Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1888, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. fSEPT. 27. 1888. •J- : . 1 . ,B â-  f«->-^-».rr°"â„¢**^ And still ther e Are MORE BARGAINS TO BE GOT AT Jj Don*t forget to ask for THATiCASHMBRE, Regular price 350 • yard, now 22 1-2 c a yard. It is 1 yard and a <iuarter wide. Those DUES GOODS Wc arc selling at la i-2c a yard, rc;;ular price 20c a yard. Beautiful new goods. 1000 DOZEN BUTTONS ! Sjlling at 5c a dozcD, regular prices from loc to 50c a doz. =COME SOON; In order to secure Best Bargains. On The Wing. By our Ttawiltng lifporier. In passing throush Kiinberley the oth- er day I liad occasion to remain over night. 1 concluded to procrastinate by visiting the town. 1 first niut the yount; and talented school ma.ster who I am proud to any is alive tu his business, and we are pleased to find that Kimborley has been so fortunate in securiii<{ a teach- er who is an oxaniple the youri'^ and ri- siiij; generation may not fear to copy. Next wo called 1)0 Mr. NV. Stewart. We thought by his stature ho would be quite above us, but in a few minutes' conver- sation we disco vend an individual of no ordiyary talent. \Vu iiuestioned him on Township affairs, ami beinij an old ni- cumljent we must express that Euphrasia has indued been fortunate in securing; hi.s services. Mr. Hammond, the merchant there, speaks for hiniHclf. Who wuuld pass tlirough Kiniberluy and iniaa his 1,'enial .smile. We found Mr. Plewes to be (|uite a talker, yet he is very intelliijent, and we have no doubt but ho is much appreciat- ed. Mr. Thurston neuda no pjitf from us. CuniO once and see. I'assing through Klcsherton we met the Kilitor of the Advance. On entering his .sanctum two devils met us, but lo and behold you, on a wliilc's conver.iition we founil tliem to bo human characters, clotlied in their riulit nunds, with intel- lects thoroughly balanced and (|Uito ca- pable of handlin;^ type with any firm north of Tor' â- nil I. In conclu-sion wo s.-vy success to KinilH-rley, und lony life to the printer's devils. InistioKe. From t'U/' tunt t'l'trrspintihrt. The buzz of the thrcshim; machine and the shouts of the plou^hboy are a'^ain tilling the land. A great many youths from this vicinity took in the exhibition. They say that the Bi;;lit» were worth seeing;, butsloepinf' in the I'nioii Statiuii over ni;:ht did not catch thorn worth a cent. Mr. and Miss Drown, of Singhanipton, are the jjueats of Mrs. Wui. Jordan. Uev. Janus ("oburn very acceptably filled the pulpit here on Sunday l:u>t. Two of our professional nun got caught in a clothes line which had been carefully tied across tliu road, while retuniiii!,' from the land meetint; on Tuesday evenini; last. <»i)eot thein took the rope liome with him, while tlmothnr fellow is rejoic- in« that he got olf so easy, considering it is leap year. Miss .Acheson and Miss Cornlield are on the sick list. Tim Inislio^M! echoes are : Th.it hiriiit; liviry ri^s is not pr.litable work. That Hunters have been visitiiiii loistioge re- contly. And that if our po.stiiiaster doos- iiot ]iut a letter box in the postoftico Koiucthin;: will lia).pen t^) him. 1000 doz. EggsWanted RIGHT AWAY ! Top price paid in Cash or Trade. The Famous l\ew Process Electric Soap, To be Got Only at J. G. ANDERSON'S Mammoth Bargain House. /•'(ion «po' cii'-/i i''iyr'>p'iiii!fi.t. Quito aiiuiiibor in and aroiiiKl ICii^'onia wont t" T ir.)iit(. Kdiiliitiiiii. Miss Lizzie C'rouc is \isitinu' friends in Tor-'Mt.i. 'I'liii Meth-.di..t ilmich here is under- ;;<iiiii; long iieedeil repairs, .