THE FLESH ER TON ADVANCE. [Aug. it, 1888. GREAT \ c ill] Si 1 3 n) u Lh 1 \^ ci .1 In Every Line of Goods at 1 1 1 Come in and see for yourself. We will give from 20 TO 40 PER CT. DISCOUNT ! Don't fail to fjee our 35c Cash m erE we are now selling for 22ic. yd. EMBROIDERIES, U]i. Regular All prices, from ic a yard prices from 5c a yard up. CRETONNES, Just see them. Beautiful 22c goods for 13c yd. BOOTS, Of every description, AWAY, AWAY DOWN- Jim (^ordonV HandHome Wife AN OI4> MINRB8 TAI^. 'Twui in the year of '49, when western gold wuz fre« Fer thum ez bad the hardihood to penetrate tho land Where it wue i«d the rivers ro!Un* down oward the sea. Gleamed rod with golden uuggets, set in beds of gulden baud. Our claim we named "Aurora," and Its owners nuinb«r«d ten â€" That is, not countin' on Jim Gordon's haud- somti wife. She kom fri»m no one knew jest where, uer how. uer why ; but then 'Twiu no consarn of ours what made her ch(>usu a miner's life. She wuz the only woman tho Aurora ever knew, Aud iiiouK tilt) men she held a sway despotic RR a (iiui-n ; Though HOtiit' of us far in tho east hed wives, and fiunhlied, too, Yet all UKCted that never yet wus woman fairer seen. liut there wor one among our crowdâ€" I hate to say his name. Ferhewuzla/y vz a snailâ€" we called hita Lazy M*t . He liung axmii'l Jitn Gordon'shouse, and talked lo (tordun^ rftime Wuile Jim he blinded at the rocks er si'tcd ou tho Mat. 1 hen one day Jim come missiu', and tlie camp it fttnick 'it!i i;!oorit : Wt) fk>und 'iiini ut the bottom of a canvon, siiiT an, I L-oM. And t>iiri<Ml \\U\\ wh< re whit«'-a&p|>od mountings t'lWi'ied abt'vi; hin tumi) â€" \ victiiii to tho fatal tiiv. tho bumiu' tlr st fur gold The manho.Mt in our heaits went oat to Jims |i.M»r wuUb'i . then, IVrhhtwuz 1. fr in circumstances most on- ediimtt'ii iH'ur. And couldn't b'n\e the dlggin's fer her child- ho. id- hiMiiu agonâ€" At Uu.^i fihi- r^td ho, and her grief it pearod (|Uitc voud and pure. An<l so wi- jnu^l our heads and hoa>As. and laid a HI"!'!.-. u,U Onallti.k 1 r t and nu^'goti thet wo \vashc<i out, 'fa\ l»y ilay. TtM wl> lied siivml enough tu till a good-sizcil SU''Ul-''«'Wl - Kiiougli ft'i .lU Jim's widdtT';* wants, of heavy, ^hlntii' clay. Tiiat i^. jcMt t-i^ht ttf us chippotl iu, for Mai wi.z loutin '•uiind, â- rorventin' ul tho widder bein' lonely. " as he »r,i, â- 1 « I siio wrz fraid of sperits, and the mount- iiigf. Hh«* lit-d found, \Voi' jt-''t liki'fttUi i' tonibBtotu H, now thet Jim \vu/ lyiii dead. And «"« wt» hilt a meeting jest in front of lii'rd.. '.; Bdo»'r One I'Vcniir when the sun druppwl low be- hind the mounting pdoks. And gave hiT all tho gold, tiud sod wed like to givu lii<r iihtrr Then she tiruke down, and teurs jest ran like rain aci<»tH her cheekn. Perhai's you think my story, somehow, ought to iHHit ht'ie '.* Well. I lirv ji*f.t a little more, and then luy tali> iH tli.iKigh : Nuxtda\ two folks wuz missiu from the dig- gtnV. imd twui clear The widdiT and the gold hed skip|>ed. and Mat boil dug out, ttH) I .\nd that iHJtut iKMit all my ta.e; some swab lowed iheir disgust. Itut uioro dunibfoundered miners never di*«w thr breath of life. And some of um wd ripped and tore, and some of Ul w*' ruNKvd. For twin' t^o maguaunymus to Gordon s hand- some wife. .