Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1888, p. 8

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/, m* .y-- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [July 5. 1S&8. Photos, Photos. IJ'e (trf noic turning out xcorkfnr suptrior in ttyh and finiih to any ever pro- duced in FJe»liirt(in. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUEE FBAMINQ • Line in (ill itn briiirliis. A good stnrh of FRAMES unit Mdl'ljDlXGS l;i)it • yiiif.nilh/ OH h'lnd. Will also introduce, the, neir lillOMIDF PORTRAIT, a /Hiture that it jiiiuj entire lutin/aeli'in tchereter introdnred. SAMl'LKS can he tr.r.n iit my Gallery where all particulars as to J'rice, Style if., etm he utar- P'LESHERTON. ^ H E A R D ' S ^ Carriage Works, FLE SHEETON, â€" JMA.MiFAtTIKERS OF lUt^^it's, Spring Wasions. Liiinhcr Wagons tivil I roit Uarruivs. fdhitiii^, 7 ritn/nin^ and. Jicptiiring proniptlij attended to. Ilorae-SfioeinQ' a S])Cci(tUij. THIS SILVIR^LATEO INSTRUMfNT Th( Greatest IN(co«er|i o( theAfe. Price - â-  tZ. ORIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUEICC > , Tlio only cat*rrh rttnirdy ovor ofTwred to the lujhiic on 15 d»>ii tri&l; * ir % «rltu-ii KU&rant«o Klvtm with v%i-h lustruiuuut, W. T. DAmu A Co^ ^Z I6&qm«a StriMtt Weit, Turouto, Oni. ACTINA THE GREAT EYE AMD LUNO RESTORER Actina fe not â-  medicine or a dig uiting lotion or powder ball, but a Hctf-^onera- UiiK Vftpur, eaetly ui<l plulutaiitly apiilitKl nt nil hour*. tniit-B nti'l pl&coil. Actina No. 2.- (Quickly rulmveii uiil Uiiiruufjlily curee all Tliruat uid Lutitj (liRttaeiti. Actina No. 3. I'lMltively came all itiaeuoB of tlio Ryo, Cet&rut Oritn tiUii'<l Kyii liils, Inllaiiiud Kyue, uuar uud (ar aiobttiluuna TiiK Kra i'HKArVn WIIILK M.UHKD. TllK ACTIMA in huLD t-NOIH OfB WIlITTKlf OOARAJTrRa ON 15 I)AT» TUlAT.. Hlicloeu HtAtii^ riir halKlHitriutly Hlilitrati'd hcok ainl tiu^tb iournal. W, T. HAKU A CO., lU guicii Htrent Wcet. Tururilo, Out Medicated Electric Medieatwl fur all dteeaaos of tlio blood and ner- voae eyeUMii. l.,a/llec* itnlt 93 for fumalo rom- BlaiutaUliaei]"i<|iial. McDa' liult $3, cumbinad Bolt and HusitiiiHory 95. Somlnal we&lineea, «rrure of youth, lost iiiatiliood, iiiv:btly cuuaiiir.!!.-, Kti' The only appliances fjlvlng a direct current of tloctrlclly Othe parte. •â- Â»" '•" worn mtl t il .lay CURES witiiouiiiicnreiiiunce. Hundreds of Tes I file 'r'>^ tlioae eand of temala dm luiofi. [â- muh In back and \nv». i,..a.l luid n'liit.K ViirvouB dobuily, RiTiuml duMlity, lumba^.), rliniinaiiiiui, raralyebi, nuuralwa. miatica timonlalson dwua.'.i (>( llie kidnuye, iinnal din.iMo, Uirj'''' "*•''â-  B""' Uiiorrliu;*, cat&rrli <.f tlm bliuldur •â- â- lual oxhauetioii, Buuitiial oiuiaaione, aellinialwart duioa«.i, dv«iH')»la, couatipatloii < ryeip- .ilaA indixi'ation iiup<il«icy,, pilun, «i>nc)|>ay. dumb a».>i.> kiid dinlxitve. h<'ijd 8lain|i loi hfcMtUouioly illuelrat*! book aaul Uialtli j.mrual. (â- .)rreei".iiatiioii8tricUycoiifldinUal. Con- â- DluUoaaudol«ctri04lU:u«tui«>litlrdo. AkuuU) waiiUid i viTywbuio. I'at. Fob. Wtli, U)B7/ Cure* Ouerantoed Medicated Electric Belt Co.. ISSQueenSt. West, Toronto, Canada. A Positive Cure. Painless CurCa FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. ciaE;ASi=:s of man. TttK tiHtt:.€T IIF.JII.TU it§:,rKWElt, __ Marv*?! o( Healing, and Kohlnoor of Medicin.