HP THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. fJuLY 26, 1 881!. Photos, Photos, Photos. We art now turning out work far iuptrinr in ttyle and JinUh to any ever pro- duced in Fletherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RATES. PICTUEE FRAMINQ done in a// itt bmnchet. A good stock of FJiAMKS and .VOf'LDINGS kept constantlff on kand. Will aUo introduce the new HROMIDE PORTRAIT, a picture thtit i« gining entire satit/action ichererer inlroiluced. SAMfLES can be tern at my Gallery leher* all particulart om to Price, Style &c, can he atcer- l^iined. MBS. BUt^MER^ FLESHERTON. ~ H EAR D'SEH Carriage Works, FLE SHEBTON, MAKIFACTIKEKM OF Jkc^^ips, Sprifij^ Was^ons, Liitnhcr Wc/Q'ons and Iron Harrntrs. raintlng, Triinniiii'J unti li'mairinQ' //roniptlij atte}i(le(l to. /li>r.sc-S/iocii/Q' a SpeciffUij. THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMFNT The (kealMl Dticootry at th« Ag«. Price - - $3. ORIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE Tha only oatsrrli rtiuii^ly uvnr Gn<'ro<l to tl.o puljlio on U dajr* trial; .arantHo kivi-ti with t<iv-h iattrumuut, W. T. Harnk A Co*. a wiitlou |fua U4 Qiuao auiist Woat, Toronto, Out. ACTINA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER AdtM l« net • medicine or a diguiting lotion or powdiir ball, but â- BolfRcnera- iiiiK Vivf>'>r, «<MUJ V i%if\ iiluiwiaiilly »iiiiU<mI ru hII huurK, tliii<>« )VM<1 |ilaci*«. Aclina No. 2. guickly rulluvva uud Uiunmt;!'!/ curui all Throat and I.uri4( ilis«aji>-H. Actina No. 3. Powitivoly ciir<m all illN*>aA<« of thit P!y«. Catarart (Iran alat44it Ky*' 1i<Ih, InilaiiiiMl Kyofi, u<iar and far HitjhttMluuw Tmk Kyi TIIRATKII WMII.K I l.itnlM. TlIK \CTISK IH Ht»l.l> V'NDBU rji'll WUIITKM fl1'AHAKTI!R ON K> lUTS TUlAL., IlucIi'Ho Htunip Ifir tiikn<taoint<ly Hhmtnttt'd I k nn'l ti4-iLlLb Journal. W. T. H.Mill A CO.. Ijo yu 1 Strmjl Wi»t, Toronto, Out Medicated Electric â- BELT-^» CURES MotlicaUvl for all illscaitcn of th« hlood and ner- vouii HyHl4-iii. L'Kli' 11' itt It 8U for fuuiniii rotii- ilniritf It ti Li4 no I 'luiil, Mtjliu' Ilult93. Colli binud l<<lkii(.<l hiupt:nb'<r> ib. Soniinal woakni'«s iirnirrt of youth. 1 Ht J _ _ _ _ tniuitiooil. (ii;^ht.l if«N,,!nh..i >ii», i:i.- The only appllancoa giving a dlroct current of Electricity to the pans. ""' ' â- â- WTl:rn,l.t ,, .Iti;, Mill, nt Hi. iiv.ini.iii-.v Hundrods of Toa- tlmonlala on fItO "rom thrmo cnrtxl of fonml" .ll»..iu>oS, |.ii»w In Lam an.l I.M.rt lii.a,! anl iiii,'.. h. rvoiui.li.f.lhty. Riiiwral d.'blllty. lmiil.ii4Jo, rliiuMiMliiiii, | nrnlvHi.s. niuralK-m, liii.iii r. llH..a«.i..l till! klrlii.'vn. «|.iiial dlnia-w. U.ri'i.l llviT. K<iut. Irui-orrli.iii, lalarrh of tlio I.I11.I.I. r I. xualo!sli«iuiti.)n. nominal ouil«il..n«. aatljiiialnart