Oct. 11, iS88.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^4 BOOTS & SHOES! I ]i:ivc a large stock on liaud. snitabl'i For Fall Wear. Men's and Boys' Long Boots, AUo a lai-e variety of LADIES' AND CIIILDRENS' AEAE. A loc of Suiuuier (^ootls ^iitliug off Cheap. ^1[. rLAYTON'sT^"-^ FLESHERTOX. REMVO AL ! F. G. KARSTEDT, Having purchased the stock ot \VM. STRAIN, is now in a hotter position than ever to take the lead in STOVES, TIN, COPPERWARB, And Metal Work of all kinds. Eavetrougiiing a Specialty. F. G. KARSTEDT, STRAIN'S BLOCK, FLESHERTON, A Positive Cure. Hh A Painless Cure. PACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. ^-£. DISKASES CP I.LAK. _ _ TT. XjTJboi>t's s^=Ecinc :tTO. e, MansI ol H«*l>nj, and Kihinoor of Mtdicinot, thoaerribic cou*cM|u*nr«a of lMll.«rMJ«a, Exposure luttl OT.rwork. '2'O'criTo-. iun:Dx:>Xj£:-.^3-^:x3 .aj^tx) ot i D ^ /trt t Who Me bruktu dowu from Iht e<le«M o( »b;iM wUl find in No. H a r«.lio»l our. tut bu'oq. dehility.orgamo wfakness, iuTiiluaWir% Tilal loaMn. ate. STKPTosia Hun wmca N* S SaOL i.i> i>« V urn.â€" \V»ni of energy. \m»\«o. want of purpoa., dimuaM ol »ighv ayeraion to aocielv, waul ot coufl.leaae, aToiJanea of cociariation. «l««iro for aolitada, lit»la»naaa anJ ranbilily to fti »li» a»ten«iou od a iiatticular luhject. eowwdie*. dorreaaion of aiiirita, gldJiuaaa, loaii ot manuiry, aicitatility o( temper, •i'«r- niHlorrh^ea, or \om of Ihe aeminal fluidâ€" t'i« rcioU o( i.iraboiie or mariUl exc»«»â€" iiiir^<- ••Dsy, imutntioti, emaciation, barreuiitwa, palintalion of the heart, hvaienc fe.'lins'" '» temalaa, tremWiiiB, melaiicholv, duKiirturji drajkon etc, are all ayuiiitoiui of thu torribl. habit. oft.'niimeala'uKX-mly acquircL lo ahori, liio si^riug <t vital force bavmj loal it. teijsiou, eTiTv function waaaa in coiuequoueo. Scieutifto writaraaad the superiuleiivlents ot inMiie aajhiuM uaite m •â- otitnnn lo the .arete o( Mlf-abuaa the great niajoitly of wa.4te<l li%'e» whidh oonia Modor liinr notice. It vou are Inoonipetent tor the ardm at Jutieeof busmeei, lacap»cit««»l tir tho eiijoymiiiu ot life. No. SoUeraau e»cap»froui the affect, ol early »ic«. II you are avl»aQcei in vears. No. 6 will give you full visor and atrontth. It ». mare broken down, plivMCAlly and morally tn'in early Indiacrotion, Ilia rxault of ifitiorano* and lollv, send yonr aJdreea and 10 ceiit. in elauipa for M V. LiDoxa Trsatiae in Hook Form 6u UisoiUM ot Mt^n. Sonlpd mud leoars froiu observation, Ail.lreasall OKiumanicationato M. V. I.VBOX. 47 WellltMlua St. E.. Terout*. A Man aittioiit wtfdam Ina* la a (o.rs pamdite. CUK£$ GUARAMTCU, NIAL THE SICK. A Permanent Cure. >h A Pleasant Cure. IIEAI H FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS iJ^ltpTMEMT THE TILLS Lady Bank. Correapondeiice of T\e Aitamee. Ai Toa have not li«ard from a. for some tinit . I thonght I woald jot down acme (ew items to let vou and toot reader* know tna: we are still doarishing in tais thriTing eumnnmity. Several cfaacges hav- taken place lately, some hearts made happy bv luaking one of tw . others mide sad by hav. iug tneir pet oii.