Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1888, p. 5

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SiPT. 27, 1888.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. «B t,^ BOOTS & SHOES ! I Lave a large stock on Land, suitable For Fall Wear. Men's and Boys' Long Boots, Also a largo variuty of LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' »YEAR. A lot of Suuiiuer Goods 8elliug off Cheap. WM. CLAYT0N'S7^~^ FLESHERTON. REMOVAL ! F. G. KARSTEDT, Il^ivin^ purchased the stock ot \VM. STRAIN, is now in a better position than ever to take the lead in STOVES, TIN, COPPERWARB, And Metal Work of all kinds. Eavetrougliiiig a Specialty. F. G. KARSTEDT, STRAIN'S BLOCK, FLESHERrON, A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR BIEN OF ALL AGES. :t*aL disejlses op MAir. â- ^. XjTTBoisr's s:e=ecii^io i<ro. Manal ol HMlirifl, tnt Kihmoorol Medicinei, Uitttvrrfble couufMiiioiioctt nf lncll.cr.tioilt klxpoaur* and Overwork. e. Who aia brokt'Q down (roiu tba eflottg of nbiisa will And In No. B a rulical euro for utrvous debility, ortjauic woaknosH, involuutary vital Iobbur, oto. Stmvtomi pob which Na 8 Suoilm iiie Vski>.â€" Want of energy, vorhno, want of purpoia, dimuuBS of sight, aversion to eociotv, waut of outiQcteuoo, avoitiance of convarsatiou. dssiroforeolitude, littleMuasA luil inability to fix tlie attuntiou i>u a paiticular fiubjuct, oowar<lioe, depniMiuri of .piritH, giddinuas. low of momorv, oxcital)itity of toniper, spcr* niatortbaa, or loasof iho aouiiual fluidâ€" th« reault of sulf-abuao «t luarital uxci-»»â€" iniiK>- iency, iuijutritiou, etnaoiation, barrounntw, pulpitatiuu of tho lieart, bystorio fetdin^'' in feiiiateB, treiabliuff, iiit^laiicholy, difttnrbirR dreaius. etc., aro nil symptouis of ttiiH tt-rriblt habit, oft«Dtimes iauocuuily iicquira<l. In abort, the spring of vital torcu liaving lost i'^ teu»ioii, evAry fuuotioii waties iu ooosaquauoo. Soteiitillc wnterBaud tlio BuporintuiidentH of iiiHiiue asylums uuit« lu i<Bcrihiu|( 10 tlis eSaota of self-nl>UBa Iho ijroat majority of wasted lives which oonia undor their iiotico. If you aro iucoiupeteut lur iba arduous dutiu^ of businoKJ, iucapaaitat.*! for tho cojoytneTiti of life. No. 8 offern an eacapo from tho effeotaof oarly vice. If y<'Uaru advanctwl iu years. No. ti will give you full vUoreud Btroii(^th. if yoa aro brokeu down, physlually and morally from early indlscrotiou, the raHultotiijUoraiiccand folly, sond your addrvim aud IJ cunts in stamps for M. V. Li bon's Treatise 111 Hook Form ou liisoasas of Man. St«ii!od xnii HL-enro from obsorvatiou. Address all ouinmuDioatiuQS to H. V. I.UBON, 47 WvIIIdkIou Ht. E., Toronto. A Man without witdom lives in a fool's piradise. CURES CUAflANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. A Permanent Cure. >b A Pleasant Cure. HEATH FOR ALL. HOLtoi^tiiiiiiii THE PILLS I'urif V tho Ulootl, conuct all Disoiduis of tho They invij{oratoaui restore to hoftlth Dobililatoil Conptitr.tioijfl, and aio invaluable in all Com- I'luiutsiiicidoutal to Fomalus uf all ai;i)H. Vox ChiMruit ntnl thu a^ud thuy aro prtcolusH THE OINTMENT s au iafaltiblo "nMiBiy for Had liOns, Idid Hrcastn, Old Wounds. Soros and Ulcers. It is famousfor Oout aud UheuuiatUui. Kor diaordora of the ChCdt it has uo eijua For SORE THROAT, BKOJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS (ilandularSwoUluga.audall Bkiu Dineasoa it has no rival; am) for coutiantod aud stiff oiuta it acts like a cbariu. Uinutactursd only at Profossor noLLOWjtT's Kitablishuicut, 1H, New IKford Street (late S.tS. Oxford Street), Loiiiton. aud aie aoid at Is. IJd., 'is. Od., 4i. Od.. lis,. 