Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1888, p. 4

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, 'i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I \\\ / ' THE ADVANCE. coming impregnated in their school system with a graft from tlio poison- ous tree of PruHsian despotism ; and wo. in turn, liavo borrowed from tlie Yaniices. To-day tiiey aro nnro- presontcd by a single slatosnianin tluir national councils. Such is tho effect of ciliiciuion. Every Prnssian boy can read anl write, «itli a smaUering of Latin, yet it leaves him n boy for- Is ptlliHBllCll a • i nlKtm Stri'ft, - - Fifukfrt'iit, <liit TKIIMS Ulf SUltSCUIl'TION : fi P,r »„„;>„ wh.npaWstri,-tiv in ttivano lever intpllcctaally speaking. lie is *•""â- """' »i">""-t-i'aii. I iho creature of the state craft, and W. II. THUHSTON, |„^.,.„,. ^i,^^^.^,^ ^.^ ^,,. ,,^ ,,,^,^.. ,., ,,,,,^^ Kilit'ir nud Vmprutnr. ber as a data, the C'iinuse are tho ~"rrâ€" inost universally educated people the FLESIIBRTON- son shines on. and yet, as a people, TlirilSDAY, OCT. -25, 1888. , they are iibMniinable in private life. , and vile ill pnhhc Hfe. (iive us the , ]5ritisli snl.joct, iL;nurant tbou'.di lie r.lXrrnoy l.rOXriCrTJOy. „.,,. i„,„,-bool< bamin.' an,l mental Since liie or^-anizulion of tlio Coiu- slavery, Imt g(jverii(d liv the nnwrit- i.:',ii Sciin.ii l.av.- of Uiilario ill ISIH-T, ten stalut.s iTnUh. Honor, and in- l! . 1,1,11. I, cy l,a,-i (Ver lierii central- te'.'i-ily nf charaeteri «vliich pi'i'.'aihs I : .', â- !! ill llii i''.(lneati(inal 1>( parMi!' lit every n:iii>h eoiiiiuiniily, nnd (uie i.t 'r..niitii ;ill tliiHii;hl, will, and (lilt- man i'Mvurtli. in a natinnal .-â- . lis-, a \. j.i 'i iicliijii s!) far lis I be piiiilie WW r(f.nnieiil of i ille r rnissnuis or Ciiin- i- u.- rnril, lliiir sole lib, riy in ibe ' •â- ^'â- - Th'sc \vl;o ^:.â- (•ll|â- | d tbt peace of nail' r lie iiiL' the producliMii iif |>iriils, I lie wni M by i,h, ir valor at tbe .Nile, i.iid ]'ii\ii.:.- all iiiulKtar}' (ieiuiniils 'rral'ii|e:;r. 'I'alavi rii, \'iLtori.i, lui 1 V U liolit liill'-niMnn;.', T'le enl'eeblili'/ NN'ateiioo. \\> re not lilu ly lo be lieav- iiilliii Ilia 111' llio s_\.-.li!ii ill i I.-, early I'v iiamiirapp' d wilb book ie.nniiii;; I'av- e| "iiieipiioit Ivrii'iiiy in lii"b in ibi' race of \ ielory ; in itiier need I '.,;e, .- ( \l,iniL(:i ilsi If ill a \i;'. :aieii a iiv ( 'aiiaiiuiii look to olliir liimls tor jiiioil bv ilie absiiici cf iMiciiial iiieViaiK uts of I ime, wbile lii>toiyie. ;. â- 111,11 ill (,vi r-fiiiiL' tla ir ebilibi lis eoirls their li, ei!: nt l»elriiil, (^)ii,-ens. b ^ on:- I lep.-'.i iiliflv la' >elinol. loll II a'lits, l.iiiiilys I, am. anil J'aia iital pewir was i'."ie:( il aiel lliiar Stony Cn-eU, ilie rani; iiiid lile of irfliu ii(a> tiillilied. Tile le.ieher i.