THE FLESHERTOM ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. Kvery Thursday, i'aoii TUB OriricB, ib'y /â- •)('<'i»i Stn^'.t, • • FUiherioH, Unt. TEKMS OK SUHSCRIPTION : 91 iM?r auiiuiii when paid strictly In advauce • 1 jo pur auuuMi wlicii not no pat'l. W. H. THURSTON, E'iHur and PntjnieUxr. ki:j"HHasia. Ill suiiic iMii'tioiiH of Kuphraiiia tliu wheat, j)t;a and hay crops aru cmisiderahly al«jvo average, ami farmers as a general rulu are well satiiiKetl with their pruapects. A soap agent secured orders in Wiartou last week for 8280 worth of soap. That is a dollar's worth for every man, but we guess they uouJ it. FLESHBRTON: THURSDAY. AUG. 16. 1888. O I li IMl'll E S S lOXS. The Markdale Standard egotistically remarks that, as their band was at a garden party, is was impossible for tlietu to be present at the band tourna- ment m Walkcrton tu compete for tlie prize. W'a always thought garden parties were good for Houiething. and uow we know what it is. Walkcrton people ought to prcbent a medal to the thoughtful iudividiial who tngin- W'ti came to Flcaherton with a Jeered ♦hat garden jiarty. knowledge of sonib of its people and ' ^- cf lis situation, but without h deep in- I '^^*^' <^'l"''o» "' "'''^"" '"^''' ''''"^«- hifhtinto the grand posBibilities in' "lay is expected to be a red-hot one. store for it iu the future, or tho real I Halton was one of the first electoral advantages which it enjoys in Uio I districts to adopt the Scott .\ct. wiiieh present. In thi.s matter wu'have been | '' «'=^ »"»"^''= "B" f l"*'"'- Whiskey very agreeably 8uri)riyed-iu fact, as- I "ow flows as free as water all over toiiished. It is pleasant to have this j'^'C county, but although Halton has to say, and wu say it in all candor. ! repealed the Scott .\et, rrohib.tion is Kooiie who has not lived here for <"«-' "f t'"' liveliest issues of the pre- some little time can properly luider-'sent campaign. Both of the candi- hland this. Centrally located, in the >^atos have .sat in the House of Coin- heart of the county, it oujoys excel- , '"""S. »"'! ^"'•1' ^'"^'^ l'^' " ""sealed, lent facilities for drawing to it a trade | M''- J"'"' ^Valdie (louts the Liberal unexcelled by any inland town m the'^lig and Mr. David Hunderson, who <:ouuty. It lias good business houses I l'<-'ld the seat during last .session, but uud excellent thoroughfares leading to it ; consequently it lias the ad- vantages of a first-class market. Biucc we first set eyes uiwn this vil- lage, over twenty years a.,'0, it has frown out of all recognition. .