Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1888, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. I» inililiBlicfl Kbov tuk Ofiu k, t>lid:nhitm Street, - â-  FlaiherloH, (MU. TEIIMS OK SUBSruU'TIOK: ?1 por auniiiii whrn paid utrictjj- in adv&u c ^I.'JO pur uiiuuiii wliuu not ho pai'l. W. H. TIIUKSTON, Killtor a\iA /'mpiiefnr. PIjESHaRTON-. THURSDAY. OCT, 18. 1888, lianded scliciuing; which Mr. Spurr accuses liiiii of. And ytt, for one reasou simply, wc'fti'O sorry thut we luul uiiytliing to lib with Mr. PhilHpB, and th;tt is this : Wc could liave done better jnsticf '10 the sclierae our- selves ; there v.'as'too much mechan- ical grinding out of stcrotyped llat- tery in the articles, and they did not meet with our approval, nor cover properly the propasod grouiid of a descriptive portrayal of tlic business facilities of our favored viihij^'c. This was the only fault wc had to find with Mr. Phillips, and yet it is a very {<ra.'oone â€" so grave that we would V.'iUi tlic advent of fall sliow.s it is ; itdvi.se our brother pubh.slurs to dis- B i)flrtin,:ut (piostiou to ask, what ia i courage Mr. riiillips .should he lay their poiiliou iil tlio present day ?• his scheme before tlieni, as he is not Are they d-ierionitini! iu txcellerico ? reaUy comiHtent for the work. Neith- ^^ the iiiuresL Uikou in tlioni an iiecn , I'f « '"'y stmngcr competent who as it w.is a few years ago ? Do tliu } <li'ops »"to ii town and attempts to larye exliiltitoMs tend to ceiitraiizo 1 write it up without any famili«l'ity t'lc ult.;:itioii of tlie firiners upon i with the subject matter of wliicli ho them uliiue-.' 'J'o the lir.st of these has to dea' A JltltulHOitie J'rt'aent. An exteiisivo mail rnlil^ry waHoniiiiii SuW-ribofH t<i the Wuuiily Empire this | tod in Kiitfalo mi Tliumd;ty iiiu'lit. ymr will receive !V'«jrunt sic^ht iriDro than •luorie-i we would say : 'i'iio position w'licli l!ie lownslii)) fall show liold.s Kliiiberlcy, is Unit of a local competitive outlet ;..,.,„„ ^„„. ,„„„ ,.v,^^,,,,^„„„,,.„,. f )r the entarprisini' farmer or manii- ! ,,,, , , n . i \i ' " _ I Jlie Hliotjiuiis wore well tneu <>ii Mon- factiirer wlio aims to excel iu his j day, Oct. Ut, when a shootiiiK match t.«.k putictilar branch. It opens up a way ' ,,i,u.i,. Captains, .Iain.* T^awrenco and vvhereby he can make the superiority j \Vm. Stcwait jr. led the Uittlo. Cai-tuin of liis wares known, locally, and com- | St<'wart wii.« victorinus. Marks uh ful- laau'ls for him the attention and j '""« : Stewart 1.750, Imwienco \.4'X>. A grand supper wiui then partaken of at Kurritt'n hotel The ti'usteiw <«f tin; Methodist Clinrcli I conteinplate ffnciiif{ the Church lot. ;. winner def'iee of competition en- , ., , i i i ,i ,.i „. ^ ' biiiUlm;; a shed and i'epairiiii{ tliiM luircn i,.;iKr. 1, and the lirst-prize farmer : f^^ convenience of the choir. \Vl- hope }i.U n . (hllieillty in disposin;,' of his thoy will not l.e Iwickward in pushiie,' the lU.lolK'.ndise at a onsiderably ad- , work, hh it in veiy necessary to have thesi' \a:u:e'; li^'ure over those who do not ' tliinj-s dmu-. i'.