Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1888, p. 5

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L- U Oct. 18. i88S.] THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE *? \ ) < â- â- â- *' 'â- t>'- BOOTS & SHOES ! ^ 1 li:ive a large stock on hand, Miibible For Fail Wear. Men's and Boys' Long Boots, *!Bla large varivty of l.Vl'IKS" AN!) ClIII.MliEXS *"EAI!. A lot o Niimmer Goods .Scllinv ofl' Cheap. â- ^YM. CLAYT0N'S7^ FLESHERTON. Photos, Photos 5 Photos. Hu ari Hoic tuining out \cvrk/<ir Mtp'Twr in ttyU and jiiU-tA -tu tn^y trtr yro- ducetl la Flttlierlitn. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODEf^ATE RATES. PICTUBE FEAMINQ •!ont i'« an it» Ir.iw./.m. A good ttark of FKA.VKS ,in,l MOl'I.DISVS kept x<ni,ti,HtI_,t on Und. WillaUo irtt'oditct the new HROMIDK FOliTRAlT. .. victim thnt itgicing entiri' tutitf'ncfio'n ichervver introducvd. SA.Vl'LES i'«n Li $i:en lit my GulUry vhcrt u/Z ^'<ir<ic«/itr« at to frice. Htyle &c., cm Ut 'itcer- FLESHEETON. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS TOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OT MAN. THW: VltK.iT IIE^SLTU «*;.»•*: H'EK, llla.->-!l 0* Meaflng. and Kohtnoor df MeUicme*. ^^M^^m ^fm.^^^ ^ct tli«* trirfble roii«tt<|ripnc«H« oT Inill.er«€1ont ^â- Â«*' ^AJ. <^>»y Exp*»iar« onil Uvmurk. "2"OTriT3-, 2^<nx)£5T .'R-.^a-s:x) aJjtd oxjd is^nEtr •ikhJ aio 1/roksu ilown tn>iii th« effects ol ntniw w UJ flua iu No. s > ra>liciU euro (or nwvoua UeMUtT. orKMiic weakne*., in»o^uui*ry vitul K>mi'*. .tc. SrstPTOiM roll wuuh No. » buoi't-" »s Viikh.â€" W»n« nt t'nprgy. vertikv, want of jiorpoia. OtL-iaua. i>( KiRbi, itvcrslon lo society, w.DI of c<»ii4il«no«, avoi.laac. of cooverBation. ucsiro forsolr.o lt>, l;tUe««uMi nu I tua'.iility Ui ft» »li« »n«uUon <u » p»ititul»r »ubjco», c3wiirdu-«, dupro9«u>n of •pirits, pMilln.-*-*, l-M o( liu-ui-Ty, •Jcitalility o( Uiniwr. sitr- 1 i»toxrli«a,c t ioMOf IheKMUin*! flui.lâ€" th« re«Ml< of solf»i>u'<o r umritftl execRsâ€" imix-- l"Ucy, iunutritiou, ciuaviitioii, l>ttrieuue«s, imlpiutioa of tha lieari. h»ih-ric fWiliuR-- it> foiiialea, trouibUut, uinlaiK'holv, instiirl'ing urMui. etc, ar. i>ll svajytoui. of (bit Utnbl« li»li:t, otUiutluies ia iKomlv Betiuirnl. la tliort. tlie spring • I viul force b«Tiii( lost iia teuuou, uTrry tuuctio:i wunaii in coii«h|hoiio». .*«cicnllfto wntor«and tho mirH;nnW!Ktent» of iii.H.m. u<yli>iu» usuto lu nsoriiiij; i> tho efl'x.t* o( «elf-Bl'ii« tlK- itrvii niajorily of wivstoU live* vUioh co n* unJur lii«ir iiotic. If you »r" iroompntniit (or »!i« ardtiong dtitivnot liiisiiusa, ltIo^^l«>â- ilâ- lt^ I for thu B:ijoyiii>uu of liff. No. ,â- â€¢ odem au oncnp. from V:io effect. o( cai Iv vioa. If you ars advanc.-l in voarn. No. S will (.ive you full vi-or naj rtronijth. I( you are iTukou rtowu, )>h»!Ui'.