1 , i: Tha L<Mt Bsb7. (Bt C. B. Jakevaj. M.D., OrllU*.) Through th^j >jroa^l. o d-faahioned kitchen, kit:k- «» in^ ap ft rotui ^i ^ din, Snahed th« (i,rmer3 Djit^r ehl ! ire s, vh«n their «0a» mother o^uied them id. Tbeyvl be<;n '''!*' apos thdb&jitaeii:. alidlagdown upon tha hay. TiU the rin ^-^ and night's Uiadavs chsaed away the li^tat of day. Jaat brliatnl of merry mischief, furly boiling o er wirii .'ua. Bound the 'iiaint an-l tahitn rorspiog. did th«y riuh a.id ih .ut and run. And their ui'-rTy ptjaU <A laughter e^ho«d to the attic wi le. Th«n they turublei dowa the ceilArin a game of i««k aid hide " Goodueas :i.e ;" tr.e fatiier iboQted; " mother, 1^ fc- pat t].-js« rognefl f.o ted. For their c,'«-cer and their racket it enough to split m y head * Bat the rug liah littie urchins said they'd bt; as good a-i yood While their ?rai.dr.ia t..ll a s:.-,rr-thai waa if ghc only would So the good oi-i grandam kindiy pn: her knit- tic„' noMl.eadown. While Ler >iiecs she ru'had abiTe her brow near to her cap's quaiot crown. And, as o er iier age-diuimed featorea a bright ray ot piea-ture cr.ysaed. Said she gi-:»«ed she d tell a Story 'boa: a boy tbac ori'.-e waa to-t. " He wad bj'ih another miachiet u luy little Tomiijv here. Always to Id'i-i' aJ'.er aoms^hing just without a bit of fear Sow. .jae I'ly, his ma wai bjsy making pancakea for thy tea. When !jhe vidden-Iike bethought her, Where caa l.tr'.d t'>diUn's 'oe ? r»e not hirl bu merry laughter for ten min- utes. ! dec are â€" Johnny, tav.; yoi seen tho 'oaby in the barnyard auywtere'*' Johnny Iroi-i tne stab'.e answered, ' Just a little while Bgo He Wis ch«--iu the old r»s:er with the handia of a L ..!. .\ad he tolJ me he waa going to the baah to hare some luu â€" " Guesa 111 shoot some groat big bears.-s wif yi» har-ii'-o (or a Kuo. ' Then he ra i o.T round Che corner of the pig-pen over t;)-3re. Bit 111 i'""^ around and dad him wiUi hu gun out b'--re a-jinewhere. 'Pon my •* -rl the gate is open, leadin' oat Into the w>xi : P'raps bo s ,;one ou-. after ' bear»-,-»,' for jrou know be >a. 1 he should. ' H.irry. Johnny.' screamed thu mother. ' go and And hi n if you can : As with white and (rishteaed feature* she her- self tLo •••^ar .'.. .jvitn. Bo'jui thj 'L>an>arl. house an! siabie. up and down the stumpy lane. Bought she (• r her precious baby, bu: her learcc waa all in vain. Then she blew the t-orn a< loul aa ever i.iec,ald make It r Lg , ^ ,. . Till the men catne from the logging bee down by ibe iijiij ral spring. And they w-.-a: in al directions, searching !;r iht» m:-siug cliiid. WTiilo the father and the mother were wr.h an,[ui-h alm-.-st wild. • Mother, sa; 1 tfto father tj her. ' will yuo go up CURRENT TOPICS. ih you, for it s till she reach'-<l Bring oack both the iantems w faat becoming night.' Oil ste ran with eayer footst^i'S »ibe sbauiy door. Therv »be >-.-,pped la blank amxremeat. for be- f.?r>- b'-r ou the :lo«.'r Waa Ibv Ii[:> lost uc-. seated, plaj ing with a pan (.f Jou^h. • Whv my tua. where hai ou b^a to, yiti y.i5; 'what I *anta to know ' I went seei<;- w J '« pigg''.s. an' I Lidod deu from 'oU, And den when I wen: to Snd ou, den 1 gueaa ou hided too . ,, , So I kied ud I waa aeepy, dan I s««J)ed a hull lot more Till I found di« pan â- ' nice staff, and made pic- ters ou do 3D<jr Kondly did that ICvrng mother preaa her darling to her breaM. Thanking wod hef little birdie had not wandered from Its nesw But tbe great, roug^men on coccing at her cail from o'lt the wo-^J. Laughed at mother's dough daubed darlmg jaat as hard as e er they eould There, the story s over, children, off to bed you i better iio 1 Ve«. your father waa th'-> loat-ooc, and I found huu uiong the J.iugb. ' A Curiona Weddine loTltatloa. A novel weddini! invitation annoonciiig marriage of Charle* A. Beaton, ol Lansing- bar>!, and Mi»» Ada Titcomb, was ihown »o a Troy iN.Y ) fret reporter on Satarday. It reads as follows : To. W!U-!TBN LNVITiTIOS. Frieuds.