FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR"-" FRIMCIPLES, XOT ME.Y.' \nL. VriL, NO. 376. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. e, 1888. W. H. THURSTON, The Local Ne-yirs. SAVE MONEY! SAVE MONEY ! Mrs. T. Akitr. ..f ci!::iu-.v What is Hapix'iiiii!,' in Our Owu ">-' '' -^Ir !!<:'; rot -i. .1 >././ Irriilnit. â- a, 13 visit- (111 Wednts.'.-iy ..f :ast wt^k Mr> â- Spp jI^;. livin.' iif.ir M:ix»-ell,iii' th.-T • : Virinity. J. W. H. ii.lc-rs.'ii ;uk1 f^iiiily rttarnua "•'' ''â- ' '^â- t' wii-!:;-i: . •-;. J. ^pr ul-. ii. A few lines k-l't yet in summer t.' T^r. lU.. I.L.it w.-.-k. Dr. >;; r il.- ,MUi.. U: â- . M iv f,,r Ha.. "oods at M. Richardson .v Co s dis- M^.^a H use and Mrs. So tt. â- t Hatu.l- " '"t :•â- ":â- • with ^ ,v. «r-. an.; what u-i coiuiL sale continued. Bariruins sjo- t-^n ;ir(.' ihv .'Ufst.? â- i Mr. I'-.tch !• r * ic'.v I \! Irs. .'^rro'il.. lli'j dav The Li.iu-s Aid S. K.-iety ..t the Flesher- ^â- â- â- •^- - â- ds ...rrivii..- ..iaily a: M. Richard- tnti â- Fre-sbyteriaii church intend huldmi: snii .v (.â- ••s t-r fa]! and wniu-r trade. In •I C'.ii.'ert nil the sec-lid •.-.â- eir.;..' .four dre=.s •.; .d.-, niai;-.:e ^' â- d». ''tie :abnes lair. iLirther particulars .if whic!; will tx? and iic'-vest desi^i.s. a iar.-e sick. M. ''iv.rn later "11. Uie .raJj. 1! >'>. '' n^.iv an .l.i lady .f ':, years. Wh:'- walkiriii al. ni.' tile rc.a.i in the vi.,iii:tv : Ma.twi.i! s.he at:. -..i.t..'. ; â- tur-i ar .;â- sud.ielKV. wlieu .-:... f^ll, brea.^in,' h.,- . her arm and t:...'i. The .if..-i.ia: d.'Ct. r .le- n. t h i| 1 . ut iiuci: a. : •• â- her â- j:t.;iia'e ret' 'â- â- ,rv. BY BUYING- YOUR Wlieii use.i ace. rdini: t.. .lirecti'-i:-. Aver s .V.'ue C'Jre is '.vamnted ;•â- eraii. cate tr.in the system t'e\eraii.l .\^'.le. ' Ii!T..'rmit:ent, I'ein'.tteiit ari.l liili. us Kever, ,411.1 all malarial diseases. Trv K. (in riU II I'.ift •!, I ::â- • ..aile- .\ •; >• ii^l vLif' ii. ^^.sh : ; .ir'.y a" llie •e-.'iLi ..u W e<iiivs.i. . cv. â- .m-.' .ast .• . : the Met^ :;e!-i a .-arc : Mr L;>;i;i1 Tile eV(.l: !:l'V. • .M i; ;'.a::' K < •« â- > ^ WA CLOCKS AVD jEWBT;f(Y, l» Spct'lafks, Silvei'waiT, Klf., During the month of September, i8SS, at Kusseirs Noted Jewelry Store. I.ail.i eliilVed tliu i •••â- y .; lea-. >\ t!i. 1 u.iilv .-1 lieiiiitrktihlf Mrtmr. ' i;i_' was c. '1. .ut ; .•- IS .;.'. I. i â- . ... ullelid- -^ i:.-.i". r â- : ef.rn r.i'iiary '. ri)! aricv .Sl-.'Ue.sti..ns are b.;in.,' c...n.