*,t4:i',pt to produce and show to tlie ."^'r. Humium Hurlhert, who li.is been cuiuUf.t.jii of hi.s fellow workers. In this ni»ii!ier n ;\v varieties and a better class of (,'raiii and roots are introduced; j'.'o^jIk ,a HUperior article. (,)iiery two : We do not think so. In some ilaas' .-., such a.s implements uik) cat- il'j, in lliis Hcction nt least, there may L'- ;'. slight fullint,' oil". Yet taking i.V(rv;liilig Vito couKideration. wi- do .loi. 1 ',0 aiiy diiuimilioii in the ixccti- lor.ce of the general exhibitR dining .1,. 1 ,8t twelve yiars ; in fi*cl there l J j :i (' I •itinel iiiiprDViiieiit, most noUibli.' in f lit. QiH ly three : We are .,):!â- . to .iel.iiowledg<? that there does i ii'ii :;>pear to be cpiite the Slime iii- li.P . I tak<n thut there wns formerly. V/< .') iiut niaintain that this iscauHetl i b farniiin; near Tliornbury, is moving into fill! village. .Mr. T. Lewin of Toronto, also tliinks the country villa^'e i.t lietler for liia trade, and will inoVtf In-re «li')rtly. A number of the Ijoy^ Uift here ni'irnin'.', Oct. '.Itli, for the winter iiioiitlnt. We wuh the lioyH "every success." ( Wc owe iiur^estcciiied correspondent an iipiilogy for the iioii a[i|WHriiiicc of his letter last week. Sciiiietliin;; had to W nacriliced,- Ki> AnvANiK.] Miixwell. h'lciii 'I'll loi'H Cfini.*)"""!' lit. Dr. Kerr of this wllaRe 1ms .solA Lis 1..U iiltnietions of large fairs, as j ,„.,ii,t,c,. to Hi Scott. Me mo sorry to eeii Mith us so he well liked i.;il. have liehl, hut Uiainly to a sad loose Dr. K.rr as lie ln<fi been with us « :jiiii; (if jealous rivalry which is al- lon'^. Dr. Scott sicmf.t'i vay:. the bane of tny public or private | «ln«-.'v.i he h.i.s Imh'm. i.vlakiiig whi'ic it shows il.self ; ' -Mr. and Mr,. Prerflon loliinird from iiiiotviaKiii )ii'.i'.'iy, and in I'aet, largely to iwjiist cr crless deeisions on the part of jud- .};e-j and otlier J^niall matters of m: y]i-i'i orjiarliiili'v. These all tend to (J list exhiliil<irs, 11,^ Well as spiietH- l i,-.s. We hold tliiit noi.e hnl the li'jt', competent, ennsistisil, and up- iig'ii'. jildges (-lioglj he a,|>i)oiiiled lor .th< purpose ; and h. i<iin hes iKo ^jreat 8B9- et of Sllcce^i^^. In aiisweniig this qiiiiy we have answered 'tli- fourth. 'J,*' local hliow is a iii'ce.s.-^il,y, and Ibstewil iiy oiii' lurmei's. an e\il ll,^- (Iccudeiict' wiiiild work their risit toflietr old home in Ncwiioro' and vicinity. W. iiiiti^ letmriied the R.iini' «cik from his Irif'-to Kingston. He is mm v(iy nick with intcriiiittent fe\er, Imt \vo hope !<' Bonn sec liiiii avound ni^aiii. Mr ilaiiies Sterliii<> has l>oen sick for Hoiiic Iniii'. We hear lie i.i slowly iin lilovilc.'. Mr Will. .Millie has sold his fiinii etc.. and iiitciiils staitiiiir for Orcj^on very soon. The Missionaiy service of the Metho- dist cliiircli was Inlil on Sunday last. The U»v. .Mr. I'lint, I'f llavenna, coiulueted the iiieetiii!