\ stone foiiii(lati"ii lias just been coniplctc^d and s.iiiHi brick i.s aheaily on the (ground for the purposio of bricking it. Work, I uiiiierstaiid, is to liu begun in al>out two w(!pks. A new roi.f is to bo jiut i>ii and the iiihido ii« to becomiilotely overhauled, ao tliat when the work is done it will bj one of tlui finest country cluiivlios in .\rtolilesia. ]Mi.is. Ag_'ii> Oorlcy, of Toronto, is H]juiiuiiig a few weeks visiting her jiaroiits and friends here. Our Itr'eish Colnnibiii Loiter. Tills S'.iiunuir lia.s boon ;[;iite ilitror- fiiit iVoui {.inner ouca, ti!«il paniciihirly fiivonibU> l(ir the ci'op.s on high liiiuls. Jimiriuid first half of July were nearly all rain, wiiicli gave tlio crop.s a fiiio utart. I'.'uiUifiil smisliiiic followed, iiiul up to (latt , till) Iciiipoiatiirc rang- ing from ^'0 ° to 8G ^ in the sliaih . Mvcrytliing scenic deci-livo in this cli- iiiato. YkUif own eyes convey wrong inipnssioiiH to the iiiiiid in regard to (liHtaiu:(', .sizo.ptc. Why tliiH is I will uotliyto (.xplaiii. Ask an arrivrl what size ;i certain troc id, and ten to 0110 it is twice lliu size lio guessed. In tliirt comiectioii one of t!ie numor- nus slorios luny not bu out of place : A tourist IcdL word at a hotel tiiat ho WHS just going to take a morniuf^ walk bcifofo breakfaRt, up to a certain mountain wliioh appeiird only distant some two miles. Not returniir^ in a reusonablo time, the rest of the party went ill search and caugtit up to liim about noon, standing partly midrcssed beside a .small creek that one could easily step aciq||B^ When asked liiB motive for uiidrffsBiiig, lie said every- thing was so deceiving, lie did not know but what it might turn out to bo half a mile wide, and ho might have to swim across. Salmon liave been very scarce this season, wratli-provokiiifj inosqnitoes plentiful. Llie .\lahka affair is r lium- t)ng. Spectators of every grade try- ing to boon the country. Crops good. Weatlier A. 1. Iinnngranls getting foohd. Time rolling aloiit; -'alle saiiiee." .l.M. VVEliSTER. Ilaney P. O. li.C, Sept. 17 1888. Visitors to the fair Mi>Nl).4Y and TUESDAY next aic- invited to call and inspect our magnificent fall stock, and pieuiiics, when an attraotiva dis- play of new goods will be found. M. liichardsoi! iV: (.'o. W.C.T. U. Ue]>artnii'iiti. Two Itesears. An old man of si.vty ra[,pe(l at the door of the writer and asked tiio privilege of working for a bru.ikfast. The meal was given him and he ate with a relish. Itising to go, ho stocjd with hu gray hair uncovered, with liii hard face touched with a bit of emotion, and said, iu sub- stance ; "1 thank you sincerely for this fi i)d. I was huii','ry. And while 1 thank you I want to warn you against coming to the condition 1 am in. When I was young I worked hard and madu money. I spent it in the saloons. I put hun- dreds of dollars there. Now 1 am too old to Work. 1 must wear rags for clothes and beg for a living. The saloons drive out and gife ine nothing. Last night I was driven from or.e and would have been iu that terrible storm but for the kindness of a man who let me sleep in his shop." A few days later another man of about the same ago came begging f(jr a dime. Ho claimed to be a cripple ; the hospitals were full. The dime wa.^* given him, in an hour he was seen to buy beer at a neighlK>rini< bar. These are but samples of what may be learued every day by a little in<piiry. There are thousands of old and young men reduced to beggary by drink. Licen- sed saloons tempt and rob and curse them till they are peniiiles, and send theui a- drift to beg fnmi sober i>cople or to steal. And in a good many ca-^es these pauper makers stand behind their bars ruueiv- ing the money which Chri.