â- f i6, lb ^CQ 1' H E F L E 5 H E R T O N A D \' A N C E . H 1 PLESHERTON Implement County and District News. A2:enev I J. G. Carson 7akt5 ihis opivinuuKv to tliank Lis :::auy cQstoruers for their Lturty pat- re uage dnring the pas: (s vta:-? ani lo ask tiieir conuniied support iii iiis uew premisf'S on R. Tritublfe's coruer, cp- positi- MunsLaw 5 Hottl. riesljerion. Ti.e fjllowing is a list of tiie Imple- meuts I Landlo. all the n'.in'.ifsetart • 'f that famous and rt-haoic old tirin. Messrs. PATTEKbON BliOb.. Wood- stock. Out. : I Parry S..uiid district is * i-ital failure. Chesler is to h»«-e % Tillage bel! to ) be r rewnt }:â- â- (-... '.rmii. I*r.[lf, /.' -B^VS. Br-'U-r,t ^^'I.r». M -â- ,>. Spriv'j T .-tf. Hir- -â- .' '>.â- •. r â- >•â- >. • i .>/-;. .n.%. I , H;rr..,r,, /. â- >;â- •', T.--F->rr:. : O'.-.i .S-- .â- ;;.... Fl , •'f'frr... /v..-.. y : M^l*. .< Tf.r.-. >>:n„; T<^4J> O'l.' . r.,..y. y.-. â- -. "t-;:<. Un^i li ;,.,. At Tlie Central Store, PEICEVILLE, ['njirtfoicnted Air;i;i'>u in erfry de- p irtmcHl during tht prttent oioHth in •rJrr In ttiaJce n-^m for Fall PurcKistt. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eg^s, dc. Call 'm<f intjXt:! cur ^-xuU ithJ (>»mj><jrr price* Ix/ort m'.ikin^ pvrcha$n. A. M.CABE. a»akri; the sleepy denizens iu the iiiurn- iiig. Durbam's hind had the '•gall ' to c- m- fKrte a: Walkerton in the s.ec<^d class liaiid ci mj^titioD. On Fnday evemng. Denis, the Ti..uns. est chi!<i of Eiwrene Munhy. of Mt, Purest, was drowned :ii a cis-.tm belong- m.' t. F. McCulk<h. Hutt.-n i Carr's d "jr mill, and Mr. .aciis..ii» residence, st Wmchajn, were CTisuLntfJ by are last Wednesday. The K*4 :s cs::mat«.-d a: ?3(?,00<X whh insur ai;ce ^ t ^li.tXiCi. Mr. Thus. KelU. » le,vi:nj fam;er :a Artcuiesia. had 16 acres •â- : barley Ijiiij cu: at the lime of the hesvy ram last Fn- u.\v, wh:ch wil! devr^iaie its value fuijy twrtitv-r.ve f«r centâ€" [>I.\rkdale S:ind- N<rit week the W..rld wUl n..t whir!. Fanners ar« too busy to read paf>ers ;u»t H'^w auyway. and we h»ve some j..t* on hand wed like to hustle out befvre next sj'r.r.^'. And hen^-e the whyutrBs.â€" [Bre- ton World. A y ung lady named Auuie Greer. 1? years ^.f aiie, wjia brut»!,y and cnmiaally -v-vmhed by two youni; TiJlaiiu at .i Mount Forest, a week a^-o Ust sundsy. ? The liames of the youag nrn>l» are .