22s.. and .Wm. each liox ir I'ot. aud uay Ije had of all Med cina Vendors tbrouKhout tho World. j^Sr PHrc)iaters ihovld luok U. the Label on tht Pvt» ami fko-n. IJ the addreit it not ^2J^ Oiifurd iStrent, London, t/isy or* npurioXM. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. A Half Hour Among Our Exchanges- A terrible accident occurred laat Mon- day night about thruo miles from Thorn- bury, Mr, Sampson of Toronto while on a li,<liin(; uxcursi(jn, caniiied near Arcliio Lauiidry'a |.)lace on the lake alioro. Dur- ing tlie niylit tho camp tire caught tho tent and before Mr. Sampson and party were aware ot the danger their blankets and bedding were in tlainea. Mr. Samp- son wa.s badly burned about the head and arms and his son received great injuries about the feet. Both had to be taken by first train on Tuesday to the city for treatment, and are reported doing well. â€" [Thornbury Standard Mr. James Hare, a re.-pected tanner hving near lioUand Centre, met with a serious accident on Saturday, which will probably render him helpless the rest of liis life if it does uut even yet prove fatal. They were hauling iu oats that day, of which a load had just been driven into the barn, and Mr. Hare was standing on it pitchiiig oil", when tliu horses suddenly stepped forward and tho jerk threw him ljiickwards(jff the load. Ho fell heavily, the back ol his head and shoulders strik- ing the Hoor lirst and leiideriiig him iu- sen.sible. He was carried to the house Hiid medicsl aid at once >uinnioiied,wheu, iitt-T he i-oturiied to coliaciousiieas it was bund that his body was completely para- lyzed from tlie neck down. .Mr. Hare, who id tho father of (;ur respoctjd Town- ship clerk, is upwards of 70 years of age, and Dr Oldham, who is attending him, cuii.'iiders hi.s cii.'ie .t very critical one. â€" [Chatsworth News. iirey Assizes. Sutton V. McLaughlan. â€" Verdict for plaintitf. Karrar v. Gilray. â€" Tried at the Spring .•Vs8iz«je here, when verdict was given for defendants. Upon application of plain- tiUa a new trial was granted. Verdict for plaintitlV. QvEKN V. Fare wgLL.â€" This was a case of criminal libel. The defend- ant, Jerome Farewell, editor of the Union Standard, was charged by Alei. Crosse, the prosecutor, with publishing in his paper a letter and his comraeiit.s thereon, which libelled him. Tho reasons given for bringing acriiuial action instead of a civil suit, was that Farewell was not supposed to be worth anythint;. The defendant relied on the defence tliat he had nothing to do whatever with the ni'wsp.ipeiH, having sold out a couplo of years ago to Eli;t8 Lemon of this town, and produced the UiU of Sale. Mr, Lemon testititd to the same elfect.. Tho juiy found a verdict of "Not (luilty,' J no. Creasor, i). (". and W. liyrc for prosecution. Mr. Fullerlou for defend- ant.