â€" I d ) moat cordially inTito you all • :' to come t) iny house Unday evening, Ooto- • : ber nth. I-»*. at 7 p m Presents receired ; i until 3 p.m on the day of tbe wedding. Come ; • one, comi; all. Compliments of : Ca,aaLES A. Bhatox â- : and : Uiss .Xnx TrrconB. Tiie"weJdmg is not likely to take place. It is said that when the prospective bride saw the wedding invitations she waxed exceedingly wroth, and Charley now tills the rv!( of a discarded and disconsolate lover, ♦ â€" â€" â-² >ataral Apprehension. Snifkins, a vonng travellinij man of this city, is trying to learn the violin. The other evening he was working away with the most commendable industry when a tap soanded at the door of his room. •' Come in," he said, paosing in his wild endeavors. The door opened and the Irish domestic put her head through the door. '• Oh, it's you, is it," she remarked in a relieved tone. " Yes, it is I. What did yoa want?" ••Nothin' ; only tha missus sint me up to see if the baby wasn't up hero tryin' to break ver tiddle. ' The Views of King Alfred. Not lonj; ago ia a public schDol exami- nation an eccentric examiner demanded " \Vh»t vi3-.vs would King Alfred take of universal su3raa3, the conscription, and printed books, if he were living now?' The inaeuuoas pupil wrote in answer ; " If King Alfred were still alive he would be too old to take any interest in anything," What la Life Without Love. Magistrate â€" Madam, your hrsband char- ges yoa with assault. Madamâ€" Yes, your honor; I askel him if he would ever cease to love me, and he was so slow in answering that I hit him with a mop. I'm only a woman, year honor itears), and a woman's life v.ithoui love is a mere blight. Ue Ruined the Custom. Troprielor (to recently engaged waiter) â€" You will have to go; I cant keep yen. New \Yaitirâ€" What's th? matter'? Proprietor â€" Whenever a customer asks you if th-! fish is fresh you get red in the face. You'd break up the whole business in a short time. VThy She Went Home. First Guest (at summer health resort) â€" You are going home early this season. Mrs. Caution. Se.-ond Guestâ€" Yes, I have to go for my health. Charles Dickeaa said: " Thsre is noth. ing BO strong or safe, in any emergency of lifs. as the Bimple truth." A ciTizza o( Brooklyn who is 70 years eld, blind, in good b«alth and the poMeMor of $l,,VX),0OO in worldly gear, haa married bij cook. There is a great to do in conse- quence. A poor man mi-Jht marry his cook without unfriendly criticisii, bat vbst right has Sl.-vOO.OOO to marry a cook? Dn. Coc?EE, of Pittsburg, has invented a process which he expects will supersede embalming and cremation, being mu::h Utea expensive than eith*;r. He su'ojeocs a dead body to hydraulic pressure, and condenses it into a small, solid block, like veined marble. The body of a full-grown man can, he claims, be reduced to a cube cf twelve inches. Dr. Cooper exhibits a small cross, apparently of marble. "That," says he, " ia the body o* a child converted into a handsome ornament. ' Tbe material is tasteless, odorless and seemingly imper- ishable. Cremation costs i;iO. Compres- sioD will cost only a fifth of that sum. Ir you cut down a tree in the month cf its growth, and cut it ri.jht off st the bust and not trim it ou: any, in a few days that tree will be seasoned. •• I do that," says an expert, •• when we cat oak limber and leave the limbs