<. The meelini,' held on Tues- ii-df^!i iithiclH upon hi$ re.uh r.s a two nmlii lialf c'fliunn editt)t'iii,l, deiiLini.' -vitli ai little priviiM' biisin08!?V veiili.iM which ^ he iiiul with a literarv gi ntioinun '1'- W wliiaU U will he hnnl to reiucdy, | ,„^ ..v.iiiny was nddressi'illiy Mr. I'Mint. a, id if&llo^v.'.l tii,(lie, will injure tlui I Mr. Koberts, of Meiiford UoaU, and Mr. far)iii Clnoi.' llian he imagines. Kiv-'oH^if Maxwell. ^..»_»-. _ Tb<' -scrN ice.s of the MctliiMlint cliiiu-h The; editor Of ^!l»> Dnudalk Herald ' are 4hiw held in the cliiiich luarthe par- I soiiitge. It 1ia\ in^ heeii decided, tii k that, one iiiKtead of the other. Mr. V. AI. Kield of this villa'.,'e has ' cued ii|i a tailiir slinji in Umif licute. I winli jiim every success there, innled Phillips. Mr. riiilliin d.'siivd | :o write up tin villtti(e fi J)wiidalk in i lloalortl Rond. \,ie name inanner li.at T'lrshn Ion /'ivm, co i.c-» ( ',,,,. >;,(.,im'.;.^. W.lS WrilU'll up in this paper last week, I (i„ WcdncMlay, of hist week, while i'iil Mr. Hj'iirr <hil not se/' any nmtei- , Messrs. \\arlin;i and Walker were tliresh- l' heiiiliL to be derived iVoni such iin iug «ilh their steam thresher on the , .1, mid eveiitnally rcfuSiwi to Imve j l"''"""'" "f l^''' ''"'"'"'a* dill-eit, the ivtlnng lo.Io with .Mtmr^ieurPhiUuis. ''"''••'• ''"H-'l^'-'. ''"'"y friuMening, hut ', . , .• 1 .1 1-. .Si I not serimislv iniiirino any person. Mr. I hiHoug artnjle thi! eiUtoi convfys | â-  '. - - ' , . , . " HI Ini'j was laoiiii; the iielt, nt the time. le idea that tli;>ilaUwfi«ntleniau . ^^,,,, ,,,„,^i,.,.,, „ „,i,,,t ,,low with son,., of . tVlUld of tllQ, dfepe.st dye, .Now we 1 ,|„, ,^.|„,, ,,,.,,,i, l.„,t,.,„s of the IviUr uve nothing to siiy as to Mr. Piiillins | (|,j«. ,,i,.rtl,e Imrn and other parts tln-.m^U it. I'lic tioiii lliefnriiKce flew all around, and set liii- to the stravT stack on the ' iip|niHitu sidit uf harii from where the value for their money. Each and every "Uo will get a handsome bust of Canada's Premier, Sir .I.ilin X. Mcdon- ald. It stands eleven inches high, and is an excewVngly faithful likenesM of a innii who has been one of the most re- markably successful politiciaius of our age. Aside from its political a-ssociations, it is a inenieiito whicli should ^-raee every Canadian home, irresiiective of party. The Kinpire will please accept our thanks for a sample of the bust. Those who would care to examine the bust may do so at this ottive. Till- Christian Tent. Sunday inoriiinK hust Kov. J. W. Shilton -reiid for his morning lesson Ko- maiis, the twclftli eliapttr. That ia a chapter which may lie studied to ndvan- tage by everv iprofes.sinj; Christain and thfW'j who make no such [ireteiibions as WuH. We do not d;ire sit as jiidije upon otir ftiUow men, but are constrained to believe tb.-it if the stature laid down by Paul ill this chapter must be attained by every Christian, a large number of .mr old church nieiiilH'rs and otficials aiv still in the Lilipntian stage of develop- ment How many of them really oWy that iiminhite, "Avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath :" "Tlierefoif if thine eiieiny hunger, feed him : if he tliirit. ifivu him drink /" ,1 i'tfrrr f'dptii r^ . News reached here •ui Mniiday. of a clever capture of a burglar at Holland Centre on Sunday mornlnf. The facts appeat as follows : A yoiiie.; man who w.