THE FLESHKRTON ADVANCE u with, and it rcinuius witii C'Aimtla to (Icciilo •wliethci' tlio c(l;.;c aliall Ijo liimi'd n;;aiiiHt its wiciders. It is llioiifjht by umiiy that C'iiiiada will l()(jk upon it iiici-fly as u bubble upon lli(! Kotlliiiig Kca of political warfare I now rolhiii,' around the Ami.'rican ' [)roplc. and allow it to pass (jn its I'liMM •ini;OFfic K, 1 way milifudiil, Ii is a bad businoHS, ^•;W. ,i/.am ^(,w(, - - ri.. slurh.u, Unt. u,) i^ny lh(! i..nst, a':d the .lUi-Hlion TKUMS oy KLMlSCIill'TION: .^,i,^,, ],q,,. ,,„h,), q( ij.i,, and »i vJi>cr u:iuiajnvliuiMiotboi.uiJ. (lUKUiLO, alul ( aliininy , iiuiM L,. in. 1(1, 1 TUE ADVANCE. la IHiljliblied W. H. THURSTON, J'i'lit'/r <(»'/ I'r 'I'ri'fdi FLESHERTON; llll'IiSDAY, Al'(i. 30, 18B8. Tin: IISIII.UY Ti:i.ilY. TiiK MiVEssrry oftjii: no in. Ioiiilin'i- bilori' I'lacliiii;^' that puini wlirrc i'lirbLaralicc rciiscH to l)o a virtue '.' Will it bi; v.'isdoiii to ^.ink at it all, and bulbil whilu wl- swallow llm bittci' pilliJ, until Auiericiwi poll- : tifri aciniiic a cahiicr and more I'a- : I'.oiml pliase, btl'oro we deiddf' w'lu (liir the ebalb'ii^^'o bo in eariiisl or no '.' iiis, at any rale, a most lja>t weel;,iii the AiiuTiean HenaiC', monifyinj,' and liiiniiliatint,' position llip I'l.-diery Treaty int i its doom, for to bi plaei-d in. Wiioliier the rijectioii of this treaty is mert ly a bid for the auti llntish vote by tile U(;piil)lican party, or whether it ii a di'liauce of Canadian ri-.'lits, ai'pi ars an undecided poiul with many I'leslurtoii ni..ds closer railway Canadian joarnalists, yet a lart,'e nia- 1 'â- â- '"""'^â- '''""^- i'or years .she l.ab jorily of tiieni concur in the liehef that i^'itlered the inconvenience of liavin;,' il is simply a r"V' ''•'"'''" t'"' I'lii'tof '"''' I'ailwny station jijaced just Hopublicans, and that ift, r tin; ap- s^'dlicieiilly far away from tlie viila^-e proaching elections the niiitter will be '" 'j' "â- continual source of irritation reconsidered and everything amicably j i"il aniioy;ince. It is safe to say that adjusted. It is at leasl W( 11 to accept ' ll'ii* inconviience lias cost the bnsi- tho most charitable explanation forth- â- "''^" "'en r,f i'lesherton tliousaiKls of commt,'. Still there is n(j doubt wimt- ; dollars in cartaL;e and bus fares ulouo, ever that there arc several llrehrands besides beini; a hea\y draL; upon tli'' in the American Senate' wlio would ' piosperty of the villai,'e itself. Some like to pee liritain and the I'nited 'â- '"'e aL'o diir station was Ininied