-- uii"iii w. re no lioubt eaiiipaialively 1 .,\v iiiaa r bai;. ami till oiiitaalTo- illitiialr; Im; • aeli nein iIiom'IiI for r.iiiid ibiiik. ae;, aial oi'i r iN all llie liini ;. If, and of liiiu.^i If, and thus J (,i;l K. - aiiioniaioii teaeiieis ill l!ie < ael, nulividiial iiecanu' ii pillar of lln' J'roviici. We doliT ili~pill iiL'e liie S'ale, leaders, bat I he sv-:'.. -ii ubielibas The srliool s_\ ^t. in lias lalterly bi et, lediieed a hiu'bly iiltelbcti'.al cla-s of sap|aii^' llie foiiodalioii efoiir iiidivid- (diicalioiiali-i-^ to .-K-!i an iilj. el e .11 , milnv iiiid Jiatemal neb priideiic.' of di!i..ii of sub-ei\i. iicy, all Ibiiikni- ,.l,a; iicler, loobiii.^' Li ^MVerllIll.â- llls d .111 b_\ the Ceiilral ('..iMi.iilte.', mid ,-,y stems f,.r ml i,, i!,,,,- i„rf..r 'J'liii eiiiiealion lends lo iicliMiy niama' .if that ulii.'li \\r sii.iiil.l aii.l bill ily of tlioii'_d,l . an. I p.niii.tes ,. nil,) i,||,l eveiiiiia.lU must il.i fiu' ti.e ..Miiwlli of fredloiii and imli pen- oiirsehes ; aiel i l:.-'.i\e, iiiii.'iit wiiieii lb ii'-i , niiabineil with iiiili\ idiiali'N .d" n- iirp ; llie i i'_dil .f 1 li.' ]....|.|e to act ae'Mii. We lii.;lil\ apjiiaiv.' ol la n f.ir i h. iiisiT V( s in iiiU I. is i\elii>ive!\ liali/e,l power 111 l!ie ai 1 : 1 1 II o •; la I e .' I . leial, should b.- hil.l..! |..>iii p.-\\,r of piiblie all airs, 1 1 111,.' Ilie inlia'.ne 111 , I-,. Ill, _v eet lb.' l.i a link la t|i,ii any lai.M iiHliI pr.iiaoiive of the piib .haiiief tMaiiny w. l.l.'.l. (i.ivein ]i • w. il ; pioii ie.l alw,i_\ - thai -aeli i,,,.,,!;,; m,', j,;,,, .^ deli i ioi aliie,' etf.'c; )>.,Aeri llie ilireC ie.|re., Illume of i,|„,|| III,,,,, who i-,e. i\.. it. aii.l is Mib t'l. ioviiiied. i;.hieali.iiial fiwer ! v, rsive to t lie I rue i aid ,ilid una ol i.j- ;,li .iil.l be S.I ill -:,lliiiili li llial ih. la i|. ' iieiniiiii. \\',. ,.,,,,, ,,vi r â- ; iv.aaii d pi lial power wmbl be m, lely l!i.- fi.o.s j |ii,|.n||y n^ ^veb as tdiieali.uially. ami of ibe e.buvi'.ional Ii 'hi of til,' nalioii ; j the man wlio will effeeliialK eaiiter- and iiiis sy-ttem which ib'es not ivco.,,'- j ,/,. il,,,; loalb-oiii.' ulcer on llu' IhhK lli/elhi^a.s a fuiiilaliieiital principle ' |m|,;i,,., will ,les.a v.' .,adl f..uii poster- will prrbice int. lleciiial sla\iry andjnv. heavens bv,. i.i ,1, vel..p our- n decline of ii::'l..iial pi.rie,., A I s, has, and iiiipiove our nidividiial school sys'ein, l.i h.' Ill liaineniy wilb , e.iiieili.iii ; for we have no f.iitli in grossed so far that a crossing of the C. P. R. lias been reached. The lat- ter company deny tho former the right of crossing their tracks. The matter is now sub judice, but the Manitoba government appear unwil- ling to wait for a decision, and it was thought tliat on Monday they