\lex, -McC.xEnell and Albert Hall. The latter ha» \«*a arrested, wtile the foniior is stiU at lanre. .irienH-sJa louiiril. Coanci! â- et la the T wnship H*ll, Fleshert' n. on MocdiT, "jth itst. All aipi>ea ami CotuUnstd from tltf ! the meiubeis w^re j.-v^.-.. tolumns or' Our Exctuittge*. j Bylsws 423. to levy C. uLty ai.d Tcwn- ' ihi;' rates f' r l!**. i::d 424. to lerv _ aci. .li tniite^s i%ua. w^rt LDlroiaoed by Fr.Jay laat waa Durham's civic holiday, yi^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ rtwiii- to drouth the frmt cp.>p in the i M jv<t1 by Messra McArthur acd Sharp -Th»i this CuDcil ask Mr. McKe* t.o neit C •'.:=. "li meeting to .-ive * 5taie::.e:.t re^rirairu: the tnisunder- siandiiii t«twcen Mr. McKe*'. as 0:01. , misauner. and G«o. Boyce. contract.T. Mored by Measn. Rlacd and Sharpâ€" I Tiiit the Clerk notify Glccelg Council of I ., bstructi on in the Sauceen River on J t ; wn litje. Artemesii and G.eneU. m the { VI lai-e if Pnc*vil!e, r«)uestin^ them uy 1 a;.t- lilt one of their C;. a ncil to act with j Mr. McArthur. whj is herety aj;:^>mtt-i ' t'.. eniuire iiit-> the same Movei by Mrr&irs. McVrthnr acd Sharf : â€" Thit the R<reve -.isue Lu order for the i f.'ll.wiDi acc-.unis. A. R. Faw.re«. f'r.Ltini. f64.-J5. Wm. Dav.s. 107 k*di eravei at .x-. fo 3o ; J.hn Hi,;hiTave. 67 i.wi.is d V. iv. ^35. Photos, Mo' Messrs. Cain-s and Sh. Thit the usual t-rant >. f ^-J? re tai.i t<. tne treasurtr the rnsh:;. acricultiiral Photos, Photos. Wt ifo^W m FittA*rp>n. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RATES. PICTURE FRAMING (i.'W tn â- i!i iu : rt!i..-. C>-"H»f ?n'\ '"l A »â- ». 1'. yi-.-rur'C -.vir :'» .â- â- . -.-i; b< ttfn : : V. i '.? : ,"." tl.,<-i. /t. J ^v-f ,(,<i- rf FRAMES 3*J ^'jCLi'iyGS i-: j.V .i.-->(\« tht %^.- BROMILE PORTRAIT. ; firf «7furr'i<viVi tekfrtter i%tTO-.i%C<td . SAMPLES â- â- â- •â- tr\<r< .1/. fi'tiCuL-.Ti cu :o Pri:^, Sty!< k:.. oi 1 '•< t> rr i.-.:et_» ^t Arte:ne*:.» for the year 1SS# It «is dcci-ii-d t-.' . ?cr a rtward ^ : ^I'.Vi f.>r the c.iivi.-!i -n ..i the p^rsovn vT per- »^'i!S wtio stt nre t Mr. U ^^ $ mil! This beri; all the bus. iiess :^ W dis- v-Scd of. the C,'un:.l 3.1- , -riievi. .VirS. BVLMER, 'K NOTICE! To Farmers and the public in g:eneral. Now that tiio Public Seluxils i>ro .about to oiHu, I woitld nsiVv'tfully call your att«'iitiou toi our Full and VitmpU'tc Stock OF snioiii, wmm l> .\l.l. * I.ASSKS. ( .\1.I. .\T ,llso Ltt'tricnfiii^ Lit ru'irir Oils for Machiut\s. VOTERS' LIST. J.'4,«i,«i. Sl»n\c *}*>') it K. 1/ ii-< T. 1-.. Ji.r A • I- Ddrmg the thunder st.