Stales once more set by tin- ears. ' down, ,iiid has not bei n rebuilt. Tliey ai-e not at all backward in niak- ' Oeiilleinen of l''li'slu'rtoii, now is your iiig this known, and have itt rated and I opportunity to si euro the one thinj,' reiterated as much time' ai.l ;i 'ain. ntcessaiy to the future ^'lowtli ainl Oue of these epreadeuLile orators late- ' wellfare' of our now prosperous villa;,'e ly assorted that the States "licked |â€" a station within a convenient dis Dritaia once.and she can do it a!.;ain." 1 taiici uf its business ceutie. It is I lie lloilieaded, hasty, and i L'otistieal, sucli I company s intintion to rebuild this men r. ipiire the ruhn- power of mas- ' fall, and when we are aware that thev ler minds to moilify ilieir ardor. I can Send a company of men alonj,', IJiit theri! does not appear to have j witli nmteiial, etc., and n build with- been any of these evenly balanced in- ' in a very frw days, it is obvious that lellecu in tlie American Si iiate (jf late I there must ii.' no delay if we are to yeai'.;. At least a turbid, boiliii}; stream | secure this ii'ion. li is a matter of of hr( y elecution lias had free scope [vital inipmlanee tliat we secure beMir liujiii .; the hiti' di bate, an I with toe railway f.uihiii's. A ileiMilatioii I iilled Stale , Si Hit, .^l.^uld be m nl In w ait ll|iii|| ( I. m ral '>â- ' th d' l;i;!:iin an' , .^iaiia'Si- \',in llmni with u vn-.v In lui.stiot;**. FraiH nur i/vn VcncfpinKli nt. Harvesting is the amusement of the day hero imw. Tho recent rains liavo .spoiled the himhH pntatues, but tliey have nut damageil tile lar;;e oiu'.s. Miss (idea, who liceti visitiiii,' fricnels amuiid hero for soiiio time back, left fi>r < )woa .Sound last Saturday. Tlie IJev. .). A. lloss, pastor of tlie I'resliyterian chureli, Dumlalk, very nlly tilled tliL- pul|iit of the (.'. M. eliun:h, lure last Saliliath ev<-ninu'. Tiiu tea lui'etim,' liuUl Iiere last Moil- day eveiiiii;,' Wiuj a .success linancially ; tlie e\eiiiii),' proved satisfactory b.rtliL- (>ce;i.sioii, and thu iirocceds, which were aliout S-IO, Wont for tlie election of ii sliud. witli .1 icctun- room :d>ovc it. iNliWADVEKTlSEMEiNTS. Siiecial ].)iscount Sale of Kumiiicr (ioods this wtilc and next at M. Kicliurdson A Cu's. Call early and secure bar''ui!is. Eimciiia. le.-i.l has of t nil â- ,; Hi â- ' b.r. C.I, 1... 1. a_ v.!,i that ll.i il;'.- ill 1 1 e 111 lie t I hat \\:\ :'.<abl. l;lek. â- : \ \ llil ^ :iel, ih :i' I â- â- ..â- , ;ii. I 111)-' ii rii!- 11.. S- II I i .â- ,.ii: iM:. le |ii. . : a:,.i . ,. i-l;.; Ai,.. ;. , ; . 