Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1888, p. 1

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^ Wm "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE."-" PRI^TIPLES, J^OT ME.Y.' VOL. VIIL, NO. 371. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, AUG. 2, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, EOiTCR * V REMOVED! . .. . â- ;,' - V o _- 01 ff Til friM 0^ o £ c CD © CQ Tit - Bits. ! Mr. Hurd and family, of Toronto, are | TtllOig uhnt g4>eih w* in a,ul ar^'^^^ ^"^^ "^ ^' '^''«- ^"""^ oittul Fte^ertoH. Mrs. James Kester and youngest I daughter returned ui Fleaherton on Mon- Mr. Will Thoaip.oB, «rf OriUia, i. »i«t- a,y ^,^„^„^ f^„ ^i,it,„g friend, near ina frien ds in Artemesia. { Stouffville. Misi Johnston, «f Mfcito waning, is! Mr. J. R Spotr, of the Dundalk Tinting at Mr. W. P. fewssley's. Mr. Samuel Kin^itoa advertises two gwd houses for Mili or tr> rent in this i w«ek's Advaxcs. Sea adrt. Herald, gave us a pleasant call on Mou day last. Booth, the B<«s Barber, Flesherton, has his tb<ip hi Strain's bliKk very attractively Btted up. Call and see Parlor ifdites. sow being I Mr. and Mrs. James Beecroft returned shown at Flesherton Funiitnrf Warer- home from England last week. Their roema. Quite new in Aesii^n. The best { many friends were pleased to meet with ever broucht into this eectioii, and at I them aipiin. although very sorty to leam prices lower ^n cheaf' trash goods have that the tnp had not been as beuefidal to bem offered by Oouoty dealers in the ] Mr. Beecn.>ff8 health u had been antici- past I pateiU--We hope, however, that g'jod r»- »j_yi ^-^â€"-^-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" j suits will ultimately follow. At Kiniberley.on Ae IM inst., the wife 1 Fatulity at a bam raiitimif. of J. R. Fawcett. ot a chmghter. j a faUl accident ocowrwl at a barn .VI U Burned, " Iraiaiue. near Rocklyn, on Monday last. I JJr. Wm. Hojw"* aav mill at Little I ^*«^**<=<'' "'»'^*'-' "*'"« w»s John Shaw, I FaiUw*idestniyedbyfir»about 11 o'clock i'»U from a beam , striking his head upon 'on Wedueaday niftht of last week. There wad nothioii saved. done Ut EnifianA. Sq«ii« M. Rishfcfdann and wife have gone to Env^nd oa » pleasure tnp. They will he abseut until October. We wish them a pleasant time and a safe retom. rUitim^ FrUnOs <i» ('. 8. Mr. Tboe. Hoffinger, thev<^pular Cleik in Mr. R. TriutMe's stow here, visited friends in BoKton. Dattoit and Toront- last week. He re^rta ka.vtiii: < sple udid time. BltuUr VotUett,. under the au'<piccs of'Artemesia Agri- cutural biiclety. D«ie n^Hice as to date and pi.^ce will be ijivcn in these o<iluuins later on. The enteqirito "f our Town- ship Society is very couiniendalile. brace. We have b«'en unable t< learn exact particulars, but believe death ' ccur ed a few hours after the accident. Mr Shaw was a bachelor. Correct ^o^ are, Bro. Blyth. The Eest Riding of Grey AKricuMural Society will hold its fall exhibition in Fleaherton, on Monday and Tuesday, September 24th and '25th. We hare re- ceived a copy ol the prize list, printed at the Advance office, in pamphlet form, and which for cleanieaa of iuiprcssiun and neatness in its gutieral make up would do credit to many (>fficeg in much large places. â€" [Chatsworth Sews. Our Biu^'jh^i VhtK •**~ '" The Flesherton Base Ball Club has been ro-orjranizwl. The following officers were elected for the st'ason : \. Munshaw, President. C. J. Leitch. Captain. (}. H. Hawke, Sec.