^1, (^"^â- v^ll T*tf^9% *"** to"'">l" e«n«<M|iMtnre« orin<lliiereti«>f SsLBJSSo^b^Z KmiMtaHrr and Ovcrwurk, •^oTJiTO-, i«£iT5rJEjE::-.^oEX3 ^itrr) oijd ji,£T:ir V, Uj uto urukou 'lown from tbo oflerta <'f n bum. will And In No. Ha radical riire ttkriaaffou* liability, r»r»,'anic woaknesM. invnlnnlary viWvl loanuH, ate. fc . MTTOMS for which No. h huoiTLO BK Uhkd. â€" Want of onorgy, vorti)L;o, want of imrpoea, tliwiuusd of Riftht, AvorHlun to eooloty, want of cunfbionco, avoidance ()f rnnvoTHiitioii. d jsiru (or eolltiiclo. liHtlfmennee and inability to fix tbo attonllou on a partlcnliir e3lb]«ct^ C'jwardiou, duprofteion of eptrlte, f;iddli)riiie, loae of niomory, excitability nf toniiKrr, ffiier* )i.atun'int*a, or loeaof tbu e*Miilual lluiilâ€"tbn r^^ault nf (wlf-abiiee or marital excfaaâ€" iinpv. of tlio bean, liyateric foi'liiiK* fi7 , aro nil syniptonia of thin tfriiMv t. ucy, Inniitritinu, uni u-iatiun, barronntiHfi, iialpitalioii of tlio bean, liyateric foi'liii^* fi^ nialos, truinblini^, nnilnncbolv, di»>tiii1iinB ureania. rto., aro nil Bynit)tonia of thin tfriiMv '.Ut, ufliutiniMi innoci-ntly acquired. In abort, the aiiriiig nf vital force liavinR IonI its tjuaion, > vory function wunea lu ronaeqiitiuoo. .SalontiOa writeraand tlio nuperiiitondoiit« i liiN in(i (i^yluiiifl unit*' m nsorlbiiiK la tbo •0ecte of aolf-abuan tlia (treat nnijorlty of â-  .t4t4Kl livo'i which conio Hiidur ii.i'lr tiotico. If you arn Innoiu patent lor tlin ardntnin I' ^iua of btisJiuirt^, lnuapa4Htate,l ('.*r tbe unjuynicn(a of lifo. No. H otTors an cleave frtnii I. jont.'>:t>iof oarly vicu. li you aro a'lvuncnl iu yeara, No. H.will kIvo yon full vlior niid eironutU. If voii are bruliOM down, iiliy^iic-ally aitil niorally froiu early indiacration, tliu 1 unit of iKiioraticeand (oliy, e<n() your addrvea and Id c«oU in atanipa for M. V, J.cno.s'a 'i'oatiR*> III Itook Form on l)iauii#c'a uf Man. Honied uihI ircuru frnni o)*Horvtition. ,\ddrn8H all aoniuiunlcatioua to â- . V. I.UBOH, A7 WiIUiikIuu »U K., Toruntu. A Man wiUtMit wiidoai Hvei in a leari paradlM. CURES GUASANTIEO. HEAL THE SICK. A Ptrnmnent Cur*. Pleasant Cura« County and District News. ClipiH'd atid VoiulriiKfd from the ColumuH of Ouv Kreiiaiiycs. Heathcotu downed Tliombury at foot- ball recently. A burglar proof gaft) weijiliins 1100 IIki. liaa bten [jlaced in the C. 1'. li, »tati(m at Diiiidalk. Mr. H. D. Burritt, formerly of Tlioru- Imrv, lias l>een elected Utuve of Vancou- ver city, 15. C. (i.is lias been discovered about tliruc miles Ea.it of Tliombury, and now a well IK to be Kunk tvitliin the liinit« of that town. Duniialk scamps planted a lot of turnip Slid ill the fiiiiir lH;<lsat school. Another instance iil a human turnip head ".1,'oinj; til Hced." At the Klos picnic, Miss McAvoy, vihile opiiiiiii; a i«ip bottle, aecidently cut the artery in her wrist, ami, but for timely rnrdical as.sistance, iniyht have bled to death. â€" i.Stayner Sini. Two Muffali) gentlemen l.-ist week ficnii a li.shini; trip on the Miiiiitimlin, bruuirht down with them over two thousand of the upeckled beautioH. The two tisheniien were no lii.'ht-weif;ht», tipping the scales at 700 pounds. â€" [Owou Sound Times. < In the 11 til of May last Captain Moodio oelebinted the fortieth anniversary of his comiii;{ to Durham. Duriiio that time he has seen muiy chanyes. Verv few of those wlio settled here .as early as he did are now livin({. â€" [Durhatii Chronicle. Yesterday Mr. (ieo, .