would force a crossing. They had more than a hundred men npon the ground for that purpose. However, the C. P. It. had 200 men present, three (iigines ditched at tbe projioapd crossing and a hifih leiice built. TJie crossing has not yet bei:n made, and it is not pro- bable that it will be so long as tho (", P. Pi. can light matters in court. In f ice of the recent agreement between the C.P.li. C.irup.my an.l llio tiovein- meiit. it i.s, to say the least, a rank injii,--tice on the part of the former to light tli.' bail. bug of this railway ; but lucessiiiy and iiionopohes know no law. Messrg, Kundle and Oxeuliwn ; Character building. Inspector C»iiipbell; Temper- ance, Mu,S3r!i. C iwaii and Cleinvit. GEO. MITCHELL, Kdiii.r .1' I. kill-, of t!i^ Urii'^sils Ihldu'e', •â- â- .' .1 has bei 11 in jiil lor tin last lliii! y iLiv:. for (Miiieiiipt, ofCo'in, is .iiKe i.ioi-e a; lib. rl_\. His ci^.' fiv lib I, brou'^ht by the pi.^i laast.r at ibaissel.s, eiiiie off lit dod rich last I'Vidiiy. w'r u the jiirv b.'oii,'lit i.i a vcidii't of.?! a'.^ainst ibis r.donbtabl' iiioib rii lion t,iiii\.r.e .f t'l.e ((iiill. Teaching .si liool v.a., hi; fnte. II had heller !-:o buck. DKAcaiirn tiovanr .\yi> sail: Spt'-i.il Altmiioti yttiii III till- rnllfft!,.,, , t Sfft't I'i't .â- I'>(»r/i4(», J, el lUnii' Soilli '>f Jlirliill-'ii'' l> it- I. '.>'.<. the vnliie of l.'.;i-.la;i ni as a factor in llie ilevi iopmeiit III human character. ;\s iialiini i! ])i-o:;ress is tin- Kun) of iiiilixiibia! iiidiislry, (aiei|.;v. iiinl up ii:;litiies, so il iialional decay the sum of lelbaigy, s.'lli-liii(.,ss, and vice ; \ \.'W 1ii>i»l«' !..iddor. ','. 1. v.a n ,s!;o'.,-M t'li' otii, f i! i\ , a' i!';:-,!.. r- b'V, a. laia'a i^aiea' f )r pieiiiie; .i-iia, ,-â-  '.vli.cii IS a 'great laip.Mver.i.ait upoa the old etyl,. „f l,iil lers geiii rally used far llial piir)i.)se. T'lic aciaiinp iiiyin.; rou.-jb eat will :'i'. 'â-  1' b -t;, r id a of i; !'i.i:i we ,â-  .all bv W' .Is. The â- e.m'.'iM ;. r ei.i l.-,l lO l.ei, ant t',.' er.'s ; !i:ir lit bo;; ua of !,i ! |,i- .iiliiiii of I ki.aii ; r. in an;, p.is.ji .a. Iiy l.u ill' : il. rou'l'l' d |ir e, c!|.iii la a cro'rb I'i ; b â-  tree aiel p; mm;.' I i ii n'' hold, r o'l ilie .^voaial. ,'.u- cr ) s b { â-  oi v. 'lii'li uill |.i.wiii turning <•( i'l.' I, el ,1, !â- , I'll 'i.' i'l 'eiiiou-i lav â-  III II of Mr. .1 M. Thiii'-'i'ii. Th.ni,'li i-alli.': Lite fo, ll: fill, 'be e:;('elleiic.> of t!ie contiivaiice will CMiimend its, !f to bu ' r.ii.evs, an i t'l'^v will have ample time to coiistiaiet one fir tlio nsi l.es •Ins winter and have il in readiness lor luxl _\iar. «!jf|P^^ . The Vonutrii EiUtor'n i'tilfuditv, .hiiiuary â€" Election uiontli . Uriu^.