Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1888, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. n "TRUTH BEFORE FJVOR."-" PRIJVCIPLES, JYOT MEJV." VOL. VTIL, NO. 379. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1888. W. H. THURSTON, " ITOR Sc PROPRIETOR Tlie Local Iffemrsi i SAVE MONEY! SATE !^I(>NEY ! What is Uappeuiiit; in Our Own Vicinity. I Kimberley ccirresiiDiidoiico too lato for this issue. Dross Trimmiui's. Special novel- ties in tbeso lines (it M. Pucliardson'a A full stock of boots and siioes, all aorta and sizes, yood and chonp, at \V. Clayton's. Special novelties in black goodB, Mantle Cloths and L'lstoriugs now iu at M. Richardson it Co's. BY BUYING YOUK WATCHES # Spectacles, Silverware, Etc., 1^ During the month of September, i8S8, at Ikiissell's An oicursion train left Flushcrton station liiat Tliursday inoriiin;,' for Toron- to. This was the tinal excursion to the fn"eat exhibition, an<I about two hundred peopl* took advantat;e of it. The horse which was killed by lighten- ini? last week was partly cremated in a bush within the villa,.!o and nearly lifted the town on .Sunday with olfluvia. The health inspectors ordered its removal whioli was done on Monday morninc. â€" [Dundalk Herald. Readers will please observe that the horse waa bur- ied "in a bush within the Tilla^jo." The same bush, wo presume, where they trap bears ami hunt r.ibljits ? Miliint'iy. Our millinery depart- ment in cliiirt,'e of ili.ss Maud Riuhard- aou. 13 now full and well assorted in all the new ;uid fasiuonablo j^'oods of the season. Hat, Donnet, and dress trinuniiigii, the nov<ltie.'i of tin. season. M. Uioliardiiou A Co. a couple of duets, accompanied by Mr. Vanzant on the cornet. Mr. J. R Anderson, of Markdalo, gave a couple uf Scotch songs, and wm roundly encored. Miss Lizzie Richardson, Misa A. .\rm. strong and Miss VocDusen sani; soloa. Our handsome younit bachelor confrere of the Dundalk Herald raised up hi»< voice in ii couple of patriotic airs. Miss Daniude playiny the accompaniment. Mr. Si'iirr's 3nii;ing was tiuud, ami the musical editor will be welcomed when he returns for a like purpose. The Glee Club rendered two or throe pieces, but Were not in their ubhoI form. Kloilier- ton hi-ass band was in sttenduncu. I Foolinff a I'irkpttckft. ' Mr.s. .V. .S. V'anUuseii iiaa t! prouii A meeting of members of the base- ball club i.s called for Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, in Munsliaw's hotel, to transact important business. On and iUter Oct. 1, the fTlesherton poBtotfico will be open from 8 a. in. till 7.30 p.m., R. .J. SPROPLE, pnBtni;i8tor. A few prize blankets left at the Flesh- ertoii woollen factory. Call and yet some of them before it is too late. W. H. FLESHER. The Markdalo Standard of last week i aatisiiicti.ui of knowing that .she fooled i has the fnllowini,' funny little story. ; I'lckpockt-t in l)»<i shape duriii:,' the fair What does it mean, anyway friend [ "u 'l'i'e«day. Whau |,'oiiij{ to thearounda Spurr : J B. S[>urr, of the Dundalk "'"' took the 'precaution to remove all from her pocket-book, aa Noted Jewelry Store Herald, visited Flesherton last week. He remained over iiiyht at the hotel, and arose fnim his dreamy couoh about half an hour after the bus liiid left for the station. When last .