\nd yet, in l)(jkiiig over an old diiuctory of the <.'ounty, published in IHfiO, we notice the names and advertiHenienlii of some of Flcshorton's prominent business men of to-day. flTliy is this? iSiinply because it has been luid is a since displaced, nulls his colors to the mast head of tlie Old Man. Mr. lleuder.son'8 majority over Mr. Mc- Leod at the last election was 110. The coming contest will be a one. Evidently it is a case of whiskey or uo whiskey. SImll the people go dry or shall they permit the licensed vending of wet goods in their midst ? If history docs repeat il.self, the in- habitants of Halton won't go dry; Scott Act or no bcott Act, Mr. Hen- derson has put himself on record as in favor of Prohibition, while .Mr. lioalthy place for biiHini'ss iiion to live iu. Fleshertou was not hatched in an incubafir, and hoisted into its VValdio won't dcclaio himself present pijsition by a speculative mania. Its growth has been "slow and sure, but healthy, ycr honor," like I'at's carbuuclo. 1 1 IS a piuture8<iuc little town, loo, looking at it from au artistic stand- point, with its pretty elmrches, mug- nitic<Mil school and neat streets, and can be made still more beautiful witii little effort, as the population increas- es and grows wealthier. NS'e are one of the Kleslienonians imw, iind after lliiee wreks' residence we fan say em- jihatically that we are glad of it ! General News. The Canghuawaga Indian murderer has been arrested. General Slieridau was burried at Wash- ington on Saturday. A through lino of railroad now coiia«ct« I'aria with Constantinople. Hon. Wilfred Laurior spoke at the political picnic at Uakville on Monday. Laborers on the South Norfolk railway struck for an increase of pay on Saturday. Two liuiidreU people were drowned at Valparaiso, Chih, by the bursting of a reservoir. The children's jubilee tribute, amount- ing to £0,000, has been presented to the Queen. Oeudral Middleton goes to British Columbia about the latter end of this month. Hon. John HagK&rt has been sworn in as I'oatniaster-General and is now in South Lanark. Sir (leorge Stephen has resiijned the presidency of tho C. I*. K. , and leaves this week, with Lady Stephen, for Eng- land. (ieneral Middleton has received word from an otiicer in the Skeeiia expedition that tliu men are doing well and are likely to return soon. John M. Thomas, a company hand, 80 years old, at work at the head of shaft No. 1 of the Su»i(uehaiina Coal Company at Nanticoke, I'a., Saturday, stopped from the platform U|Kin which he was staiuluig and fell headlong down the shaft, a ili«tance of over !K)0 feet, to the'jui. Every bone in Iiis Unly was broken, and the tiesh was renderi-d as soft as jelly, making it impossible to tell the poor man's head fr<.>ni the trunk, so terribly was it mashed. He was to have been married on Sunday. NEWADVEHTiSEMENTS. fiEO. MITCSELL, CLAWSON vND AND SENECA FALL WHE.\T FOK S.