>rm ^if last Fri- day eveiiini:, the larse frame hani on Mr T W Myers" farm. Amaranth, was struck by hithtnini; and bumpd to the croiind. .AK'Ut twenty tons of hay. a dem^>crav wagi^>n. one bucso". a pair of K-b-sleighs, one cutting b.>x. two fauning mills. Ac. were als" destr\iyed. Iniur- auct? about 9^00 or #600. â€" [Shelbume Economist. Harry Knbbs, a four-year-old son of Mr L. Kribbs. city (nlitor .>f the Empir*. and who IS on a vi«it at his grandfather*. Mr. CM. nam-wly escaped drownmclast S*turday. He was pisyini; aniund the l>ond at Crawford A McCracken » »»w mill when he tumble*.! into the water »cd f:ot under the li>)j»- Fortuivately another youiiit l.vl natne^l Wilhe Wills wa« at !:and and he rescued the little fellow just in the nu-k of time.â€" {Durham Ch^'nlcle. Dunnj: the atonu of Friday l.vit a k^rt of cyclone pas.*ed over the c\'rner li Cr'l'iticwixxl township.carrvinjawny all in lis ti.<»ck. The width â- <( the dev.vtated district was not more than four ^'^is, but tie violence i.^{ the wind was vcrv' pvat- To t!i <so who aaw u, u apjH>are»i like an luuiiense black ci<lumn nianrhing across the i>Hintry. timring down buildmirs. n'v. t- 11. j; up c^'i^s, aw^i-pin^ away fences and lo.-»vini; rum in ifs trail. l>n lot 10 on tl.o on! c '11. of Cv llincwixxl t< wimhip. it ui.roofeii Mr. C.>de'sl»m, and Mr. Kock » !-.. use On the next lot it carTie^i the rv .if . if a house bolonsini; to Mr. t^rsH;i!n It thou struck iiit.> the »w-ainp, twistiiio . " triH's .And leavnij the »tuiiijv« sLmiUisii; .iKu: ten feet hii;h. The cr. ;>s were ; .Atiialiy upr\<.^teii and taiuletl 111 ever;. I In Oct u 11. â€" [C*>lliin;n.Kii Bui lot Hi Mr C Jchrson's farm buildnij.Ti. tw,. in.los 11 'i;h of this viU.-m •"â- ' •* "^t ' » hrx by ail incendary last Monday ui>;ht »K-ut U> ocLvk. Ml. McOr.-»e » ho h»,i !y«,'n v".o«n f ' the ch^v.^c factory w.\s reiunutii: t ' the housi. when his iatitern »eiit ou:. .•«iu! I mkui;: t^>^v^^^s the Iwrn he saw a \:ch: which at tir^t api-warod like a l.Mitt-rii iiisivio. .A closer ui«|>ei:ti<'n rvviMliii tht- f:».-t th.it the iu«ide Mt" the Ixaiii «.u« 111 tlaiiie;>. and iu»Uiiio to the hotse Xaxwell. r ' ,_ - , r ,-r.. -..' H irivs:i Ik ha* comtne iCea. m this sev: I'. I J- .» said t. lie a \i.rv .icht .r -. . A : .eetir.,: was c-dlevi he re 11 Sa: .irdav '? a cent eman named W^'/.j, V. f r the V ^n ..4e ,! . rjauiJin,; a Farr lers Ir.sti- ^HEARDS^ Carriage Works, tJte ai'.d .ilso a mi.'t.th'.y fa.r !. r I unrhase and sale f cattle, sheep, etc. One a' ^ur mervhanss. who i* noted j for piclciti^ up and eniertainmt; st^a^.