-ieeii by the denizens of Fli'shortiin ho was hoofing it in a whirl- wiml of dust towards the west. We be- lieve he overtook the train at Prot<m Station. We show exceptional valuo in men's and boy's natural wool UNDER WE.A II and Cardigan Jackets. M. Richard- son & Co. The East Urey Teachers' Association meets in Fleshertoii on Thursday and Friday, Oct. SJ5 and 26, pruyiamuies of which have just been issued from this office. Fitif Orapea. We had forwarded to us liuit week several bunches of ^'rajies, of the Salem variety .grown at kimberley by Mr. J. M. Thurston. We do not hesitate to pro- nounce them the finest grape ever grown in this section of country. They were fully one third larger than any shown at the Easttjrey Exhibition, and command- ed the admiration of many callers at this office. "We will give a DISCOUNT of 20 per cent, oif on all cash sales of SI and over. In order to clear oirc some of our immense stock, to make room for LAEQE FALL IMPOKTATIONS In Watches we have the famous Waltham. Hampden, Illinois, Sprinf^field, Columbus, in t;olJ and silver cases, in ladies' and gents' sizes, bearing warrants from 3 to 5 years. The finest make of American walnut spring and weigh^ •Clocks, bearing warrants from two to four years. An ^18 Watch for S14.40 ; a ?2o Watch tor $16 ; a $^1-2 Watc h for !S>9.6o. In Silverware we have the most beautiful selection ever shown in this county, at equally low prices. Ladies' Brooches and Barpina, Earrings, Necklets, Guards, etc. Gents' Tic pins, Cuff Buttons^ Chains, Charms, etc., at the same terrible reductions. Also the most lovely and large selection of Ladies' Gem Engagement Hings and 18 K. WEDDING RINGS ever shown in this section o^ the country. Come at once and get the choice of the great reductions, and remember that the only place to get your .Watches, Clocks or Jewelry repaired is at f\u^,^eir^ >foted Jeweli^y ^toi^e, Kimberley played baseball on Saturday last with the Rocklyn club, and came h(;me with (lying colors, with the score at 1!) to 28 in favor of Kimberley. The re- turn match is to be [ilayed next Saturday. Some iniproveiiionta have been made on the road to the station. Water-ways have been dug on the hills, rfjugh places covered up and large stones jncked off. Still we will never be satisfied until the lulls are gone entirely. One younn man, on Thursday morning last, arose rather late for the excumion train, and lei;ge<l it to the station at a two-forty '.{ait with his coat in hi.H hand. He cau'^ht the train, but iinagiiio his dis- gust when he found that the excursion rates wore good for the train whcli follow- ed an hour after. Ho felt like stoppiuy the train and putting him.iolf olf. In boots and shoes oui; stock is now complete. Call and inspect. If you dont see what you wani ask for it. M. Richardson A C<i. Thanks, Mann ! The editor was ma.lo happy on T*uosday by a (jift of tile prize jxitatoes shown by Mr. James Stewart, of the Valley. They are of the W hito Star variety, and are remarkable for the smoothness of their skin. They are the linest table potato wo have seen . Mr. Stewart will please ac- cept our most hearty thanks. HATS, CAPS, and READY-MADE CLOTHING. Our stock in this brancii of bnsinenH is ii,l)reast with our woll-siisttiined njcord of having the right makes and right pricet!. Come and see. M. iiichardson & Co, Lecture. Rev. Mr. W'ilson uave a very entertain- ing and instructive lecture on Monday evening, in the Presbyterian Church, on "Scotland's Martyrs," tolling in graphic terms of Scotlaiid'.i struggles and tri" uiiiphs ill the cause of reli|.!uin. The lecture was free, and waa listened to by a largo and attentive audience. At ..Iw conclusion a vole of thanks, moved l>y Mr. Wat-snn, secimded bj Mr. Neil, was tuudenjd to the lecturer. valuables sho was given to understand that strtmuers of <)uestlunablu equality were in town. While on the grounds she was jostled anainst by a stranger. Site i^rxv him a shove and intimated that it was belter for him to keep at .» distance. Ho apoloyizud very gracefully, but imt long allerwarls he was ituilty of the fiatiiH act. wlien Mrs. VanDusen, whose suspicions had