-Treaa. D. Clayl.ii, .Vsnt. OapUin. H. Hawke. C. W. Wright, and J. Pavis. At Malmar Uikc. To Mtas Mahiom UcDokaU). I hkTu forgotten maoy thiols .\Dd foruiH and tAiu-* ot th« past. Put tiiu« can never do away Witb oKS rememhrsDcaâ€" IhU >haU lait. Ths* wimaier dar at If olmnr T*lio Tbe friends that mat â€" Uw aooEi we aaaf â€" The words we spoke in kindly mirtb â€" The pressure of tbe bands we wTDDg,â€" Are not (on|otten. Tims shall paaa .\uJ with It other nieuioriss tAke, But this it* p&intod tn mr soul â€" That auiumsr day at Malmor Lake. In cbanKeiul gloaius tbose waters mset.-j . A vartinR Krv^n. now iari, now li^t . ^ A fltfnl. rarf, inyst^rions bee. Hera stmu^ely deep, tberu softly trlght. A ««<rdness •verfaanc it all. A MDse of awe my spirit kasw : Yet. mingle'l witb tkU drMd; I felt A ttarillof rapture at thm visw. The soleniD vilenee on the shorv, i^rokeii at tini,tit by ft4>tne fiweet The Jip «f oan-tbe waters plssbâ€" Tbe echo from tbe biUs imttin.â€" Come to we in the qviet hoars, .Viid tbuA (loth fancy ssrecUy take Me ba4:k to other scenes aad souudsâ€" That suiuoifi day at Mulmur Lake. And we tliat metâ€" Ah I straocelT. too, From fir aiwt we Kathered there! 8oine fn>m tho City of the West' ^ And some oar own Canadian fair., And shall wo ever meet acain To kintllv tsre. tâ€" the haLd to lak«'> And to rtHFiit tbiise pleasant hoers That suumier Jay at Malmor Lakei' We know not. Hut a prayer 1 fraiue,â€" In ftwe»-t sincerity 'lia given Mar we, it meeting cot on Earth, Meet wUero uu paartia^ la â€" in Heaven Koa B. VaNOrslH Owes Soand. Jaly Mrd, IHik A Big PorrHpine. On Thursday niorTiinij last a monster ' {lorcupine wsa discoTt>ivJ by Lieut. ,T. .T. | Field prowling arotixl aoiongthu branch- | Working Committee ea of one of his a^Ie troea. The Lieu- 1 Now. ye clubs of surrounding towns tenant drew a bead »n th>> he.Icehog with I and villageB. prei'iire for the struggle. a ride and killed it T}>c animal weigh- TnimjtH Ahrmul. The invasion of the Presbyterian church one niirht last week Cwhioh wo omitt.Al to mention in List week's issue) shows that the w..rst "â- (luvies ' of tramp i.t arouuil eil sixty-six piimuk an<; was a splendid specimen of the ',><vu|>iiiA tribe. j Medical I'artttrnhift. Dr. Uixon, M D. C. M , and Dr. ' i llutton, M. D. '. -M., have formed a ' ,.;„ w „. i . . ,, t , .- .1. , , . ;a^'ani. .More bur,'l:iries .ire coiiimitte 1 )>.â-  1 partnership tor ti pru-tice of tlu-ir pro '.i, ,, < 'i ., , , ' '„. „' T,, , . ' „l'"'*^' fe.lows 111 t!ie rural dustncts than ' fession ill l*ricevie. 1 he former is we u,. »i. r i . known t> tlie majrit.N oi .\iiva\ik re.io- ,,;,.„. ,_.