on. When it is cut in June we find is seasoned ir. December, when we go to take up the winter's fire- wood. We find if it is cut when the sap is out of the wocd it soon becomes sap-rotten. If yoa cut beech, poplar or birch for rails or pasts, cut ihera la June or July and let them lie wish their limbs on. Y'ou wi'I have wood then that is not rotten. You will have fioe poles out of the birches or poplars, for they will be seasoned. " A LOSSTBCcno.s detail that is gaining much popularity in some western cities is tbe bricking in of frame houses. The building is siied np with matched stuff, as if complete; then a brick face wall, four inches thick, is laid in contact with tbe exterior, t.ed on by spikes about every sixth oourse. A boy distributes them all around n.-i top o! the wall. They are la:i in tha mortarbed ready and driven throujth into the sidinx until ths heads ure rioih w.th the face tf the wall, when the next coorsej are laid, and so on. The walla present the appeara.ice of solid masonry, ara durable, and, as they add to the warmth of the buildings, teem to present substantial recommendations, especially for severe cli- mates. PoiTEiPiiJiiit. the ChicigJ miilioniire, lives in a house that is said to be more like ' a castle than any other residence in Chi' cago. No two rooms are alike in style or finish. The hous« is built with a rotunda surmouLtid by a Moorish dome a.ni all the doors open into a circular hall. The sup- porticg pillars and the balustrades are made of poliihed marble. An elevator. panelled with plate-glass and upholstered in satin, carries the occupants of the house to the upper rooms. Mr. Palmer has two sons, laas of 1'-' and 11 years of age, who have their gymnasium, shooting-gallery and playrooms "in a house built specially for thur use, and they are taught all the ac- coiiipliihmects as well as the manly arts. A Si-i-NiiH merchant in Barcelona ilways goes to bed two or thr-.-e days whenever he can be spared from his business, and laughs at those who spend their holidays on toilsome mountains. Otie of the hardest working women in England, who has con- ducted a large wholesale business for many vears, retains an ex^Uent nervous system at an advanced age, owing, it n believed, to the habit of taking one day a week la bed. There is no doubt whatever In the mind of any thoughtful physician tha: more rest of this sort would lessen nervous and many other derangements, caused by too much phvsical wear and tear. An hour at mid. day, too, on a couch or on a rug on the daor will do much. LETTkEJ from the yellow fever region are lall stopped when U»;y reach the [uarantire ines, says the Buiab C iritr. Each letter is put under a machine with a long arm at- tached, and this is provided with adentated concern punctured at the ends. A powder of a detersive and germicide character is forced through the arms and down through each tooth. The arm comes down through each letter and from the apertures ths dis- infecting powder is blown. It permeates the letter or newspaper, as the case may be, and is believed to thoroughly destroy whatever chances of microbe existence there may possibly be conveyed. Some complaints have been heard as to the dis- figurement of letters, but none as to the evidences of protection. AucoRDiNo to a wriler in the Liverpool Po4t what in past years has annoyed the Prince of Wales has been the slavish imita- tion cf his dress affected by the mashers and dudes, more especially the latter, who are of American birth. Lass year he took eiTectual means for petting a stop to this folly. Immediately on his arrival the old order of things prevailed. 