Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1888, p. 8

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i i < V 'â-º ^^^ fi THE FLESMERTON ADVANCE. [Oct. s5. 1888. ' I YOUR Special AUention! IS CALLED 'iM> 'I'll 10 COUNTY AND DISTRICT. A Half Hour Aruom^ Our Exchanges- lireail is 14 ceuU a luaf in ile;ifi<r(.l. .I'liii Sinitli, iif Meaford, slid liik liii'^'.r into a (jIhiht. The planer uliil ii ;t mi the othur ttiJu. Mr. M. McKiimim will tuko Mr. D. C McMDrrin' ]iliicu tia t'ditor (if thu Mcu furil -Mirrcr. Tlio (IraiiU 'J'ruiik is goin^j tu run but one train a ilay on tliu \Valkert<.n anil Wiarton brandies, duriiii: tlie wintor inonllis, wliicli tliu jiaiiera alon;^ these roules (lepl<ire excwoilini^ly. ColliugAood Eiiturprise : A shootin',' niutcli took place at Fevereliaiii on Thurs- day last, for an oyRter Supper, between teams reprusentinx ColIiri;;H-ood and OBprty Townohips. It was a close on- test, Osprey winiiii^' liy one point. Tliu editor of the Bcetoii Wor Id had a in^iimoth potato prdxentcd to liini the other day. He stniijihtway placed it on exhibition bvliin<l the bar of an hotel, and wlieii anyone comes in to see the the wonder lie pilots the way. Great head. Clawed. Jii:4head. .Mbert Hall, of this town, wliu was con- fined in the (iuelpli j:iil kii a chnrge of rape, was bailed "Ut on Thursday last, by order of the Chief Justice of (hititrio, himself in ?I.'>00, his father, Willet Tanner and William Dickson, in 8500 each. His trial will coir.e off at tlio iwsizes 1)11 the 6th November. He arriv- ed in town oil last Friday. - [MtKorest llep . Tlioriibiiry Standard : Me^.srs. T. Keast and tJ. Sheeres, who aru' eutliuai- aatic admirors^of tine fowl, saw an adver- tisement in a respectable .\iiierican Stock Journal describiin; a new kind nf fowl, o.iUcd the IteJ Topa. EjiL;s were adver- tised .It ^1) a doxcn, and the ipiality i'f the fowl described as very extraordinary. Mr. Keast sent for a dozen ei,'gs, uostiiij; in all nearly 8H. K hen covered them f'lr over four wook.i without results. The Ei^^s were di.sciivertd t>i l>e boiled. 'I'he t'liatiWi>rth New.<. ci>iniiieiitin ,' "n the buijilaiy ut lloli^iiid Center la-t week. s.iyH : The eaptured buroler wa^ at tirst very coniniimicative and stated that I lu lij.ird am! saw pei pie i utside ut ihe u ui- il.u but )li..\iL;|it ihry were Ins eliuiiis. Ill' aU.' flati'tl that lliey knew ;ill abmit where Ml i-.M :• \,y\A \\\* e:i.x|i b.j-, ;iiid th.it hi!. \:\.^ liil ^li."" « itli t!i. !ii ' .-.t that the liiaii wh'i went i[..lle lanied im 4 sii nied iieili'-v -li.Ul, iM.t ,! '•'l- fe.ir .if 'r.iiituf u. .\\\ ; ' lllti ll .'it hii • â- 11II'.-1|1|"!1.H llh^' wlirll ih.-y >:l» IImI he w:!! :>i> 1 e t ir. A beautiful range of plushes in the latest shades, aC a surprisingly " % low figure. DON'T FAIL TO Sl-E OlJl^ .STOCK OV iii.ii.iii ' mil|:ile.< Tl '1. , been i;;t.i th BOOTS -A.M> -^^ SHOES! afAi^ixatJi OF EVFKY DESCRITTION. Mf a's and Boys' Lonj.; Boots of tlie best manufacture at rock battom prices, liuttoii and Lace Boots in great vari- ety at prices .sure to suit you. THE TOP PEICE PAID For BuUer and Eggs A lot of choice Butter in Tul)s or Rolls wanted by 1st November. At €asli Price for Trade. J. G. Anderson, SPROULE'S BLOCK. mill lilt ^.lo.; witiioiit ; ll' III. 11 el:". Ill a few ll â-  -.i;il, lie v.'