^^ers. ; succeeded a few da>-a ac in havuij: a ! t:ue«t of a s'-eculatire i ature. and » Id , him a <;iiao:ity of i>poctacles and > th-. r small warws, t.' I* [xaid for m a short f,-..e The cueat left with the cv J*. It the: occured to the merchant that everythin; micht not be all ritfht. ird after a few days he found his man at Siv.iihani; t» n and rec<.»rerevl what was ir.is.id. and re- lumetl h'liie happy. The vjuarteiy »er>icea m the Metl.vsi.s: church drew a very lar^ attenv.aiic* n Sunday 1a>t R<\. J. NV. H >lili:e IS hv-nie - n a vi»:t 1 t> iriendsi, and riixvs abonly to uke 1 c\ars;e of a couirecatK n in H.xlt 11 c\>uiitv. j John niiit<'n, I'f Mauit. li.\. is \mitiii.- his fnends here. He speaks 1:1 t':c bighost teroM of the pr.«i.ect.« ..; ins adepfn! homo. Bu. 'n: I .'â- •• FLE S HE RTON, MiMlidlKLRS OK S;r;>;v li'd rf,, fl M . LuTtlher Ji'il^OTlS 1.171 d I r.J' •'(•<>'. PtVt7!fiuo, Trirnrning' ana linHiirui:^ rofuptl;/ aifini'td to. horse-Sh'..eifi^' a Sit'cidlti/. TWStlCtEI-PLtTU ORIENTAL CATUIN lamSIMJ MMI m wru'EKE Tb« ocilT MU&rrh rr£i«.JT ever ;\5«r»d so t^« ;-ut . .-3 iS days Cka!; a wnttrc nar&i:-.«w ci-cn w-.Lb ««c± iBscr.^S££L W T b.4XB Jl Co., ;m t;;^Ma bSTM* ^VML T.^-kiso. 0:11. ACTINA ntc siEtr ETC asB li»« inroiEi it Mts laitt u i ft t^ ut tmt <M«« iv l»»Si ' Sal. NX a S='''~i ri I.. n« GrMiMt D iilii»l a( tas Afa, rnce • - »3. bi^ Vfcp.-r. «<*«.' V ft»'. y :^AMk^ ^* a} ^..:^ », »... ^ AcMs »a X.^ft»iUrr'.r csm an liwisfi -f tb« r^v Oataraft Grwa c'.aiisi K>f^l»Aa I:i£>.r.-.«i Ktw*. B«at a»l rar B«^u«i2«aa Txi Sva TaK»r»r'wwrnji cLosaa. Tb« ACTr«» It iKi.r> mtaa ora » aii". a« sriaiFTH .^^ '.5 r»Ts : .~z.rT.%.. w T. B.VEB M CO . li* Cwmc »0wt Wml Tocociia. Oct NOTli'K IS lirivl'V sivcn lint 1 l.it%r rm <'.i.ii uvl or dol»i-»M>*t 10 tli«» }<'r*.':is ;;it '.: ..".,vi in tholtiini «tuHo;ii-:h s»H*iii'ii^ ..' • Tiu Wit:-* l.lM' .V*"V.' tl'.o i-.'l>io* rtNi'.iufiH'X xnt.l *,.,-! '.^:;* to bo *o trAn<!..i:io t or .li0.iTt>rt' t ot tin- l-rt ni».lo pursnani lo p»i*t V* 1 .â- ( aii voi^.-n* ni I'OAr.iw l*v thf 'n<t r\'\;*c.t .Vs.»*»v>'...rM K.Ol . f ibo ^ftui >lumi*ir.»l;tv I o K» i^nlitit*.! ( t *l n tl5o mi.^ MmM.*ii'-\h;\ ai VUx-t.on!