« coming home very early oii that moriiiie.' oliserved a le.;lit in Price's storts and thinking that all WU.S not rij."Jit Ijo ijuietly aliirmed a number of the TCSl- <Jeiits. when they surrounded the -rftore and surprised the busy bnrj;lin- ihi the act. Me Wiis liaiidciitred anil talieu to < »»en|S,iuiid. Two of his pt)», -who wore supposed to lie watcliin'.^ oirtAfilc, were en- gaited at the lime in tiyirC'to luirBlarixe another store ill tha yicnrity and esca|i«iL We have K«<>ii v!ii»kle to gather the name which irlic etilici' /;.'ivf, "I'Mt lie i;4 a pro- fesshr.ntl, kwd o'j^fN^saed ;;reut i>tf«ust at beii'? ciHairod ill a» small a Imnilet, when he UKd always «soapo«l in many luriie cities where lie has plied Ins trade. MiirUttntt'x 1'liiitt. Tlie re.^i.ective coiiiiiiittees .f the town- ship of A rteiiiesia an J vill.ije uf Mark dale, appointeil tii arr.inge liiiancial mat- tors between .Arteniusiw and the newly in corporaleil vib;e,'e, mot at f ,-. Cliristoe's otlice, Klesheiloii, on Friday last. Then' were present on belmlf of .\rt«'iiu"sia tKe reeve, Dr. Cliri:.tof, and Mr. .Mc.\r- tliiir ; the other ineinlHir of coiiiuiittee not puttin..' in an appearance. Mr. J. McKiirlaiul. iei're,aMd Win. itrown, K.sq.. appeared frtr .^knâ- k^lHle. The followinij setllenieiit was arrived at, viz., Markdale to receive ^PiS, lieiiig nearly four cents in the dollar (il the total assets of the township, and is to ft>eeive at the same rale its proportion of non-resident tn.xes in Co. Treasures hands at time of its iiirorpor atiiiii. It iy slsn provided that in ease the Ttiwjislitp is entitled to any govern- ment grant at «r bofure ineoi'iioratinn of Msrk'slale. it is to receive its slmie at the Same^'ale unles.s the amount be settled by tjoipfnmeiit. â- lames F'. Farley was found guilty of murder at I'eterbori' Fri.lay aim was sentenced to be lian^e 1 on Nov. 8. Over sixty people were killed by a collision on the Lehi^di Valley railway on Weihiesday night. The greatly-feared smallpox epidemic is not likely to strike Toronto this year, as the patients in the liospitnl are rapid- ly ieeoveriii'4 aiiu no new c:ises have been reported Ci mnnlsory vaccination, how- cxir.is still ("I tinned. GEO. MITOHELl, DliAUOlir.S lUiCmiT AM) .<iHA.. Spfeiiil Attenfl'ti fniiit ill thf riitli'i^lii'ii I'* J\'ii/iM uiiJ .lcc</ioi<j, .'(i.( Juvr Aiwti I'f HlfliariMin cl- t'oV Luxuriant Hair D?v CAllTER, M.C.P. .V S., (i.\T. riiv.sH i4\. M u<;eo>., ao. KLKSHEirroX. oaicc.Strsins lil.<ck T!eniili-iii-e .1 I, llii<«e! < ~-: Partnership. ~ K. F. IliXOX. .M.ni ..\i.. J. «. IIITTO.\. .