1 : ( ;. ', lo •â- 1, I' . '.:• i! io ; I < I II I 1< 1 11 e M .1 I I pi 111"! . Ill b ei'l â- | 1:1' .â- !â- iii'.l 1 l!,i I un e . I i I . M - 1 1 . /; I I'll 11 I ;. :i J'lnlil l:lir fifn r„/-Ci .-7.010/. 11/. Mr. Williiuii Farr, foniierly U'illur of thi.i place, liiit iiow of l,.ickton, Inw just I'eeii payiiii,' .1 vi.-it to lii.s numerous frioiuls loid aci|uaintance3 in and aruiuid laioiiiia. .\.s Mr. S. Hawkins wa,s diivini; aloiii; Inkennan St. l\d* nioniiui; In.s lionscs took frijlit mid ran away. Tiny were .â- itopp.-d, however, liiforu any serious d.iia- aoe w;us done. There was a slii^ht fro.^l luiv on Tues- day nioniiiiu' hut crops are imw md fur iid- vuneed that Vury little daniaoe was dune, so far ii.s pieseiit indicutious bhow. Jlr. I'lemcs. teacher, has loturned aijaiii, lookino liale and heaity after lua suiiiiner v.^catioii. ('uii.sui(Ueiitly schim! re-o|ieiifd 111 )aat Jlonday mormii^-. Attendance aliout •!(). Sarah I.atiiner h.-ia n-tunied to Toronto after flpeudiiii; a fnw week.s visit- in:,' lier (.aruuts and frionds in this vi- cinity. The rucks of Ku;;onia ure at last boiiig utilised forjlniildint; A ipwrry has been started near Mr. Shian's factorv for funiishinj; stone to construct the lioyne liridKc. t^>uarry men pninnunco the stone of superior ipiality.ciid tho tiuui may come when Wo .'*hall see "The lavy mint ijuarry teem wiili liuimin form." T. I'.. (Jillilaml, Ksi|., is away on n visit t.i tlie resiiliMico of Ills late fatlier in the ' Hl.iHii district. STRAYED. C.\Mr. t.itIioproMuse»H. o i ;•! K.iioit.Jr., I.nt li. ('ill- 1. Kuplii-ttsiu .. .â- ithiiut July 'ii. four hfiliTs Ci two >i!ui .111.1 1 jfiirlii.;; i owtiei iiin\ Imvo thciuliv i^ .i;:i iirui"jft>' ao 1 piiyin^; |.\iic;;suii. O Y S T E E S .\XD c;ame. Iff <'reaiii iiiitl < itnliii^ SniiniKT Driiik.s in Tlieir .SciiMtii. .1 6'...../ .sV.,.7; (.>â- ('.„:!'. ,ti('ii<r<i Jlir.t./s ,.n ILw.l. oRKKU V'lH FLOUR AND FEED Fitii.n S. SPIRIT, FLESHERTOIT. â- rail.' pill \ ih. I'll mi .1 |i 111 .; . . ' â- ke.i;,:. . Tloy ..ay i â- !, â- •W. will i.ol havi ilocii i lb..- I iiil. \\ ill oiii- h .iiliie.; lion nio\r ies id\in li;.- niatl. I, or V. ill they allov,- the i''.iiil opporliiiii'v ii, pu'w iiuay, ov.My In vi r (o liiis,. aiiotii.r i"|iial- lO'll'.-, Il 1. 'li; .11 Wf si.. I '.\. Ilk. w .1 a 111 n 1. 1 .' 1. i: ill I t;-i;;i.\ I â- .11 aiie oi I, I a.s I, â- ell |i 1 dil o .il li . I I . ' lii- ^V ill 1., I • 1- ill II: - â- \\i • ' f ' n 'lii .|.