\nd then suspicious thiuds crep outâ€" we satis- f^od our nilnda Thet all wui not j«s4 ou the aquar when (ioidou met htH doiMii- We'II only kni>w. for sure, some day when (iabriid's trumpet winds. And brtiakn the Hhackles of the dead -tho lo- crotK ot tiio toml>, â€" W. H. T. FU»sh«rton, Aug, 10, If^H. NOTICE. To the Ladies oCtlie County of Grey. YOU .\RE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT CLIMO'S STORE IN FLESHER70N and bring your Producs and ask to be shown the beautifnl PRINTS suitable for any weariiit;. We have beautiful Satteen Prints at from 10c. to lie. per yardâ€" such values you have not, been oli'ered bi fore. Highest Price atlowed for Eggi>. Buffer and Wool. The hett way to dcstmi/ Heetla is^ In gpriiikle Parit Grem and Wjter ou th^ FoUitoe Vine*. Vou can g^f tlir Sjirhtl:hrs 'it Ctinio liVo'i lehich ure (h>.oy â- und gwxl. Only a Jttt ou huiid. Xoii', ij you ivant a 'I'rcineiidous Bay^^ain in a /in,t c'liss staple article, jiat call and try j. (i. .Inilenon's We are giving 5 lbs of our famous 30c Tea for §1. TEA Yours Trnlv. other ^ lilies ctiuallv ictlucrd. C oinc at oucv .stock i.s not extra l.n"j,'(', .nul ut; ate l"^. iWncl to >Scll ill vSonic ri'i^c. Butler and Eggs AS GOOD AS CASH. ^T J. G. ANDERSON'S. The Reason Why .Vvcr'jt rill.H nre no m>iml»r is, tlmt wlillf iihriiy» rfliiiMc 11.1 ft rulliartic iiK'itii'iiir. tlioy iii'vor Inivo any ill iHcIk ilit.s is Ixiaiiac tlwy nro |iurtly vc'iji'lHlilc. iiivil <'nliri'ly (ri'i' lri>m onl<'- mil IT any c.tliir ilaiiRrri'iis ilriiK 111 III! cusi'S, lliiTrtort", wlii'llitT llii' (luliunt Imi I'M iir yi'iiiiK, tliey iimy In- coiiH- tli'iKly luUiiiiiislcriul. Ill 111.' S.mlliiTU mill Wi'stiTii Statos. wlirro ilirnii^i'iiirntH ii( the llvur nro so i;i'iuT:il. .Vyrr's Tills liiivi' [iroMMl all in- lilossliiK. It. W. Ilaliic, Now lUriii'. N. ('., wrltos : " 1 NulTrml It liMiK tiini' with stoiiini'li anil Imi Itimhh's. I tricil vnrlniis ri'Mi- <,llis. lull ircihi'il 111) lioiii'lll until I iiMiiiiiriiri'il takiin; AyiTs I'llls 'I'lu'SO pilK I'i'Iii-IIIimI nil' 111 I, HIT. I li'ok tlu'iii n^Milarly (ur it (<•« nii'iilhs. iiiiil my hiallli «ii.i ii'iiii'Utily rt'iliMi'il " rhrmnjhiiiil Ni'W Knulaint. lu'it !• liinK iliM'nsi'H. Stomarli mul Uowcl ('.<>iii|iIiiIii(h ari' tlu' iiikhI I'rcvitUiil. Dyspepsia mill ('•milii'iilli'ii ari' almost uiilvnrsnl. Mr. tiallailu't. 11 urai'ticul olu'inlst. ot ltii\lmrv, Mass., wlm .van Imm troiiUlnl with I)vs|n'|'Hia, wrIti'K : " .\ fiiiiiil iniliii'i'il nio to try .Vver'" Tills, anil, iidir lakliii! oiii' hox williciit tiinrli I'l'iiiill, I was illspi'Si'il til niill lliiiii; lull 111' iiij;i'il pi'isi'iiTaiiii', .lint, iu(iin' I lui.l lliiishi'il till' si'ii'iiil hi'X. I i'l'Uiin li' i-xprlli'lU'i' irlli'f I ri'lllllllli'll taUiii)' llii'iii. Ill intervals, iinlll I linil iisril eliM'ii I'uxes. Siilllee it to .s»y, that I am iii'W a well man, anil tiritti'tul ti> yi'iir ilieiiiimry, w liieh nutstrlUB mine " Till' lieitil am! stoiiiaeli are always in Hvm|ialli\ ; hein e Ihe laiise nf iin'st of tlii'si' illslri'SsliiK liiiaihnhi'S. to « liieli so miiiiv, es|ii'iiallv woineii. are snhjeet. Mrs lliirrli'l A. Marhle, ot Ti'in!like<<|»- sle. N v., writes tlmt for years she wiui a iiiarlvr to lieailnehe, niul never loiiiiil aiivthln^ lo n've lii'r more than leiii- |ioravv lelli'f, until »lie I'ejjan taUii'K AVer's Tills, sliue wlileli she has Imcu in the eiiji'vmeiit of (lerfert health. Ayer's Pills, I'HKVAREK nT Or. J. O, Ay«r A Co., Low«n, Mat*. Mil 1<T aU UruygbU. •fCLIMO & C0.