*LK. Avvh to THOS. kELLS, Vaudeleur. OWEX SOl>» ^joHegiate ^institute WILL OPEN ON Monday, 27 th All :2i^st, 1SS8 Eicflli-iit .Stailot Ttttcht-rs. IL^l fctT olErially repurtH it ti'.e Bent E<jitipi)ftl School in Ontario. Classes for First, Second ami Third t la«« Certlflcatei. Junior and Senior Matriculation with honors, and law and Medical Esaiuiua- tious. At the ExauiiDationi, Ihw. a!! the Vciv.rsity Matriculation Candidates were succeasful. four obtaiuini; boiiors, aad one a protlcieucsscholaf Bbip. The Caiiiildaieii iit the re«:!t txaii.iua- tion fron; this Sthool < l.taini; I The larsost Xuinber of Tonrhers' Certiflrates in the Proviiire. Fkissâ€" Fall Teri;l. W Apply to F. \V. MEUCHAST. I'nucipal, or I). U. UOblK. Sec. Hoard ol EJiicatien. Owen Souud. Aug. l.ith BANKER, VUALGUT.i DoVOUr iSh SOLI: S'lUt <o.(i Aroiuiiif. .'ii'i '/'"â- /â- -V"<f<i ./ Jluliunl^'jii it' Cot. ^ttVml DR. CARTER, MCI'. A S . nvT PBYSKIiX. sii{«;eox, &o FLESH EI:T( IN. iifflec. St.-ai:i : 1;.....V-ir.. W::; V\ ! i::!.: P. Partnership. E. F. IIIX»\. M i->i :; J. U. m TTOX. n I) CM cicor I'uosi'Evrs. Never howl â€" it is wolfish, not ( iiriatiiiii. A few weeks n^'o tlieic \v:i.s ficincrly an iiidiviiliuil in our l.iiiil wlio did not biiwl for ruin. That IVovidi'iico who niliili all Ii.iiig.s has ( iidoweil llii? CDiniiiiiiiily .1' hii' e with <iiiiiii;li and to .spiiii', i.i;l\villi.-i|iiiiibii'_' our idooniy furebod- iiigH. Let UH take u " cast ' uver oiir iwi-K s|i()iideue< : AlllKllKhU. May, !ii{hl ; full wheat, avuraxe, iimd- erati . uiihaome failures and sonui e\- U^tSEIiALL, Tho best gamu of )>asc)>ull ever witness- ed oil the HesluTtoii (lianioud was playeil here on Sudirday liutweeli the home and I'rie.'ville elidw. For tlie first f^ur inn ings the score stood 2 to 'J, and the play- in){ » as exeuptioiially brilliant forainatuur clubs ; in fact wo have seen profcmional clubs play much worse DuriiiK' the first half of the tiftli inning thu umpire ^avo an erratic cUeisioii ainl thi' vi.HiUTH »oere<l four runs with two men out. Tho uiiipin' ailiiiittud his urmr, hut it was ton late to riMiieily it. 'ITiis dlshuartenod our tH)ys, and thuy stotilily full l>ehiiid, until, at the riiJ of tin- ninth inning, the score liy inline.,'* stood : Klesherton 1 I (I 1 1 1 I - tJ Prieeville •.' (I tl f. 16 4 â- 17 Consliliriii^ that our team has only Ixeii orpiiii/.od two weeks, tho way they hi'ld the visit. irn down to so kiii.iII ii neore was suliject mailer lor sorpriii- \\\' eon Hnlcred Ihe ){iiiiie of S.ilmilay u uraiid Koi'iess, ami inoihcl, a much closer onr luxt time, when iMir hoys have >,'o| tluir iiiiiAcle up. NoTKs. The Kaiiio tlir iii'.;lioul \v,ih reiiiarkaldc fi>r llie Mnall ntinilMT of bit.-, ijot oil' either t;esn n imcli as Tbiiiiias Kelln, K'iq , and I piiohev bis III i^liliors, who will rc;i|i nt least l!,') lo 40 biiKlieJH per acre. riiis that the nloiy of our Ciiuntry has hut departed us n f^iain-kirowiiig ill.Hliict. l.ut (hat ii l.ij^licr kiiowle<l'_;o of lillu;(i) is iho main leipiisite. Spiiiii; i;iiiiii« ami roi4 crops .lie .ill thai eoiild Iw d.Mred. InistloRe. Fniin iiiir inrn Vorretpvndrtil. Anniversary lornions in connection with the MethiKlist Church will be preached here next Sahlxath. There will Ihj a tea-meeting on the Monday evening following, Mrs. CluHholm, of Manitoulin, is