iUm Hd-. .Iv^i pvla. roniitli allon . r>M|i :lai;. inlii;. utiou, im]xit«n?y„ ihUh, «.iiiI<ii«v, <lunil) nvu" luul iliiil>ot<>R. S.i.l mmnp (or liai.il.ionii.ly lllnitraMwl Look aucllionJtli jonnml ( 'orrw|ion,l,.iic.. mriotly ronllili.ntial. t^u- sultatlou aud oloolrlcal troatmoutfrtii;. Afonm waniu.l ov. ryv.imo. lat. Fub.aetli, Xncfl^ Cure* Ouarantoed Modlontod Eleotrlo Belt Co.. 1 58 Quoon St. West, Toronto, Canada. A Positive Cure. Hh A. Painless Cure. ri'ACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. â- JiAi. DISEASC3 OF MAM. TiiK <.-«<#:. J r Hiiji I.TIB nnjruM't.n, Marv-il ol Hftaling, nnil Knhmoor n7 Wtulicini'i. ^*P-a-« Y^^a^CSC tltt.' i«'rrlhlt» roii«i4'i|i:4>nr,.tt ol liailliicn'ilon, â„¢i'*' ^^â- *-*- ^->»S» i:K|ia-iirc itiKl Ov<'rn<irk. '., iio aro IjruUcii lnwn from tlio »i(IiM-:d of uImih,) w ill i\ii.l in N<'. Ma rii-lii'itl ruro for utirvoua •luKillty, or^raiiic v/cixknct;-, invninntit.i \ viiil lohH,-s. olr-. V\ MrToMn ton wiiii 11 No, 8 hiuoni.i' nu I.'M'.p,â€" Wiint of I'Tioi^jy, \mtinii. wiint of iniiiiono, tlufinofn of ntclit, nvcmlon lo WMnnty, want of roirlilonco, avolilanro of i-onvtii-atiop, fo Hiro for HoMlll<l•^ lUtlomiiiflHn an<l inalillity to At tiu< utiontiMii on a patliniinr nnl-jort, ro>.oir<ll< «i, diiprtiMllnti of »|firltn, ^tiMint'Hii, Ioh4 cf MiMiiorv. imcltiihlllty ot tiirii|ii-l. npt't. loitorrlio a, or ioflfl of ilio tt'MiiluAl lliitd â€" tlm icihuII' of hoU'IiImiai) or marital fxi'M-sâ€"tnipc- • 'fio", luriiitritloii, tniiit!latioM, lianiuinoMi, I'lilpltation of tlin linirt, lunti-nr ft)«-lin»{^ lt< InDftlAM, trntiibllnir, nit'laorhol\ , litFtiirliinc (lioaini rto,, nni at! HyniiitoriiR of tliiK t«-rril>l oii'.-lt. «»flontiin('B iuMoni'iiflv t<r,|ulr'><l. I.i filiort. Ih« i.|lrin^^ < f mIhI loici- Ihiviiil,' loist it i tn. .i.iri, â- vory (unction waims in roim.-.pniiii'.o. St-ienlitUi writorHaiid tlio hiij.,-i iittoiotoiitH o' MiH.no ii^ylnuiii niilto in i.r.(-rtltnoi 10 tlin ciTt-'U of unlf al.in.M tli.. (^n.nt noijoiity of \Mintf.l livoN whioli CO II. titwK'r intir notirri. If y.ni iir'i Inroniimtnni. for tlot unlnoiM t'. mil «if Ini8tni»8i, liioaparltiito.l for tlio onjoyinxntt of lifn, No. m iifTorH iin o-nij'O froi.i ,. ulTfota of iiarly vicrt. It y .1. r.ro aavau.nvl in yaat'i, No. 11 will clvo you (nil xu.n v\A I i. 't;tli. If voii aro Itrokr.i ilowii, I hyitir ilU and iiioriilly tr.iin oavlv inillm-n'tion, ti .1 I â- .lit of iKnoranrr an. I foilv, m-iiil your fi.Mr.-i^l ami I.i I'-.otH In fli.itiii|iH (or M . \'. I,i' hosS 'i'. atl.« til Ko.ik Fortn on lliiK.aiei* or .Men. rit'..ti..l ..ml Hi.iiro finiii oli»orviitior,, .' .I.irt 11 all Loiiiiilunlratlonn to N. V. I.IJIIO.X, 4 1 UrIMiiKluu M. K., I or<tllt<>. A MiinwittioulwiiilonillvK inalotri paridiito. CURES CUARANTEEO. HEAL fHE SICK. A Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure. County and District News. Clipped and Condensed from the Colunt$is of Our JHucehaHget. .