Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1888, p. 1

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ADVANCE. â- J ' I 'â-  â-  TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-' PRINCIPLES, jYOT MEJ^." 70^. VU[, NO. 384. FLESHERTON, ONT.. THURSDAY, NOV. 15. 1888. W. H. THURSTON, "'J^^pI^^tc I 9 L-O-O-K ! -AND- I * "^ ±MOCa.l IV eTKTS. i ,„„,,it,„„ ^vill take part pay in wood. What Is Hapiteililiu; in «iir Own i -^PPly '" ^^"- J- Bollamy, Fleahert.m. Vioinity. TUankauiviiic; day. READ CAREFULLY! AnJ vou will fiiid tliat ut RiisselTs- \iitH - Jewi^Iry - Store,j Is 10 br fonwl t'lio fiv,«^t, bc'Rt nnd I'lionprst stock of Wivtclies, Clocks, J'ow- clr^.-, Siwctaclos, rtc. 7ri U'iUoliPS wo have tlm fitniiiiis WaUiiain< Klici". Spriiitrfii'M. Illinoin 1 !;ii]11m1cii, Colniu'Dns, New liar. n. in silvt-r anil gold run) •.'iiM fillid cases, i'l ladies iinil iriuts' sizes, from .S^.OO to S75. warranted from tv,-o to five Ni.li-^. Swiss si!v(V watches, ladies' iiml souls' sizes, from iT.JiO to 850, v,;unint(<l from lline to tive vears. .\lso tiie tincst lino ot Imliiiu aiimewheru. Tlio lj«*t value in Persian lamb, beaver, aatnvclian or noutra fur caps, is at J. < 'â-  . .Vtidorson's. If people, triiubiud with cnlds. will takiM Avar's Clierry Peclmiil before U'liiii; to church, they will nvnid coui4liiir<;. The Pectoral wjntlies and heal.i tho irritated tissues, and coutnls all dispo^i- liuii to cou^ h. Hurry up, ijirls, only two more months. W. J. BELL.VMY is still leiidiim if leap year. money for North of Scotland Mortj^agi; Co,, interest (11 per cent. Mortyayea maturiii:^ can lie renewed at iil per (;ent. at II cost of 83. .")(). Ladies' or (Jentlemen's fur coats. C'lnind value at .1. G. .Anderson's AAIEUIC.\N SPRING AND WEIGHT CLOCKS In piiccs from J'2 to $10, In ariiii; warrants from two lo four years, Tlio finest lino of ladies' Barpiiis. I'vnoclie'', Earrings, Necklots, anil Cliains ; iriiit.s' Solid (ioM and Kolleil (lold Chains nf the fiiiost <|uality ami jmttcni ; full LS K plaiu iHiv;s and ladies ueiu rings; onff buttoiii), collar liuttons, ^carf I'ins, ditrius, etc. A beautiful litie of SILYERWAEE ^iLlitable for bu'tlnlay and Xmas presents, «t very low prices. Also the fouKtts J{ Jjaiirenee Si><'Cta»:ies. Eyeglamei!, etc., the fliieBt in tlto world. I'liy no other. If yon have a "watch or clock that ppfuseB to po or keep time, take it to Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON, And it will be made perfect at a reasonable price. THEGLOBEc&?^ The iiuostion winch is .11,'iutini,' a cor- Fanners, be sure you read every word tain b'lesliertonian in, who born. wed my i in .1. (i. Andersons new advertisiiient h'lrse ! ; this week. The Li .ii'us: <if the .station is pro.jress- ^ The Jb-s»rs. Hawk Uros. have .shipiied ' an immense cjuantity of eg({s to New York and elsewhere thi.i fall. Satunlaj' hiat they shipped a car load to New York. The other day, when wr, viBite<l their es- tablishnieiit. over <)O.0O0 dozen ei;gs were on litind. ina 8lowi\ The tillini; h.is been coiu- ploted no I fiiniinc; is bein.; proceeded with. \V«j w ii: 1 \cot'Jin;,'ly sorry to learn tint linu'iir Kovcett, of Streetsville, has b. Ill ill with Ljastric fever. He is now i iiprovinu. If yon want to f{et anythiui; in furs be , suro to «!n .1. (J. Anderson's stock. From a private letter we learn tliat