^ in curdwood. Februaryâ€" Dlimkadoi and eti'riu.s. Marchâ€" Sprinu' biaibs. April â€" T)iu lirst robin and Si.rini; poets. May â€" *iet rc.idy for tish stories. Sudden dvclinu uf the pout. â- Iinie â€" Tills is an off iiK'iilli. Fariiiers td.i Im.iy t" i-i'iid th..' piiiHT, and it d.ni't make niueli diitei-oiieu wlietliLi it ceiiios oat or not. .Inly- -Talk ab..'at t!ie weath-.T and new putaloe.s. .\iit;ust â€" IliHin I'niiit, accidents, ex- cursions and tail ^l.ihi >,t..iie.'<, Seiitcaiiber -I'U potatees, lui iiii.» and fall show.s. Ullei- the oip.ri.r t.v.ivears ; K. !''. II!\(>X and a half t..r on,- li .Ilai- na 1 .;•â- : lave.- | iiew subs.ail.irs. ; < •._.'.->.'.:' e'.''', .' ;.','• Y"J.'5 v^ <.' , t'v October li.-.-iii t.> talk ah â- a* v,....ii ' l'!;1''^, aiain a.s -; ...n ;l> tirst sie.vv 6:.'r..i ..-â- .iin. «> wmNh«mMBanp«a liet soiiu- lieiii-vi.lei.t l.u!..r t" aia'.e •i.a- | c..,it I..r 11. .I... at si.s iie.|il!:s. ' N.iVellll.er Keld tip p-'ht. â-  ! .r •„ i.'el ; e.iiepaiei, aiel lui.nc.ite Jeiiv ;ri:'.!i .lai.rai- i x-\-''~ â- *,"'. O ]• "^i 'j ' '^'l ll^l' k,i..r, ' •'in'irf Ileceaibi ^â€" eiei t!,.i :!e -' . :" lies, â- :" ,,„,., T -.,,,!._,. ._ - 7\ nil. nib 111 ari'.er that -uww kir.il-lieirt. ., , â- "*•â- "â-  Saniarit.ia will •'[â-  s.-iit V'.ii uatb a Claast- ' , . ' \ , I • â-  â-  iiias turky ; .u l'- ' • lai â-  i,.ii â-  ; a-tle • ar ; p..litieal inielia.' lor ail i; i-. wa'.li.a-i ' w ,-\ tliH ii t!ie ,.aly .â- â€¢â- â- a-> ai ;, .iir ;-i;-.ris i id ' '' h. the e',ee:, j «•- ' .! }'liit:'ii III <; 'i 'i.i r, fi ., .\ pleiuiaii'. s.'eiil :;,;:â- .•... • wa* t!, it DR. CAIi'i J:R, .'.[.(â- . I'. \ S.I'M-. l''!.K.<!IEr!Ti>X. OL'i_- •. S-:-:!Ml'« I.UJth. i;i" i'l-Ilec. J, G !'.!:>â- -â-  .!.<;. in n<(\. M I> I 'I , ir.i.i:. ilcnti^'ri!. . t'-a 1 e / ,',•,• ,'.•<â-  I' -t. ..i \. , ,,a I...1. 1 i.i.' ih,' .â- '•-i.l-'i, • . iiieiiii.ers ' ' t .l,..M.i'..lel t.. .1 liiaiilHa-. Miss aUmt bavi.. : ; ti frieials ::â-  a .â- .iini'U bat .a . ;.i,.l la .,e, . s I. 'I. •. :• . .M- > I'e .I'l.'. v>;. ,. ,!â-  I'l -I â- , r, . • .11 , : .'i- . Ipiii'T !.â-  ..f Vi. a nm a 1 *a i, i.. â- . \\ h. \'. '-i i* .1 .*e\ . f ', e. latii's '. !-,; o-,' le I';., .i.f.iir « IS --â- ,1'pre-e p .! ly '... Mi*-. ^:-!i;iI. I liiim-iti r, Siiiit'ltcr. < 't>iii< i;i;iii . »-. U.iiiiude, t.' uf. 'la w ,is i.a.i lIio f..;k.»ini; aiUbes.s. aiV'Siij .ii.ie i i.y tiie presentation ol a be'iiitiiiil .lU'u.ii : r<.Mi'E. /IM..../.. ..r.,,ei..' ;', eâ- ...^,. „ln (V, ..s I'la â- .• - St-.iii. ^ );,, .V. .\ ( ll,-:.si.;;v. s .., tle>l,', ii; M-; n:.',T v.iii e.. r, , - I.e.. ,1^ !â- , i.a.,:,., -.1 c. r.'ie, 1 lit ;!•, c -. lirilisb eolls;il llliiilial 11, ii;. e, ibolild be towairds decent nih/iiii;, liy gradually remitlilig lo the p opie llieir iiiliereait I'diicaliiinal rights s.) ho.ui as they may become siiracienlly e.bii'alid lo I \ercise tliose powi is v. itli i veii a lol er.ible ilogro.. of siu'C'ss. l.eUln ro be m,,,,,,.,, ,., ,,,|i,,„.,^ ,!