* '..t -. ouuvi!» ol the l.<Vi*'*loi' \*s.n;iM\ An.i at M.inu j^i Kltvtions. ft:iil!!!ftt sAut U>X »•« t'.rst i*i*-;i .1 i^v «t iiiv olTt>-e •: Kli'»l-.iMi.Mi. on 11. .â- «:h .!«> o( Vucn*! ls*x )ir,.l ivuiair* Uu»rt» lor in.*vo,:o';'. i.Uvtor?* *iv rrtlliM lliH^n 10 rvaimtiot^u v*>.i !i!i| an.t if auv «Mm»iov.< »m a»»\ on on* aroi-MvJ Ihi-rT'in. to taKt' ii^i'uo.tinio v>'o.^<Hstir.c> lo l-.ftvo the *aK\ erivvs ».Mnvi<vt aeet>r.nnc to law WM .1 HKt.l.VMY. Cloi^i o( tlu' i>ai>( Mm'.ir'.i'»'.:i> IHtot ;lu« t' ,!nv .<! So.t.-.-t, \ f >-». Mr dohnston, who, »i h 1 nishtd to the barn, with II. I slop; 111^ to .vljiist his I e . â- r l^(> Now Vii- o.*T.i Till' SALESMEN WANTED »:Un.t NunioMo*. f«iAt.' '^l-.iM o' â- ' -♦">'• .^H rvUaMo nm'viv\ Min mil', j. .:*':. tiu':v' , o^M habits an.l .-'ir^n . b,*;-«.lrr <il\*w \ ^ s u-. inn"! \V,. ...^xi ^;r»» voi; .;isv. im»\ «r. t *to^.H «-otV W\ij,. f.-.r t»r«iv ^^ V>' VsV nROTtlUJiv roM r.V.W. Nunw[>uv<>". Collxirna Out he anakcntHi Mr M.-l^rae, jvv.l,< .i| »*:er, weanuj; ai'p«!«HU'yi>nd his in»;lit dotb t"*!! enierin.: t:io iv^rn thoy fouiui a l.'t ..! 1 straw in ti«iro« which iYache»i the rvn-f, I but t>y dmt >f har\i ».»jk, whu-h was I only jiHt in the nick .'f time, they sn'-t j ,tho t'.anuvi under ixuiimI and ft iiml cK.ths sttvjt'xi in c»>i»l 01! wliero t'le tin' oncinat- I 1 TliiM" woiv over -SO t- 11s ..f hay in I the buiuiino, vhiih «»* j.v.m\! t*- t! e ; iinviiio shell. M.iblos aiui other barws. < Tile in.eiidi.Ary iscs;.ed by tlie bad. .'( â- the lams .-n-iii .-wiiic to a very sh^lit ' shower his truck* weie .dwervw tn the vliist. Ho \\ .-vs evidently .-» bi,- iii^»i but j has not Khii r.ipt«re>ii.-(Umid.\lii j Herald. I No Universal Remedy ha* yet b»en disoovirevl ; but. a* at â- ea'.; tour-iifths i>* htmuui .liseases have thr-.r source in loipare IIIcKMi, a mevtirin < which restores ihat r! .-.:,'. trr:i: a de- praved to a healthy cniJition ccti-os as near bein^ a uaiversal cnre a< any that can he pirHlnoeil. Ajrer's SArsaivirill.-t aiTeets the bUxxl in each s:«c\' .'i it* formation, and is. therefore. aJapievi 10 a greater variety of ixvn'plaiiit.- than .tny other kn.vwii medicine Boils and Carbuncles, wV.i.h .iofy ordinary treatn.en:. vu-.d to .\yot"s &ir*ajvarills after .» c\«npar.i::viv. ly brief trial. Mr. 0. K. Murray, of Charlot;esv.;:c. \'» . writes that f.ir yiars ho w.!.-. a'.- tiioteil wiih Nn'iS wh.V. .