„ , , r i ., ... ,, , •„ , , »1'»\V Were 11. it:y<suive»sfiil :i.s th.'v aiitin- ers, while the liter will b<- iii tht- same ,..,„ i „ ,,, • , ' , „ ui* 1 pateil on the occasion nained. w:is die to position. Dr. mton recently iracticed,!, .,„,. ,-,1 i , â- ,, »- , , . , ,, i>.. i^fi, â-  thocareHil manner in which Mr. Neit ai- with Dr. Pattuilitif Hrampton. i„. ,,. i i ,. ... , L__ !"•'>" '•'"'>'' nft'T everjthiug eonmcted ill the n'lmtr â- ti^'.hrt. i with the church. A KimlK-rleyvrn-spoiuUnt, signin, K„„,.„i„„„dIiWl. 7)^,7' I himself "t1n.i wlwas Thei-e,' *ill under .\n oxcitui- l)a.se l<all m.itch was played I stand wliv his Iter does not appear 111 1 ..It Kimberley the other day, Wtween Tbk AnvAS. k, len we tell him that he ' Eugenia and Redwing clulw. At the etui ] forgot to funii the EdiU.r with his j of the ninth iiiiiin- Vhe scores stood : Inoiiio iw a i,raiitee of j.',..>d faith. I Redwing, 18 runs : Eugenia, 1(1 runs. It was one of the best amateur games ever played in the County. There were three a i,raiitee of •Articles so set us arc invariably eon- sigped to the we liasket. I Death of Setatit Stone, IOn Saturday t. at liis late residence, .\rtemesia, aft a brief illnesn of three (days, dieil Sernt Kiclutnl Stone, :vged :42 years. Deaed was an old resident I of .\rteinesia I very highly respected. I He became a ember of Flesherton I Volunteer Coiiiiy iii tlie year 1S('><! and never failed tttuiul annual drill from "whitew.asheji" <.n each side, while tlu' playing of both -.oains was brilliant throui^hout. Eugenia team h.ad tw,i meu who never iilayed in a match before, wliicli, no doubt. h;ul considerable to do with their defeat. The return maUh will be 1. Hiked forward to with much interest. Kntratiet- ExntniHiition. Of tho lyJ'J candidate^! who wrote at that time to tlay of his death, except ! the recent entrance examinations at t>weii ou one or t\<casion». when he cimld j Sound, Meaford. Durham and .M.trkd.ile, not p.»sil)ly »k1. He was a Chri.stian „u!y ui were succtwsful. US candidate.s in the liiizhestl l«>st sens*' of that ti rni. wn.te at Owen S<.und, of which 47 were His death is lei-sjilly ivu'ivttwl in this ^ successful ; M at Meafoitl, of which L'l! district and Jrever he was known, j wore successful ; 61 at Durham, of which He was Seryt in N... ti Comi>any I 21 were siu-eessful ; .and ;!4 at Maikdale. I Volunteers, ;« memlvr of the Omnge j ,,f which IT wen- sui-cossfiil. Of the sii order. t.>n May last his remains were pupils sent up to Mjukdale by Mr. IrViii, interred in e Flesherton oemeterv, ! ^^''"'*'l'al of bHesherton I'nbie Sohoi.ls, attended by. latV^st funeral ,:,te.,' ''Z.ilTua' Tt' V'",,Aâ„¢?y""«- »;7' â- ' . , ,^ T.1 1 X J Arinstruog, Lewis LudK.u , Frank Sulli ever seen ms locality. Tho last sad van. nnd Martha Heattyâ€" very creditable, rites at the'o were performed by the | indeed, to Mr. Irwin. Frank Sullivan Orangoiiieu . the Volunteers under »*"»'*' ''f"> •"ffl't'St iMi tho whole list of command oftit. .1. J. Field. Rev. J. »"<*-^«'<f»l ^an-iidalv* Vfo i>.,»gr»tulate J \v ui 1. k ..rt; ;«♦«! v\ i » the successful pupils, and, at same time. |A\.Shdton,i.,ort.ci.