1 he cut of his coat, the pattern of his waistcoat, the shade of his necktie, were sedulously copied. Then a happy idea occurred to the Prmce, Ue ordered from some unknown source a hideous suit of dirty, blanket-hued tweed. He put on a red shirt with a blue cellar ; wore a soft felt, low-crowned, cream-colored h.it. With a band of orange ribbon, and thrust a blue silk handkerchief in his breastpocket. Ibis, with tan shoes, com- pleted a costume the like of which was never Seen on land or sea. But it effected its purpose. The Prince had it all to him- self, and this year he has no occasion to repeat the practical joke. Ths papers read this year at ths Edin. burgh meeting ol the Iron a:ii Steel Insti- tute Uavs bseu of more than co3imo:i interest. They form a -series of prose epics, describing the onward march of the iron and steel industry, and celebrating its splendid achievements past, present aad to come. They tell us of new machints and new appliances, bringing with them the gift of new powers and more complete con- trol over the stubborn fabrics with which the instdata has to do. New metallic com- pounds Iavb come into being in the pro- gress o! industrial art, some of them of great v due, and offering advantages to which ron and steel of ordinary make can put VI no claim. The main subject of jubilation in tbe present year has been the Forth bridge, now approaching completion. This bridge and its glories the institute by the ad'.-incti made of late in the macu- (aetore of iron and steel that the construc- tion of such a vo!k has been rendered possible. It stands, therefore, as '.oocrete evidence, represe::.ting in itself the per- formances cf brains aiid hands which have had no direct -^hare in planning it or pat- ting it together. It is the latest and greatest creation of triumphant metalloigic skill, combining and calling into requisition every resource which the progress of modern art has broogbs within reach cf i:s designer, and which it is tbe c£ca of the members of tbe Iron and Steel Institute to chronicle and to perfect. A. Caae of Dyaeoterr The diet should be (^ietiy milk and lime water, uncooked beef juice, the whites of eggs and water, and light meat broths. No soli i food shccid be allowed. Drinks lake- warm are most easily borne; cold fiuids generally cause abdominal pain. Stimu- lants should only be administered by the advice of the physician ; they are rarely needed excepting in tbe most desperate cases. '\S cen the thirst is ex;:easive plain soda, barley water or gnm. arable water are palatable and refreshing. Daring con- valescence the diet is to be moat carefully regulated, and when the patient begins on solid food he should indulge only ia the whitemeat of fowls, delicate fish and very light puddings. The first step is to remove as early as posei'ole all irritating matter from the bowels by a cathartic. To accomplish this there is no saf-^r remedy than castor oil. If taken clear vomiting will very likely be induced. Therefore, it is best to have a druggist specially preparo it. Ha afaoold make into an emulsion one ounce of castor oil, and to i: add twenty- five drops of laudanum . that dose is for a full grown person. In many instances if this i.s taken within a few hours after the attack commences, and a proper diet is regularly adhered to. no ether treatment will be needed. By the use of the oil the dysentery is converted into a simple diarrh'jLi. which scon disappears cf itself. â€" Do: .01 J.^umal of Ueclih. AIJ)JC&lIA.yiC AM£xiTl£a The Vancouver .tldermea aa Bau .