„„l r ' I o ;i :ai:e' p. , [ ,, :;, |l, 'i; ..'I .'e.v .li.i :iiir. I.O .ICi. 1- U ii.. II •ciiilii,..; :. I..i\, I'l, ; e - 11 ll:i .itid :y .11 i.i,-; I \i lin-ll â- 11 I p : r. I, if till . Ill \. 111. I llllll I Iiil lilM'N i: poll 1 1, ill doi|oc,, il, ivi II by . .-'oTi piiir; ijus |:,||,.j- '-â- ."II. Tie- f'.nipll. 1 ,1-, ih-i I,, ^iiy ; "The ^;ii at l.iei. i,iii:iins that for Il :â- . d )i.iily pinpo-i . ;ill ihc power- 1 illtliniiCi-, wi,l,l, il liy Ibe two ( ill. partie.i w i" ill! pioiiiibiii'y i; woiiiil 11 I lice uiliiili;; llii 111 {.< ,1,1 I il I III â- WtW. .' ti; .ii\ il-; 1 111 . r llio ilet I -'I.! '10, .1 OI » . :e !y i:,ii! ti,r â- i ,l! M •, 111 \i blirll 111 il'id Will !.- I'leslu-itiii \.:i-. Hot IkUcIiciI la nil 111. iiilialor, :uid liiii...tiil into its piv^oiit I'o. sllioii liy a .spniilaln e iiianiii. IN .^r. « ili h.iH licoii â- V.low mill >.;nc, Imii lio.illliy. yer hoii,,i-," hi,,, p.u'.s iiirliiiiicl... l''lenli erlnii .Advance. Pat's cinlmncle was f>i .••oiii, lime to !'"'"â- 'â- '' ''-' 'M'h.vsieian and itsforuiation 111 idiicaluiK thei''""'''''"^ a very niorldd p-o«||i. Does I )1..| lie t .\el _ ,„,,,- ,,,,,11 1 "'^' â- ^d.MMiee curry the simile thus far/ C.iii.idii has eoiiiiinlii i| -iiiil, wroii;';< |l>ui\dalk lliiald. « )uis wa:i liinced Hoiiiiiht iboir Hill OIII, il biiini and in ] almul lifloen years aoo, llm. .Sjmir, ami till 'Is. Unit We bav rifiiscd lo do I the "morbid uniwtli," wlioii last heard lliiir ciiiinlry iiislieo v.heii called I frinii, wa.s kickmo up , lido almut twelvo li]>on, and tliat tbo pi,.s,nt Demo- miles to the south of i Cliii le .\dliiilllxll :ill 111, if it .-iUivives, or in the event of ilN fall, a Kepiibli- i':iii .\dliiluisll'ation, will br forerd to ftilopL extreme niia-ilio.-. Il) compel Ciiiiudiiiii suhini.-.sioii lo rniiid .Stales (leliilinds. Wii lue. 111 hict, beni IH, 111 the KW'aiii|is of I'ldtoM. See panujraph elsewliere re- ferriiik' to Diindidk. It w(i\dd do you ({ood tdneii tlmae liuau- tiful '_''_'e Crelonnua tlnit ,1. (!. .Vliderson in'aieir liy the b'a.h.,'s aml"m^ans"oH '" "^"'"i^.l!^:''' " v-^";''- __. bo'hpnrlles ii,'- the coiiinion ciHiiiiy of li .1 I'nited States, imil wii mny e\- pi . ! belore the I'ri sid, iilial campiiiL;n | Jluiul.ou the 'Jiith insl. Annie 1 ba eloseiUo /iiid 111,, minds of llie ; chaiiiui, ftg«d S'i years. piii|ile of ilial eoiiniry uillaiiied ii;;iiiiist us to a daiioeroiis ii,\Li)iit. It I Kixhteoii persons were killed by a is Ihii* c.outillKency which wo milsl Ixiihirexplosioii at .Neeiiali, Wis., on Kri- ilsy oviiiiiiiK last. l»i«Ml. At