â€" [(). S. Tunes. Martyrs to Headache Seek reli**f m vain, until llu*y bfj^in 10 use Ayer's Saranparilla. Thrn they ro gret the years of suffiTing they might have escaped hud they tried this remedy earlier. Tho trouble was couslilutional not local ; and, uutil Ayer's ^rsap». rlllu did its ollcclive woik as an Alterative and Ulooil I'liritier, lliuy were coinpelluil tosulTer. The wife of Samuel Page, 21 Austin St., Lowell, Ma.ss., wa.H, for along time, subject to severe heailachoa, tlie result of HtomacU ami liver ili.sorilers. A per- fect cure has been offected by Ajcr's Snrsaparilla. Frank Kid»prt«, Til Wa.'^liiiigton St., rtoHtini, s.iys that lie fnruH*rly harl tei*- riblc bouilitclies, and until I.e took Ayer's Sarsaparilla, never tound any meiliciMc tli.tt would givo Permanent Relief. "Every Spring, for years," wiites Lizzie W. DeVeail, *i2 Fifteouth St., Brooklyn, N. Y., " I have had intoler- able lieada<^lies. I i-oMini«ni;«il the use ot .Vyer's Sarsaparilla last .March, and have not had u headache since that time." "I siiffereil from healarhe, imllges- tion, aTnl debility, ami wa.s hrtplly able to di'ag niyselt about the iionse," writes Mrs. M. M. LovvLs, of A Ht., Lowell, Mass. " Ayer's aarsaparilla has woiked a marvelous ihange in my case. I uow (eel strong and well as over." Jou.'vs (iannau, Esr]., of L.rkins, Pa., writes: " Kor years I have sulTureit dreadfully, every Sprinu, from lioadaclio, caused by impurity of the blood and bilousno.ss. It seemed for days and weeks that my head would split open. Nothing relieved me till I took Ayer',* Sarsaparilla. This medicine has cured me completely." When Mrs. Genevra Uttt.anger, of 24 Bridge St., Springtiold, Mass.. began to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, she had MulTiued for some years from a serious affection of the kidneys. Every Spring, also, shn was afflicted with headache, loss of appetite, and indigestion. A (rieml per- suaded her to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which bcnotitod her womlcrfnlly! Her health is now perfect. Martyrs to head- ache should try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Pr«psr«d by Dr. J. C. Aytr ,«c Co, Ix>w«U. Mu& Price (1 > six buttlaa, |». Worth (i a boula. Photos, Photos, Photos. We are now turning uut work far superior in style and Jinith to- any «¥er pro- duced in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING done in ull it.i btdncha. A good itock of FRAMES and MOULDINGS kept amatimlh/ on hand. Will aho introduce the new BROMIDE PORTRAIT, r, picture that ix jioing entire uitis/action wherever introduced. SAMPLES am be aeen at my Gallery where all particulars us to Price, Style &f., ean be ascer- tained. MMS. B^^MEE. FLESHERTON. -^H EARlTS^ Carriage Works, FLE SHERTON, M.iMFAt'TlREB8 OF Baggies, Sprint' Wngonfs, Lumber Wagons and Iron Harroirs. Painting, Trimming and lievairing Ijroniptlij attended to. liorse-Shueing a Specialty. Flesherton Carriage Works. •Obsuid I •at aow wiTcaai M M â- â-  At The KUfUit ui<J llOtb IftdlM'AOd KMlU'l wltb work* uad mm* ^ Id •Mb loe«lU7 o«a â- â€" mw «•• rmKK. uowutbupoMtitot W« atMwtrâ€" w« wuit vmm pw- •00 Id MMb loc*lll7, 10 kM9 M iw U) th()««iwhoo«U.