Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1888, p. 5

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SEiT. ::o, iS8S.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WHEN VISITING THE DON'T FAIL TO EXAMINE THE EXHIBIT OF MOORE 3 ..: ihc TLESIIERTON TURXITUKE WAKEKOOMS, i>ut.li m the txhibition buikiing anJ at our store, IlTos. 1 and 2 Durham Streot. .S â- >â-  I'n'i iitLfuL Plusk I'drlor ^ui(t'.s lii, [V'ulniit h'ntnie.^. lirthitoin Setts, in a vicmher of Styles, from ill to i-30 iwr set In Elm, Mahogany and WaLnut ^Vuods. The justly celebrated NEW RAYMOND SEWJNG MA- CHINEâ€" The best in the world. And the well known, tried and tested KARN ORGAN, Will boili bo sliown. All kinds of repairs aud Needles kept in stock. It will jmy, as well as iuterejit you, Co walk tliroiigli our Show Kooms anU see i,'OuJ6 aud gtt prices. Dout forgut thi.' place, pi.i'isii^^fj'fox fii^yiYUi]?} \v.Sf?tjf{ooM^ Is L'om[ilett). A g(X»d stock of poI- islu'd and cloth-covered Coffins aud C'uski'ts ou haud. .\ tlrst-clasi Hoarse in conncctiou. \*iSi^^ ?iiiS!f BOOTS & SHOES! I have a large stock uu hand, suitable For Fall Wear. Men's and Boys' Long Boots, Also a large variety of LADIES' AJJD CUILDRENB' WEAK. A lot of Siiiiiiiier Goods iSelling off Cheap. WM. CLAYT0N'S7^ " FLESHERTON. w adLJL JJ â-  F. G. KARSTEDT, Having purchased the stock ot WM. STRAIN, is now in a better position than ever to ta-ke the lead in STOVES, TIN, COPPBRWARB, • And Metal Work of all kind?. Eavetrpugly.ng a Spgcialty. F. G. KARSTEDT, STRAIN'S BLQCK, ELESHERrON, COUNTY AND DISTRICT. .i Half Hour A7non^ Uur Exchanges- Tin; Sliell)uriie Free Press is reapon.sible for till) followiiij,' uufragu iipnii tile truth : Mr SainiK-l Lawrence, nf .Mulinur, witli hi.s new iiiaclune, tliresheil 100 Uuahela of iiiltB ill I'J iiiiuuteii 'iiie day Jast week, un Mr. Win. Wilkiu.ioiid faiui in lluliuur. A aiul deiUh â- loeiirred uri the 0. P. R. triun 1,'uhil; west un Monday eveninfj. \ VDiiiiL' m.iu, named Willijim McAuly, who was lifiiiT l)riiu','lit iMine fn'iii To- roiitu in tliii last 3ta;.'es i.f consiiiiiijtiijn, died 1)11 the train aa it reat'lied Arthur statiiiii. Tho lifeloKS body .^f the ycuiii; iiJiUi wan met, here by those of his friends whi< Were at tlio statiuii expecting! to s«'e him alive.â€" [Mt. l''.ae«i Ke[i. .Mr. Will. White, uf Sullivan, .son of Mr. D.MuiM White, h:ia been tn)ubleil fwr siMiie time paat wLlU a |jeouiuir ^'iMwtii uf tle.sh I n Mill- ut !ii» lovi. wliich tliially be- eaiuu .11) tnublesonie that dii Mi.'iid.iy last he fuuiid it iieeus.'rary \..> have the uver- arown member aniputated. Wilham will iiiiw take :i rest for a e.Mi|ilu •>? week.t. [('hatswoi-'Ji Ni-w.-i. Mr. FiiiiH'i.s [.uiidy. of ISni hue east, t'hiin^ii;iei)U.-iy.ruceiitiy iett .several baus nf wlie.it .staiiiiiin,' out 111 llio tielil uver .Sini- liay, iiiteiiilint; tn suw the :.zr;iiii .Monday fi)lli)Winu'. In the nieanwliilo tlireo horses beloii'.;in.; In .Mr. Liirnlay mw the :;raii' ard :ite a ennsKb^nildi.- portion nf tlie ""aine. Twn of the hiirsi'< have since been repMi'tnl iK-a.l. while the third, it i.s .â- >aid, i.s not e'-iieeted to reci.'Ver. -| Slreet.s- ville Uevieiv. Mr. .James Iiaird. of the l»;li eon. uf Holland, near Maasie. met witli .i severe b>1.s l)y lire U.^t Friday. While Mr. liaird and wife anil the ohfer members uf the !iiiu.si'liold were at work in the fields, about noon, thoy .suddenly di.scovered tho barn on tire, and before anythiii;,' could be done to save any jjj)rtioii of the euii- tents tlie buihiini; was eiivi.doped ill tlanie.s. Mr. baird's loss i.s very heavy, in fact the family is left destitute, :is the barn, 2^0 shocks of fall wheat, all his uats and pe,a.s. all his farm iiii|iliMiieiits and vthiclcB w*ru pjntiuineil, together with all thu winter bejcluthes which were stored away in the i^niiiary, ntid he hud iiu iiisiiraiiee. .