^:.l).l .M., Can only be preserved 'by keeping th« •calp clean, cool, and free from dan- dnifr, and the l>ody ia a healthful condition. The great popularity of Ayer's Hair Vigor is due to the (act that it cleanses the scalp, promotes the (jrimth of the hair, prevents it from falling out, ami gives it that soft and F/tySlcicVlS, Stll'/^iOnS C'c , (Pc, silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. I _,_, Frederick Hardy, of Koxbury. Mass., ' 1 t.it. t Vll^l^t. agentlcDian fifty years of age, was fa.st losing his liair, and nrbat remained was growing gray. After trying various dressings with no effect, he commenced the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. " It •topped the falling oot," he writes ; "and, to my great sarprise, converted my white hair ( without staining the scalp) to the aamt shade of broicu it bad when I was ^ rears of age." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgoiaery, of Bomon, writes: "F^ years, t was compiMeJ to wear m dress oop to conceal a bald «pot on the crown .of ray bead ; but now I gladly Jay the cap aside, (or your Hair Vigor ts bringing out a aew growth. I could hardly trust my geanes «-hen I flm tound my liair growiag ; but there it is, and I am <lelighted. / look ten yean youmjer." A similar result attended the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor by Mr*. O. O. Pres- â- cott, of Chariestown, 'Ma.HS., >ris» Bessie 'It. Kedloe.of nnrliagloii, Vt.. Mrs. J.J. Iturton, of Bi'ngor, Me., anil uumeroun others. Tile loss «f liair maybe owing to ira- Jiurity ol the blood nr derangement of the stoniarti uiul liver, iu which case, "a course of Ayer^s Siirsaparilla or of Ayer's PlHs, in eonnection with tlie \'l|{or, may lie necessary to give health and tone to all the functions of the b<Hly. Al the same time, it cannot lie too strongly orgeil that none of these remedies can ilo much g<MHt without a |>ersevering trial anil strict attention to I'leanly and temperate habitii. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Pnpftr«d bv l>r .l.C. Ayer * Co.. I.owcll, Holil bj DruggMa ftud I'crfuxuert. NBWADVI^UTISKMI'M'S. Came Astray. Caiiu' U> th." iirt'UiiH.^s of W. T. MiKt-t-. Lot ;«â-  (oil. 4, VitfdUHiii. two Htfon*. uiu- lilin-k imA tli*i (itht*ir r^••\. •£ ypar-* t'lil The lilaok <nif \v.i!«fi>mi 1 i|«Mi<l on ttit* rtv\<\ iiPiir iiiv Mrominr*!. 'I'ht' re4l oiiii [a ii.iw Ht iiiv plaoo. Htiii tlie owiuir may Imve naiiii' bv pn viii;; proiierlv aiil ['avitiri l)Xl•ou^^•«. NOTICE. lliiviii^ (UhihwihI of it»y" l>itH{ii(^>i)« tn Mr. (ieo. MUcklxn >i. 1 (S'^ivf ti» |nihlk*ly v\|'i«^> iii%- thrtuKs t<t llii^ IH'oiih- nf PU'-ilu'rtoli Htid vicinitv fur ttieir honrtilv Hii|t(M>it ttiul iMti't>ttiiu'<t |i> tlir Itttnt, mi'l uoalil t>t<s|ieHk f'o a tlicin a ooiitiutia litHi of tlu^ .'•utuf u> niv m»ct't"'.'*or. srr.vHKN j-riKiT. K»«'<!it)rton. OvX. llV IhHK. TO THE rCBLW. Miiviiii; i»':-"".' si'l tlic flr-ir. ftMvl niMlin'Ofcry liii^itHWH (U Mr. stt))itii>ii S)iii il. 1 would ^^aN t hut it wtU b^ nu' Mini to <<M«r to ttu' public in a nmuiiiH- tiiat will rt^taiu for t)u< luiNiiio.:(K tbi> ro- piitiitioii winch it hik> liitlii'ito had for fair ami hHtt*'fftct«nv dealinc'* witli i-nstouiui*. Tlut imbiic'K )tvr\*aiit. <ii:o. lU^XCKBlKN. KUi-lmrton. Of'- 10. twvs. ili'UtictVU. ^^, J)i:ntis'ji;y. riiosia:. Henderscr. L.D.S. sin(i;;,).