«idered as t.' ai.ce ^.j. d. The .a. .â- .-;!• .ide.i an v,.t- -*iid erratic i:i \-< i,. vvnieiit. i;! i.;. ;!.• m.akini: the li.yne l.rui.-esi'riiuMthe best abun.i.uice ••l , •. d tiin..:>. Kledicrt. a s darkiie.rs la-st W \.i,.|.<.i-;y ev*iiin..' ab. j- r'-'Ceeailus. .Hid vVery- '*."<'. It a; : e.i-e' â- !â- i;i this ['. ilit t â- _â- ;â- \". .y theiiHwlvis ut ward :..\.. -i."-.!? t'.e i... rthwe>t at ..• an.-..- , • .lb. :• 4."i ..; jr. es. an.' v.'x- ..-s- I ><.i Kriiiv ev. .i;.;^ .i v i;:i,' ; e..; I; s cet.i; ...y ;i ,!i-. \ . i:-.,'e niiu'..- ' Uev. T. Wit- u h-i.< l,,:n ..;.,••.. i by ^.,^..j „..^^ heM at the <a;;:e ; iaee t. .:>â- >e. ' : â- .^ 'i . w it::, ^,e.; i; iiere in an'i... .â- : e Flesiiert.'ii L).\ ;s.. :i .â- >. 11, fT..:iii-.er- .., ^,. .,â- ti_,. ,â- â- .:â- ..i, :)â- â- • -l^. wiieii t: â- .' â- » tnn- ti-it :' w;.< a '.erv iar.'f r .V- - auce. a:i.t a;.. ..inl.-.i t.. '!:e. .•''.- .f IM;. -^^^ .^.^^ _^^^^ ^^^ i . ,i ... .l:,M..^es a ,th ^vh;c:â- ,. iiie i.. :..i.i :ded. but .: » i, inie.^. etc.. an.i .i:.i fi:!! _ i.^tic.- '.' tiie I r'.veii I. '.e a :i...!c. r . f rare l.ea .-v. !' Lir;.-.-e ! .r -Ahieh they '.ver.; xs-se.:r:>Ied. was .-i.serv.,-.! \'.'. â- â- â- :â- ? < iiicari.'. ai:.! 'r f: the U.chntir ' i' .sor..:it. ry Wv lean, tl, .• r la:._-i'..;:- i;i -;.. vl=. :..>jur_v. ^^ ,.^ ,,_,. â- „,.,. s,.j_.;y -i[Hcmi.-ii . â- eiiL.- l;eS. mJ J .utVi..u.-;. •,â- •.> nu-t.Tic iirow. rks wbi.h the ] r --ss. : tiiere !i:u.l evvl .-V.:.. The st.'iie a; â- ear- I' h.av/ ei.nn; in â- . i:tact â- .vitii the e:.r*!i - t:tt.<t Grey Exhibition. I at:n •« hire ai ..:i in.-le. the re>:saii â- Tile C'.niiiiittee a;.;., luted at tlie la.st , .-'i;wiucli .rave it an ujward turn, just ,.- Disorders ..f the st.niach. liver, and uieetii:.; .ftiie U.ard t.> arraii.-e fer si.«ei:\l ' a bullet tired at a slant int.. the water [kidneys, can be cured by restoring the attractions during the 6h..w i.. W held will return to the surface. bl.KHl to a he.vthy conaitim. throu'/h here uii the l'4th and IJV.h i„si. met last, " 111 tliC townshii., by the w:iy. .i drinkiiii; rnnitaiii and wateiini; tr. u-.di i ov t!:e â- leiient .:f the rnb'Iic. •!:e..t' U r.. i:i j !.K..- . ;" v. (â- :. F..V ..ti. wh.jse reH:..valnia ieachai ,'e .f itiairs iieces.varv. . ,,_. . â- tr"-'-l Mr. B. Tiii.niT>s.-.ii is inakn.,' e.^ten.iive t.- iiii[irovements on his [lo;er'y. .I'aate a; 'yu-.-.uu.- the crner .f IJeech. I ai!..! Eli.iabet!i ;,, _\[. Kifi.ards . !i ..: Co s ..iiicouii'. Sale street-s. He IS evidently bent u;..