\uj4uBt, son of Wm. Au);uat, Esq., .\ut;u8toji, was united in wedlock to Miss .Mary Elizabeth Hut- le<li.'e, dauirhter of Mr. (Jeo. Rutledu'c, Mulinur. The ceremony took place at the rejtidence of the bride's father. We wish the youn); couple all proapenty and happiness. â€" [Shelbunie Economist. (ontagioug pleuropneumonia has been found by an expert veterinary amono some stock on the farm of Mr. Mclnnis, .Sullivan township. Three valuable cows have died. .\ fourth animal is under tiealnient, but is c.trefuUy ii'plated, and it is eijiected that tliis will prt'vent the spread of the disease in tbe nci^lilKirhood. On Saturday last an Indian half breed Ixiot-black from Owen Sound struck town :iiid did such a rll^hiIl^' business that a M.'cond one joined in the euteridise on .Mond.ty. The second Ixnit-black came from Uoiieywooil and ran the idlier fellow out. His father came to town on Tue.s- day to aearcli for his aoii who had ran a»ay and when the boy heard of it he wont up to Kle.-<hertou and now wo have no boot-black. (Dundalk Herald. A ItuiTAL < It TRAiiK. - Wo are fnformed th.it l.'ist week some malicious party cut olf the tails fioin four cows beloimuiL' to .Mr. .loliii True, of Dunedm. The case IS a scandalous one, and if the party •„'uilty of t!ie crime has a conscience at all, III' must ft'i'l Hiiiidl enough t'> crawl throu^di the eye of a neetlle when he thinks of his cowardly treatment of the poor dumb brutes. â€" [CoUingwood Enter, prise. A child of Mr. Jos, Loughead's, aged <> years, fell into a well 42 feel deep on Widnesday of laa^ week. The child lit on Its feet on one of Mr. Yuuns^'s cream- ers attached to a Mpe, There was about ei^jht feet of water in the well, iind the poor little fellow elung to the rope till help came in the pvmon of his uncle, )Ir. ,1. Louijhead, who was at the place at the time. The child was all ri^lit except a few scratches on the face and left arm. â€" [Tliombury Staiidanl. Chas. Cau<;hlHii, of Owen Sound, was drowned in the (leorKian Hay, near Hay View, on Runday week. It appears he and a compauioii were out in a boat when they noticed a ti.sh buoy. Desiring to see what was in the net, Caii({hlan commenced to raise it. Some way the net cauuht lOi a suspender button, anil, lieiin.' heavily weighted, the unfortunate young man was suddenly diawn out of the boat into tlie water and drowned ere assistance oiuld be obtained. He was 45 years old. Kirk im (Ilknuuj.â€" On Tuesday niyht abim}. eleven o'clock the steam saw mill, of Mr. WelliiiKton Banks, near Hayward's falls, CileiiaV, wm found to be on fire. As the tire had made considerable head- way before beiiijj discovered it was im- possible to put it out, and the mill and niachinei->- aloni; with some lumber were destroyed. The mill has only Inien running a short time, and Mr. Banks' loss will lie about (1,000. He had no insurance but the Co. from whom he got the machinery held a policy for 9(00, The origin of the fire' was unknown but probably started from the furnace of the boiler.â€" [drey B*vi«iw. NOTICE. To the Ladies of (he County of 6rey. YUU AIIE CORDI.^LLY INVITED TO VISIT' CLIIO'S STORE IN FLESHERTOU and biiiij,' your Produce and usii to bo .