- -f,, , I Ontario Cou/rerea. Aid. Humphries clair:ied that tha Board of Works had given permission to have the logs burned on the ground. Aid. Oppenheimer â€" The Board never gave sach permission. Aid. Humphries â€" Yoa keep still and wait until I get through, then yoc :an talk. You have a habit cf talking me diwn, ba: I won't have it. Aid. Oppenheimer â€" Excuses must be maue for Aid. Humphries as he is like a good many others ; he has a f-.-w teeth out in front and Aid. Humphries â€" Dent yoa call m« a liar or I will crack your head. Ald.Oppeakeimerâ€" Thetroa'ole with Aid. Humphries is that he has been oat getting several toddies. Aid. Humphries (advasciiig and gieatiy excited)â€" You are a liar a li»r. His Worship â€" Order, Aid. Humphries, or I shall have to order you oat cf tha room. Aid. Oppenheimer, continuing, said the Board of Works never gave instructions to have the legs piled in that manner or the brush burned. It was moved, seconded aad carried. That the City Eagiceer te provided with a horse and boggy. The report was then adopted.â€" I>a,'y .IdreniiiT s Report of the I'ancourfT, B.C.. CouTu-il. HOW Tat: Down on the ' JAF8 - SL^KP. » Bolllac-Pta Uow Laughter Indicates Character. I: is un'iuestionibiy true that the many different varieties of laughter are indicative cf partictilar tempers and characteristics. An eastern authority on the subject has carefully cUssined them, ar.i a peculiar clissincation it is, too. It is based upon the sound of the vowel that prevails in the laugh. Thus persons who laugh in a broad Latin "A" are open-hearted, honest people, fond of noisy jixuadity, but perhaps of voluble mood. Excessive jerking laughter, however, is an eviden^s; of vulgarity. Those laug'aiug ia a dry "A" are respectable, but little expansive, ar. i a Ward lot of people. When the Latin â- • E" prevails there prevails also a phiegmat;,', melaacholy temper. Timorous, unsteady people, also thoee ;:;ibned with malignity, laugh uo a kind of swelling " I." Laughter in " 0" is the utterance of proud, b-old, imperative, some- what bantering people. Beware of those who laugh in " oo" (a). They are traitors, haters, scomers. â€" Xin.,u C;'y Jjumal. A Permlsdble Korm ipio-oslviâ€" Henry, I -I doa't swear. wisa vou Wife wouldn't swear so. Husband i shocked dear. Wifeâ€" Yes, you do ; or jist the same thing. Y'ou musut say â- by George,' or ' by Jove,' or ' by Ned.' or by anything. Husband i submissively i â€" Not even bay new bonnet, love ? Then she was very, very sorry for her thoughtless ref .'rm movement, and. coming close :o hina, threw her arms about his neck and asked him to forgive her. Too Much of a Dose. Mrs. Minorâ€" How did the doctor :eU you to tak--- the medicine, Mr. Minor ? Mr. Minorâ€" He said at r.rstthat I should take a mouthful three times a day, and then he looked at me in a puzzled »cr; of way and said that after all he guessed it would be better to taka only a wineglass lull a: a dose. What do you suppose made him change his mind ? Mrs. Minor -I can't imagine. An Unluokr Uay. Lucretia wants to know " the lucky days to be married on. ' If your young man . i addicted to the Sowing bo-*l, Licretia and smokes cigarettes, and reads baseball news while his mother splits kindling wood take our word for it that any day from January the IsS to December Sin inclusive is a mighty unlucky day to be married on. â€" DraJu's il-igazim. Hotel French. Sarah Althea Hill, the wife of D. S. Terry, is out in a proclamation in the San Francisco press relative to her recent assault upon Justice Field. She signs her self " Mrs. D. S. Terry, rui Mrs. WUliim Sharon.' This is the drss time that we ever heard of a woman who was bora the wife of a male citi.;en. It is evident that Mrs. Terry has ac-iuired the French langusge from reading hotel bills of fare.