„,, ,,â-  ,|„, j,,.,. ,,,,,,, eeiilrali/.ed jiglil, bat i.iceiilrali.'ed ^„;|ie;',,ii, ms of Canadiaiis would be p.w.r; the more liiPiieiuiis the lays ,„iiiiiitie ii nil iiliilaiil hrooi... they will I eMiiin..'tbe ceiitralilgl.l. the hri /bl .'r j i.,.,,,,^,, the ob-la.-ies tliat will oilier :|,.- iiliiniiiiali'iii ; while a c iili.ili.^,- j ^ls,. bin. I.t Hie iMiie; ,:eiieralioii iiig P'lwei, whi'luer vopvef,.ii!iii ; a | f,.,,„| i,,e,a viii,: an ediiiMtiou i,, |,ar- liioiiarcby ..r i. nil : .-If coiistiluted .di i „i„|,y u,ih the d.a-rees of the Higher ;;aie,liy, is e alaia lo priidnee nii'iitiil i^.^^y darkness an I iiili lleetua 1 iinln lility. ] â-  The -cb loj -N 1, 1,1 of (;niiiii,) haMil Ibinnah Pnal, a doiiieslic in the 111 I II laii , ol 1(1 ,1 ile-ai <â-  wdiicli Its in-! <â- "'!''">' 'd'agi iitlenian in Tborold, has II lie, " 10. II. .f. u 1' le-lify; and as ! been anesied on siispici.ia of beiii ; the iiili llielii ll ,1, man 1 - .if t!u: peopb' . <iiie of llie eiiiuiimlH who lately for lire shut out f.oiii (lie aii.lil irv of tlu' \HVlded llie poisoned candies lo liall, jimlii at T'olo,.! 1, ll . I. 1 , liiik. |iii)s- ' Cliiisiiig llie iba:li of one person, jii ct fjr iiiipiiniai :.i' , nobss ill,. (I, c- ' Mii'S I'.iy.l bis not a savory Inmtn reviiliilioiii. i;.e coanlry at ' 'diameter, but wintlier she isc.miiect- ihe jiolls. Thill i..ii',, ^t (all wliiidil''d with llmt heinous crime (ioil iiiis lie;,iii',\i ,1 up .a man â€" I r.-lnaiiH to be proven, |)etectives Tlinii.^'bt â- â-  is s'.iil d iiiio niuMiiii, by ' bave boon working on the case lor both leii'diers ipid papiis ; and the ' some lime, an.l ibis 'u\ the fir.it fruit jiiiita tbeiiisclv.s L'Ue ample eM.leiuie ' nl their libor. Heteetive Muriay.wbo (ifitfl utter iibsiuee in nnv hi (her bas the ease in band, is ftliglil. haired, leimnthana live of s. If, ih.ir lli^;llâ-  i cool beaded detective, and tho iiii esl ilitellnctiial devebi|iiiieiit b iiig .ipnssioii pievails in T'oioilto lliilt he mniblo use of i-i'iss.irri, pas'e [lol, ami Iniiiws what be in doing. U is to be binsh in the cmipilaiion of their seini- boped ho does, for these detectives do iiniiiial h.itcli of Hcliool boidis. ' S'liiietinies cause more trouble and TTiougiit is lliHl principle wliicli has h'ss to individual characters than elevated the Ihili.ili iiation to the could he coimterbalaiiced by the bring- fiiremortt rank-i among the nations of^hig to .justice of u score of criininalH, tho earth ; iiiul it) ihiciy in tliu niiikfl : uf tliu Yankee imtioii is the result of Thoro arc lively timos in Winnipo". Vicir mhorunt Ihitisl. pnuoiplea bo- The U. It, V. track laying has pro- lU VI; i'ltli,- i. It, V, â- .. ^^ , : ' 1 O' -, ll. c t.!.