\XG. 2, l8S€.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. vn ^•f.y .V.?." c The last l?ose of Summer Will shortly be gone, And the last chance this summer TO PURCHASE Summer Goods at Clearing Prices Meaning by that, any price to clear them out, is now offering at M. RliniJUUISON & GO'S MILLINERY for a Song â€" providing it be well sung. DEESS GOODS for â€" well, say a small consideration. | MUSLINS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS â€" take them away GLOVES, from 5 cents per pair, all sizes. MENS CLOTHING, Hats, Sec, see them before purchasing. BOOT & SHOE stock kept well assorted in Styles 6c Sizes. OUR NEW TEAS ARE INTERESTIUG CHEAPER THAN EVER !^^^- SUGARS FOR FEUIT PRESERVING, A LARGE STOCK SECURED BEFORE THE RECENT ADVANCE IN PRICES. ^Building HARDWARE, Paints, Glas^^ And all requisites at CLOSE FIGURES. We are Buying Butter, E<>g^s, WOOL «iiHl Other Produce For Cash or Tnide> We are receiving consignments of FALL GOODS, of which further notice will be given. rifflffla a m^ = FHISIEMiii