-itisn charity has given these victims. Through the poor besotted beggar whom lie has re- duced to lieggary, the salo<Mi keeper reaches out to rob H(dier ]ieople and f;it tenotfofthe sympathy winch his own curse kindles. .A husiiiess like this can- not buy rt-.Hpectaliilit}' by any amount of taxes, anil in (iod's sight no iiumV)or of signatures and votes can relieve it of the deepest infamy. - [t'eiilrai Itahtist. mo THE DKAFâ€" .\ I'orKou curuilof DimfnoBS it FUKK t" vny I'tMHiiu wl'M api'liUH to Aiiil iiuiHU'^ ill thu lieiiit of '.^1 yoars' btandiiiii of l)y a BiinphM'oniC'ly. will Meiifl a iluncriiition ; to vny I'tMHiiu wl-n api'liUH to Niciioi.so.N. ;(0 St. Jitliii St.. Montreal The Reason Why Aynr's I'iUs arc so jiojiular is, that while always roliable as a cathartic medicine, tlicy never leave any ill effects. 'I'liis is bec.iuse xhcy are purely vegetable, and entirely free from calo- mel or any other dangerous drug. Iu all cases, tlierefure, whether the patient 1)0 eld or young, they may bo confl- dcntly udmiiii.stered. Ill the Soutliorn and 'Western States, where Uerangeiiiciit.s of the liver are so general, Ayer's Tills have proved an in- estimable blessing. 1>. \V. Uaine, New Iterne, N. t"., writes : " I suffered a long time with stomach and liver troiiljles. I tried various rem- edies, liut received no lieiietU uiitij I comiiient'cd taking Ayer's I'llls. These pills henellteil me at once. I took them regularly for a few months, and my health vvaa completely restored." Throughout New Kiiglaiul, next t« lung di.seases, Stoinnoh and Itowcl Complaints are the most prevalent. Dyspepsia and Constipation are almost universal. Mr. Oallaclier, a practical dieuiist, of Koxbury, Mass., who was long troubled with Dyspepsia, writes : " A frienil Induced mo to try Ayer's nils, and, after taking one box witliout much benetlt, I was disposed to quit them; but he urged perseverance, and, before I had tlnishod the second box. I began to experience relief. 1 continued taking them, at intervals, until I had useil eleven boxes. Suttlco it to sav, that I am now a well man, and grateful to your chemistry, which outstri)ia mine." The head and stomach are always in sympathy ; hence the cause of most of those distressing headaches, to which so many, especially women, are sutjject. Mrs. lliirriet A. Marble, of I'oughkcep- sie, N. y ., writes that for years she was a mart.yr to liea<lache, and never found anything to give her more than fem- jiorar.v relief, uutil she began takirg Ayer's Vills, since which she has been in the enjoyment ot perfect health. Ayer's Pills, PaBPARBO BT Or. J. C. Ay«r A Co., Low«n, Mat*. .. ^ Bold \>i all DnisgttU. MEAT, MEAT I FRESH MEAT, nice Tender Meat And Meat o/ all Kinds â€" ATâ€" Blakely d McConnell'Sr R EMOVE D. Booth the Boss Barber, has reiiKirtil tu „n» i-f the shiijis in Wm Strain's bltu'k tinir iVm. J<i:rnhijuse'$ hcni uiul sh'ii' fhcji, Tumntd ftrnH. ichnrir h- wUl hf ki(]Jii]i til xee the xmiliinj /(irfs nf (ill hi.i oUl cuMiiin'-rf anil as Vftny nexv (mrs us ham cimrlHil-fii to i/in mc a cluince to mniti- tain mil rijiHiatiun us the liins BurtuT â€" iu-4 iinhj .