis to pr>itect it from tho hot sun .\ very good idea, Doiigal. Mr. Porter, who partieiiwitoU in tli,? lielfl light that occurred near hetB ami i.iuiio off second l>esl, resolved to have re- venge, so he entered an .action against T. Ferris, who gave him tlie licking But, after going all the way to Owen .S.mnd and finding tlnnga did not work just :i< ho e-xpected, the matter was settled oit of court. Mr. .John MeDoiiell and wife seem t.. eiiji.y themselves very well in thi.s part. ;u they take fre({Ui!iit drives to Owen Barnhouso <t Ru.ssell, Sister Dainude [ire- | ^""'i'' and otlier parts. They will shortiv siding at the organ. Altogether a very ! ri-''"''! to their home in Kansas, pleasant evening was spent, â€"Com. j ^I''- Adam Watson got liis thumb and â€" 1 linger cut oil' whilo engaged sawing shiiii;- "Ilif/hlaud lioif." ' les last, Thursday. This is the name of a very liandBonio i Siiiu (J.anleiior is working at tho fo'iii Hnnibletonian stallion owned by Mr. I '''^'â- ioii under D. Fei-giison s b.un. .\! .lohn .\ikenhead, respectively, are the guests of Squire .-Vrmstrong. Rev. J. \V. Shiltim, B, A., left for Montreal on Monday morning to attend tho groat Teniperauce Cauvention which is being held there this week. He goat there .as the representative of Fountain Council, R. T. of T. Mr. Wm. Irwin, Principal of Flesher- ton Public Schools, will conduct the Entrance E.\amiiiati&ns at Durham this week. Mr. Irwin is eminently qualified for-tUe p:<«itioii, and we «t« plMsed'to notiuo the lilting tribute paid to his abili- <ies as an educationist. Itofful Tetn.plu.rs. \t the usual weekly meeting ot tho Royal Templars held on Tuesday even- ing, the 2litli lilt, there was a large at- tuiidnnce of members. The chief item â- iii the program was the presentation of an address to Br<p. .1. Gordon, .accompanied with a pursu uf money. The address, wliich was composed and read liy Bm. Shilton, expressed in fitting teinis llie loss the membei-s of tho Council felt they were sustaining in the dc'parture of Hi", (•ordoii from amongst tlieiii. I'.ro. Gi r- rhin feelingly replied. He thanked the members for the kind woids spoken ami for the tangible proof of their esteem 'f which he had just been tlio recipient. The innsical part '>f tho progiainme was well sust.'iiiiud t)y Miss M. E. and Saniii Smith, Bros. G. Smith, Wm. Diiiwodie, .VIex. Uannali. His in.arvelloiis success this .se;ison is ample evideuce of tlie fact that Mr. Hannali's enterprise in introduc- ing such md)le animals is thoroughly appreciated by stock -raisers. Mr. Han- nah is an experienced judge of horse-flesh, and any aniiiial liaiidled by liim is bound l.o Ijecome noted far and near for general excellence. Wiile awake stock-raiser's are advised to Bee 'Highland Boy" by all though ho is Canleiior by name he is no by tr.ido, as ho is a groat deal belter with a sled','o .and ti-owcl than witli eitlier :< pruning hook or hoe. A few of tho young folks around hnvr assembled at a certain place in. Muddy Valley recently to sjioiid ilie eveiiiim and aiiitiso tliomsolvea a.s best thov 'JouK!. There were not many of the fair sex pre.«- out, and when they took their ueparliire moans. "Highland Boy" was at tin; Irish tkere w.as a great rush among the iteiil.^ Lake Picnic last Tliursday, and, it is need- I *â- " catch on. Cue poor fellow get left aii'i less to say, wius much admired by .all who | he took a straight line for hcune and m.'i saw him. ITor particulars in reference to route, pedigree, &o., see bills. No medicine is more coiisciontiously prepared, more powerful, or mure highly concentrated, than Ayer's Sarsaparilla. i Its Htandard of excellence is the result of careful study. This preparation is ao- I knowledged by the medical profeasion to ; bo the best blood purifier. Anvin; to Motheiis.â€" .\ro yoii lUstnrbed Rt niKlit and brokuu of your rest bv a sick ilillit sulTuriiiK and oiyiiiH with pain of tutlJut; Teeth .' If so suml atoiico ami nut a l>ettlu of^Mis. Wla- Klows HoothincSyruii- for Cliildran Timthliiu. Us valiio Is inoalculahlii. It will reli.'vy tliu lioor little Rutlornr iminmilotelv. Dopimd upon it, iiiotliers; there is no mistako aliout it It euros Dysenti'i y iinrt IJinrrhcen, icBulatos tho Stoinaoh and llowels, cures Wind Collo, softens tho liiims. rodiicos Inflummation, and Hivos tone aiiduiiuriiy to tho whole system. "Mrs. Winn- low's SoothlnR Symii" for ohildroii teothjnK is pluasnnt tntho tastu ond is tho pruscriptioii of QUO of tho oldest and best fomalo vhvsioiaus and nmsos in tho Uiiitoil Statoii, and is for aale by nil druRKista throuchout tlni world. Price twontyflve centsa hottlo. ito •<iire and atk for â- '.Mils. Wixsr.ows bouxuiKu HTiiur," »nd take no other kind. foul of a mud liolo. We do not tliiitk i; was an alvcmpt at suicide as he offered ii.- resistance whilu being helped out. EruRor.uKll. 49 Cents WUl f;el The Advance for the balance of this year. Subscribe Saw I /] i

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