Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1888, p. 1

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PLESHERTON ADVANCE. % ,-*^ 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR"-" FRLYCIPLES, jVOT MEX.' VOL. VIII., NO. 373. FLESHEFoTON, ONT.^ THUESDAY, AUG. 16, 18SS. W. H. THUR8T0H, ^°1%li..ncn Th.G LlOCal lUeiVSi \ J'er^nal. , toD in m««ia] order, with eren st«p Mid ' Master Ell. Strain returned home ftvn | burning lightt, and played one of thew UTiat Is Happening In Our Own ' ^^ ^^p to Manitoulin Island. 1 Vicinity. Mrs. Outhbert and two daughwts, of School commences on Monday i Priceville baseball club plavs Dundalk ^ on Saturday. t^TS^^ The Most Beautiful And Select Stock of WATCHES The first load of stone for the new bridge acruas the Boyne w&a delivered on Tuesday. Rer. Mr. Shilton gave an interesting and eloquent sermon on Sunday evening last upon the subject of Prayer. finest selections on the village square. two daaght«t«, Toronto, are visiting at Mrs. Campbell's- | Pricevlll* Ilen&. M r. Fred Leitch is home viaitinc; his ! parents here. He looks hale and hearty, j "^'^ ''^ '^«™ 0>irr^.«<i«.<. Mr. Jcaeph H. Strain, of the firm of j The rxn storas of lat« have just $.ived Strain Bn-s.. merchants at Minot, : t^e crten crop* from btm,- a laiJart. Dakota, is hoc.e 'â- >n a visit to hi* p&renu i E''>-'ry<^-iDj i» growini: r;c«ly now. b\;l here. j some j-eople are cornpiainui:; aKut :he rain 5;xiiling their small r^^tav es â€" i making them grow inf> lar^-^T ones. SiiiMrn Death , Mr. T. H. Carr. lumber buyer fcr Mc- ! The Eletric Fluid played .\ bad pnink Craney. McC.x.l A Wilson, of Ton^nto. , ^n the 3rd inst. bv passin,- through -h- while assisting to 1,^ flat can on Friday ^^We ( : an unc<cnpi^ house owned br Ust at r.eahert,.n station, was suddenly ' Mr. J. McDoogaU, and r^acin^ it t j seized with an attack .f heart syncope „hea in the midst of the heavy rain. .V and fell frtm the car to the ground so , nn^jber For Sale, or will exchance t ^r stock â€" i violently as to sustain a fracture uf the A Melodeon. Ro*ewo<.d cue. excellant , skuU. Death waa instantaneous. He We bad a call fmm Mr. S. .\. Stinson. of C.illiai:wi.H d, on Srindav. He pro- nounces that town as p rxisi^r.u*. tone and in gtHxi oi-der. This is a chance ' was unmarried. The b. dy was sent to for wmeone ; don t miss it. For par- ticulars enquire of R. V. Legate Flesher- 1 3<5 years of as:e ton. •f fruit and •.â- m.\mcntal :r\- » wtre broken by the wind, n the \K»« date. Ill this neigh borhoo!. There has been a go^xl deal of taU Allandale. Mr. Carr was a man of about j i,,ely u, Kientific circles ab-iut Young, old. :ind middle aged, oil ex- perience the wonderfully benelicvd oti'ects of Ayer's Sarsai>iinlla. Young children, suffering (roiu »or« cyea, son> ears, s^ald head, or with any scrofuluus taiut. K>- cvime healthy and stn ng by the use A :hia medicine. Sn b<.)ttles. $5 \An Improve mrttt, Tha recent in -h-i %"e!;.ent n the front Miinshaw's premiaea is a CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, Between Shelburne and Owen Sound is to be found at Rnssell Noted Je^^velry Store , of Mr. r. N. new departure iii the hiaher style rf architectural admmtiit In additi'>n u> a neatly cvnistructed stone wall, fronting on Peter street, sunji.'unt^d by an iron fence in the Graxv. Roman stylo â- â€¢'f iTchitecturv, the grounds ire in course of preparation to make it au attractive feature in the ornamentation of '-)ur town ediMes, The editor of this p-aper wmt picking berries the other d..y. He