>n d.>ins{ tl.ij wteis. i hii j.art t'l iu.ike the m.'st of tile nat'jral I beauties of uur viilaiie. the vnaliiiini; and cleansin,' acti..n of Fnd.iy. and decided t . luive baseball and ^ I Ayer's .Sars.ii.ani;a. It is the ^lUeat. Ucr.'sa matches ..ii liie lirst day ef »h..w,: and [...wertul au.t m...4t hiiihly concen- t. .entertain visit- r-^. Tiie .lirect..rs. in | V.iluable Pr'.[.erty fur sale m thi thnvui'^ Villajre of Flesiiert- u. K r ].articulars apj.ly to .\. K I . - ... FAW.hn. /.'•'•;• "-elhce. Streetsvdle. I 'i:'.. tiated alterative avalable to the public. , -r.ur t.. a-,i,t i;, n.i.u,^ .: a -uc- -ss. wi.i â- ^^ ^ ^^. ^^,,_^.^,„ _._ ne.hert. n. ; ure:i.ise tWk. • a!i:a:..e cu -, »:'h '.fia .' .• t . ,,..,., .. 1.. 1 ' , , , ^ Ti.i:.- .\il .u-.-. lints due ine t-r Joi. In I iii.'n Lashmeres.ajl wui.H.a»liinerej. funds, t-. l.e awariu-a to tiie r.o»t lacrv.s.<e ; ,, > , , . ... . .^nj a.-lverlisin^ must be • aiu I'l We w-; 11 give a DISCOUNT of 2()i)er i^eut. oft* on all cash sales of 81 and over, f.iuille cloth, crepe cloths, t.j.er.i twiils, ' .^,,,^1 t,(^,^,._^,.,i. .^.^t.:,^ , ,„ be kn..wn ^is ui- ;Sc..tch tartans, plaids, fancy melt. 'tis, n.^-icr,, priiies . md t â- iv cnipeted fjr tweed etTects. etc . y. u can i;e: i-x.-elleiit ..j, [j,^ jjrst d.tv ., I s.'i.'W "ii tlie exhibi- vahtes an.l a larve and ch.'ice stock t.' .[, y ^r.'Uiids. In ail hlien tluy wili otier select from at M. UicharJ.son it C... s. , prizes fvr bicveie races, kii,'pi;.e cnipe- , ^ " ' titi .11. flit r:\ce.s. etc. The directors' I Tlie new Boyiie briJije is to be a st.-.ne and brick structure, in which i:ooJ w..rk. iu.>n.sliip an-l artistr.' taste will d.'ilbtless be di.-piayed. The bridge .'u.dit to bear la ineni'ri.il i.ibl..t t.. tlie i;:viivi,Kial "ii ' wh. Ill the .. versl^ht f tlie c- ti^ern f:i"i>. and vvli,i f,.r s.> many years i:.is dev. led liiinself Willi untinn,' zeal I., the welfiire â- : .w nshi;.. Frii.ti J. H Arnistr.ii/ .-is 8o<-.n as p.-.»»ible A. K. FAUTETT, /, ..,,.,â- I U'^ce. Streetsvii'.e In order to clear out some of our immense stock, to make / ' ' room lOr ' •^'''- •'â- l- 'â- >â- â- -â- ' <'..-^ires t infrmth.. public 111 u'eiieral tint tiie rurii. r lit. iv LARGE FALL IMPORTATIONS :^T'.Z'"lT^^:":^ri^. .\li-, I, .n.ks i:if..[i:is :.s tiiat lie Ii:is never In Watches we h.we th.e famous WaUh.ini. Hampden, â- \"' '"â- '^;'" ''â- '^'â- â- â- •^•''' nwei n .t...!|.!