\s Mr Baird is a hard workinsi, suher.ptishiif,' nmn. with a lari^e family, his situation is all the more |iiti- able, and we have no doulit if a sub- scription list «;us opened HI his behalf it woiilil be liberally responded t . by the jiublic !j;eiiei.illy. It is not known how the tire uri^;iiiateil. [Chats- worth News. iirvy AsMlzfK. From the ( I. .S. Timi-a. Tho Fall Assizes eomnieiiced here on Tuesd.Ty. lltli iii.st, Jud^e Street pre- sided. The docket is unusually small, there bein){ only three civil and one crim- inal caae, and the latter was left over from the ljprin<; Assizus. The small number of civil caaes miiiy \<e accounted for In the L'ourt coming; on so close after vacation The want of irinnHal cases speakes well for the molality of tJiecoim- ty. Jtid^e Street entertained tin- I'.ar at supper on Tiiesd iv eveniiii! at the Seldon House. The CI i and Jury aftei beiiifj sworn ill, made a vi.sit to the jail, there bein^ no other busiiieas fur tlie.ii To Assist Nature In restociUK diseased ur w astud ti.ssiie il (11 that an; luedicino can do. In |)ul- leoiutry alTuctions, such ,u CuKIn Kron- jhitis, and Consumption, the inm-iiiu .weinbrane first becuines InMamed. then lecumiilatiuns (oriii in the air-eells o( tho lungs, felloweil by tnhi'releH, and, dually, destiiiotioii ot the tissue. It is 7lain. theruforR, that, until tlin liackiiif; lOMgli is idiuviid, tile bronchial tubes -Hit liavu uo opportunity to heal. Ayer's Cliefry Pectoral Soothes and Heals "((le inrtanied meinbrani', arrests tlia wastiiiu process, ami leaves no injurious results. This is why it is more highly esteiiiemi than any other pulruoiiary Bpecifle. L. D. Bixby, of Hartonsvillo, Vt., writes : " Four years ago 1 took a se- T«te cold, which was followeil by a terrible couyli. I wan very sick, and cunflnoil to uiy bed about four months. My physician Uiially said I was in eoii- â-  tiinption, and that lie could not help me. Quo of my neighbors advised ma to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, ^nd before I had taken half a bottle wa.s able to Ro out. Ht the time I had fluished tho bottle I was well, and have remained so aver since." Alonio P. Daggett, of Smyrna Mills, Mc., writes: "Six years ago, Iwasa trav. cling salesman, and at that tiuo was •ulteriug with Lung Trouble. For mouths I was unable to rest nif^htf, I could seldom Uo down, had frequent choking spells, and was often com- pelled to seek tho opeo air fur relief. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which helpej me. Its cou- linued use has entirely cured lue, aud, I beliere, saved my life." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRiriJlKD BT Dr. J. C. Ay«r k Co., Lowall, Matt. Photos, Photos, Photos. w. >â- â€¢â-  now liinilug 'tut wurlc/ar auperior in ttylc and jInUh «, .my ever pn,- il Ill-Ill in FIcsherlon.. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING ihm: hi nn !l, l,r,i„,li...,. .1 ,j,„„l .lock „f FRAMES, .uid M<)IIJ.)lXaS i;< ,,i coiiitiintly .,11 l,„n,l. ir,7/ ,//«, ill! 'â- oiiuct thu neic BK'j.tl/J'E I'Ojif/iAJT. t /)ii,(iwe tluu UyiiiiHi, entire *iiti*t„ctu,n wherever intrwluctd. SAMPLES '"n be seen .it „u/ d.ilk-ri/ irhcru nil p.irticuhirs a> to I'rfp. Sfijh k--., â- â- â- tu he .i.s,.-r FLESHERTON -^ HEARD'S^ Carriage Works, FLE SHBRTON. M.i.MJF.iCTVKERS OF hu^i^ies, Spring- Wagons. Lumber Wagons and Iron H(ir rotes. Painting, Trimming and. Reijairin<^ !>romptly attended to. liorse-Shoeing a Specialty . FlesliertoR farriaffe U ork^. McTavish & Legate MANUFACTUBHKS OV WAiUmyiS, SLKliiHS, liUVGtKS, nEMOVUATS, .»>. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. .M.ioTHIMMINUS ill ({rua« variety HOUSE HROKMO pron.ptlv attumled to. Special .\l»«nn«i' Ijiyuu tu Cuntractod or T^udur Povt. : ; R. P. LK<;.iTi: U. MrTiVISII. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. THE mtt.aT UmjiLTU HKJrEn^KK^ Marvtil of HmUhq. md KaMnoor of Medicmet. ^n*"V^ 'V*-'^^^S£ it)«i«rrlble ••aM««iUfnce« Af lndlHcr«tloB» ^â- ^ V^fc* *^-^g^ Kzp««mr« mill Ovvrwork. -2"OTJl^TC3-. .lv£XX)X?£iE-,^0-EX) .^irx? OI-JD IMI^niT \Vbo aro brokL'ii Jonn troin tbeu<rf><>i« of khusA will fln<I ui No. H a rtidical euro fur u«rY(.us Jc)>fJity, or>;aiiio wn&kae«^ Invotuiiliiry vitul Iobbuh. «tc. Sr^ffPToMS FOB WHICH No. b hnoiM.n na U«»ni,â€" Want <>f eiHTsy, vuruigo. H'Aut of imrxK'te. dimiiotii) of fti|!hb, ;^.'ur8iua u> HOciuiy, w»nl of ouuHciunuo, Kvoidaijce of coiivortaiiou. dt^Biro for BOli'.udo, liiLlOHsneHfl uuJ Inability to fix ilio atttiutii>u on a p&rtiuulnr Hubjt-t-t., cuwanlico, duprMnsinn of apihts, f,-)(ldluc»«, 1r>M of niuiii-irv, excitability of teuipui. fii'*ir iiniturrhti-a, or loflti of tlio ^nintriAl llnid â€" ihn r<wuU of »44ilf-ikbiit)o or marital oxcc'Ritâ€" iuip«k- tonoy. iiiiiuUittiHi, oiuauiiition. l>tkrr«nnos«, rMpitAlioii of thu lu-art, h>Bt(ri<> fotUnjc i:*. foiitiilyH, crumbling', un-lixiicholv, iliudirbinr uroftios etc., nro all nyiDploniH of tbin tbrribl-. bftbit, q/t"ntimo8 i:i' ocfii'Iv «oquir*»t1. In abort, Oio spntiR "f vital force liavini; lout i;« totittioii, ••v«-ry furiutloii wnnOR in ciinBttqQoiiMii, Vlontiflo wniotnaud tliu MiijioMnti)niJuiii)iii of inHii4i«4 ii^ylntrts unitq ui nHcrUnufi to tlio ciTticU of solf-ubiiHo thu> uit^ufc nnvjority o* i?ii«toil livo-k wbicU eu uo umlur lOtfic uotlo«. If you am iucnnip**tcnt for tin? arilui vu <lnt<inrtof l>Mtiiii.'.si, i;i '(L;ju';imlo;l fur Ibo o«Joyni«nt*i of lifo, No. H oifurB ati t«>-fapo Ironi uhn otTf^cttJ <»f early vie*. If y^ii aro odTanootl In vouru, No. H will k'vo you full viitoruaJ Pti-onnth. If vou (iM hr-kou duwii, ptajMCMlly anil uiorally Ir.na ourly indiacruf.iou, t,..« r-'.siili. ')f '(;nui''i-''C<. tU"l lol'y. f^i'J your fcdilrft** *in!l Ul emits iu Hfcninii.-ifor M . V. \.\ i^t^h'a Trimfjuw la Itoolt Konii ou lij^aa** of Man. i^tjiiii*.! mh.i rin tir«* from ol>-i rvalton, Ai.1r«HnalI coiiniKinJcationa to M. â-¼. LVIMK'V, 47 WrlljuKtou Ht. E., 'loronUK A Manwtthout wisdom lives in shoot's partdiM. CUK£S GUARANTEED. HEAL TH^ SICK. Permanent Cure. STONE FLOUR! STONE Pieasant Cure. The A"' ft //(â- (' TIM. ./AN I, I.4H'.l, ^ FLOUR 1 Strayed or Stolen. MR. F LOUCKS DcKir^'fl to iuiorrii tlie ptihlio in (*onor»l t1i*#the rumor lAtGly uircnlntw). to tbu pffoot thai ho has bocii A«lljn^ roller flour, iu uttorly f«)He. Mr Lo4ickii Kouid in form tho juibUc Uiat h« hi^M uuvtrr sojil riilicr tloiir, and iicvur intfladi to; alNu, that hti l:a:i always ))a(l <tWu«i flour on haijil and for tti^u mjiico lant winter, all rvmora to t^e contrary AiotwUb8tauUi»8' yro(n tho prouu^us uf \V »'. ' â- ukor, K-L lij. 9iid w«Bt. .\rtitiint^'ia. two -towH in ii;^- .mo *«♦< â- ? and tho otlior vouhk- hlack. i;i<l hiaok an i\ whito npottoil. In^oruiAtion thaiiMuily ruceivn A on to thuir whorL^abodt-i. W <• IVMiKKU SALESMEN WANTED " glauil Niirtiiirii'i*. f'-tablishod nv. old r«liiibln uniHiTv. Won wii Ko«h1 httbitt ami ok-ftii cliaraeti? V» can KiT*j you yood [lay av New tho I . "y.)»rM. T l'.» I'lish, one rpy. lii *Nays *\\cc co'i. i vtuadv work »* • can HI'** ^**'i ^oo(i (iHT n'.i'\ sTuaav won Wrltufor tuiuin to CHASR 'lilU'T llRKH" CO VI PAISY, Nuraoryuian, Colborott, Wn*.. '51

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