*ooiBplst« lt»«of<Mr Tmm Muii|iiM,ui well M Um wftl«fa,w« Mnd rrM.aod aAar jvm h«v« kc|H tiieiii III ruur home tttr « muuttii uitl aliowil UbMft WUiuCtt wtK> niftx )iKr«c»llMl,Uli)r t*«c<>uia yovx owtkorop^rtn It I* poMlMo to tiikk* tlilt icrMl .jfTsr, â- â€¢nillo( lb« «OtJU» •OLU Wkicli lui.t COS X Y Mii>|>lM !>•«, M lb« sliowtoc of ttM^MU^lMi Iu anr luoaltly, alw^yii rMulta in • l»r(«ti«d« Itar â- â- ;.fl«ri)tir i»Aiii|ilt« liKva tw«ii Iu n liic*ltt>for • Buotbortv^ w« iMtMily tfot rr»iu #lOUU to 9&000 lu tr*.tt rrua *• â- orrtKinUltic oututtrr. ThUl, Rm ntott wntnlorrtil .>(Im- **«r kDuwn,U iii*«l« Id unMr thai our <MUiipt«s lumy b« pli««d At otto* vtMire tbay cftti ^>u ftoMl, *11 <;var Amurlo*. Writ* kt ibos, Uk4 Bwkoiiur* uf Win cU«iic«. ftwfler It will tw tivllr Mir ' â€" itrl« br r >u k> »tKiw Utu r^inplM U> \iiim» who maj call %\ yoxa bott* •Dd roQC rewkrl wilt b* vao»\ ftatlilkctorr. A [K>«Ui oM-d o« Vhlota to «rlt«iMc<>aUbqtl o«Dt Uid *A«r youkuow »ll,ltro« 4o Do4 ei*r« w> (u funb«r, vb)' ov b»nn la duiid. Hut I r 70* ^te Mnd rn<u tMUr«M ftt tMio*, rvnouiMMU'v rvKK »o« •UXbm kMt tolU cUd WAlebM lu Uia WivJd Mid "ur Uig* llM^af COflTLV SAMrKaB*. Wo p«]r kit »imM. frclcbl, .1^ STONE EOUR! STONE FL.QUR ! ME- F LOCCKS Denhus to iiifi,rni the pidiiic iu Huucral that tha rumor lately ciruulntod. to the oll'ct that ha hii., been aulliiiR roller dour, is uttoily falsa. M.- Loucki would iiibi.uj the public Ibiit ho has never «ul,l lollir Hour, and never iutaiida to ; .ilso. tbiu he bus iilways had stone flour on Imn.l siiil for sale since lust uintor, all ruujora to the contrary uot« ilijstandiut,- FISH, FRUIT! Central Store, PEICEVILLE, Unpreeettitited Bary^iitis in viery ilc- jmrtmtnl during the pnscvt month in urilfr to mulct luuin fur Fall '^urchaset. Highest Prices Paia for Butter, Eg^s, dc. Call and inspect our i/noits and contpare prices br/ure mukiiij puichaner. A. McCABE. O YST EES AND GAME. Ice <'reaiii and 1'(»oliiiic Sirmner Uriuks in Their l^eu.soii. .1 Good aiock (if < ''iii/rrliuiicry .4/icuy* y)k Hand. j ORDKR YOUR FLOUR AND FEED ^ FLO.M S. Sri?jrFI.ESHETlTON. NOTICE. FLESHIRTON Implemesit Agency ! J. G. Carson I Tates lliis opportiiuity to tlmwk l.j.s mauy ciist'iniers for tliL'ir li«art,y pa^- jronagc Jui-iii!^ the pa.-^t S ycais atul I > ask tlioii' contiiuKMl supiport in uis iie\v I premises oil U. Tniiible's corner, (j[ jposito Miuisliaw's Hotel, Ficslievtor. I The following,' is a list of t!ie Iinpl • jmcuts I handle, all tin; mannfaeui;o I of tliat fainon-s and ttdiahle old tinn. Messrs. PATTEUSON iUtOS., Wood stock. Out. : SlUNClT/RScoustauilv ou band an.l for sala eheiip, .t Millâ€" now bv ohoppud up in short order ret put ii! first-ela-sa nitw CboiMdna Millâ€" now brini' alour your (irsin and yet n ,J. B SLO|>\N. '•'"^onifv. l/ic Jttro.nce wM TllJ, IAN', 1. ISSO, ''VsJ51 I-'or -^O fix iH^ai BtJidcrs, Reapers, Mowers, Rctket, WaqyoM, Bug'iics, iHeiffhx, Cutters, Fanning MUlii, S)iriix<i Tooth Cxdti tutors. Grain Drills, l.irMid-cnt .Scci/rr*. Spriuij Tooth II, :r- nj I (•.•<, Iron /fttriuics, Ticu-Fuytiiw iionj J 'tow, S,'i,jH,r.i. Tttriiip I'rilh, Laud h.:i ,a. ) \

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