visit- ing her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstroiij'. Farmers who have fall wheat in this vicinity say it is a jjood crop this year, and owini; to the recent rains the other crops will Ik! i{o(kI, Miss hizzie and Maria Hutchinson are visiiing friends in llerlin. Last Monday ni^'ht, about 10 o'clock, some person or persons unkiniwii tried to set lire to Mr. C, Johnston's barn. Mr. .MeUay was tho tirst to mdice the tire. lie iiiiiiiediately aroused Mr. .lohnston, and tluy hastened to the btru just in tune to ijiiuiich the Haines, which were nipidly apn-adin^,'. Mr. .Johnston tracked till' ineiiidiary for some distance, but so far no more trace of the [larty has Kh'Ii ilise.ivi'red. SIT Si!. miE im. Xoticr to Contractors. tIEALEI) TESDEKS artdr«»»»vl to the uiuler J5 *inu«"<l and endorsed "Tenders for tho bault Ste. Marie Canal, * will Ik» roceive.1 at tUi.-- uIlK-e until the arrival of the eastern and westirn mallnou TtESDAY, the 'ilrd day of Oetul)er, next, for the ((â- rniation and construction o( a Canal on the Canadian aide of tbv river, Ihroutih the Island of St. .Maiy The works will l>« let in two nectiouf . one of which will embrace the foi tuation of tLe canal tUroujjh the island, the construction of locks, •tc. The other, the dee'peiiiug and widening of the chanuei way at both ends of the canal ; con- â- tructlon of picra, etc. A map of the locality, together with planiand i|iecitlcation!i of the works, can l>e aeeu at this oinceuuand after TCESD.W, tho SHll day of October, next, whera printed forms of lender can also be obtaiaed. .\ like class of iuforma- tioii, relative to the works, can be iK-en at the office of thu Local Officer m the Town of Sault Bte. Marie. Out. Intending contractors aro requested to l>ear in mind that tenders will not l>e coiihidei ed iin le«ii made Btrictlv iu accordance with the priut ed forms ami be accoiupauicHl by a letter stat- llili that the person or peraons tendorini; have carefully examiueil the Itwalit)' ami tbs nature of the material found in the trial pits. In the case of firms, there must tx attached the actual aifinatiires of the full naiue. the na- ture oi the t^cupatlon and residence of each mainl>er ut the same ; and further, a ux-sK kk- is.>8iv UK.'KiiT for the sum of *D,0(X) must ac- company the teuder for the canal ami locks, and a hank nr.vosiT rfckipt (or tho sum of ttHV luiiat accompany the teuder for tha deep- ininii au.l wiJeniuK of the chauuel'way at both ends, piers, etc Tha reajwctive DBrosiT UKCKIPTSâ€" cheques will not l>o accepted â€" must lie endorsed over to the Minister of Hallways and CanaN. au.l will ho (or(olt«il l( the party tendennf declims en- terinu into contract for the works, ai the rates and t>n the terms in the offer Kuhiuiited. Tho deposit receipt thus »ent in will be re turned to the respective parties wIiomo teuvlery are not iiecoptetl This llepartinent does not, however, bind itself to accept the low.