been aroused, felt in her pocket for her pooket-btu'k and fcmnd it '^'one. She collared the fellow ami accused him ot being a pick-pookot. This ho denied strenuously, but pointing to the ({routni said: "There is your pocket-book." "Yes, ' said Mr*. VanDusen, "but ther^ is nothing in it, aud that's the reason you didn't keep it." When tlie lady in- formed him that shu would have him arrested, the would iie tliief looit to hu- heels, and may be runiiim: yet for all w. know to the contrary. Mrs. VanDusen deserves thanks for droppmi; cm to tin- •gentleman's racket so neatly, causim; bnn to make himself scarce for ilie remaiii- dor of the day. Arlomesia fall show at I'riceville on Tuesday next. Markdale on Friday. Jenkins, lata editor and proprietor ol the Durham Chronicle, has b.eii sent to jail for thirty days for coiitoni|it"f Court. Pcrnon-al, Will Wrii,dit .and Stewart Hato^ have both returned to their professional .i(ud- ies, the former to the Colleije of I'liy- sciaiiH and Surgeons, Now York, tind the latter to Toronto .Medical College. They left by Wednesday morning's train. Dr. Dixi>n, of Priceville, left on Tues- day to take a course in the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. Mr. .Joiiii X. Wilbur and wife, of Haiiiiltoii, have been visitiii;; at J. (!. Uus.suls fo'- some days. Mr. Webber is employed in the Uaniilton postoflice, and is now takini' his vacation. Special reductions or. groods for presentation purposes- HAY WANTKD. - Karmcrs having good No. 1 hay forsiile will hear of a pur- chaser by applying to Thos. Sturdy, hay presser, 2(5 Catharine street south, Hamilton. N. 1!. -lam at present press- ing ill Dundalk. and will be at Klesherton, if business will warrant removal, for a few nmnths in wiiiUr. Prices $8 to 911 per ton. When symptons of malaria appear, in any form, take Ayor's Aguo Cure. It will prevent a development of the genua of diso.ase, .and eradicate thoin from the sjstem. A cure is warranted in every instance. ' Killrd oil. thf Railway. We made a business trip to Toronto on thursday of last week. When just this side of West Toi-onto Junction a ioiiduc- tor, who had boarded the train at Mono Road to assi.-ittho regular conductor, was knockeil olf the train, thereby susLaiiiiii'^ injuries from which ho died the same cveiiiii(; in Toronto hospital. A long iron bar on the under side of the car had become loosened, and while leaning over to see where the trouble was, the un- fortunate mall came in contact will.\ a post, .siiiashim; his face and injurin;^' liiiii otherwise. The resrular conductor was standinj; at his side when he was knock- eil olf, but made no attempt to stop the train. This seemed to us a piece of lieart- less iiihumanity. Deceased s name waa Win. Mason. Ho was a married man and resided at Wingham. Concerli, The ontertainmont given by the Ladies' Aid of l)"leaherton Presby berian Church on Tuesday evening waa attended by a large audience, and was juccess ill every seuse. Mr. Joseph IWackburn occupied the chair. The pro- gram consisted, of vocal and inatrumenl- al music, with one reoitaiiou by Mr. D. VT. Th Vinson. The fujks, Bjcoihers gavQ COMPKTITION DFFIKD ! Fine Goki an.<i Sin-f^r Watclics for rvesi'ntoti<)Tt or Personal um*- i ±jMEIiICi±J\ CLJX A ND S ILVERnWUK. Quality and coiuplotene';:; cS stocl: to select from not tMiiKilii il in Central On v. ISizrs Completi- i// (i'vi (tiid iS K. WeddLnu Hitios- No Cateb Prices. Ct ods as represBLted ou "CASH" i:ki rN'i)ii:i'. Ciin ilo better for Cnstomn â€""Cmh fir "<MilU" â€" tliu,i â- III-; nther jcwtlir Im 'â- tjrri/ ( ." Watches carefully luM promptly repaired. JEWELER i1iQW», MARKDALE, ONT. <r. *; .** V y^/

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