Thos. I. Kawcett, sou of Mr. W. Fiw- cett. of Eiiplini.sia, has .secured a lucni- -_ _ ' tivo and im|ioiiant situation as nianai;er Wo tiiul a pleasant cidl on Tuesday „f the Empire T, a ('..iiipany, Woodstock. from Mr. T. Hall, one time pppnetor of ^r. Fawcett is a neplicw of our esteemed the Dundalk Herald. He is now m the fyll,,^ townnniaii, K.lit. Fawcett, Eaip insurance l.usinesH. . \Ve tender cn-nitulatioDs. Flesliertipnians c:in now bon-st one of tho neatest ixwtotHces in (irey. L.ist week lni /trovintj. Wo are pli'n.sei to learn that Mrs. saw iU(K.-eupatiou. .Mr. .Spr.mle deserves ' Spronle. of .Ma.^well, mother of R. J. ami J. P. Marshall, deutiot, visit.s M.irkdah) professionally the 1st and ;'rd Wednesday of every month ,ind will resume re_'ular visits to Munahiiw's Hotel, Fk-shor'. ui. which will fall on Xov, ,Stli, Ijeint; the day after the tirat Wodiioaday. .Mr. Marahall In wall known in this viciniiy, as he vibited Klesherton renularly twice a month for nearly five years. One of the oraiidest socials of thesea.soii will bo ({iven under the anapicea "f the Ladies Aid in the basemwiiL "f t!io Methodist Church on the eveiiiuu '•! Wednesday, the 2l8t of Nov.. doora open .it 7 ;!0; refreshments served abinii.S o'clock. .\ choice pronramme hss been provided, coiiaistinc; of music, niadin^ts, recita- tions, etc. The Glee Club, Miss Chris. toe. Miss .Vrnistrouy, the .Misses Hich- aidsun, -Miss Leitch, and Mrs. W. I'riin- lile will disc<jurse aweetest music. Mr Thurston, Mr. .M. Richardson, Mr. Shil- ton, and others will give readiiiiis, recita- tions, and aildroisea as they dueiii best. R. .1. Sproulo, Chairm.-in. Adniissuin foradulta 15 cts.. children under I-' vears 10 cts. (.'mile and speilda sociable evening;. Look out for the Oddfellow's concert on Tlnirsdav. Dec. 11. much prnise forhixenterpaise. Dr. Sproulo, M. P., who, it will bo re- M. Richardson, Ea.|., occupied the'""""''"*"'- '•-'" """'" »'"">!»«'> and sus- tained severe injuries of limb, is now able to be arouiiii. Consideriufj that she is an I old lady of oi;ihty, the cure is (juitt! le- ! mark able. "I puljiit of the .Methodist Chun-h on Sim- diiy iiiornini;, and delivered n very iii- tereetiug suriiioii. Mr. M. Richartlson's letters to the Flesherloii Advance anent his r.fcet't trip tji "Merrie Kimland are charuiiji.;ly deliuhtful, if we may be perniilteil to HR»» the term. One oould lu'pe tliey would ' last forever. â€"StreeUville Review. Stewart Rrips. ship this week their last I "~ i make of cheese, for which they have been [ '''" '^'"' ^'''«''''''''- i .;,. .,. »i.. i.;..i. ... .,.; . . .; i . . i i W'e do not propose to till The Advance 1,'tveii tli« li!",;lie»t price paid to any cheese i ' ' manufacturer in Canada, viz., 10 cts. per with loiu; .'iiinoiinceinenta of what we can READY FIRST 'WEEK OK DECEMBER, A GP^eAT HGLIDaV PAPeP^ New Type, tiwv Press, Pine Paper, Five Handsoma Lilhonruplied Plat«a, Flret-Class Illu»traUon«. Original Matter and Superior Workmansbip. THE BEST aMAS P APER EVER ISSUED IN GANADfi. THK I.ITRRAKV MATTEK in the Christmas Globb vitUI be ontiidy original and will include stories from the ablest [lens iu Cauada. Tho subjects treated ' tiein)( whoUv Canadian. FIVK HANUSOMK LITHOGHAPnED IT AXES accompany the paj^r, the princi- pal one >)ein(i; a scene from Vancouver Park, B.C., from a paintiiij; by Mr. L. U. O'brion, the celebratotl Canadian arti.st. MECHANICALLY tho Xmas Uiouk will be In every way first-class and no e:tix>n8o will be spared in having it surpass anything of the kind heretofore published in this ctnuitry. AS THE l)t.