=8 rudely taken from" them auJ oarri^a bevond the Georgian Bay, about whiirh|we may hear more hereafter. The harveiting is nearly completed in ibis section, tb^rs are only two cr three slothful farmers who have not quite finished vet. The sound of the reaper ku given way to the bum of the ihnuiber aad ti.a husky vuice of tl.e ploDgbbcv Tnere are »eTer»I machines going tL-.- rounds, bat .^I^. Heron's steam thrasher takes the lead. He has em- ployed g<x>d and expenneed bauds and ac- cording to accounts gives tulire »atis/action Mr. \Vm. Osburu hao alao purchased a machine and does ^')od work. \Ve wish him a pr'.speroas seaaLL. Uwing to the bad harvest weather a ^rmt deal "f the grain iras taken in rather ».-t and farmer, are almost etmptlled to thrash immediately on accvuu: of the gram heating. The yioM i.s much better thin Wis at first expected and tiie quality folly up lo the average. Mr. E. Hanlv is erecting a fine dwelling; hoDse. Mr. Stocks La.s already completed tlie stone work. Mr. Heruu d .Maxwell has tnc contract of the wcod work. Mr. ilouay bun. of FeTersbam. haa the plastering, and the brick work is still to let, according to iaet account. This is toe firel bri.-k dwell. ing in the neighborhood, and when complet- ed Will he one of the finest and mja: com. nioUiox*. -Mr. T. Paul has purchasedja fine pony with which be coutt-mplates running the mall and buss between hert- and Feversham ouce a week. He says he i.< uow doing to give up jockeying and settle ilowu to faim- iug. (Juite a number from the nti,:hborhcod t >oa in the Tori'Ulu Kxhibiii. n and n goodly number also visited the Great .NiriCern. Mr. J. W. Tysou has bou^iit .Mr. W T Pauls ror the sum if SII'hi and coutempl- •tea moving as soon as cireuiustances will permit. Mr. Tysou is a m.deru Hercules - a perfect storehouse of atruegth â€" but he wiU find fall scope for all his energi*f on titac (arm among the stones Photos, Photos, Photos. ^^e 'irr now taming out toork Jar luperxor in ityle inJ jinifh t» any tttr pro- iliiceil in Fltiherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES.. PICTURE FRAMING done in 'ill iu 'jt'tiichfi. J giiod stork of FRA.UIl.S and MtU Ll^iyOS krpt couMtanili/ on kan,i. Will also infvluce the new BROMIDE PORTRAIT, i picture thut is jiiinq entire suHir'action wkertrer introduced. .SAitPLES can be teen at nij G'llltrij ichert all ptirticaltxrt at to Price. Style &c., cau ht ucsr- tained. fuesherton EuKenia* Ou Wednesday iSfpt. idlhiMr. Mcken- zit' buncfta o( Tryone ami Mrs. Slo»n.wiJ.