.iiil.l U.ive H.I'.', and li.i clip' me uaa I 111.-! f..i'. ;;r.i' ;â-  ;is M ' . I'l ;,•.• I.i.!.s..nie ."^•i.iO 11. li. woi'ii i.uwi';! i ..ivciiil nut to 1, i\e ;i..i.;it M .'l.t. Ill' .:: IV 1. tiler money III lii'..;ie. 'i'in..' 1 . ii.i ,'. ul't 1 lit ihi-i IS i!..' >,'.i.. :m\j. 111. It I....S l....'i â- .'••lie,' lliriiie.:li t!..' â- â- â- .'iiil:y In- .. .iin' liine p:i.»t ^iiiil will. I.m -ianv.'.l h'le-ilierti.n pi'Si ..;i'.iv .ui I n K.iml >',;i.. r .â- â- !.ii...ii.\'.'.ilti'r-< [''hILm ami .'ilier jiLues m.iIii;i llie la.it venr. 'I'luy iiie ;i'.-" l!;e ..<aine ;:,iiil'. Im (i.ii.bt, l';...t wii.l lli;..u_h I'l. s.pK- Isle p...st .ilue I:.-' 1''; .I'lii;. iiH4.ll ii.illny were s.-eii li-re "11 ^.ltuuhly ;i:'teii â€" n, e .iiiiii;; iiit.i the Mlla.e liMiii I iw ell ."'"11:111 way about ."i uM'.fl.. 'I'h.'V ili.ve .111 n..ii;^iay Imrse ill 11 t.i;. liii.;'.'V ; iiie ni the fellows whii eseii'.i'd i< a sti.iil miiii with a heavy, il.irh uinu.il.uli, uiU Inn;; f.ite .111.1 a rather |i|iimille1it Ki'iiiiui liiihe, U!:d u sharpe 111 \. out .shi.ubl he lie|.t for the reliiainiii;: two. 'I'luy have fie.jiielitly been .seen in (lii.H neiehlierlnniil ami if .i .i!i:'.r|i !i..ili-<uit i.-t kept f.r them there euii be im givut diltieiilty in eai>turiiii; them, iia they have driven tlie hiinie ri,' fur .suiiie tune, which w.iuld lend til the i.iiiiinii that tlie iron- ),'ray Imrse and the n ,' they diivc i.s either tlii'ir own or thai they are reiiulur cus- tiiiiieiu at some liviiy stable in this sec- timi iif ciiuntry. .\ii (iireii Siuilni de«| ateli .^ay.s : It has 1 eeii iliscuveieil fnuii letters found in the tiiiiih iif the man 'mind dead on thu beach last week tli.it his )iro|iiM- ii.une wnsi ,1. .A. 'I'liientte. and it farther niipears that he had been in the employ of the •Manitoba llovernilient in euiinection with the I'nlihc Work.s departnient up to .\Ugrst. .\ letter was al;o fuiiiid in his tn<rk boariiiij the adJiiws J. .\, Tuivotto, No. ti (Jharliitlu street, Winnipoi,'. It is uii invitatind fcrt nii nvorturo «t Onverii- meiit Kiuiso, ahiiwiiig that the deceased wiia well kuuwii Hiid lesiieelod in Winiii- pe.U'- The CnMKdiai) Pncifio hivi rti^uc«d its ^raiii ratu4 from Wiuiiipu . BOOTS & SHOES! I have a large stock on jj-rnd, suitable - -V V For Fall Wear. Men's and Boys' Long Boots, .\l.io.i lan,'<j vaii.^ty of LAIJIKb' ANb CIIILDIIENS' iTEAIl. A loS j Suiniiiei' (cooiis .Si'llinji; oil' (/iieai). '\\M. CLAYTON'iST^ - FLESHERTON. Photos, Photos, Photos W't arr now turning out tcork/ur superior in $lijlf nnil jiiiith to any rtrr pro- tlacfd 171 Fltiherlon. COPYING and ENLA.%ING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUEE FEAMING •lone in nil its Uunches. A guixl stock of FRAMKS mul MOl'/.DI.VGS krpt omst'inth/ on fiiiHil. Will olw int-oduce the neic liROMIDK J'OHT/iAIT. <i pirfure th'tt is giving entire sati*r''ii:lioH irhereeer introduced. SAMl'LES ean be seen at my GMery where till particulars at to Prite, Style &e., can fjt asctr- FLESHERTON". A Positive Cure. »^ A Painless Curc« P**«?r»?^ I'^S^irSSil f^Sf?*?^ T-^!!^:?^ (^^>5S lo-r.,.:^il4iNj Ijfe;.;:^^^ ^^^^^^^ L*53:t^{i^j L'^^^vS'f: TRACTS TGB MEN OF ALL ACES. DI8EA£3ES OP ^AN. _ Man : oi He.Unt). and Kohmoor of MedicnM. .ya^i-a i-3.