\IANl> will be very prreat, we woiUd advise intending purcha.>-erB to I'-ave their orders at their newsdealer's or send direct to this oUice, not Inter tlinn the end of the present month, as the supply will necessarily bo lirii ted and we cannot undertake to print a second edition. Tho j.rico has been placed at ONLY 25 CENTS PER COPY. It is intended to have the edition ready the first week in December in onler to allow plenty of time fur mailing copies long distances so as to reach destination before Christmas. THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., Toronto. THE 'WEEKLY OLOBE, the best tamily newspaper in Canada, and THE RURAL CANADIAN, the beet agricultural paper in Canada. Both, from nowr to end ot 1889 only $1.25. It). This last shipment is worth ^ijm. •^" "' the line of clublnn« with cty l.apei-s, as our space is limited and they would .\ll per»oi.s indebted Ui the tirm of erowd out more interestini,' matters ; hut BUkely & .McCoiinull .Arc re.piested to ' j|,„uld you desire a city daily or weekly in call and settle l)eforo tho 1 J inst., other- , coiniecti.tn with our paper wo can «ive it I wise the accounts will bo placed in other , v„u .at an asttini.shing i-bduetion. Tlicre- hiuids for^ollecti.m. },,^^ ..^j] ,„ ^,„i ,^.,ecrtaill o„r terms before ,, n- r. T r .1 T I cliibbiug with .mv other paper. Mr. E. Cj. Lucas, manaijer of the Lucas " . : . I bsnkiii'4 institutoin, Dundalk, w: s united Horitni'iiHi ii flitrne, i in imirriage on < )ct. 31 to .Miss Hattio S.une enteri.ii.sini,; younf or old indi- | Dean, of Toronto. It is i» order now for j vidiial entered a stable in Fleshorton the Mesherton'a handsome bank manager to i „ther evening, harnessed iMr Karatedt's j •.io and dr. likewise. horse and drove off to .see his mrl. It I 1 was returned beforo the owner awoke ' l»t<><l. Wvt vm.m:.â€" In KlosliurtDii on I'nilav, Nov. 9. att.ir II -h.irt illiiunK, Mr». Sariill \iili \Vv„villu. b.ilijv.;,! w Ml. >f ThiMliiis Wv.ivillu, il.!oil ii yoKis Sri Willi tu Arti'iiiui-iu liiick liiii-i Dti Satur- ilay. Niiv, 111. IHB". KUu. iIiiiimIhui 'il .^l""*"''."' bti-wnit, ik;i"I lu yimtn, 'J iijoiitlis. -^H EAR D'S^ Carriage Works, FLESHEETON, IjFAFMisH f'fHKn.â€" A veiy iiiteiuMiiiB 132 page IllliMlrMiiil Hook OH IXslrifsB. Niiims ill tlin li,-iiil. Hciw tUoy may l).i cilrcl si i.iur home. l'u»i trim ;iil. AJilri.hs Dr. Niciiui.sos, 30. St Jolm Strvut, iloutri'sl. 10 tOiM of Fowl wanted by 1st of Dec. at J. <!. A.iideraon's. next morninif, but was found covered i , with mud from tnaiie to hoof. This is a j Aycrs tsarsaparilla acts directly and »"'''cwliat diui^erous way of borrowiiiL; .â- x , promptly, purifyni); and eiirichiiio the h""c, aim one which we would advise bl.wd, iiiiproviiiu the appetite, strength- j H'o periMjtrator to discard for tho future, j eniiiu tho nerves, and invii/uratini' tho 1 ., ., r â-  â-  , UuDU DvtitU. aystem. It is, iii tho truest sense, an alt«rative medicine. Every inv.alid should v'ive it a trial. H. lie- liov. Mr. Itruin. For the past two .Sund.iys Rev. .V Drum, a ','radiiatf of Knox Colleu'e, cupic'd the jMllpit of the rrcsbyteiiaii Church in Flesherton. We