< to eibrt.s t.. make .ur siiow a i;raad succi"8.s I will meet >vu:i th..- a; proval ol ..ur enter > pris;::.: citi.:..:.-. wh.. wiil r.-nder thc:;i such ,i."-ist.in..e :i.s may be nc.U'i t.- ma: it 'oy :.ir :!:-.. i d c\|.:' .'â- â- -i ever !i...M 'i !::•..'' !:â- 'v : <i- â- L.I us;..^ ii -ite ;:: kci :i:^ ill..- .'â- '. â- â- â- ii;::,- t'lt slicrloii SOiliiiii IttiiiM. (.â- - i,.;.'. ri'.; -.â- .â- â- .:. e-- -i;!: ;:-'.:iil<. m .-•'i'.. . f 'he â- _ '.•â- 'â- :. .iv h. ,i';:r. c.i.ira 'er; . I the ;....:i;:i;. N ; â- â- f t!i.. M-..;, h ^v.! ,.\e:'. :iri' i-. .i c n -i .-.i...! .: i: -•. 1- i*. Vr. V. M..-!.. • .; ill' lat- V I. .-.l... ii! addii; 11 : . ;. ^ '.. â- :â- - . W - ;i:.d ;..s f-iiiii'.v a:e â- I'.eav i â- :â- a -:i. :; xw.::-. TO Illinois, Sprnii/fieUI, Coiumlius, in ''oKl aiul silver cases, in y--' â- •â- •<â€" -y'-'- â- '•'â- â- â- .â- * ••'â- â- •' >••!'â- â- "â- !•â- • mi. u. \i ::â- in. .:â- â- •;. .1 â- •..â- : -he, , â- â- , \ . â- 1 â- ' .- n.'Ur :..;â- »:ue --iiice i ist wnitei. aii rum. rs , . , , .i , . . â- ladies antl gents sizes, boaruig warrants irora 3 to 5 years. _ _.^ .,.,.,.. ,1 , rvi-'n-u.br - i-ir-.-ct an.i . est 1 am.s nat ,.. . e -eei. The finest make of American walnut sprin.; and wci^l'i'^ ii.titrncil. Clocks, bearing warrant.-' fr.>m two to four vt ars. An ^iS m.-. Wm. Sii,'-ot 11; tins j'atr. Ibiin: .ic'iM • the ' 1 »t.it.. :i. i â- ..[•le.l 111 .'11 us ciirie-.siV dei....siie.l '.. i.. .;-.'.i:'i; ;.. .^ .. !ivs Watch for 6l4..[0 ; a >:0 \\'atch for ?lf> ; a Si:""W"a~Tl 'l'"'^' une.v!.ecte..!y ..n M .n.iay. He h ,.f .tone. «:in.l he:i;s ii.l mn.ir -,:-.. .b.: . l.i..kinu hale and I-r.-ar;v ai'tcr liis ocjaii ..-. ::ibii.e t-. iivo t .,n"-r., ;:... ;::â- â- ,..-:â- {or >().bO. v..ya.:e. ' tb .1 c :.>:!. i ..bo i::i;.i. w„u ills ::.,;.: b. lUi.ie 111 til'.- \;si!..e c!:;iracter .: '. :e OLD PATRONS In Silverware we have the most beautiiul selection ever .1 nm-jUifif-' shown in this countv, at e^juallv low prices. La^'it-s" Tiie st re . f Mrs. 'I'jas. .b.r.lan, • f Brooches and Barpins', Earrin-s, 'Necklets, Guards, etc. Kppi.i.-. w-.is biiro:.r>,ied .•:, Wedu..v'uy , . , 1-- • /- . \r 11 Ii TM â- /^1 . .. *1 iii:;;it .ast. a mil accui.t .'l wuica wi.i be Cjcnts lie pins, Cu!t buttons Chains, Charms, etc., at tlie , .- • , ., . ' ', . .,' , 1 , I , i..ui:.l in our l\iui ..To'V c..rre.sp..ii....nce. same terrible reductions. Also the most lovely ana large .since receivin- the ab,.ve corres-.on.i..!ics- selection Ot „^ |,,,ini that several .t the .uticles Ladies' Gom !Engagem:nt Einss ''=!