\ Bon (>( Mr. Hector Stetrart, of Ben- tick, waa earring a scythe l<tst week when he fell and cut hiH hand half off. Dr. Oun dresaetl the wauml and hopes to save all the btiy's tinkers. â€" [Grey Review. Our exohanfjea are cautioiiini; [niniater8 against too lengthy Mrmonit during the summer mnuths. Jnsh Billiii(>ii once Haid that a minister who ci>aidii't strike ile ill thirty minutes should change his business. â€" [Fickerin« News, There was a very destructive fire in Creemoro on the morning of the 17th iiiBt. Messrs, Gillespie aud Casy's block was reduced to ashes. Loss estimated at $20,000. Supposoil to have been the work of an incendiary. Mr. Richardson's f:irm honse and buildings, near Corbetton, were entirely consumed by tire last Friday aftenoon, caused by a Hpark wafted by the wind froiu a fallow distant alxiut four hundred yards, settling near nil old straw stack which alni(«t immediately ignited. â€" [Shelliurne Economist. On Monday evenlni; last Harry Craig, a little fellow of eight years, second son Mr, Win. Craig, phototfraj'her, was amusing himsulf by climbing 111 a new building whilu the workiiicu were alwent. He lost his lialance and fell to the ground troin It second storey window. Strange to say he picked liini«Llf up, and lieyond being nither sore and shaken u|> stvms none the worse for hi.s tumble. â€" [Gweii Sound .advertiser. I'.tl.sriL AiiiDKNT. - We regret to learn tliat oil Monday last, the wife of Mr. Geo. Hendrie, Lake .Shore line, Syden- h.tni, near .\nnaii, while standing; near a mare feeding in the stable, was bitton by the aiiininl, taking a piece out of tint cor- ner of htr lower lip and tearing the lip to tlie cliiii. Mm. Hiiulrie was ininiediittely broUL'ht by her hu.tband to I ir l.aiig. w ho dresaed the painful wound, ami she is now doin^ lu well as could he exiiecte«l. The aniiii.il h.id hitherto ln'cn ci'iinidered gentle and ijuiet. â€" [Owen Sound Tunes. CAMri.No yfARTriTF,. â€" On Monday last W««. Armstrong, 10. ^ Richardson and Charlie Sarjeaiit, of Klesliorton. .md Willie MoKarland, of Mntkiiiile, four re- Mpoetahh* youths. nrinivKo the lt-<tli with Ahooting irons, fully irpiiiipeil with tiKh- iiio t.ickle and tln-.i wiioiii s.. luiivily liiileii with cuiiip |>iii'npheriiali.i tiiiil pro- vi.sions that two of the party hiul to walk, started for tin- faiiioiis HiHh I.aki there t» spend a Wiok Hi'al|iiiiij linii.uis, hunt ing bears, iK-ltiut; li.ili, spcani^^ llo.^'.s, l>.'V..''