>w o( the law Jsuii^ii Sloan, wvre quietly tzi&r- ned lit the rvsiJfcce A J . B. Sl<.>au. Eaq . Eu- geuid. The cfremony wa« perionaeii by Hev. Mr. Watts o( this ylnc**. X\iK t'rui<; W&4 U'autifu'iT ^tiired ia paraet velTtt 'iecomteJ wuh tJowert. The sm\ri bonnet which «ti« wore w&s triuuned with the same material. Uid she lo»»kM i-xcet-d inglv baadsome. ^> ditl tiU.^ Mi«» M^v.'^i'? tJoriey. the brideismaid. Ihe tjroom wi* •upporteJ by hu brother Joseph. After the coreuj luy the bappr couple left for their home in Tryone. \Ve ;oin m wish- ing them loDg lite und much happineiM. Prlceville Stusr. fa tK4 Editor of The A.inrm'f- After several year"' -ie'-av li:*' villa*;* c*f Trioe- Ttllf has U«K-u pro\Ld«Kl w ub *]1 tt o ^ta«:e ac- couitiK'ii*iti(-*a ut'v^â- ^>vvrv f r ti.^ i.v"a\ t'nifi!t'(- ui thf vtlla^tT-* »ti'l rc-i.i--:i l« of ;!:»• lit- j,^'hb.'r"n.>.'«Ni Ou vi-HitiUf^ till* !»tcl:o:i !*lv]y I wik* i: j. h ploasw*! to ob*ervt* tiii* : ..:)T«'\*-'iiu»it. h.::\ \x- pecttti to h«Ar *]l lai ti-.'f. '•\['r.'v>iu»; t'leui-i.-l^tit AH Wi'11 pleaded HitU .t. H\.'Wtvnr. ti> luy _ri-ft( :.urpri»f. I (uuiii :hftt Uiativ .iistf*.* i'f l-i.rij; sati*fl»'>.i were doait; tlit-if utjuost ti' dlHcoi.rHj;*.' aud orv -.U'wu what tLtjr ir-.'re vnt. v]niiiii-.-^ fel- low-^illti^erM ba 1 wi rkt d -to htivd f t I thmk. Mr. Knit.-r. yv»;i will v'ft-e wi:h me :bat ihia style of t-'i'tj; lliiur;-* -.a vory htT-. reiit from whiLi iC'^K I.UI ;ii vi-ur cwu douri'«hini; vU- la;;e that I havy i ai tho tli-A^uiv «.'f vi-^riri; I tiii'J each aad evti\ one v»i-ii%wiih the v'tJier in W'Tkma fur 'Ji" ;-.terest» -f tho iMaoc they live ".n. ail. 1 ihe acoMinnN**ti.t:ix of all kvuN "f hoteU. fitoru«. l:\oi le-s otc. *r»' >f th- (>â- «:. Hat.'U (-^jr^t^u \n hi-* own wn\ workuit. fi-T tin' tK'iiont of the v'tber "I" h !-â- >:-« *â- » it ?*:i''tr,.l S.\ nn.) k)m ws the ijood coiiituoii -ifii-ie tif y-un- fi-:!.>w ^ utn^vrt No we ruler the \iiia:^t) v* IVicoviiie i?* k;i.>iig .lowu hill audit* [tvpif u:vtti;ii; <0Attoixtl -'\i.t the ProvMico i;i '.-i.-cii .*( â- ».''.!it' v1a4.-u %^lu're ther cau f^'i th.it Tjjyv l.uVf >*>; , • i'ltevo^t .u j'U*hii»»; aheHvi. wtluMit "In li-i;; a I'ook, T'I*<.'"d ui llu-ir way at o\ ^ v »te|». Thi* **â- irtsh and o d ti^^y *>-*teiu i* i\ iM_'.i v'iit. Si'UiPo; tJie I'tMpl- in Tncevill* have •.,•11-,. CM ':ij;m i.> -t-f tl:u m\- vai)T.a*;e of recuhtr d.ti'.v coii;ii'iiiiio«ti^ n wr.h ttu><>utHi<le worKi Tju--^^' w ;,o lo ii >i -fi- it. lot tht'in KO ou in tii-.r ;;;ii.>rH!ioo. I'i.t tiiost.' of yoi; who havo y<>ur owi iiiit rv>t tin) that . f \\nir vitiagt.' i\t' hoa't -Mj-ii'it t%.]] -c'-oiuo-* i-'Jiai proTement. if for :io otl i*- r-^'A-'u ttii^ti that .: Hill pay. r:i^ l*i'\o I'l iii.i<.o. ~ H EARD'S^ Carriage Works, FLE SHERTON, <lll.MFAi'TlSEK!» OF 5f<^'^'V.v. Spring Wagons, Lumber Tf\to/;unii axd Iren Harrows, raijitinii. Trimming antf Jfe pairing' promptly attended to. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Flesherton Carrias:e Works. FISH. FRUIT t O YST ERS AND GAME, Ico Oram and Tooling SuMiner Vrtuks In Thrir Sen»uii. .1 'i'jvi ,>( I'i of I'lii/n-tunur^' J/'ixiya oH HijyitL ORDER VOIR FLOUR AND' FEED Fr.i'M S, SPIIlITFLZSIISnTOir. Sault Ste^Hfarfe Canal. \otlcf to i'wB tractors. FLESHERTON Implement A«:eiicy ! THK WOKKS for the coostructiuu of t^'* oanal. aN've lueiitione d, a^Uerti^ed to ub let OL. the •£Ari\ of iVteber nett. art- joavoidab'.T lx>»H-*nied to the (oU"win« date* Ton lor* wi'-l *h.' reoe.Vfd -luii! WedneKidn.v, the 7th dsby of Xo* veiaber n«\U Flan* ai:J •i*tKtOeat»oo« wfll L>area<ly for ex* aiuiualioii At till* offlco aad itf" :;ati^ Sttf Mario oii aiid afto: : We4lne»d»>».ib^ ^4th dny mi Or- My Order .V. r liltADLKY. I Secretary I Deiiartnicut of Kiilwayfl and Canal?. j Ottawa. ?7th Sept<>tut>er. 1nv>. XE>V FALL GOODS! Turitv tho I'.looil, coneet all l>i»ordera of tho Livei*, Stomnch, lvttln'>->», nntl Do'wels. They i'lvidorate an t restore to healtli l>ehllitato,1 roiistitutiona, and at« invaluable in all Com- lilaiutsiiMideutal to Komalea ol all a^es. For ChiMrau aiid the aoud Ibay ar« pricelaaa THE OINTxA[ENT a ao infallible 'rmf'ty f nr Bud Less, H*il Hroasts. OUl Wounds. Sores and I'lcera. It ii faniooa fo» Ikiat ami Rhcumati.iu:^ i'oc diiorjen i.it the C'hesI it bat no squa For SORE THKCKIT, BROA' CHJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS Ulandular3welliugii..»Bdall ilkin r)i«<>«<«< it hat ii i rival; and tor oaatraete<i and stiff otBts it a«t. Ilk. a charm. Man^ifacturod only at rrofoasor HoLi.owtis rataMlilimrnt. 78, .\ew Oxford »trr4>t ( late sas. Oxford Strert ), Loiulon, a-in-ate sold at is. li<l.,at. 9d., 4a. M . 111. t!a . and Sua. tnah Itoi or Tot. and may b. bad of all lf«J eina Veudorattirounhont «ha World. >*" Vuixkiittrt iho^Ud look ft the LaM on ifn 1\>U an<i BoxM. l( the ittUlrui it «i«4 ivt.1, {.*xfoiA Struts l,«ndfn^ t|Uy art ty^trxoMt. .\n .Vlb.iny, Nev> V "rk. ili»tii!i'ry was prt'hiVuted I'V 'aw fn.ni .iliowin.; it.-» re- fute to flow i).i.i tlie HuiUoii, because the iiui.*iiiice kiUeU the tis!i. Hit the maiiiifaoture â- â- ! al.-i'li"lio jiisi-n by tho same distillery, f.ir tli'.' niuv.Ifr "f laiiuaii beiiigs.is liceiiMil ami I'lutecU-U by law. Tins is a reiii.ukable cise â- â- f iiKviisist- ency, .tnd is ni.iti-heil by a c,-\se in (."liioa.;" when the prij'iioror-* of a d.>t;.!ovv were prohibited fr ui f'odm.; ;he rofviso •: the diatiUery to o.\tt',e, but '.rotected by law 111 supplying t'uir vi;c ;iio,;uot {â- • laiiuan beins;*. It is surprisiis; to note li^w much greater value is p!:ioed by s. nie T'Cople upon the lives of fish una cattle than up- on man. who w.is ci-»atod in llio innge of Cod. .