â€" .Yfii- York ir.riJ. They Thought" .\rm-*" iii«aut Leg*. "Yes," said the general, "our Indian allies were helpful, althoo^ib their lack of knowledge of the English language fre- quently gave rise to embarrassing situations. I remember particularly at the battle of Tippo-Tibati an alarm was sounded and I gave the order: "To arms!" and every mot*ier'3 son of them mistook my meaning and took to their legs.' â€" ChrUtian <Ji<<ir lii'jn. The Koot ef the Trouble. " Robert," said the father sternly, " don't let me ever hear of you going to tha closet again for cake." " It wasn't my fault, pa." "Not your fault?" " No ; if ma hadn't told you you wouldn't have heard of it. " Bev. C. X. 'Juhnaon'^ iuit. This suit IS brought by Rev. i;. A. â- Johnson, editor of thei'r>;i.!,^ Lion, against the proprietors cf the Queen's Hotel, Toronto. The defendants have filed their defence, whi:h sets out that the plaintiff is a professional 'oeggar ; that they had not the aococr modaticn at their hotel that he demanded ; that he had no luggage and did not tender the proper charge, and that at the time of demanding entertainment ha was not a traveller, and â- aras not deprived of fcod and lodging while upon a journey. It further sets out that the Queen's holds itself out to the pu'olic as entertaining only people of wealth »a i refinement. That the plaintiff did not apply in ijood faith for accommodation, but for the purpose and with the expectation cf beics: refused, or for the purpose of 'oeing entertained in social eijuality with a :las8 of guests to which he cid not belong. That the de- fendants would have been willing to enter- tain him had he applied properly and have submitted to the regulations of the hotel providing separate accommodation for p.;:- sons of Afr;oai; blood. Floor. WltJl for a PUiov. ^ £okohama letter saj s : The Japane^ ting. '/SF'.^.» futon spread upon the ma»- futon over tti^ ^D «faw »nd spread another wooden pillows rfhd rest their heads upon is a thicidy wadded'* ^^PP7- A futon like oar comfortable, ancTu 'jailt, exactly rangement such a bedisforthery nice ar- The bed :s easily made, and in ^birkeeper. the futon is folded and put away in a cido^ and the ctiamberwork is done. They we&r no night dresses, but as every person, even in the poorest and hum'olest station, takes a hot bath once, and in tbe msjority of cases twice, a day, there is nothing aa- clsanly in the wearing of the same dress at night which is worn in the dAV. m Effects of CMuiiat*. We hear a i^reat deal said about the bene- ficial effect upon invalids of the climate of Colorado and other western localities, bat when a man changes his plAoe of reeidenoe in tbe hope of improving his health with- out first trying Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, he makes a great mistake. In nine cases oat of ten he mi^ht save hi« time and money. The great remedy owe* its power over ail affecticns of the thrt3*t and longs, bron.'hitis, asthma, catarrh and even consamption, which Ls lung sjrcfol*, to the simple fact that i: parifiea and en- riches the blood and mvigcratea the debilitated svstem. The Oreat lodammatory Reuiedy. NrE'.'iUNj;. the latest discovered pam remedy, ma;, safely challenge the 'A-orla for a substitute tiiat will as speedily and promptly check indammatoi;. action. The highly penetrating properties of Nerviline make is never failing in all cases of rheu- matism, neuralgia, cramps, pains in the back and side, headache, lum'oago, etc. I: possesses marked stimulating and counter irritant properties, and at once subdues all inflammatory action. Ormand i: Walsh, druggists, Peterboro', wnse : â- '.'ur customers speak well cf