_»ii|o foul aiiil iii.i.hIiiii',; tii..s,|iiitin's. We hope thru- ixi i-.. lalioii.s may bo fully ii-ali/.iMl and paiioiilly wait I'l' paiiiiMilan* I'i lluir nxploiiH. - .Maikiiali St.uiilanl. Luxuriant Hair Can only be preserved by keeping the Hialp liian, cool, and free Iroiu dan- ilriifT, and the lanly in a liralthful coiiilition. Tlie ortat popularity of Ayer's Hair VlRor h due to the fart that it rlian.^cH llio .si'alp, proniotes tlio Urowth of the hair, prevents it from f.illiu;; out, and give.s it that soft and Milky K'lo.Hs so i-inciiiial to perfect hoatity. Kriilirirk llanly, of Uoxlmiy, .Miuss., n giiitliuiaii (Ifty vtars of a;;e. \va,H fart losing liis hair, ami what remaiiii'il was growing gray. ,\flir trying various ilr...SMiiigs with ii.i iffeit, lilt oolimiencej the use of Ayir's Hair Vigor. "It .sioppeil the falling out." he writes; "anil, to my gn til surprise, converted my wliili) liair (without staining tho sialp) to the fume ulimle of trotcn It bail wlii'ii I was â- .'.', vi an of at;i"." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary .Moiiti-omery, of Hoslon, writes: " Kor \i>ars, I wa.s ronipolleil to wear a drrss rap to conical a bald «pot oil the ennvii of my head ; but now I 1,'liully lay tho lap aside, for your Hair Vi;jor i.H lirinjjiii',' out a new growth. I coulit liarilly tnui my senses when I lirst fotiml my hair crowing; but lliero it is, and 1 am deliglitod. / look ten ytuira younyer." A similar rosiilt attended tho nso o( Ayer's Hair Vi)jor by Mrs. O. O. I'ros- rott, o( Clinrlrslowu, M:w(s., Miss Hessio ){. lioilloe, of Itin 111,^1, ,11, Vt., Mrs. .1. J, Itiirton, of Ilaiij;..!, .Me , and numerous OllllMS. Till' loss of hair may be owing to Im- purity of the lilooil oV lUTaUKenient of the sliiinaih an. I iivor, ill w liii-h ruse, a loiiisi' of Ayer's MHrsHiiarlllit or of Ayer's I'llls, in 1 oniiritioii with tho ViKor, may ho iiiro.ssary to give health aiol toiii' III nil ihii riiui'lioiis of llio bixly. .Vt tho sinio tune, it cannot be too Ktroii(;ly iitu'iil that none of these rem<.,ll|.s can do minli (jood without II potsovcriiig liial ami slriit attoutiuu to (Iriiiily and tiinpirate habits, Ayer's Hair Vigor, rrrparrd l.v Mr .1 (' .Vycr ,V Co., I.owidl, Uu& Uolil by Liruyglti. aud I'.rfuuim. N OTIC E. To the Ladies of the Cointy of Grey. YOU ARE CORDIALLY LN'VITED TO VISIT CLIMO'S STORE IN EESHERTON and bring yonr Protliicc and ask to be shot^ii the beautifcl PRINTS 9t7itable for any weai-jng, Wc liave beautiful SfUlecn Piints at itooi 10c. to lie. per yard â€" such values you have not bt-eii olT*red before. Highest Price allowed for Egga. Buffer and Wool. The beat vay to destroy B^-eths is to sprinkle Faris Green and irafr-r on. the I'otatoe Vines. You can grt the Sprinklers at Climo A t'o « ic/iiV/» are cheap and good. Only a few on kand. Yonrs Tmly, •fCLIMO & C0.