ww sixteen {tartridgea, heard au iiuitauon wildcat and had hU panu U^rn. .Vnd yet he , ^he Hired -Va/t. grumble, because he didnt get a chance ; _^ gentleman in this town U-ld us a to grapple with a bear. S..me vv^^ple are i ^^^ ,4^,^ ,,,• ,j^„t mmdednew the other "^''W ••tisfiedj I j,y Hj had a hired man who wa-s very Wantfd. A good weaver, or a smart girl willing to learn, -^pply at Flesherton wooUeu mill*. iVprtrfure. Mr. A. R. Fawcett, late proprietor this i>apei, left for his new home in Streetsville this morning. May success {vrch uivn his banner. abaent-minded indeed. One d.ay this individual had occasion to drive a cow Si'me little distance to water. After ' starting on the return journey he fell to musing and j<.>ggeii along behind the cv^w : with hi* head down. On arriving at the °' stable he looked up, but the oow wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere, that hejpiu-her didn't could see. She has not turned up yet. i K>"ep Miss S. transits of cenain »urs. black sfwcks n the suns face, etc.. but some of our citi.'ens. a few days ago. i-bserveu a •'Ei:wk" without speco passcing across :.-.e sur:ac« of oar town. The astr.':o.;t--i pronounce said phenomena to lie :â-  •-• anual transit of a certain Bunnesaan <t.vr passing through this i>or:;on of the atnu-«phere. and that s.-ik: transit is al- ways accompanied by morv or less noise It was al»i> visible at the station. .>:: y with the difference that said moren^ent or uoiae was more distinct an J prolonged. Two young Pilgrims, ine hailing fv lii Irish Lake, and the >.ther from Fieahe: tvn stAtion. came into town a few days ago to try the stimulating "water*' at the shrtnea of "Tom" and "thmcar They acted something like the turkeys that ate the fermented cherries, but the boys didn't pluck their feathers off. jt put them under the pump. WKaT TH«V S.4T. 17 to 6 at Fleahertiin, and our boas play eitherâ€" B. B. Club Henderson on the alto â€" and that was ten vears aco. That ct.iw i'renentatioH. disappeared as mysten^usty as the "Loet On Saturday evening last Miss WuhI. ; Sir Masainitbird. ' but she left her tale on behalf of the Flesherton Station • behind her. l^ptist cvingregation. presented Kev. T. Wats<->n with a well-filleil purse. i>/t Oirr. I Two commucicatlons have reached us with preference to the fomntiou of ' Farmers Institutes at M&xwtll and Mc- I Intyre. They arrived too late to bo : available. *>ut will ajuear luxt week An Intereml lii{f Tri/i. Mr. Ji<seph Bl.<>ckbuni left ,;i Tâ- .lesd,^v ! for a trip to Gorrie. He .irnved h â- iiif ' I last evening, acciMnitanied by the late | I Miss Ella .\vrcs. with wi.oni he h.vs i I formed a life i<artnership. Mr. and Mrs. j Blackburn have i>ur very best wishea for their future happiness. Ganl^i Pnrtij. The gnnien party at the Station on Wednesday night of l.vst »etk was a very pleasant and successful affair. Mr. R. t\Hik and Mr. J. McMuUen spared uo [Wins in ;>roi>aring the schi-nd grounds for the ivcasioii. The sch»>l itself is a cred- it to the section, the gMunds are well- iiolevted, and the t.-v.^tefully planteil trees all sot'ni to b»> doiii^ well. The lady friends, led by Miss W,^.d. pnnideii an excellent tea and served it in a pleasing and attentive manner. Lemonade, cor- di.ala and ice croiiin were also pn^vided. .\fter enjovinij the ample repast, pleasant i conversation and several games, the cx-m- I pany was called to oraer. T. tiraiiffer. lEsvj., pre&idrti. and filled the posiiion I very acceptably. His encouragiiiij rt- ci>ngregation. IX>u't you want to join the Agr Soc.