Nervilme. ' Nervi. line may be tested at the small S'-m of I'J cents, as you can buy a sample bctil-.' f jr that sum as anv drug store. Large 'oottles 2.5 cents. Try NervUme, the great internal and externskl pain cure. Sold by all drug, gisis and ccuatrv dealers. â€" " Why don't ycu b>:ileve in ship ?' asked one acjuaintance other. â- Becatise that always turns weather." friend- cf kn- it s Like an imbrell* inside out in stormy Sweet Flower*. The fairest buis are .'ten the .'irss to wither, and the ravages of disease make havoc with the oeaaiy, as well as tlie nrength and happiness of the fair sex. The prevale.-.s discrderi among American wocaen are those cf a most distressing description. These " wettknesses. " as they are sugoestively teraied, Insidioasly sap the health and the patient becjcnea pale and emaciated, (he appetite growa hokle and feebie ; she loses strength as the attacks iacro-ase in seventy, and ;s in despair. There is relief for ail such suffer- ers ia Dr. Pierce's world-famed Favorite Prescription, which yiru ail â- • female com- plaints. ' Its use is followed by cessation of the " dragging-down " pains, retur:; of appetite, and in due coarse, vigorous health. Two Example*. The K.adergarten : Teacherâ€" Now. chil- dren, aajthino that crawls along tfce,;rotind instead cf waliicg j called a reptile. Can }oa give me an example of a reptile ? Lna â€" A worm. Teacher- Yes, that will do. Can any one give me another example ? ' Long Silence. Finally l'-;ggy Bright speaks up â€"I can, teacher. Teacher â€" Well, Peggy, w'nat is it ' Feggy Bright I triumphantly Iâ€" Nother worm. A Texas steer charging down a city street always prefers the chap who vivars two watch chains, but the steers don't get loose of ten enoug'a. â€" -Vtic I'orSi L'iUgram. The New York Repabli*4» tave nomi- nated Joel T. Erbardt for Mayor. Rev. Mr. Freeman, a retired Episcopal clergyman, who has resided in London for some' time past, died yesterday morning after an illness of considerable duration appropriates as its own. It has only been I He came to London from Chatham. -Is marriage a failure ? One way to find out the truth of the master is to ob- serve tbe seedy looking and sour old bachelor. Is bachelorhood a success ? ITCHIXQ PUJBS. Stxptoms â€" Moisture; intense itching an stinging ; moat at night ; worse by scratch ing. If allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcerate, becom'ji very sore. S^iTsu s Odi-tics-M stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many cases removes tha tumors. It equally e£cacions in curing all Ski Diseases, DR. SWAYNE i- SON, Pro- prietors, Philadelphia. Swaixi'i Oumcot can 'oe obtain'."d of dru.5gi3t8. Sent by mail for 50 cents. â€"Tailor-made bodices. English redia goles. much cut away as the hips, ove Louis XIV. waistcoats, elegantly decorated, and French polonaises, artistically draped and adjusted, divide favor aiinoss evenly this season. ♦ • No mortal ye; has e er forecast I'ae momeu: that snail be ins las:. but Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets have for. ever settled the question of a comfortable existence until that moment does arrive, and p'lS to tlight tha melancholy fore'ood- ings of sufferers from biliousness, head- ache, indigestion, constipation and kindred ailments. The Flnt Couain of tla« Uade. As:. Lcuis doctor has removed the braina from a do^en different frogs and healed the wound and let them go. They went off aa if nothing had happened out of the oaoai, and it was plain that they b&d lost nothing of vaiie.â€" Z)^:r^i: yr.