> •Wright's Old Stand, - Flesherton. I have received a Very Large Assor tment of BOOTS & SHOES ! Several Hundred Pairs of Mens', Womens' and Cliildrens' wliicli I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON, - - FLESHERTON. Flei^herton Carriase Works. McTavish & Legate M.tNLl-ACTlKKUS (IF M.lf.f.'O.V.S. SI.KIOIIS, KliiaiKS, OK.VKHU.tTS. ,ty. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. AlHoTKI.MMINCiS in Kreiit vftiit-ty. JIOUSH S1U>KIN(; pmniptl v atUjnditl :©â- Si'tual Attiutu:' I>. llrTIVI.Sil. K. r. LEtMTE HEALTH FOR ALL. Tmifv the r-ani.l. i "rit*-i kU I'l^c'idois of tho I^ivof, S*;t<>iiiiioh, Iviiln^jv'M, jxncl 15f>Avol!S. Thoy iiivi|"iriil«Hm I rostoro to h'taltli Ufl'ilitauvl t'on«litutioiiM. Mid uro iiivalnnMt' in nil Cui:; plaiiitsiuci'iojitul to KiMiiiiU-s ..if nW .liiv-i. Vor flnl.\ii.-ii and llu- ttK*'-! tlui ait- jticuIcbb. TIIF OINTMENT 4 an Infill liUlc loiiionv for l'..i.l l.i'tfs. Ma.l liri"««l«. dhl Wonmls. Soren and I'tcrrs, It isfaoioii!. for (i.nlt. an. I Uinniniatisni. I'or diioiik-rs o( Uio Clieit it has uo oi|nftl /'\j/'.s7> /.'/<; Timo.n, unoA'cifiTis. coudiis, colds UUnliiliir Swollin;;^. nitd nil skill I>isi>rtf;i»4 it ban tin rival ; and fur cnntriictuvl %ud siiO unit> It iiL'tH liku a clninii. M luafac'tuMMl only ut l'n'fi's;»or Hi'M,oWAY"s KstiiMishiiunt, IS, \o>v Oxforil Str<M»t ( late 5:i.*5, OxfonI Slrc<*t K Loiidon, and ar»i sold ut Is, IJd-.Jii. Ud.. 4«. M.. W*., '^2^.. and ;Wm, oacIi \\or or Vol, and may I'O liud of all Mt.-^' cinr VciuUms thrv'H^:hont the World. .:.;.*>', itfft>nl Stfit't, /,"im/"/», fhrit or^ :^*i*nfyi:<. FAEM for SALE BUI\(i l.ct (>. (on. 7. t)«('i<'v, liutr niilp iic'iii MllWVftl. l:i:» lUT.'^. (vl -uie.- ilnii.d. wtdl 1 watt'M'd. lui 1 nndr*!- L,'>><»d Kratc »>( cuUiv.ittt»n. I Widl ft'iu'i'd. I, 111 CO (iiiuii' Imrn iitid sialdc, frauio lious.'. r>'i fiittlu-r i''*'>'ti«'nlaii* ftl»pl> to | JuSlU'H liAPLKV. IT'J Spadiiui .Vvt'inic, | :ii.v:t7l, Tt'font**, GET YOUR MEAT •FKO.n-: R EMOVE D. Booth the Boss Barber, llllf IVIIIOiVi/ In iillf l<f till- ullt.jin ill \l m. Stniiii'.t lihiik Hiiir H'm. llanilinu.si'n ('uof mil/ .<Aiii' sliiiji, 7'oioiifo ulnrt. I'liiic he icill 'if hitp)']! Id .lie tin- smiliiui /ncff of all liix nhl vu.-itntiii'r:* tniil lis mini II ni'ir onr-.ii iT.< /o(i4' ctnifht'lril 111 ijivf- un- It rhinti'f I" iniiiM- t.lill mil liimliiliiiU (i.s f/ii. /i'o.« liiirhrr â€" "of (II, /|/ of h'lifhirfiiu, Iml iif Ihr ctitiir (lif- liii-l jiir liV'iilii tnilix urouiiil. Tito patronniio of the ladirs riiapectfully so- 7 Vv 77)tJ t'. llVlJUi. C OIW )' t i! >' Fob. mil, isHH. irALTi:n isoorn. for ^\ or six months for ^o ds. Blakelv & McConneil. CiE.VEHAI, IHTt^HKUS. FLESHERTON! rS'Cash paid for fivt cattle, Ac. .Vl-. ^S^' y