\ duntist lliJll M^llllint "ll'l Jll,l,"l- i;i.l,tll'ltr„f il.( U.i\lt.S.. Will visit Ki.i:snii.T(^N. i>ii.ii-ii,i»» ii..t.j I iOi't J.if .-iirli in,.ntli Ti.tli i-\tl m tid, ills,!? •kI iiiel lllli.<l ill til,. Iiinlu.-i »i\U.»,.f t!i,. »ri, an.l lit iiiii.(ur,tte rittt-*.. HiAii Okih 1 7i".l Y..\..i. St . T..ii..>i., >i);U. J. W. FllOST, L.L.l;.. lUirnitttr, Sitlicitor. ('«>m< v«'N«'<*«'.. t)m«».â€" Stmlti's Miiil.liiif. Kl.KsjiKi loK. .t. \. CHKSl.KV Si.liiiti.r ami Coin i vsuwi-. Kemlilit Mioini;i I . MI!. lllOsr will W- feliinl ut tile < IBli- i U TIini-Hita*,. ,1.. iKTrtiifore. P McCULLODQH, ]>(iirisfri\ iSo/iri/n/, ,y-c. Onicf. ov«'r NcFarlaiidN ^â- ^or<^ . .Iliirkilalf. .Honey lo l.iuin. John W. Armstrong, MONEY TO LOAN. IT LOUi:.ST ( 1 KKEM KATES. On Town or Kami I'luini tv, S. U.lMtnK. KleHliert«l). 1 t.i.ni^ ill i)iiii'!;i'|l». .\,U v.ivcaii otlei- us II liiiltal jH-tiii.s ; Ml. J*ljilli)w eaiiio i.) II'. witli ll'i', Millie oifi'f tliat lie made tlic J^uiidalk . eilitoj', and al- I Iio i^li tvn Fa.\v. lliui il \v(»uld not jmy IK iiiiai)i'.ii»ll£,'. We llioiiglil it vvntild Im ;i ^'(iiid tliin<r_(i|t' the tqwii iviid toltl ; ilt) tn t^'ij i«'t*Utd. lle.truuted iiH hull- 77ie lAirir MiH. \ mile and a half from VlesUertoii, in the roiiiantic villey of the It.iyiie, htaiids "llie littlu mill." a name which lias iieeii '"'I' , familiar ill the surriuindiiii,' connliy for iiialiy years. \\ In ii liist liiiilt by Mr. I'lewes it was not tlio eoniiaodioua buihl- iiiL,' of to-day, hence its ilistinijuisliini; title. Jt coiitniued for sunie years to be the favorite resort o> farnieis with i;rain, as it hail seciiieil for itself an eiiviahio name for holiest tolls iind excellent tlour. 'I lien it iletciinialeil to a certain extent until within the last year or so, when Mr. V. l.,inicl<s iiiirelia.sed it and proceed- ed at oiiee to make it as |>o|>ular as ever it was ill the iialiiiy days of ytwvrs niro. ^^r. Loiieks is a lirat-class, conscientious miller, wo believe, and the larito Imsinoss which lie is wurkini; ii]! deiioles this fact clearly. V'arnieis coliie from many miles away, to prove the ((iiality of tlour turned nut by "the little mill," and tliey alwavs come anaiii. We bad the ]ilensnve if ex- nuiiniii'/ tboron<,dily this ancient and his- eiiuiiie stood, bnt it was extinynished be- ) tnrical mill one day last week, and Mr. fore eottiiig any lieailwiiy. 'I'lie cail.se of llie accident il Unkiinwii. Hon. tlas. I'atliin, eollaetor of CiistomH for the port of Tnronlo, <lied in Ins ofHoe 0i;4b'v a.')d'(le(ilt 111 in>Mft.^f t'lU.iniJur- p( |,oart di*.u»t«<'n.T'l""*" boucks, the ijentleiuaiily propriotiir, hns our eiinuratulHtioiis u\ion the Hiiceo.siful business which he bas worked up amoie.,' the farming ennnuunity. His advurliic- Mirnt will give you all the technical fitet*. ' '^^.. JSf^^,. t ' mm "m QALOPS DIVISION. Notice It) Cuntrcictois Sr.\i*i:n ri:M>i.us midicsMMi totiuMuuiir siii^jfil rtiul fit l.