-\lly ami morally from earlv iudiscretion, tiie r-au!t of iijaoranct anl (tiKv, 5<?i!d vour u.lJi eas aiiJ III c«.ut. iu •taiui<4 for M. V. LiKov's Uii,'acia« iu Hook I'orm ou Diacti*** ai Wan. SeBl.>.l uiid avuuo from obwrvatk'ti. A.l'lress all cuuimsnitntions to ti. V. I.VBOX, i7 WrUlnctou SI. T... Turoatw. A M.n«IUiaut«iidomlr>clinaloars parsdisa. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. A Permanent Cure. Hh A Pleasant Cure. lIEAril I ou ALL. HOLtlWW^ Thr EITert of .ilruhal on the i^eiei' / t TllK TILLS ruiily lliu IUikmI, cuai-«ct all Diiiorilem of V.io lAv^i*^ Stoniaeli, Ivlcln'yK, n,ncl IJowelsi. tlitiv i'ivij<*>ralt'iu» I re^tortt to lifftlth lVl»ilit»lt*'H'nn«titHtU>!i'*. hiu^ me iiiN AhitiMo in all Coiu- ' pltuutaiucld«iital to I'l-iniilt.^ <.»f all aac-,. For (.'liiMvuii Bt>«t tlic A^vd thuy aio itncflcM. THF OINTMENT «i) in.'alliblornmei'iy for Uiul \^n. 1)h<1 UrwintH. Oh\ Wotnitlt. Sorok nii«t rio^r<t. It i% famous for (tout unl U'uniiiftti-^ui. Koi <.li»«ii(UM-» of tin- llK--.t it bA4iioe«iua Fovsoittrniuo.n, buom'hitis. cor an s, colds 01anUulardWttlliuga,aii(i all skill nise'iian it lia< no riral : anO for coiitrartsJ aiu) stiff aiiitH it a<Ai liko a ohariu. M*imf»cturoit uuU at Vrofawir H.u.i .iw n h KutaMitliniout. 71*, »w <^tr«r<i iilret-t < late S33. Otfwrd Mirret >. L4>H4Iur. )(iidar« sol J at Is. tiki., is. <»., to. »â- !. Hs.. <!>».. aix) TOt. xaeli Hoi or Vot. ainl iua\ )-• bail of all M«l ciuf \'eii^loi'« tbivautfliout tb« World. ^ P*»:t)Kxmt tk-mld Ivok l< M« L»M <m tii* I'oU and li^jt't. If the titUr«« m mi . S3A, Or/vnt i'*tiy.<, iwnrfon, tt«y ar. tjmriom^ To *»â-  E<r*„r rjf Tlie Advince. 8iB.- .\.t tUui advanci-d ueriutl ofth. nine- leentli ccnUiO'. «lmuiit everycne has beojme thnruug Jy faoiliar with tb. diSereut phaa. es of tlio tenii>enince qne«tion aa pr«8eDtetl by the Y:uii itnuy of ministers, temperance leclurers auii i»cb liJie who have been en- Imaged IU thij laudable work for gent^rationa past. Yet, notwithstaudiug the fact, there b> Dtill much, that to a grtat uuuiber of your reader:! will prove quite nuw. and we hope iuterestiu;; as wei!. It )ia« been conceded ou all aide:,, that iutemperaiiue ia a ;,'reat social evil. Mea will tell yoa it in a social evil hcoause it ii\l& oor ja::s aud our prisoUi> with its victims , 'becaaw it cuuTcrls the mild aud loving; parent iutu a veritable Memi ; because it sows poverty and jianper- ism broa<icast over the leugtb and briadtb ui our laud ; Now sir. w bile t^ese eviU wrou^rlit through lutemperauee are momen- tous iu tb-; extrcae, we consider them but trivial when comjjartd with the greut force I exerts ia du-^eueraliog aud obliieratiu^ (hoiic hi,jher power, of i«telle«t and pbysi- i-al org:iu:/atioti tor which the human fitniily has beru u.ted tiirou^kout the geucrutious Ciiat are uow lost in ika decades j! years. We bold. tb.tt alc<;ke! bai* a teudency and aTerj ^reat oue. to iesseu the m utui aud pbv'sical p.iwers of the iuJivid-.ial addicted. to the-use of it. And aot ouly does u weak- en the phyHicil or;^nis:ttioii of the p«r<un iuiui'diacely UMUg it, l«ut of tUe cuiuing genaraiions or which tkM iiidivlUuiii may be proK«nitor. It has be«u tlii>riiugbly estab- lisbed by M-i.