- l:l uu..- â- - ... 1 1, > ll *> , 1' I l, .1 t.. z ; I' k ; >â-  lev il tl.iu' r ' .. .1, â-  •. ,. 1 .1. e- r ; ^;^â- iI \i' 1, ^l -erv.. i-s 11. 1 ,1 â- 1. I- _ iiii-r , ...) 1 It., i-<i,i« 1 111,, . V.lili: , , ..1 . , . \ •â-  1 1 ; 1, t" I .!. 1. 1,1 • • t - 1. 11 , ..i ;ir.- !.. 11 V-.n i.ei,.,.' .1 1 .a-r,. ,i: .,. „i .;â-  . â-  .â-  • ',.., leli reill-i.- . ,.. . .. ; ,:.- . 1 1. .11,- - » I'll MO ..lltt l-t ll llii.-l • 1 . ,- 1 .-1 1. !â-  I . . I ' ..â- :*.â-  \. . , I'll .,..11- |.i,....n,- We .'«.. v.iil .. .ue.-i.: . le* ill. â- â€¢1 il'. ti -it xv-\ 1 'k '1 !K'l ..'. , .-I .-to ,. .' .'11 1 â-  : J .'. . rt'f :l â-  N.l -M 1 â-  1--, ill. it vif oul- . ,,U''. â-  I t . .â- i.M ..•_• , .,,n,|,..l e. 111. i;- I'lV e-l 1- .'-v I. e t ic Mll-iiil.l.. Ill I ...II !• 1-' I •..' .'.:.. ~.h...'l, I 111- I'li'i, I. ..1 iil,li-.i t,ie I.l.iieil illl-l ll,i» uce.-!t- w t. h ll I . â- ill.,- ; 11, 1, 1 !i -l. Il.l- ll e ' .1. I â- â-  1 .en. 111. I ;.. I I â-  ' I : .1- - â-  ' : ,â-  e . :'^ 1 e : 1 y l.> vo ir lU.ti ll'i; ..ll'.il v., irti>i ii.it luin: III. t -oil. .,11 1,1. Hi-iic » you 111 " ii:i\ 'â-  I r 'â-  I ee. :,..,, ,i;i I i -. er«' l.i.ii; ". ' IV' 'I ' et ,. 11 t-' ll.. rill 11 i, ;li . . , . â- iwoe: llilllk' StullO'l I'V III.- eieliil.."-. el il... I'll. If. .-\fter tlu'|irCBent,itii.n i\ dainty Inn -li-'ii wat serveil. iiiiisie iiuiii!:;eil in. ainl al- lo'^etlier a liappy tiinn was speip .Mi.ss llanuide is a prime f averite am. .114 licr lellow cliensters. ami miiiy vvislies fn- liur happine.s.H and speedy retiini ae- coinpaiiie.l In-r. The Reason Why Ayer's I'llls are S" pepular is lliat vvliiU' ulvvajs reliabW u.s Ti catliartic liU'ilicim', they mver leiive uiiy ill tlliilH, Tliii i* liis'uuso tlifv are imrely \ e^ilulili', ami entirely 'lae fieiii i ali>- i.iel IT any oilier ilnnceroiii* Unix. In nil ea.ii's, llierefore, vvlietlier tin' patient lie ol.l er vonii''. tli.-v luav lie leiili- 'Viutr)ivi:<' Astior'mtwu. The S .iilli I'lrey T'ea-.'tiei-H' .XnBo.'iali.ii is a.-iseiiilil.-il here to-d.iy ini.'' I" ui.'i-r'.v 'riini-iil.iy and Kinbiy. Tins, ';'hiir-<.l.iy ovi-niii:;. a iini'ieal eiil.'itaiiiiiient will he Lrneiiiii Ue- Town lial! hy the eamh tile.' elilh, an.l selio,.| selii.f'.vs, at wliieh l)i-. Mel.eh.ia uilI '.:i\.i an iiilerestiiii^ lecture on '•r.ie.'lisli l.il â- ratiire and its | ileiilly mlmiiiistereil. value in K.bieali..ii." Sli-.rl spe.'.'li.-.s ' In tlie Souilimn ami Western States, ,, , , , ,, ,. ... .. ' where ilt'i'aneeineiits ef the livev iiie si) will also hi' '.aven hv ,'ir. 1'. \> , itU'r. . , , "^ . ,, ,, , , (Cenural, .\ver s lilU liav.' (onvi'il an in- c'eiiit ami .Ml-. llaMrty, ..f .M.miil K..r| ..stimalil,. i.le.s.siii-. l>, W. Ham,', New est. T'he ikiily sessions ..f the .Vsa.ieiati.'ii 1 licrnn, .N. I'., wrin-s : will he Ill-Id III the s.