listened with cmsiderablo interest to his discourse mi Sunday last, kiiowini; that In- is one of (irim death has tieen busy in our midst duriiii^ the past week. Two have been taken away. The lirst w.as Mrs. Wyeville, wife of Thomas Wyoville, who was taken .severely ill while visitinji "'' her sister's, Airs. Lever, who lives about a mile from Flesherton .After two days of sutreriiit,' she passed away on Friday inorniiiL; last, ami w:us bmried on .Sun- day, Rev Mr. Shiltoii preaclllll^; llic COMrETITION DEFIED! the few whom the Presbytinaii people of fonend .sermon to a Itiru'f ,iiidiuiu-e MANTFACTIRERM OF £ug<lie.^, Spnj?o' Wmion.f, Lumber Wagons and Iron Jlarrows. rdiv.fmg, Tr'uimiinjf and Revairirig protnptly attcmU^d to. Ilorse'-Shoeing a Specialty. Flesherton Carriage Works. this field have in view as a possible resi de»it minister when tho time comes to nuke a "call." .Mr. Drum is a coniiiara- tively yoinii.' man, with aiatlier pre|iosse.s- aiiiL; [luljiit pre.ience. He is an interestiiit; talker, and h.as evidently luen, .â- iiul is, a student of deep poiioti'atioii and ipiick |K;rce|)tion. His declamation is nood, liis iniiid is original, and he imi'iesses one as Iwin^' earnest in lii.s labors. His articu- lation is not remarkably clear, but we ;uv almost undecided its to whether ive should class this .as a faillnj; or not. He will no dimbt improve in this in future yours. His discourse was from Romans i, l(i U. T. of T. turned out ill n of resiicct to ihe dead, , eveiiiii!.;. i I a liody in t who. alon.; «:lli her hnsliiiinl, was a re- ' speclcd iiiiinliei' of thai society. .'>he left i a familv of one child, and was ,ii;cd onlv I oo. " â- â-  ! 'I'he second death was that of Miss | Ella Stewart, daiiLjhter of .\lc.\ander! Stewart of the back line, near the .station, i Mi.sa St, wart came home from Toroiito a , few W''olcs aL'iHiilt'erii.:^ fiom Iiiul; trouble, , lint iintliin^; .serious w,is apprehended. L'r. lio.ss, of Toronto, wniled upon her, but notwithataiKliiif^ she pa.saed ipiietly away to her rest on Saturday morning, i Fine GokL and SHrcr IVdti'kcs for Frcscidalion or FcrsunciL use- AND SI LVEU M • .^ /; K. (Quality and compluleiicfi.s of stoel: to Bclect from not eqmillefl m Cciilnd Ciiev. Sizes Covxplete in ('•<:iii c'"' i^/iT. W'eddii/g Riii'.j.s- No Catch Prices. Goods n,s repj'eseuted (Ml "CASH- liF.I-'lXDKU. "ForTamnotash.imedoftheCiospcl of M"*:'' ^vlnpathy is expres.sod for the Christ ; for it is tho ])i)wer of Cod unto bereaved familv. The funeral on Mo 8,alvati.mto every one that believcth." '^^y '''"^ a very lar«o ono. To make the This subject ho treated in an original aftliction still Iiarder, Mr. Stewart is manner tviid with an easy th.w of attract- ""'^''•" *" '""^^ owinir to a cut which he ive diction th.at secured for him n deeply ''"coived on the knoo with a drawing .attentive audience. If tho sccnrinR of ' '«"'f«- 'â- ''â- ' '"»<1 *" bo assisted from his Mr. Drum's ministeritd services depended '""' '""' '"to the outer room to view the on our vote it should unliusitntinuly be ' >'«i""""' "f '"» belov«d daughtev ere tliey i^iven. ' we^-v laid .awa^. Con ilo better for Cu*tiim.y â€" ''C<ish or ••CrrJit •• â€" than awi nthi-r jtwekr in "O'ri'i/ <'>â- . Watches carefully me prnnirtl.'^- repaired. JEWELER E ^m, MAiiKUALE, r.

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