-uiilic trn-n. tbitt there i. not au organ, or aiUcatc uerre. or luimbrane, or fluid VMg>e!. tliat it doc* not burl by cuntuct, or deteriorate if the «i>otaoC be continued- The heart, fhe 9<«t of man's vitality, is es- pecially ."ubj ectrd to uu i xce»a of .train so long as liuy alcohol reuams iu the system. Alcoh'il contains uo f<>*l whatever.it tsaever digested, ueither mdeed can be, so eoutintie. to injure and disturb Uie vital oryaas un- tile eliuiinatiuii tal«ec pilaoe However, this is but c>ue of the leajitof the evil, which i. the iiutoouieuf the vrefc'uce "f alcohol in the sywtem. The chaitqes uiiii deterior\'»- tii.un nf structure and ill the c«»^^dlt^oll of â- the bliiod whick take, place in ».iii»«;- vjueiice of tli» iittfsence of alcohol are of a titstly uiorr scrions chiiractcr. The whole surface of the b^>«ly, and every or^nu, muscle, nerve. bl<>o*l-ve.>«el, and cveu the b«me« are eiivelo|K.-»l in covcriiipi ot meiu- braue. Hcsidcs serviiii^ ;w Uiiidaj^ea to hold evciy structure li^cthci in perfect .)rder, these uiewbraiios are ttic tiltets of tho btooil. Evcrr portion of matter tak- en vii<o the system li;u to I'liAs liiruii;:li tln'»<.' r.kei'H or luuniUnuies, aud by tliciii are wrraii^eJ tlirou^Uout the .ystcui so a.» to liuiiJ ir,' aiitl .;i\f strviiu'tli and eiicrjiy to the «b'le huiiiiiii sAructuie. Xotliiiii; c.ni p.-iss tlirou^h tlicsf lueuibralies that IS ii.>t Ui a state â- â€¢.• .•v.|>ie»'U» soiutioii. so tile Solid liitloiis Sakeu mto tiio systein .11 food, iiiiisl lie chemically ch.iiiofd in order to p.i»s •JiroK.'h tlieic t;lters. .Mon- ..ver these' membranes in order to fii'.lil their Jiroper fiilictioii.s. must In.' cliar.;ed wit!i water e.»en to siitiinui' n. .\ltohol absorUs water troolv, aud couimeiices to do »u ;ti s<.'oU as t.Lieii il:to tho .system, aud thu.i tile u.ituiiil »ui>iJy ot water is draw u iroiH ihi- niouiliriuici' and the re- sult IS tbey bcoiuie thiokciieU aud shrunken â- \.*rA ar» «reatly leUiiced iii fuiic- tioM.i! poMct'. Tile pu<te becoiiios weak- ened, there is a setiNv.- uf We.imics. .ind th.» viv-fiiii feels t!i» s!i;;lWc»t exircise to bo .% laliom us toil. F.JJowiiiu up this coursn- of leasoiiiug. «e see that alcohol uiust uatuially cause a iclaxati'ii orpani- lysis of llie minute bloodvc^sols. 'I'h'is cau.-*i-« tlie liwirt to Umt I'.oic ijuiekly, and as every beat of the liciirt tends t<i Ic ICC tile bhi.il tiiri'<iub the arterie.. every vcMel I cfuu-s dilated and is held in ,t state of uiiii;.t',iial rela.