-lio.il li.nise. ami all " I .siilTereil a leiin lime witli sletriieli ,1 , ... ,. ,. .1 . mill liver troiililes. 1 Irieil \ arieiis ii-m- «,lll.-,'.';.i-nt..lhepaliiic witle.iit momy | ^,^y^^.^_ ,„„ ,,.,,,.|,,,.,, „„ ,„.„..„, ,„„,i , an.l viilli.'ill pi-i-.'." lie s'.irn am', i-l eomiiiein-eil Iiikinn .\yer'« I'ills. 'I'lieso , , , . . .1 liilLs lielu-lileil liie lit nine. I leeU lllelii t,-i,il thisevi'iiiii-.H eiitmtaiiuneiit. lis It , |.,.^„|,„,i_v (.,, a few nientlis, anil my is free 1111. 1 will !â- .• instriietivc. Tile I lieallli wius eniiipletely restoveil." daily se.si.ins will he ; Tliui-sd.iy, 10 a. I TliriMiKhout New KnKUnil, next la 111. I . |-..' a. 111. , itiel I i'.O t 1 ."1 p. Ill, Krid.iv. '.I 1.1 I-' a 111, ami 1, :'. » to l p. m, lo.!l..vv-ii- IS the pi-.e;iam in iletail : | DySpCpSia T'h.iirs.l.iy. 111. .ruin,' s,.s(i..ii Oj.enTiT; anil Cinisiiiialion am almost niiivers.il exei-eiie-,;' eniolae.-nt of meiahen and I ^'''^ l'""'"-'"T' '» Pnicti^l ehemist. of , , . . ,1 Hoxlairv, Mass.. wild w.iaJcMli treiiMeil eeiier.il hiisiness ; a-.p.iint.neiit ol (.emira , ., ,,' . . '' with liv-spepsm. writes : « \ (•oiiimill.,'e ; amlitoin' report ; li.'w I,, in- ,, \ j,,,,,,,, j,„i,„.,„i ,„„â-  to try Aver's leresi parents i a s-'lio .1 vv.irk, hv .M-'Shv.s. ' T'ills, unci, after iiikine one bov wiihout ,,,.., , , ,,,,, \t ' iiim-h lieiieiit, I was ilisposcU ti> tjuii .1. 1-.. .Sniitli ami -\. t.iUispie. .V ftern.iini . tln-ni; Imt lie iirp-il p.-rseM-rftm'C, ami. seiiioii I'les-.ilenl sa.hlre-is.Mr t' Itiiin- ' l>efi'l<' I iia.l linislieil the seeeii.l 1 ex. I I beuaii le experii-li.-e relief, I eelllllllleil a.'e ; r.-M.'W I iss..|i, una ileis. .Mt".31-.s. Irtkinj; lliem, at IntervaU, iiiilil 1 Iia.l W, Irwin and M. .N. Clark; pboin,i road- i h«e»l «il»ven l.oxeii. SiiOiee it le smv that I am new a well Iimn, ami ^laleliil P McCULLOUGII. /''â- irris/rr- S'ui.i in . ,Vr. Oiiicf. ovor '!( lar'aif.rs :-ii,ir»' , ^l.-iikilalf. >!t»i:c> co I.d,!:;. John W. Arrn strong, l-'i.i siiiin. -,. r,', fii-i rviv;,io\- i-,u-i:t ciiaiK, ei>M\-;s.;. s. . ''•â- â- -, ' 'â- . ' ' â-  â- â€¢â- â-  .»â-  ai 1 .11, .... i,,| I 1 e 1 :' "â- â- 'â- ' I I 1: ,- «, S..,-K,le M. ,.. i ,,, 1 'â- â- ' -'â- <• I ••â-  .ii-:--t i"'. ;.. • , .â-  ,,,. il-i I I 'v i.li-i- ',>:.> .Niir vii\ I'l ;ii,i(- MONKV TO LOA.N. II LOWEST « IKJitM IMIKS. IHi 'I'leva er l-'anii l-u'i'vu.. Iiiiii.' iliseases, ^*tl)lnHell anil IJowel Coiuplnlllt^ are the must provaliiit. 10111,1 roail- iii,'s, .Mr. M.'l.oUaii ; niinic, Holt sy.stuin, with cl.is 1, Mr. ('. ,). S| roiile and Jhs.Hi'.s .