^ted Meshertun bid the unsuccessful ones -be of good I br»ss band frd tho prDCcssuui. cheer'â€" "tlwre's a gm-d tune coming " I \ An Inttoeent AhrMul, Uro. W, DoR, now of Winnipeg, former ly <A Port ^^rry, and a member of the Masonic lod^ here, gave iDstruction t'< a friend here; a member of the lodge, to entertain the ImKbreu 'f tho Kxlgv at hi« (Br^>. DuU's; expense, as a manifestation of his fraternal regard for the members . .of hiji mother lodipib The entertaimaienk took place on the evening of Frnlay, 22nd fnst. , and to.lc the form of a converiazione. Th'- W. M lin>. Prtuoe, occupied Bhe chair. Seven 1 brethren madb Highly cofiiplinientary r- marks on the genuine worth of the gencr oiu eiitertaiiier'as a true man and \ worthy Mason. .\ll, not alone his 'bsethrvii of \hr mystic tie. â-  but all acqeamted wjth Brv Doll, are greatly pleased to learn that he is prospering admirably in hw aii.pUo home.- Port Perr>- Standard. • Hon. C. Edwards Lester, Late U. S. Consul to It.olr. author of "The Glory and Shamecf England," ".Vnierim'-i Advauoement," etc., etc., etc., writes aa follows; New York, .\iigiist 1. I'^si; v:-: (•:, .Tiii -i. i r>R. .T C. .\TKn Jk C.<.. l.owfll. M.i*. . I IrlilU-iiien ; â€" .V Hrii!*t> of ijrrititn,' • niul tlir .Ic.^iii' to rciiilir .1 s.-ri 1. 1. 'n t) . put.li.- :iiiliel me to make the (o|Io«in- sl.tt4!aient.s: My col li'ce career, at New liaxon. ivai inii-iiii]'t«'il l)_v a seMTi' col.l \\ 1 •, 'i -• < n.'i'i lu.'tl iiie llial. ii'V ten year.". I !i.a.l i Itanl .•.! niggle (or life. Heiiionh.V,' from till' hionchial |<iu«.<ta)fes w .1.< tl risiilt of almost every fresh eTp<>.inr» Kor year^ I was under treattmnt â- ( il, â-  iihlest piaititioners without a\ail. .A â-  Uust I learneil of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I nscil ( moderately an. I in sira! i ilostvO at the rirst recunenie of a â-  « il or any chest d.tBr»ilty, ami from nlr. 'i I invarl.ilil.v f<>unil relief. Tlii< m^ over -.^ \ear< ago. With all sor'-i . ,* I'xjMvsiire, in all surti of i Iniates. I lis\ • never, to this day. h,<>il any colil t.u: any afTection of the throat I'r ;iini!< wlilrli dill net vialil to .VvKR s L'HKRKV I'Ki ToR.M. within °Jt hours. (>f roiirse I have nevov alloweil n"-. .Self fo lie without this remeily in all ti' . vovajjes snl travel.'*. I'mler my ow i otwervation. it has given relii'f to vH«t numliers of persons: while in aiiifc ra*-* 4if jMihiitiMHrv intiammation. siu-h a* rroiin ami liSphtlicria in rliililren, lil - lia.s til oil pr<',<erv«l through its elToi •« 1 reii tiiiiienil its use in Ii|ilit Imt fK-- <)iiciit .lo.siis. Proi>i'rly nitmiiiistered. i'l Bccordaiii e with youi ilireitions, it n A Priceless Blessing in any house. 1 speak earnestly I>e<Hi'<> I foel tariiestlv I have known man. rases of a|i|>arehtly conlirmetl broncliil < an.l loiiv'h. with lo.ss of voire. pnrti< i . larly aiimn); elergvmeit and other publi • S|>cakers. perfectly cui*<l by this medi- cine. Faithfullv vours. C ICDNVAUnS I.ESTKP, Ayer'g C^rry Pectoral, rrrnsrtsl by Or J. C. .\v»r .* Cn„ T.ow»ll. Mi»^ SoM bjr all l>nj|H[ie»s »pa Ueslen in Wxiiciiu. 1 mmm

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