\T>Tic« TO UoiuKH*. â€" .Vro VOU .listoTbed a nijEht and broken of v,»nr re«t by a aiok oblld Buneriuie and cry inj; with vain oiCiit tins Teeth? l( no souii at onci' and ^ot n bottle of "Ml ^ Win- alow's Sv>oth'nii Svmi' â- for I'liiMroii To,'tbin(j. Its valn«» 1.4 iucaloulabl^. It will reli-. ve tha pov*r little siUTeiev irui1t*«1o*t,.'v l"»..j»f.iui upon U. mothors , tliere i« no iin-.tAke alvut it. It ture« Dvaeiiterv and lliArrl^o-n, r«-.;Mlrtt,-s tl • dtoiuaoh aud Howel«. ''uv»s Wind ClpIIo. softai a the Ouius. ve'lneesInAatQtufition.anii aivos*.-ne audanerny to the wbole system. "Mr**. W i -s- low's So*>tbintf Svrn)>" f.^i- obildrfu te-^thina is pleasant to tile taste aii'l is th« vresoription .f one of the olde-t aiwl bost ft»!n.sIo "hesiciat-s and nurs*^ in !.he rnito'^ HtAte«. sii.l S f^'r saU by all drM:4i;ists tbr^«hoot llio world Prtee twenty-i^iie .'ontsa boltlo. llesn-eaiid a.«k '-t â- Mns'\V>i-!."vv& SooTUlxc. SXJUP,' aji.ilHka no other Itind. J. G. Caksi>n lake's tii;-^ opportiitiity to t^iuik liis many eiist'-iiiti's for tlu'ir buarcy pat- rouago d'.uiiij; tho pa^t 8 y-em antl ta.^! iisk their iMntiiiiuHl sni>p<.irt m l)»newj premises on K. Trimblo* corner, op- posite Minishaw s Hotel, Flesiiertoii. Tlie followinsj is a list of the luiple- meiUii I haiullo, all tlie luaiinfaoture of that faiiKiiis and ivliable old tirin, Messrs, r.\TTERSON BKOS., Wood- stock. Out. : -.\T THE- f^ Biii'ieis. lii'ii)) Drills, Hfitf^tn. Z>r(«ni-i-i<f !>ee<iert. Af.. )»>â- /â- .«, Spriu^ Tttith Htir- Hakes. r<iics. Ii' f</(/>0|.V, /ton Harrtnrs, Bu.TUU-f. Vtro-Furnw Gang Sl*i'iiut. rioic, Cutferf. ?;...'V!. FaniiiKi Mr StltHirf. Sprin>] T â- <'tii C'liiTi- T<ir:>ip Ih-ilit, ».if''i'<. LtDui A'oi'iVrj. 1 \OTICE. SHlNGLKSoooatantK ou band and fbr «al. ci:e<»P J"<t V'ut in rtratclaaanew Choppii^ i Mill â€"now briuc alou|i your grain and get fc •bopped ui> iushort order. ilugtaift. The Advance for l^liillJaii.l,189a Central Store, Priceville. HaWQg rtjceiiodour Fall Stovk of Prv Gcv^i* we u'e 111 a i •Mtion to offer tbo bi>t \aaie ; . the trade. Our stiH;k i* very ooiupit-tt', aix! b-i\ Hij; lH*e» seliX'toti with (;ieat OArt wo usvo cor.f deuce 111 a qiiiok •ii»eeniip|; nuhhc in^irthev <.a.'. appreciate a wel' boujfbt ar::iile. BOOTS AND SHOES. Our new stix'k b.ts anireti a*?t!iconipri»ea9ouie- thinn g»>od ftud -orviceat^Jo lor Moii aTid Bo>:i. in fa.t BOOTS THAT R BOOTS ! tnr evory u^otuhor of tiu* htnuwlK'ld. O'l: Rtill eo:ititTUe iiuapprinkchablo. Our motto b«#t:g good Gov'ds auti Low l*rices. Cotuo autl >ee u* Central Store. Priceville. APPLES FOR SALE. Choice applaa for imIo bv .M H. H.\M\I0XD. Po«iiiA8»er, Kimberlrv. Strayed or Stolen. From I-ot as, .Wh ion., Artcniaola. i hcif.ra t Tear old. red a'ld wait., lufonuatio. thank- fully rocclTsd by HE.NKY DOWN, laabarttuLC C r /