- : â€"J. Mc.\rthar. I know how to buy groceries now - Jim. TO \I>umi>etl. 1^ â- â-  ^ -, . , .;„ , .1 ...I , Charlie Sargeanf. butcher of M.^rkdale. ' hiui quite a fuiiiiv accident imi Tuesday Ho was driving over the bruise at Umt ; "'*^''*- '""â- "'^"'â- ''>- *'^'"' '""''^ »""^">"-"'^'-| phuH-, when his horse drew th. ,„,. ,.:ostivo criticism* of the various iters ol ) meat and basket.-, over the brid.-o. It is 1 '^e Vt^'-™»' »«e very timely an.i »el, | rtveived. Miss Spnuil r.iid Miss lr» 11. lost a.;reeabK' : â- sii- ; bv' said tlieiv was can. I It is I a imichlv inixod turnout r? (r\ ri\ 1 »l^^"t that time, but tliat nothmo «as •â- ^>"> M^'rkda'.e. ivnder..d mo.,t a.reeaH I I I I K\ I dam.ai:e.l. -'A wink is as c-W .«, a mnl »"' b" singmg ami raving. IheHesh ' I I l\* I t-' » 'Wi-'l horse." but it seems iieitlier >-'rtoi, brass K.nd mspunl enthusiasm b; J V^ J U LI '"â-  t!HM« availed 111 this c.«o. , '^'â- ^ »«^ ''"' T'^^-** "''"> ^â- ''' ''' *"*' ^>' '^ •â-  ^^ â- â- 'â- â- '*, _. . ' choerf 111 way in which they resiV'iidiHl t j A Social trathering. Call and look at our Fine Walche?, bearing:; from 3 to -^ ^"'O- i-io.-w«nt social gathering was -It. 11 ,.L„„ „u ^U^^r^^^ tU^^ ,. ^,, that held over Medical Hall on Satuniay > vcir warrants. \\ c sell them so much cheaper than you , . . ^ . t i .. 1 \t.ii v»,iiiaii. i_ . . 11 . ^ ,. evenimj last by the N O. 1. It w,*s call can ,!;et thcni elsewhere that it will pay you to come twenty, ^.^, ; ,„,^,^. j;,^ „^_ miles and buy iVom us. Our stock ol" piii'poso ot teiuieriiig W K. WEDDING RINGSâ€" GEM RINGS, Fawcett. who is U>«viiig i i^ri^.,,^.;!!^, ^avp an sjx-ech. Mr. Ingh.aii publicly to Mr. iliis community, the ho.-irtfelt wishes of ' the society for his future welfan\ Mr. ! Fawcett has for a long tune Kvn identified j with the temi>en»nc<.' iiiovonient in this IS SIMPLY IMMl^NSU. Uyou w.->„, .-> wedding r,ng it j PJJ^. J' --';;:;:;;:--'-|, Will pay you to go to Rl SSLLL b, as you can do better ij^^, F^^e^tf", removal, a numWr of there than elsewhere. Just try and see for yourselt and re- ' ,peoches wen- made. >iis» Carne navis member that the only place to get your watch or clock, gav, a ricit«tion in cMviient style. Dr. repaired properly is at KLKJ?IIJEFlXO:V, Chrirtoe presented, on K>hall .f the St>cietv, a beautifully emjr-vssed and framed address to which Mr. Fawcett re- plied very graivfully, yet with deep emotion, .\fter r\-fre«hiuents h^d Wen aervwl and a little s.vial chitchat in- dulged in. the gathering dispi>rse«l. to the inviUation. Miss Rutletige gave a nxMtation, .and Mr. Wilson sang a sorjf tliat nv.aHeii mnny sweet .vi»tvi;\fi >ns of other days and distAiit lands. Mr. Tarker. son of Kov. Mr. Parker, iatt- of earnest, friendly of Toronto. i:ave the si^eech of the eveiiim:." and Rev T. Watson gave an explanation of the prin- ciples oil which the Cliristi.Mi mission at the Station is worked, showinjj that the mission is wholly in the hands of and ct'-ntrolleil by the Station o>ininunity.,aiid that ]H-^iple of every name, .anil no n.ame at all. are there enaWea to work together in the Redeemer's cause, with no other Wnd than that of mutual c<mfideiice and oneness of aim. The siiigine of the Na- tional .-Vuthem, lotl by the band, thus bnnight the pr\>coediiig8 to a cliwe. Near midi.ight the band marched into Flesher OLD PATRONS. AM OHLIGKD FOR CONTINUED CONFIDENCE AND P.\TRON.\GE. mil hr with next week- 7/ou asii!^' J2\vm£^ MAMIvl>A.T^K. â- ^.^: ^.. ^â-  '^

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