\ati .ii utui unnatuial tcn.sioi-.. If this tension is continued a cli.iii-.;e "f diameters in trfese vc.-wel.H t.'ikes jilacc. and scwili the whole weUttork oi blo.s.1, ui"'n wliieh t!ic ir- i^ans of the body iUX' constructed, is de- laiiijed. .\s stiiuulatiou i;o«,.« on, tho heart l>e<.oiiic.s oi i buyed, its e.\uu;»it'' val- ues a'l- drauii out ol tiientiiie pi-o;iortioii. tlie oritices arc liilated. the waits of the ventricles ure tiiicUeiieil. and the le.suit is the iiienibiaiM-tix eiiv^-iops Ih-couk'S cartil- ai'oous, and evi-ii l».ny. Nature tiies still uito a.s.sei I liei-.e;!'. but try a.< slic » ill. the v.caticd lioart -i\e up, an I tl.e man dies, a vii'tim to .tle.iliolic poi«i.inii.i. True. iK'ath doc* not always overt. ike Us victim ill this wliy. Somen iii*.*s the hrain. the liver, or the :xu),'s niny be livst t' yield to the iava.;o» of iutoiiipcr;ii.ee. or liideid, a.s is fie<j«JeUlIy the ea.se, a|o- ploxy may .nd the iinei|Ual contest. Now sir, let VIS look UU' a uiomeiit at (he cilect of ak'odid up..|i liie li>er. It is .1 well established fiiot, that the liver has a leinaikHWe capiicity for lioMili';,' ac- tive anhstiitn.t.vi in itseellulur parts. .\l.- coliol hiuls it.< way there very proniptlv : and with the five drinker of ardent irits, it is almost coiitiiiuallv saturated -EH EARD'S^ Carriage Worlcs, FLE SKERTON . JI.4>rrAi'TISEK.S OF Buggies, Sjjvui^ fVasoj/s, Liuii/m'/- ll'a^ons ami Iroit^- Hairoivs. P<ihdiii'j, Ti-ituminQ and ltei)ainii<4 proiHpfhj ftttendfd to. JloJ-ae-Shoei/ig' n Speoialti/. Fleslierton Carriage Works. clear, tiiat a sulistaiiee wmeii attacks and injures every functional structure in the | body, must senousiy eti'ec? that delicate and woiidei-tul piece of ntechanism. the bnun. The iiioinent you disturb this or- •j:aii. you disturb the iiiiaU. Hurt the hand, or the f'Mit, or almost aiij other 'r- '.;an of the b<ijy. and ret Ihou^ilt may re- remain clear, and the mi^ellect balanced : but touch the bruu â€" euu- 2cst its liner bloodvessels. thiclieR* its delicate meiiibra"es aud iiiipare the <|iiiii- ity ' f tile nervous matter they iucli«tc. and deterioration of braiu-sinicture has commenced, which if not arreated may terminate in iiifunity. Now sir, seem;; that alctihol hel[i« time to produce the effects of aoe : .nnd tiiai it m fhe genius of deiienerition ; that is frwusht with the most prevalent and direful results to the meiit.il and idiysual struc^uw, is it any wonder, that at this acauH lu our ^^ orlds Uhstory we have a i«:w jMiliticaJ party liMunnii up ••n the Ijorizon, to the cry of •'Prohibition. Total Hndiibitmn. " -May iliey arow. and oxf>and. aai- spread tbetr iiitlueiice until it shalf> shake our fair IVmiiuioir from circuinferMice- to cen- tre ; until this small twh.j shall become a mighty tree, spreadiii-^ its branches from the .