// tli'slu-rt'U, hxtt nf the eutirr ills- triit for ttvinlu milis I'nno.'f. The patrousgo of tlio lailius miipactfally so- licited. Fob. mh, iBss. Jr ALTER BOOTH. n 111 I wish to inform the lailics of Fleshcrtnu aud vicinity that I am imiw prepared to do ail kinds of Dress and .yaiitle MakiD);. tiood fit Ruarantced. Your attention is especislly call(>(l to my system of catting â€" Ceruwells IinproTcd Self-titting Ch.art â€" for which I am agent. Those desirous of learning to cnt hy this system can do bo at Kiodcrste cost by ap- plying to me. Shop next door to J. E. Moore's Furni- ture Store. Jennie McBride. mi Sis. mi :m. Notice to I'oiitrjictors, OEAI.KD TKNDEUS iuMrtw»t.a to tho nnder- lO fliK"»'J "iiirl unduriiutl "Titndurs lor tho Sault Sti). Miirii! Ciiiiiil,' will bo recrivutl at '-liU ufiico until tlm arrfviil of the eastt-rti a>: 1 woateru miiilMoii TUKSUAY. tho 2Mrd day ot October. ii«-xt. fi>r tliii ruriimtion and couHtriurtioii of a CikiiAl uii tint CiLiiadLuii Hiiiu uf thu rivoi.tbrouKLi the Island ..f St. Mary. 'I'tiu workH will bo let in two BoctioDs, ouo of wliii-h will t'uihiuuo tho fortuatioti of tho caaal throuKh tlK' i^lfwid; tho construction of locks, otc. 'Iho iitlur. till,' (t<*t-|>oniut^ and wi-ilciihiK of tho clmiiiiol-way at both oiidnuf Ibu caual ; cou- biructiot) of piur», otu. A map of tho locality, foKuClior with plAnaaiid Rl'ocitUations of the Wurks, can b«i 3ion at this* ollice on and after TIM'.SDAY. tho W.h day of October, noxt, whore priutod foruis i>t tonder can also ho ohtAtiiod. A like cIaim ot iuforuja- tioit. rolativo to tho wmks, can bt» soou at tho olhco of tliu Local Ollicor in tho Town of Sauit Sto.. Mario. Out. lutondiii^ contractiirs aro roquoKtoil to bear in mind that tondorn will ut>t bo ci>uHidotod un- lo89 mado strictly in uooonlance with tho |>riut- od forniH and ho accoiupaniod by a lottor stat- ing that tho porson (tv porttonH tunJorini{ havit carofuUy oxamitu-d the* locality and the uaturo of tho iiijitorinl fnuiid ill tho trial pit^. In tho caso of tlrniM, ihoro niuHt bo attached the actual Hi^'iiaturo^ of tho full namo, thu ua- turo ot the occupation and roHidonoo of each inomber (if tho Hanui ; uiKt (urthur, a lUNK Dt.- i'i»HiT uKCKii'T for tho sum of ♦iiO.aK) iLiust ac- compuiiy tho tender fcir tho canal and locka i and a i*ANK pepomit ueckivt for tho sum of *7..'j(.'0 nniwt accompany thu tender f-a- tho duop- cnin^ and widouin^' of thu (thauiiol-wuy ut both ends, piers, etc. Tho rospoctivo URPosiT HBCEH''i's--cheqti08 will not bu acooptotl-iiiUHt ho onduJhed over to tlie Minister of Kailways and Carial^. ftud will i)e foifeitod if the party toiidorinji declino.'i eii- toriuH into contract for tho work.s.ut the ratuK and on tho tormii titatod In tho oiler .^ulfuiiltud. Tho deposit recoipi thuB scot in will be re- turned to tho respective parties whose tuDdcrH are not aeccpte<l. This Departi.'^ont doo3 not, luiwevor, bind itself to accupt the lowest or any tenders. Hy ord&r, A.I'. lUtADI-EY. Seoretary- Dcpartmcnt of Uailwiiv* and CanalB. â-  Ottawa, Hth AuKU-^t, 1HH8. (â-  Strayed or Stolen. From the premlsoH of W. C. I'lf Kor, lot G'J. 2nd west. Artffmeaia, twosow« in v._â€" «ine agt-cl and tho other voun^', black, n <> black and white spotted. Information thanuanly toceived as to thoir whereabouts. W. C. PAKKBU. SALESMEN WANTED 1?J, '^„' tElaiid NurseiioB, o^tal'lishci over :ii y-'ars. The oitl rollahlo nursery. Men will- pu.-^h, ener^j, Eood habits and clean character ;: .. i>h succeed. w« can give you trood pay an â-  ste'sdv work. Write for torinH to CHASK HKn iHKUS' COM- PANY, Nursery my n, Colborne. t' it FAKM for SALE Itolng part of liot No, 10 Con. 5, Eupbruia, cnut⨌ flfty acres. The a' >vc property ii* Hitiiftttxl about t»ne-fti)d-a-haU loiliH (roni 'tho vtllft(/o of Kimlicrloy, all iindci I'ultivatiou anil uiaguiljcent laucl. Ai'i'lv to â- .\..\LDOUS. Kiinberley P. O. Try The Advance one year for $1 or six months for ^octs. *^ P »1 • I! I

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