-a..s<\i l..:-.i niiich jitfferinj; These w er* »»cv>ee»ivd by carhnr.cles. of which he h.1.1 several at one time. He then becan the use of Ayor's Sarsspari'.'a. and .*ftfr takina; ihrtv N.>tt!ej. the .-.•vrbunoli'-? tti«.ap>. ivarixl. an.l for six yf.:ir* he h.v< not h;i.! »ven a pimp'.o That lusidi.vns .v.sc.v«c. Scroful*. ;s the fruil^il cause of inr.-.ii-.iorabio .vm- plaints, Consumption K-inc .'"'y ivie > t many eiv-i.'»l!.v ^ii.il â- E^rupv.'r.s. ulcer?, Sivre eves, j:;an,luiar swe'.'.m.c. ""cilt and waste.! inu»>-le>. fi c.iprici.nis »p;v- lite, an.l the like, arc pretty sure :;-..V.- caiions of a sorohiU^us taint in tl.o s.vstem. Many otherwise Vautifnl f.».-. s are vlist^jTure.! by pin-.p".es. er.iplion*. and nnsijihtly blotches, wbu-h *r>e frvim impnrj'' bl.yyl, »b.'"n in.; the iihn'. of .\yer's S.irsaiviuiila to r.'nie>ly the ca il. Ail snfferers from buxxl d sor.'.er< shoiiM |fi\o Avi-r's S,-«rs.«iv»riria .» f.iir trial, â€" avoi.iuii; ail ix>vv.iot>. .'Uiiiiuins. and \vasbe.«. and e-^ixxi.Hl'y .htsip aini worth'.eas .xvniiyv,m,i!i, wtiioU n.i oii!y fail to effect a .iiro. but nn^re frt^iiiienl y ajxravate an.l .vnt^rm the dise.vsrs they are frau.lnlently a.ivertis«xi to Ti nit-.i\ " Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rKSrXRKI'. BY Dr. J. C Ayer Ji Co.. Low»n, Mau. Md bj aU ri(iiMl>°.«. rrteatl. au t«iii«>,»*. Medicated Electric lELI CURES tImofXai* on flK> â€" ^ i-" ^^ l;:'.il.* •- r r» , j» .iKx .; • c-, . c r^ â- -â- .iiM^aao .V l^. kli:.. ' * ^; *. i '* srxaal t-ab*acOoc str -. k .. ,>-. flaa. ladiaiMiacia. tu:;x : .> baikiaociMij ilta*trwt>K'. v > >. tulta-aca aikl e]«ctzteaJ :^..>i:^.~t Me>dlcat»<l ClectHo Be't Mtk^.-AUki t.-r tXl i n to n e* rt t^i Mewl a:^ -rr- ^.-.u* <t.-*«KC L*.±jf* 1^ I ti '.-^ t*;r*.e .-.^z^. n-^LM It ^a« sc«k;-.ia^ li«ca ^xui $^ CNX.:U^Md Se=r.a*3 weaksnts •rr.-r» of jvcC. :.•*: ...-,. â€" _.. Tr>e only app4lsnce» gl>ir>« â- d»r»ct i;orre»nt'of tlectrtcrty toth« p*n», '^•^J- "^•â- - i^- ' -^ '' »-.ir.-i .•-. L»Tr. *c,-« Hurtdr^ds otT»«- .-crTO .\t '.fâ€".t^-t .!>«•».» pa-aj i:: V*-i. f- .'. : .^^ ^o*-i a^ .i 'u-.ul^?.'. rb^iiiiauim. parwlrau rt:irA_.^A. wis^:. !. *^-.' u r. j.i l-.vi*. fv'^v li^aA^rri^Of*. oatarr:- .t -.: . '.iio..'..r •J. »»a.t:a;>*»n Ijwajv JvW{V5»:a. c,it» â- ..;»!.. r. fr^s.^- .♦ .iv.>i»T .tstab »»-E( asi ' iNtaai s. r.i fj^^; '..t l^xJtti ; uniai C v « T »» t vxxt<o<v wrvUt ^^^â- f .'.. i.ua. Cos- free A.--. . :> w^aswii .