\tl.vitic t,i the Pacific , £ri>ai the .\rclic to the luternational. Yours, M.VRIETTA. XKAV FALL GOODS ! -\T THi:- trs- Central Store, Priceville, -^*i H&viDij rtHM*ive«I our Fall Stock of Dry (iooti^ wv art !ri a iH?Mlion to offiT the be»t Value :i: the trade. Our vtock is very cumiilet**. ainl hav- IQK bvtfD »eiecte<l wiib t»rtfat care we havo cuufi jeucf in fh quit. It 'ii:»<;i.Tni:iK' public tb»tthe> cau a^'freciatti a wtill buu^fht articlu. BOOTS AND SHOES. Omr Tww »tock bafr amvt^ and coinpn»e«MHiitf- ttuutf ^ooU aud MTVtceabiu 'cr M.eQ aud hijy- ia fact BOOTS THAT R BOOTS ! f^r evi'ry metuher of tiae bouiebold. Otir Klili contiu je uuappri.ia*.babJe. Our Uinttu beii:^; gfJuU Civi^tU aud LoiA rrtvv». Cuuie and »vc Us. Marlyrs lo Headache . '^^'^'^^ ^^'- ^"^^^ Seek rrlit-r In vaiu. until they be)^n tv> use .\\«r's Sarsaimnlla. Then thry rv' jpvt l!«- yrars of siilTi-riU4 ikrsf lui^iUe have esk-H|M-,l had ili,._v irjol tli.s i-Mot-^iy earlier. The trouble was nmsiiii.'oiial not local; and, iiiiiil .\>er's »ias.->apa- riUa did its etticinp worik ii> an .Vllerativeaiid Illood Puriliec, liie^ w oro coiin>eIletl to siitT**r. Tlie witi- o; .Stiiuiii.1 Pau^. 'Jl .\iisiin St.. Li'uell. >las.H.. w xs. I«>r a l.vi:..; i.iue, subjc'-t to s,'\ere headar li»*s. i!ie r.*»ult of sfomacli and liver ilisorderi*. \ (ler- fee'. eiire has bceu elTeclevi by .tjer'. SaisajHirilla. t'nuik Kobertjt. T.'T W.islunitosi »t., itosion, says that lie (orui«-rl> li.i'1 It- riliiir hea-laches. and tiutil L" leHilt .Vyi-r's Sarsaparilla. fu'mt fouii I any Uieilieine that wiald ;;ive Permanent Relief. 'â-  livi r\" Spi'in.:. for ^f•.^^^ m rilrtsr I.17./.le \V. l>eVe.ail. J.J KlIe.nMl St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.. " 1 ha\-»' lia<i luniler- able liea<l»'Ues. I i'<>iuiii<Mi<.'>-<l the iiso of .Vyer s Sarsap.irilla loat .Man li. .â- Â»ii,l ha^e not bail a lieailacba since that lime." •• I suffered from lif.-ulacha, iudig<«- tion. anil ileliilitv. and w»a hardly aMi* todra' mvs...lf alHui! ;iif liouse." wriica .Mrs. NI. M. Uwis. ..( .V St.. I.o«cll. Mass. â- â€¢ ."Lyer's Sarsaparilla lias worked a marvelous elian*,j«' in my rikse. 1 uovr feel stronn and «ell as ever. " .lonas frariiuin. K.s<|.. of LykirM, Pa... writes •' Kor years I liave siiiTi'rol ilreaddiUy. every S|irlii!», from lieada.h.» caused by itiipnhty iif ilie bl<s*,l and bilnusiiHs.s. It seeuitNl for d.'iys snrf wi','lis that my ho.vl wmild split oix ii. Nothing nliovi'd me till 1 t<»ii\ .Vver'a i<arsa|>itrilla. This molicine has ouretl mc i-omi'lelely ." \Vlieii .Mm. (Jencvra B«?lnnc<>r. of 34 Hrid;ic si.. S|iriiii;tielil. Mass.. Kegiui lo use .Vyer's Sarsaparilla. she bad suffered for some years from a serious alTectioti of tile kidneys. Every Siiriiij:. als*'. sb* was fttHii ted with Iiead.ielie. loi^s if n|>|>etite, and iinligt'stion. A friend |>er- siiadeil lier to use .Oyer's S.irsa|«onl!;». whieli iHMii-iited liiT wonderfully. Uar health is now (lerleet. Martyrs ioliead- uelie shouKi try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'rt|>ar«J \>y I>p J.C. .