\iidiu'aiiii and I'ortev , school i;aim's and to your elioiuistry, wlueli niilstripa mine." The lioait anil stmnach arc always in BvnipRtli.v -. tieiice the cause ef niest o! liniiseiimiits, iMessrs. W. Ilkikeitiiii and tiicse ilistressinj; lieailaelies, 10 wliieh I L- , ,.in.,,,.,i; . I I. ,>:.,. I .. 1... / ho manv. espeeiallv wouumi, are siihieet. .1, Ken , aiitlinioHo, (analytical roduc- j,rs. llaniet A. Mail.le, of I'eii^hkeep. tion) lo junior clrtiso^, Mr. Tlioa. Allan, uio, N. Y.. writes that for \eaisshe \va.s Kvoning«ossio„ - Hr. Mcbellan-s lectur. i l^;^>;yV':;^tr'Z^.r^u:n'u^ perary rolief. until she leiiaii takiri; Ayor's JMUh, since wliieh slie has tiveii In' the enjoyment ef perfoit heallh. and eiitiMlnimient In Town Hall. Friday, inondiiLj sosaioii -Qui'stion drawer and reports of ("inimitteei, delo- jjatcs' report, electioii of otlk'ers aid U'tiiieral business ; Kraininar as jmhlio scliool Btiidy, by Dr. MeL>dlaii. .\fler no 111 session- '''.xpodient.* in aiitlnneticx Ayer's Pills, rUKrARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. ttuM by all IVut^gUU, s. D.VMi hi:. i'-lierl.'n TVVl'. C' rllK UtTI. VIKSIV. ''".V)/;>M .\cKi;. t'uMMissinM:/: I\Sl-i;A.\ct: .!(,- 7', ,;,' r\!:i:ns, M.viiTciuirs.T.i; Asi:s. ,t.- . ,.,..,„,• iJ e.lii:, I er,.p,.,-lv ,.x,.,-,if,.,i. hih ,.,,,',-;, .' I III ili-vi i-la;.„ i.,,iii|.|i,a,., M.ii.i t,, i.,,,,i .^ leivi. tl HI. s, l)0Sr,M.\sri-;U,FI.-,.!H'rte.,,(,Mnnii..i. ,1 cr in I!, K.. Lis'ii-.l .\'u'i;,„„ ,..., Ol 1, veyiiiie. r. .\pprai„T iiml .\|,ii.. I, n.l.i Ileal Kslate .in.l lii.siuaiie.' .\;...|,|. p. ,,',,. Mi'lteii-es. le iisi's ,111,! Will,,! ilr,n-.!i ,0. .n ,; Valii.iti..ns inel.' ell >lu,rtes; noli.-.-. A-i.- tiell .S.lles a;i-.n,|..| t.i ill any l-.uyel tl, I'.eiiity. .leiiev 1,1 !,,aii at !,.«, st r.iu-.- â-  I inU-n-sI, fi.ll,'cn..iis iitteii.!.-! m v.iih proiiiptm'js ami il, -^iiate'u. i-(iii-,^ [,,., .\-eiilf..r;he lieiaii.i.'ii Stea i.slii.ii -,,m,,^„, Cheap tickets fi..ui l-lislierteiit.. !,iv,-.p,,|. ll',.e-;inv, I...;i,leii er any ef i!ii. !!rit:-!i I'erls. i'ar;ie.< iiilen.|;|.;.; l,. vi-P lae ;.,â- ,:, Sciliml er l.-.-iaiiil, will plea,,,, n-!. rs!e.<l„.. (er - pure!:. si 111; ;!i. i,- tickets il- -,. li.a.'. Janes Sulih-ra, Tho Tinsmith, - Flesliertcu lU'l'iirii";. Vavotioti^'hiiij', iiinl U' • t o\ vi \ Ihini; in liii' Imihimi'ss >vt!l iv.,v'\.- im |>i-oiiipl aii'i iMvn-f ul nltt'iii,i.(i ni ^Ui!:.CiU;uu'(n;r.. Came A strdy. Ciu'i.' t ' t':'> prcnii.'.es of W. T. Mi-Koo. T.ot -^ Cou 1. .\vtiMHi'sin. two Ptt-errt. ou>^ l.lmk aiitl t- v^ ctlu'i' ^^^.?. 'J v«-ii'*s olil. Tlu- bUi-k Diiownn fouii f liuiul vt\ tlio ro;il iiour luy itmnisoa, TIumc! (>iu' i** u^'.v at my phu-o, ainl tlni t wnormay hA\t> siunc liy i>r# viitK pr<'r^'*"ty HniliiayiiiK exi>»ni*p^ Try The Advance ont- year for %i or six vicvth for 50C/5. I V.

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