the residence of her father, Muafmcl Itu- Flesliertoii, To the Front â€" li'OU- School Books, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Slates, Pen- cils, Inks. PAINTS, Kcaily tnixett, cheapest in Town. Hrushcs, Oils, Tur- pentines, White Lead, and Dry Paints. SPICBS^^ Whdle, ^icnind and mixed, for pickliiii; jnii|)oscs. COFFEE What is Colfee : Cocoa, Clioct)hito. Baking Powder. Al);;ohitoly the in town. .\ present with each p.ick.ioc. DRUGS < M' '.ir:;v> \.uict\-. Med;,i;!,-. :i; \u\\ >\' ] uu e, S\ Mips, eti Pati^nt I 'on't foloet Klissell's, Fleshertuil. oie:i; ivdudioii .-;ale for the month of Si pti niber. Iliiriiifi II lliiiil Tiliir. I'li.nd PiiMctl, late preprirU.r iif llii.s pipei, IS l,,uiii _; ,1 h:,i,l inuo of it in S'l' ol "die. III- lu.-t Hiili :.n :i,-ciil,:it li>e â- â- ih.r .1,1). ili.l llii,-, IS how 111-, lis. .â- ' iii.-M s :vl. .ii; Il â- â- ( 1,1 ill,. ,«:illv â- ioloi ; III III l.'o, ,.,, ,st;,,.; I,, t'l,. t'.p, |{ â- â- â- â- â- â- ' 'â- ' II til. I. i- .1 ; :,i|,l,, .,|.,. ,.||,| ,,f «''.^ h pi ;, '. : ' lilt vix III.:,, . :iii..v,l!:,. !• ^1 â- ' ll â- oil., r 1 I. in'- '. M..ii.l.,\ i!i,. I I V. I.,lil..i' n:,, V. .ILl:/ in; ;,n_v ;i|,.|, ; lii:< .- ;. «:â- .:!. ul,.;i III,. |,.,. . t liN kit I ^jj, II.' I I Hi.' . ii.lo. i!y 111 .â- ..III i,.r with llu-l .1.1. 1.. II,., I |.i, ji.tu â- p! ml. 111, I I' .1. •.. rilr.l ,-1 lull; eir.'!,. n- 1,,. ;,|i,,t i Vl'.i". 1 \-; 111 IP.cTW .1111 111-.. :;.,., Liu 1. Hi;, ,, ,, I',,,,!,,!' " 111 .-I -..i.\ 1 . >,.,ii|.,,. ;1k.s,.h,,, , ,,i'.iiiy of; (I | .1 ' |i II U j (I it : O | (I j ! Il I. Ill- nil .Ii.mI 111, l:, Sum, l.,.,ly .s|,,,|il,l 111,11 j down tliiL I'!., Ilk. ' 1 ol .Mr. I'.. II iiiiil ,..:,! lit all. i-y of Mr. Kin,.ctt. I The !;il I, I I .;iiiL; iiiid otloTW iso im- piomi- hit ;;ii.,i-. Wecalc'late hecau do il,, as till- ^â- :lnl,,.e .siiys. The Heview Will liii our most intese.stini; ox- ehaii [K'. TmiEl S{H\% GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, hUMunrs L'Timr .i.v// :â- .>/... .â- <l"ci>tl .|j.'..,|.. :. j,:.'(t„ /',.....â- ' , â- , . ,r' .V.>.<.|,o/ .l.o..|!.. .-.» ( i/....,. .V.-.'', .,'.' m\- carter; M.c.r. it s,,o.M-. I'livsin.ix. .SI !u;eo.\. a,-. i-lk>iii:kti'.\. 0:riecS;ri:ns l.; l;,-siil,.nc,.. Wi.i Wri^-it-i Partnership, n E. r. iijxo.v J. <;. iin r«.\. â- 'â- ' '' e .\i,. ML, , .\; V'i'ysiciAiis, S:i:-f:ccns C-c, &:., I'lUCEVILLE. J)HNTISTliY. Th:x:.s Hendcrscn. L.D.S. sfi;c,K(iN ;â- ! Nri-r Cli M. I.,!,<t ,oof ll..;,,rli:.i.u<.,t, ,.fiU /..r./'..s'., Wi'.l I -i: l-I.KsllKKro.S. ,M.:i|..i-r.T. s i;,,-, ; 1 .111 I:;. .f ....,>. :i .,.1,. T i.ilie\;i I. -I. , i . rr .