-st or any tenders. Iiv onler. ' A v. IIUAPLEV. Socrctavy Pepartniant of Hallways and Canals, \ Ottawa, xth Auk-ust. IWM. > Physiciar.s, S/frc""'-'^, f-^^-- ^^'^ PRICoVIT.LE Ilcntiotry. DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderscn. L.D.S. sfr:(.f:oN :i';nti^t (.'..' i .\/../'oi...J li.e.' 7j''-/ •/• '(.â- o?'(oV . /" f'',. l:.iA>.s.. Will viMt FLPSHKt.Ti'N, Mi.n-eaws Hotel ! uud -Jof i-acii lih'-itli 'li-rth .-xtr i.n- 1. leseit- evl and ri,'..-d 1:1 tii. L:i;jM-.t s:>:i at l::o-lcl.i:e rate-. Hkap O'-ki. V -••! y -v. V St . T. ! , v-o ^ f tl.e art. al.l £fiV\l. < 1 1,1 ; N K I o The eastern part of Idinol. milhre-l fioiii Ihe dioui^hi, Li/tli in (.'luss aiidiore- ilis. However, uh a ealtle pro.liii liig tiunsbiji it haa no superior; cohnii. i|U('ii(ly Its ruveiiiies will not bill short, (PSI-IU^ . TIiIh township, tiikeii all lhioii:(li, has ,1 l.iir avei'iiije yiebl of faini product*!. Tbeii- hay crop was niodera'ely K"oil,aiid u'l nil cro|« fair to full I'UoTO.V I iiios up Willi a K"od hhoniiio ,if Uilli buy and ;<raiii. Full wheat i.i niiccuss- lully grown iip,)ti lands that a few years le^i. wore IhoiiKlit to be worthless jtoot erops Ale aliilinlnnt, MKl.CVlTHO.N. I'rici^ville lias a i;ood hall tosspr, liiit illark, of niirri, tlir>»s iiiiicli fairer l>all. There Wire only ahout threi' i; hits made III the u hole i,;aiiie. Clnytoii's I'litcli to riuht tielil, and ♦ Mark's lit eoiitro lield wero tlu> featiins <d the day. Uussell makes an elegant tirst luse, hut iililile one or I wo eustly filliiUle.s WiilianiH piekeil lour fouls otf the hit in i;ranil nlylo, lie kiioii H a tliiii.; or t ii o iilioiit catehiii.;. Flesllortoli ,llil liottcr wolk 111 tlie Im Id than riieerille, Imt the liiller ^ol them all tho aanie. Thii ifaiiie was put tliroU;;h 111 e\aetly loiiKUU llliiu two hours. .K. Watson, of I'riceville, met with a bad ncelilonl. lie Is ijiiite ivillii'u to inform ent|iiirer!< as to the imtuiu of it. Don't till (he system w illi ipniiiiie, to prevent m cure Fever and Ai;iiii, Ayer's .â- Vkiic t'liro is (he speeirti- for tins disease II I .1 : II I 1 1 I I I I n I THE MARKETS. FLlvSHEUTON. Ciiri/iill It i'orvrrtrd Knvh UtrU, I'louv «t :.•> to 4 75 Fall Wbent ?0 7S to It HO Spiin,' Wlieiit tl 78 II SO I'.iiilev .'"lO .I,-. Oms " [h -I.*) r.iui It tut t'.0 llutter !.^ 1!S i:o.;s.livsh IT) l.-S I'olaloesbush -10 .V) Toilv t; f>(> C. .Mt llav lier ton 7 00 S 00 lli.ies -4 50 :^ W Wool IU -23 Sheepskins fiO 1 01! (Irese tl Oli Oli Tnikeys 10 10 CliicKelin jiev p;\ir -.^ ItO lliiek.s per pair . "il» tiO â- ^ >»ri<'»' to foiitrartors. The northern |iortioii of Mulaiicthoii and luavus im pol«ciiis to pnidiicodi/jniioss, • ill «i>ply to rmtoii ill every rpspoCt, tlcafneis, hciuhiclm. or otjUur disorders. iiitis!i!i m mmw M\Ki\(i. 1 \\\A\ to 111(01111 llie ladies o( Fli'sherlen mill lieiiiily llmt, I am in'W prepared to do nil Kinds of l>ress and .Mantle Mskiiii;. (looil tit iMiaraiiteed. Voiir alteiilieli is espeeinlly called to my Hjrttein of luttins I'onnvells Improved Self littiiiK Chartâ€" for which I am ajjent. Those desirous o( loarniiii! to cut liy (his Htsteni can ilii Ko St Moileraie cost l>y ap- plying to inc. Hliop next ileor tr .1, K. .