«a><= lt;o tfrrlbl« ruii«M|u<>nr«« of InilineretloD, •!iroxri^"3-. 2.<m3rDT. ,T:-j^^'^Xi u^'2.~'Z) ci-X) Svcx^r ViU 1 uiu luok^u JiTvii UMiii tli« dliHB of ntiuso will tliiJ m No. t<» r».lical euro ti.r r«r j... .-. vl^hiUry, oriiimic weakue.ii, iiivo. uiUary vital l.itiBo*. «tc. t;v'n-T'>M» vnn wni. ii No. a Miuei.i. iit Vhmi..â€" Wnnt i-f encrpy. verngo. want of purj-oMi, aiiiietij uf riKi.i. ...uriua •> t^ic.oty, w«nt ol cuiit\donao, avouKno* of ciiiversAiiou. i'.i:f..ti 'ortoii'.jl.', !i»t;o.'s;ip4i rn.l Inn^i'ity tii fix Uie iii£ei.liua .ii a parti."ilcrt'.u'o<.:. c.e.^Rr.;iiv, di'ere«si'>Ti of npirita, eiildineavi, !.(" o( nicio.ry. tucilat ility i.r Uiiii'iT. i.,-«r. niiitorrh. â- â- Â», ef knit â- >'. uio s-jimcul flaulâ€" ili" roMilt e( isoiiabiuo . r uiari:ai > xn-»iâ€" in.jsj- lunoy, iunuaitiou, uiii:.ci.it'.o i. laiiouu«>*i. j aiiuWliea of tlui lifsri. ti\«»irio (tH-lii.t- iy foiiialon, treiiil.;iut'. ui"lai.ch..:i, .1: iirbini; dream, etc., »re aiUyiui>toni« o( Ui.n UrriU , li^ii.it.eti.'Utmii'.iiiii. cxnitv :.ciiili-l. la ihort. IliB spring i.( viul force liav.au lo.t lU tt»r,9:'»n, t-verv funcii.m wanon .'i .â- '*iiu-.>q:ience. Scieutifio wrUertaiiil tlio ^vJpt^ulKâ- lllU»nc•l o( huaiio iisyliiiJir. uiiii.» .11 :i».i. i.iK ij »lio c2"i:t« of selfatuss llie treat nmjoriiy o» wanlo.l l.vui wU..h i-'j .1' ualir H eir nollcB. 1( jrou am iucompeleat tor tlie tur.l nous il.tii'fiif 1.1; -./u'Si. inc..;.; â- '(•â- .•>! f .r tlie ciijuyriic.uts of lift". .No. tt oCEur* uii uscape from liiocirnctEiittnii'.v viio. II ).)iiur« auvauec.l 111 yuai6. No. bwill kivw yoi full viimr »nJ •.trintUi. Ifveuiro l.n.kuu ii. .>,,., I'lyj.^nIIy au.l morally from early iiuliiKretien. tlo r. iiiilt i>( i'JUorHiict a:\ 1 f.i'.v. ri.iiI y ,ur ».lir«'8« aud 10 eenta iunlumiii for .M. V. l.enos'j â- Irfnti*" 111 Ho.>k loim oa tii»««»c« o: .Mau. SeivUnl m.l nj.uio from oln..rv,.tu<n. .V l.i.e,s.sall e..ii,;uuii...atioiibtii M. V. I.IUOX. 4V WelHujflou M. E., Torontu. A ll'.an 'AJthout wiidom livtt in a foci': parsUi&e. CURES CJARANTEEO. HEAL THE SICK. A Pleasant Cur<s. A Permanent Cure. llK.Vni FOR ALL* THE TILLS Tuvif V tho nioml. correct all Ui^oidcrs uf tlio I^ivei', S!5tom«oh, Ivi<ln'y«, nncl HoAvels^. Thoylnvi^oratoani Vi'stiiro to h«'HUh l>i'lulitate«l Cnii^titutioiiR. mul art iuv^luaMe iu all Coiu- plaiutsiiioiJuutal to l<\Miiak*t> of all ui^o-t. l-\>v C'liiUuen uiui tlic a^i:J thuv uiu luic^UftB THE OINTMENT an infttllibioroini'ny f.ir Had Lpus.Bad Hrcastsi. Olil Woumls. Soiwaiid Ulcers. It istauiou.fnr Ooiit mil Uhtnimatlsiii. For dinoniem ot the t'bo<t it lias no equa For SORE THKOAI, BROACH ITIS. COUGHS, COLDS QIWtdularSwolUugs.aiAd all RItlii r)isciiBe<i it Tiaf no rivals aud for contracted tiid (tiS oiiit. (t acts like a cliarni. Maiuifaotartxl uuly at l^ofesBor IIolloway's R.talilisliment, H^, New Oxford Htrf ct ( iato SS3, Oxford Strrrt ), Lendvn, and arc sold at la. l|d..89. IKI , in M . Iln . iKx.. aiu) M.. each Itox or Tot. tiuI may b* bad of all U*d oiu. Voiulor. tliroughuut the World. ^^ Vurchastrs should loch tc tht IasM <nk tA< t\4s and Boxu. 1/ tl%4 Oiidriu U u*t li ii^S, Ox/arJ Stxitit Xi«tt(fon, iKsy mrt ipMnoit*, J~^.v

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