-<-iX7wfc.cj>^ i^u r*^ **-:. 1:^.7/ Cu<-e« Cuar«nt»»d Ccv,, (55 Que>«n St, W»at, Toronto, Carvads. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS OR MEN OF ALL AGES. r:sEA3ES cr man. Tfn: <.Ht\4T ui:,Ai.TH Ri..rt' n't li. -1-1 r* ^*il,^;. t^a Kr.fc.aee* p* llf.Ovi.»M. ^^w^-^«^^G£ sk>^ irrrthlo e«tii««H)ii^«r«« nf I wdl.cmUvn, vii a« 1 .-.l.a r-xp»»»re laHd Orvrwvpfc. "-^ â€" -'â€" -- -g-- A. r^-err' • "•.â€" 1 ih* e<to.rt o; »^.â- ...l> will tr..'. in N.\ S a r.\.1v<i. .â- â- -t-.' '. .1.' r.T. .vrcni-.c wr\Kr««*, 't3'<-o:u.j»irv v.i*-l i.-.**.'.^ ;â- :. 1 N.v fr ^'*.oâ- .'.'' i^s VsKo.â€" W'fctI .â- ( .r;ftrs>. v^rtv-'*. w*ri .â- . .:-s.^r. t*-! ^.x-i.-iT. w»r.l cf e.vcjl.ij.0**. avc«.uo.>o .; .-.^t .!io.-*'.^»« f.::.l i-^»V\i;iT So Ax Vie *tt«cit:or 00 * i^aj 1 . .. .-*:,Mi ,\J »i-.n», )!- v.Uni.'M., '..>•» o; r.i.H-.>.wv. *\c::al . •. : w .^s-i .>! '.;o If. iiu.i f..:..\ ~\^.f roca'.t o( se;f.ab;;»c -t nvA-:ftn , , • .> n-. . .. ..^.r..> ', '.*rp T>»««. )\*JrMat>on cf tte btar. : in:.,- . ^. V,. ' . .-i,lr. A ,?-.rt ;i'C .tr»*i\i$ etc. arv 1.II sv'liI'.o- . .-! II * i:rv*.*-.lv «»â- >.3•.^â- ,^f^l. 5n at^orv tl;» tprirs > f ''t*! ''•v\ !>•» . \ iTr-rr.^vs r,>R â- > ,-. . '.Ue.-S .t , .'. ' -.- '.T :C- - 1 c^'.Tir.li-*.\ .'i-p ii v:.irrfc.r*,oi tt i-.^T. If â- .;:. f. f. i.V*.r!>v,. ;.; 1 -. 11, o!l-i't v>. * i:rv*.*-.lv «»â- >.3•.^â- ,^f^l. In at^orv tl;» tprirs .f ''t*! ''•v\ !>•» â- â- -• •.'»i I -. .;<Mi..\ -rr ij ^•l^v -t* »« ,- ,-..vis.,,..5,nee. Sej.niit,- WT;t«t»..l I'.o-urt! n ••>...# „>)â- o V i:-:.- .n .».â- -•. â- â- â- ; i.' t^.e •fi<-.-M o( «>:f-»ha«" ih.- ..rruil r.-.'j.a-.: ' ^.. ^:e.t l.Tv^ w;-. ori c 'o un^-.r r eir ^.Huxv It n-.ii an* ia.xfci.iixioni '.-r tl;» ar.^ - .' â- ; e» .-f b'»: .-r!<. tr-v*. ';»!*! *.•* t^e ei.ioTnifCt" .M lit*. Nw > .'"ii» « <v-.a|.« < â- ;^â- >♦S^>>,-tJ i-t rarlvvi.Nv '.; j .-. «i« t.!. as.-wi "tn v*»r«, N.v !> w-.i: ^;.•l• v.~' '-nviiott. . Miv:i^th. ilv .uar.» lr.ik.u .V^^ . T'..^.,>«rv aD.\ ir.->ralty fn-.n- f*rlv ir <»acj.*t.oi.. ; I f, .1 o: .iij.T-.'.n.-ear > '.Civ, s» .1 r.-ur »,V,rf»» a».t 10 rm'tt in *!.«:.)'> f.v XI \ . 1 . 1 .. Tr >*:s" 11 U-x-'; V.^'ii ou r.Mxt».< ot Van. Swi'.^l •-! »«-.:.• ^ -:v .t-ii'ii â- A . !riv«« i.:; .^ ix.anv .-an.tasto M. \ I.IBOX, 47 WrlHs»sf.»» !»•• r,. T»r«»nt.^ A Waaavtftoa; ».seaa In.s la* HsTj j>Arjc »c CBRK CJAiUirTttr. â-º'^♦L '«E iiCa. A Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure.,