\l<iti|s>s Fiirnl. Inn" Store, Jennie McBride. SKllsVnt TKNiniUS. .i.Uir.sHo.l \.^ tin- ui:,i.M l,Awi<'mr i'finaU." wUi l-o it^fivi-.i tit tlim OtIW'O until tlU' ftlMVlll t'l Uu riiJ'lll II Kllil Wtsl- t'tn nmilt* on Tl i;mi»ay, i hi: iwii :'AY "k >ki- TKMnPH NFXT. Un i!u» coitHtruitUMi of two Uvks aihI th« kU'i'i't'iiinj; Aii>l ihIai »;• lui'in of ilu- uiHtfi fUtruin-oo! ilio liftlt'i's t ii-iaI Aini fi-r Iho .U'»"|>i'nin»; niwl oiilaiutMutnt i«( tho â- .uiuiiiit li'vi'l . f tlK-riirnurtll i'aukI Ttu- t'.uihtnu;u»n nf rt lU'W li'ok rtt ('rich of tlu' thns' iiitoru.r Uvk KtiititHiw xti tlu* i itrtnviill i'liiiKl l>t>iui>t<ii tlu> ti>\Mi of I'oiiiMrtll nn.l Mni'Ii' i.ri>\o . tbo kK i'^«- tnilii>; iiM'l wiilomiiK »^f tho flmtnid w«y i>f llio LAimJ . coiistviu'ii.tii M »in.l|;i"*. vxc. A luAp .»f t'Ach t'f tlio Kk iililioH. tonotl.or with pUti^ ftiui xj'OiMflv'nti.niH .>t tbo v»'>v**ttvii wmk*. t'Mi l>i' noi-n i«n ami nfttM Tr'!Ki>iv. Tin: Ui!i l»A\ I'K SKrri:MliKH NKM, rtl lUj> oUUo. l.>r (ill (lio work-. i\iiW«r til.' lo^I'^^•tlV^• Works nt tlio fi>ll.>\\i!i« nifiUioMo.l i^^Uci » I i'or tho Mtukii rtt lirtu'p-siit the l»*H'k koov*"' ** iluMi-'t'.'i'H. Ft^r .iooi'oniiu; tho ^ muMtt 'lovi'l .»f tlu' CiTllWrtll frttm!. :\% nu'kolii.Mi s liiiiuUnt; , mill for th" lu-w ift'Ks. otf . ;it K^-k •ilAtiiMi* N.'fi IS. 1',) iiM.t A', ftt tho Town of <\.ni- wt\ll rriiito.l foriii!* .»( t»>n.tor *\^ii ho oht;unml forth«f lOHpoctivu wimUh nt ;ho (ihu'iH uiou thn.o.l lit tho t*iV!iO of rtrim* Ihoro nvjst ho i»ttftchivl tho ni-tniil rtt^imtuirt of tho lull uaiuo. ;ho nn tuto "( thi' tM-iMipfttton mil vosuh iu*o i^f vi\\-\\ tnoiiUov iif ih.' t«ino. »!u) furth.or, n hank m vi*t<iT UKiktrr i'«v tlio i*uiii t>l :*('m\Hi must lu: iNntiimiiy tho u lulor Uh Ih*- (.nru'c^ t'niial Workx. liii.l A MASK t>rviwiT nv^ rirr for tlu' *\\\\\ *»f ^'2.1X^1 ftM- oArli HortH'ti o( Iho woik-i .»ti tilt' MiiiHiiU iovol vt th*' rtTinvtii! i'.hiaI , niiil ftM' onoli of tho l*»ok -(ootioiis »mi thi» tornuuli t'Aiml A lUNK PKromr »ii:c»;u'i for tho H^m of V\\iy rt'«i'iH'tivo nKrt»MT UKiKirrs ohotiuos win iu»I ho AOi'oi'toM uiuvt ho oiuloisoil ovor to tho M iiil 'lor I'f Krtilw;\\ ^ rtii'l fiviirtls. aMiI x«i',l ho ft»vfollo«l if tho pAi t\ tciulorttv; th'ohno^ v\\ toi nu; into I'oiitrHot ft>r tho wotKh At tho lAti < Aiitl t>n tho toimn ^tAto^l in ilu' olTor 'inhuilltoih Tho »lov»"Hit iiooint** ihiiH ["out in will In' ro- turnotl to th t roHpootivo pAitioi* \vho<io toiitlcr^ wu* not iu"oo\»to»t. Th »â- « Pi'i'rtrtnirnt tU>t"» iii>t, hi^wovov, Miul it5*oU loniH'oi'l tho h>wo5t 01 Any tciuU'i \\\ Ortlov. A r lUtAPhKY. Soorotw V l>o|kAvtniont i^f UaiIwiivm am>1 i'ftn«lfi, lUtAWrt, Hlh AUKUrt, 1HT)^. J. W. FIIOST. L.L.B.. liitrrlstrr. Solicitor, i'ourryanc**r, Oflico.