â- I.ei.l nil,, I If I. l.iyli,.,; ^tvl,,e. 11... u..; â- .,:â- ..â- lit i:.iitl, rat,. 1., :,.... ..VI. nemi:, T.'.l \ vi.t si %^^^^' .1. W. FlIOST, ]J,H.. linrrlsttr, Solitittn; Cottn f/<inft*t: OlUco. -StruiMH Hull.!i,I^•, Fi.isur ii i\.i. -V. A. I'HKSI.KV, .Solictor itii.l t'oii>o) »ji««.-. I;, >i.U-:it Maimtli-r mi; KI{i>-;t «in l... foue.l .-.t tl.L. l tnr* .n Tliuni.lavi. KS lu'rctolorti. P. McCULLODGH, IJarrisfer, Solicitor, ,V<>. Om«-«>. ovrr .McFarlaiid's Store. Murktlalc. Moiiry lo Loan. JoUa W. Armstrong, I'l.s.Mitiin N. C.-. (lii'.i, niVISlDN CulUT CI.KKK. COM M mstOVi-K , " '! '•â- . /'"'iveoiTi,.,.,.. .4c, .\,;u\ \„ i.oriliiv. iii'.l -II,,. ,.f IhiiiW .\i.].rHi»i.r I. .re I, <â- f, . . mill-. : 1: .V s, s,.,„.i>, M„„ej ,,, .„,n,,,.„.i„ 1,1. -t,..«...,„»l.l,.t,.,,e. Ksi-KU ..p M.MiKl.U.L; 1,1. l.N->I.S. N,.| ,,;., I'l l.T,[^• MONKV TO [A>A.\. .IT (.«nVK.S5' ( t KKEM It.VltS, >':â- To ,:: .. I .„ , ['...pvltv, .s \'.\}:.: II , i :.. I U^'i w. ,). r.i:LLA\iv.^ 'â- â- ^ â- ' y l-Ni ,.'.â- . ' ..1/ V • ^:i, Ml; ])-'-i'-^ vIi.Ki.iM;! s I i:\.. ^ ,. , ,. ,,,, .... I .•â- ,.. I . ..<,, 1,.,, i. , , ,, ,jf,^.. â- â- ''\ ; ' ' o 1-1 .. y-' 11. .. :.,,.i '""â- " <i"t I'lini- • Til,. .si,-i.,.t,,v,i!,.irp 1 1 i; \j I i> r Ii^n^^i i.Mou ..ll;e:Mve.|v.-..nt;iiiie.||lu.|.U'e«clli L l\ i'j lU A .It .IV ii 1. 0» Fl.KSlll'Kl'ON. t'<l iTf'iithi t'orinliil I'.iuh /><(/,•. /.•. r. of r. ... , Uev. .Mr Sliilton, l!, .\.,',.as kindly cmi- (Il^t.;' "^ """ seiited to preach llui luiiuial scnnoii to i. ,. leas the l!ii\arr.'iii|.lar3 on SiililnUh eveiiiiii; )',,mj,,- "'^' •''•' l"'"-^- F.L,'«s,tVe'sh. '.".'.!'. I'otatoes bush... Flour ''1 7.') to I 7-"i Fall Wheal J?l) 78 to II SO Spniio Wheat 7S 80 .. l» .">() 5f) ... I' I.') t) -in sletidily keep in view." .\s a politic*! weft|ioii. if it he sucli, mo rni; i)i;.M.'. .v ivirtou ciimaef i)..iiri...i.i ll,ia ia n .Int. . . r '.1 r * ali.l n.ii«o« ill tllii himil of 'ill yiisrH" Htivinllni liiirt m n daMKoroiiH one for oitlior of |i,).,,i„„,i.,,„,,„.,u.„iii ,u„.i » ,i„.ori,.tioio,i Uie (fjcat political parties to plii^ I |iy A Hlniplo i',, will Hunil A iluiicri|itioiu)f It iriuCB to vtiy 1*1.111,111 who npiillivH to h'U'Uui,s.»i. M Kt. Jutin Ut., MoDtrokl. Call at .1. (I. .\iiileison's lunl j^et ,"1 llis. of Ilia famoii.i ;i()c imeoloreil Jiipan Tea lor S 1 . Qouoral News. Kifteli lives were lost iiia st.'amer clli- sioii on Sail Kraneisco Hay on Wod- eiisibiy last. Ki..