^viT.Vt'n .. I>iw,-ll. Vaafc I'ricc )1, six bonln*. $i. Worth .J a balUa. A. >x«rc;.%wt:. FLOUR, FLOOR! STONE FLOUR ! ML', r LurcK6 ; it pruV"*: <â- '• 5^* '^^ vrtar tiri*.ti !is "ii !»li'trl no ticv f au-lKfiii'^'* '>» ^^*-' "W t«rtiis vf yvery tAti^th bu»ti«^ .'M.vt'lj c«ia* i»t!r ba«c of two bii»lit*N for it'hopi'ii:^ .iuui' «ver\ .la> The ^Ulu Mill ;> b^ lu i!)ar '•-»iiiuAU>ni I'f tbc I'ui.'hc Satift*«it^-li->ii *i iarsiiit*tHl. V : Ot 4 KS. Trot ru-t<M- APPLES FOR SALE. Cbolcc i%pi'lf« f<*r -^nlf )-\ M. K. HAMMOSn. l\»»t.:iirt-T»r Kiliil'. rl.. \ WEEKLY EMPIRE CANADA'S LEADING PAPER, Sault Ste. Marie Canal. Notlro t» *'»iilrnclors. »; wall it This lijws tlie etiocl of leUidiiisi five .secretion ami the pa.s.sa«e of fluids. The o|s,'iiii at ttist fiilarve-s from the dis- tension of It.s ve^»^sl« and the tliiekeuiiiil of Its ti.s-siies .Vfterwaids there tollows a contraction of niciiibniMc, and a i/nulu- al slninkiiii; of the wlnJo nia-ss of the or- yan in its cellular partji. When tlw liver ha.sbecomea shrunken, liai^lvnei,^mas, dropsy in the lower cxHenniitR a^iears. and the e.wse becouics absolutely liopelcss. Passing from the {diysicid to tlie mental We I'onie to the hiKlicr and more uii(<all- iu-i forms of disaster which spring from the driukiil); customs of society . U is rpUK WOKKS for til,' iv>ii»tn:cli.>ii t'f tbo J, oft'irtl. Hliovo iiieiiiioiie-l. ft»lvrtrti..»'il lo tf. let nil tile lliril of OetoK.r next, are unavolda^y l>osll,out<l to tbe followiiii; diites 'l'en,U•r^ w ill W' .es-ciU'tl uulil W«*dnos«ln.v. Hic nil day of No- voiiibrr lu-xt. villus sTuI sj,e,-ineu(i,»ii.. HfU bo ri'intf for ox- aiiiinatloii at Ibis oHire and Ml Siiult 91 o. Mario oil aifl after U>«ln«'s«la.v, tho -!4tli' tiny of Or- tub<rr H4'\t. H> OnWr. .\. v. IIB.VDLKT. Secr«»»rs. Departmeiii of Railwars ami Canals. (.HtawikSMi !4ettt<'aibi.-r, !<««> i II iiieIieH.1 TUC KMriKK 'iiiis' Ii3 esiii>>lis!iiii.>nt haa met Willi un|ir»s'e«leiiu**l siiei ess. iiiul alre.idy Vniiils in Ihe proii.lis'sition of ("aniul.i s I.A-ii,lioK Jminml: but. in onbr to iil.iee tlir WKKKLV KI>ITt«>% in ibrl.an.lsof â- â€¢Â» erv Fiinner In the lliiniinion tliis full, the rublishir.. have haJ prepiiretl a ll.iadsoine unJ l.il'e-IIke Must of SIR JOHN MACDONALD, Tots'Klvi'li loe^r^< sul>s< riKrlotbi' W KKULt i:MriiiK r4Yi\ii m\t. yntm i\ \»% cMii. , ONX>-5r »1 PEIR AJ>XIITJJb4. â- OW IS THS TIME TO 8DB8CS1BL. lAddress THE EMPIRE, Tocoato ">â-  ' .n /I :rf-

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