>r«*iil '•Ti'iuU^r for St. I.tt\* - I onct' Canals.' will buv-u-oivmi ntthi-iotlli-f until till* atrivnl of tbi' rrt-^ti-vu nii*l western inuiN <m n nsnAY.'iHK :wii h im v oV iUtohku iNsuxr.for tho cuiitttrnction of twi* loi-kn Hiiil tltn ilri))MMiiu^ iinti fMiIiuucuH'iit of tho upinT rutvaiKMi of tlit> (iolop.-i I'unitl. .\ innp of till* loriitiCy, In^'otUur witb pliuuand NiuH-itUatioiis, will t>u rriiilv ftir f.\uuiinultoii at tf)i^ ottU-t> and at thi^ Ittvok-Kei'poi'H lious(.',(iHlt)|>H. on IUMI afttT TlKrtlUY.Tnr. UVlH ItAYOKOtnMllKU issTAN'r. wlnnr ttnuiti of tfudor 1iik> In-obtiiini'ti In CoMtriu^uits on |i«rfH>iial applii'ution. In tlio (U'^ti of nnu»» tlit>rt' nin.-st bt) atturbiMl tlir artnal si^natnitAttflbttftrll iiaiut', tlio nutnro of tlut iK't-npntitHi HUil u'sidtnu-t' <tf i^iiili ineni- tu'i' of tlu) Mnuii\ nn I fM -t(uu-, a uank ourosi r nrt Kii'T for tlm nnni i^l >*tV'*'X> um*t ai-conipaiiy the tt'n.U'V for tlir works. Tlu* ii''*ptH?tivo l>Ki*(»HiTH KKrv.iriH -rlirqu.'H will ni»t bii t'XiiOj»t''«t ihUj** Iki 4<Mibn'Hoi) ovor to tliu Ministov of ItailwAvA and Canals, Hiid will \hi forfritnl if tho pi^rt v tnidin ini^ drndin-v-^ on* tmini* intt> confai't f tr tb« work* at tlu* vatoa Olid vn tln' tiMiii-* HtatrttI in thf offor •iiihuiittotl. 'I'ho di'pottit i-tfOoipl-H UiiiM Miiit in will Ihj i-rUirn- rd to tint vrMpvi tivii pjirtii's xvIiohu teiiduiti aro not aoi'cptoil. Thin iVpartntpnt ibwH hot. UoW«»rt>r. bind tt- ti«>1 f t«> tti^crpt febu lowtiKl or mil > (onil«r. \\y ntdor. A V. IIKAULKY. Hrtcrvtftry. lU-pArtintuit of UailWftvii and CaaaU, Ottawa, mil October, IM8. W.J. BELLA iMY. Twr. ci.riiK .iitTiMi si.\. < 'f 'A' r A' YA .\( 'lit:, I OMM /.N'.\7( / Vi7' ixsvuAxcK Atrr, .tc' T)KEl)S.WCl:T(iA(;KS,I.K.\SKS. ic . ,,rv«r - e^iiiriMtViT''''''^ ex..,;ii,e.i. i.i.iir.,;,'..':^:: Rs J. Sproule, pOSTMAS TKR, Fleshertnn.C.nimiiiidon f ill 1!. R., Licensed .\iictioiieisr, Con veyancir, .\pprais.r and Mono' I^ndct. Heal Kstate amllusiirsnne .\gi>nt. Deed.*. â- Mortusges. Leases nm! Will., ilra«n tip im,l Valnatii.iis madooii slinrtesl luitice. .\o<-- tionSHles alteiuled to iu any pary ef tie County. Monev In l.,«,| „t |,,«est taU-« ..f interest. Collections attemleu to with l'lollllltne^s and des|mtcii. Cliar«e« low. .^geiit fur llie DoniiMiini SteaJishiiiConipatjjr. Chen), tickets from Flesherton to I.iveriH.<J, lilasKOvv, London or anv of tliA liritisl. I'ort*. I'arties inten.ling to vImi i:nf!ai,J. Scotlmid or I.-elaiid, will please nsk rates be- fore iMirch.-.siiic their ticket^ elsewhere. James Sullivan, The Tiusmitti, - Flesherton Ueiwiiiu;;, KavctrmiKtiiliK.aiul in tBOtiiTerv- tliiiiK ill the liimiiieiei will receivs my" l>ioiiil.t ami eiireful Htteiitioust reasonable )>riru8. IttwrfUjuicou.*!. FOR SALE. Two very i1t>sirsl>lv Imateil l.ils in llm \\i l»Ke of KliishertiHl, .\ii exeellelll i-hiUH'e ti» »w\.nv H KtHi-l HiU' fur H iM-iviite rosiileno... .\p|>l> si mire to (»K(> KKP.KKK. Flmhvtum, Or til J. t(K(> KKKI-'KU. For.*t.(»rt AlUa JTAf AA V. Ikiwcua «.x.v Wr»iiQ«i • f*> -J ti % \ \ \ 1 « i'

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