<lit luimli-iid w.irkmcii weie drowned by an iiuiiidiilioii in (/'liiiia. U.iii. Mr. iMownt returned from Kiii^- land on Hntnniay. Tlu) Ahmitiilia (iovernineiit and the Northern I'licilic otlicials Imvu Higtuid the new eoiitraet. 'I'lio I'. 1'. It. liridije across tho Credit, near Mtmdowvale, oollapsed on Saturday mub^r a freiijht train, but fortunately no live.s wern lust. A yoiiii^' iiiHii at (<anami.|uu Ivan killed on Saturdny by being «truck with » Imau- ball. (• (ill (H) t> If) ir> 11 I I 10 .'HI f, i-.ll Ci (â- >() 7 00 H 00 1 ,"<o .^ fii) 1 !' V!;? I'l.rb llii v per ton Hides Wool Sheepskiiiii oO 1 0(i (loese (H'l 00 Tiirkevs 10 10 Cliiekeiisper paif 1!,") liO Dneks per pair ,",0 (10 (.'.uisidenOdo ilaiii.iije >v;is dmio to .standini; croi>a in rieloii duriiii; the bail storms of last week. .\ North Dakota i;riiiii dealer say.s that tho>isaiid5 of ,ieres of wliiat have been left uncut on iieeount of dainaoo done bv \ freis;ht tr:iiii en the Maidroba read ran into a horil i>i callle near Fort Hu- f.ird, iiiinriiiK tivo tr.tiiimen and killiin,' a hmidied cattli-. Hon. J. S. D. Tluimpson, Minister of Juttico.liM boun inado a K. C. M. Ct. J. SproT.-.Ic, l)ii.?l\l.\sr::i:.i.'l,,,l:e,;..,v .,unns.o.., <r i.' 1'.. K.. l.ici 11 -eil .\i ...neiT. Con ve\ae.,.r. .\.-ru<.r iiii.l M â- P,.,,,),,. lU':ll I'.-tiUe 111 1 liiMi,-,niei. .\, ,it. l><...,t.,, Miirti;ii:;i s, I,,;isis ami U'ilU rawii up un.l Vslu.iiions 11111,1,. ,,„ ..,li,,rl,.st netii-e. .-Vuc linn ,S,i!,.s ;r,l,.iul,.l (,, i„ ,„ ., pury of tie I'miiily. M,.n,.y (,, p,;,,, ivt l..nest r.iC'« nt intevcs:. C,.ll,ict\,.n.s ntteiei.,! t.i with l'reiiiiiti.c!.s auil ilc-pnlch. ( luirjjes low. .\(;ciitfor tlipiv i;,iiii,ii, Stio-.;-.;ipeomp»U). t'tanii til ;v,.Is t;, ni FUshftleii t . Liverpeel, (iliiagow. I.,.ii.l,.n ,ir luiv of il,.i lirilish I'.irN. Parties iiiten.lin« le vi.iit riiEliinJ, SiMilaioi or I.-..|,iml, will pleies,. ;i,<k ratea be- (ere i.iHchj.siiii; tli.'ir tickets ,.l»..wliore. James Sulii^an, The Tinsmith, - FU^shtn-tou Ut'Vrtiviiij;. I'livctroimhi'if,'. mid i- (;ictoV€vy- tllltlt; in llio lMl»lllL-r-s wili ^t^-|>lvo my prutiiptuiMl ciivolnl Ht'.M.tioual vimsiiiiftHi' JMK'* •', FOE SALE."" I wo v.M-v ,l,.<lv«t)l.v 1 .cate.l |..ts in tho Til lllK. of KloshiilUMl. .\!i ule.ll.Ilt elinuc* »a »n urn n sMo I hII" for » ,m iv»io ri..-iJoilc«>. .â- Vrplv ul to u.;o iCi;i:KKU, l'';,..<liorton. Or to J. QBO. KEEFlill, Korost. Ont THIS PAPER r^ilir-ur^TNiJ^^ Adt<rtuii4il>«rNiuiHiav>ru<>«*<-,k.'>iK"*"<t?tnMM «r U) luihta tw M IN HUW XWtC .a.^.