> Wright's Old Stand, - Flesherton BOOTS & SHOES ! ALWAYS ON HAND. A LARGE VARIETY WM. CLAYTON'S. - - FLESHERTON. FleNheHoii CaiTiase Works. fflcTavish & Legale M.\NTT.\fTUUKK8 OK nAG(l(>\S. SLElilllS, nr<;<iiEs, HKMOCUATS. ,tr. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. ANo TUIMMINOS in tfr»»iit Vftrit't> HOUSi: SUiU'.lNii promptly KttoiKtinl to, S|hvia1 Att* utTvv> Kuon Ul c'oiitifti'tiHl or Toiuler Kot-t l». MrTiVISII. K. i>. lei; in: ITKALIII FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYSjPILLS&QIMIMENT I iilK LULLS Tiirifv the li|»>"l. eene, t nil llisorilem of Ihe Ijivoi*, Wtoinn««li, liLi<lii*^"i*. nntl Uo-w*?!**. They liivluornlenii 1 ictore to heivUh li.'l'ilUiUe,! l'.>iiiilitiltieii», Slul «l-t' tiiMiliiiil>lo in t'.\ leu; I'laliits iiui'Umtal to Wiimles e( lill »t;e« For I'liiUlren an.l the »(,iM they ntv {'riovlw; rv rUi: OINTMENT • ita lafullltile vein.Mv tor llml l.ei;s. Uii.l Uivii«!«. OKI W.'iiiiiU. Sor«'s niiil I'loers It i»f»niou» ti,nil mill lilu'iiiiiiuisiu. Tor .li»oi>leis o( the I'hi'Al It h«» no ei>ii«l. For soil/': Til HO. n, iUUKyClUTli>. COI'GIIS. COLDS lll»niliil»vKwelliiii;«.«ivl nil skill lh«eiiie< it h»« no rivHl , knil for contuwtt'J »u.l itilT oliits It *>it« liko ft cUarm. M<nilf»otilie.l I'lilv iit I'lofeiior Hi'l.l.owjkv s KstiU'lishnU'nt T». Now Oxfortt Sf r»M>l ( lnt»> ."V^.l. Oxford Str«M<l ), Loiuloii. itllil are solil ill Is. \\\\ .'it M.. 4« IVI . Its . i.S's . â- ml Xu eiieli ll.'X or 1V». *lu! limy !>• hftd of «:l Me.l' eiiie Vellilors tliri^iinhent the Woilil. . tigr- /'iin/i.ui.'rs slixuH tix'k l< '/i,- /.•i/'<f on lltf I'lts mi,/ /..'i-c*. If tht- ,}.Urtrf is m. ' ;">,'.^', (•r/oii/ iS'fivef, /.on. /on, thtti mv ,«j>Mn'iiii.«. MOTIfE. qilivul i:s ri'iiatnnlh on h«iiil ftiiil tor «» '^ ohoftl' ,lii«» I'lil In nisi el«""iiew l'ho|i|< iw Mill now I'liiit; iklonK voiir Krftln oml liet 1% I iii'iiiieil nil III liuirt oulrr. J. U, 8U'.\N. Kiiiivui* FARM for SALE BlUNll I .It |1. Con T. li«iirev. hnit mil,' fiotu Msxwell. llXl fteii's. iH seres ileiir.'.t. well . wiitereil, Bii.l nn.lKr koo'I siste ^^1 iiill'.vnlion. I Well feiu'i'.l l.ftrue fisnie linrn sii.l stiihliv 1 Irftiiie house Kov tiolher I'uvtleillurs spi'lv to JllSKl'll UATl.KV. I 1711 Si'n.llnn Vvi'iine. :u;. :I71, fi'voilto GET YOUR MEAT i-rROM-i Booth the Boss Barber,\ Blakely d McConnell, (5KNKR.M, lUTOnKHS, Aii.i iriiioixif fi> I'tf or' Ihf .«/io;i,« m H m. | .Sfiiiin'n WiK-l »nxii- M'm. />.iiiiAi)ii.*r-'.s /k«>< I i^w- T^OTl T"> 1 1 'X^ / \ XT • .iiiii »S,H' $hoi'. /' st,frt. wh,-,.- hf) {^ Iji^jC'ii Vj Iv I i.*jN I ifill hf hiif>i>ti to ntf the ,»Hii/iiii;/iiri» vf n/l I his oUi I'lisfomeci iiin/ 11,1 miini/ iieir oiie.t â- «.» I /iiiiv ioiii'/hWii/ fo i;iiv m« li i-AiiHiv f(i iHiiiit- _._j„„ , ., - , , , f.i, „ ,v..„Mf.on iM f/ie /Vm »ii./','.- ! I^C.tsh l^ud for f;U Otltllo. .Uv. \C. iiof mill/ 0/ t'ti-ahrrioit, hut of' thf riifiiv i<i,«. | ^^_^___^^^^^^^^__-^^^^^^^^^ i,/ f'oi (iiviid; mi7i.» iii^nidi/. i _ Tl'i'iiMioimKe of the Uilii't i«ii><K'tfully io | ']'fy X^f A tiVllHCe Oftt Vl"<ir * ' \ I liciloil Feb. Itlh, ;.â- «<!>. WALTKK BOOTH, \for ^i or si.v months for 50 cts^