( Pr-n. According to letters of (.Jueen KUzabeth lately published among the Hatneld pap«ra her p<!t name for tlie Duke d'AIecojn, to whom she was betrethed for ten years, '^ts â- â- the frog with the little fingers. ' W201 EH MONTH FOK reliable i^ea ad wouK':i Lc> w-jrk i-jt as *: tiieir uuuiea %Ld iiLi'jUii tUcir :iei^LL-jr->. He«p«c':Abla i: :te «nJ A 9»*;d !iiJQt;i Enclose #1.6o for uocs etc.. v::i »e« for yoursciVfi, \Vri:e&ioQaft â- ?:IN .Also, MERCflANrS,BOTCfl£RS-^S^ We w&a: ft ao^o icln in t :ur Icc&u:; to pick ap CALF SKINS !or us. Casn t'-irnis; Address. C. a. Piiii A 3IU«ioQarr'« Chinese Bride. .\ New Y'o.'k despatch says : The an- nouncement is made tha: Kev. F. L. A. Pott and MUd S. N. Wong were married at Shanghai, China, last August. Mr. Pot* is the son of James Pott, a merchaal ol this city, a.nd the bride is a Chinese lady, the daughter of the late Kong Wong, who was prominent in the Episcopal Choioh's misaionarv work in China. .ed ;2 :a;.-?.'actory ^laraaty Hvic ; »ri. Verai.-;. 'J. S The Sloe .* L^'.i;'ier R^p.jr:.:r >'. Y., i-i .S-'»o# .* L'^'Xther i;rt-t<ni7. Ch;ca^.>, :-:e leadm^^ triade papera ji the U.S. in the Eijanne, hav^ scut iZi&a represeu:a:ivee to inveetigase Mr. I'a^e s b'oa aeas, and alter a thorough elaillinatioQ and cum yarxavu tne i<cp<-rtersivusliinithiseQdorseiu*9Ut •• iV'e iteiieve thut m exioU of lUjht-utet^ht rrM0 material cuUetted Mid aarried, j}r. Pu^e /u.ltU the ieu'i uf any C'jtnpttibyr atul thai htj ^re^eni jioc^ \.i t/M l^xr-jtit teld by Jiny htjwie in thi4 coii.ntry. ' Ajid tbe Utri-iei^iays: ' After -i niovt tKorxtwjh iMee^fi«;a:u/n of Mr Pace's '^j^ine-vta* compare! with jthers \n ^ama iiMe. u-t; 'wee b«eom« fnl'.'^ stitx^jUd that in %is ipeculity, imht'Wtight itijC!i.he u u'i'/^M»Cl.yiKlo*y tfu â- irifHt italer in tnu country, iniJ<! m fupert â- jrtt]/ Y (Malitv >u ii Mnfiisediy a! the head.' UvBBX: li aLr. Vale's t'usmess is :iie largest iBusUaelu the L'uited buiies. i." r. nu: the o«at poaBible proof of hia abilii.v tu pay uigneet prices f if ho did 20t 1'.^ so. would 'n-,. ua:^r4ly ,-t.: :iiore oJtinstkin iuy .â- : l:3 co_j;v:;:;r^ .^â- ...â- : jiii-j .xnef A Ulssu^ted Witneaa. A witness, ia describing a certain event, said : " The person I saw at the head of the stairs was a man with one eye named Wiliins." '• What was the name cf the other eye ?" spitefully asked the oppostag coonsel. Ths witness was disgosted with the levity of tha auiienee. T^vo BloomlDs Cheeks. Masher â€" My dear Misa Rustic, you have the EoM blooming cheeks I have ever seen Let meoocgrasulateyou. Miss Kustic â€" Well, yoa have the most blooming cheek I have ever seen, but I can't congratulate yoa en the fact. â€" London Punch. A large manufactory in New York, where nearly three thousand persons of all ages and ixoth sexes are employed, is dooded with Republican high tariff hterature. and every voter in tbe establishment is given to understand that the bosses want him to vote that way. The tirm is a member cf a trade combination or semi-trust arrange- ment, and needs high taiilf to swell the profits. MARVELOUS .MEMORY DISCOVERY, Wholly uuiike artldcLial ?;9lems. Cure of uilud wauaerlu/. Any hoolL leATued lu uu< .-eadin^, Clasiiesof l,OST a; Bal;i:nore. l.')i)J a; aeir\> l,5U0 a: Piu.adoiiihia, 1,11J .». Wasuiaiton 1,3 Id at Boatoc, larg<4 elawee q( C.'.'-mbiat<a« students, a: Yale, Welleeley. Obenm, Uaiveraity 02 ^eun., jlichi^aa L'uiTersity. Ci3aus«iiqua,eCO, etc. Giiiorsed oy HicaasD Pbootob, :tie TOiaa tist, Hjas. W. W. Asros, JcL'i.a 1*. llssjajatw Judge OiBsoN, Dr. Baowx. K. U. Coos. Pria .N'.Y State Xormal College, eic. Taught bj corree i>ondeiice. l*roepec:Li9 ?osr phee Irom I'KOF. L0I»ErTB,i>7 filth Ave., N.Y. D O X U 43 sS. ^ htJ W^ y '% ai ^ BAKINQ POWDER THr BOOK'S 3H5TFRIEVr. h