^'"-^"'r;i;':^'::::;\ O O Q mg s.'im. "1 t:ie c.t.iiiu: ;OkI .i ^.....i i..;^. and iS K. W EDUiXC KING S ever shown in this section y,m uiulerwcin- jiwi m. A luu-e of the country. Come at once and get the choice of the stock, tine lines, in-u-is low, a: .M. j::;reat reductions, and remember that the only piace to get l^'t-'l'anl.^o n .v- Co r;. your Watches, Clocks or Jewelry repaired is at l\ii^^'eir^ JSoted Jewelry FOLKS' FI ET7 TO>r. 'liic I.itei;;i y ... .ciiiy â- . x; ects t . :\ .; en i lUiriii.' tins ni..ii'.'-. ai .1 -t is li â- ci w;i; lone all increas:: jly iiitoro.t.ii; I. :'!;i, I llie uatur.ii. .- i.il and s;:i!Uiai ad-' vanta.-es mi.:ut be ir.;i.ie far In re . I tiian tiiey ire. I ::ity. â- i^i ; use :â- .: d perse- Vvu veraiu-e arc i;r.." ii:.. 'I'li .>;i- .t I.. if.'W faster. i Silf- lUiiii' r CiiiiUst. .\ test of seii-biiuleis eai.ie ..>:i ..ii Tues- j _ I ;3t* .::i_\ as :iiui..ii!.ce.i. on the farm of Mr. ' lij.. Stewatt, r.eav ti.is village, t -nly j U'l.d In' intk- JjnK il:^"' two inaohiiies ciUi|.eted--.i N.'.\oii ami a| w,. o/ ^Ctwk- A.U Oni.l':KD FOR < i 4,..'. w •ii' wU«N 1 .kl..».»^ W^J \ND r.\TKON.\Gr. t)ar exchaiiocs may revel in stories ..f i...i,t,>,s„„. Tlie )Hd.,'e.son the occ-siou QV ^^ -. ^"â- '^ SHUa,she8. tall con, and bloated hens ^^.^.^^, ..^ ^,,;^.^,,._ , j. ,;r,,j,.„„ „„i ^. PLOIC. eu-i-'s, Inn we have the me.Ial on fruit. ^j,.,,,„. jr. A larue number of spectat- Mr. John Beecroft hiu, a crab apple tae ^^.^ ^^.^^^ ,„, ^^^, ,i^,^, ^^^ ^^.,^, „f ^^.^^^^ 1 loaded with Ixith blossoms and fruit. In ^,^,, ,,^. ^j,^, ^^^.,, ^^,^^^,^,,.^ j^,,._,,^, ^^^ ;.^,,^_ the same i;avden are also pear and apple test w:us Rbout live acrts Special reductionfj on goods for presentation purposes. the same i;avden are also pe.ar and apple test k:us about live acrts. After examin- I i^ W i<"^ ]" V !f* PhO\V\ trees ill hl.'oin. Wo intend shortly to iiii; the ditl'erent points of Ik. th iiiach.iies, j r< \ \ r^l.4r<l\ i)___^^^^ advertise Fle.sherton as a winter sanitarim • the judiiiw agreed in awaidiiiij the palm " ^â- â- iâ€"iii*"""^^^ 'â- "^^â- ^ . â- â- , . â- .k u 1 . r t^* the Noxon reaper, but not without for invalids who are in the habit of, , . r . ., . , . 1 some uissati.-.fac'tioii . n the jiart et a vdnteriiiji south ot the 3Hh degree of number of oontlenun wh.. express ihem- Utituilo. ' selves elsewhere in this issue. \ MA-l^lvU^T-»^ \