â€" Siraiu s Ihiihliiic. ^'l.^.^Hlâ- nTO^, A. A CiiKSLKY Solicitor auJ CouTeyftueev. Ki>!iiat-iit MAua(;«r. MU FKOST will bo foiiud ftt the Offico .n Thjr«(iav< Bit btnott fort- p. McCULLOUGH, Ba/risfr?-. Solicitu/ , ^c. Oflir«-. tniT >l4'Farlaiid's S(us«. M*irk<l:ilo. Muiioy to l.onn. i^nr.iuf55 tfatds. John W. Armstrong, i'1.1 -10 iin'>. Co. . T^^VISIo^• coikt clekk co^imissionfi; A'ttill K.. I'ouveiancer. .to. .VKenl 'or >»"rtl af- ai.l sale el lat;iU. .\p|iraiser I.m i U C I'oii. atiil F P 11 ,v s Si^ciety Motiev 1 !x>an 011 tli» m.-»t rea-oiial'le terms IssirH ov .M.AKltl.tli >-: LlCK.VdKS NOT.VItY PIBI.IC .AIONEY TO LOA.N. .11 LOWi:sT ( TKKEM KATKS. On Tow:-, or Kahi; rroi><rty. S IWVi OK. J li^hertc'i w. J. hkliTa.mY." T«r. civKK .*HTi;Mr> i, t'' '.V I i:y A .V( •>•;;. ( •( 1.1/ .V ,' .>>â- /( i.\ h'h. issviiA.wh: ,i(; r. .ic •ni rp> MoiiTCAiirsi.r \si:s. ,»,• , prepaj â- '-' el ,1-1,1 ^i-opiTU .â- «,Mite,l 1: .uranoe .i!!,s. e t ;;i rtt-< , ,^l^^ v,n,il «;,u« M, . , ui ;oi:,i at K'-.\, -I • ;. V R. J. Sproule, I^OSl M.\.S rr.K, Kle^horton, i.\>miiii«gion '^ cr 111 1'. K,. Licensed .\ii.':ioiitf<>r. Con v.\iiiu-.r. .\i'pr^i;ser and M .'7 I.eiul, r Heal i;.-lale and UiMii.iii.-e .\.. :;!. Mortjii,;i s. I.iases sn,l Mill- .!:«wn «!< m ! Valiiatiens male on -liortrst j;otic'e, .\-,.- tioiiSa'-.s itl.ndel I,- ill a: pnry of ;h.- I'onu.v. itoi:,y to 1. in ,it wejil ra(es e' nilcre>;. I'oUcctioiis :-.t!ei.,'.i.i to wit'j promptness and despatfii, Ciisrges lov\ ,V(;enl (or ihe Poininion Stem, -hip C'onijisuv t heap tickets (rem KU-(.lierte:i to Liverp >o. (ihuiuow. London or snv o: ihn Initls'i I'orts. I'arlies intend'ns to visit Kui'lntul. Si'otlBiul or Irel.iiid. k.II ploi.,-.i' ask rates be- fore piirchssini! their tickets . l.«>«hi're. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flosliertou Koi'Rlrnn;. Kftvctroiuhini:. All 1 iti (Actovwy tiling t'l tho lni!»itioHs \\\,'i tt-ciMvo uiy Rll.l OAloful Attoiitioilftt rrrt«onRMi' priot^ Tv> T!IK \W.\r \ rornon onvo.t of IVAftiMii Aiitl nolnoit In tlirt hoAil of 'Xl > oai h MtAiiihitK hy n rtlni)>lit nMilodx . will «iH) t a tlonci ti'tiiHi «.*! MontT««1- It rimK to Aiiv ToiBon wlio Anplioi* to NftVoi.soN. A)St John St , " Houses to Rent -â- ~~~- â€" or For Sale : TiT.^ Kooii Itt^iist-s Ml,- brick iie..l on.- f'. ;\iiii- Will-, Uns ;\!l,' f: ut-lltuituii: .M- il Mils. i,> i.nt or (> , «nli>clie»p litvl iMlek liskeis Ovi'-.i ,1 eiMiiiiH'lion wit* .Il -vine lii'iis,* n, th iMiihllnus i:'.te!v ivpi.'.vl o!,l rt>rt!te,\ tUi,>n>!l.>m Kov pi:tu-.i Uis.npplv «t Tin; A:>v\Nei, . nice or «i» tlie nn .lei-«iK»e,i S.VMfKL KlNilSTON •lit < ITiipvo t.->r THIS PAPER ritJijiTi'r^Tijrs^'r''"* •III •••• I 9 AilxrMlatlw Newanapa-* l»ar.'»UkK^SprMe.'*e^ whfre iK^rtlaaf uaj iMi luadafgc eSiA' iijuk flKW? I