=;lio\vn tl* bpautiful PRIXT'B suitable for any wcariiiL,', Wv liave beaiuifiil Satiofii Triiits at from lUc. to 14c, per yard â€" siicli values you liave not been otVLrcd bi>tbre. Highest Fricc aHoived for Eg'J,>. Butter and. Wool. The ljij.it way to destroy lii-cllet i» to g/iriiiklc I'aris Green and Water on th> I'otoloe Vines. You ran ijel the Sjirin/ilim at Climo <t- Cot ichiih are cheap and good. Only a few on hand. Yours Truly, 'ICLIMO & CO.,1' Wright's Old Stand, - Flesherton, I have received a Very Large Assortment of BOOTS & SHOES! Several Hundred Pairs of Mens'. Womens' and Ciiildiuus'^ whicti I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. Floshei'toii taiTiase Works. McTavish & Legate .\n.Mi.MTtui;i;s OF irAiidoxs, sLiciiurs, mmuKs, demovkats, ,tr. CA.KRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. Al8o TUI.M MiN<iS in uruat variitv. HOIlsr: KHOFUNC* promutly ittcuded to. bpccia! Attoution (;ivvn to i-uiitractoct or Touilur re<*t. ». MrTtVISII. R. v. LE(M'rK HKALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYSPItUJJtMMTMENT THE TILLS rurify the I'.lood, forn^-t uU Ih-urcUTm of thc^ L#ivei% Stoinivcli, lililn'yn^ itriil lJt>^\ eln. They iiiviiiorntcHnl refiton- to health Itchilitntc. I I't'iiRtitutififiH. oihI hio incaluiihle in fiH Ccxu plaints iiiuiduntal to Funiak-H of all aK*'»- Kui '.'hiUirfti uml the n^v\ thuy are piicelcbh. T H E T N T i\I E N T 8 an iiifalliblo roinody fni- 1la<l Lt^'s. Hft'l Mrea^^tF (Ud Woiiiidn. H<)rt"( aiid ricers. It is fanioiiB for (ioiit and Uliouniatisiu. For dinonler?* of the C'he->t It has no iHjtial. For SO 111': TIlUOAl, BROM'lIITIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlaiiduUrriwuUiuss.aiidall Skiu Disoaaon I? lias no rival ; and for contracted and Btiff ointH it acta liku a charui, Maiiufdcturod only at Professor Holi.oway's RsttililiHlinnint, 7,H, Xrw 0\for«l .Street (Intc 5:t:t, Oxford Street >, Lniuloii. and are sold at U. lJd.,'Jt. 'Jd., <a M.. lU.. 'J2a., and .'Cii. <'iich Iln\ nr Pot, and may bu bad of all M»>d cine Vendors tbrouRliout tbo W orbl. /'urc/ifMW« shinthl look ii i.he Lal'<l on Hit f'/ts nud llcj-rn. If the (uldreM w not i)3.'', OcUiiil Street, Lnmlioi, Ih'ij arc f/xirinus. FARM for SALE BKINCi l.ot Ti. Con. 7, O^inxy, ball mile from â-  Maxwell, lOU ucrca. IVI acri'H ib'aod. well ] watcrc<l, and under ijood atatc of cultivation. Wiill fcnctrd. l.ar^'u franio barn and stable, franiu huuau. For furtbisr particular* api^ly to JOSKl'H UAnLKY, 1711 Spadlna Avenue, :H.S.,I71. TurelHo. R EMOVE D. Booth the Boss Barber, has removf'd to one of the ahopn in I'm, strain's hloek near H'm, Barnhonm'f limit and fhoi' shop, Toronto street, irherc he will he luijipii to see the smiliiiii faees of nil hit old ciorfomern aii'if as many new ones at have eonrhtdeil to give me a ehance to nintn- tail* my ri,putati<oi, as the Hot* Karher â€" not only of Fleshrrtox, hut of the entire dis- trietfor turnfii milts iirou)id. The patrouago of tbo ladiea roapectfuUy so- licited. F.b. nth, 1886. WALTER BOOTH. m YOUR MEAT i-FR0.11.t Blakely & McVonnell, (iENEllAL BUTCHERS, FLESHERTON! l3"Cash paid for fat cattle, Ac, <tc. Try The Advance one year for %\ or six months for 50 ctu 1 J V 1t\ !' li y\

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